Curriculum Vitae - Merold Westphal Address
Curriculum Vitae - Merold Westphal Address
Curriculum Vitae - Merold Westphal Address
30 Pacific Avenue
Nanuet, NY 10954
(845) 624-5732
[email protected]
1962 BA Wheaton College (Illinois) summa cum laude
1965 MA Yale University
1966 PhD Yale University
Philosophical Interests
Primary: Continental philosophy from Kant to the present:
O the historical development and systematic integrity of individual thinkers
and the dialogue or debate between pairs of thinkers
O their contributions to the philosophy of religion, political philosophy, and
O their contributions to issues of philosophical methodology in terms of
dialectical holism, ideology critique, existentialism, phenomenology,
hermeneutics, deconstruction, etc.
Other interests:
O Augustine
O Spinoza
O political theory
O Asian philosophy
Teaching Appointments
1964-65 Instructor in Philosophy, Wheaton College
1966-67 Instructor in Philosophy, Yale University
1967-72 Assistant Professor, Yale
1972-74 Associate Professor, Yale
1974-76 Visiting Associate Professor, SUNY, Purchase
1976-87 Professor of Philosophy, Hope College
Chair 1977-86
1981-82 J. Omar Good Distinguished Visiting Professor,
Juniata College
1984, 86 (Summer) Adjunct Professor of Christian Ethics,
Fuller Theological Seminary
1986 (Fall) Visiting Professor, Fordham University
1987-97 Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University
1989 (Fall) Cardin Chair in the Humanities (Visiting), Loyola College in Mary-
1997-2011 Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University
1998 (Summer) Pew Younger Scholars Program at Notre Dame: Seminar on
Hermeneutics and Deconstruction
1998 (Summer) Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
1999 (Fall) Visiting Professor in Christian Philosophy, Villanova University
2001 (Spring) Visiting Professor, Harvard Divinity School
Editorial Activities
General Editor: Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion
With Ludwig, Klay, and Myers: Inflation, Poortalk, and the Gospel, Judson Press,
Suspicion and Faith: The Religious Uses of Modern Atheism, Eerdmans, 1993. With a
new introduction by Kelly James Clark, Fordham University Press, 1998.
Volume consultant for International Kierkegaard Commentary: Two Ages, ed. Robert
L. Perkins. Mercer University Press, 1984.
With Cohen and Martin: Studies in the Philosophy of J. N. Findlay, SUNY Press,
With Caputo and Marsh: Modernity and Its Discontents, Fordham University Press,
With Linda Martín Alcoff and Debra Bergoffen, Remembrance and Responsibility,
Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 23, Philoso-
phy Today, Vol. 41, Supplement 1997.
With Linda Martín Alcoff, Conflicts and Convergences, Selected Studies in Phenomen-
ology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 24, Philosophy Today, Vol. 42, Supple-
ment 1998.
"Temporality and Finitism in Hartshorne's Theism," The Review of Metaphysics,
XIX (March, 1966), 550-564.
"Theism and the Problems of Ethics," The Philosophy of Gordon Clark, Philadel-
phia, 1968, 176-201.
"On Thinking of God as King," Christian Scholar's Review, I (Fall, 1970), 27-
"Hegel, Pannenberg, and Hermeneutics," Man and World, IV (August, 1971), 276-
93. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Hegel, Tillich, and the Secular," The Journal of Religion, LII (July, 1972),
223-39. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Nietzsche and the Phenomenological Ideal," The Monist, LX (April, 1977), 278-
"Sing Jubilee," The Other Side, March, 1978, 29-35. Reprinted in Man and
Society: A Study in Hope, Grand Rapids, 1979, and in The Other Side, March,
"Orthodoxy and Inattention," The Reformed Journal, XXX, 1 (January, 1980), 13-
"Hegel's Theory of the Concept," Art and Logic in Hegel's Philosophy, eds.
Warren Steinkraus and Kenneth Schmitz, New Jersey, 1980, 103-119. (Reprinted
in HFM and in Selected Essays on G.W.F.Hegel, ed. Lawrence S. Stepelevich,
Atlantic Highlands, 1993, and in G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, Vol. III,
ed. Robert Stern, London, 1993).
"Pentecost and Patriotism," Of Wind and Fire, eds. Phil Amerson and Judy
Skovmand, Evansville, 1981.
