Analytical Modelling and Experimental Validation of 2017 International Jour
Analytical Modelling and Experimental Validation of 2017 International Jour
Analytical Modelling and Experimental Validation of 2017 International Jour
Article history: Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Electrolysers (ELSs) are considered as pollution-free with
Received 27 February 2016 enhanced efficiency technology. Hydrogen can be easily produced from different resources
Accepted 17 March 2016 like biomass, water electrolysis, natural gas, propane, and methanol. Hydrogen generation
Available online 8 July 2016 from water electrolysis, which is the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxy-
gen using electricity, can be beneficial when used in combination with variable Renewable
Keywords: Energy (RE) technologies such as solar and wind. When the electricity used for water
Hydrogen production electrolysis is produced by a variable RE source, the hydrogen stores the unused energy for
Proton exchange membrane a later use and can be considered as a renewable fuel and energy resource for the transport
Water electrolysis and energy sectors.
This paper aims to propose a novel graphical model design for the PEM-ELS for
hydrogen production based on the electrochemical, thermodynamical and thermal equa-
tions. The model under study is experimentally validated using a small-scale laboratory
electrolyser. Simulation results, using Matlab-Simulink™, show an adequate parameter
agreement with those found experimentally. Therefore, the impact of the different pa-
rameters on the electrolyser dynamic performance is introduced and the relevant
analytical-experimental comparison is shown. The temperature effect on the PEM-ELS
dynamic behaviour is also discussed.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F.Z. Aouali).
0360-3199/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 3 6 6 e1 3 7 4 1367
Nomenclature T temperature, K
t time, s
A MEA area, cm2
V cell Voltage, V
A coefficient for specific heat
Vrev the standard reversible voltage
C concentration, mol/m3
VEL voltage of the electrolyser, V
c coefficient for specific heat
Vtn thermoneutral voltage
Cp water thermal capacity, J/Kg K
m_ H2 O the water mass flow exiting from the membrane
CO2 ;me the O2 concentration at the membraneeelectrode
electrode assembly (MEA) environment
n_ the molar flow rates of consumed water
CH2 ;me the H2 concentration at the membraneeelectrode
Q_ H2 O out the heat flow
aa charge transfer coefficients at the anode and
CH2 O;me the H2 O concentration at the
membraneeelectrode interface
ac charge transfer coefficients at the anode and
CH2 O;me;cat refers to the water concentrations at the
DH enthalpy variation during the reaction
CH2 O;me;an refers to the water concentrations at both
DS entropy variation during the reaction
membrane sides
DSq_cond the heat loss by conduction
Cth,stack stack thermal capacity
DSq H2 O out the entropy flow
CtankH2 O water tank heat capacity
DG Gibbs free energy
d coefficient for specific heat
dw the membrane thickness, mm
Dw water diffusion coefficient
hdiff,an the diffusion overvoltages at the anode
EE energy efficiency
hdiff,cat the diffusion overvoltages at the cathode
e thickness, m
hf Faraday's efficiency
e electron charge
l conductivity, W/m
etank tank thickness, m
f heat flow, J
Eactanod the activation over potential at the anode
fwater_atm the water tank thermal energy accumulation
Eactcath the activation over potential at the cathode
sm membrane conductivity, s/cm
Erev standard reversible voltage
Enernst Nernst potential Subscripts
Eohm ohmic overpotential act activation
F Faraday constant, C/mol anod anode
Gref irradiance, W/m2 Cond conduction
H molar enthalpy, J/mol Conv convection
Hþ hydrogen ions cath cathode
H2 hydrogen diff diffusion
H2O water
H3Oþ hydroxonium ion
CCS carbon capture and storage
H height, m
CO2 carbon dioxide
I cell current, A
DC direct current
J cell current density, A/cm2
ELS Electrolyser
j0.A exchange current density at the anode
EMR Energetic Macroscopic Representation
j0.C exchange current density at the cathode
FC Fuel Cell
n number of electrons transferred during the
GHG green house gas
KOH potassium hydroxide
nd electro-osmotic drag coefficient
MEA membrane electrode assembly
Ncell Number of electrolytic cells
NaOH sodium hydroxide
P pressure
O2 oxygen
PH2 partial pressures of H2
O2 oxygen ions
PO2 partial pressures of O2
PEM Proton Exchange Membrane
Rt thermal resistance, W/K
PEMWE Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyser
R universal gas constant, J/mol K
RE Renewable energy
Re Ohmic resistance
SOEC Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells
r cylinder tank internal radius, m
S molar entropy, J/mol K
1368 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 3 6 6 e1 3 7 4
renewable energy and its optimization in order to overcome model of a PEM electrolyser that consists of a steady-state
this serious issue [1,2]. Recent studies have suggested that electrical model and a linear dynamic thermal model, and is
hydrogen will play an important role as an energy carrier for deduced from physical laws and electrochemical equations.
