Ibps Po Power Capsule English 2014 PDF
Ibps Po Power Capsule English 2014 PDF
Ibps Po Power Capsule English 2014 PDF
in 1
Current RBI Pol!" # Re$er%e R&te$'
Re(o R&te 8% (Unchanged)
Re%er$e Re(o 7% (Unchanged)
CRR 4% (Unchanged)
SLR 22% (Unchanged)
MSF 9% (Unchanged)
B&n) R&te 9% (Unchanged)
*ote' As on 30, Sept, 2014, RBI (Resere Ban! o" Ind#a) #n #ts "o$rth %#&onth'( &onetar( po'#c( state&ent !ept the !e( po'#c(
rate $nchanged+
*e,$ rel&te- to RBI'
1+ RBI rel&.e$ K/C nor0$ 1or o(enn2 3&n) &!!ount$+
+ RBI has as!ed %an!s to a''o) se'"*cert#"#ed cop( o" the doc$&ent %( &a#', or post "or open#ng an acco$nt+
+ Ban!s hae a'so %een as!ed not to see! "resh doc$&ents, #" a ,-. co&p'#ant c$sto&er des#res to open another acco$nt
#n the %an!+
+ I" the c$sto&ers are $na%'e to "$'"#'' )#th#n a reasona%'e per#od o" t#&e, part#a' "ree/#ng &a( %e #ntrod$ced "or ,-. non*
co&p'#ant c$sto&ers+ 0h#s &eans that on'( cred#ts )o$'d %e a''o)ed #n s$ch acco$nts, %$t de%#ts )o$'d not %e a''o)ed+
0he acco$nt ho'der )o$'d hae the opt#on to c'ose the acco$nt and ta!e %ac! the &one( #n the acco$nt+
A3out K/C 4 Kno, /our Cu$to0er #s a ter& $sed "or .$sto&er Ident#"#cat#on 1rocess+
O35e!t%e2 #s to preent %an!s %e#ng $sed, #ntent#ona''( or $n#ntent#ona''( %( cr#&#na' e'e&ents "or &one( 'a$nder#ng+
K/C 6&$ t,o !o0(onent$ 3 Ident#"( and Address+
2+ RBI (ro(o$e- to $e(&r&te C6&r0&n &n- M&n&2n2 7re!tor 8CM79 (o$t o1 PSU 3&n)$
*ote' + 0he Resere Ban! o" Ind#a (RBI) proposed to separate the post o" .ha#r&an and 4anag#ng 5#rector (.45) o"
1$%'#c Sector Underta!#ng (1SU) %an!s+
+ 0hese proposa's are a part o" corporate goernance re"or&s #n 1SU %an!s and are %ased on the reco&&endat#ons o"
ar#o$s co&&#ttees #nc'$d#ng the 16 7a(a! .o&&#ttee+
:+ ;6e Re$er%e B&n) o1 In-& -e!-e- to "#8 the &a8#&$& age "or 4anag#ng 5#rectors and .h#e" 98ec$t#e :""#cers #n
pr#ate sector %an!s at 70+
*ote' 0he RBI 4oe a'#gns ret#re&ent )#th the .o&pan#es Act 2013
+ 4#n#&$& age to %eco&e 4anager #s 21 (ears+
+ 4a8#&$& age "or .9:s, )ho'e*t#&e d#rectors #s 70+
%+;6e P < *&"&) !o00ttee reco&&ended a &a8#&$& age o" ;< "or pr#ate %an! .9:s+
0h#s =, .aps$'e has %een prepared %( .areer 1o)er Inst#t$te 5e'h# (>or&er'( ,no)n as Ban! 1o)er)+ 0h#s
doc$&ent cons#sts o" a'' #&portant ne)s and eents o" 'ast "e) &onths )h#ch can co&e #n IB1S 1: I? 98a&+
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+ 0he #ss$e e&erged )hen the %oard o" Ind$s'nd Ban! c'eared
the e8tens#on o" ten$re o" Ro&esh So%t# %( another three (ears+
Ro&esh So%t# #s 4+5+ and .9: o" Ind$s'nd Ban!+
%+ @o)eer, the RBI a''o)ed on'( a (earAs e8tens#on+ 0he &oe
tr#ggered spec$'at#on that the RBI )anted to "#8 the ret#re&ent
age at ;<+
4+ RBI 3o&r- &((ro%e$ e$$ent&l !6&n2e$= ntro-u!e$ COO (o$t
&$ (ro(o$e- 3" R&26ur&0 R&5&n'
*ote' + RBI goernor create the post o" .h#e" :perat#ng :""#cer
(.::), an e8ec$t#e )hoBs '#!e'( to %e &ade respons#%'e "or
e8ec$t#ng the RBIBs re"or& agenda+
+ RaCan proposed to %r#ng a'' aspects o" RBI $nder < "$nct#ona'
depart&ents to %e s$per#sed %( 4 5ep$t( =oernors and a
+ 0he pos#t#on o" .:: #s '#!e'( to %e at the -e(ut" 2o%ernor
%+ 7ach#!et 4or #s seen as the &ost '#!e'( cand#date "or the post
o" .::+ 4or #s a "or&er e8ec$t#e d#rector o" I.I.I Ban! and a'so
cha#red the RBI pane' on "#nanc#a' #nc'$s#on+
>+ CA7 n&rro,e- -o,n to 1+? (er !ent o1 G7P n @1 o1 2014-
1>' RBI
*ote2 .$rrent Acco$nt 5e"#c#t (.A5) o" Ind#a narro)ed do)n
sharp'( to 1+7 percent o" =ross 5o&est#c 1rod$ct (=51) #n the
D$arter 1 (D1) o" the "#sca' (ear 2014*1< as co&pared to 4+8
percent #n the D1 o" 2013*14+
A+ RBI $$ue$ &0en-0ent$ to B&$el : nor0$'
Une#'#ng a s'e) o" a&end&ents #n the #&p'e&entat#on o" the Base' 3 reg$'at#ons, the RBI sa#d that %an!s &$st hae a
pro#s#on o" 1o#nt o" 7on*?#a%#'#t( (1:7?) "or eer( non*eE$#t( #nstr$&ent )h#ch, )hen tr#ggered, )o$'d 'ead to a
coners#on to co&&on shares (o" the %an!) or a per&anent )r#te*o""+
+ 0he reg$'ator has red$ced the &#n#&$& tenor a"ter )h#ch ca'' opt#ons are per&#ss#%'e #n perpet$a' de%t #nstr$&ents
"ro& 10 to < (ears+
%+ 0he &#n#&$& &at$r#t( o" 0#er 2 de%t #nstr$&ents has a'so %een red$ced "ro& 10 to < (ears+
B&$el-III *or0$2 Accord#ng to Base' .o&&#ttee on Ban!#ng S$per#s#on FBase' III #s a co&prehens#e set o" re"or&
&eas$res, dee'oped %( the Base' .o&&#ttee on Ban!#ng S$per#s#on, to strengthen the reg$'at#on, s$per#s#on and r#s!