"Three Dimensional Prayer," The Church Herald, October 2, 1981, 406. Re-
printed in The Associate Reformed Presbyterian, February, 1982, 8-11 and in
the John Milton Talking Magazine (for the blind), July, 1982.
"Practicing Three Dimensional Prayer," The Church Herald, December 11, 1981,
10-11, 27. Reprinted in The Associate Reformed Presbyterian, March, 1982, 8-
"Warning: The Great Physician Has Determined that Wealth is Dangerous to Your
Health," The Church Herald, January 21, 1983, 5-7.
Questions from the Prophets," The Living and Active Word of God: Studies in
Honor of Samuel J. Schultz, Winona Lake IN, 1983, 59-73.
"The New Flight of the Owl at the End of the Hegel Revival: An Official
Welcome to the New Owl from the President of the Hegel Society of America,"
The Owl of Minerva, XV, 1 (Fall, 1983), 5-10.
"Hegel's Radical Idealism: Family and State as Ethical Communities," The State
and Civil Society: Studies in Hegel's Political Philosophy, ed. Zbigniew
Pelczynski, New York, 1984, 77-92. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Dialectic and Intersubjectivity," The Owl of Minerva, XVI, 1 (Fall, 1984),
39-54. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Biblical Faith and our Economic Life" (served as anonymous author of this
paper adopted by the Christian Action Commission of the Reformed Church in
America), Minutes of General Synod, Reformed Church in America, Vol. LXIV,
1984, 51-68.
"Hegel and Gadamer," Hermeneutics and Modern Philosophy, ed. Brice Wachterhaus
er, Albany, 1986, 65-86. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Hegel, the Old Secularism, and the New Theocracy," presidential address to
1984 meeting of the Hegel Society of America, Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit,
ed. Peter Stillman, Albany, 1987. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Taking Suspicion Seriously: The Religious Uses of Modern Atheism," Faith and
Philosophy, IV, 1 (January, 1987), 22-42. Reprinted in Readings in the
Philosophy of Religion, ed. Kelly James Clark, Peterborough, Ontario, 2 nd ed.,
2008, 277-87.
"Philosophy, Faith, and Personality Theory," Man and Mind: A Christian Theory
of Personality, ed. Thomas J. Burke, Hillsdale MI, 1987, 111-31.
"Christian Suffering: The Way of the Cross," Perspectives, March, 1987, 7-10.
"Hegel, Human Rights and the Hungry," Hegel on Economics and Freedom, ed.
William Maker, Macon GA, 1987. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Hegel, Hinduism, and Freedom," The Owl of Minerva, 20, 2 (Spring, 1989), 193-
204. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Hegel on Slavery, Independence, and Liberalism," Cardozo Law Review, 10, 5-6
(March/April, 1989), 1563-73.
"A Lifestyle that Reflects Our Faith," The Church Herald, February, 1991, 15-
"Will the Real Audrey Hepburn . . ." Perspectives (editorial), May, 1991, 3.
"Six Searing Words," Perspectives, September, 1991, 19-22 (under the pseudonym
Laura Vander Veen).
"Saving Sola Scriptura from Rhem and the Rationalists," Perspectives, Febru-
ary, 1993, 10-11.
"Hegel and Family Values," APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, 99, 2 (Fall,
1993), 100-101. Reprinted in In the Socratic Tradition, ed. Tziporah Kasach
koff, Lanham, MD, 1998, 209-13.
"Levinas and the Immediacy of the Face," Faith and Philosophy, 9, 4 (October,
1993), 486-502.
"The Canon as Flexible, Normative Fact," The Monist, 76, 4 (October, 1993),
"Hegel's Angst vor dem Sollen," The Owl of Minerva, 25, 2 (Spring, 1994),
"Faith Seeking Understanding," God and the Philosophers, ed. Thomas V. Morris,
New York, 1994), 215-26.
"Traditional Theism, the AAR, and the APA," God, Philosophy, and Academic
Culture, ed. William J. Wainwright, Atlanta, 1996, 21-27.
"Theology as Talking about a God Who Talks," Modern Theology, 13, 4 (October,
1997), 525-36.
"Von Hegel bis Hegel," The Emergence of German Idealism, ed. Michael Bauer and
Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Washington, D.C., 1999, 269-87.
