Pem Electrolyzer Simulation
Pem Electrolyzer Simulation
Pem Electrolyzer Simulation
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*Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: Renewable energy, PEM electrolyzer, Hydrogen “green-hydrogen”. These technologies are advanced alkaline
production. electrolyzer, photoelectrochemical and PEM electrolyzer
technologies. Among them PEM electrolyzer offers an
Abstract efficient, flexible and practicality for a high quality of
hydrogen production. In recent times more attention is being
In recent times there is a growing concern about the paid to PEM electrolyzer due to its offers several advantages
environmental impact of conventional energy sources. The compared other method of electrolysis in term of smaller
only solution to the depletion and environmental impact is to mass volume characteristic, higher in current densities, high
rely on sustainable renewable energy sources for various degree of gas purity and better safety level [3].
applications. One of the promising options is PEM
electrolyzer for hydrogen production. In this paper, the 2. Mode of operation of (PEM) electrolyzer
equations related to mathematical models for PEM
electrolyzer based on a combination of thermodynamics
fundamental and electrochemical relations are presented. A PEM electrolyzer cell is composed of an anode chamber, a
Simple PEM electrolyzer is analyzed on the basis of well- cathode chamber, two electrode catalyst surfaces and a proton
known Butler-Volmer kinetic for the electrodes and transport exchange membrane [4]. The dissociation of water into
resistance in the polymer-electrolyte. The effect of hydrogen and oxygen is relatively high since water molecules
temperature on operating cell voltage, resistance and ionic have a stable structure at ambient temperature [5]. A
conductivity of the polymer electrolyte are examined. Finally minimum potential of 1.23V (reversible voltage) is applied
different values of exchange current densities at anode and across the electrochemical cell to initiate electrochemical
cathode were tested. The simulation results indicate that as reactions at both anode and cathode electrodes. Water is
temperature increases, there is a significant or sharp decrease introduced at the anode and dissociated into oxygen, protons
in ohmic resistance from 0.198Ω/cm2 at 40oC to 0.125Ω/cm2 and electrons via the following reaction:
at 80oC. However there is a small increase in ionic 1 -
conductivity. From this observation it can be concluded that Anode: H 2O O 2 2 H 2e (1)
the ionic conductivity of the membrane assembly increases 2
with temperature and this can lead to increase in hydrogen
flow rate. The hydrogen ions are driven through the membrane to the
cathode under an electric field where they combine with the
1. Introduction electrons arriving from the external circuit to form hydrogen
Energy is an important factor that contributes to the
development of a nation especially in the industrial sector, Cathode: 2 H 2e H 2 (2)
however due to increasing global energy demand, the fossil
fuel reserves such as coal natural gas and petroleum are The net reaction for entire cell is
depleting at an alarming rate. Fossil fuel such as coal and
methane are known to emit carbon dioxide into the 1
H 2O(liq) H 2(g) O 2(g) ΔH 25°=285.84 kJ (3)
atmosphere which are responsible for global warming effects. 2
It is therefore important to look for a more reliable and
sustainable energy source. One of the alternative energy such 2.1 Operating Cell Voltage
as hydrogen has been introduced to replace conventional
energy sources. It contributes towards more sustainable, This single operating cell voltage of PEM electrolyzer is
environmental friendly criteria, energy economy and energy given by the summation of the reversible voltage and the
carrier in the future [1, 2]. It is one of the potential solutions other different overpotentials [6];
to the current energy and environmental pollution crises due
to its carbon free [2]. Nowadays, they have many Vcell Vrev + ηact + ηΩ (4)
technologies of hydrogen production produce from renewable
energy sources for hydrogen production that offer a promising
2.2 Reversible Voltage
,mem i (17) (22)
t mem
Rele i
where Rion
0.005139 0.00326exp1268 1 1
is an ionic resistance as a function of
303 Tcell
membrane thickness conductivity, is the membrane height,
(cm), and mem is the local ionic conductivity with water 2.7 Molar Flow Rate
content and temperature function. This can be written as [8];
It is known that the current, I can be found using [8];
1 1
I iA (23)
mem 0.005139 0.00326exp 1268 (18)
303 Tcell
where, i is the current density and A is the electrode area. By
governing the Faraday’s law in this electrochemical cell, the
Where is the degree of membrane humidification.
molar flow rate related can be written as [6];
ii. Interfacial overpotential (electronic resistance).