&anage&ent o" the %an!#ng sectorF+
*ote2 Base' III ra#ses the &#n#&$& reE$#red cap#ta' 'ee's "or %oth 0#er 1 cap#ta' to 7+0 percent and .o&&on 9E$#t( 0#er 1
(.901) cap#ta' to <+< percent+
?+ Re$er%e B&n) o1 In-& re-u!e- 1ree u$&2e o1 ot6er 3&n) &uto0&te- teller 0&!6ne$ 8A;M$9 to : (er 0ont6 1ro0 >'
>reE$ent )#thdra)a' o" &one( "ro& A04s )#'' %eco&e e8pens#e "ro& 7oe&%er, )#th the RBI #&pos#ng a '#&#t o" 3
transact#ons per &onth "ro& A04s o" other %an!s and < "ro& the sa&e %an! #n s#8 &etropo'#tan c#t#es+
*ote' A c$sto&er )#'' %e reE$#red to pa( a "ee o" $p to Rs 20 "or $s#ng A$to&ated 0e''er 4ach#nes (A04s) %e(ond the
per&#tted n$&%ers o" tr&n$&!ton$ n 7el6= Mu03&= C6enn&= B&n2&lore= Kol)&t& &n- B"-er&3&-+
C+ RBI #ss$ed t)o ne) categor#es o" %an!sGS0&ll &n- P&"0ent$ )h#ch can #&proe "#nanc#a' #nc'$s#on+
I0(ort&nt Pont$'
+ 0he #dea o" $0&ll &n- (&"0ent$ %an!s )as "#rst proposed %( the *&!6)et Mor !o00ttee on 1n&n!&l n!lu$on+
+ 0he &#n#&$& pa#d*$p cap#ta' reE$#re&ent o" %oth s&a'' %an!s and pa(&ents %an!s #s R$+ 100 !rore+
###+ ;he pa(&ents %an! )#'' hae to #nest #n goern&ent sec$r#t#es )#th a &at$r#t( o" u( to one "e&r+
%+ S&a'' %an!s )#'' o""er 3ot6 -e(o$t$ &$ ,ell &$ lo&n (ro-u!t$+
+ 1a(&ents %an!s )#'' %e $sed on'( 1or tr&n$&!ton &n- -e(o$t$ (ur(o$e$+ Un'#!e s&a'' %an!s, pa(&ents 3&n)$ !&nDt
len- 0one" to (eo(le+
+ P&"0ent$ B&n)$ cannot set $p s$%s#d#ar#es to $nderta!e 7B>. %$s#ness+
%+ @ence, pa(&ents %an!s )#'' o""er on'( a '#&#ted range o" prod$cts s$ch as acceptance o" de&and depos#ts and
re&#ttance o" "$nds+
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%+ 0hose e'#g#%'e to set $p a s&a'' %an! #nc'$de res#dent #nd##d$a's ,t6 10 "e&r$ o1 e.(eren!e #n %an!#ng and
"#nance= co&pan#es and soc#et#es, 7B>.s, &#cro"#nance #nst#t$t#ons and 'oca' area %an!s+
%+ :" the &#n#&$& cap#ta', the g$#de'#nes sa#d, the pro&otersA #n#t#a' &#n#&$& contr#%$t#on )#'' %e &t le&$t 40 (er !ent, to
%e 'oc!ed #n "or a per#od o" > "e&r$+
E+ RBI $$ue$ 2u-elne$ "or 7B>.s on 'end#ng aga#nst shares+
*ote' Accord#ng to the g$#de'#nes app'#ca%'e to 7B>.s )#th asset $Fe o1 R$+ 100 !rore &n- &3o%e, the 7B>.s hae
to 0&nt&n & lo&n-to-%&lue 8o1 $6&re$ (le-2e-9 o1 >0 (er !ent &n- &!!e(t onl" Grou( 1 sec$r#t#es as co''atera' "or
'oans o" a %&lue 0ore t6&n R$+ > l&)6+
10+ RBI not#"#ed the #ncrease #n depos#t &one( $nder 1$%'#c 1ro#dent >$nd, 11> to 1+> l&)6 ru(ee$ 1ro0 1 l&)6 ru(ee$+
11+ 0he Resere Ban! o" Ind#a (RBI) #ss$ed dra"t g$#de'#nes "or #&p'e&entat#on o" B6&r&t Bll P&"0ent S"$te0 8BPPS9=
an G&n"t0e &n",6ereG 3ll (&"0ent $"$te0'
0he G+ P&-0&n&36&n Co00ttee )as "or&ed %( RBI to st$d( the >eas#%#'#t( o" I&p'e&entat#on o" =IR:*%ased 1a(&ent
S(ste&s ant#c#pated that aro$nd 30800 &#''#on %#''s a&o$nt#ng to &ore than ;00000 crore r$pees are pa#d each (ear #n 20
Ind#an c#t#es+
*ote' + Bharat B#'' 1a(&ent S(ste& #s #ntended "or the #&p'e&entat#on o" a $n#"#ed %#'' pa(&ent s(ste& across the
;6$ nte2r&te- 3ll (&"0ent $"$te0 ,ll !o0(r$e o1 t,o
+ 9nt#t( operat#ng at Bharat B#'' 1a(&ent S(ste& (BB1S) )#''
%e sett#ng $p the standards re'ated to pa(&ents, c'earance and
sett'e&ent process
+ Second ent#t( )o$'d %e Bharat B#'' 1a(&ent :perat#ng Un#ts
(BB1:Us)+ It )#'' %e carr(#ng o$t the operat#ons #n adherence to the standards "#8ed %( BB1S+
+ A$thor#sed ent#t#es s$ch as agents, %an!s, ser#ce pro#ders, pa(&ent gate)a(s )o$'d %e the part#c#pants at the Bharat
B#'' 1a(&ent S(ste&+
12+ RBI t26tene- t6e *or0$ 1or &$$et re!on$tru!ton !o0(&ne$ 8ARC9 to #&proe d#sc#p'#ne and %r#ng a%o$t
transparenc( #n the sa'e and p$rchase o" %ad 'oans+
*ote' 7o), asset reconstr$ct#on co&pan#es (AR.s) )#'' hae to pa( $p"ront 1> (er !ent o1 t6e 3- a'$e o" non*
per"or&#ng 'oans, aga#nst "#e per cent ear'#er+
+ RBI sa#d AR.s )o$'d get $p to s#8 &onths to p'an recoer#es "ro& the non*per"or&#ng assets acE$#red+ .$rrent'(, AR.s
get a%o$t a (ear "or th#s+
1:+ 0he Resere Ban! o" Ind#a has #n!ed a &e&orand$& o" $nderstand#ng (4oU) )#th the 4onetar( A$thor#t( o" @ong ,ong
"or e8change o" s$per#sor( #n"or&at#on+
14+ RBI (er0t$ *BFC$ to ,or) &$ Bu$ne$$ Corre$(on-ent$ o1 3&n)$' H#th a #e) to ach#ee "#nanc#a' #nc'$s#on, the
Resere Ban! o" Ind#a has a''o)ed 7on*Ban!#ng >#nance .o&pan#es to operate as B$s#ness .orrespondents (B.s) o"
%an!s, per&#tt#ng the& to o""er '#&#ted ser#ces+ Ban!s )#'' %e a''o)ed to )or! )#th non*depos#t ta!#ng 7B>.s as B.s+
*ote' 0he RBI too! #nto acco$nt reco&&endat#ons o" *&!6)et Mor Co00ttee )h#'e re#e)#ng the e8#st#ng g$#de'#nes
on the appo#nt&ent o" B.s
1>+ 0he Resere Ban! o" Ind#a sa#d %an!s sho$'d &a!e &ll ne, A;M$ n$t&lle- 1ro0 <ul" 1= 2014 as Ita'!#ng A04sJ )#th
Bra#''e !e(pads+
1A+ Ragh$ra& RaCan, the =oernor o" the Resere Ban! o" Ind#a (RBI) anno$nced that p'ast#c c$rrenc( notes )#'' %e 'a$nched
#n 201> &1ter 1el- tr&l$+
1?+ RBI pane' headed %( e.-C6&r0&n o1 A.$ B&n)= P+ <+ *&"&) reco&&end "or d#'$t#ng got sta!e #n p$%'#c sector %an!s to
%e'o) <0 %+ 0he goern&ent sho$'d c$t #ts ho'd#ng #n p$%'#c sector %an!s to $nder >0 (er !ent+
1C+ Resere Ban! o" Ind#a granted %an!#ng '#cences to #n"rastr$ct$re "#nanc#ng "#r& I7FC &n- 0!ro1n&n!e n$ttuton
*ote' 0he #n*pr#nc#p'e approa' )#'' %e a'#d "or a per#od o" 1C 0ont6$ -urn2 )h#ch the app'#cants hae to co&p'( )#th
the reE$#re&ents $nder the g$#de'#nes and "$'"#' the other cond#t#ons as &a( %e st#p$'ated %( the RBI+
C6&n-r& S6e)6&r G6o$6' .45 o" Bandhan "#nanc#a' ser#ces
7r+ R&5% B+ L&ll' C6&r0&n o1 I7FC 3 In"rastr$ct$re >#nance .o&pan(+
1E+ Resere Ban! o" Ind#a (RBI) #ss$ed the g$#de'#nes to a''o) the &#nors o" age a%oe 10 (ears to #ndependent'( open and
operate sa#ngs %an! acco$nts and $se other "ac#'#t#es '#!e A04 and cheE$e %oo!s+
20+ RBI e8tended the t#&e'#ne "or "$'' #&p'e&entat#on o" B&$el III nor0$ :1 M&r!6 201E #nstead o" 31 4arch 2018+
21+ RBI e8tends date o" e8chang#ng pre*200< notes to 6an 1, 201<
