Curriculum Vitae - Merold Westphal Address

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30 Pacific Avenue
Nanuet, NY 10954
(845) 624-5732
[email protected]

1962 BA Wheaton College (Illinois) summa cum laude
1965 MA Yale University
1966 PhD Yale University

Philosophical Interests
Primary: Continental philosophy from Kant to the present:
O the historical development and systematic integrity of individual thinkers
and the dialogue or debate between pairs of thinkers
O their contributions to the philosophy of religion, political philosophy, and
O their contributions to issues of philosophical methodology in terms of
dialectical holism, ideology critique, existentialism, phenomenology,
hermeneutics, deconstruction, etc.
Other interests:
O Augustine
O Spinoza
O political theory
O Asian philosophy

Teaching Appointments
1964-65 Instructor in Philosophy, Wheaton College
1966-67 Instructor in Philosophy, Yale University
1967-72 Assistant Professor, Yale
1972-74 Associate Professor, Yale
1974-76 Visiting Associate Professor, SUNY, Purchase
1976-87 Professor of Philosophy, Hope College
Chair 1977-86
1981-82 J. Omar Good Distinguished Visiting Professor,
Juniata College
1984, 86 (Summer) Adjunct Professor of Christian Ethics,
Fuller Theological Seminary
1986 (Fall) Visiting Professor, Fordham University
1987-97 Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University
1989 (Fall) Cardin Chair in the Humanities (Visiting), Loyola College in Mary-
1997-2011 Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University
1998 (Summer) Pew Younger Scholars Program at Notre Dame: Seminar on
Hermeneutics and Deconstruction
1998 (Summer) Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
1999 (Fall) Visiting Professor in Christian Philosophy, Villanova University
2001 (Spring) Visiting Professor, Harvard Divinity School

2001 (Summer) Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary

2003 Short term visiting lecturer, Wuhan University, China (14 lectures in ten
day period)
2003 (Summer) Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
2005 (Summer) Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
2007 (Summer) Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
2009 (Summer) Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
2011 (Summer) Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
2011- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Fordham University
2011-2014 Guest Professor, Wuhan University

Other Appointments, Awards, Etc.

1962-63 Woodrow Wilson Fellow at Yale
1967-74 Fellow of Jonathan Edwards College, Yale
1968-76 Danforth Associate
1971-72 Morse Fellowship, grant from Yale for leave at U. of Heidelberg
1974 Staley Distinguished Christian Scholar Lecturer at Messiah College,
Grantham and Philadelphia PA
1974-78 Executive Council, Hegel Society of America
1976-78 Program Chair and editor of the Proceedings of the Hegel Society of
1978-80 Vice President, Hegel Society of America
1979 Staley Lecturer at Bates College
1980-83 Board Member, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
1980 History and Truth in Hegel's Phenomenology selected for Choice
magazine's "Outstanding Academic Books of the Year" Award
1982-84 President, Hegel Society of America
1984-90 Theological Commission, Reformed Church in America
1985 Belgum Lecturer, St. Olaf College
1985-94 Founding member, editorial board of Perspectives
1985-88 Executive Committee, Society of Christian Philosophers
1986-87 Advisory Committee, Midwest Faculty Seminar (U. of Chicago)
1986-87 President, Soren Kierkegaard Society
1986 God, Guilt, and Death selected by the American Academy of Religion
for its first annual book award in the category of Constructive-
Reflective Studies
1987 Annual Lectureship in Christianity and Learning, Institute for Christian
Studies, Toronto
1987 Council for Philosophical Studies - Visiting Philosopher Program - Bethel
1988 Council for Philosophical Studies - Visiting Philosopher Program - jointly
at Cedarville College and Wittenberg University
1989-90 American Philosophical Association/Association of American Colleges
Philosophy Task Force for the Project, "Liberal Learning and Study
in Depth in the Arts and Sciences"
1989 Keynote Lecturer, Wheaton College Annual Philosophy Conference
1990-95 Director of Graduate Studies, Fordham University
1990 Annual Cardin Lecture on Jewish-Christian Relations at Loyola College in
1990 Director, NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers on Religion and
Society in Hegel, Marx, and Kierkegaard
1990 Program Committee, Hegel Society of America

1990-93 Executive Committee, Soren Kierkegaard Society

1991-92 Program Chair, American Philosophical Association, Central Division
1991-94 Program Chair, Soren Kierkegaard Society for meetings at the three divi-
sions of the APA
1991-94 Executive Committee, SPEP (Society for Phenomenology and Existential
1991-95 Co-Chair of Group on Continental Philosophy and Theology, AAR
1991-2009 Board Member, Fordham University Press
1992 Program Committee, Hegel Society of America
1992 Annual Faith and Philosophy Lecture, North Park College
1993-96 Member APA National Board,
Chair - Committee on Career Opportunities
Ombudsperson for Hiring Process
1993 McManus Lectures, Wheaton College
1993-94 Co-Chair, Task Force on Faculty Identity, Fordham University Self-Study
for Middle States Reaccreditation
1994 Suspicion and Faith selected by Christianity Today for one of its
Critic's-Choice Book Awards in the Theology and Biblical Studies
1994-2011 Contributing Editor, Perspectives
1994-96 Member Advisory Committee of APA National Board
1995 Roy Wood Sellars Lectureship, Bucknell University
1995-98 Executive Co-Director, SPEP (Society for Phenomenology and Existential
1995- International Advisory Board, Kluwer Handbook for the Philosophy of
Religion in the Twentieth Century, six volumes.
1996 Staley Lecturer at Concordia College (MN)
1996 External Evaluator, Philosophy program at Concord-ia College (MN)
1996 Director, Calvin College Summer Seminar for College Faculty: Post-
modern Philosophy and Christian Thought
1996 Lecturer for the Academic Speakers Honors Seminar Program, University
of Tennessee at Martin
1997 External Evaluator, Philosophy program at Stetson University
1997-9 Nominating Committee, Eastern Division, APA
1998 Director, Pew Younger Scholars’ Seminar at Notre Dame: Hermeneu-
tics and Postmodernism
1999 Jellema Lectures, Calvin College
1999 Director, Baptist Association of Philosophy Teachers Seminar on Post-
modern Philosophy and Christian Thought
1999-2002 Society for for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Advocacy
1999 Becoming a Self selected by Alpha Sigma Nu, the National Jesuit Honor
Society for Notable Book Status award.
2000 Fordham Graduate School Teaching Award
Norton Lectures, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville
Toulouse Lectures, Seattle University
Lectures at L'Abri Fellowship, Huemoz, Switzerland
Hartshorne Lecture, Colgate University
2000-2009 Fordham Faculty Representative, Lilly Fellows Program
2001-2003 Program Committee, Eastern Division, APA
2001- International Advisory Board, International Institute for Hermeneutics
2002 Overcoming Onto-Theology awarded Honorable Mention in the Alpha
Sigma Nu National Jesuit Book Awards

2003-2006 Advisory Committee to Program Committee, Eastern Division, APA

2003 "Official opponent" at the defense by Jon Stewart at the defense of his
second dissertation, Kierkegaard’s Relations to Hegel Reconsid-
ered, Cambridge University Press, 2003, at the University of
2003- Executive Committee, Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology
2004 Aquinas Medal & Aquinas Lecturer, University of Dallas
Consultant for external review of doctoral program in philosophy, Baylor
Consultant for Senior Seminar Faculty Workshop, Hope College
2004-2007 Executive Committee, Eastern Division, APA
2005 Consultant for external review of philosophy program, Loyola College in
2005 Consultant for external review of philosophy, graduate and undergraduate,
at Boston College
2007 External reviewer and Chair of the Ten Year Review Committee for
philosophy at Gordon College
Classical Philosophy Lecture, Loras College
2007-2009 Chair, Fordham University Press Board
2008 External Examiner for Dissertation at National University of Ireland,
2008 (Four) Keynote Lectures, Fourth International Congress on Ethics and
Citizenship: Philosophy and Christianity, Mackenzie Presbyterian
University, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dotterer Lecture, Penn State University
John Thompson Christian Philosophy Lecture, University of Dayton
2009 Richard L. Evans Lecture, Brigham Young University
A. O. Collins Lectures, Houston Baptist University
Steiner Memorial Lecture, St. John’s College (Santa Fe)
2010 Sophia Lectures, Azusa Pacific University
Arbaugh Lecture, Pacific Lutheran University
2011-13 International Board of Advisors, John Templeton Foundation
2011 Atheism for Lent. Two sermons on Amos and two discussion groups on
my book, Suspicion and Faith at First Presbyterian Church of
Yorktown, NY.
Atheism for Lent. Lecture on the religious uses of modern atheism (Marx,
Nietzsche, and Freud at and for Socrates and the City, a non-aca-
demic group of business and professional people that meets from
time to time to explore religious issues.
2012 Wheaton College Philosophy Speakers Series
Philosophy of Religion Colloquium, Baylor University

Papers Presented at the Following Professional Meetings:

1968 APA
1969 Wheaton College Annual Philosophy Conference
Metaphysical Society
1970 Calvin College Conference on Political Philosophy
1971 SPEP
Institute for Advanced Christian Studies Conference on the Counter-Culture
1972 Ninth International Hegel Congress (Antwerp)
1973 APA