This is caused by electronic materials such as bipolar plates,
cell I
electrodes current collectors, etc. The interfacial resistance H2 F (24)
can be expressed as [6]; 2F
O2 cell F (25)
,e Rele i (19) 4F
cell I
H 2 O 1.25 F (26)
The ohmic resistance of the electronic materials is; 2F
volume flowrate;
2 .1 5
C e ll V o lta g e (V )
2 .0 5
The hydrogen volume flowrate can be converted to L/min as
shown below. 1 .9 5
1 .9
m3 1hr 1000 L L 800C
Q 3
(31) 1 .8 5
0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8 2
hr 60 min 1m min C u rre n t D e n s ity (A /c m 2 )
1 .9
H y d ro g e n V o lu m e (L /m in ) vs C u rre n t(A )
1 .4 1 .8 5
C e ll V o lta g e (V )
1 .2 1 .8
H y d ro g e n M o la r F lo w R a te (L /m in )
1 1 .7 5
0 .8 1 .7
io a = 1 0 - 9 A /c m 2
0 .6 io a = 5 0 - 1 0 A /c m 2
1 .6 5
io a = 1 0 - 1 2 A /c m 2
0 .4
1 .6
0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8 2
0 .2 C u rre n t D e n s ity (A /c m 2 )
R e s is ta n c e (O h m /c m 2 ), C o n d u c tivity (S /c m ) vs Te m p e ra tu re (C )
0 .2
0 .1 8
R e s is ta n c e (O h m /c m 2 ), C o n d u c tiv ity (S /c m )
0 .1 6
0 .1 4
0 .1 2
M A TL A B S im u la te d R e q (O h m /c m 2 )
0 .1
S im u la te d P E M c o n d u c tivity (S /c m )
0 .0 8
0 .0 6
0 .0 4
1 .8 5
C e ll V o lta g e (V )
1 .8
1 .7 5
1 .7
io c = 1 0 - 3 A /c m 2
1 .6 5 io c = 5 0 - 4 A /c m 2
io c = 1 0 - 4 A /c m 2
1 .6
0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8 2
C u rre n t D e n s ity (A /c m 2 )
cathode due to the oxidation effects at the anode. The results 2.2 C a t h o d e O ve rp o t e n t ia l(V )
C e ll V o lta g e (V )
A n o d e o ve rp o t e n t ia l o n P t -IrO 2 (V )
was clear that the anode reaction shows a slower reaction 1.6
compared to the reaction at the cathode. The reasons for this 1.4
phenomena is because of the water dissociation happen at
anode, since the water molecules breaking phenomena 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
C u rre n t D e n s it y (A / c m 2 )
happens in anode site, which is means it required a lot of
Figure 9: Simulated variation analysis model comparison at
power to break the water molecule into hydrogen charges and
the oxygen molecule. These explain all data value at anode is
1A/cm2 and 80oC for Pt anode. In order to reduce the anode 1 .7 V c e ll1 a t io a = 1 - 9 A /c m 2 , io c = 1 - 3 A /c m 2
polarization effects, iridium-oxide (IrO2) was added to Pt. V c e ll2 a t io a = 5 - 1 0 A /c m 2 , io c = 5 - 4 A /c m 2
1 .6 5
Ioroi et al. [10] reported that addition of IrO2 to Pt at anode, V c e ll3 a t io a = 1 - 1 2 A /c m 2 , io c = 1 - 4 A /c m 2
the operating cell voltages drop to 1.9V at 1A/cm2 and 80oC. Figure 11: Variation of simulated analysis cell voltage
4. Conclusions [8] P. Choi, "A simple model for solid polymer electrolyte
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Therefore in order to increase the hydrogen flow rate, it is
important to operate the electrolyzer system at the relatively
high temperature.
The financial support of the given for this work by the
Universiti Teknologi MARA under the Tabung Amanah HEP
and Tabung Amanah Pembangunan Akademik HEA in the
year of 2012 for this research development and also MOE
FRGS grant (600-RMI/FRGS 5/3 (54/2012)) for supporting
this manuscript is gratefully acknowledge.
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