1258 2574 1 SM
1258 2574 1 SM
1258 2574 1 SM
ABSTRACT - The study area is an oil and gas field that has a low resistivity reservoir zone in the Talang Akar
Formation, South Sumatera Basin. The reservoir zone is composed of siltstone and sandstone that was deposited
in a shallow to transitional marine environment. The aim of this study is to identify and determine the potential of
low resistivity reservoirs in the study formation. The data used in the study include well log, mud log, core data
(porosity, permeability, petrography), formation water analysis, and biostratigraphy. The methodology includes
qualitative analysis to determine reservoir potential zones (quick look interpretation) and the reason for low re-
sistivity reservoirs, as well as quantitative analysis to calculate petrophysical parameters. The results of the quick
look analysis showed 77 low resistivity reservoir zones, but the petrophysical analysis identified 25 low resistiv-
ity reservoir zones as potential candidates for drill steam test (DST). Factors causing low resistivity reservoirs in
the study area include clay mineral content (kaolinite and illite), conductive minerals (pyrite and siderite), high
salinity formation water (>10,000 ppm), very fine to medium sand grain size (0.063 - 0.5 mm) distribution of
clay minerals (laminated and dispersed clay), and thin laminates. The results of the petrophysical analysis show
that shale volume is less than 30%, porosity is greater than 14%, permeability is greater than 10 mD, and water
saturation is less than 70%.
Keywords: Formation Evaluation, Low Resistivity, Petrophysics, Talang Akar Formation.
© SCOG - 2022
Fiqya Fairuz Zaemi, Rian Cahya Rohmana and Widi Atmoko, 2022, Uncovering The Potential
of Low Resistivity Reservoirs Through Integrated Analysis: A Case Study from The Talang Akar
Formation in The South Sumatra Basin, Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas, 45 (3) pp., 169-181.
DOI.org/10.23327/SCOG.45.2.33172 | 169
Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 45. No. 3, December 2022: 171 - 183
high resistivity values, and the presence of crossover accurately evaluating the total volume of clay
between density logs and neutron logs. However, as well as identifying the type of clay mineral
there are several cases of reservoir production result- present, as it significantly affects the increase
ing from low resistivity values. This is the case for in formation conductivity when clay is present
several formations in Indonesia, one of which is the (Evdokimova. 2013).
Talang Akar Formation.
• Conductive mineral content, such as pyrite and
The Talang Akar Formation in Indonesia has siderite. Pyrite (FeS2) has a significant impact
been demonstrated to produce a low resistivity on formation resistivity, as has been demonstrat-
reservoir with a significant production value. Holis ed by numerous field and theoretical examples
et al (2016) conducted a study on low resistivity (Evdokimova. 2013).
in the Talang Akar Formation and found that the
low resistivity reservoir in the formation is char- • Salinity of formation water, formation water that
acterized by low gamma ray values, the presence has a high saline value (highly saline water) with
of crossover between the neutron log and density a value of 10,000 ppm – 35,000 ppm.
log, evidence of hydrocarbons in total gas and oil, • Microporosity, the presence of microporosity
and has a cut-off value with very low resistivity (< can cause trapped formation water so that it can
5 ohmm). The primary objective of this study is to increase rock conductivity.
conduct a comprehensive analysis of the potential
• The thickness of the rock layer, the depositional
of low resistivity reservoirs within the Talang Akar
environmental factors are the most important
Formation. Furthermore, the research aims to ex-
things in influencing the claystone layer. Forma-
amine and comprehend the underlying causes that
tions that are thinly bedded often have resistivity
contribute to the formation of these low resistivity
anisotropy, meaning that resistivity measured
reservoirs. Through this examination, the study hopes
perpendicular to the bedding is significantly
to provide valuable insights and information on the
higher than resistivity measured parallel to the
subject matter.
bedding. Average resistivity calculated using
these tools’ vertical resolution can be mislead-
Theoretical Basis For Low Resistivity Reser- ingly low and result in an overly pessimistic
voir estimate of computed water saturation (Oifoghe,
Low resistivity is a layer of oil and gas contained
in a reservoir with low resistivity values from 0,5 to Rohmana et al., (2017) conducted research on
10 ohmm (Ming, 2013 & Melfi, 2017), which can be low resistivity reservoirs in the Gumai Formation,
difficult to accurately assess as a water layer due to Jambi Sub-Basin with the aim of evaluating the
the complex geological origins of the layer and the causes of low resistivity and conducting petrophysi-
limitations of the resistivity log tool in identifying it cal analysis. The study found that several factors
(Ming et al., 2013). Identifying low-resistivity layers can affect low resistivity: grain size (very fine sand
in formation evaluation has been difficult because the – medium sand), clay mineral content (kaolinite,
complex pore structure and minerals in the reservoir glauconite, illite, and chlorite), distribution of clay
reduce the sensitivity of fluid in pores to conventional minerals (laminated clay and dispersed clay), mod-
logs (Chu and Steckhan, 2011). Low-resistivity oil erate to highly saline water, and the presence of
layers frequently have low resistivity contrast be- microporosity.