1974 Hegel Society of America

1975 Wheaton College Annual Philosophy Conference
1976 Wheaton College Annual Philosophy Conference
1978 APA
1980 APA
1981 AuSable Trails Institute of Environmental Studies - AuSable Forum
College of the Holy Cross Conference on Phenomenology and Human Destiny
Tenth Interamerican Congress of Philosophy (Tallahassee)
1982 APA
Wheaton College Annual Philosophy Conference
Hegel Society of America
1983 Hegel Society of Great Britain (Oxford)
1984 Hegel Society of America
1985 Society of Christian Philosophers
APA (twice)
AAR (Phenomenology and Theology Group)
St. Olaf College Conference on Kierkegaard and Contemporary Philosophy
Hillsdale College Conference on Personality Theory
1986 SPEP
1987 Merleau-Ponty Circle
AAR (Nineteenth Century Theology Group)
1988 Notre Dame University Conference on Christian and Theistic Philosophy
Cardozo Law School Conference on Hegel and the Philosophy of Law
AAR (Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference at Union Theological Seminary)
St. Olaf College Conference on Kierkegaard as a Religious Thinker
AAR (Theology and Postmodernism Consultation)
1989 AAR (Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference at Bethlehem PA)
University of Southern Mississippi Conference on Postmodernism and the Teach-
ing of Religious Texts
1989 Wheaton College Annual Philosophy Conference
AAR (Phenomenology and Theology Group)
1990 New Haven Theological Discussion Group
Adelphi University Conference on Values in Teaching, Research, and Politics
Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium (Philosophy of Religion Group)
APA (Pacific Division)
APA (Central Division)
APA (Society for the Study of Process Philosophy)
1991 Adelphi University Conference on the Modern Condition
Society of Christian Philosophers - Midwestern Region
AAR (Phenomenology and Theology Group)
1992 Wheaton College Annual Philosophy Conference
Association for the Philosophy of the Unconscious
Jaspers Society of North America
1993 Society of Christian Philosophers - Intermountain Region
Society of Christian Philosophers - Eastern Region
International Conference on Emmanuel Levinas (Loyola, Chicago)
Universitas Forum - Messiah College
Soren Kierkegaard Society
Jacques Maritain Society

APA (Eastern Division - invited paper)

1994 International Philosophical-Theological Conference on the Otherness of God -
University of Virginia
Wheaton College Center for Applied Christian Ethics: Trilogue Workshops on
Greed, Fairness, and Generosity
Society of Christian Philosophers - APA Central Division
Michigan Regional Conference of Lilly Fellows Program: The Future of Christian
Scholarship in a Post-Modern Age
Wheaton College Conference on Hermeneutics and Christian Worldviews
AAR - Philosophy of Religion Section

1995 Keynote Speaker - St. Louis University Graduate Student Conference on

Postmodernism and Religious Faith
New Haven Theological Discussion Group
Society of Christian Philosophers - Eastern Region
Wheaton College Annual Philosophy Conference
AAR - Philosophy of Religion Section
- Nineteenth Century Theology Group
APA - invited paper on Kierkegaard's Postscript
1996 Texas Regional Conference of Lilly Fellows Program:
Christian Scholarship in a Postmodern Era
Villanova Conference to honor Larry Stepelevich
Mercersburg Convocation
Society of Christian Philosophers - APA Eastern Division
1997 Salisbury State University Spring Philosophy Symposium
North American Christian Foreign Language Association
APA (Central Division)
Notre Dame Conference of Pew Evangelical Scholars Program
Conference on Hermeneutics in a Broken World - Toronto Institute for Christian
Research Seminar, Soren Kierkegaard Center, Copenhagen
Villanova conference on Religion and Postmodernism
AAR - Philosophy of Religion Section
- Kierkegaard, Religion, and Culture Group
Society of Christian Philosophers - APA Eastern Division
1998 New Haven Theological Discussion Group
World Congress of Philosophy - American Organizing Committee Panel on
Religious Pluralism
World Congress of Philosophy - Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology
Gordon College Center for Christian Studies Interdisciplinary Conference on
Hermeneutics: Crossing the Boundaries
Fourth Symposium of Sino-US Philosophy and Religious Studies, Beijing
1999 Society of Christian Philosophers - APA Pacific Division
Association of Chinese Philosophers in America - APA Pacific Division
Overseas Ministries Study Center Conference on Postmodernism
Berkshire Institute for Theology and the Arts
Hegel Society of Great Britain, Oxford
2000 Enrico Castelli Institute for the Study of Philosophy, International Colloquium on
Intersubjectivity and Philosophical Theology - Rome, Italy
Conference in Honor of Cal Schrag - Purdue University
International Conference on Schleiermacher's Philosophy - Drew University

International Conference on Philosophy and Religion - Sundance, Utah

Northwest Society for Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Hermeneutics
Hegel Society of America
2001 Conference at University of Virginia Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture -
Beyond the Absolute and the Arbitrary: Exploring the Possibilities of
Second International Conference of the Soren Kierkegaard Society of the UK,
Leeds, England
International Colloquium on Immediacy and Reflection and Immediacy in Kierke-
gaard’s Thought, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
2002 Twenty-third Annual Philosophy of Religion Conference: Language and Spirit,
Claremont Graduate University School of Religion
Keynote Address, Midwest Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Philoso-
phers, Bethel College, St. Paul
Plenary Address, First Annual Fordham Philosophical Society Graduate Philoso-
phy Conference
International Congress on Hermeneutics, St. Bonaventure University
American Catholic Philosophical Association
Soren Kierkegaard Society at Eastern Division of APA
2003 Keynote Address, Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology, Villanova
Conference on Transcendence and Subjectivity, Danish National Research Foun-
dation: Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen
SPEP, respondent in "author meets critics" session on Overcoming Onto-Theol-
Society for Christian Philosophy, meeting at the American Academy of Religion,
respondent in "author meets critics" session on Overcoming Onto-Theol-
2004 Keynote Address, Graduate Student Conference: Identifications: Faith, Theory,
and Identity-Making, Purdue University
Calvin College Festival of Faith and Writing
Conference on The Future of the Reformation Tradition, Concordia College (MN)
2005 Fides et Ratio Conference, St. John Vianney College Seminary, Miami
International Conference in Commemoration of Emmanuel Levinas, Loyola
College in Maryland
The Exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians, University of
Notre Dame
Colloque International l"Idealisme Allemand et la Religion, Centre de Recherches
sur Hegel et l’Idealisme Allemand, Poitiers, France
Keynote Address, Graduate Student Conference: Existentialism: A philosophy
with or without God?, St. Louis University
Colloque International: Kierkegaard et la critique du religieux, Paris, France
2006 Keynote Address, Society of Christian Philosophers, Midwest Regional Meeting
Keynote Lecture at International Conference on Belief and Metaphysics, Granada,
Spindel Conference on the First-Person Perspective,
University of Memphis
Lilly Fellows Program National Research Conference on The World and Christian
Imagination, Baylor University
2007 Keynote Address to Fordham/Antwerp Graduate Student Conference on The End
of Secular Thought.

SPEP - response to Benson and Caputo in Scholar’s Session

2008 European Society for the Philosophy of Religion, Conference on Sacrifice, Uni-
versity of Oslo, Norway
Christian Reasoning Colloquium, Trinity Western University, Vancouver, B.C.
2009 The Politics of Love, Syracuse University
Keynote Lecture for North American Society for Philosophical Hermeneutics,
Wichita, KS.
Response to Ferreira and Davenport on my book, Levinas and Kierkegaard in
Dialogue in “author meets critics” session at Society for Continental
Philosophy and Theology held in conjunction with SPEP
2010 Faith, Rationality, and the Passions, A Templeton Conference at Cambridge
Workshop on Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion, Center for Subjectivity
Research, University of Copenhagen
Conference on Philosophy of Religion in Postmodernity, Norwegian School of
Theology, Oslo
Keynote Lecture for Conference on Transcendence and Culture, Free University
of Amsterdam
2011 The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion, Syracuse University
Invited Address, Psychology and the Other Conference, Leslie University
SPEP, Invited Address to Anniversary Session on Ethics and Religion Then and
2012 Keynote Lectures, Conference on Philosophy and Religious Experience, Wesleyan
Philosophical Society, Trevecca Nazarene University, Nashville, TN

Editorial Activities
General Editor: Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion

Board Member, Fordham University Press, 1991-2009

Chair, 2007-09

Editorial Board of:

Faith and Philosophy
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
International Philosophical Quarterly
The Owl of Minerva
Analecta Hermeneutica

Scholarly Consultant for: National Endowment for the Human-

American Academy of Religion ities
(Scholars Press) Northwestern University Press
Blackwell Ohio University Press
Canada Council Oxford University Press
Cambridge University Press Penn State Press
Eerdmans Princeton University Press
Humanities Press Routledge
Indiana University Press SUNY Press
Macmillan Temple University Press
McGill-Queens University Press University of California Press
Mercer University Press University of Chicago Press

University of Delaware Press Journal of the History of Ideas

University of Florida Press Journal of the History of Philosophy
University of Pittsburgh Press Journal of Philosophical Research
Yale University Press Journal of Religious Ethics
American Philosophical Quarterly Journal of Speculative Philosophy
Archiv für Geschichte der Philoso- Philosophy and Rhetoric
phie Zygon
Christian Scholar's Review
Continental Philosophy Review
International Studies in Philosophy
Journal of the American Academy of


History and Truth in Hegel's Phenomenology, Humanities Press, 1979. Second

printing, 1982, with English edition by Harvester Press. Paperback edition with
new Preface, 1990. Third edition, Indiana University Press, 1998.

