Cell Failure Mechanisms in PEM Water Electrolyzers
Cell Failure Mechanisms in PEM Water Electrolyzers
Cell Failure Mechanisms in PEM Water Electrolyzers
Article history: PEM water electrolysis offers an efficient and flexible way to produce “green-hydrogen”
Received 24 February 2012 from renewable (intermittent) energy sources. Most research papers published in the open
Received in revised form literature on the subject are addressing performances issues and to date, very few infor-
2 June 2012 mation is available concerning the mechanisms of performance degradation and the
Accepted 5 June 2012 associated consequences. Results reported in this communication have been used to
Available online 12 July 2012 analyze the failure mechanisms of PEM water electrolysis cells which can ultimately lead
to the destruction of the electrolyzer. A two-step process involving firstly the local perfo-
Keywords: ration of the solid polymer electrolyte followed secondly by the catalytic recombination of
Hydrogen hydrogen and oxygen stored in the electrolysis compartments has been evidenced. The
Water electrolysis conditions leading to the onset of such mechanism are discussed and some preventive
PEM measures are proposed to avoid accidents.
Safety Copyright ª 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
flexible way to produce hydrogen. The total amount of energy a PEM cell/stack. Most research papers published in the liter-
bound in 1 mol of water is given by the enthalpy of formation ature on PEM water electrolyzers are addressing performances
of water (in standard conditions, DH ¼ þ285 kJ mol1). To issues. Indeed, the improvement of cell efficiency at
dissociate water molecules, part of DH can be supplied as increasing operating current density values remains a critical
thermal energy, with a maximum of DQ ¼ T. DS (where DS is challenge. Some reports are available concerning the long
the entropy change associated with the water splitting reac- term behavior of PEM electrolyzers. Single PEM electrolysis
tion), and the remaining part (DG) as electricity. Thus, the total cells using Nafion as solid electrolyte have been run with
energy can be supplied by a combination of electricity and steady performances over long periods of time (>20,000 h) [12]
heat and the amount of electricity can be reduced by but problems with excessive levels of hydrogen in the oxygen
increasing the operating temperature. This is an advantage in product stream have been reported on larger systems [13].
some cases, in particular when high-temperature heat is They have been ascribed to the thinning of the membrane
available as a “by-product” [4]. From a practical viewpoint, during operation and as a result, the membrane has been
different water electrolysis technologies are available for identified as the weakest part of a PEM electrolysis cell
operation at different temperatures. At low temperature regarding long term performances. Concerning safety issues,
(room e 100 C), alkaline and polymer-electrolyte membrane some information is also available, in particular those asso-
(PEM) technologies can be used. They differ mainly by the pH ciated to high pressure operation [14], but results are mostly
and the nature of the electrolyte. In the higher temperature related to risk analysis and prevention issues. The failure
range (800e1000 C), the less-mature solid oxide water elec- mechanism of PEM cells, a topic of major interest, is seldom
trolysis (the reverse of solid oxide fuel cell) can be used. treated in the open literature. The purpose of this paper is to
Results reported in this communication pertain to the low- provide an insight on such mechanism and to show that, at
temperature PEM water electrolysis process [5], which is least in some extreme cases, it can lead to stack destruction.
a sister-technology of PEM fuel cell technology [6e8] (H2/O2 Some recommendations are provided to monitor operational
PEM fuel cells were initially developed at the dawn of the US risks and improve the durability of the equipment.
space program, in view of electricity production in zero-
gravity environments). Although the large scale production
of hydrogen by PEM water electrolysis has been considered 2. Experimental section
from both technical and financial viewpoints in the early
eighties [9], the aim of most R&D programs since that time was 2.1. Membrane-electrodes assemblies
to develop and optimize small (up to several Nm3 H2/hour)
electrolysis units for the generation of molecular oxygen for Results presented in this communication were obtained using
breathing purpose in anaerobic environments. Civilian appli- a PEM stack operating at a maximum pressure of a few bars
cations appeared in the late XXth century when the world and delivering a maximum of 100 Nliter H2/hour. Rectangular
energy situation urged for the development of a non-fossil (10 7.5 ¼ 75 cm2) membrane e electrode assemblies (MEAs)
fuel economy. It turned out that PEM technology was well- were prepared using conventional (commercially available)
suited for operation using intermittent and fluctuating elec- materials. Perfluoro-sulfonic acid polymer (Nafion 117, Ion-
tricity sources and was therefore called to play a major role in Power Inc.) was used as solid polymer electrolyte. Platinum-
the management of renewable energy sources. However, group metals (PGM) were used as electrocatalysts. Carbon
domestic and industrial applications both require cheap and (Vulcan, Cabot Co.)-supported metallic platinum (with
reliable technologies. To reduce investments costs and meet a loading of approximately 0.4 mg cm2 of Pt) was used at the
market requirements, the possibility of increasing operating cathode for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and
current density up to several A cm2 has been investigated. In a loading of approximately 2.0 mg cm2 of metallic iridium
state-of-art technology, a PEM water electrolyzer can now was used at the anode for the promotion of the oxygen
operate at 1e2 A cm2 with a high-heating-value (HHV) effi- evolution reaction (OER) [15]. The MEAs were prepared as
ciency close to 75e80% and the multiple A cm2 range is now follows. Suspensions of PGM catalyst particles in isopropanol
accessible. In addition, the possibility of delivering pressur- were mixed with a 5 wt.% alcoholic solution of Nafion (Sig-
ized hydrogen up to several hundred bars without additional maeAldrich Co.) and sonicated at 60 C. The catalytic inks
energy cost to facilitate hydrogen storage in pressurized thus obtained were repeatedly sprayed over the membrane
containers was demonstrated [10,11]. On the less positive side, surface in order to obtain a homogeneous coverage of the
there are increasing operational risks (explosion of H2/O2 gas active surface.
