Multiple Choice Questions Unit-I: Operations Management Question Bank Unit-1
Multiple Choice Questions Unit-I: Operations Management Question Bank Unit-1
Multiple Choice Questions Unit-I: Operations Management Question Bank Unit-1
1. -. 3.
5. 8. 9. <.
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS UNIT-I Identify the organi ation !hi"h !a the fir t to ado#t the "on"e#t of a e$%&y &ine in it #rod'"tion y te$( )a* Genera& E&e"tri" )%* +ord Motor )" * Genera& Motor )d* ,e tingho' e Pro.iding hea&th"are er.i"e to #atient i an e/a$#&e for )a* 0o% ho# #rod'"tion )%* %at"h $an'fa"t'ring )" * tandardi1ed er.i"e )d* 2' to$i ed er.i"e Prod'"tion #o&i"y !here the #rod'"t are #rod'"ed !e&& in"e and tored in the !areho' e fro$ !here they are di tri%'ted in a""ordan"e !ith "' to$er order i 4no!n a )a* #rod'"e to to"4 #o&i"y )%* #rod'"e to order #o&i"y )" * a e$%&e to order #o&i"y )d* "' to$ to order #o&i"y. The .a&'e of e/#onentia& $oothing "on tant a&#ha )6* )a* i a&!ay 7.- )%* i a&!ay &e than 'nity )" * a&!ay &ie %et!een 7 and 1 )d* "an ta4e any #o iti.e .a&'e ,hi"h of the fo&&o!ing "hart #ro.ide an o.era&& $a"ro .ie! of the $o.e$ent of "o$#onent and '%-a e$%&ie in the #rod'"tion #ro"e ( )a* A e$%&y "hart )%* Pro"e "hart )" * Gantt 2hart )d* +&o! "hart Prod'"tion of %eer: !hi"h in"&'de %re!ing: %ott&ing: #a"4aging and hi##ing: i an e/a$#&e of a . . . . . . . . . #ro"e . )a* ;o% ho# )%* Bat"h )" * A e$n&y &ine )d* 2ontin'o' f&o! ,hi"h of the fo&&o!ing y te$ i the $o t a##ro#riate for a #rod'"tion organi ation !hi"h ha .ery &itt&e "o#e for #rod'"t .ariety and !hi"h #rod'"e in h'ge .o&'$e ( )a* #ro"e fo"' ed y te$ )%* #rod'"t fo"' ed %at"h y te$ )" * #rod'"t fo"' ed #rod'"tion y te$ )d* "e&&'&ar $an'fa"t'ring y te$ Inger o&& $an'fa"t're a &i$ited .ariety of hori1onta& "o$#re or and a "' to$er e&e"t fro$ the $ode& . The #rod'"tion #o&i"y i an e/a$#&e of )a* >arying !or4for"e #rod'"tion )%* Standardi1ed #rod'"tion )" * E$#&oyee fo"' ed #rod'"tion )d* 2' to$i ed #rod'"tion +or !hi"h of the fo&&o!ing ind' trie i $ar4et #ro/i$ity $' t( )a* OEM Ind' try )%* Te/ti&e ind' try )" * @ote& A ho #ita& )d* 2a&& "entre ,hi"h of the fo&&o!ing i not an o%0e"ti.e of fa"i&ity &o"ation and &ayo't de"i ion ( )a* To et '# a #&ant of the right i1e: right de ign: and at a #&a"e !here a&& 4ind of #rod'"tion fa"i&itie are )%* To er.e the "' to$er %etter )" * To o#ti$i1e the "o t of #rod'"tion )d* To ' e the %e t te"hno&ogy. ,hat i the o.era&& o%0e"ti.e of Bfa"i&ity &ayo't de"i ionB in a $an'fa"t'ring 'nit( )a* To #ro.ide a $ooth !or4f&o! of $ateria& thro'gh the fa"tory and to en 're %etter o#erationa& effi"ien"y )%* To gi.e a #&ea ant &oo4 for the !or4er )" * To arrange the 'nit of the #&ant a""ording to .aa t' )d* No !a tage of #a"e in &ayo't. ,hi"h of the fo&&o!ing #rod'"t i &i4e&y to %e a e$%&ed on an a e$%&y &ine( )a* 2' to$ f'rnit're )%* Beer )" * S'gar )d* Te&e.i ion et
(2 MARK QUESTIONS) Unit-I (2 MARK QNS) 1. ,hat i $eant %y #rod'"tion( -. ,hat i the differen"e %et!een #rod'"tion and $an'fa"t'ring( 3. ,hat i the nat're of #rod'"tion( 5. ,hat i #rod'"ti.ity( 8. ,hat are the e&e$ent of a #rod'"tion y te$( 9. @o! #rod'"tion y te$ are "&a ified( <. E/#&ain 0o% #rod'"tion( =. E/#&ain %at"h #rod'"tion(
?. 17. 11. 1-. 13. 15. 18. 19. 1<. 1=. 1?. -7. -1. --. -3. -5. -8. -9. -<. -=. -?. 37. 31. 3-. 33.