With Ludwig, Klay, and Myers: Inflation, Poortalk, and the Gospel, Judson Press,

God, Guilt, and Death: An Existential Phenomenology of Religion, Indiana University

Press, 1984, in the series, Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.
Paperback edition, 1987, by Midland Books and IUP.

Kierkegaard's Critique of Reason and Society, Mercer University Press, 1987.

Paperback edition by Penn State Press, 1991. (KCRS below).

Hegel, Freedom, and Modernity, SUNY Press, 1992. (HFM below).

Suspicion and Faith: The Religious Uses of Modern Atheism, Eerdmans, 1993. With a
new introduction by Kelly James Clark, Fordham University Press, 1998.

Becoming a Self: A Reading of Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript,

Purdue University Press, 1996.

Overcoming Onto-Theology, Fordham University Press, 2001.

Transcendence and Self-Transcendence, Indiana University Press, 2004.

Faith and Secular Philosophy in Dialogue (English translation of Chinese title.

Volume contains 13 of my previously published essays or chapters in translation),
ed. Hao Changchi, Chinese Social Sciences Press, 2005.

Levinas and Kierkegaard in Dialogue, Indiana University Press, 2008

Whose Community? Which Interpretation?: Philosophical Hermeneutics for the

Church, Baker Academic, 2009.


Method and Speculation in Hegel's Phenomenology, Humanities Press, 1982.

Volume consultant for International Kierkegaard Commentary: Two Ages, ed. Robert
L. Perkins. Mercer University Press, 1984.

With Cohen and Martin: Studies in the Philosophy of J. N. Findlay, SUNY Press,

With Caputo and Marsh: Modernity and Its Discontents, Fordham University Press,

With C. Stephen Evans: Christian Perspectives on Religious Knowledge, Eerdmans,


Special issue of Faith and Philosophy on the religious significance of contemporary

continental philosophy, October, 1993.

With Martin Matuštík, Kierkegaard in Post/Modernity, Indiana University Press, 1995.

Volume consultant for International Kierkegaard Commentary: Concluding Unscien-

tific Postscript, ed. Robert L. Perkins. Mercer University Press, 1997.

With Linda Martín Alcoff and Debra Bergoffen, Remembrance and Responsibility,
Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 23, Philoso-
phy Today, Vol. 41, Supplement 1997.

With Linda Martín Alcoff, Conflicts and Convergences, Selected Studies in Phenomen-
ology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 24, Philosophy Today, Vol. 42, Supple-
ment 1998.

Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought, Indiana University Press, 1999.


"Temporality and Finitism in Hartshorne's Theism," The Review of Metaphysics,
XIX (March, 1966), 550-564.

"Theism and the Problems of Ethics," The Philosophy of Gordon Clark, Philadel-
phia, 1968, 176-201.

"In Defense of the Thing in Itself," Kant-Studien, 59/1 (1968), 118-41.

"On Thinking of God as King," Christian Scholar's Review, I (Fall, 1970), 27-

"Hegel, Pannenberg, and Hermeneutics," Man and World, IV (August, 1971), 276-
93. (Reprinted in HFM).

"God as King: A Reply to Lewis Ford," Christian Scholar's Review, I (Summer,

1971), 323-24.

"Kierkegaard and the Logic of Insanity," Religious Studies, VII (September,

1971), 193-211. (Reprinted in KCRS).

"Hegel, Tillich, and the Secular," The Journal of Religion, LII (July, 1972),
223-39. (Reprinted in HFM).

"Verzeihung und Anarchie," Hegel Jahrbuch, 1972, 105-09.

Hegel's Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung," Materialien zu Hegels Phänomenologie

des Geistes, eds. Hans Friedrich Fulda and Dieter Henrich, Frankfort, 1973,
83-105. Reprinted as "Hegel's Phenomenology of Perception" in The Phenomenol-
ogy of Spirit Reader, ed. Jon Stewart, Albany, 1997, 122-37.

Articles on "Alienation", "Bergson, Henri", and Nietzsche, Friedrich" in

Baker's Dictionary of Christian Ethics, ed. Carl F. H. Henry, Grand Rapids,

"Prolegomena to Any Future Philosophy of Religion Which Will Be Able to Come

Forth as Prophecy, " International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, IV
(Fall, 1973), 129-50. (Reprinted in KCRS).

"Hegel's Theory of Religious Knowledge," Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in

the Philosophy of Hegel, ed. F. G. Weiss, The Hague, 1974, 30-57. (Reprinted
in HFM).

Introduction to A. V. Miller's translation of Hegel's Foreword to Hinrichs'

Die Religion im inneren Verhältnisse zure Wissenschaft, in Beyond Epistemology
(see previous item), 221-27.

"Nietzsche and the Phenomenological Ideal," The Monist, LX (April, 1977), 278-

"Kierkegaard as a Prophetic Philosopher," Christian Scholar's Review, VII, 22-

3 (1977), 109-18. (Reprinted in KCRS).

"The Phenomenology of Guilt and the Theology of Forgiveness," Crosscurrents in

Phenomenology, eds. Ronald Bruzina and Bruce Wilshire, The Hague, 1978, 231-

"Sing Jubilee," The Other Side, March, 1978, 29-35. Reprinted in Man and
Society: A Study in Hope, Grand Rapids, 1979, and in The Other Side, March,

"Why Gods Die," The Church Herald, March 9, 1979, 12-13.

"Advent Reflections on a Song and a Prophecy," Simply Beginning, eds. Phil
Amerson and Judy Skovmand, Evansville, 1979.

"New Covenant Tithing," The Church Herald, Nov. 3, 1979, 4-7.

"Orthodoxy and Inattention," The Reformed Journal, XXX, 1 (January, 1980), 13-

"Hegel's Theory of the Concept," Art and Logic in Hegel's Philosophy, eds.
Warren Steinkraus and Kenneth Schmitz, New Jersey, 1980, 103-119. (Reprinted
in HFM and in Selected Essays on G.W.F.Hegel, ed. Lawrence S. Stepelevich,
Atlantic Highlands, 1993, and in G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, Vol. III,
ed. Robert Stern, London, 1993).

"Kierkegaard's Politics," Thought, LV (September, 1980), 320-32. (Reprinted

in KCRS).

"Singing to Caesar," The Church Herald, December 12, 1980, 12-13.

"Pentecost and Patriotism," Of Wind and Fire, eds. Phil Amerson and Judy
Skovmand, Evansville, 1981.

"Abraham and Hegel," Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling: Critical Appraisals,

ed. Robert L. Perkins, University AL, 1981, 62-80. Paperback edition, 1983.
(Reprinted in KCRS).

"Three Dimensional Prayer," The Church Herald, October 2, 1981, 406. Re-
printed in The Associate Reformed Presbyterian, February, 1982, 8-11 and in
the John Milton Talking Magazine (for the blind), July, 1982.

"Cogito and Conversion: A Phenomenology of Prayer as Pre-Reflective Presence,"

Phenomenology and the Understanding of Human Destiny, ed. Stephen Skousgaard,
Washington, D. C., 1981, 355-66.

"Practicing Three Dimensional Prayer," The Church Herald, December 11, 1981,
10-11, 27. Reprinted in The Associate Reformed Presbyterian, March, 1982, 8-

"Existentialism and Environmental Ethics, The Environmental Crisis: The

Ethical Dilemma, ed. Edwin R. Squiers, Mancelona MI, 1982, 77-89.

"Corporations, the Commandments, and the Churches," pamphlet published by the

Reformed Church in America, 1982.

"Warning: The Great Physician Has Determined that Wealth is Dangerous to Your
Health," The Church Herald, January 21, 1983, 5-7.

Questions from the Prophets," The Living and Active Word of God: Studies in
Honor of Samuel J. Schultz, Winona Lake IN, 1983, 59-73.

"The New Flight of the Owl at the End of the Hegel Revival: An Official
Welcome to the New Owl from the President of the Hegel Society of America,"
The Owl of Minerva, XV, 1 (Fall, 1983), 5-10.

"Kierkegaard's Sociology," International Kierkegaard Commentary: Two Ages, ed.

Robert L. Perkins, Macon GA, 1984, 133-54. (Reprinted in KCRS).

"Hegel and the Reformation," History and System: Hegel's Philosophy of

History, ed. Robert L. Perkins, Albany, 1984, 73-92. (Reprinted in HFM).

"Hegel's Radical Idealism: Family and State as Ethical Communities," The State
and Civil Society: Studies in Hegel's Political Philosophy, ed. Zbigniew
Pelczynski, New York, 1984, 77-92. (Reprinted in HFM).
"Dialectic and Intersubjectivity," The Owl of Minerva, XVI, 1 (Fall, 1984),
39-54. (Reprinted in HFM).