sustainable development in the future [3,4] as it is fed to Fuel The estimation of the major parameters of the model, i.e.,
Cells (FCs) to produce carbon-free emissions [5]. temperature, voltage and current are calculated using identi-
Hydrogen is considered to be the cleanest fuel of the future fication and data fitting techniques based on experimental
because of its high energy mass and volume densities and measurements. The authors highlighted the model potentials
provides options for the storage and transport of energy for in detecting and isolating faults on actuators, sensors or
both transportation and stationary applications. The produc- electrolyser system [11]. Agbli et al. presented a PEM electro-
tion of hydrogen from RE also helps solve the intermittency lyser graphical model via an appropriate Energetic Macro-
issues associated with RE generation. The hydrogen energy scopic Representation (EMR). The modelling of multi-physics
storage capacity is very high as one kilogram of hydrogen components through EMR highlights the electrochemical,
contains approximately 33 kWh of energy. The drivers for a thermodynamical, thermal and fluidic phenomena interact-
global hydrogen economy are energy security, sustainability ing simultaneously within the electrolyser. The authors
GHG and pollution reduction and economic profitability. Fig. 1 studied the dynamic performance of the stack temperature
shows the different methods of hydrogen production where and the water supply tank. The interaction between the
the energy needed for this process can be conventional, nu- temperature and the main electrical parameters identified
clear or renewable. From a life-cycle point of view, hydrogen through Matlab™/Simulink curve fitting tools was considered,
produced from renewable sources can be considered as and an acceptable agreement between simulation and
renewable and clean hydrogen compared to hydrogen experimental results was highlighted [12]. To improve the
reforming [6,7]. Water splitting, a technique that attracted efficiency of hydrogen production by water electrolysis, Rau
researchers recently, is the most environmental friendly et al. [13] combined IIIeV multijunction solar cells with PEM
process for hydrogen production. electrolysis. They experimentally measured the efficiency of
In the literature, many studies that deal with the Proton hydrogen production from six modules and found its
Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyser modelling and maximum value in the order of 16.8% for one module. The
experimentation were reported [6e15]. For high pressure effect of temperature on the performance of the PEM elec-
hydrogen production, Onda et al. [8] have considered the trolysis, particularly the currentevoltage characteristics was
polymer electrolyte membranes to estimate both temperature analyzed. Higher current at lower voltage is the main advan-
and pressure variations for ideal hydrogen production power tage of the proposed concept which leads to significant system
of water electrolysis. For higher pressures, the voltage is efficiency enhancement.
significantly influenced by temperature variations, and higher Yunfeng et al. [14] reviewed the proprieties of alternative
temperature results in lower voltages. In addition, the voltage materials for the deployment of PEMFC including their con-
is proportional to pressure. At higher pressures, larger volt- ductivity, mechanical stability, and fuel permeability.
ages are reached. Dedigama et al. [9] proposed a simple elec- Comparative studies between diverse designs of membrane
trochemical model for studying the overvoltage of a polymer structures were presented, and some strategies for improving
electrolyte membrane water PEM electrolyser under ambient the performance of these materials were developed. Meng
conditions, and the simulation results significantly matched et al. [3] examined the JeV characteristics of a PEM water
the experimental data. Marr and Li developed an electro- electrolyser for hydrogen production and an electrochemistry
chemical model of the PEM FCs [10]. model was developed taking into account the activation and
In order to describe the polarization curves of the electro- ohmic overpotentials. The simulation results were compared
lyser, Lebbal and Lecoeuche [11] introduced a novel combined to experiments with a good agreement. The sensitivity
analysis also indicated that the higher the operating temper- The splitting of water molecules, or electrolysis, is the
ature the lower is the cell potential, and the anode activation oldest known electrochemical process and has been used in
overpotential is the major source of voltage loss. the commercial production of hydrogen since the early 1900s
Dedigama et al. [9] proposed a simple electrochemical [20]. The electrolyser stack physically consists of several
model to analysis the effect of overpotential on the perfor- series-connected cells. The water electrolysis operation en-
mance of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Water Electrolyser ables hydrogen H2 and oxygen O2 generation through an
(PEMWE). The validation of the model was carried out with electrolytic process in which the water molecule is decom-
experimental data obtained from a lab-scale PEMWE. The posed into H2 and O2 gases by applying a DC voltage as
performance analysis showed that the activation and ohmic depicted in Fig. 2.