tween brine-water bearing reservoirs and oil-bearing One of the main challenges in low resistiv-
reservoirs (Gandhi et al., 2011). ity reservoirs is identifying and characterizing the
hydrocarbon interval, which is often difficult to dis-
According to Boyd et al., (1995), factors that cern due to the lack of resistivity contrast between
affect low resistivity reservoirs include: hydrocarbon and water. Accurate identification and
• Clay mineral content, such as illite, glauconite, characterization of low resistivity pay is crucial for
kaolinite, and chlorite. The Cation Exchange re-developing mature assets and increasing oil re-
Capacity (CEC) of clay minerals allows them covery (Rajput et al., 2019). The accuracy of current
to adsorb water on their surfaces within pores. logging interpretation is not sufficient to accurately
The range of CEC values associated with dif- identify low resistivity reservoirs. In addition, the
ferent clay minerals emphasizes the necessity of coexistence of low resistivity gas layers and high
170 | DOI.org/10.23327/SCOG.45.2.33172
Uncovering The Potential of Low Resistivity Reservoirs
Through Integrated Analysis: A Case Study from The Talang Akar Formation in The South Sumatra Basin
(Fiqya Fairuz Zaemi, et al.)
resistivity water layers makes it difficult to interpret of the Sumatra region, causing the inversion of the
well logs, which can have a significant impact on basin and the uplift of the Barisan Mountains. This
production (Su-juan, 2009). To improve the accuracy uplift continues today and has also resulted in the
of porosity estimates, it is necessary to consider creation of northwest-southeast faults and folds that
the effect of shale content and study the relation- later became significant hydrocarbon traps.
ship between core porosity and logging data (Gai The stratigraphy of the South Sumatra Basin
et al., 2015). Investigating the nature of the gamma consists of a sedimentation cycle starting with the
ray response can help with lithology identification. transgression phase and ending with the regression
Petrography and XRD data are also valuable in the phase. The initial cycle begins with a non-marine
identification of low resistivity reservoirs, as they cycle in the Lahat Formation in the Early Oligocene,
can reveal information about the development of followed by the Talang Akar Formation, which is
clay minerals (Lander et al., 2016). unconformably deposited above it. The Talang Akar
There is currently no method that has been prov- Formation consists of fluvial sediment in the lower
en effective for identifying low-resistivity reservoirs part and delta environmental and shallow marine
(Bai et al., 2019). Various fluid identification methods sediment in the upper part (Aryanto, et al., 2014). The
have been suggested for identifying low-resistivity transgression phase lasted until the Early Miocene
oil pay, including the overlap method, cross-plot in the Baturaja Formation, and was followed by the
method, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging Gumai Formation, which was deposited above the
method, and mathematical and statistical methods. Baturaja Formation. The regression phase begins
The overlap and cross-plot methods are the most used with the Upper Gumai Formation being deposited,
and require the establishment of effective fluid iden- followed by the Air Benakat Formation in harmony
tification parameters for success (Fan et al., 2015; with coastal and deltaic depositional environments.
Das and Chatterjee, 2018). In this study, authors us- The Early to late Pliocene deposited the Muara Enim
ing some methods from Holis et al (2016), including Formation.
petrophysical analysis, core and cutting description, The South Sumatra Basin is known for its pro-
petrography analysis, petrophysical cross plot and duction of oil and gas, which is indicated by the
cut-off analysis, and data analysis validation. This presence of many oil and gas seeps connected by
approach was used to gain a better understanding of anticlines. These seeps suggest the existence of hy-
the petrophysical role of low resistivity. drocarbons beneath the surface and can be used as a
sign of potential exploration opportunities based on
the petroleum system (Adiyat, 2018).
