Spe 79717 Pa
Spe 79717 Pa
Spe 79717 Pa
Core Characterization
Three-dimensional scans were performed after a gelant flood and
after oil and waterfloods both before and after gel placement.
(Images were acquired at saturation endpoints.) All floods in a
given set of experiments were conducted without removing the
core from the sample stand so that the images could be compared
directly. For each scan the image was cropped into a 2.97 mm ×
2.97 mm × 2.1 mm rectangular block (the images were 725 × 725
× 512 voxels at 4.1 m/voxel) to remove artifacts caused by those
parts of the core that did not remain within the field of view
through all 180° of sample rotation. Image analyses were per-
formed with a software package called 3DMA—a statistical analy-
sis tool that correlates saturations with geometry. This software is
capable of measuring distributions of pore size, pore-body/pore-
throat aspect ratio, and coordination number from 3D XMT images
of porous rock. Specific details on the algorithms used by this
software can be found in Ref. 23. Briefly, the software first ana-
lyzes an image of a rock containing a single fluid phase in the pore
space. A segmentation algorithm that uses the X-ray attenuation
coefficient information in the image assigns each cubic volume
element (voxel) as either grain or void. A medial axis algorithm is
used to trace the percolating backbone (skeleton) of the void space.
Properly interpreted, coordination numbers and channel lengths
can be obtained directly from the backbone. The backbone is also Fig. 2—Image cross section of polyethylene core saturated with
used as a search device in locating channel throats. (A throat is oil. 1.15 mm x 1.15 mm.
1st Berea core
2nd Berea core
Percent of Total Volume
Polyethylene core
0.01 0
1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01
Pore Volume, mm3 Pore Volume, mm3
% of Total
12 PV>0.01 mm 3
core 20
Aspect Ratio
2nd Berea
PV<0.0001 mm 3
Aspect Ratio, R
1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 Fig. 8—Aspect ratios in Berea.
Pore Volume, mm3
Fig. 7—Aspect-ratio distributions. number of exits from a pore.) The y-axis plots the average coor-
dination number in pores with a given size (indicated on the x-
axis). The average coordination number was 3.9 for the first Berea
standard deviation (of aspect ratios) was typically 65% of the
core, 4.7 for the second Berea core, and 6.2 for the polyethylene
mean value.
core. For the smallest pores, the coordination number was approxi-
For Berea sandstone, Fig. 8 plots the distributions of aspect
mately 3 for all three cores. As the pore size increased, the coor-
ratios for each of four ranges of pore volume (PV): (1) PV>0.01
dination numbers increased, with the polyethylene core experienc-
mm3; (2) 0.001<PV<0.01 mm3; (3) 0.0001<PV<0.001 mm3; and
(4) PV<0.0001 mm3. The x-axis plots various ranges of aspect
ratio, R, from R<2 up to R>30. The y-axis plots the percent of the
total aspect ratios (for a given PV range) that fall within a given
range of aspect ratios. The solid and open triangles in Fig. 8 show
that approximately 35% of the smallest pores were associated with
aspect ratios that were less than 2. Interestingly, for all four pore-
size ranges, 25 to 35% of the aspect ratios fell between 3 and 5,
and a significant percentage of aspect ratios fell between 5 and 10.
Aspect ratios above 10 were common for the larger pores but were
rare for the smaller pores. In contrast, aspect ratios below 3 were
very common for the smaller pores but were much less frequent for
the larger pores.
The average throat area was 1,330 m2 for the first Berea core,
1,460 m2 for the second Berea core, and 1,630 m2 for the
polyethylene core. These values were generally lower than the
average throat areas reported for Fontainebleau sandstones (1,600
to 2,200 m2).23
2nd Berea
Coordination Number
1st Berea
1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01
Pore Volume, mm3
Fig. 10—Berea sandstone cross-sectional image slices (1.15
Fig. 9—Coordination number distributions. mm × 1.15 mm each). Green is water. Red is oil. Black is rock.
increased substantially in the small-to-medium pores during gelant at Swr before gel
injection in polyethylene. Also, the overall average water satura-
tion increased from 75.0 to 94.4% (Table 2). On the one hand, an at Sor before gel
increase in water saturation might be expected because the injected at Swr after gel
gelant was 20 times more viscous than the displaced water. How-
ever, on the other hand, the pressure gradient during gelant place- at Sor after gel
ment (23 psi/ft) was intentionally kept below that used during the 40
other flooding steps (35 psi/ft) to avoid mobilization of the residual
phase. Three arguments could be offered to rationalize the ob-
served behavior. First, because polyethylene was oil-wet, a con-
tinuous oil film may have existed throughout the porous medium. 20
Thus, true irreducible oil saturation may not exist. With increased
gelant or water throughput, oil in the continuous film may be able
to drain slowly from the porous medium. A second explanation is 0
that the gelant may have changed the wettability of the porous
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
medium to more water-wet. However, although some argue in
favor of this type of mechanism,28 it is counterintuitive and re- Pore Volume, mm3
quires much more convincing support. A third possible mechanism
was suggested by Wang et al.29 Specifically, at a fixed capillary Fig. 16—Effect of gel on Swr and Sor in polyethylene.