"Biblical Faith and our Economic Life" (served as anonymous author of this
paper adopted by the Christian Action Commission of the Reformed Church in
America), Minutes of General Synod, Reformed Church in America, Vol. LXIV,
1984, 51-68.

"A Dialectic of Dialecticians: Reflections on Hegel and Kierkegaard," Clio,

XIII, 4 (Summer, 1984), 415-24.

"Donagan's Critique of Sittlichkeit," Idealistic Studies, XV, 1 (January,

1985), 1-17. (Reprinted in HFM).

"Recollection and Recognition in Findlay's Thought," Studies in the Philosophy

of J. N. Findlay, eds. Cohen, Martin,and Westphal, Albany, 1985, 235-49.

"Pharaoh's Bankers," The Church Herald, September 20, 1985, 10-11.

"Ibsen, Hegel, and Nietzsche," Clio, XIV, 4 (Summer, 1985), 395-406.

"The Hermeneutics of Lent," Perspectives, February, 1986, 8-11.

"Living Lives in Grateful Obedience," The Church Herald, May 2, 1986,


"Hegel and Gadamer," Hermeneutics and Modern Philosophy, ed. Brice Wachterhaus
er, Albany, 1986, 65-86. (Reprinted in HFM).

"The Challenge of Liberation Theology," (served as anonymous author of this

paper adopted by the Theology Commission of the Reformed Church in America),
Minutes of General Synod, Reformed Church in America, Vol. XXVI, 1986, 301-21.
Revised version in Vol. XVIII, 1988, 357-80.

"Barth's Critique of Religion," Perspectives, October, 1986, 4-6.

"Hegel, the Old Secularism, and the New Theocracy," presidential address to
1984 meeting of the Hegel Society of America, Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit,
ed. Peter Stillman, Albany, 1987. (Reprinted in HFM).

"Taking Suspicion Seriously: The Religious Uses of Modern Atheism," Faith and
Philosophy, IV, 1 (January, 1987), 22-42. Reprinted in Readings in the
Philosophy of Religion, ed. Kelly James Clark, Peterborough, Ontario, 2 nd ed.,
2008, 277-87.

"Philosophy, Faith, and Personality Theory," Man and Mind: A Christian Theory
of Personality, ed. Thomas J. Burke, Hillsdale MI, 1987, 111-31.

"Christian Suffering: The Way of the Cross," Perspectives, March, 1987, 7-10.

"Hegel and Husserl: Transcendental Phenomenology and the Revolution Yet

Awaited," Critical and Dialectical Phenomenology, eds. Donn Welton and Hugh J.
Silvlerman, Albany, 1987, 103-135. (Reprinted in HFM).

"Kierkegaard's Psychology and Unconscious Despair," International Kierkegaard

Commentary: The Sickness Unto Death, ed. Robert L. Perkins, Macon GA, 1987,

"Hegel, Human Rights and the Hungry," Hegel on Economics and Freedom, ed.
William Maker, Macon GA, 1987. (Reprinted in HFM).

"Prayer as Privilege," Perspectives (editorial), November, 1987, 3.

"Identity and Belonging," Perspectives (editorial), June, 1988, 3.

"Covenant as Concrete Affirmation," Perspectives, September, 1988, 4-7.

"Socrates Between Jeremiah and Descartes: The Dialectic of Self-Consciousness

and Self-Knowledge," Philosophy and Theology, II, 3 (Spring, 1988), 199-219.

"Academic Excellence: Clich é or Humanizing Vision," Thought, LXIII, 251

(December, 1988), 348-57. Reprinted in Should God Get Tenure? Essays on
Religion and Higher Education, ed. David W. Gill, Grand Rapids, 1997, 27-40.

"Hegel, Hinduism, and Freedom," The Owl of Minerva, 20, 2 (Spring, 1989), 193-
204. (Reprinted in HFM).

"Hegel on Slavery, Independence, and Liberalism," Cardozo Law Review, 10, 5-6
(March/April, 1989), 1563-73.

"The Manager and the Church," Perspectives (editorial), June, 1989, 3.

"Paranoia and Piety: Reflections on the Schreber Case," in Psychoanalysis and

Religion, eds. Joseph H. Smith and Susan A. Handelman, Baltimore, 1990, 117-

"Phenomenologies and Religious Truth," Phenomenology and the Truth Proper to

Religion, ed. Daniel Guerri ère, Albany, 1990, 105-25.

"Taking St. Paul Seriously: Sin as an Epistemological Category," Christian

Philosophy, ed. Thomas Flint, Notre Dame IN, 1990, 200-226. Partially re-
printed in Faith and Reason, ed. Paul Helm, New York, 1999, 355-57.

"Situation and Suspicion in the Thought of Merleau-Ponty: The Question of

Phenomenology and Politics," Ontology and Alterity in Merleau-Ponty, eds.
Galen Johnson and Michael Smith, Evanston IL, 1990, 158-79.

"Higher Education and Idolatry," Perspectives (editorial), November, 1990, 3.

"The Ostrich and the Boogeyman: Placing Postmodernism," Christian Scholar's

Review, XX, 2 (1990), 114-17.

"The Fonda Fallacy," Perspectives (editorial), February, 1991, 3-4.

"A Lifestyle that Reflects Our Faith," The Church Herald, February, 1991, 15-

"Will the Real Audrey Hepburn . . ." Perspectives (editorial), May, 1991, 3.

"Kierkegaard's Phenomenology of Faith as Suffering," Writing the Politics of

Difference, ed. Hugh Silverman, Albany, 1991, 55-71.

"Six Searing Words," Perspectives, September, 1991, 19-22 (under the pseudonym
Laura Vander Veen).

"William Desmond's Humpty Dumpty Hegelianism," Clio, 20, 2 (Summer, 1991),


"Kierkegaard's Teleological Suspension of Religiousness B," Foundations of

Kierkegaard's Vision of Community, eds. George Connell and C. Stephen Evans,
Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1991.

"The Press Conference Magic Johnson Didn't Hold," Perspectives (editorial),

January, 1992, 3-4

"The Cheating of Cratylus (Genitivus Subjectivus)" Modernity and Its Discon-

tents, ed. Caputo, Marsh, and Westphal, New York, 1992, 163-82.

Preface to Modernity and its Discontents (see previous entry), ix-xiv.

"How Shall We Escape," Perspectives (editorial), April, 1992, 3-4.

"Religious Experience as Self-Transcendence and Self-Deception," Faith and

Philosophy, 9, 2 (April, 1992), 168-92. Reprinted in Philosophy of Religion:
An Anthology of Contemporary Views, ed. Melville Y. Steward, Boston, 1996,
263-287. Partially reprinted in Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings, ed.
Peterson, Hasker, Reichenbach, and Basinger, 2 nd ed., New York, 2001, 56-64
and in Philosophy of Religion, ed. Melville Y. Steward and Xing Taotao,
Peking, 2005, 181-98

"Levinas, Kierkegaard, and the Theological Task," Modern Theology, 8, 3 (July,

1992), 241-261. Reprinted in Emmanuel Levinas: Critical Assessments of Leading
Philosophers, Vol. II, Levinas and the History of Philosophy, ed. Claire Katz
and Lara Trout, New York, 2005, 325-46.

"A Reader's Guide to 'Reformed Epistemology,'" Perspectives, November, 1992,

10-13. Reprinted in Religious and Theological Studies Fellowship Bulletin, 10
(Jan/Feb, 1996).

"Saving Sola Scriptura from Rhem and the Rationalists," Perspectives, Febru-
ary, 1993, 10-11.

"As If You Really Meant It," Perspectives (editorial), March, 1993, 3.

"Of Bumper Stickers and Trolls," Perspectives (editorial), September, 1993, 3.

"Christian Philosophers and the Copernican Revolution" Christian Perspectives

on Religious Knowledge, ed. C. Stephen Evans and Merold Westphal, Grand
Rapids, 1993, 161-79.

"A User Friendly Copernican Revolution," APA Newsletter on Teaching Philoso-

phy, 99, 2 (Fall, 1993), 87-88. Reprinted in In the Socratic Tradition, ed.
Tziporah Kasachkoff, Lanham, MD, 1998, 187-91.

"Hegel and Family Values," APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, 99, 2 (Fall,
1993), 100-101. Reprinted in In the Socratic Tradition, ed. Tziporah Kasach
koff, Lanham, MD, 1998, 209-13.

"Levinas and the Immediacy of the Face," Faith and Philosophy, 9, 4 (October,
1993), 486-502.

"The Canon as Flexible, Normative Fact," The Monist, 76, 4 (October, 1993),

"Kierkegaard and the Anxiety of Authorship," International Philosophical

Quarterly, XXXIV, 1 (March, 1994), 5-22. Reprinted in The Death and Resurrec-
tion of the Author, ed. William Irwin, Westport and London, 2002, 23-43

"Derrida as Natural Law Theorist," International Philosophical Quarterly,

XXXIV, 2 (June, 1994), 247-52.

