A New Technique of Thin Bed Reservoir Evaluation Using Image Log Data

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Thirty-Ninth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2015



Dwiky Perdana Susanto*

Gilang Ariestya**
Haris Kurniawan Hidayat**

ABSTRACT cm (Figure 1). This layer is usually a sand-shale

lamination layer and often found in deepwater
Thin bed reservoirs are commonly found in a deltaic depositional environments. This layer can also be
depositional environment, such as an alluvial found in deltaic depositional environments, such as
channel, distributary channel, delta front, and in alluvial channels, distributary channels, delta
shingled turbidite. The formation evaluation and fronts, and shingled turbidites.
hydrocarbon identification of these thin beds with
log data is challenging, as the thickness of the In common formation evaluation, the accuracy of
reservoir is less than the vertical resolution of standard logging tools is limited by the tools vertical
standard logging tools. Sand-shale lamination resolution, which is higher than the thickness of the
depresses further resistivity measurements. thin layer. This can cause prospective thin layers to
be undetected in the standard recorded logs.
A new technique has been developed to analyze,
evaluate, and interpret thin bed reservoirs using Apart from the resolution problem, the existence of a
image data combined with standard openhole log thin layer can cause resistivity measurements to be
data. Thin bed boundary and lithology classification depressed, leading to inaccurate measurement of
were performed using image data and calibrated by formation resistivity: the log value will not be a
comparison with core photos. From bed boundary reflection of true formation resistivity due to
and lithology classification, squared synthetic logs suppression.
were generated from the statistical analysis of
standard log data. Afterwards, a formation The image log is one of the most common logging
evaluation was performed using squared synthetic tools used in detecting and showing the existence of
logs with core analysis data for calibration. thin bed layers today. This log is derived from micro-
resistivity measurement in the well bore with very
The results of this new technique yield a better match high sampling rates (up to 0.1 inch) and the vertical
with core analysis data compared with standard resolution of an image logging tool can reach up to 3
methods. This method not only leads to more cm. This log, however, is limited to only showing
accurate computation of shale volume, porosity, and image log values and not showing standard triple-
saturation, but is also able to identify new pay zones combo log values. Because of this unique condition
not identified by standard interpretation methods. and the support of technology and software today, it
is expected that a new method could be developed to
This paper shows the application of this new identify thin bed layer that could show it in the form
technique in thin bed evaluation in an offshore field of triple-combo log data.
in the Mahakam area, East Kalimantan. This
technique provides an alternative for thin bed This paper will show the application of an alternative
reservoir evaluation that could help to reduce costs method that could be used to perform formation
for advanced formation evaluation and increase evaluation in a well with multiple thin bed layers.
confidence levels in evaluating reservoir properties This method is called Keris Log Interpretation or
and potential hydrocarbon zones. KLITE and uses the combination of image log,
core photo, and standard log data with statistical
INTRODUCTION approaches applied to the well.

According to Serra and Andreani (1991), a thin bed The purpose of this method is to elucidate the
is defined as a rock layer with a thickness under 10 existence of thin bed reservoirs, to arrive at more
* Universitas Gadjah Mada
accurate reservoir property estimation, and to resolution log. Once those logs matched each other,
identify new prospective zones. the high-resolution squared synthetic log was
considered as reliable.
To help to reach the target, assumptions are made,
such as no dipping layer exists in the well, one log Afterwards, a petrophysical analysis was performed
value for one ideal lithology, and a single with simultaneous solutions using the high-
hydrocarbon type (in this case gas). resolution squared synthetic log to identify and
evaluate the thin bed reservoirs.
This paper will describe an example of the KLITE
method application in a well in the Peciko Field, in RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the Mahakam Area, East Kalimantan.
FIELD DESCRIPTION KLITE derives high-resolution squared synthetic
logs with a high sampling rate (0.1 inch). The
The Peciko Field is a gas field consisting of multiple reliability of the synthetic log was checked by
stacked reservoirs in a Miocene deltaic sequence, comparing the de-convoluted synthetic log with the
with the main reservoir type being distributary mouth standard resolution log. The high-resolution squared
bars and the dimension of each bar can reach 13 m synthetic logs showed the existence of thin bed
thick (Samson et al., 2005). layers.