mixtures) associated with such severe operating conditions.
Although highly desirable, higher operating current density, 2.2. PEM cell
temperature and pressure must not lead to a less reliable
technology and for practical applications (both stationary and Main components of PEM water electrolysis cells are (Fig. 1) :
intermittent), enhanced electrochemical performances (1) the proton exchange membrane onto which are platted (2a,
should remain very stable and the lifetime of PEM water 2b) two electrocatalytic layers; (3a, 3b) the porous current
electrolyzers should be in the upper range of the 104e105 h collectors (1.2 mm thick plates of sintered titanium powder
time interval. are commonly used with an optimum open porosity of 40%
In this context, it is important to learn more about degra- [16]); (4a, 4b) a 2 mm thick cell spacer (rectangular grooves,
dation processes and to have a better understanding of the machine-made in the thickness of bipolar plates, or titanium
mechanisms which can ultimately lead to the destruction of grids used as spacers) used to manage a void were liquid water
17480 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 7 4 7 8 e1 7 4 8 7
and to gain information on the failure mechanism. Results are presence of PTFE is the indication of a significant increase of
presented and discussed in the following sections. local temperature which could be ascribed to the spontaneous
and exothermic recombination of H2 and O2 into water. It can
be concluded that the run was stopped just after the perfo-
3.2. Step 1 of the failure mechanism: Perforation of the ration of the membrane and before the mixing of hydrogen
MEA and oxygen gases stored in the cell. It was also checked that
bipolar plates were not perforated.
3.2.1. Experimental result
A critical situation was met experimentally with the stack of 3.2.2. Discussion
Fig. 2 during a run at elevated (1.8 A cm2) current density. The The fact that the solid polymer electrolyte remains the
failure was detected automatically by the continuous moni- weakest part of a PEM cell has already been identified and
toring of individual cell voltage. The voltage of one cell reported in the literature [13]. Potentially, there are different
suddenly fell down below a threshold value of 1.5 V, sug- causes which may lead to the perforation of the membrane
gesting the onset of an electrical short-circuit. A burst of and to the subsequent mixing of hydrogen and oxygen gases.
hydrogen concentration in the oxygen production was also The most significant ones are listed in this section although at
detected and the power supply was shut-down immediately this stage (and this is certainly a limitation of this preliminary
to prevent the destruction of the stack. It was therefore work), the discussion remains mostly speculative.
possible to dismantle the stack and to get information about A first hypothesis is that there might be some mechanical
the failure mechanism at an early stage. It turned out that the origins. However, it seems unlikely that the forced circulation
membrane was perforated (Fig. 5). A hole was found in the of water in the anodic and cathodic compartments can lead to
upper area of the MEA, close to the exhaust pipe, and the the perforation of the membrane by mechanical friction. As
membrane was significantly put out of shape. The chemical can be seen from Fig. 1, main water flows are circulating along
analysis of the white deposit observed in the vicinity of the the bipolar plates (4-a and 4-b) and not directly against the
hole revealed that it mainly contained PTFE, suggesting the membrane surface. Also, the electro-osmotic drag of water
onset of a kind of local melting. It is known that Nafion from the anode to the cathode is not sufficient to cause
ionomer tolerates relatively high temperatures, with mechanical friction. However, the soft membrane material is
a melting point over 200 C [18]. According to DuPont (the clamped between two hard metallic current collectors. If the
manufacturer of the ionomer) a maximum operating stack is not homogeneously tightened, then there is a risk of
temperature of 190 C is possible when membranes are perforation. Post-mortem analysis of MEAs commonly show
bonded to reinforcing materials (this is not the case here) or the presence of some titanium particles deeply embedded
are used with liquids (this is the case here). A lower temper- inside the polymer. Surface prints and deformations which
ature of 150 C is quoted when the membrane is used in gas can ultimately lead to the short-circuit of the cell are also
dryers with dry gases and is not reinforced. Thermal decom- observed. However, as discussed in section 2.4.1, this was not
position of Nafion requires much higher temperatures. The the case in the present set of experiments. Cyclic voltammetry
measurements have shown that the cells were not short-
circuited. Therefore, it can be concluded that the perforation
occurred during electrolysis and that the hole is not the result
of a mechanical degradation process.
