Vera Paper
Vera Paper
Vera Paper
Abstract: Modeling of water electrolyzers can surplus is seen as a key strategy for energy
be considered a fundamental optimization tool storage. Centro acional del Hidrógeno
for production of hydrogen by renewable (CNH2) works actively in this direction, which
energy. This work reports the model developed is considered a strategic line in order to
in COMSOL of an alkaline water electrolysis achieve a sustainable future energy.
cell powered by a PV-module. The geometry
model was created taking as reference a Alkaline electrolysis is a highly developed
commercial electrolysis cell. The model technology in the industry and the main way to
involves transport equations for both liquid obtain sustainable hydrogen. Nowadays,
and gas phases, charge conservation and forces commercial alkaline electrolyzers are
balances for the study of coalescence designed for a constant power supply.
phenomena. Results showed changes on gas However, renewable energies are non-
profiles with the evolution of solar irradiation dispatchable because of their strong
during the day, as well as changes on void dependence on weather conditions. The
fraction and potential distribution. fluctuations in power supplies to the
electrolyzer could cause problems such as
Keywords: Water electrolysis, renewable generation of explosive mixtures, corrosion of
energy, hydrogen, void fraction, coalescence materials, lower efficiency, pressure drops,
changes of temperature, etc. The design of
alkaline electrolyzers powered by renewable
1. Introduction energy is a critical issue to avoid these
problems. For these reasons, the CFD
The production of H2 from renewable energy simulation is an important design tool.
a b
1. Cathode
2. Cathodic compartment (hydrogen
3. Membrane
On the other hand, movement of gases and Where (mgl) is the mass transfer rate from gas
liquid was modeled applying Laminar Bubbly to liquid.
Flow module of COMSOL®. This application
mode describes the two-phase flow using a In order to complete the system, auxiliary
Euler-Euler model. The module solves for the equations were used:
volume fraction occupied by each of two
phases, without defining each bubble in detail. - Activation overpotentials (η) were
It is a macroscopic model for two-phase fluid defined for cathode and anode by Butler-
flow. It treats the two phases as Volmer equations form (Tafel equation):
interpenetrating media, tracking the averaged
concentration of the phases. One velocity field
is associated with each phase, and the R ·T i
η = 2.3 · · log (5)
dynamics of each of the phases are described α ·F io
by a momentum balance equation and a
continuity equation. Following simplifications - Bruggeman equation (6) relates the
are considered when this module is used [2]: variation of conductivity of electrolyte
(σ) with the volume fraction of gases (f),
- The gas density is negligible for each section.
compared to the liquid density.
- Pump force.
Figure 6: Hydrogen volume fraction evolution for Figure 8: Void fraction of gas for different values
electrolysis cell during a day operation. of current density.
Figure 9: Detail of coalescence phenomena between hydrogen bubbles
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9. Acknowledgements
10. Appendix