Modeling and Simulation of An Electrolyser For The Production of HHO in Matlab - Simulink
Modeling and Simulation of An Electrolyser For The Production of HHO in Matlab - Simulink
Modeling and Simulation of An Electrolyser For The Production of HHO in Matlab - Simulink
How to cite: E.D. Rincon-Castrillo, J.R. Bermudez-Santaella, L.E. Vera-Duarte, J.J. García-Pabón, “Modeling and simulation
of an electrolyser for the production of HHO in Matlab-Simulink®”. Respuestas, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 6-15, 2019.
Recibido: Agosto 10, 2018; Aceptado: Noviembre 15, 2018
Keywords: The electrolyzers work through an electrochemical process, their derivatives (H2, O2, and HHO) are used as
enriching fuels due to the electrolysis of water, being cleaner than gasoline and diesel. This article presents
the dynamic model of an alkaline electrolyzer that uses an electrolyte (KOH o NaHCO3) dissolved in
distilled water to accelerate the production of oxyhydrogen (HHO). The model shows the phase change that
Dynamic model,
occurs inside the electrolytic cell. The EES® software was used to determine the values of enthalpy, entropy,
and free energy that vary during the electrochemical reaction; the equations were simulated in Matlab-
Simulink® to observe their dynamic behavior. The Simulations presented varying every 5 g the electrolyte
until reaching 20 g. The flow rate of HHO with potassium hydroxide (20 g) is higher than 0.02 L / s, and with
sodium bicarbonate (20 g) it is above 0.0006 L / s, confirming what the literature of alkaline cells state, that
the most efficient electrolyte for its energy conversion is KOH.
Palabras clave: Los electrolizadores funcionan mediante un proceso electroquímico, sus derivados (H2, O2, y HHO) debido a la
electrólisis del agua son utilizados como combustibles enriquecedores, siendo más limpios que la gasolina y diesel.
Este artículo presenta el modelo dinámico de un electrolizador alcalino que utiliza un electrolito (KOH o NaHCO3)
disuelto en agua destilada para acelerar la producción de oxihidrógeno (HHO). El modelo muestra el cambio de
Modelo dinámico,
fase que ocurre en el interior de la celda electrolítica. Se utilizó el software EES® para determinar los valores de
entalpía, entropía, y energía libre que varían durante la reacción electroquímica, las ecuaciones fueron simuladas en
Matlab-Simulink® para observar su comportamiento dinámico. Las simulaciones fueron realizadas variando cada 5
g el electrolito hasta llegar a 20 g. El caudal de HHO con hidróxido de potasio (20 g) es superior a 0.02 L/s, y con
bicarbonato de sodio (20 g) está por encima de 0.0006 L/s, permitiendo confirmar lo que se enuncia en la literatura
de celdas alcalinas, donde se establece que el electrolito más eficiente para su conversión energética es KOH.
Introduction energy imbalance due to the fact that the reaction can
be exothermic (it gives off energy) or endothermic
Voltaic cells and electrolytic cells are fuel cells that (it needs to be supplied with energy), from this
operate by means of an electrochemical process in perspective the spontaneity of these devices is
which reagents and products are subjected to an studied [1].
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: Erick Daniel Rincón Castrillo ([email protected])
Peer review is the responsibility of the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.
6 This is an article under the license CC BY-ND (
Erick Daniel Rincón-Castrillo, José Ricardo Bermúdez-Santaella, Luis Emilio Vera-Duarte, Juan José García-Pabón
In this article the modeling of an electrolyzer or The phase change (liquid to gaseous state) of the
alkaline electrolytic cell (AFC) with a single output water that occurs in the alkaline electrolyser to be
will be carried out, for the study of the production modelled, occurs when energy is supplied to the
of oxyhydrogen gas (HHO) as a clean energy, electrochemical reaction in the form of electrical
in this way it can be used as an enriching fuel or work (non-spontaneous process) [5], [6].
enhancer in the processes where combustion takes
place. In this research, concepts of thermodynamics, In order to know in detail what happens in the
chemistry, thermochemistry, and electrochemistry electrodes of the cell, the generation of gaseous
are taken into account for the approach of the oxygen in the anode is presented by means of (1),
equations, thus enunciating a thermodynamic and the generation of gaseous hydrogen is shown in
model, electric model, chemical model, and thermal the cathode with (2).
model. The EES software is used to determine the
value of the variables of the thermodynamic model Anode:
(enthalpy, entropy and free energy), the equations of
the other models are simulated in Matlab-Simulink® 2OH − (aq ) → O2 ( g ) + H 2O(l ) + 2e − (1)
because some do not present linearity, and others are 2
empirical electrochemical relations. Where:
Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053 7
Modeling and simulation of an electrolyser for the production of HHO in Matlab-Simulink®
a) b)
8 Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053
Erick Daniel Rincón-Castrillo, José Ricardo Bermúdez-Santaella, Luis Emilio Vera-Duarte, Juan José García-Pabón
∆G=Welectric (5) precise way they are left expressed in such a way
that they depend on the temperature through (9), so
The electrical work is equivalent to the irreversible it is stated [12], [13].
voltage (Uirrev) of the electrolyser, for this reason Table I. Adjusted values OF r, s, and t.
the above equation is expressed with a voltage that
is irreversible by the present losses [10] by means
of (6).