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I0(ort&nt Pont$ o1 Unon Bu-2et 2014-1>'
1+ >#sca' de"#c#t target reta#ned at 4+1% o" =51 "or c$rrent "#sca'
2+ >#sca' de"#c#t target 3+;% "or 201<*1;
:+ >#sca' de"#c#t target 3% "or 201;*17
4+ Reen$e 5e"#c#t seen at 2+9% "or >-1<
>+ A#& to ach#ee 7*8 per cent econo&#c gro)th rate #n ne8t 3*4 (ears
A+ 0arget Agr#c$'t$re gro)th rate at 4 %
?+ 4#n#&$& pens#on o" Rs+1000 per &onth to a'' 11 sche&es+
C+ 5e"ence >5I cap ra#sed to 49% "ro& 2;% at present
E+ Ins$rance >5I cap ra#sed to 49% "ro& 2;% at present
10+ 98e&pt#on '#&#t on #nco&e ta8 "ro& Rs+ 2 'a!h to Rs+ 2+< 'a!h+
11+ >or sen#or c#t#/ens, the e8e&pt#on on #nco&e has %een ra#sed to Rs+ 3 'a!h per ann$&+
12+ 0a8*"ree cap on ho&e 'oan #nterest "ro& Rs+ 1+< to Rs+ 2 'a!h+
1:+ Ann$a' 11> $pper '#&#t to %e #&proed "ro& Rs 1 'a!h to Rs 1+< 'a!h
14+ B$dget A''ocate "or Bet# Bachao, Bet# 1adhao -oCanaA * 100 crores
1>+ B$dget A''ocate "or 7at#ona' R$ra' 5r#n!#ng Hater * Rs 3;00 cr
1A+ B$dget A''ocate "or (R$ra' ho$s#ng) nat#ona' ho$s#ng %an!#ng progra&&e * Rs 8000 crore
1?+ 4etro ra#'s #n 111 &odeK "or &etro sche&e #n Ah&ada%ad and L$c!no) * Rs+ 100 cr
1C+ B$dget A''ocate to set $p #rt$a' c'assroo&s * Rs 100 crores
1E+ B$dget A''ocate "or sett#ng $p < &ore II4s and II0s * Rs <00 crores
20+ B$dget A''ocate "or S. dee'op&ent * Rs <0,<48 cr
21+ B$dget A''ocate "or Stat$e o" Un#t(, a stat$e o" Sardar 1ate' #n =$Carat * Rs+ 200 crore
22+ B$dget A''ocate "or #rr#gat#on p'an na&ed 1radhan 4antr# ,r#sh# S#cha(#n -oCana * Rs+ 1000 cr
2:+ B$dget A''ocate "or cred#t sche&e "or start*$ps %( those "ro& sched$'ed castes and tr#%es * Rs 200 crores
24+ B$dget A''ocate "or creat#ng S&art c#t#es * Rs+ 70;0 cr
2>+ B$dget A''ocate "or pr#ce sta%#'#/at#on "$nd * Rs+ <00 crore
2A+ B$dget A''ocate "or &odern#/at#on o" 4adrasas * Rs+ 100 crores
2?+ B$dget a''ocated "or Start$p #''age to pro&ote entreprene$rsh#p
a&ong r$ra' (o$th * Rs 100 crore
2C+ B$dget a''ocated "or 14 Sada! -oCana * Rs+ 14,389 crores
2E+ B$dget a''ocated to set $p s#8 te8t#'es c'$ster * Rs 200 crore
:0+ e*#sa "or 9 c#t#es to pro&ote to$r#s&
:1+ 1< Bra#''e press to co&e $p+
:2+ .$rrenc( note )#th Bra#''e*'#!e s#gns+
::+ Bharat S)ach -oCna proposed "or h(g#ene and c'ean'#ness+
:4+ S!#'' Ind#a sche&e to &a!e (o$th e&p'o(a%'e and create &ore entreprene$rs+
:>+ Assa& and 6har!hand to get .entre o" 98ce''ence on "ar&#ng+
:A+ Sen#or .#t#/ens 1ens#on 1'an 98tended 0#'' A$g$st 201<
:?+ 100 so#' test#ng 'a%orator#es across the co$ntr(+
:C+ Agr#c$'t$re Un#ers#t( #n A1 and RaCasthan Rs+ 200 cr
:E+ @ort#c$'t$re Un#ers#t( #n @ar(ana, 0e'anganaK Rs+ 200 cr
40+ .r#s#s 4anage&ent .entre "or )o&en at 5e'h#
41+ 1SU Ban!s to Ra#se Rs 2+40 La!h .r .ap#ta' %( 2018
42+ B$dget a''ocates "or Internet connect##t( #n #''ages * Rs <00 cr
4:+ 12 &ore &ed#ca' co''eges )#'' %e added+ Rs+ <00 crore a''ocated "or th#s+
44+ 100 so#' test#ng 'a%orator#es across the co$ntr(+
4>+ B$dget A''ocate "or dee'op&ent o" 100 As&art c#t#es Rs 7,000 crores
*ote' + < II4s )#'' %e opened #n 3 B#har, 1$nCa%, :d#sha, @#&acha' 1radesh, RaCasthan 3 (B1:@R)
+ < II0s )#'' %e opened #n 3 6a&&$ M ,ash&#r , ,era'a, .hatt#sgarh , Andhra 1radesh, =oa 3 (6,.A=)
+ 4 AII4s )#'' %e opened #n 3 Andhra 1radesh, Hest Benga', 1$rancha' (Uttar 1radesh), ?#r%hadra (4aharashtra)
%+ S#ngapore to he'p Ind#a #n 100 s&art c#t#es proCect
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B26l26t$ o1 R&l,&" Bu-2et 2014-1>'
Ra#')a( 4#n#ster S&-&n&n-& Go,-& anno$nced Ra#')a( B$dget "or 2014 on 8
6$'( 2014+
*ote2 0he ne) goern&ent has a'read( #ncreased ra#')a( passenger "ares %( 14+2 per cent and the "re#ght carr#age charges %(
;+< per cent
Ke" Pont$'
23 &#''#on passengers trae' #n 12,<00 tra#ns da#'(+
>#n4#n has granted add#t#ona' cap#ta' o" Rs+ 1100 core and Rs+ 273 crore as Ra#')a( share+
Ra#')a(s carr#es on'( 31 per cent o" "re#ght carr#ed %( a'' &odes+
0ota' earn#ngs at Rs+ 1+;4 La!h .rore #n 2014*1<+
1ro#s#on o" N 1,78< crore "or Road*oer*%r#dges and Road*$nder* %r#dgesK speed( c'earances, on'#ne des#gn
standard#/at#on and decentra'#sed sanct#on#ng po)ers+
=ross tra""#c rece#pts #n 2013G14 )as Rs 12,3<,<<8 croreK operat#ng rat#o )as 94 per cent
>re#ght tra""#c gro)th o" 4+9% a&o$nt#ng to 1,101+2< &#''#on tonne, an #ncre&ent o" <1+07 &#''#on tonne oer 2013*14
Adanced techno'og( "or ra#'*"'a) detect#on * ?eh#c'e Borne U'trason#c >'a) 5etect#on S(ste& to detect ra#' and )e'd
"ract$res and p#'ot tr#a's on U'trason#c Bro!en Ra#' 5etect#on S(ste& (UBR5) at t)o 'ocat#ons+
4000 )o&en R1> consta%'es to %e recr$#ted #n add#t#on to 7000 R1> consta%'es+
Use o" %#o*d#ese' $p to <% o" tota' d#ese' "$e' cons$&pt#on+
Recent "are and tar#"" h#!e to &op add#t#ona' reen$e o" a%o$t Rs 8,000 cr+
S$%stant#a' #ncrease o" 40% #n %$dget a''ocat#on "or c'ean'#ness+
B$''et tra#n on 4$&%a#*Ah&ada%ad Sector
Batter( operated cars "or d#""erent'(*a%'ed and sen#or c#t#/ens at &aCor stat#ons+
Loss per passenger per !#'o&etre $p "ro& 10p (#n 2000*01) to 23p (2012*13)+
@#ghest eer p'an o$t'a( o" Rs ;<,4<< crore "or 2014*1<+
98pend#t$re #n 2014*1< pegged at Rs 149,17; crore+
9*proc$re&ent to %e &ade co&p$'sor( "or proc$re&ents
)orth Rs 2< 'a!hs and &ore+
S$%stant#a' #ncrease o" 40% #n %$dget a''ocat#on "or
B((appanaha''# #n Benga'$r$ area to %e dee'oped as a
coach#ng ter&#na'+
Bu-2et E$t0&te$ 2014-1>
=ro)th #n passenger tra""#c * 2%+
>re#ght 9arn#ngs 3 Rs 1,0<,770 cr+
0ota' Rece#pts * Rs 1,;4,374 crK 0ota' 98pend#t$re 3 Rs 1,49,17; crK
1ens#on est#&ated at Rs 28,8<0 cr+
Pro5e!t$ 1or Re0ote Are&$= *ort6-E&$t= An-6r& Pr&-e$6 &n- ;elen2&n&
@#gher "$nds "or ong#ng 23 proCects #n 7ortheast #nc'$d#ng 11 7at#ona' 1roCectsK Rs <,11; cr o$t'a( ear&ar!ed "or proCects
o" 7ortheast #+e+ <4% h#gher than pre#o$s (ear+
Udha&p$r*,atra Ra#' '#n! ded#cated to the 7at#on
>oc$s on co&p'et#on o" &#ss#ng '#n! o" Ban#ha' to ,atra+
29 1roCects, cost#ng Rs 20,;80 cr, c$rrent'( r$nn#ng #n Andhra 1radesh M 0e'engana+