Regional Geology
The South Sumatra Basin is divided into four
sub-basins: the South, North, Central Palembang, METHODOLOGY
and Jambi sub-basins (LEMIGAS, 2001 in Julikah, The study was conducted on five wells in the
et al., 2015). Regional physiography of the South Talang Akar Formation in the South Sumatra Ba-
Sumatra Basin divides the South Sumatra Basin sin. The data used included well log, mud log, core
into three parts, namely the southern Palembang analysis (porosity, permeability, and petrographic
sub-basin, the central Palembang sub-basin and the description), and formation water analysis to deter-
Jambi sub-basin (Figure 1). mine low resistivity reservoirs, analyze the causes of
During the Paleogene period, the formation of low resistivity, and perform petrophysical analysis
the South Sumatra Basin was influenced by NW-SE in potential zones.
trending dextral strike-slip faults, which caused the The research for this study utilized a combina-
region to develop as a pull-apart continental rift basin. tion of qualitative and quantitative analysis (Figure
The basin is divided into four sub-basins based on its 2). The qualitative analysis focused on identifying
paleo-structural orientations of NE-SW, WNW-ESE, the potential zone of low resistivity reservoirs using
N-S, and NW-SE: the Jambi Sub-basin, the North a quick look interpretation method and determin-
Palembang Sub-basin, the Central Palembang Sub- ing the cause of low resistivity within those layers.
basin, and the South Palembang Sub-basin. In the The quantitative analysis was used to calculate the
Late Miocene, the subduction of the Indo-Australian petrophysical parameters in the low resistivity res-
plate under the Eurasian plate led to the compression ervoir layer zone. The petrophysical analysis was
DOI.org/10.23327/SCOG.45.2.33172 | 171
Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 45. No. 3, December 2022: 171 - 183
validated using core data, specifically porosity and size of the rock, the presence of clay minerals
permeability, to confirm its accuracy. The steps in and conductive minerals). Formation water
this research are: analysis data is used to determine the salinity
• Conducting literature study on the evaluation of content of the formation water. And biostra-
formation and low resistivity tigraphy data to determine the depositional
environment of Talang Akar formation.
• Collecting the necessary data, such as well log
data, mud log data, core data and formation • Performing quantitative analysis to determine
water analysis for petrophysical analysis and the value of clay volume (VCL), porosity,
analysis of the causes of low resistivity. water saturation (Sw), and permeability (K) in
low resistivity zone. The values that are used
• Performing quick look interpretation to deter- as cutoffs are VCL, effective porosity (PHIE),
mine the low resistivity reservoir zone with and water saturation (Sw).
values of GR, Rt, RHOB, and NPHI.
• Validate the productive zone with core and mud
• The analysis of the causes of the low resistivity log data, then create reservoir lumping to obtain
reservoir is seen in the core data, mud log data, the final results.
and petrographic data (to determine the grain
Figure 1
Study area (red box) in the South Sumatra Basin (Bishop, 2001).
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Uncovering The Potential of Low Resistivity Reservoirs
Through Integrated Analysis: A Case Study from The Talang Akar Formation in The South Sumatra Basin
(Fiqya Fairuz Zaemi, et al.)
Figure 2
Research flowchart
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Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 45. No. 3, December 2022: 171 - 183
of these minerals, as indicated by petrographic analy- can contribute to the low resistivity reservoirs. The
sis. The FIQ-5 well has several potential zones with FIQ-5 well contains kaolinite and illite clay miner-
varying depths that contain these minerals, including als, as shown by the petrographic data. The kaolinite
the TA-1 zone at 2092 m (Figure 4) with pyrite, the mineral present in the FIQ-5 well has a percentage
TA-2 zone at 2307 m with pyrite, the TA-5 zone at below 10%, while the illite mineral has a percent-
2436 m with pyrite, the M-13 zone at 2767 m with age below 2% (Table 2). Clay minerals in sandstone
siderite, the TA-14 zone at 2856 m with pyrite, and reservoirs can bind water, leading to low resistivity
the TA-17 zone at 2954 m with pyrite. Clay miner- values when measured with a resistivity log tool due
als such as illite, glauconite, kaolinite, and chlorite to the clay mineral content.
Table 1
Grain size classification on the data core in the FIQ-5 well
Table 2
Clay minerals in well FIQ-5
174 | DOI.org/10.23327/SCOG.45.2.33172
Uncovering The Potential of Low Resistivity Reservoirs
Through Integrated Analysis: A Case Study from The Talang Akar Formation in The South Sumatra Basin
(Fiqya Fairuz Zaemi, et al.)