"Johannes and Johannes: Kierkegaard and Difference," International Kierkegaard

Commentary: Philosophical Fragments and Johannes Climacus, ed. Robert L.
Perkins, Macon, GA, 1994, 13-32.

"Hegel's Angst vor dem Sollen," The Owl of Minerva, 25, 2 (Spring, 1994),

"Faith Seeking Understanding," God and the Philosophers, ed. Thomas V. Morris,
New York, 1994), 215-26.

"The Tragedy of RMN," Perspectives (editorial), August/September, 1994, 6.

"Recognizing Greed, Nourishing Generosity" Discernment, 3, 2 (Spring, 1995),


"Deconstruction and Christian Cultural Theory: An Essay on Appropriation,"

Pledges of Jubilee, ed. Lambert Zuidervaart and Henry Luttikhuizen, Grand
Rapids, 1995, 107-125.

"Bourgeoisified Buber," Perspectives (editorial), August/September, 1995, 7-8.

"The Transparent Shadow: Kierkegaard and Levinas in Dialogue," Kierkegaard in

Post/Modernity, ed. Matustik and Westphal, Bloomington, 1995, 265-81.

"Levinas' Teleological Suspension of the Religious," Ethics as First Philoso-

phy: The Significance of Levinas for Philosophy, Literature, and Religion, ed.
Adriaan T. Peperzak, New York, 1995, 151-60.

"Tis a Task to Be Simple," Perspectives (editorial), October, 1995, 9.

"Postmodernism and Religious Reflection," International Journal for Philosophy

of Religion, 38, 1-3 (December, 1995), 127-43. Reprinted in God, Reason and
Religions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Religion, ed. Eugene Thomas Long,
Dordrecht, 1995, 127-43 and in Readings in the Philosophy of Religion, ed.
Andrew Eshleman, Malden, MA, 426-33.

"Lest We Forget," Perspectives, February, 1996, 10-13.

"Idealism and/as Secularism," The New Mercersburg Review, 20 (Autumn, 1996),


"Traditional Theism, the AAR, and the APA," God, Philosophy, and Academic
Culture, ed. William J. Wainwright, Atlanta, 1996, 21-27.

"Laughing at Hegel," The Owl of Minerva, 28, 1 (Fall, 1996), 39-58.

"Through a Glass Darkly," an interview with Ben Lipscomb, Dialogue, 29/1

(Sept/Oct, 1996), 6-13.

"Phenomenology and Existentialism," A Companion to Philosophy of Religion,

Oxford, 1997. 143-49. Second ed., rev., 2010, 167-75.

"The Emergence of Modern Philosophy of Religion" A Companion to Philosophy of

Religion, Oxford, 1997, 111-17. Second ed, rev., 2010, 133-40.

"Onto-theo-logical Straw: Reflections on Presence and Absence," Postmodernism

and Christian Philosophy ed. Roman T. Ciapalo, Mishawaka, 1997, 258-67.

"Nietzsche as a Theological Resource," Modern Theology, 13, 2 (April, 1997),

213-26. Reprinted in Nietzsche and the Divine, ed. John Lippitt and Jim
Urpeth, Manchester, 2000, 14-29.

"Positive Postmodernism as Radical Hermeneutics," The Very Idea of Radical

Hermeneutics, ed. Roy Martinez, Atlantic Highlands, 1997.

"Philosophy as Vision and as Critique," The Recovery of Philosophy in America:

Essays in Honor of John Edwin Smith, ed. Thomas P. Kasulis and Robert Cummings
Neville, Albany, 1997.

"Appropriating the Atheists," an interview with Gary J. Percesepe, Books and

Culture, May/June, 1997, 24-25.

"Appropriating Postmodernism" ARC, The Journal of the Faculty of Religious

Studies, McGill University, 25 (1997), 73-84.
"Post-Kantian Reflections on the Importance of Hermeneutics," Disciplining
Hermeneutics: Interpretation in Christian Perspective, ed. Roger Lundin, Grand
Rapids, 1997, 57-66.

"Introduction," Reason, Experience, and God. ed. Vincent M. Colapietro, New

York, 1997, 1-5.

"Theology as Talking about a God Who Talks," Modern Theology, 13, 4 (October,
1997), 525-36.

"Kierkegaard's Climacus: A Kind of Postmodernist," International Kierkegaard

Commentary: Concluding Unscientific Postscript, ed. Robert L. Perkins, Macon,
GA, 1997, 53-71.

"Heidegger's 'Theologische' Jugendschriften," Research in Phenomenology,

XXVII, 1997, 247-61.

"Kierkegaard and Hegel," The Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard, ed. Alastair

Hannay and Gordon D. Marino, New York, 1998.

"I Don't Want To Be Happy", Perspectives (editorial), January, 1998, 5-6.

"Kierkegaard," A Companion to Continental Philosophy, ed. Simon Critchley and

Bill Schroeder, Oxford, 1997, 128-38.

"Postmodern Theology," Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, New York, 1998,

VII, 583-86.

"Phenomenology of Religion," Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. E.

Craig, London, 1998, VII, 352-55,

"Levinas and the 'Logic' of Solidarity," Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal,

1998, 20/2 & 21/1, 297-319.

"Commanded Love and Moral Autonomy: The Kierkegaard-Habermas Debate," Kierke

gaard Studies, Yearbook 1998, 1-22. Reprinted in Ethical Perspectives, 1998,
5/4, 263-76.

"Faith as the Overcoming of Ontological Xenophobia," The Otherness of God, ed.

Orrin Summerell, Charlottesville, 1998, 149-72.

With Debra Bergoffen: editors' introduction to Remembrance and Responsibility:

Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 23,
published as a supplement to Vol 41 of Philosophy Today, 1998.

With Linda Alcoff: editors' introduction to Conflicts and Convergences:

selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 24,
published as a supplement to Vol 42 of Philosophy Today, 1998.

"Hermeneutics as Epistemology," The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology, ed. John

Greco and Ernest Sosa, Oxford, 1999, 415-35.

"Soren Kierkegaard," The Columbia History of Western Philosophy, ed. Richard

H. Popkin, New York, 1999, 546-49.

"Taking Plantinga Seriously: Advice to Christian Philosophers," Faith and

Philosophy, 16, 2 (April, 1999), 173-81.

"Von Hegel bis Hegel," The Emergence of German Idealism, ed. Michael Bauer and
Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Washington, D.C., 1999, 269-87.

"Overcoming Onto-theology," God, the Gift, and Postmodernism, ed. John D.

Caputo and Michael J. Scanlon, Bloomington, 1999, 146-69.
"The Politics of Religious Pluralism," The Proceedings of the Twentieth World
Congress of Philosophy: Volume 4, Philosophies of Religion, Art, and Creativ-
ity, ed. Kevin L. Stoehr, Bowling Green, 1999, 1-8.

"Commanded Love and Divine Transcendence in Kierkegaard and Levinas," The Face
of the Other and the Trace of God: Essays on the Philosophy of Emmanuel
Levinas, ed. Jeffrey Bloechl, New York, 2000, 200-233. Translated as “Le
commandement de l’amour et la transcendance divine chez Lévinas et Kierke-
gaard,” Søren Kierkegaard: Pensée et problèmes de l’éthique, ed. Anne-Chris-
tine Habbard and Jacques Message, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, 2009.

"Onto-theology, Metanarrative, Perspectivism and the Gospel," Perspectives,

April, 2000, 6-10.Reprinted in Christianity and the Postmodern Turn: Six
Views, ed. Myron B. Penner, Grand Rapids, 2005, 141-53.

"A Midrash of (and for) Hope," Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education, 18

(Fall, 2000), 16-24.

"Hegel and Onto-theology," Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, Nos
41/42, 2000, 142-65.

"Chatter: The Protestant Ostinato," Perspectives (editorial), January, 2001,


"Suspicion and Religious Belief" in a Chinese volume whose English translation

is Lectures on European and American Philosophy and Religion, ed. Zhao Dunhua
and Melville Y. Stewart, Peking, 2001, 194-205.

"The Trauma of Transcendence as Heteronomous Intersubjectivity." Intersub-

jectivité et théologie philosophique, ed. Marco M. Olivetti, Padova, 2001, 87-

"Reading God the Author," Religious Studies, 37 (2001), 272-91.

"Kierkegaard, Socratic Irony, and Deconstruction," International Kierkegaard

Commentary: The Concept of Irony, ed. Robert L. Perkins, Macon, 2001, 365-90.

"Coping and Conversation: The Limits and Promise of Pragmatism," The Hedgehog
Review, 3, 3 (Fall, 2001), 73-92.

"Divine Excess: The God Who Comes After"," The Religious, ed. John D. Caputo,
London, 2002, 258-276.

"Postnodernism" (encyclopedia article), The New Dictionary of Pastoral

Studies, ed. Wesley Carr et al., Grand Rapids and London, 2002, 273.

Preface to Gabriel Marcel, Creative Fidelity, reissue of 1964 translation by

Robert Rosthal, New York, 2002, ix-xvii.

"Hermeneutical Finitude from Schleiermacher to Derrida," Between the Human and

the Divine: Philoso[hical and Theological Hermeneutics, ed. Andrzej Wiercin-
ski,Toronto, 2002, 50-65.

"Transcendence, Heteronomy, and the Birth of the Responsible Self," Calvin O.

Schrag and the Task of Philosophy after Postmodernity, ed. Martin Beck
Matuštík and William L. McBride, Evanston, 2002, 201-25.

"Hegel Between Spinoza and Derrida," Hegel’s History of Philosophy: New

Interpretations, ed. David A. Duquette, Albany, 2002, 143-63.

"The Search for a Postmodern Ethics," Research in Phenomenology, 32 (2002),

"Soren Kierkegaard, Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical
Fragments: Making Things Difficult for the System and for Christendom," The
Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader’s Guide, ed. Jorge J.E. Gracia,
Gregory M. Reichberg, Bernard N. Schumacher, Oxford, 2002, 388-94.

"Jaspers’s Reception of Kierkegaard," Karl Jaspers on Philosophy of History

and History of Philosophy, ed. Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. and Raymond J.
Langley, Amherst, NY, 2003, 223-35.

"Faith at the Beach," Perspectives (editorial), March, 2003, 18-19.

"Whose Philosophy? Which Religion? Reflections on Reason as Faith," Tran-

scendence in Philosophy and Religion, ed. James E. Faulconer, Bloomington,
2003, 13-34.

"Postmodernism and Ethics: The Case of Caputo," A Passion for the Impossible:
John D. Caputo in Focus, ed. Mark Dooley, Albany, 2003, 153-70.

"The God Who Will Be: Hermeneutics and The God of Promise," Faith and Philoso-
phy, 20, 3 (July 2003), 328-44..

"Blind Spots: Christianity and Postmodern Philosophy," The Christian Century,

June 14, 2003, 32-35. "Merold Westphal Replies" to Douglas Groothuis, "Postmo-
dern fallacies: a response to Merold Westphal," The Christian Century, July
26, 2003, 42-43

Interview on the phenomenology of religion with Professor GaoBingjiang in

Philosophical Trends (Chinese language journal), 2003 (8), 36-39.

"Kierkegaard and the Role of Reflection in Second Immediacy," Immediacy and

Reflection in Kierkegaard’s Thought, ed. P. Cruysberghs, J. Taels, and K.
Verstrynge, Leuven, 2003, 159-79.

"Hegel" (The Hermeneutics of 'Christian' Pantheism), The Blackwell Companion

to Modern Theology, ed. Gareth Jones, Oxford, 2004, 293-310.

"The Fonda Fallacy All Over Again" (editorial)," Mississippi Review,, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2004, no pages.

"Speech from Beyond the Reach of Language: A Response to Zhang Xianglong,"

Chinese Philosophy in an Era of Globalization, ed. Robin R. Wang, Albany,
2004, 215-29

Kierkegaard on Language and Spirit," Language and Spirit, ed. D. Z. Phillips

and Mario von der Ruhr, New York, 2004, 64-90.

"Continental Philosophy," DVD Video with Alexander Nehamas in the Great Ideas
of Philosophy series, produced by Films for the Humanities and Sciences,

"The Return of the Arrogance of Power," Mississippi Review, Vol. 32, No. 3
(Fall, 2004), 209-212.

"In God We Trust: Biblical Interpretation and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion,"

The Hermeneutics of Charity: Interpretation, Selfhood, and Postmodern Faith,
Grand Rapids, 2004, 98-108.

"Kierkegaard’s Religiousness C: A Defense," International Philosophical

Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 4, Issue 176 (December 2004), 535-48.

"Kenosis and Offense: A Kierkegaardian Look at Divine Transcendence," Interna-

tional Kierkegaard Commentary: Practice in Christianity, ed. Robert L.
Perkins, Macon, 2004, 19-46
"The Christian Uses of Secular Postmodernism," Revista Portuguesa de Filoso-
phia, Vol 60 (2004), 845-869. Reprinted in Iqbal review: journal of the Iqbal
Academuy Pakistan, Special Issue on Study the Religions Other, April &
October, 2005, 119-37.

"Shame as a Political Virtue," Religion in the Liberal Polity, ed. Terence

Cuneo, Notre Dame, 2005, 231-49.

"Not About Me," Christian Century, 122/7 (April 5, 2005), 20-25. Reprinted in
Prayer, an issue of Christian Reflection: A Series in Faith and Ethics, Baylor
University, 2009, 26-35.

"Continental Philosophy of Religion," The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of

Religion, ed. William J. Wainwright, New York, 2005, 472-93.

"Interview with Merold Westphal," The Leuven Philosophy Newsletter, 13 (2004-

2005), 26-30.

"Writing as an Act of Faith," The Cresset, Trinity, 2005, 5-8.

"Of Stories and Language," Christianity and the Postmodern Turn: Six Views,
ed. Myron B. Penner, Grand Rapids, 2005, 229-40.

"Reply to Jack Caputo," Faith and Philosophy, Vol. 22, No 3 (July 2005), 297-

"Participation and Kenosis: A List for Schindler," The Saint Anselm Journal,
Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall, 2005),

"Transfiguration as Saturated Phenomenon," Between Description and Interpreta-

tion: The Hermeneutic Turn in Phenomenology, ed. Andrzej Wiercinski, Toronto,
2005, 501-512. An earlier, shorter version of this essay is found in Journal
of Philosophy and Scripture,, Vol. 1, Issue 1
(2003), no pages.

"Onto-Theology" (encyclopedia entry), Dictionary for theological interpreta-

tion of the Bible, ed. Kevin J. Vanhoozer et al. Grand Rapids, 2005, 546-49.

"Prayer as the Posture of the Decentered Self" The Phenomenology of Prayer,

ed. Bruce Ellis Benson and Norman Wirzba, New York, 2005, 13-31.

"Becoming Real -- With Style," Styles of Piety, ed. S. Clark Buckner and
Matthew Statler, New York, 2006, 76-93.

"Hermeneutics and the God of Promise," After God: Richard Kearney and the
Religious Turn in Continental Philosophy, ed. John Panteleimon Manoussakis,
New York, 2006, 78-93.

"Aquinas and Onto-theology," American Catholic Philosophical

Quarterly, Vol 80, No. 2 (Spring, 2006), 173-91.

"The Privilege of Touching," Perspectives (editorial), June/July, 2006, 3-4.

"Vision and Voice: Phenomenology and Theology in the Work of Jean-Luc Marion,"
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 60, No. 1-3 (December,
2006), 117-37.

"The Importance of Overcoming Metaphysics for the Life of Faith," Modern

Theology, Vol. 23, No. 2 (April, 2007), 253-78.

"The Prereflective Cogito as Contaminated Opacity," The Southern Journal of

Philosophy, Vol. XLV (2007) Supplement, 152-77.

“Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion,” Twentieth

Century Philosophies, ed. Constantin V. Boundas, Edinburgh, 2007, 603-14.

“Hermeneutics, Scripture & Faithful Philosophizing: An Interview with Merold

Westphal," Journal of Philosophy & Scripture,,
Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2007), 26-40.

“The Importance of Mystery for the Life of Faith,” Faith and Philosophy, Vol
24, No. 4 (Oct.2007), 367-84.

“The welcome wound; emerging from the il y a otherwise,” Continental Philoso-

phy Review, Vol. 40 (2007), 211-30. Also at ,

“Paganism in Christendom,” International Kierkegaard Commentary: Christian

Discourses and The Crisis in the Life of an Actress, ed. Robert L. Perkins,
Macon, 2007, 13-33. Also: "Le paganisme dans la chrétienté," Nordiques
(special issue - "Soren Kierkegaard et la critique du religieux"), No. 10
(Printemps-Été, 2006), 101-118.

“Phenomenology of Religion,” The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Reli-

gion, ed. Chad Meister and Paul Copan, London, 2007, 661-71.

“Theological Anti-Realism,” Realism and Religion: Philosophical and Theologi-

cal Perspectives, ed. Andrew Moore and Michael Scott, Aldershot, UK, 2007,

”Kierkegaard, Soren,” Encyclopedia Britannica Online: Academic Edition,, 2007.

“Intentionality and Transcendence,” Subjectivity and Transcendence, ed. Arne

Grøn, Iben Damgaard, and Søren Overgaard, Tübingen, 2007.

“Atheism for Lent,”, Issue

11, Feb. 20, 2008. Reprinted in “God is Dead” and I Don’t Feel So Good Myself,
ed. Andrew David, Christoher J. Keller, and Jon Stanley, Eugene, OR, 2010, 67-

“Ricoeur’s Hermeneutical Phenomenology of Religion,” Reading Ricoeur, ed.

David M. Kaplan, Albany, 2008, 109-27.

“The Many Faces of Levinas as a Reader of Kierkegaard,” Kierkegaard and

Levinas, ed. J. Aaron Simmons and David Wood, Bloomington, 2008, 21-40. Also
in Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64/2-4 (2008), 1141-62.

“L’Autre critique kierkegaardienne de Hegel,” L’Idéalisme allemand et la

religion, ed. Philippe Soual and Miklos Vetö, Paris, 2008, 189-211.

“Abraham and Sacrifice,” Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und

Religionsphilosophie, 50 (2008), 318-30.

“Hermeneutics and Holiness,” Analytic Theology: New Essays in the philosophy

of Theology, ed. Oliver D Crisp and Michael C. Rea, Oxford, 2009, 265-79

“Inverted Intentionality: On Being Seen and Being Addressed,” Faith and

Philosophy, 26/3 (2009), 233-52. Chinese translation in Wuhan University
Journal, 65/5 (2012), 31-37.
“The Joy of Being Indebted: A Concluding Response,” Gazing Through a Prism
Darkly: Reflections on Merold Westphal’s Hermeneutical Epistemology, ed. B.
Keith Putt, New York, 2009, 163-80.

“Talking to Balaam’s Ass: A Concluding Conversation,” Gazing Through a Prism

Darkly: Reflections on Merold Westphal’s Hermeneutical Epistemology, ed. B.
Keith Putt, New York, 2009, 181-205. An interview with Keith Putt.

“The Empty Suitcase as Rainbow,” Saintly Influence: Edith Wyschogrod and the
Possibilities of Philosophy of Religion, ed. Eric Boynton and Martin Kavka,
New York, 2009, 48-62.

“The End of Secular Thought?,” Rethinking Secularization: Philosophy and the

Prophecy of a Secular Age, ed. Herbert DeVriese and Gary Gabor, Newcastle upon
Tyne, 2009, 355-66.

“Against Unconditional Gifts,” With Gifted Thinkers: Conversations with

Caputo, Hart, Horner, Kearney, Keller, Rigby, Taylor, Wallace,
Westphal, ed. Mark Manolopoulos, Bern, 2009, 233-247. An interview with Mark

“Thinking About God and God-Talk with Levinas,” The Exorbitant: Emmanuel
Levinas Between Jews and Christians, ed. Kevin Hart and Michael A. Signer, New
York, 2010, 216-29.

“Divine Givenness and Self-Givenness in Kierkegaard,” Kierkegaard as Phenomen-

ologist: An Experiment, ed. Jeffrey Hanson, Evanston, 2010, 39-56.

“Kierkegaard and German Idealism,” The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth

Century Philosophy, ed. Dean Moyar, New York, 2010, 347-76.

“Climacus on Subjectivity and the System,” Kierkegaard’s Concluding Unscien-

tific Postscript: A Critical Guide, ed. Rick Anthony Furtak, New York, 2010,

“Levinas,” The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, ed. Daniel Patte,

Cambridge, 2010, 722-23.

“Two Friends: Robert and Soren,” Why Kierkegaard Matters: A Festschrift in

Honor of Robert L. Perkins, Macon, 2010, 245-53.

“Of Metaphysics and Theology,” Perspectives, February, 2011, 4-7.

“Kierkegaard on Faith, Reason, and Passion,” Faith and Philosophy, 28/1

(January, 2011), 82-92. Also available in Faith, Rationality, and the
Passions, ed. Sarah Coakley, Oxford, 2012, 169-79.

“Atheism,” The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology, ed. Ian McFarland,

et al., Cambridge, 2011, 41-42.

“The Dialectic of Belonging and Distanciation in Gadamer and Ricoeur,” Gadamer

and Ricoeur: Critizal Horizons for Contemporary Hermeneutics, ed. Francis J.
Mootz III and George H Taylor, New York, 2011, 43-62.

Chapters 32-33 of Suspicion and Faith reprinted in Christian Apologetic: Past

and Present, Vol. 2, ed. William Edgar and F. Scott Oliphant, Wheaton IL,
2011, 622-30.

“Remembering Arthur Holmes,”, Nov. 9, 2011.

“Existentialism and Religion,” The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism, ed.

Steven Crowell, New York, 2012, 322-41.
“Dimensions of Divine Transcendence: From Abstract to Concrete,” Culture and
Transcendence: A Typology of Transcendence, ed. Wessel Stoker and W. L. van
der Merwe, Leuven, 2012, 151-62.

“The Kantian Tradition: The Danger of Philosophical Hegemony,” Theology and

Philosophy: Faith and Reason, ed. Oliver D. Crisp, New York and London,
2012, 116-28.

“The Philosophical/Theological View” and “The Philosophical/Theological

Response,” in Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views, ed. Stanley E. Porter and
Beth M. Stovell, Downers Grove, IL, 2012, 70-88 and160-73.

“The Second Great Revolution in Phenomenology,” Journal of Speculative

Philosophy, 26/2 (2012), 333-47.

“Phenomenology,” The Oxford Handbook of Theology and Modern European Thought,

ed. Nicholas Adams, George Patterson, and Graham Ward, Oxford, 2013, 501-519.


“Hermeneutics, Faith, and Reason”

“The Politics of Love and Its Metaphysics”
“Kierkegaard and the Other: A Phenomenological Psychotherapy”
“The Second Great Revolution in Phenomenology”

Professional Memberships

American Philosophical Association

Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
Society of Christian Philosophers
Soren Kierkegaard Society
New Haven Theological Discussion Group
Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology

Religion and Judgment, by Willard Arnett
in The Journal of Religion, January, 1967.

The Historian and the Believer, by Van Harvey

in Religious Studies, October, 1968.

The Emergence of Philosophy of Religion, by James Collins

in Religious Studies, October, 1968.

Poetry, Language, and Thought, by Martin Heidegger

in Anglican Theological Review, July, 1972.

Belief in God and The Rationality of Belief in God, by George Mavrodes

in Christian Scholar's Review, 1973 (III, 1).

Hegel, by Raymond Plant

in The Owl of Minerva, June, 1974.

Logic and Reality, by Leslie Armour

in International Philosophical Quarterly, March, 1975.

Hegel: The Essential Writings, edited by Frederick Weiss

in The Owl of Minerva, June, 1975.

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: A Commentary on the Preface and Introduction,

by Werner Marx
in The Owl of Minerva, March, 1976.

Genesis and Structure of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, by Jean Hyppolite

in The Philosophical Review, October, 1976.

Truth and Method, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and Hegel's Dialectic: Five

Hermeneutical Studies, by Hans-Georg Gadamer
in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1977 (VIII, 1).

A Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, by Quentin Lauer

in Religious Studies, September, 1977.

Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity, by Frances Moore Lappé and Joseph
Collins, and A Socio-Theology of Letting-Go: The Role of a First World
Church Facing Third World Peoples, by Marie Augusta Neal
in Christian Scholar's Review, 1978 (VIII, 1).

Post-Theistic Thinking:The Marxist Christian Dialogue in Radical Perspective,

by Thomas Dean
in Christian Scholar's Review, 1978 (VIII, 2).

Hegel's Phenomenology, Part I: Analysis and Commentary, by Howard Kainz

in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1987 (IX, 3).

Feuerbach, by Marx Wartofsky

in The Owl of Minerva, December, 1978.

The Worldly Evangelicals, by Richard Quebedeaux

in Reformed Review, 1979 (32,3).

Theology and the Philosophy of Science, by Wolfhart Pannenberg

in Christian Scholar's Review, 1979 (IX, 1).
Good Work, by E. F. Schumacher
in Sojourners, December, 1979.
he Search for America's Faith, by George Gallup, Jr. and David Poling, and
Ministry in America, by Strommen, Shuller, and Brekke
in Sojourners, May, 1981.

Earth Keeping: Christian Stewardship of Natural Resources, by Loren Wilkinson

in TSF Bulletin, September/October, 1981.

Kierkegaard and Christendom, by John Elrod

in Sojourners, November, 1981.

The Christology of Hegel, by James Yerkes

in Clio, 1981 (10, 1).

Kierkegaard's Relation to Hegel, by Niels Thulstrup

in Christian Scholar's Review, 1981 (XI, 1).

Nietzsche, Vol. I, The Will to Power as Art, by Martin Heidegger

in Christian Scholar's Review, 1981 (XI, 1).

Freedom of Simplicity, by Richard J. Foster

in The Church Herald, January 8, 1982.

A Materialist Reading of the Gospel of Mark, by Fernando Belo

in Sojourners, February, 1982.

Kant and the Problem of History, by William Galston

in Independent Journal of Philosophy, 1983 (IV).

Consequences of Pragmatism, by Richard Rorty

in Christian Scholar's Review, 1984 (XIII, 2).

Darstellung, Methode und Struktur: Untersuchungen zur Einheit der

systematischen Philosophie G. W. F. Hegels, by L. Bruno Puntel
in Contemporary German Philosophy, 1984 (3).

Role Playing and Identity, by Bruce Wilshire

in Christian Scholar's Review, 1984 (XIV, 3).

Beyond Nihilism: Nietzsche Without Masks, by Ophelia Schutte

in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1984 (XVI).

Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God, eds. Plantinga and
in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1984 (XVI).

Luther und Hegel: Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung einer neuen systematischen

Theologie, by Ulrich Asendorf
in Religious Studies Review, 1984 (10, 4).

The Quest for Wholeness, by Carl Vaught

in Process Studies, 1985 (14, 3).

Three Essays, 1973-75: The Tu

" bingen Essay, Berne Fragments, The Life of Jesus
by G. W. F. Hegel
in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1985 (18).

Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 9, Pha

" nomenologie des Geistes, by G. W. F. Hegel
in Clio, 1985 (XIV, 4).

The Politics of Salvation: The Hegelian Idea of the State, by Paul Lakeland
in The Owl of Minerva, Spring, 1986.
Apartheid is a Heresy, eds. de Gruchy and Villa-Vicencio and A Moment of
Truth: The Confession of the Dutch Reformed Mission Church, 1982, eds.
Clote and Smit
in Perspectives, May, 1986.

Hegel's Development: Night Thoughts (Jena 1801-1806, by H. S. Harris

in Idealistic Studies, 1986 (XVI, 2).

Hegel's Concept of God, by Quentin Lauer

in International Studies in Philosophy, 1986 (XVIII, 1).

Vatican II and Phenomenology: Reflections on the Life-World of the Church,

by John F. Kobler
in The Reformed Journal, December, 1986.

Hegel's Quest for Certainty, by Joseph C. Flay

in Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1986 (XXIV, 3).

Jesus, Liberation, and the Biblical Jubilee: Images for Ethics and
Christology, by Sharon H. Ringe
in Perspectives, January, 1987.

Plurality and Ambiguity: Hermeneutics, Religion, Hope, by David Tracy

in The Reformed Journal, October, 1987.

Flannery O'Conner: Images of Grace, by Harold Fickett and Douglas R. Gilbert

in Perspectives, November, 1987.

The Subversion of Christianity, by Jacques Ellul

in Perspectives, January, 1988.

Hermeneutics and the Sociology of Knowledge, by Susan Hekman

in Christian Scholar's Review, 1988 (XVII, 4).

The Search for Historical Meaning: Hegel and the Postwar American Right,
by Paul Edward Gottfried
in The Owl of Minerva, Spring, 1989.

Hegel, Hinrichs, and Schleiermacher:The Texts of Their 1821-22 Debate

translated by Eric von der Luft
in The Owl of Minerva, Spring, 1989.

Post-Modern Uses of the Bible: The Emergence of Reader-Oriented Criticism,

by Edgar McKnight
in Perspectives, June, 1989.

Habermas and the Dialectic of Reason, by David Ingram

in International Philosophical Quarterly, 1989 (XXIX, 3).

Until Justice and Peace Embrace, by Nicholas Wolterstorff

in Perspectives, November, 1989.

Spirituality and Liberation: Overcoming the Great Fallacy, by Robert McAfee

in Perspectives, November, 1989.

Critique of Cynical Reason, by Peter Sloterdijk

in International Philosophical Quarterly, 1989 (XXIX, 4).

Hegel, Nietzsche, and the Criticism of Metaphysics, by Stephen Houlgate

in The Heythrop Journal, January, 1990.

Philosophers of Consciousness:Polanyi, Lonergan, Voegelin, Ricoeur, Girard,

Kierkegaard, by Eugene Webb
in Theological Studies, March, 1990.
Desire, Dialectic, and Otherness: An Essay in Origins, by William Desmond
in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1990 (27).

Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark's Story of Jesus,

by Ched Myers
in Perspectives, October, 1990.

Why Narrative? Readings in Narrative Theology, eds. Hauerwas and Jones

in Perspectives, December, 1990.

Hegel's Trinitarian Claim: A Critical Reflection, by Dale M. Schlitt. O. M. I.

in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Summer, 1990.

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, by Martin Heidegger

in International Philosophical Quarterly, 1990 (XXX, 4).

The Holy Spirit and Liberation, by José Comblin

in Perspectives, January, 1991.

Exceedingly Nietzsche: Aspects of Contemporary Nietzsche Interpretation

eds. David Farrell Krell and David Wood
in The Heythrop Journal, 1991 (XXXII, 2).

Spirit and Existence, by Michael Gelven

in The Review of Metaphysics, 1991.

Fichte: Early Philosophical Writings, ed. Daniel Breazeale

in International Philosophical Quarterly, 1991 (XXXI, 1).

Justice, Gender, and the Family, by Susan Moller Okin

in Perspectives, October, 1991.

Preface and Introduction to the Phenomenology of Mind

ed. Lawrence Stepelevich
in The Owl of Minerva, 1991 (23, 1).

Hegel's Ethical Thought, by Allen W. Wood

in Journal of the History of Philosophy, April, 1992 (XXX, No. 2)

Die Liebe und das Sein, by L. Gondos-Grünhut

in International Philosophical Quarterly, September, 1992 (XXXII, 3).

Transforming Vision: Imagination and Will in Kierkegaardian Faith,

by Jamie Ferreira
in Theological Studies, September, 1992.

International Kierkegaard Commentary: The Corsair Affair

ed. Robert L. Perkins
in Soren Kierkegaard Newsletter, November, 1992 (No. 26).

Hegel's Critique of Liberalism: Rights in Context, by Stephen B. Smith

in International Philosophical Quarterly, December, 1992 (XXXII, 4).

International Kierkegaard Commentary: The Corsair Affair

ed. Robert L. Perkins
in The Kierkegaard Newsletter, November, 1992 (26).

Faith and Reason from Plato to Plantinga, by Dewey J. Hoitenga, Jr.

in Theology Today, January, 1993 (49, 4).

Holism: A Shopper's Guide, by Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore

in International Philosophical Quarterly, June, 1993 (XXXIII, 2).

Kierkegaard and Kant: the Hidden Debt, by Ronald M. Green

in Theological Studies, June, 1993 (54, 2).
Correlations in Rosenzweig and Levinas, by Robert Gibbs
in International Philosophical Quarterly, December, 1993 (XXXIII, 4).

Fichte: Foundations of Transcendental Philosophy: (Wissenschaftslehre) Nova

Methodo (1796/99), ed. and trans. Dan Breazeale
in International Philosophical Quarterly, June, 1994 (XXXXIV, 2).

Oneself as Another, by Paul Ricoeur

in International Philosophical Quarterly, September, 1994 (XXXIV, 3).

Hegel on Logic and Religion: The Reasonableness of Christianity

by John W. Burbidge
in International Studies in Philosophy, 1994 (XXVI, 4).

Kierkegaard as Negative Theologian, by David R. Law

in Modern Theology, April, 1995 (11, 2).

Living Poetically: Kierkegaard's Existential Aesthetics, by Sylvia Walsh

in Philosophy and Literature, October, 1995 (19, 2)

The Christian God, by Richard Swinburne

in The Review of Metaphysics, December, 1995 (XLIX, 2).

The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger, ed. Gharles B. Guignon

in APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, Spring, 1996 (95, 2)

The Cambridge Companion to Hegel, ed. Frederick C. Beiser

in APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, Spring, 1996 (95, 2)

Kierkegaard as Religious Thinker, by David. J. Gouwens

in Theological Studies, December, 1996 (57, 4).

International Kierkegaard Commentary

Vol. 3 Either/Or, Part I
Vol. 4 Either/Or, Part II, ed. Robert L. Perkins
in International Philosophical Quarterly, June, 1997 (XXXVII, 2)

Embodying Forgiveness: A Theological Analysis, by L Gregory Jones

in Pro Ecclesia, Spring, 1997 (VI, 2).

Against Ethics, by John D. Caputo

in Philosophy and Social Criticism, 1997 (23, 4).

Divine Discourse: Philosophical reflections on the claim that God speaks

by Nicholas Wolterstorff
in Perspectives, March, 1998.

Kierkegaard, by Julia Watkin

in International Philosophical Quarterly, June, 1998 (XXXVIII, 2)

Anglo-American Postmodernity: Philosophical Perspectives on Science, Religion,

and Ethics, by Nancey Murphy
in Faith and Philosophy, April, 1999 (16, 2).

Beyond: The Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, by Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak

in Continental Philosophy Review, 1999 (32)

Martyrs:Contemporary Writers on Modern Lives of Faith, ed. Sustan Bergman

in Perspectives, June/July, 1999

Entre Nous: Thinking of the Other, by Emmanuel Levinas

in Modern Theology, July, 1999 (15, 3).

Of God Who Comes to Mind, by Emmanuel Levinas

in Modern Theology, October, 1999 (15, 4).
The Postmodern God: A Theological Reader,
ed. Graham Ward
in Philosophia Christi, 1999 (2,1,2).

Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel's Thinking

by Stephen Crites
in The Journal of Religion, April, 2000 (80, 2).

Warranted Christian Belief

by Alvin Plantinga
in Modern Theology, January, 2001 (17, 1).

International Kierkegaard Commentary: Works of Love

ed. Robert L. Perkins
in International Philosophical Quarterly, December 2001 (XLI, 4)

Hegel’s Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit

by Michael Forster
in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, September, 2002 (LXV, 2)

Speech and Theology: Language and the logic of incarnation

by James K. A. Smith
in Modern Theology, April, 2004 (20, 2)

Kierkegaard’s Relations to Hegel Reconsidered

by Jon Stewart
in Søren Kierkegaard Newsletter, September, 2004 (No.48)

Modern Freedom: Hegel’s Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy

by Adriaan T. Peperzak
in The Owl of Minerva, Fall/Winter 2004/05 (36, 1).

Kierkegaard: An Introduction
by C. Stephen Evans
in International Philosophical Quarterly, December 2009 (49/4).

A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists: Musings on Why God is Good and
Faith Isn’t Evil
by David G. Myers
in Perspectives, April, 2010 (25, 4)

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