overpotentials are dominant under low current density oper- Through the PEM membrane, the protons flow from the
ation and the anode activation overpotential governs the anode to the cathode and the electrons flow towards the
operating potential of the cell under the operating conditions cathode through an outer electrical circuit as illustrated in
considered. Based on electrochemical equations, Marangio Fig. 2. At the cathode, the recombination of electrons and
et al. [15] developed a model of electrolyser stack to investi- protons leads to H2 production [21,22]. It is worth noting that
gate the performance of a high pressure PEMWE. The model 3.9% of the world's hydrogen demand is met using water
has the potential to calculate the theoretical open-circuit electrolysers [23].
voltage via a thermodynamic analysis of the process and For the water electrolysis process, the overall chemical
real voltage during operation by calculating the different reaction is presented by Equation (1):
overvoltages as a function of the current. The results were
compared to the experiments with adequate agreement. 2H2 O þ electricity/O2 þ 2H2 þ heat (1)
Despite their importance, the modelling and analysis of In water electrolysis, the oxidation equation at the anode
PEM electrolyser for hydrogen production have not been electrode is given by:
widely discussed. Therefore, the main contribution of this
paper is the development of a PEM electrolyser model for 2H2 O/O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e (2)
hydrogen production through water electrolysis. An identifi- In addition, the reduction equation at the cathode elec-
cation approach is applied to the experimental validation of trode for H2 generation is:
the PEM electrolyser model. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is
implemented to investigate the behaviour of the PEM elec- 4Hþ þ 4e /2 H2 (3)
trolyser electrical parameters with respect to different oper-
The energy-enthalpy equality can be applied, then:
ating conditions, particularly the temperature.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section PEM DH þ DG/TDS (4)
electrolyser technology extensively describes the PEM elec-
where DH ¼ 285.83 kJ/mol at 1 bar and 25 C for water splitting,
trolyser prototype and Section PEM electrolyser modelling
no heat absorption/emission by the system is considered.
provides the modelling. In Section experimental results, the
Therefore, the thermoneutral voltage Vtn estimated at this
simulation results and the experimental analysis are dis-
condition is:
cussed. Moreover, the proposed model validation is pre-
sented, and the conclusion is drawn in Section conclusion. DH
Vtn ¼ ¼ 1:482 V (5)
The DG necessary for the water-splitting reaction is
237.178 kJ/mol at 25 C and 1 bar [24].
PEM electrolyser technology Therefore, the standard reversible voltage denoted as Vrev
can be calculated as:
Electrolysis cells are characterized by their electrolyte type
[16]. The PEM is very promising electrolysis technology [17].
The PEM electrolyser has a polymer membrane and porous
electrodes and it is based on the use of a polymeric proton
exchange membrane as the solid electrolyte (polymer elec-
trolyte membrane). It was first proposed by General Electric
for fuel cell, and later, electrolyser applications [18]. The
polymer electrolyte membrane is an acid electrolyte polymer
of Nafion and is responsible for providing high proton con-
ductivity, low gas crossover, compact system design and high
operation pressure. The low membrane thickness (20e300 mm)
is in part the reason for many of the advantages of the solid
polymer electrolyte [19]. Water reacts at the anode to form
oxygen and hydroxonium ion (H3Oþ). The electrons flow
through an external circuit and the hydroxonium ion (H3Oþ)
selectively moves across the PEM to the cathode where the
hydrogen ions combine with electrons from the external cir-
cuit to form hydrogen gas (H2). Fig. 2 e The PEM electrolyser internal structure [9].
