Challenges and Opportunities in Green Hydrogen Supply
Challenges and Opportunities in Green Hydrogen Supply
Challenges and Opportunities in Green Hydrogen Supply
DOI: 10.1093/jcde/qwad043
Advance access publication date: 31 May 2023
Review article
1. Introduction In this context, the supply chain plays a vital role in ensuring
the efficient transformation of renewable energy into hydrogen,
The Earth’s climate system is rapidly changing, with a global mean
its safe storage and transportation, and its utilization (Gondal,
temperature increase of 0.85◦ C from 1880 to 2012. The Intergov-
2019; Li et al., 2023). However, challenges associated with produc-
ernmental Panel on Climate Change attributes this warming to
tion, storage, transportation, and consumption must be addressed
the unprecedented levels of greenhouse gases, including carbon
to unlock its full potential, with optimization being key. At present,
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), primar-
no single optimization technique is universally agreed upon as the
ily caused by human activities (Change et al., 2007), expected to
most appropriate for solving all problems across various domains
worsen in the future. To address this issue, countries are focusing
and industries. Each of the existing methodologies has its specific
on sustainable development and low-carbon technologies. How-
challenges. For example, exact methods can be time-consuming
ever, current mitigation strategies are insufficient, and a funda-
and challenging to apply when resolving optimal solutions for is-
mental transformation is needed, with more research on the prac-
sues related to green hydrogen production in the supply chain.
tical implementation of sustainable energy sources.
Moreover, the dynamic nature of energy production and distribu-
Green hydrogen, generated through electrolysis using renew-
tion systems adds complexity to the implementation of these al-
able energy sources, offers a cleaner alternative to grey and blue
gorithms. As a result, the use of exact methods does not guarantee
hydrogen, with the potential to significantly impact the global en-
that the obtained solutions will remain optimal. This complexity
ergy landscape due to its reduced emissions, versatility, and stora-
highlights a need for innovative solutions and ongoing research.
bility (Carmo et al., 2013; Hermesmann & Müller, 2022; Howarth
Among the available methodologies, metaheuristic methods
& Jacobson, 2021; Jacobson et al., 2019; Sharaf & Orhan, 2014).
have demonstrated promising performance in enhancing the ef-
As shown in Table 1, green hydrogen provides key benefits such
ficiency and cost-effectiveness of green hydrogen’s supply chain
as reduced greenhouse gas emissions (Gorji, 2022), energy carrier
(Riera et al., 2023). Applying metaheuristic algorithms to the green
capabilities, and extended storage and transportation. However,
hydrogen supply chain presents various advantages. These flexi-
challenges remain, including higher production costs, intermit-
ble algorithms effectively solve optimization problems, address-
tent renewable energy sources, and the need for efficient storage
ing challenges in production, transportation, and storage of green
and transportation solutions (Ball & Wietschel, 2009; Bertuccioli
hydrogen. They efficiently identify global optimal solutions, cru-
et al., 2014; Sherif et al., 2005).
cial for sustainability and efficiency in the supply chain. Addition-
ally, metaheuristic algorithms are faster and more robust to noise,
Received: March 27, 2023. Revised: May 1, 2023. Accepted: May 3, 2023
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Computational Design and Engineering. This is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which permits
non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
[email protected]
1144 | Challenges and Opportunities in Green Hydrogen Supply Chain
Table 1: Benefits and challenges of green hydrogen. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 explores the role
of metaheuristic algorithms, including their application to the
Benefits Challenges green hydrogen supply chain. Sections 3–6 discuss the produc-
tion, storage, transportation, and consumption of green hydrogen,
Reduced emissions versus Higher production costs versus
blue/grey hydrogen blue/grey hydrogen highlighting the role and impact of metaheuristic optimization
Energy carrier versatility Intermittent renewables in each stage. Section 7 presents multi-objective optimization ap-
Storable and transportable Storage and transport issues proaches. Section 8 concludes the paper and suggests directions
Sustainability contribution Developing infrastructure for future research.