METHODOLOGY The KLITE method derives a more accurate

formation evaluation result of thin bed layers
KLITE is a method of high resolution petrophysical compared with the standard resolution log formation
analysis by combining image log and standard evaluation. Figure 5 shows a comparison of the
openhole log data. High-resolution, micro-resistivity standard Log evaluation, the KLITE method, and
imaging logs from image data are able to identify results from core analyses: shale volume, porosity,
thin reservoirs undetectable by conventional and water saturation. The petrophysical properties of
standard resolution logs. The low resistivity of the the thin beds determined by the core analysis are
micro-resistivity log indicates shale, medium more in line with the KLITE method than with the
resistivity indicates shaly sand, while high resistivity standard log interpretation, although only a sparse
indicates a sand or carbonate layer. number of core analysis data points were available.
Lithology classification was performed based on Finally the KLITE method potentially pinpoints pay
micro-resistivity imaging log data with certain cut- zones not identified by standard resolution log
offs, taking into account the density and neutron data interpretation (Figure 6). The ability to show these
to differentiate sand from carbonate. The lithology overlooked pay zones could provide a better
was classified into seven categories: shale, silty chance to see the economic value and development
shale, sandy shale, shaly sand, silty sand, sand, and of a field.
carbonate. A core photo was used to calibrate the cut-
off (Figure 2). A lithology index was then created to CONCLUSIONS
facilitate classification with index #1 for shale, #2
silty shale, #3 sandy shale, #4 silty sand, #5 shaly The applications of KLITE method are:
sand, #6 sand, and #7 carbonate (Figure 3).
1. KLITE gives reliable log response results to
Subsequently high-resolution squared synthetic logs detect and show the existence of thin bed
of gamma ray (GR), resistivity, neutron, and density layers.
logs were generated based on this lithology index.
The value of each conventional log for each lithology 2. KLITE gives accurate reservoir property
index is defined based on statistics (frequency data) estimation of thin bed reservoirs in line with
of the standard resolution data for each lithology core measurements.
index. 3. KLITE can show and identify overlooked
To validate the generated high-resolution squared pay zones not detectable by standard log
synthetic logs, de-convolution was performed for formation evaluation.
each high-resolution synthetic log to be compared ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
with a standard resolution log (Figure 4). An iterative
process by fine tuning the cut-off and log value of The authors would also like to express their sincere
each lithology index was needed to make the de- gratitude to Total E&P Indonesie, INPEX, and
convoluted synthetic log match with the standard MIGAS for permitting publication of the paper.

REFERENCES in a shale-dominated deltaic environment. Asia

Pacific Oil & Gas Conference, SPE paper 93253.
Samson, P., Dewi-Rochette, T. & Lescoeur, M. Serra, O., and M. Andreani, 1991, Schlumberger
2005, Peciko geological modeling: optimizing fluid Thin Beds, A Guide to Interpretation of Thinly
distribution and model resolution of a giant gas field Layered Reservoir. Schlumberger.

Figure 1 - Bed classification and tools used for analysis (modified after Serra and Andreani, 1991).

Figure 2 - Lithology classification process and QC.

Figure 3 - Lithological index log. The green color refers to the shale group and the yellow color refers to the
sand and carbonate groups.

Figure 4 - Comparison of KLITE log response and standard openhole log response. The bright color in the
image log refers to sand and carbonate lithology, while the dark color refers to shale lithology.

Figure 5 - Comparison of core analysis results with KLITE and standard log formation evaluation result. The KLITE result is more in line with the core analysis

Figure 6 - Identification of new pay zones using the KLITE method.

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