A second hypothesis is that the perforation was the result
of so-called “hot spots” due to the uneven distribution of
current lines over the active area. This assumption is sup-
ported by the fact that the failure occurred during operation at
high current density. If, for any reason (for example non-
homogeneous distribution of pressure forces at the surface
of the cells), there is a surface-area where the current density
is substantially larger than in others, then this is where the
temperature will increase due to the Joule effect. Although it
has been shown that heat dissipation in a PEM water elec-
trolysis cell is not a limiting factor, even at current densities of
several A cm2 [19], it is known that a Nafion membrane
soaked in water above 110 C loses all its mechanical strength
and falls apart. Also, the increase in the degree of swelling of
the membrane can lead to significant dimensional changes
and generate some internal constraints which can reduce its
mechanical strength. All these effects can contribute to the
perforation of the membrane.
A third hypothesis is the local drying of the membrane
due to insufficient amounts of water supplied to the anode.
As can be seen from Fig. 1, two opposite flows are taking
Fig. 5 e Photograph of the MEA after perforation. place at the same time across the anodic current collector
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 7 4 7 8 e1 7 4 8 7 17483
(3a) : liquid water is supplied to the anode and gaseous hydrogen stream (the difference of concentration usually
oxygen is produced at the anode. The driving forces for these observed is due to the difference of H2 and O2 diffusion coef-
transfers are the gradients of concentrations across the ficients). The mechanism of gas permeability is the Fickian
current collector and capillary forces. Although the amount diffusion of dissolved gas across the membrane and the
of liquid water required to fuel the reaction is of limited driving force is the gradient of chemical potential set across
volume (e.g., at 1 A cm2, liquid water is supplied to the the membrane during operation. Therefore, flows of perme-
anode at a rate of 0.1 mm3 cm2 s1; at the same time, ating gases are proportional to gas mobility, membrane
gaseous oxygen is produced from the anode at a rate of thickness and to the difference of pressure set across the
58 Nmm3 cm2 s1), it becomes more and more difficult to membrane. Usually, contamination levels increase with
supply sufficient amounts of liquid water to the anode as the operating pressure. A critical step is reached when either the
current density increases. As a result, the electrical resis- hydrogen concentration in the oxygen anodic production line
tance of the membrane in this area will increase and in turn, reaches a threshold value of 4.1 vol.% or when the concen-
the temperature will also increase due to the Joule effect. tration of oxygen in the cathodic hydrogen production line
There is few if any information available in the literature reaches a threshold value of 4 vol.%, these figures corre-
about this phenomenon and it is difficult to know whether sponding to respectively the lower explosion limits of the H2/
such heterogeneities exist at the micro- or macroscopic scale. O2 gas mixtures. Such concentration levels can also be
However, as discussed in the experimental section, a direct reached gradually inside the stationary gaseous clouds which
consequence of local drying is the formation of a screening may form in the cells. Such effects and associated contin-
effect (see section 2.4.2) which can be detected by monitoring gency plans have been described and analyzed in details
the cell voltage. Our experiments have been made at elsewhere [14,20].
constant cell voltage. If a screening effect had occurred, then A fifth hypothesis is a process of membrane thinning as
the total current would have decreased. This has not been already reported elsewhere [13]. As a result, hot spots can
observed and it can be concluded that membrane drying due form and gas cross-permeation effects can increase. However,
to inappropriate water supply is not involved in the process such degradation process has been observed on electrolysis
of membrane perforation. stack after z15,000 h of intermittent operation at 1 A cm2
A fourth hypothesis is the formation of a hydro- and 80 C. This suggest that this is a rather a long-term process
geneoxygen atmosphere in at least one cell compartment, although operation at a higher current density (i.e. 1.8 A cm2
before the perforation of the membrane. The biphasic liquide as reported in this paper) could fasten the process and can be
gas mixtures in circulation in the PEM electrode compart- used as an ageing test.