E/#&ain f&o! #rod'"tion( E/#&ain 2AC A 2AM #rod'"tion( E/#&ain A e$%&y &ine #rod'"tion( E/#&ain Ma #rod'"tion( E/#&ain Ma "' to$i1ation #rod'"tion( E/#&ain 2e&& #rod'"tion( ,hat 4i&& are reD'ired for #rod'"tion $anager( ,hat are need for &o"ating #&ant( ,hat are the #ro%&e$ of #&ant &o"ation( ,hat are the ad.antage of 'r%an &o"ation( ,hat i #&ant &ayo't( E/#&ain #&ant &ayo't #&anning( ,hat are the ty#e of #&ant &ayo't( ,hat i #ro"e &ayo't( ,hat i #rod'"t &ayo't( ,hat i fi/ed #o ition &ayo't( ,hat i "e&&'&ar &ayo't( ,hat i gro'# te"hno&ogy &ayo't( ,hat i f&e/i%&e $anager &ayo't( ,hat i "o$#'ter integration $anager &ayo't( ,hat i hy%rid &ayo't( ,hat i er.i"e fa"i&ity &ayo't( ,hat i 2RA+T( ,hat i AECEP( ,hat i 2OREEAP(
(6 MARK QUESTIONS) Unit-I (6 MARK QNS) 1. ,hat are the o%0e"ti.e of Prod'"tion Manage$ent( a. ,hat are the f'n"tion of a Prod'"tion Manager( -. Cifferentiate 0o% and f&o! #rod'"tion( 3. ,hat are the %enefit of "e&& #rod'"tion( 5. ,hat are the re #on i%i&itie of Prod'"tion Manager( 8. ,hat are the "on ideration of a #&ant( 9. ,hat fa"tor are e/a$ined in de"iding a #ro"e ( <. ,hat 4ind of de"i ion are $ade in Prod'"tion Manage$ent( E/#&ain ea"h( =. ,hat are the different de"i ion area in O#eration Manage$ent( ?. ,hat are the trend in Prod'"tion Manage$ent( 17. E/#&ain !ith a diagra$ a Prod'"tion Sy te$ $ode&. 11. ,hat are fa"tor affe"ting #&ant &o"ation( 1-. ,hat are the ad.antage and di ad.antage for &o"ating #&ant in 'r%an( 13. ,hat are the o%0e"ti.e of #&ant &ayo't( 15. ,hat are the #rin"i#&e of #&ant &ayo't( 18. ,hat fa"tor inf&'en"e de"i ion of P&ant &ayo't( 19. +ind #rod'"ti.ity in the fo&&o!ing "a e F a. 1- !or4er #rod'"e in a hift of = ho'r 15:577 $eter of "&oth. %. A %at"h of 8 &otting $a"hine #rod'"e -1:777 #ie"e in a hift of = ho'r !ith 3 $en. ". -7:777 note %oo4 are #rod'"ed in a !ee4 of 8 !or4ing day .17 #er on ' ed 8 $a"hine in one = ho'r hift to #rod'"e thi .