A (0 2mm A (0 2mm
A (0 2mm 2mm
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6
6 6
7 7
7 7
8 8
8 8
9 9
9 9
Figure 4
Petrographic data in parallel polarized light, conductive mineral pyrite (black color) in Well FIQ-5, pyrite shows in blac
box; (A) Potential Zone TA-1 with a depth of 2092 m; (B) Potential Zone TA-2 with a depth of 2307 m; (C) Potentia
Zone TA-5 at a depth of 2436 m; (D) Potential Zone TA-13 at a depth of 2767 m; (E) Potential Zone TA-14 at a depth of
2856 m; (F) Potential Zone TA-17 at a depth of 2954 m
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Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 45. No. 3, December 2022: 171 - 183
The formation water in the research wells shows that the FIQ-1 well has a dispersed clay zone, the
a high NaCl content, with a salinity of >10,000 ppm FIQ-2 well also has a dispersed clay zone, the FIQ-3
(USGS, 2018). Based on the analysis of formation well has a dispersed grain replacing zone, the FIQ-4
water from five wells, the salinity of the formation well has a laminated clay zone and dispersed pore
water, as determined by the NaCl content, was clas- filling, and the FIQ-5 well has a laminated clay and
sified as Highly Saline Water (> 10,000 ppm). The dispersed clay zone. Laminated clay minerals occur
higher the salinity of the formation water, the lower when clay minerals fill the pores of the reservoir
the resistivity value, as the reservoir is likely bound to rock, resulting in an effective porosity value of 0.
clay or shale, which can cause low resistivity values. Dispersed clay minerals occur when clay occupies a
Low resistivity values can conduct electric current larger pore space than sand, decreasing the porosity
(high conductor) due to the presence of water fluid. value in the reservoir rock. These clay minerals in
The distribution of clay minerals was analyzed the rock can lead to low resistivity readings.
using the Thomas-Stieber Cross plot method, which The thickness of the rock layers can impact the
included the value of total porosity versus clay vol- resistivity log reading, and this thickness is influ-
ume (VCL). This analysis was conducted on five enced by the depositional environment. According
wells with low resistivity potential zones (some cross to the biostratigraphic data, the FIQ-1 well has a
plots can be seen in Figure 5). The results showed depositional environment of the lower upper delta
Figure 5
a) Analysis of clay mineral distribution in TA-1 zone (2121 - 2130 m) FIQ-1 well, show dispersed pore filling, b) Analysis
of clay mineral distribution in TA-17 zone (2762 – 2791 m) FIQ-2 well, show some of dispersed pore filling, c) Analysis
of clay mineral distribution in TA-3 zone (2827 – 2848 m) FIQ-1 well, show dispersed pore filling, d) Analysis of clay
mineral distribution in TA-15 zone (2493 – 2502 m) FIQ-4 well, show dispersed pore filling, e) Analysis of clay mineral
distribution in TA-1 zone (2090 – 2098 m) FIQ-5 well, show dispersed and laminated clay zone
176 | DOI.org/10.23327/SCOG.45.2.33172
Uncovering The Potential of Low Resistivity Reservoirs
Through Integrated Analysis: A Case Study from The Talang Akar Formation in The South Sumatra Basin
(Fiqya Fairuz Zaemi, et al.)
plain - the upper lower delta plain in the Talang South Sumatra Basin has a supralitoral depositional
Akar formation. The FIQ-2 well has a depositional environment, namely the upper delta plain to the
environment of the supralittoral – neritic (upper lower delta plain. The depositional environment of
delta plain – delta front). There is no biostratigraphic the delta has a thin complex of rocks, predominantly
data available for the FIQ-3 and FIQ-4 wells. The sandstone with interspersed with limestone and the
FIQ-5 well has a depositional environment of the presence of coal, thus allowing for rock lamination
supralitoral (upper delta plain) according to its bio- in the research well due to the thin layer of limestone
stratigraphic data. The Talang Akar Formation in the between the sandstones.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 6
Results of petrophysical analysis of TA-1 zone (2090 – 2098 m) FIQ-5 well, talang akar formation,
South Sumatra Basin
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Appendix 1
Low resisitivity reservoir lumping in FIQ-1 well.
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Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 45. No. 3, December 2022: 171 - 183
Appendix 2
Low resisitivity reservoir lumping in FIQ-2 well.
Appendix 3
Low resisitivity reservoir lumping in FIQ-3 well.
Appendix 4
Low resisitivity reservoir lumping in FIQ-4 well.
180 | DOI.org/10.23327/SCOG.45.2.33172
Uncovering The Potential of Low Resistivity Reservoirs
Through Integrated Analysis: A Case Study from The Talang Akar Formation in The South Sumatra Basin
(Fiqya Fairuz Zaemi, et al.)
Appendix 5
Low resisitivity reservoir lumping in FIQ-5 well.
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