Grid peak shaving Efficiency losses
Electrolyser advancements Electrolyser life-cycle
More energy-dense Less efficient than batteries 2. Leveraging Metaheuristic Algorithms for
Long-range vehicle suitability Longer refuel time than petrol Real-World Optimization Problems: H2
Metaheuristic algorithms are a class of computational techniques
that have gained significant attention due to their ability to solve
complex optimization problems (Cheng et al., 2021; El-Shorbagy &
Figure 1: A general framework for solving optimization problems with metaheuristic algorithms in green hydrogen supply chain. Adapted from Osaba
while satisfying constraints on energy production, storage the main hydrogen storage methods will be provided which dis-
capacity, and system reliability. cusses their associated challenges and presents a comparison of
(ii) Electrolyser dynamic response: The objective function can their key characteristics in Table 3. Additionally, a schematic rep-
aim to minimize the deviation between the desired and ac- resentation of a hydrogen storage system (see Fig. 3) is presented,
tual output of the electrolyser, subject to constraints on the which highlights the key aspects of metaheuristic optimization.
input power and electrolyser operating limits. The main challenges in hydrogen storage include storage facil-
(iii) Energy resource allocation: The objective function can be ity layout, hydrogen compression and liquefaction, temperature
designed to maximize green hydrogen production or mini- and pressure control, and optimal storage material selection. In
mize energy costs while adhering to constraints on renew- the next subsection, we will explore the need, role, and impact of
able energy availability, storage capacity, and load demand. metaheuristic optimization techniques in addressing these chal-
(iv) Waste heat recovery: The objective function may target lenges and improving hydrogen storage.
maximizing the waste heat recovery efficiency, constrained
by the heat exchanger limits and the available waste heat. 4.2. The need, role, and impact of metaheuristic
(v) Water consumption optimization: The objective function optimization in improving hydrogen storage
can focus on minimizing water consumption in the green As the demand for green hydrogen increases, it becomes crucial
hydrogen production process, considering constraints on to address the challenges associated with its storage to ensure
water availability, water quality requirements, and electrol- its efficient use in various applications. Metaheuristic optimiza-
yser limits. tion techniques have emerged as powerful tools for tackling com-
plex optimization problems, particularly when traditional meth-
By applying metaheuristic optimization techniques to these ods fail to provide satisfactory solutions. In the context of hydro-
green hydrogen production challenges, it is possible to improve gen storage, metaheuristic optimization can play a vital role in
the overall efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of hy- overcoming challenges and maximizing system performance in
drogen microgrids. Further research and practical applications several ways:
can continue to advance the state of the art in this area.
(i) Storage facility layout optimization: Metaheuristic tech-
niques can be employed to design efficient storage facil-
4. Storage of Hydrogen
ity layouts that maximize the utilization of available space
In this section, the challenges and methods associated with hy- while ensuring safety and operational efficiency. This can
drogen storage will be discussed, emphasizing the role of meta- help minimize capital and operational costs and reduce en-
heuristic optimization techniques in addressing these challenges ergy consumption during storage and retrieval processes.
and improving storage efficiency. (ii) Hydrogen compression and liquefaction optimization:
The compression and liquefaction processes for hydrogen
4.1. Overview of hydrogen storage: challenges storage are energy-intensive and can benefit from opti-
and comparison of different methods mization. Metaheuristic algorithms can be used to opti-
Hydrogen storage is a critical aspect of the green hydrogen supply mize compression and liquefaction processes by minimiz-
chain, as it ensures the availability of hydrogen for end-use appli- ing energy consumption, maximizing throughput, and en-
cations while maintaining safety and efficiency. There are various suring optimal operating conditions.
methods for storing hydrogen, each with its own set of challenges (iii) Temperature and pressure control optimization: Effective
and optimization opportunities. In this subsection, an overview of control of temperature and pressure is essential for safe
1148 | Challenges and Opportunities in Green Hydrogen Supply Chain
Physical (e.g., compressed gas) High storage density, mature technology High energy consumed, safety concerns A, B, C
Chemical (e.g., metal hydrides) High density, low leakage High cost & weight, high complexity A, C, D
Material-based (e.g., porous material) Moderate density, low leakage High cost, low volumetric density A, B, D
and efficient hydrogen storage. Metaheuristic techniques (iii) Temperature and pressure control optimization: The ob-
can optimize temperature and pressure control strategies, jective function can be designed to ensure the stability
ensuring the stability of stored hydrogen and minimizing of stored hydrogen, minimize energy losses due to leak-
energy losses due to leakage or evaporation. age or evaporation, and minimize energy consumption for
(iv) Optimal storage material selection: Choosing the right temperature and pressure control, while adhering to con-
storage material is crucial for maximizing storage capac- straints on temperature and pressure ranges, equipment
ity and minimizing costs. Metaheuristic optimization can specifications, and safety requirements.