1<. Ea"h !or4er ha #aid R .-77G- #er day. Tota& $ateria& "o t i R .17 &a" . The $a"hine "o t R .- &a" . O.erhead "o t i R .3 &a" . Ceter$ine )a* Ea%o'r )%* Materia& )"* Ma"hine )d* O.era&& #rod'"ti.ity and )e* 2a#ita& #rod'"ti.ity: if note %oo4 are o&d at R .=7G- #er #ie"e. 1=. A toy #&ant ha a de ign "a#a"ity for #rod'"ing 9777 toy a day: effe"ti.e "a#a"ity of 8:777 toy : a"t'a& o't#'t of 5:777 toy a day. +ind the effi"ien"y of the #&ant and 'ti&i1ation. 1?. A "o$#any i #'r"ha ing an ite$ at R .5.-7 ea"h. If it !ere to #rod'"e: an ann'a& fi/ed "o t !i&& %e R .5:=77G-: the .aria%&e "o t #er 'nit i R .-.=7 and fi/ed o.erhead i R .1:7=7G-. The de$and for the ite$ i gi.en %e&o!. Ce"ide !hether the "o$#any ho'&d #rod'"e the ite$ and !hat ho'&d %e the %rea4e.en .o&'$e. Ce$and -777 3777 5777 8777 9777 Pro%a%i&ity 7.78 7.17 7.37 7.57 7.18
-7. A f'rnit're $an'fa"t'rer ha !or4 ho# at three &o"ation A: B and 2. The infor$ation #ro.ided in the ta%&e !a gathered fro$ the e &o"ation .
Eo"ation A B 2 +i/ed 2o t )R .* 87:777 ?7:777 157777 >aria%&e 2o t )R .* 138 1-7 117
The f'rnit're $an'fa"t'rer i #&anning to #rod'"e 3777 'nit Gyear of a #ie"e of f'rnit're that !i&& %e o&d at aro'nd R .377 #er 'nit. On the %a i of the infor$ation #ro.ided: identify the &o"ation that !o'&d %e the $o t e"ono$i"a& for the f'rnit're $an'fa"t'rer. -1. Gene i 2o$#'ter : a $a4er of #er ona& "o$#'ter : #'r"ha e 2PU "a%inet for R .1777 #er 'nit. Sin"e "o$#etition i in"rea ed: the "o$#any i &oo4ing at !ay to red'"e "o t . To red'"e "o t : the "o$#any de"ide to $a4e the "a%inet it e&f. The .aria%&e "o t in.o&.ed in $a4ing "a%inet in"&'de $ateria& "o t of R .377G'nit: &a%o'r "o t of R .-77 #er 'nit: and .aria%&e o.erhead "o t of R .-77 #er 'nit. The fi/ed "o t in.o&.ed are R .8:77:777G-. The 2o$#any i e/#e"ting a de$and of 8777 'nit for the "o$ing year. On the %a i of the infor$ation #ro.ided: deter$ine !hether the "o$#any ho'&d ado#t the $a4e #o&i"y or %'y #o&i"y. --. A&ternati.e So&'tion Etd.: ha de.e&o#ed an en.iron$enta&&y friend&y #rod'"t for !hi"h it e/#e"t ignifi"ant de$and in the near f't're. B't the e/i ting fa"i&ity "annot $eet the fore"a ted de$and. So the "o$#any "ond'"t a 'r.ey of three different &o"ation . The "o$#any identifie o$e "riti"a& fa"tor for e.a&'ating the 'ita%i&ity of the &o"ation . The ta%&e gi.en %e&o! &i t the fa"tor "on idered: the "orre #onding !eightage a igned to the$: and the grade for ea"h &o"ation. Identify the %e t &o"ation for e ta%&i hing a ne! fa"i&ity.