R&l ;our$0
9co*0o$r#s& and 9d$cat#on 0o$r#s& #n *ort6e&$tern St&te$+
0o$r#st 0ra#n "ro& =adag to 1andarp$r #a Baga'!ot, B#Cap$r and So'ap$r coer#ng the p#'gr#& and to$r#st p'aces o"
,arnata!a and 4aharashtra+
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0o$r#st 0ra#n "ro& Ra&esh)ara& coer#ng p#'gr#& and to$r#st p'aces '#!e Benga'$r$, .henna#, A(odh(a, ?aranas# and
Spec#a' 0ra#n "eat$r#ng '#"e and )or! o" S)a&# ?#e!ananda
I; Int&t%e$ n!lu-n2 re%&0(n2 re$er%&ton $"$te0
9*t#c!et#ng to s$pport 7200 t#c!ets per &#n$tes to a''o) 1,20,000 s#&$'taneo$s $sers+
St&11 Wel1&re
1er cap#ta contr#%$t#on to Sta"" Bene"#t >$nd #ncreased "ro& Rs <00 to Rs 800+
S(ee- o1 ;r&n$
B$''et tra#n proposed on #dent#"#ed 4$&%a#*Ahe&da%ad sector+
Sett#ng $p o" 5#a&ond D$adr#'atera' 7et)or! o" @#gh Speed Ra#' connect#ng &aCor &etros and gro)th centers o" the
co$ntr(K Rs100 cr pro#ded "or #n#t#at#ng the proCect+
Increas#ng o" speed o" tra#ns to 1;0*200 !&ph #n se'ect 9
< ne) 6ansadharan tra#ns to %e #ntrod$ced+
< 1re&#$& and ; A. tra#ns to %e #ntrod$ced+
27 ne) 98press tra#ns to %e #ntrod$ced+
8 ne) passenger ser#ces, < 594U ser#ces
2 494U ser#ces to %e #ntrod$ced and r$n o" 11 tra#ns to %e e8tended+
F7I L0t$H
L$t o1 L0t$ n V&rou$ Se!tor$ 8In I9
1+ 5e"ence Ra#sed to 49% "ro&
2+ 1ens#on 49
:+ Ins$rance Ra#sed to 49% "ro&
4+ 1r#nt 4ed#a 2;
>+ .##' A#at#on 49
A+ 1$%'#c Sec+ Ban!s 20
?+ 1r#ate Sec+ Ban!s 74
C+ 4$'t# Brand <1
E+ S#ng'e Brand 100
10+ 0o$r#s& 100
In-&D$ G7P Fore!&$t'
RBI pegged 2014*1< =51 gro)th at a centra' est#&ate o" <+< %
Worl- B&n) 'o)ers Ind#aBs =51 gro)th "orecast "or 2014*1< at <+< % "ro& the ear'#er "orecast o" <+7 per cent+
A7B (e2$ In-& =51 gro)th rate "or 2014*1< at <+< %
A7B 8A$&n 7e%elo(0ent B&n)) $ps 201< Ind#a gro)th rate to ;+3%
E!ono0! &n- So!&l .o&&#ss#on "or As#a and the 1ac#"#c,(9S.A1) * Ind#an econo&( to gro) at <+< percent #n c$rrent
IMF (ro5e!te- =51 gro)th "or Ind#a #n 2014*1< at * <+4 %
Moo-" (.red#t Rat#ng Agenc() proCected Ind#a gro)th rate e8pected to acce'erate to <+2 % #n 2014 and ;+< % %( end o"
FICCID$ 9cono&#c :$t'oo! S$re( est#&ated Ind#aBs =51 gro)th rate at <+; percent #n 2014*1<
Accord#ng to a U* re(ort Ind#an econo&( e8pected to gro) %( <+<% #n c$rrent "#sca'+
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In-& r&n)n2 n -11erent In-e.e$'
1+ @$&an 5ee'op&ent Inde8 2014 3 13< (7or)a( top "o''o)ed %( A$stra'#a)+
2+ ='o%a' 9n#ron&ent 1er"or&ance Inde8 2014 4 1>> (S)#t/er'and "o''o)ed %( L$8e&%o$rg, A$stra'#a)
:+ Inte''ect$a' propert( (I1) en#ron&ent 2014 3 2> (US ran!ed on the top "o''o)ed %( U, and >rance9
4+ Hor'd 1ress >reedo& Inde8 2014 * 140 #n the '#st o" 180 co$ntr#es
>+ Hor'dAs %est co$ntr#es "or do#ng %$s#ness 2014 3 134
A+ ='o%a' 1eace Inde8 2014 3 143 (Ice'and top the '#st )h#'e S(r#a the &ost #o'ent p'ace)
?+ ='o%a' Innoat#on Inde8 2014 * 7;
C+ Hor'd 1rosper#t( Inde8 201: 3 10;+
E+ ='o%a' .orr$pt#on Inde8 201: 3 94 (5en&ar! 'east corr$pt co$ntr(+)
10+ ='o%a' .o&pet#t#eness Inde8 2014 *71 (S)#t/er'and #s the &ost co&pet#t#e econo&(, "o''o)ed %( S#ngapore)+
11+ Hor'd 9""ect#e stoc! &ar!et reg$'at#on ran!#ng 3 ;2 (So$th A"r#ca #s on the top "o''o)ed %( >#n'and, @ong ,ong)
12+ Ind#a #s a&ong the )orst* ran!ed co$ntr#es )hen #t co&es to ta8at#on and #n"'at#on %$rden on econo&(+
*ote2 Ind#a ran!s 1::r- n ter0$ o1 n1l&ton, 1:0t6 1or t&.e$ and 1:1$t 1or $t&rtn2 & 3u$ne$$+ S)#t/er'and has
reta#ned #ts top s'ot+
Cen$u$ 2011 - I0(ort&nt Pont$'
.ens$s 2011 #s the 1<th .ens$s o" Ind#a s#nce 1872+ 0he &otto o" cens$s 2011 )as A:$r .ens$s, :$r "$t$reA+
1+ 2011 .ens$s .o&&#ss#oner o" Ind#a2 C C6&n-r&0ul
2+ 0ota' pop$'at#on o" Ind#a accord#ng to 2011 cens$s 3 121 !rore+
:+ 0he &ost pop$'o$s state o" Ind#a 3 Utt&r Pr&-e$6
4+ Least pop$'o$s state #n Ind#a2 S))0
>+ State has h#ghest r$ra' pop$'at#on3 Utt&r Pr&-e$6
A+ State has 'o)est r$ra' pop$'at#on * S))0
?+ State has h#ghest $r%an pop$'at#on3 M&6&r&$6tr&
C+ State has 'o)est $r%an pop$'at#on * S))0
E+ 0he rate o" gro)th o" pop$'at#on o" Ind#a2 1?+A4
10+ L#terac( rate #n Ind#a 2 ?4+04I
11+ 4a'e L#terac( rate #n Ind#a 2 C2+14I
12+ >e&a'e L#terac( rate2 A>+4AI
1:+ 4ost '#terate state #n Ind#a 3 Ker&l& 8E:+EI9
14+ Least '#terate state #n Ind#a 3 B6&r 8A:+C2I9
1>+ 4ost '#terate Un#on terr#tor( #n Ind#a 3 L&)$6&-,ee( 8E2+2I9
1A+ Least '#terate Un#on terr#tor( #n Ind#a 3 5adar and 7agar @ae'#
1?+ State has h#gh dens#t( o" pop$'at#on 3 B6&r 811029
1C+ State has 'o) dens#t( o" pop$'at#on 3 Arun&!6&l Pr&-e$6 81?9
1E+ 0he n$&%er o" d#str#cts #n Ind#a accord#ng to cens$s 2011 3 A40
20+ State has h#ghest se8 rat#o 3 Ker&l& (10C4J10009
21+ State has 'o)est se8 rat#o 3 B&r"&n&
22+ 5ens#t( o" 1op$'at#on o" Ind#a * 382
2:+ Se8 rat#o o" Ind#a 4 E40J100
24+ Un#on terr#tor( has h#ghest se8 rat#o * Pon-!6err"
2>+ Un#on terr#tor( has 'o)est se8 rat#o * L&)$6&-,ee(
2A+ State has h#ghest "ert#'#t( rate #n Ind#a 3 Me26&l&"&
*e,$ Rel&te- to B&n)n2 # Fn&n!e
1+ Go%t+ l&un!6 <&n 76&n $!6e0e to (ro0ote 1n&n!&l n!lu$on' 1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od# 'a$nched A1radhan
4antr# 6an 5han -oCanaA to he'p the poor open %an! acco$nts+
0he $lo2&n "or the 1radhan 4antr# 6an 5han &#ss#on #s KMer& K6&t& 4 B6&2"& V-6&&t&L+
Bene1t$ '
+ 9er( #nd##d$a' )ho opens a %an! acco$nt )#'' %eco&e e'#g#%'e to rece#e an acc#dent #ns$rance coer o" $p*to Rs+ 1
+ B7FC Er2o Gener&l In$ur&n!e )#'' pro#de the acc#dent coer $nder the sche&e+
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+ An add#t#ona' R$+ :0=000 l1e n$ur&n!e coer )#'' %e
pro#ded "or those open#ng %an! acco$nts %e"ore 6an$ar( 2;,
%+ LIC 8L1e In$ur&n!e Cor(or&ton9 )#'' pro#de the '#"e
#ns$rance coer o" Rs 30,000 $nder the sche&e
%+ R$ >=000 oerdra"t "ac#'#t( "or Aadhar*'#n!ed acco$nts, R$
1a( 5e%#t .ard )#th and &#n#&$& &onth'( re&$nerat#on o" Rs
<,000 to %$s#ness correspondents )ho )#'' pro#de the 'ast '#n!