1370 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 3 6 6 e1 3 7 4
Vrev ¼ ¼ 1:229 V (6)
For the reaction process defined in Equation (7) considering
standard conditions, the Gibbs free energy change is:
DG ¼ GH2 þ GO GH2 O (7)
2 2
The Gibbs energy depends on the temperature T and the
pressure P and are connected via Equation (8):
DGH2 O;H2 ;O2 ðTÞ ¼ DHðTÞ þ TDSðTÞ (11) Considering a current imposed to the PEM cell, the relation-
ship between the electrolytic cell voltage and cell current can
Other specific thermodynamic functions have been be represented as the sum of the Nernst potential, activation
reached according to the National Institute of Standards and over potential and ohmic over potential. The theoretical
Technology [26]. model is expressed as [27]:
Both H and G are temperature-dependent and the specific electrochemical reaction of the PEM electrolysis system, the
heat of hydrogen, oxygen and water are used for their calcu- water supply to the electrode-membrane interface is neces-
lation. The enthalpy H and entropy S of a chemical species (i) sary from which H2 and O2 would be produced. According to
are represented by Refs. [12,18]: the diffusion phenomena described by Fick's law, the mass
flows are transported through the porous electrode. Both H2
b 1 1
Hi¼H2 O; H2 ;O2 ¼ H0i þ aðT T0 Þ þ 103 T2 eT20 c 105 and O2 gases produced in the electrolysis system should be
2 T T0
! removed as fast as possible to overcome any increase due to
e 1 1 mass transport limitations. The diffusion overvoltages at the
108 3 3
2 T T0 anode and the cathode, respectively, are given by Ref. [31]:
RTan CO2 ;me
hdiff;an ¼ ln (21)
c 1 4F CO2 ;me;o
Si¼H2 O; H2 ; O2 ¼ S0i þ aðlnT lnT0 Þ þ b103 ðT þ T0 Þ 105 2
2 T
! ! RTcat CH2 ;me
1 e 1 1 hdiff;cat ¼ ln (22)
2 108 3 3 4F CH2 ;me;o
T0 3 T T0
where CO2 ;me , CH2 ;me are the H2 and O2 concentrations at the
membraneeelectrode interface, respectively. The ohmic
The specific heat coefficients of Equations (17) and (18) (a, b, overvoltage across the PEM results from the membrane
c, d and e) are listed in Table 2. resistance to the hydrogen ions flow and is expressed as
The Nernst potential is the theoretical voltage where the [15,32e34]:
partial pressure of H2 and O2 gases is accounted for, then
[12,29]: Eohm ¼ Re j ¼ j (23)
DG RT PH2 P 0:5
O2 where sm is the membrane conductivity (s/cm), ∅ is the heat
E ¼ Enernst ¼ ¼ Erev þ ln (19)
nF 2F aH2 O flow (W), and j and Re refer to the cell current density and
where P denotes the partial pressure, R ¼ 8.3144 J/mol K and ohmic resistance, respectively.
F ¼ 96 487 C/mol are respectively the universal gas constant As there is no mathematical model to determine the elec-
and Faraday's constant, the water activity aH2 O ¼ 1 (for liquid trochemical parameters related to the operating temperature,
water), PH2 and PO2 are the partial pressures of H2 and O2, the parameters aA, aC, j0,A, j0,c, sm of Equations (20) and (23)
respectively. can be estimated using Matlab™ parameter identification
tools (Fig. 4).
The heat flow is transferred from the environment to the
Electrochemical and thermodynamic model
tank and the entropy flow denoted by Q H2 O out and DSq_H2 O out
are expressed by:
The activation overpotential is defined as the overpotential
that the electrochemical reaction has to overcome for the
conversion of reactants into products. Therefore, the Butler- Q_ H2 O out ¼ m_ H2 O Cp T TH2 O (24)
eVolmer equation is given by Ref. [30]:
Q_ H2 O out
DSq ¼ (25)
hEL ¼ Eactanod þ Eactcath H2 O out
! !
RT I RT I _ H2 O is the
where Cp: represents the water thermal capacity, m
¼ sinh1 þ sinh1 (20)
2aA F 2j0;A A 2aC F 2j0;C A water mass flow exiting from the membrane electrode as-
sembly (MEA) environment. The stack thermal model will be
where I is the current density (A/cm2), R is the universal gas
constant, j0,A, j0,c are the exchange current density at the
anode and cathode, respectively, and aA, aC are the charge hX
dT X i
transfer coefficients at the anode and cathode, respectively. Cthstack ¼T DSq in DSq out (26)
Thermal model
ðDSq Þin is the sum of entropic flows of all heat sources.
The diffusion overvoltage, named concentration over- P
ðDSq Þout is the sum of entropic flows of all heat sinks.
potential, results from the reactants' concentrations change at
the electrode surfaces of the electrolysis considered. Due to
Three different phenomena, the electro-osmotic drag, the
back diffusion and the convection generated by pressure
gradient, result in the water flow through the membrane. The
Table 2 e Coefficients for specific heat.