S&.No. 1
+a"tor Rating 5
A =
Eo"ation rating B 2 8 9
3 5 8 9 <
Ea%or S'##&ier 2&i$ati" "ondition Go.ern$ent in"enti.e for the #rod'"tion of en.iron$enta&&y friend&y #rod'"t Ea%or "o t 2o t of rea& e tate
8 9 3 < 5 9
(10 MARK QUESTIONS) UNIT-I (10 MARK QNS) 1. Ra$0a& A 2o.: !or4 for 9 day a !ee4: - hift of = ho'r e.eryday e$#&oying 17 #er on #er hift. It #rod'"e 187 $otor #er !ee4. Standard ho'r #er 'nit of #rod'"tion i 5. 1- $anday !ere &o t %y a% enteei $ of !or4er . 17= ho'r !ere &o t %e"a' e of #o!er "'t. 2a&"'&ate )a* A% enteei $ #er"entage )%* Ea%o'r 'ti&i1ation #er"entage )"* Prod'"tion effi"ien"y of &a%o'r )d* O.era&& #rod'"ti.ity of &a%o'r in ter$ of 'nit #rod'"ed #er !ee4 #er e$#&oyee. -. A $an'fa"t'rer of #&a ti" %ott&e ' e different i1e of %ott&e "a# for it 1:777 $& and -77 $& %ott&e . The 2o$#any Manager $' t de"ide !hether to $a4e or %'y the e %ott&e "a# . 2a#a"ity i for $an'fa"t'ring %ott&e "a# H thi "a#a"ity "annot %e ' ed for any other #'r#o e. The dire"t &a%or "o t i R .18G- #er &a%o'r ho'r: and the .aria%&e #ortion of o.erhead i R .17G- #er &a%or ho'r. The fi/ed o.erhead of the "a#a"ity ha %een e ti$ated to %e R .3:777G- #er year.
Particu ar! Q'antity reD'ired )'nit Gyear* Materia& "o t )R .G'nit* Cire"t Ea%o'r @o'r P'r"ha e #ri"eG'nit 1000 " #$tt % ca&! (') -7:777 7.7<8 377 7.87 20 " #$tt % ca&! (() 18:777 7.738 -87 7.-7
The Ganga 2he$i"a& 2o$#any ha %een i 'ed !ith a noti"e to hift fro$ it #re ent &o"ation in Agra "ity on en.iron$enta& "on ideration . The "o$#any engage 377 e$i4i&&ed and 4i&&ed !or4er : -77 engineer and $anageria& #er onne&. The #ro"e reD'ire &arge a$o'nt of !ater: #o!er and &and. A &arge a$o'nt of $ateria& ha to %e tran #orted in and fini hed #rod'"t tran #orted o't of the "o$#any. The #ro"e in.o&.e high fire and e/#&o ion ha1ard . The "o$#any ha &o"ated 3 ite o't of Agra I J: K and L. The "o t of o#eration at ea"h ite i gi.en %e&o! F)%!cri&ti$n Ann'a& fi/ed "o t >aria%&e "o tGKg. ' )A&& in R'#ee * 37 &a" 7.17 ( -< &a" 7.15 * -- &a" 7.--
The "o$#any #rod'"ed 177:777 ton of "he$i"a& #o!der thi year. The a&e i e/#e"ted to in"rea e %y 17M #er year. Q'e tion Fa. ,hat are the $a0or fa"tor that ho'&d %e "on idered in "hoo ing one of the 3 ite ( %. @o! !i&& yo' rate or !eigh the fa"tor %y i$#ortan"e( ,hy(
". 5. 8. 9. <. =.
Ba ed on the a%o.e infor$ation: !hi"h &o"ation !i&& yo' re"o$$end for hifting the #&ant fro$ Agra( ,rite an e ay on y te$ "on"e#t of #rod'"tion !ith 'ita%&e diagra$ . E/#&ain Prod'"tion and Prod'"ti.ity. @o! #rod'"ti.ity "an %e i$#ro.ed( Ci ting'i h %et!een different ty#e of #rod'"tion. E/#&ain the f'n"tion of #rod'"tion $anage$ent. ,rite hort note on )a* Ma4e or B'y de"i ion )%* Brea4 e.en ana&y i )" * P&ant &o"ation