%et)een the acco$nt ho'ders and the %an!+
2+ Ar%n- M&"&r&0 Co00ttee Re(ort 3 =ot+ accepted the
report o" a co&&#ttee on rat#ona'#s#ng de"#n#t#ons o" >5I and >II+
*ote' + >ore#gn #nest&ent o1 10 (er !ent or 0ore n a '#sted
co&pan( )#'' no) %e treated as 1ore2n -re!t n%e$t0ent
+ I" the sta!e #s not r&$e- to 10 (er !ent or &3o%e, then the
#nest&ent can %e treated as (ort1olo n%e$t0ent+
+ An( #nest&ent %( )a( o" eE$#t( shares, co&p$'sor#'(
conert#%'e pre"erence sharesOde%ent$res 'ess than 10 per cent
sho$'d treated as Fore2n Port1olo In%e$t0ent 8FPI9+ FPI
co&%#nes t)o categor#es o" "ore#gn #nestors, >II and D$a'#"#ed
>ore#gn Inestor (D>I)+
:+ >ood #n"'at#on re&a#ns "'at at 9+4 % #n A$g$st+
4+ Pu3l! Se!tor B&n)$ reMure 2A4:? 3llon US -oll&r$ to
0eet B&$el-III nor0$' Moo-"
*ote2 In the report #t reea'ed that 11 Ind#an p$%'#c sector
%an!s (1SBs) need to ra#se 2; to 37 %#''#on US do''ar #n e8terna'
cap#ta' #n the "#nanc#a' (ear 201< #n order to &eet the Base'*III
cap#ta' adeE$ac( nor&s %( "#nanc#a' (ear 2019+
>+ B&n)$ *ee- N200 3n to Meet B&$el III *or0$' Ft!6' 0he
Ind#an %an!#ng sector )#'' need a%o$t P200 %#''#on add#t#ona' cap#ta' oer ne8t "#e (ears #n order to &eet Base' III cap#ta'
adeE$ac( nor&s
A+ Datar*%ased 5oha Ban! )#'' acE$#re the Ind#an operat#ons o" the @SB. Ban! :&an+
*ote2 Late 'ast (ear 5oha Ban! had sec$red '#cence "ro& the Resere Ban! o" Ind#a (RBI) to co&&ence %an!#ng operat#ons
#n Ind#a and has %een per&#tted to open a 3r&n!6 n Mu03& to pro#de "$''Gsca'e %an!#ng ser#ces+
?+ State Ban! o" Ind#a (SBI), I.I.I Ban! and >edera' Ban! L#&#ted 'a$nched a sa#ngs acco$nt "or &#nors a%oe 10 (ears o"
*ote2 SBI had 'a$nched ne) acco$nts 1eh'a ,ada& and 1eh'# Udaan "or !#ds+
+ I.I.I Ban! has 'a$nched S0&rt St&r$ &!!ount and >edera' Ban! L#&#ted has /oun2 C6&0( A!!ount "or &#nors+
C+ I.I.I Ban! o""ers .ard 'ess .ash H#thdra)a' at A04s+ 7o), )#thdra) )#tho$t a de%#t card at an I.I.I Ban! A04, as the
%an! "ac#'#tates card'ess cash )#thdra)a' ser#ce )#th the he'p o" a &o%#'e n$&%er+
E+ SBI s#gned <00 &#''#on do''ar L#ne o" .red#t )#th 98port*I&port Ban! o" ,orea (,orea 98#&%an!)+
10+ SBI, ce'e%rated 1<0 (ears o" #ts operat#ons #n Sr# Lan!a on 13OSeptO2014+
11+ State Ban! o" Ind#a (SBI) t#e*$p )#th 4aster.ard 'a$nched #ts "#rst &$'t#*c$rrenc( #nternat#ona' de%#t card to a''o)
cons$&ers to $se a s#ng'e card to pa( #n &$'t#p'e c$rrenc#es+ At present, the card can %e #ss$ed at an &nnu&l 1ee
o1 R$+ 100 )#tho$t an( #nterchange "ee to c$sto&ers+
12+ In-u$In- B&n) 'a$nched a ne) c$sto&er ser#ce !&lle- V-eo Br&n!6 to ena%'e c$sto&ers to do a #deo con"erence )#th
the %an! sta"" at conen#ence+
1:+ A8#s Ban! )h#ch #s Ind#aAs th#rd 'argest pr#ate %an! has %een "eat$red #n >or%es As#aAs >AB <0 '#st o" 2014+ 0h#s #s the
"o$rth t#&e that A8#s Ban! has %een "eat$red and #s a&ongst the on'( t)o %an!s #n th#s reno)ned '#st+
*ote' + 0he >AB <0 co&pr#ses o" the %est o" As#a*1ac#"#cAs %#ggest p$%'#c'( traded co&pan#es, chosen "ro& a poo' o" 1,300
co&pan#es #n the reg#on that hae at 'east US5 3 %#''#on #n &ar!et cap or ann$a' reen$e+
+ In 6an$ar( th#s (ear, A8#s Ban! %eca&e Ind#aAs "#rst pr#ate sector %an! to open a %ranch #n .h#na
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14+ 5a#r( prod$cts &aCor 4other 5a#r( and the State Ban! o" Ind#a anno$nced the 'a$nch o" the GS0&rtC6&n2e C&r-G "or
4other 5a#r( %ooths #n the 7at#ona' .ap#ta' Reg#on+
1>+ Ind#an econo&( to gro) at <+< percent #n c$rrent "#sca', est#&ates ESCAP
1A+ 4ood(As Ana'(t#cs re'eased a report t#t'ed Ind#a o$t'oo!2 Pro$(e!t$ Br26ten
*ote'+ + In the report, #t stated that Ind#aAs gro)th prospects %r#ghtened )#th gro)th rate e8pected to acce'erate to >+2 I
n 2014 &n- A+> I 3" en- o1 201>+
+ 0he a%oe "orecast ca&e "o''o)#ng the =51 gro)th to$ch#ng a 'ee' o" >+? (er!ent n A(rl-<une 2014 E$arter+
1?+ 9&p'o(ees 1ro#dent >$nd :rgan#/at#on (91>:) reta#ns #nterest rate on pro#dent 1un- &t C+?> (er!ent "or the c$rrent
1C+ =oern&ent not#"#ed &#n#&$& &onth'( pens#on o" 1=000 ru(ee$ and a h#gher )age $pper '#&#t #&proe&ent to1>=000
1ro0 A=>00 ru(ee$ "or soc#a' sec$r#t( sche&es r$n %( ret#re&ent "$nd &anager 9&p'o(ees 1ro#dent >$nd :rgan#sat#on+
1E+ =ot+ to #&p'e&ent =S0 (=oods M Ser#ces 0a8) ne) #nd#rect ta8 reg#&e "ro& 1$t A(rl 201A+
20+ H1I*%ased In"'at#on dec'#ned to <*(ear 'o) o" 3+74 percent #n
21+ Ind#=o has s#gned a P2+; %#''#on dea' )#th Ind$str#a' and
.o&&erc#a' Ban! o" .h#na Ltd (I.B.) "or the 'ender to "#nance
&ore than 30 ne) a#rcra"t
22+ As#an 5ee'op&ent Ban! (A5B) has pro#ded P;3+3*&#''#on
'oan "or #&pro#ng $r%an ser#ces and strengthen#ng &$n#c#pa' and proCect &anage&ent capac#t( #n 7orth ,arnata!a
2:+ S$pre&e .o$rt E$ashed &llo!&ton o1 214 out o1 21C !o&l 3lo!)$ )h#ch )ere a''otted to ar#o$s co&pan#es s#nce 1993
and #n )h#ch #t )as c'a#&ed that aro$nd Rs 2 'a!h crores )ere #nested+
*ote2 A %ench, headed %( .h#e" 6$st#ce R 4 Lodha, saed on'( "o$r %'oc!s**one 3elon2n2 to *;PC &n- SAIL each and t)o
a''ocated to Ultr& Me2& Po,er Pro5e!t$**"ro& %e#ng cance''ed+
24+ Un#on @ea( Ind$str( 4#n#str( proposed to sh$t do)n $. $!) Centr&l Pu3l! Se!tor Un-ert&)n2$ (.1S9s)+
+ 0he s#c! .1S9s #nc'$de @40 Hatches, @40 Bar#ngs, @40 .h#nar Hatch, @#nd$stan 1hoto >#'&s, @#nd$stan .a%'es and
0$ng%hadra Stee'+