pressure drop between anode and cathode, the convection of
a b c e water, and the diffusion of water are neglected. Therefore, the
H 2O 72.39 9.38 e e water drained through the membrane by electro-osmotic drag
H2 26.57 3.77 1.17 e and the total flux of water flow across the membrane is given
O2 34.35 1.92 -18.45 4.06 by:
1372 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 3 6 6 e1 3 7 4
I fwater atm
n_H2 O mem ¼ nd (27) DSq conv ¼ (32)
where nd is an electro-osmotic drag coefficient. The heat loss by conduction is given by:
The water flow arising from the anode to the cathode is:
ADw fwater tank ¼ TH2 O Tamb (33)
n_H2 O;diff ¼ nd CH2 O;me;cat CH2 O;me;an (28) etank
where A is the membrane electrode assembly area, Dw is the fwater tank
DSq cond ¼ (34)
water diffusion coefficient through the membrane, dw is the TH2 O
membrane thickness, and ðCH2 O;me;cat CH2 O;me;an Þ refers to the where r is the cylinder tank internal radius (m) and htank is the
water concentrations at both membrane sides. The heat ex- water tank height (m).
change between the device and the surrounding atmosphere
is [35e38]: DSq cond conv ¼ DSq cond þ DSq conv (35)
Q_ losses ¼ ðT Tamb Þ (29) mðtÞCtank
dTH2 O
¼ DSq þ DSq (36)
Rt H2 O
H2 O out condconv
where Rt is the electrolyser overall thermal resistance (W/K), The thermal model parameters and the electrochemical
thus: parameters are respectively listed in Table 3 and Table 4.
Q_ losses
DSlosses ¼ (30)
For the water tank thermal energy accumulation: Experimental results
fwater atm ¼ pr2 h TH2 O Tamb (31)
To clarify the PEM electrolyser dynamic performance, the
where r and h are cylinder tank internal radius and coefficient polarization curve of the electrolyser was analytically and
of heat transfer by convection, respectively. experimentally illustrated. The agreement between the
The entropy flow is given by: analytical and experimental-based dynamic behaviour was
verified. In Fig. 5, the VeI characteristic of the PEM electrolyser
was plotted considering a current variation from 0 A to 4 A
without operating temperature control. Therefore, the current
has been injected at a specified temperature to obtain the
Table 3 e Parameters of the thermal model [12].
polarization curve that corresponds to the PEM electrolyser
Cth_stack Stack thermal capacity (J/K) 21.06 103 modelling. From Fig. 5, an adequate agreement between the
Ctank H2 O Water tank heat capacity (J/Kg K) 95 103
analytical and experimental VeI polarization curves is
etank Tank thickness (m) 3 103
confirmed. In order to attain the PEM electrolyser's electrical
h Coefficient of heat transfer by 10
convection coefficient W m2 K1 static response through Equation (14), the electrochemical
r Cylinder tank internal radius (m) 34 103 parameters hEL and Eohm of Equations (20) and (23), respec-
l Heat conduction coefficient, 0.19 tively, should be initially identified via Matlab™-Simulink
W m1 K1 curve fitting tools.
htank Water tank height (m) 170 103 In Fig. 6, the VeI characteristics of the PEM electrolyser is
nd Electro-osmotic drag coefficient 1.834 þ 0.0126 T
shown for a current variation from 0 A to 1 A at different water
Fig. 5 e IeV characteristics of the PEM electrolyser.
In the present paper, a PEM electrolyser model for hydrogen
production by water electrolysis was developed. Based on the
temperatures according to Equation (14). H2 and O2 are prop- electrochemical modelling, the VeI characteristics of the PEM
erly produced despite current density transients. The current electrolyser were analyzed taking into consideration the
flow was measured and estimated up to a water temperature activation overpotential and ohmic overpotential. The PEM
of 60 C. From Fig. 6, nonlinear VeI characteristics are shown electrolyser model was validated through an identification
for the current rise up to 0.05 A. Therefore, the applied voltage approach and compared to the experimental results. This
V has been considered linearly proportional to the current I for model was applied to describe the polarization curves of the
the various proposed temperatures until a maximum injected PEM electrolyser from 25 to 60 C. The results showed an
current of 1 A. adequate agreement between both the modeling results and
The agreement between the modelling results and the lab-scale experimental data. In addition, acceptable mismatch
experimental data for both the PEM electrolyser stack and the between the analytical and experimental temperature dy-
water tank temperature profiles are shown in Fig. 7 on the namic performance for the PEM Electrolyser stack and water
basis of Equations (26) and (36), respectively. Considering an tank were found despite the temperature-dependant electro-
injected current of 4 A during approximately 55 min, the stack chemical parameters.
Fig. 7 e Analytical/experimental dynamic performance of the PEM electrolyser stack and water tank temperature. (a): Stack
temperature profile, (b): Water tank temperature profile.
1374 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 3 6 6 e1 3 7 4