Effect of Operating Parameters On Performance of Alkaline Water Electrolysis
Effect of Operating Parameters On Performance of Alkaline Water Electrolysis
Effect of Operating Parameters On Performance of Alkaline Water Electrolysis
In this fundamental research investigation, the simple fundamental experimental design with two platinum wire as
anode/cathode electrode and KOH solution as electrolyte were used throughout the experiments. The effect of
electrolyte volume and concentration, electrode location and submerged length into the electrolyte, distance between two
electrode and operating temperature on efficiency of water electrolysis was investigated. The results showed that the
performance of alkaline water electrolysis is significantly affected by distance between electrode, electrolyte
concentration and operating temperature. Higher rate of hydrogen production can be possible at smaller gap between
electrodes with higher concentration of electrolyte operating at higher temperature.
Tange / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 9 (2015) 53-60
Tange / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 9 (2015) 53-60
Figure 2: Design of experimental setup for baseline experiment and parametric study
Hydrogen Generation (sccm/cm2) = (3.1)
in which sccm denotes cubic centimeter per minute at STP Figure 3: Hydrogen generation rate as a function of input
(standard temperature and pressure). power density for a practical water electrolyzer. The curve
is plotted with arbitrary number showing the actual trend,
Figure 3 displays a relationship between hydrogen generation not with any specific experimental data values.
(sccm/cm2) and input power density (W/cm2) for a practical
electrolysis process. The input power density is the product of 3.2 Performance Curve
current density (I) and cell voltage (V): The performance of electrolysis cells are typically compared
Power density by plotting their polarization curves, which is obtained by
plotting the cell voltage against the current density. The
= Current Density x Cell Voltage (4) primary sources of increased voltage over reversible potential,
which corresponds to a zero reaction rate, may include ohmic
loss of electrolyte, overvoltage associated with oxygen and
hydrogen reactions, and ohmic loss caused by electric
resistance of electrodes and circuitry. Both overvoltage and
ohmic loss increase with the increasing current density. Fig. 4
shows an example of the distribution of cell voltage [5].
Tange / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 9 (2015) 53-60
We used only one material for electrode and it was platinum chosen for our experimental electrolyte. We used data at 60, 80
and it is considered to have the fastest kinetics for hydrogen and 100 sec and average the data for any specific current
evolution reaction rate [14]. For the simplicity of the density. Accordingly, based on these discussion, from
experimental design only atmospheric condition was carried experiment number 1-5, shown in Table 2, we didn’t perform
out throughout the all experiments. The thermometer was any experiments and we already chose the optimal condition
always put close to the biker wall. As KOH has the highest and materials based on our limitation and fundamental simple
conductivity among the entire alkaline electrolyte exists, it was experimental design. To compare the different parameters
Tange / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 9 (2015) 53-60
Tange / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 9 (2015) 53-60
Figure 8: Effect of electrode submerged length into the Figure 9: Impact of distance between the electrodes on cell
electrolyte on cell performance performance
The resistance of electrolyte depends on various factors. One
of them would be distance between anode and cathode
electrode. The longer the distance between the electrode, the
tougher the situation should be for OH- ions to move from one
electrode to another and releases its electron. When the space
between the pair of electrodes decreases the performance of the
cell increases due to the resulting decreases in electrical
resistance between the electrodes that in turn leads to an
increase in the electrical current [15]. To obtain the result how
this distance may impact on cell performance, we construct the
experiment number 10 in Table 2. Figure 9 shows that cell
performance has almost linear relation with distance between
The ohmic performance of water electrolysis should be
strongly depends on concentration of the electrolyte solution.
The higher concentration means that higher number of
available reactant at the electrode surface area for reaction at
same power input which leads to increase in hydrogen
production efficiency. Figure 10 corresponding to Figure 10: Effect of electrolyte concentration on water
experimental number 11 in Table 2 shows that electrolyte electrolysis cell
concentration has strong effect on cell performance. This
behavior is attributed to the increase in the electrical We do not need to conduct experiments for experiment number
conductivity of the solution due to the increase in the 12 in Table 2. For our limitation for further different design of
concentration of the potassium hydroxide. Increasing the the electrodes, we only did only one straight design electrode
electrical conductivity leads to an increase in the electrical experiment.
current passing through the solution and consequently to a A more popular way of improving electrolysis efficiency is
decrease of requirement of less voltage at same current density increasing the process temperature, which lowers the voltage
operation. required to electrolyze the water. Heating the electrolyte
provides the extra energy gain by the electrolyte and leads to
lower the necessary Gibb’s free energy, which makes the
reaction to happen. Temperature effect was studied at room
temp. (~26°C) and 610C and the comparison result is plotted in
Figure 11. At observed from the data, cell performance
increases with temperature due to reduced reversible potential,
kinetic loss and ohmic loss.
Tange / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 9 (2015) 53-60
Temp Room 61 Room 61 Room 61 Room 61
CD_set 3 32 158 316
Figure 11: Effect of temperature on water electrolysis. (CD and CI inside the plots refer to current density and confidence
interval respectively)
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