+ Bes#des, the 4#n#str( a'so proposed to re#e < .1S9s+ 0hese .1S9s #nc'$de @40 4ach#ne 0oo's, @ea( 9ng#neer#ng
.orporat#on, 791A, 7aga'and 1aper M 1$'p .oK and 0r#en# Str$ct$ra's+
2>+ Ind#a to contr#%$te US5 12 &#''#on to U7 to tac!'e 9%o'a
2A+ Ind#aAs e8port gro)th s'#ps to 2+3< % at 2;+9< %#''#on do''ars #n A$g+
2?+ B&n2l&-e$6 to 5on BRICS B&n)' Bang'adesh has dec#ded to Co#n the ne)'( "or&ed BRI.S Ban!, an #n#t#at#e o" the )or'dAs
"#e e&erg#ng econo&#es * Bra/#', R$ss#a, Ind#a, .h#na and So$th A"r#ca+
2C+ I&port d$t( o" s$gar h#!ed "ro& 1< to 2< per cent
2E+ ICICI B&n) o11er$ EMI on -e3t !&r-$' I.I.I Ban!, the co$ntr(Bs 'argest pr#ate sector %an!, has 'a$nched 94I (eE$ated
&onth'( #nsta''&ents) "ac#'#t( on de%#t cards to ena%'e #ts c$sto&ers to conert the#r h#gh a'$e transact#ons #nto eas(
*ote' I.I.I %an! #s the "#rst #n the co$ntr( to #ntrod$ce th#s "ac#'#t(,
:0+ In1l&ton &t >-0ont6 'o) o" <+19 per cent #n 6$'(
:1+ Accord#ng to a U7 report Ind#an econo&( e8pected to gro) 3" >+>I n !urrent "#sca'+
:2+ ;6e Se!urte$ &n- E.!6&n2e Bo&r- o1 In-&, S9BI has #&posed a pena't( o" 13 crore r$pees on Re'#ance Ind$str#es
L#&#ted "or a''eged #rreg$'ar#t#es #n #ss$ance o" )arrants %( the co&pan( to #ts pro&oters+
::+ Ind#a Rat#ngs M Research re#sed #ts >-1< gross do&est#c prod$ct (=51) gro)th "orecast to <+7 per cent "ro& #ts Apr#'
2014 "orecast o" <+; per cent+
:4+ Worl- B&n) to 2%e N1>: 0n lo&n 1or O-$6& (ro5e!t' Ind#a has #n!ed a 'oan agree&ent )#th Hor'd Ban! "or ass#stance
o" P1<3 &#''#on (a%o$t Rs 920 crore) "or the :d#sha 5#saster Recoer( 1roCect+
:>+ E.0 B&n) 6&$ e8tended US5 4; &#''#on '#ne o" cred#t to M&urtu$ "or "#nanc#ng goods and de"ence re'ated eh#c'es
:A+ Worl- B&n) has s#gned an agree&ent )#th the goern&ent to pro#de a 'oan ass#stance o" US5 1,00;+20 &#''#on "or S&r%&
S6)$6& A36"&n III= )h#ch #s the 'argest ongo#ng F9d$cat#on "or A''F progra&&e #n the )or'd+
:?+ FICCI &n- I7BI s#gned an 4oU "or eas( access to organ#sed "#nance "ac#'#t( at co&pet#t#e #nterest rates "or &#cro, s&a''
and &ed#$& enterpr#se (4S49)+
:C+ Ind#a %eca&e t6r--l&r2e$t e!ono0" #n 2011 "ro& 10th #n 200<2 Hor'd Ban!+
:E+ Hor'd Ban! )#'' pro#de N>00 0llon 'oan "or )ater s$pp'( and san#tat#on proCects #n the r$ra' areas o1 A$$&0= B6&r=
<6&r)6&n- &n- Utt&r Pr&-e$6+
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40+ Hor'd Ban! )#'' pro#de >0 0llon -oll&r ass#stance to A126&n$t&n to s$pport the goern&entAs e""orts to #&proe
access to cred#t "or &#cro, s&a'' and &ed#$& enterpr#ses+
I0(ort&nt Co00ttee$ n *e,$'
1+ ,+?+ ,a&ath pane'' to e8a&#ne the "#nanc#a' arch#tect$re "or 4#cro, S&a'' and 4ed#$& 9nterpr#ses (4S49) sector+
2+ =opa'a!r#shna .o&&#ttee2 on .apac#t( B$#'d#ng #n Ban!s and non*Ban!s
:+ = 7 BaCpa# .o&&#ttee' to re#e) the #nest&ent g$#de'#nes "or nat#ona' pens#on s(ste& (71S) sche&es #n pr#ate sector+
4+ Sc#ent#st Ragh$nath Anant 4ashe'!ar pane'2 to reco&&end %est techno'og#es "or 1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od#As FS)achh
BharatF nat#ona' san#tat#on ca&pa#gn+
*ote2 0he ter&s o" re"erence #nc'$de ach#e#ng 1r#&e 4#n#ster 4od#As FS)achh BharatF 2o&l$ 3" 201E=
>+ 0 S R S$%ra&an#an .o&&#ttee' to re#e) "#e !e( green 'a)s concern#ng protect#on and conserat#on o" en#ron&ent,
"orest, )#'d'#"e, )ater and a#r a&ong others+
A+ @ R ,han .o&&#ttee' to e8a&#ne the $n*c'a#&ed a&o$nt #n 11>, 1ost :""#ce and Sa#ngs Sche&es+
?+ @ 5earaC .o&&#ttee' reported that &ost o" the dee&ed $n#ers#t#es are not "#t "or %e#ng a $n#ers#t(+
C+ S#ara&a!r#shnan .o&&#ttee' to s$ggest the p'ace to %$#'d the cap#ta' c#t( o" Andhra 1radesh
E+ >or&er RBI =oernor B#&a' 6a'an to head the 98pend#t$re 4anage&ent .o&&#ss#on+ 0he p$rpose o" sett#ng $p the
co&&#ss#on #s to c$t*o"" the spend#ng and re#e) goern&ent e8pend#t$re to get &a8#&$& o$tp$t+
10+ 6$st#ce .S 5har&adh#!ar# .o&&#ttee2 reco&&ended co&p'ete %an on dance %ars #n hote's and resta$rants +
11+ R+ Ra&an$Ca& .o&&#ttee * to re#e), #dent#"( and reco&&end
a&end&ent #n o%so'ete 'a)s to "$rther s&oothen and s#&p'#"(
the goernance+
12+ R+,+ S#ngh .o&&#ttee2 to re#e) par'#a&ent sec$r#t(
1:+ @ar# =a$ta& .o&&#ttee2 to re#e) present stat$s o" Un#ers#t(
=rant .o&&#ss#on
14+ =+ 1ad&ana%han .o&&#ttee2 #&p'e&entat#on o" Bharat B#'' 1a(&ent S(ste& (B11S)
1>+ 7ach#!et 4or co&&#ttee2 "or s&a'' and pa(&ents %an!
1A+ 7ach#!et 4or .o&&#ttee2 to per&#ts 7B>.s to )or! as B$s#ness .orrespondents o" %an!s+
1?+ 5eepa! 4ohant( .o&&#ttee2 on 5ata and In"or&at#on 4anage&ent #n the Resere Ban! o" Ind#a
1C+ 16 7a(a!2 to re#e) =oernance o" Boards o" Ban!s #n Ind#a+
1E+ 4 1 Be/%ar$ah2 to s$ggest s$#ta%'e re&ed#a' &eas$res to address concerns regard#ng sec$r#t( o" peop'e "ro& 7orth 9ast+
20+ B+ Sa&%a&$rth(2 pane' "ao$rs s#ng'e &o%#'e %an!#ng app on a'' SI4s+ 1ane' reco&&ended that c$sto&ers sho$'d not %e
reE$#red to #s#t the %an! %ranch "or &o%#'e n$&%er reg#strat#on+
21+ UrC#t 1ate' .o&&#ttee * to e8a&#ne the c$rrent &onetar( po'#c( "ra&e)or!
22+ 4$!$' 4$dga' &e&%er pane' to pro%e I1L spot*"#8#ng
2:+ 7ach#!et 4or * co&&#ttee on co&prehens#e "#nanc#a' ser#ces "or s&a'' %$s#nesses and 'o)*#nco&e ho$seho'ds+
24+ B#&a' 6a'an pane' 2 to scr$t#n#/e app'#cat#ons "or ne) %an! '#censes+
2>+ 1arthasarath# Sho&e+ 3 "or 0a8 Ad&#n#strat#on Re"or& .o&&#ss#on (0AR.)