"Commanded Love and Divine Transcendence in Kierkegaard and Levinas," The Face
of the Other and the Trace of God: Essays on the Philosophy of Emmanuel
Levinas, ed. Jeffrey Bloechl, New York, 2000, 200-233. Translated as “Le
commandement de l’amour et la transcendance divine chez Lévinas et Kierke-
gaard,” Søren Kierkegaard: Pensée et problèmes de l’éthique, ed. Anne-Chris-
tine Habbard and Jacques Message, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, 2009.
"Hegel and Onto-theology," Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, Nos
41/42, 2000, 142-65.
"Coping and Conversation: The Limits and Promise of Pragmatism," The Hedgehog
Review, 3, 3 (Fall, 2001), 73-92.
"Divine Excess: The God Who Comes After"," The Religious, ed. John D. Caputo,
London, 2002, 258-276.
"Postmodernism and Ethics: The Case of Caputo," A Passion for the Impossible:
John D. Caputo in Focus, ed. Mark Dooley, Albany, 2003, 153-70.
"The God Who Will Be: Hermeneutics and The God of Promise," Faith and Philoso-
phy, 20, 3 (July 2003), 328-44..
"Continental Philosophy," DVD Video with Alexander Nehamas in the Great Ideas
of Philosophy series, produced by Films for the Humanities and Sciences,
"The Return of the Arrogance of Power," Mississippi Review, Vol. 32, No. 3
(Fall, 2004), 209-212.
"Not About Me," Christian Century, 122/7 (April 5, 2005), 20-25. Reprinted in
Prayer, an issue of Christian Reflection: A Series in Faith and Ethics, Baylor
University, 2009, 26-35.
"Of Stories and Language," Christianity and the Postmodern Turn: Six Views,
ed. Myron B. Penner, Grand Rapids, 2005, 229-40.
"Reply to Jack Caputo," Faith and Philosophy, Vol. 22, No 3 (July 2005), 297-
"Participation and Kenosis: A List for Schindler," The Saint Anselm Journal,
Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall, 2005),
"Becoming Real -- With Style," Styles of Piety, ed. S. Clark Buckner and
Matthew Statler, New York, 2006, 76-93.
"Hermeneutics and the God of Promise," After God: Richard Kearney and the
Religious Turn in Continental Philosophy, ed. John Panteleimon Manoussakis,
New York, 2006, 78-93.
"Vision and Voice: Phenomenology and Theology in the Work of Jean-Luc Marion,"
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 60, No. 1-3 (December,
2006), 117-37.
“The Importance of Mystery for the Life of Faith,” Faith and Philosophy, Vol
24, No. 4 (Oct.2007), 367-84.
“The Empty Suitcase as Rainbow,” Saintly Influence: Edith Wyschogrod and the
Possibilities of Philosophy of Religion, ed. Eric Boynton and Martin Kavka,
New York, 2009, 48-62.
“Thinking About God and God-Talk with Levinas,” The Exorbitant: Emmanuel
Levinas Between Jews and Christians, ed. Kevin Hart and Michael A. Signer, New
York, 2010, 216-29.
Professional Memberships
Religion and Judgment, by Willard Arnett
in The Journal of Religion, January, 1967.
Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity, by Frances Moore Lappé and Joseph
Collins, and A Socio-Theology of Letting-Go: The Role of a First World
Church Facing Third World Peoples, by Marie Augusta Neal
in Christian Scholar's Review, 1978 (VIII, 1).
Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God, eds. Plantinga and
in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1984 (XVI).
The Politics of Salvation: The Hegelian Idea of the State, by Paul Lakeland
in The Owl of Minerva, Spring, 1986.
Apartheid is a Heresy, eds. de Gruchy and Villa-Vicencio and A Moment of
Truth: The Confession of the Dutch Reformed Mission Church, 1982, eds.
Clote and Smit
in Perspectives, May, 1986.
Jesus, Liberation, and the Biblical Jubilee: Images for Ethics and
Christology, by Sharon H. Ringe
in Perspectives, January, 1987.
The Search for Historical Meaning: Hegel and the Postwar American Right,
by Paul Edward Gottfried
in The Owl of Minerva, Spring, 1989.
Kierkegaard: An Introduction
by C. Stephen Evans
in International Philosophical Quarterly, December 2009 (49/4).
A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists: Musings on Why God is Good and
Faith Isn’t Evil
by David G. Myers
in Perspectives, April, 2010 (25, 4)