be employed to identify optimal storage materials based on (iv) Optimal storage material selection: The objective func-
various criteria such as storage capacity, cost, weight, and tion can focus on maximizing storage capacity, minimizing
safety considerations. costs, minimizing weight, and ensuring safety, considering
constraints on material availability, material compatibility
4.3. Applications of metaheuristic optimization with hydrogen, and performance requirements.
techniques for hydrogen storage
In this section, we focus on the applications of metaheuristic op- In conclusion, applying metaheuristic optimization techniques
timization techniques for hydrogen storage, specifically for the for hydrogen storage can lead to significant improvements in sys-
identified challenges. We refer back to the general pseudo-code tem performance, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. As the
and metaheuristic optimization techniques discussed in the pre- demand for green hydrogen continues to grow, researchers and
vious section and concentrate on the objective functions and con- practitioners can explore new ways to leverage these techniques
straints for each challenge. to develop more advanced and efficient hydrogen storage solu-
tions. Potential future research directions include investigating
(i) Storage facility layout optimization: The objective func- the applicability of emerging metaheuristic algorithms, develop-
tion can be formulated to minimize capital and operational ing hybrid approaches that combine the strengths of different
costs, maximize space utilization, and minimize energy techniques, and exploring the integration of machine learning
consumption during storage and retrieval processes, while methods to further enhance optimization performance.
satisfying constraints on safety regulations, storage capac-
ity requirements, and facility dimensions.
(ii) Hydrogen compression and liquefaction optimization:
5. Transportation of Hydrogen
The objective function can aim to minimize energy con- Hydrogen transportation plays a crucial role in the green hydro-
sumption, maximize throughput, and optimize operating gen supply chain, connecting production facilities to end-users.
conditions, subject to constraints on pressure and temper- Ensuring the efficient and safe transportation of hydrogen is es-
ature limits, equipment specifications, and safety require- sential to enable the widespread adoption of green hydrogen as
ments. an energy carrier. This section will discuss the challenges associ-
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 2023, 10(3), 1143–1157 | 1149
ated with hydrogen transportation, compare different transporta- border agreements and regulations, may further influence the se-
tion methods, and illustrate its potential in addressing the unique lection of hydrogen transportation methods. As a result, it is cru-
challenges associated with transporting hydrogen. cial for decision-makers to evaluate these factors when choos-
ing the most suitable transportation method for their specific re-
5.1. Overview of hydrogen transportation: gion. The regional suitability of hydrogen transportation methods
challenges and comparison of different is presented in Table 5.
methods As the hydrogen economy grows, it is essential to develop effi-
Safe, efficient, and cost-effective transportation methods are es- cient and cost-effective transportation methods that can cater to
sential for the large-scale deployment of hydrogen as an en- different regions and their specific requirements. Future develop-
ergy carrier. The main challenges associated with hydrogen trans- ments may include the expansion of pipeline networks, advance-
portation include high costs, safety concerns, energy losses, and ments in truck and ship transportation technologies, and the ex-
the need for specialized infrastructure. Additionally, the physical ploration of novel transportation methods like chemical carriers
properties of hydrogen, such as its low density, high flammability, or porous material carriers.
and potential for embrittlement, further complicate transporta-
tion. The common hydrogen transportation methods include: 5.2. The need, role, and impact of metaheuristic
5.3. Applications of metaheuristic optimization elling stations while ensuring adequate coverage and ac-
techniques for hydrogen transportation cessibility. Constraints can include the number of stations,
Metaheuristic optimization techniques have been successfully their capacities, and geographical restrictions. By applying
applied to various aspects of hydrogen transportation, helping to metaheuristic optimization techniques, optimal locations
address the challenges mentioned in the previous subsection. In for refuelling stations can be determined that satisfy the
this section, we discuss the application of metaheuristic optimiza- constraints and minimize costs.