ments contain mainly liquid water and a dispersion of small It is difficult at this stage to tell which, among the above-
gas bubbles (the mean bubble diameter is close to the diam- listed mechanism, is responsible for the perforation of the
eter of the pores i.e. up to a few microns). Although the liq- membrane. Would the same degradation processes take
uidegas separation takes place outside the PEM stack in place on the longer term if the cell was operated at lower
liquidegas separators (gravitation is used as driving force), current densities remains to be determined and additional
convection is such inside the stack that liquidegas separation experimental works is still required to obtain a better
can also take place (at least partly) directly inside the PEM cell understanding. From these results, it can only be concluded
compartments. As a result, a stationary gaseous cloud can that a critical step is reached once the membrane is perfo-
form and remain trapped on top of the cell compartments, rated. What can happen next? The perforation of the
close to the exhaust pipes where the hole shown in Fig. 5 membrane (Fig. 5) led to a cell short-circuit which was easily
formed (the formation of such gaseous clouds has been detected. However, this is not because a hole is formed that
observed experimentally using transparent model electrolysis the cathodic and anodic current collectors are immediately
cells). The subsequent catalytic recombination of H2 and O2 short-circuited. It is therefore expected that on some occa-
(promoted by PGM catalysts at the surface at the membrane) sions, it will be difficult to detect the accident. Even when the
can liberate sufficient heat to burn the membrane. It is membrane is perforated, the unaltered surface can still play
therefore necessary to understand how such a H2/O2 atmo- its role of cell separator. The cell voltage is maintained and
sphere can form. The fact is that the polymer electrolyte is not the gas production can proceed. This is probably why this
fully gastight. This is not due to the existence of pinholes or degradation mechanism is quickly and irreversibly diverging,
microscopic pores (the quality and homogeneity of commer- is difficult to detect and difficult to stop. Once a hole is
cial membrane products is such now a days that this is formed, the next step is the formation of a reactive gas
certainly not the main cause of gas transport across the mixture (gaseous hydrogen and oxygen) in the vicinity of the
membrane). In fact, this is due to gas cross-permeation hole and the subsequent combustion of the two gases.
phenomena which are known to take place. Under normal Hydrogen and oxygen produced in stoichiometric propor-
conditions of operation, hydrogen and oxygen produced at the tions at the anode and the cathode can mix and the catalysts
cathode and the anode of the PEM cell are properly separated coated onto the membrane (at least platinum used at the
by the membrane which acts as a solid electrolyte (ionic cathode for the HER) can promote their direct chemical
conductor) and as a cell separator. However, H2 and O2 solu- recombination. The process is spontaneous and exothermic.
bility in perfluoro-sulfonic polymers are such that gas In turn, the energy is released to the surroundings. This is
permeability across the membrane is possible. As a result, a divergent process. As discussed in the next section, this can
trace amounts of hydrogen are measured in the oxygen lead in some limiting cases to the total destruction of the
stream and trace amounts of oxygen are measured in the electrolyzer.
17484 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 7 4 7 8 e1 7 4 8 7
If the electrolyzer is operating at high pressure, gas cross- current densities. Some preliminary experiments have
permeation effects across the solid polymer membrane revealed that current densities as high as 10 A cm2 could be
should be reduced as much as possible (for example by incor- reached. Besides practical interest (reduction of capital
porating inorganic fillers in the polymer or by using thicker expenses), experiments in this current density range
membranes), and the catalytic recombination of H2 and O2 combined with high (>100 C) operating temperatures are
should be actively promoted (for example by implementation expected to accelerate degradation kinetics and provide
of internal gas recombiners inside the PEM cells). a better understanding of ageing processes. Finally, some
synergies can be expected between R&D programs on H2/O2
4.2. Prevention measures for the electrolysis unit PEM fuel cells and PEM water electrolyzers since both tech-
nologies are using similar materials in quite similar operating
The discussion on operational risks can be extended to the conditions.
entire electrolysis unit where larger amounts of gases are
stored (in particular in the liquidegas separators) and where
explosion hazards are more severe. There are a number of
safety requirements for the closed-premises in which Acknowledgement
hydrogen leaks can potentially occur. In particular, there is
a need for a continuous ventilation on the production site in Financial support from the European Commission within the
order to maintain the hydrogen concentration to values less 6th Framework Programme (GenHyPEM, STREP no 019802,
than the 4 vol.% corresponding to the lower explosion limit of 2005e2009) is gratefully acknowledged.
H2/O2 gas mixtures. Ventilation should be made with an inert
gas to reduce the inflow of oxygen which could participate in
the ignition or explosion of hydrogen. references
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