2A+ Ar#nd 4a(ara& 1ane'2 report on the a''eged #rreg$'ar#t#es at the 7at#ona' Spot 98change Ltd (7S9L)
2?+ Ar#nd 4a(ara& .o&&#ttee 3"or g##ng c'ear de"#n#t#ons to >ore#gn 5#rect Inest&ent (>5I) &n- >ore#gn Inst#t$t#ona'
Inest&ent (>II)
PM *&ren-r& Mo- V$t US
I0(ort&nt Pont$'
PM &nnoun!e$ L1e ;0e %$&$ 1or In-&n Peo(le o1 In-&n Or2n (1I:s), ?#sa on Arr#a' "or US #s#tors
In h#s speech address#ng Ind#an*A&er#cans &t M&-$on SMu&re G&r-en n *e, /or), 14 4od# anno$nced '#"et#&e
#sas "or 1I:s (1ersons o" Ind#an or#g#n)+
1I: card ho'ders sta(#ng "or a 'ong ter& )#'' not hae to report at the 'oca' po'#ce stat#on
*ote' + .$rrent'( 1I: cards, g#en to those )ho the&se'es, the#r parents or grandparents or the#r spo$se, )ere one*
t#&e Ind#an c#t#/ens, a''o) "or #sa*"ree trae' to and "ro& Ind#a+ @o)eer, a 1I: card #s onl" %&l- 1or 1> "e&r$+
www.bankersadda.com | www.careerpower.in | www.careeradda.co.in 11
+ A'so, #" oneBs sta( #n Ind#a #s go#ng to e8ceed 180 da(s on an( s#ng'e #s#t, one needs to reg#ster )#th#n 30 da(s o" the
e8p#r( o" 180 da(s )#th the concerned >ore#gners Reg#ona' Reg#strat#on :""#cerO>ore#gners Reg#strat#on :""#cer or 'oca'
po'#ce a$thor#t#es+
1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od# #n#ted 7e) <er$e" Go%ernor C6r$ C6r$te to #s#t Ind#a )#th a trade &#ss#on+ .hr#s
.hr#st#e, a pop$'ar Rep$%'#can po'#t#c#an and a 201; pres#dent#a' e'ect#on asp#rant+
In h#s address to t6e AE
U*GA (Un#ted 7at#ons =enera' Asse&%'() 1r#&e 4#n#ster 4od# ca''ed "or ce'e%rat#on
o" Internat#ona' -oga 5a( on 21 6$ne eer( (ear+
US to he'p #n dee'op#ng Is&art c#t#esJ 3 All&6&3&- (U1), A50er (RaCasthan), V$6&)6&(&tn&0 (Andhra 1+)
Ind#a and the US hae agreed to cooperate on "$t$re e8p'orat#ons o" 4ars p'anet+
7ASA M ISR: s#gned dea' to cond$ct Co#nt 7ASA * ISR: S(nthet#c Apert$re Radar (7ISAR) &#ss#on+
Ind#a to part#c#pate #n the 0h#rt( 4eter 0e'escope (040) proCect, a g'o%a' consort#$& #nst#t$t#ons "ro& the US, .andara,
6apan, Ind#a and .h#na+ It )#'' %e a&ong )or'dBs 'argest opt#ca'*#n"rared te'escopes+
?#sa*on*arr#a' to US nat#ona's #n 201<+
US*Ind#a B$s#ness .o$nc#' &e&%ers to #nest oer P41 %#''#on #n Ind#a oer three (ears+
I0(ort&nt Pont$ A3out E3ol& out3re&)'
>o$r Hest A"r#can co$ntr#es L#%er#a, S#erra Leone, 7#ger#a and =$#nea are str$gg'#ng )#th the )orst 9%o'a o$t%rea! #n
Fr$t Out3re&) 4 In 1E?A t6e E3ol& %ru$ (9B:?) )as "#rst #dent#"#ed near the 9%o'a r#er, #n northern 7e0o!r&t!
Re(u3l! o1 t6e Con2o+
-o$ng sc#ent#st #n Be'g#$&, Peter Pot )as part o" a tea& that d#scoered the 9%o'a #r$s #n 197;+ @e too! h#s "#rst tr#p to
A"r#ca to #nest#gate th#s &(ster#o$s d#sease+ In the 5e&ocrat#c Rep$%'#c o" .ongo
E3ol& %ru$ -$e&$e (9?5), "or&er'( !no)n as 9%o'a hae&orrhag#c "eer, #s a seere, o"ten "ata' #''ness #n h$&ans+
0he #r$s #s trans&#tted to peop'e "ro& )#'d an#&a's and spreads #n the h$&an pop$'at#on thro$gh h$&an*to*h$&an
V&!!ne - OM&((= %e#ng dee'oped %( 4app B#ophar&ace$t#ca' Inc+, #s an e8per#&enta' treat&ent, "or $se )#th #nd##d$a's
#n"ected )#th 9%o'a #r$s+
Hor'd Ban! approes P10< &#''#on grant "or 9%o'a*h#t co$ntr#es o" Hest A"r#ca (L#%er#a, S#erra Leone and =$#nea)+
*ote' L3er&= t6e !ountr" ,t6 t6e 626e$t nu03er o" 9%o'a #n"ect#ons, )#'' rece#e <2 &#''#on do''ars, )#th S#erra
Leone gett#ng 28 &#''#on do''ars and =$#nea 2< &#''#on do''ars+
Ind#a to contr#%$te US7 12 0llon to U7 to tac!'e 9%o'a+
Ind#a to contr#%$te US5 10 &#''#on to U7 Secretar( =enera'Bs >$nd "or 9%o'a+ Add#t#ona' US5 2 &#''#on "or p$rchase o"
protect#e gear to tac!'e 9%o'a
I0(ort&nt *e,$ 8In-& # Worl-9'
1+ Worl- In%e$t0ent Re(ort 2014- Ind#a s'#ps to 4t6 p'ace #n U7.0A5As >5I dest#nat#on ran!#ng+
*ote2 .h#na has reta#ned #ts top pos#t#on as the )or'dAs &ost attract#e #nest&ent dest#nat#on "o''o)ed %( the US and Indones#a
at second and th#rd p'ace, accord#ng to the U7.0A5As Hor'd Inest&ent Report 2014+
2+ =oog'e c'osed the soc#a' net)or!#ng s#te :r!$t per&anent'( on 30 Septe&%er 2014+ :r!$t started #n 2004 )as na&ed
a"ter #ts creator, Or)ut Bu"u))o)ten, a =oog'e e&p'o(ee+
:+ A"ghan#stan s#gned B#'atera' Sec$r#t( Agree&ent (BSA) )#th the US )#th an a#& to a''o) so&e US troops to re&a#n #n the
co$ntr( t#'' 201<+
4+ A0&Fon 1oun-er <e11 BeFo$ %$te- In-&+ A&a/on sa#d #t )#'' #nest US5 2 %#''#on (oer Rs 12,000 crore) #n Ind#a to
e8pand %$s#ness, a da( a"ter #ts 'argest Ind#an r#a' >'#p!art anno$nced US5 1 %#''#on #n "$nd#ng
>+ 4#croso"t #s the "#rst "ore#gn co&pan( to enter .h#na a"ter the got '#"ted a 14*(ear %an2 US techno'og( g#ant 4#croso"t
'a$nched #ts X3o. One 2&0e !on$ole #n .h#na, the "#rst "ore#gn co&pan( to enter the potent#a''( &ass#e &ar!et a"ter the
goern&ent '#"ted a 14*(ear %an+
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A+ Un#on =oern&ent dec'ared 2> Se(te03er &$ Ant"o-"& 7,&$+ Ant(od(a d#)as )as o%sered to &ar! the 98th %#rth
ann#ersar( o" 1and#t 5eenda(a' Upadh(a(+
?+ .h#naBs e*co&&erce g#ant Al3&3& 2et$ &((ro%&l to $et u(
(r%&te 3&n) n C6n&
C+ 0he Ind#an econo&( )#'' gro) at a rate o1 >+A (er !ent n 2014
accord#ng to Un#ted 7at#ons .on"erence on 0rade and
5ee'op&ent (U7.0A5)+
E+ Al3&3& Grou( Bol-n2 Lt-G$ #n#t#a' p$%'#c o""er#ng (I1:) no)
ran!s as the )or'dAs %#ggest #n h#stor( at N2> 3llon, a"ter the e*
co&&erce g#ant and so&e o" #ts shareho'ders so'd add#t#ona'
shares+ <&!) M& #s the "o$nder o" Al3&3&
*ote2 0he I1: s$rpassed the pre#o$s g'o%a' record set %(
A2r!ultur&l B&n) o1 C6n& Ltd #n 2010 )hen the %an! ra#sed
P22+1 %#''#on+
10+ 0he Br#t#sh a#d )or!er, 7&%- B&ne$ ,&$ n ne,$ &$ 6e ,&$
3e6e&-e- 3" I$l&0! State o" IraE and S(r#a (ISIS) &#'#tants+
11+ B&0"&n 6&$ 3een $ele!te- to 3e t6e SAARC c$'t$ra' cap#ta' "or
a (ear %eg#nn#ng Apr#' 201<+ 5ha!a )#'' %e the SAAR. c$'t$ra'
cap#ta' #n 201;*17+ 0he (ear 201;*17 )#'' a'so %e dec'ared the
SAAR. -ear o" .$'t$ra' @er#tage+