tion techniques to the following aspects of hydrogen transporta-
Figure 4 illustrates the transportation of green hydrogen across
the world, highlighting the key aspects where metaheuristic opti-
(i) Multi-modal transportation optimization: The objective
mization techniques can be applied to address the challenges. In
function for multi-modal transportation optimization fo-
summary, metaheuristic optimization techniques can play a cru-
cuses on minimizing the total cost of hydrogen transporta-
cial role in improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of hy-
tion, including the costs associated with different trans-
drogen transportation systems. By addressing various challenges
portation modes and infrastructure. Constraints may in-
in transportation planning, scheduling, and design, these tech-
clude transportation capacities, distances, and the avail-
niques contribute to the development of robust and reliable hy-
ability of different transportation modes. By applying meta-
drogen transportation networks.
heuristic optimization techniques, an optimal combination
of transportation methods can be identified that meets the
required demand while minimizing costs. 6. Consumption of Hydrogen
(ii) Hydrogen supply scheduling: The objective function for
hydrogen supply scheduling aims to minimize the total Hydrogen consumption is a critical aspect of the hydrogen econ-
operational costs, which may include transportation, stor- omy, as it involves using hydrogen as an energy carrier in various
age, and production costs, while meeting the hydrogen de- applications such as transportation, heating, and industrial pro-
mand of end-users. Constraints in this context can involve cesses. In this section, we will discuss the different methods of
transportation and storage capacities, as well as demand hydrogen consumption, the challenges associated with them, and
and supply variations over time. Metaheuristic optimiza- the role of metaheuristic optimization in addressing these chal-
tion techniques can be used to find efficient supply sched- lenges.
ules that satisfy the constraints and minimize operational
costs. 6.1. Overview of hydrogen consumption:
(iii) Hydrogen pipeline network design: In the case of hydro- challenges and comparison of different
gen pipeline network design, the objective function focuses methods
on minimizing the total cost of the network, including cap- Hydrogen consumption methods encompass a variety of tech-
ital, operational, and maintenance costs. Constraints may nologies that convert hydrogen into useful forms of energy. These
involve pipeline route restrictions, safety regulations, and methods include fuel cells, hydrogen combustion turbines, hydro-
material requirements. Metaheuristic optimization tech- gen internal combustion engines, H2-based heating systems, and
niques can help identify optimal pipeline network designs chemical processes such as ammonia and methanol production.
that meet the constraints and minimize overall costs. The challenges associated with hydrogen consumption are di-
(iv) Refuelling station location planning: The objective func- verse, ranging from technological limitations to integration issues
tion for refuelling station location planning seeks to min- with existing energy systems. These challenges have been listed
imize the total cost of establishing and maintaining refu- in Table 6 and are summarized as follows:
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 2023, 10(3), 1143–1157 | 1151
Fuel cells Medium- High Low Good High Transportation, stationary power
H2 combustion turbines Medium- Medium Low Fair Medium Power generation, industrial
H2 internal combustion Medium Low Medium- Good High Transportation, stationary power
engines high
H2 -based heating Medium Medium Low Fair Medium Residential, industrial
Chemical processes Varies Varies Varies Good High Ammonia, methanol, & other chemicals
(i) Fuel cell performance optimization: Fuel cells are devices ronmental performance of hydrogen-based chemical pro-
that convert the chemical energy stored in hydrogen di- cesses, such as ammonia and methanol production.
rectly into electricity through an electrochemical reaction.
Optimizing fuel cell performance involves improving their 6.2. The need, role, and impact of metaheuristic
efficiency, durability, and cost, as well as addressing issues optimization in improving hydrogen
related to hydrogen purity and operating conditions. consumption
(ii) H2-based heating systems design: Hydrogen can be used After investigating the challenges associated with hydrogen con-
for heating purposes in residential, commercial, and in- sumption, it is essential to investigate the comparison of different
dustrial settings. Designing H2-based heating systems in- hydrogen consumption methods further:
volves optimizing the system’s efficiency, safety, and relia-
bility while minimizing costs and environmental impacts.