U irrev = (6)
Source: [11]
z : Number of electrons ( 2e − ) The power consumed by the cell is directly
F : Faraday Constant (96500 C) proportional to the number of cells (N) that make up
the stack, this relationship is established with (10).
When a reversible reaction is assumed, i.e. without Weléctrico = NIU (10)
losses, the process energy (H) is worked with as
shown in (7) with a reversible voltage (U_rev). The calculation is made by means of the product be-
∆H tween the number of cells connected in series ( nc )
U rev = (7)
zF with the number of cells connected in parallel ( nr )
The effect of irreversibilities (losses) can be seen when by means of (11).
calculating the irreversible and reversible voltages
N = (nc )(nr ) (11)
that result in U irrev = 1.22 v and U rev = 1.48 v , these
stress values were calculated from enthalpy and By setting the temperature (T) of the electrolyte this
entropy values under standard reaction conditions, part consists of 2 equations (power consumed with
i.e. at 25 °C and 1 bar. (10), and voltage between electrolyser terminals
expressed in (9)) with 2 unknowns (U, I) and its
The electric model is designed to determine the
resolution determines the operating point of the
current (I) and voltage of the electrolyzer, the
relationship between these two variables is modeled
by means of (8) found in [11], [12].
Chemical model
r t Faraday’s law states that the rate of production of
U = U rev + I + s log I + 1 (8)
A A oxyhydrogen in a cell is proportional to the transfer
of electrons in the electrodes, i.e., to the intensity
Where: supplied by the electrical work, (12) shows this
relationship [11].
r , s, t : Coefficients • NI
A : Electrode area v HHO = nF (12)
r1 + r2T t + t / T + t3 / T 2 The expression used for the calculation of Faraday’s
U =+
U rev I + s log 1 2 I + 1 (9)
A A Efficiency is that proposed by [11], where the effect
of stray currents is modelled. It is determined by
The coefficients r, s and t model the overvoltages means of (13), is caused by stray currents and these
(irreversibilities), to express their value in a more increase by current densities.
Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053 9
Modeling and simulation of an electrolyser for the production of HHO in Matlab-Simulink®
( I / A) 2
nF = f 2 (13)
( I / A) 2 + f1
f1 (T ) = a f 1 ⋅ T + b f 1 (14)
Table II. Coefficient values f1 and f2.
b f 1 = 50
cm 4
Source: [11]
Of (18) we have:
c f 2 =−1.25e − 5°C −2
d f 2 0.001°C −1
e f 2 = 0.97
10 Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053
Erick Daniel Rincón-Castrillo, José Ricardo Bermúdez-Santaella, Luis Emilio Vera-Duarte, Juan José García-Pabón
Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053 11
Modeling and simulation of an electrolyser for the production of HHO in Matlab-Simulink®
12 Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053
Erick Daniel Rincón-Castrillo, José Ricardo Bermúdez-Santaella, Luis Emilio Vera-Duarte, Juan José García-Pabón
Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053 13
Modeling and simulation of an electrolyser for the production of HHO in Matlab-Simulink®
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comparison of sodium bicarbonate, because in the combustible”, Boletín de la Sociedad Española
flow (most significant variable) with KOH (20 g) is de Cerámica y Vidrio, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 105–
higher than 0.02 L/s, and with NaHCO3 (20 g) is above 117, 2013.
0.0006 L/s, allowing to confirm what is stated in the
literature of alkaline cells, where it is established [5] Á. O. Díaz, J. E. González and O. A.
that the electrolyte with the most efficient operates González, “Análisis de un generador de HHO
is KOH . de celda seca para su aplicación en motores de
combustión interna”, Revista UIS Ingenierías,
The variables analyzed (temperature and flow) vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 143–154, 2018.
showed a behavior directly proportional to each other,
ie, as the amount of electrolyte was increased (each [6] W. Osorio and Ó. H. Giraldo, “Sobre la
14 Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053
Erick Daniel Rincón-Castrillo, José Ricardo Bermúdez-Santaella, Luis Emilio Vera-Duarte, Juan José García-Pabón
Respuestas, 24 (2) May - August 2019, pp. 6-15, ISSN 0122-820X - E ISSN: 2422-5053 15