Vernier Scales and Other Early Devices F
Vernier Scales and Other Early Devices F
Vernier Scales and Other Early Devices F
Alistair Kwan
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Vernier scales and other early devices for precise measurement
Alistair Kwana兲
Section of History of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520
共Received 31 May 2010; accepted 2 November 2010兲
Vernier scales have been extensively used since the 17th century. They replaced the Nonius scale,
a unpopular device due to difficulty in its fabrication and use, and they coexisted alongside other
types of scales that increased measurement precision and accuracy in complementary ways. I
suggest that the success of Vernier and diagonal scales is due not only to simplicity of fabrication,
but also to their exploitation of visual hyperacuities. © 2011 American Association of Physics Teachers.
关DOI: 10.1119/1.3533717兴
368 Am. J. Phys. 79 共4兲, April 2011 © 2011 American Association of Physics Teachers 368
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Fig. 2. A quadrant with nonius and alidade graduated for easier reading
共Ref. 32兲.
369 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 4, April 2011 Alistair Kwan 369
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Fig. 4. Ruler with a diagonal scale to measure hundredths of a unit. The
circles indicate the points used for a length of 1.47 units.
Fig. 3. Dividing a line AB into n equal parts.
The problem of dividing lengths is much easier than di-
viding angles. As early modern instrumentation manuals
explained,16 any length can be divided arbitrarily into many
equal parts using the well-known and simple construction
shown in Fig. 3. Line AC is drawn branching off the given
line AB, and n equidistant points xi are stepped off using
dividers. Line xnB is joined, then the lines xiy i are con-
structed parallel to xnB, giving n equal parts of AB. The
parallel line construction recommended by the texts is, like
the previous explanation, from Euclid’s Elements.17
Dividing lines in this way is well suited to practical appli-
cations because the small number of steps limits construction
inaccuracies. The precision is limited mainly by the fineness Fig. 5. Part of a dotted diagonal scale shown in Tycho’s Mechanica 共Ref.
of the scriber, and subdividing the scale into smaller parts 33兲. The dots divide these two degrees of arc into individual minutes.
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widespread adoption of diagonal scales, though they had
been in scattered use at least since the 14th century.18 Most
diagonal scales are drawn with lines, though Tycho’s dot
design was used elsewhere. For example, the Museum Boer-
haave has a large quadrant with dotted transversals made ca.
1610 by the cartographer W.J. Blaeu who studied with Tycho
at Uraniborg. This instrument was commissioned by Wille-
brord Snel who likewise had visited Tycho at Uraniborg.
Many rulers with diagonal scales survive from the Renais-
sance through to the 18th century 共when they came to be
Fig. 6. Close-up of a scale in millimeters with a Vernier scale below it. The
supplanted by caliper jaws and Vernier scales兲, and diagonal dimensions show the arithmetically increasing offsets between correspond-
scales continued to appear on maps throughout the 20th cen- ing lines.
tury. Their primary advantage is that, due to the large spac-
ings, they are easy to construct accurately and to read. They
could be constructed also for intervals other than tenths and the other. When the caliper jaws are separated by an integer
hundredths; twelfths and powers of two were 共and still are兲 number of millimeters, the Vernier zero aligns exactly with a
commonly used in pre-decimal unit systems. millimeter mark on the main scale. The other Vernier lines
will misalign such that one line will be offset by 0.1 mm
VI. THE VERNIER SCALE from the next main scale line, the two by 0.2 mm, the three
by 0.3 mm, and so on. Sliding the Vernier scale 0.1 mm to
Due to its origin, the Vernier scale was originally called a the right 共by opening the jaws 0.1 mm兲 therefore brings one
nonius and apparently considered a refined version of it. The line into alignment, and misaligns the zero by 0.1 mm. Each
name “Vernier scale” came into use in French and then in time the Vernier scale advances 0.1 mm, another of its lines
English in the 18th century, after the astronomer Jérôme La- comes into alignment, and all other lines are offset. By iden-
lande, citing an historical study by Esprit Pezenas at the tifying the aligned line, we can read the Vernier scale’s po-
Marseille Observatory, wrote that “Nonius is not its inventor. sition, and hence the caliper jaw separation, to a precision of
… The true inventor of our device was Pierre Vernier who 0.1 mm.
publicized it in a small book printed at Brussels in 1631. … More generally, if the main scale divides the unit L into n
I believe, then, that it is just to restore to the true inventor his parts, and the Vernier scale has n parts spread over an inter-
rights, that is to call a Vernier, rather than Nonius, this val L ⫻ 共n ⫾ 1兲 / n, an alignment will occur each time the Ver-
method of division that he worked on.”19,20 The name “non- nier scale advances by a distance L / n2. For base 10, n = 10,
ius” persists, however, in some languages including German so the Vernier scale measures hundredths of the main unit.
and Danish. All the user has to do is look for the mark on the Vernier
In contrast to Nunes, Curtius, and Clavius who had added scale aligned with any mark on the main scale. There are
numerous subsidiary scales, Pierre Vernier 共1580–1637兲 usually 10 or 30 marks, far fewer than on a nonius. Smaller
added just one. He also made his subsidiary scale mobile so Vernier scales may require a magnifier. With practice, it be-
that it would contribute equally over the entire length or arc. comes possible to discern half-increments by comparing the
Vernier’s scale was also much easier to read, due to having offsets of adjacent lines, and even thirds, quarters, and fifths.
far fewer marks for the user to count. Vernier made his point There is nothing to prevent the Vernier scale in Fig. 6 from
by demonstrating an instrument that measured angles to the being spread over a wider interval, and Vernier recognized
nearest 20 arcsec. This precision was of the same order of that small instruments needed larger Vernier scales for leg-
magnitude that Tycho claimed for his huge wall-mounted ibility. There are disadvantages such as running out of room
quadrant, but Vernier’s instrument had a radius of only 2 ft, for the fixed main scale to slide along 共because it must be
compared with Tycho’s 2 m, and it was much easier to read adjacent to the main scale for reading兲, but also the advan-
than a nonius. The large radii of medieval instruments had tage of greater spacing between its lines. The interval must
finally been overcome. be chosen so that only one Vernier line aligns with a main
Although Vernier scales can still be found in many teach- scale line at a time. This criterion can be satisfied by choos-
ing laboratories, most students spend very little time with ing co-prime divisors 共no common factors other than 1兲
them. Therefore it seems worthwhile to give a brief explana- though few such possibilities are used. The main advantages
tion of their use. Vernier-equipped instruments have both a of using such a Vernier scale are legibility, and permitting
fixed scale in standard units, and a subsidiary Vernier scale in other unit systems such as sexagesimal angle measure, and
units of a slightly different size. Most commonly, Vernier twelfths, sixteenths, and so on in English units.
scale units are scaled to fit across a space 90 times wider than
they measure, greatly magnifying the detail which the user VII. SCREW DIALS
must see. Because length-measuring instruments are more
readily fitted with digital readouts than angle-measuring in- Vernier scales were not the only possibility, nor always the
struments, the only Vernier scales in undergraduate laborato- favored approach. The closely spaced lines are difficult to
ries are usually on spectrometers. Some of these read in base distinguish in the dark, for example, and very fine lines can
10 and some in base 60. require magnification even in the light. And reading them is
Let us consider the Vernier scale in Fig. 6 for measuring relatively slow. An alternative, which came into use around
millimeters. The main scale is divided into millimeters, and 1670, was the screw dial that Robert Hooked added to the
the subsidiary scale is 9 mm wide and divided into 10 equal alidade of a quadrant.21 Hooke, who competed with Johannes
parts. The Vernier scale is fixed to one side of the measuring Hevelius for the best methods for precision astronomical
instrument, say a caliper jaw, and the main scale is fixed to measurements, developed screw movements to completely
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avoid the problem of graduating the arc along the quadrant’s IX. CURVED TRANSVERSALS FOR ANGLES
edge. In spite of the high degree of skill employed in con-
structing those scales, there were errors due to the accumu- As mentioned, the precision offered by Vernier scales
lation of unavoidable inaccuracies at each step in each con- came at the cost of slower reading. When less precision and
struction. Hooke’s design involved a screw on the alidade greater speed were required, diagonal scales prevailed. They
meshing with gear teeth along the quadrant’s circumference were improved throughout the 18th century for the lower
so that, as the astronomer turned the screw, the alidade— precision instruments used in surveying.
with a telescopic sight attached—moved around the quad- The obvious problem in applying a diagonal scale to an
rant. By counting the number of turns, it was possible to angle-measuring instrument is that a straight diagonal does
deduce the angle through which the telescope had moved. not divide the sectors uniformly if the parallels are evenly
All the astronomer needed to know in advance was the num- spaced. Tycho considered the discrepancy small enough to
ber of gear teeth around the quadrant’s edge and the number tolerate, but with the advent of the Enlightenment, such com-
of turns needed to traverse them. To read the number of promises were deemed problematic. The French instrument
turns, Hooke added a large brass disk to the end of the screw, maker Guillaume Ferrier had early on applied curved trans-
and marked it off into a dial plate. On some instruments the versals to an instrument for Descartes, and the method was
dial plate turned past a fixed pointer, and on others, the plate taken up some decades later by Philippe de la Hire 共1640–
remained still, while a geared pointer spun over the gradu- 1718兲, and again by Nicholas Bion 共1652–1733兲 through
ated scale. whose Traité de la construction et des principaux usages des
The screw dial’s success bolstered Hooke’s arguments instrumens de mathematique it is best known.26 The curve
against Hevelius’s refusal to use telescopic sights, but neither chosen is a circular arc through three points: The two oppo-
the screw nor gears could be cut well enough to meet expec- site corners of the diagonal scale, plus the center of the in-
tations. Techniques greatly improved, however, and a version strument. The concentric parallels along the scale are en-
was put to important use by James Bradley in the 1720s.22 graved at uniformly separated radii. Bion’s description
The telescope with which Bradley serendipitously discov- shows a main arc divided into 5° increments, and the trans-
ered the aberration of starlight 共he was looking for the long- versals give the individual degrees.27
sought annual parallax to prove that the Earth orbited the The resulting scale is much quicker to read than a Vernier
Sun, and not vice versa兲 hung from a fixed hinge at the top of because it is larger, and thus does not require magnification,
a chimney. The side of the tube, near its base, rested against because the fiduciary points are widely separated. It also
the end of a screw running through a fixed block. By turning does not require deliberation over which of two nearly align-
the screw, Bradley could tilt the telescope very gradually. ing lines align best. Unlike the Vernier scale, Bion’s curved
The knob on the end of the screw was studded with small transversal appears to have fallen completely into disuse, re-
buttons to mark the angles through which it turned, making placed by scales cut using the symmetry method of the Duc
them much more visible, and even tactile, than the fine lines de Chaulnes, and later by the development of dividing
of a Vernier scale. Bradley’s telescope, minus its weight, engines.28 These advances made it possible to mark the units
survives in the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.23 individually rather than by subdividing a larger interval. Due
to the relatively low precision required, no Vernier is needed.
372 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 4, April 2011 Alistair Kwan 372
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makes the nonius superior to guessing the fraction, and what Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, catalog entry 242, 3362,
makes the Vernier scale better still. Adults can typically de- 具典.
Allan Chapman, “A study of the accuracy of scale graduations on a group
tect Vernier line misalignments subtending as little as a few of European astrolabes,” Ann. Sci. 40, 473–488 共1983兲.
seconds of arc at the eye, and the skill can be improved by 11
On the history of angle division more generally, see Allan Chapman,
practice.29,30 Dividing the Circle: The Development of Critical Angular Measurement
Let us consider what hyperacuity means for the scales we in Astronomy, 2nd ed. 共John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1995兲.
have described. Hyperacuity is thwarted by overcrowding, Tycho Brahe, “Letter from Curtius,” Astronomiae instauratae mechanica
which makes adjacent lines difficult to distinguish, and by 共Peter de Ohr, Wandesburg, 1598兲.
low contrast. Overcrowding is reduced by spreading out the Christophorus Clavius, Fabrica et usus instrumenti ad horologium de-
scriptionem per opportuni 共Bartholomaeus Grassius, Rome, 1586兲, pp.
marks, whether along the transversal of a diagonal scale, or 112–115.
on the expanded length of a Vernier scale. Contrast was typi- 14
Maurice Daumas, in Scientific Instruments of the Seventeenth and Eigh-
cally increased by engraving on an inlaid strip of silver or teenth Centuries and Their Makers, edited by Mary Holbrook 共trans. ed.兲
ivory, rather than on the brass, iron, steel, or wood used for 共Portman Books, London, 1989兲, p. 191.
instrument frames. 16
Reference 13, p. 116.
Progress in scale design is often thought of in mathemati- See, for example, Edmund Gunter, The Works of Edmund Gunter 共for
cal and mechanical terms: The development of new construc- Francis Eglesfield, London, 1653兲.
Euclid, Elements 共Green Lion Press, Santa Fe, NM, 2002兲, Book VI,
tions, symmetry tests, dividing engines, and other ways to prop. 9.
reduce fabrication error. But technique is wasted if the scale 18
Bernard R. Goldstein, in A Fourteenth-Century Jewish Philosopher-
cannot be read. Historically, successful designs are distin- Scientist, edited by Gad Freudenthal 共Brill, Leiden, 1992兲, pp. 4–6.
guished as much by their exploiting of visual hyperacuities Jérôme Lalande, Astronomie 共Desaint & Saillant, Paris, 1764兲 Vol. 2, pp.
as by their mathematical ingenuity. In addition to being ac- 20
curate and precise, the most widely used precision scales Pierre Vernier, La Construction, l’Usage, et les Propriétez du Quadrant
nouveau de mathematique 共F. Vivien, Brussels, 1631兲.
over the past four centuries—essentially the whole modern 21
Reference 11, pp. 87–88.
era—were the more legible ones. In conjunction with ad- 22
James Bradley, in Miscellaneous Works and Correspondence of the Rev.
vances in manufacturing, legibility and speed of reading help James Bradley, edited by Stephen Rigaud 共Oxford U. P., Oxford, 1832兲,
to explain why the nonius failed, why transversals and the p. 94.
Vernier scale succeeded, and why digital readouts are now Royal Greenwich Observatory, inventory number AST0992,
replacing the Vernier. brief description, 具
Reference 11, pp. 68–69.
a兲 25
Electronic mail: [email protected] Reference 11, pp. 68, 71–76.
1 26
Luke Hodgkin, A History of Mathematics From Mesopotamia to Moder- Nicholas Bion, Traité de la Construction et des principaux Usages des
nity 共Oxford U. P., Oxford, 2005兲, p. 30. Instrumens de mathematique 共M. Brunet, Paris, 1709兲. Expanded trans-
Nathan Sivin, Granting the Seasons: The Chinese Astronomical Reform lation by Edmund Stone, Construction and Principal Uses of Mathemati-
of 1280 共Springer, New York, 2009兲, pp. 183–190. cal Instruments 共John Senex and William Taylor, London, 1723兲.
3 27
Aydın Sayılı, The Observatory in Islam and its Place in the General Reference 14, pp. 190–191.
History of the Observatory 共Arno Press, New York, 1981兲, pp. 260–289. Reference 11, pp. 128–137.
John L. Heilbron, The Sun in the Church 共Harvard U. P., Cambridge, MA, Steven H. Schwartz, Visual Perception: A Clinical Orientation 共Appleton
1999兲, pp. 89–95. & Lange, Stamford, CT, 1999兲, pp. 200–202, 334.
5 30
Reference 3, p. 359. J. Saarinen and D. M. Levy, “Perceptual learning in vernier acuity: What
G. J. Toomer, Ptolemy’s Almagest 共Princeton U. P., Princeton, 1998兲. is learned?” Vision Res. 35 共4兲, 519–527 共1995兲.
7 31
W. G. L. Randles, “Pedro Nunes’ discovery of the loxodromic curve Reference 8, “Quadrans minor orichalcicus inauratus.”
共1537兲,” J. Navig. 50, 85–96 共1997兲. Robert Dudley, Dell’ arcano del mare 共Florence, 1646–1647兲, Book V,
Tycho Brahe, Astronomiae instauratae mechanica 共Peter de Ohr, Wan- Plate 44.
desburg, 1598兲. Reference 8, “Supplementum de subdivisione.”
373 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 4, April 2011 Alistair Kwan 373
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