(i) Fuel cells: Fuel cells convert hydrogen into electricity di-
(iii) Energy conversion technology choice (including combus-
rectly through an electrochemical reaction. They are highly
tion process optimization): The choice of energy conver-
efficient, have low emissions, and are suitable for a wide
sion technology, such as hydrogen combustion turbines
range of applications, including transportation, stationary
or internal combustion engines, depends on factors such
power generation, and portable power devices. Fuel cells
as efficiency, cost, and environmental impact. Combustion
come in various types, such as proton exchange membrane
process optimization involves improving the performance,
fuel cells (PEMFCs), solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), alkaline
efficiency, and emissions of hydrogen combustion tech-
fuel cells, and molten carbonate fuel cells, each with its
own advantages and limitations. PEMFCs, e.g., have a low
(iv) H2 Integration in multi-energy systems (including chemi-
operating temperature and quick start-up, making them
cal process optimization): Integrating hydrogen into multi-
suitable for transportation applications. In contrast, SOFCs
energy systems requires careful planning and coordina-
operate at high temperatures and are more suitable for sta-
tion, taking into account the interactions between different
tionary power generation with high efficiency and fuel flex-
energy carriers and infrastructures. Chemical process opti-
ibility. However, fuel cells can be expensive and sensitive to
mization involves improving the efficiency, cost, and envi-
impurities in hydrogen fuel, which may require additional
1152 | Challenges and Opportunities in Green Hydrogen Supply Chain
purification steps or more robust fuel cell designs to ensure design of individual components like the membrane, cat-
long-term performance and durability. alyst, and electrodes. Constraints include material proper-
(ii) Hydrogen combustion turbines: Hydrogen combustion ties, durability, and safety requirements.
turbines burn hydrogen to generate electricity, offering a (ii) H2-based heating systems design: The goal is to de-
cleaner alternative for large-scale power generation. They sign efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly
have the potential for high efficiency and low emissions hydrogen-based heating systems. Optimization techniques
due to their ability to operate at higher temperatures and can be employed to determine the optimal size, configu-
pressures. However, they may require modifications to ex- ration, and control strategies for these systems, consider-
isting natural gas turbines and face challenges related to ing factors such as heat demand, energy prices, and green-
hydrogen’s low energy density and high flame speed. Ad- house gas emissions. Constraints may include available
ditionally, the scalability of hydrogen combustion turbines space, budget, and regulatory requirements.
can be limited by their complexity and higher capital costs (iii) Energy conversion technology choice (including combus-
compared to internal combustion engines. tion process optimization): Selecting the most suitable
(iii) Hydrogen internal combustion engines: Hydrogen can be energy conversion technology for a specific application is
used as a fuel in internal combustion engines, either by critical for maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs
(i) minimizing the total cost of hydrogen production (C1); The optimization problem can be formulated as follows:
(ii) minimizing the total cost of hydrogen transportation (C2);
(iii) maximizing the efficiency of hydrogen production (E1); and minimize: C3 + C4
(iv) maximizing the safety of hydrogen transportation (E2).
maximize: E3
Algorithm 2 Generic Metaheuristic Algorithm for Examples 1-2 (ii) Advanced water electrolysis technologies (waste heat re-
1: Initialize a population of solutions S0
covery and solid-state electrolysers; Saufi Sulaiman et al.,
2: Evaluate the fitness of each solution in S0 according to the
objective functions and constraints (C1(C3), C2(C4), E1(E2), (iii) Renewable energy sources (solar and wind; Patel et al.,
E3(E4)) 2021);
3: while termination criteria not met do (iv) DC microgrid (efficient interconnection of PV, battery, and
4: Apply selection, crossover, and mutation operations to cre- electrolyser; Moradi et al., 2022); and
ate a new population Snew (v) Advanced materials for power conversion (GaN or super-
5: Evaluate the fitness of each solution in Snew according to conductors; Shahbazi et al., 2021).
the objective functions (C1(C3), C2(C4), E1(E2), E3(E4)) and con-
8.2.2. Storage
6: Combine S0 and Snew , then update the population S0 by se- For hydrogen storage, research is focusing on the development of
lecting the best solutions based on fitness values and con- advanced storage materials such as metal-organic frameworks,
straints nano-structured materials, and solid-state materials, which can
end while offer improved storage capacities, safety, and efficiency. Cryogenic
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© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Computational Design and Engineering. This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which permits non-commercial re-use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected]