High Quality Electrical Borehole Images While-Drilling Provides Faster Geological-Petrophysical Interpretation, With Increased Confidence
High Quality Electrical Borehole Images While-Drilling Provides Faster Geological-Petrophysical Interpretation, With Increased Confidence
High Quality Electrical Borehole Images While-Drilling Provides Faster Geological-Petrophysical Interpretation, With Increased Confidence
The drilling environment surprisingly, offers an ideal
platform for electrical borehole imaging. At the time of
drilling, the borehole wall rugosity is often minimal and
electrical images generated by sensors that rotate with
the drill string provide a full coverage of the borehole
(when compared to the pad coverage observed on
conventional wireline borehole images). Field tests and
characterization in a laboratory of a new high resolution
electrical imaging tool deployed while-drilling confirm
its field worthiness as well as accuracy and repeatability
of the images.
Electrical images from various wells recorded whiledrilling show a broad range of high resolution
sedimentary features including laminated and disturbed
injected/dewatered sands/mud rock, and cross-bedding
within laminated and bioturbated sandstones, as well as
composite fractures, fracture clusters and faulting. With
full borehole coverage textural and facies
discrimination is clear and can be extended to the realtime environment and to consider the concept of
Sedimentary Steering.
A single sensor placed on the side of the collar scans
the surface of the wellbore and delivers a continuous
stream of data covering the entire circumference of the
borehole. A reasonable rate of penetration provides
continuous scanning of the borehole wall in the axial
direction (Ritter et al. 2004). The maximum pixel
resolution has been calculated at 0.25 (6.4 mm).
Image Processing and Interpretation
elsewhere in the interpreted
interval there are coal and limestone beds at the
tops of cycles. These facies indicate emergence
with plant growth and accumulation/open, shallow
marine conditions respectively and indicate
maximum outbuilding of the delta front before
subsidence and resumption of deep marine
conditions in the following cycle.
Image Fabrics
The interpretation of the test well showed a wide range
of image fabrics that can be resolved and identified
with the tool, and these have been designated largely
independent of the host lithology (Figure 2):
STRK-01 Structureless: uniform or slightly variable
resistivity response with no discernable fabrics. In rare
examples, a blotchy texture may be developed although
no sinusoids can be fitted to the features. This lack of
fabric may indicate a truly structureless lithology or
possibly a previously structured lithology that has been
modified (e.g. by bioturbation, where the new fabric is
below the resolution of the tool).
contact. The equivalent core example shows a water
escape structure caused by rapid sand deposition which
may also be associated with larger-scale remobilization
and slumping. In addition, bioturbation and the
development of cementation fronts within compacted
sediments may also exaggerate the visibility of
STRK-07 Patchy: this fabric is characterized by smallscale patches of alternating resistivity with no overall
organization and containing, at most, very weaklydefined (relict?) structures.
In core, the fabric
corresponds to intervals in sandstones that contain
patchy and disorganized fabrics, distributed mudclasts
and bioturbation, all of which may be exaggerated by
patchy cement development.
STRK-08 Vuggy:
a distinct fabric that can be
differentiated clearly from the Patchy type, with wellresolved, dark (conductive), circular or slightly oblate
patches. The lack of resistive halos indicates that these
are vugs (hollows) in the host lithology and generally
coincide with limestone. The vugs are commonly
concentrated along weakly-defined lamination and are
likely to indicate differential dissolution of various
components of the limestone.
Drilling-Induced Fractures
Figure 1. Composite StarTrak image interpretation from the test well showing static-normalized images, dips and
dip summaries, image fabrics, facies interpretations, larger-scale sedimentological packaging and sequence
stratigraphic interpretation.
Figure 2. Examples of image fabrics seen in the test well. Images are shown with static- and dynamic
normalization alongside representative core. The table includes fabric description, interpretation of sedimentary
structure type and interpretation of sedimentary processes.
Figure 3. Large-scale interpretation of image fabrics and sedimentary structures in a c. 17 ft example from the test
well, compared to the wireline image. Four key image fabrics are exemplified in the images with example core
sections, although other fabrics are also present.
Figure 4. Interpretations of two key sections of image data from the North Sea well. 4a shows where the borehole
has penetrated through (or close to) a c. 10 ft sliver of mudrock that penetrates downward into the reservoir
sandstones. Lateral borehole breakout is seen in the mudrock but not in the more competent sandstone. 4b shows
where the borehole penetrated a c. 20 ft long mudrock interval containing an injected sandstone bed, open fractures
and an axial drilling-induced fracture terminating on a natural fracture.
Figure 5. Example of rendering of StarTrak image data in a tube-like projection (5a). This adds greater 3dimensional visualization of sedimentary structure geometries. This example shows discordant surfaces due to
likely cross bedding and a high-angle, resistive fracture that cuts through sedimentary features. Such visualization
can be used to guide a well trajectory through specific sedimentary facies: Sedimentary Steering (5b). Additionally,
the bit could be steered to stay within a sandbody (5c). On a larger-scale, borehole entry and exit orientations to
sandbodies can be used to calculate sandbody geometries (5d).