12+ Hor'd pop$'at#on )#'' reach 11 %#''#on %( 2100 and #t )as h#gh'(
$n'#!e'( that g'o%a' pop$'at#on )#'' sta%#'#/e %( the end o" 2100
accord#ng to U7 report+
1:+ ,14=*>I..I st$d( has ran!ed Ind#a a&ong top three &ed#ca'
to$r#s& dest#nat#ons #n As#a+ 0he other t)o co$ntr#es )#th#n As#a
that rece#e &a8#&$& &ed#ca' to$r#sts are 0ha#'and and
14+ Accord#ng to U7 @#gh .o&&#ss#oner "or Re"$gees (Anton#o
=$terres) 2 n$&%er o" peop'e see!#ng re"$gee stat$s #n dee'oped
nat#ons has gone $p %( 24 percent #n the "#rst ha'" o" 2014+
1>+ :7=. to contr#%$te Rs+ 20+7< cr "or the %ea$t#"#cat#on and c'ean'#ness o" the 0aC 4aha'+
*ote2 :7=. has 'a$nched a QSwachchha Smarak, Swachchha BharatB ca&pa#gn to c'ean $p &e&or#a's and her#tage
1A+ A$to 1orta' .arde!ho acE$#red =aad#+co& "or 11 &#''#on US do''ar
1?+ ?o'cano Mount Ont&)e #n 6apan er$pted !#''#ng &ore than 30 peop'e and #nC$r#ng as &an( peop'e+
1C+ Sr L&n)& ,on t6e 3&!)n2 o" 22 nat#ons #n #ts %att'e aga#nst the U7As )ar cr#&es pro%e #nto the co$ntr(As h$&an r#ghts
record d$r#ng #ts %r$ta' c##' )ar+
1E+ For3e$ In-& rele&$e- ;6e 100 R!6e$t In-&n L$t 2014' Accord#ng to the >or%es Ind#a L#st, the 0op 10 R#chest peop'e
o" Ind#a21+ 4$!esh A&%an#P 2+ 5#'#p Shangh#K :+ A/#& 1re&C#K 4+ 1a''onC# 4#str(K >+ La!sh&# 4#tta'K A+ @#nd$Ca %rothersK
?+ Sh# 7adarK C+ =odreC "a&#'(K E+ ,$&ar B#r'aK 10+ S$n#' 4#tta'
*ote' Mu)e$6 A&%an# topped the '#st "or the e#ghth consec$t#e (ear )#th a net )orth o" 2:+A 3llon US -oll&r$+
20+ >or&er Br#t#sh 1r#&e 4#n#ster 0on( B'a#r na&ed Fga( #consF #n recogn#t#on o" h#s )or! "or ga( r#ghts+
21+ 9&a&# %#otech acE$#red ?anaspat# %rand Raso#+ 0he dea' #s est#&ated to %e )orth aro$nd 20 crore r$pees+ 0h#s #s 9&a&#As
second acE$#s#t#on #n three &onths and )#th th#s dea' 9&a&# &a!es entr( #nto anaspat# seg&ent+
22+ US to pa( <00 &#''#on US do''ar #n co&pensat#on to 7at#e A&er#can 7aaCo tr#%e end#ng decades*o'd d#sp$tes oer $se o"
the#r 'and,
*ote' + In ret$rn, the tr#%e )#'' not c'a#& 'a)s$#ts oer US &anage&ent o" 7aaCo reso$rces and "$nds+
+ 0he s$& #s the 'argest eer pa#d %( the Un#ted States to a s#ng'e tr#%e, accord#ng to 0he Hash#ngton 1ost+
+ 0he 7aaCo reserat#on, stradd'#ng the )estern states o" Ar#/ona, 7e) 4e8#co and Utah, #s the 'argest #n the Un#ted
States, coer#ng aro$nd 70,000 sE$are &#'es (181,299 sE$are !#'o&eters)+
%+ 0he 7aaCos are the 'argest #nd#geno$s tr#%e #n the Un#ted States )#th &ore than 300,000 &e&%ers+
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2:+ G$Carat .ooperat#e 4#'! 4ar!et#ng >ederat#on (=.44>), )h#ch se''s A&$' %rand o" &#'! prod$cts ran!ed 1<th a&ong
the top da#r( organ#sat#ons #n the )or'd #n the Internat#ona' >ar& .o&par#son 7et)or! (I>.7) 3 a g'o%a' da#r( !no)'edge
*ote' Ind#a #s the 'argest prod$cer o" &#'! #n the )or'd
24+ Adan# 4#n#ng too! a step c'oser to the dee'op&ent o" A$stra'#an P2+2 %#''#on (P1+94 %#''#on) coa' &#n#ng proCect #n
A$stra'#a a"ter the "edera' goern&ent approed constr$ct#on o" a ra#' ha$'age '#ne+
2>+ 1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od# to %e con"erred )#th honorar( doctorate degree %( the 5r 7e'son 4ande'a Schoo' o" 1$%'#c
1o'#c( o" the $n#ers#t(+
2A+ Search g#ant =oog'e 'a$nched a ne) soc#a' ca&pa#gn #n assoc#at#on )#th Bo''()ood actor*d#rector >arhan A!htarBs
#n#t#at#e KMAR7L= to #ncrease #nternet '#terac( a&ong )o&en #n the co$ntr(+
2?+ 7ASABs 4A?97 spacecra"t enters 4ars or%#t to st$d( ho) the Red 1'anetBs c'#&ate changed oer t#&e "ro& )ar& and )et
to co'd and dr(+
2C+ Ach#n and Sartha! 7ar$'a Brothers )on 7 crore r$pees #n
Season 8 o" ,a$n Banega .rorepat#
7ote2 0he tag'#ne "or the season 8 o" the sho) #s /&6&n Sr1
P&$e *&6= 7l B6 <eete <&te B&n+
2E+ ,eep#ng a trad#t#on a'#e, 1res#dent R# 6#np#ng &eets "a&#'( o" 5r+ 7,&r)&n&t6 ,otn#s
*ote' + 5r+ ,otn#s )ent to .h#na #n 1937 as part o" an Ind#an &ed#ca' &#ss#on a"ter .h#na )as #naded %( 6apan+ @e sered
on the %att'e"#e'd and saed '#es o" &an( .h#nese so'd#ers+ A"ter )or!#ng "or "o$r (ears #n .h#na, he "e'' #'' and d#ed at a
(o$ng age o" 32+
:0+ Ind#a and .h#na agreed to esta%'#sh a 6o#nt Hor!#ng =ro$p to pro&ote "ac#'#tat#on #n the "#'& sector+
:1+ Hor'd Hrest'#ng 9nterta#n&ent (HH9), a'ong )#th 0en Sports channe', )#'' #nest oer N100 0llon ( Rs ;00 crore) #n
the Ind#an sport#ng re'ated enterta#n&ent &ar!et, accord#ng to so$rces+
:2+ .oca*.o'a Ind#a has 'a$nched #ts /ero s$gar so"t dr#n! G .oca*.o'a Sero G #n '#ne )#th #ts strateg( to &a!e Ind#a #ts "#"th
'argest &ar!et %( 2020+
::+ Ur%an 5ee'op&ent 4#n#str( and the B#'' M 4#'#nda =ates >o$ndat#on hae agreed on a partnersh#p to pro&ote $ser
"r#end'( to#'ets to ens$re $n#ersa' san#tat#on #n the co$ntr(
:4+ S!otl&n- 6&$ re5e!te- n-e(en-en!e &n- -e!-e- to sta( )#th Un#ted ,#ngdo&+ In a re"erend$& that threatened to
%rea! $p 307 (ears $n#on %et)een the&, << percent Scott#sh peop'e po''ed 7: ote and 4< percent (es ote to a s#&p'e ,
Sho$'d Scot'and %e an #ndependent co$ntr(T
:>+ Hor'dAs "#rst )ater*%ased n$c'ear %atter( dee'oped #n 4#sso$r#
*ote' 0he %atter( $ses a rad#oact#e $oto(e !&lle- $trontu0-E0 that %oosts e'ectro*che&#ca' energ( #n a )ater*%ased
+ Bet&%olt&!$= & 3&tter" te!6nolo2" that generates po)er "ro& rad#at#on, has %een st$d#ed as an energ( so$rce s#nce
the 19<0s
:A+ .ogn#/ant 0echno'og( So'$t#ons .orp acE$#red hea'thcare I0 ser#ces pro#der 0r#Setto .orp "or 2+7 %#''#on US do''ars+ 0he
acE$#s#t#on #s a#&ed at %oost#ng the hea'thcare %$s#ness o" .ogn#/ant+
:?+ 4#croso"t .orp acE$#red the S)ed#sh #deo ga&e co&pan( Mo5&n2 1or 2+> 3llon US -oll&r$+
:C+ 0he goern&ent 'a$nched an e'ectron#c to'' co''ect#on (90.) progra&&e #n the co$ntr( $nder the %rand na&e F>AS0agF+
*ote' + Accord#ng to the 4#n#str( o" Road and @#gh)a(s, 90. (an e'ectron#c to'' co''ect#on) enta#'s pa(&ent o" h#gh)a(
to''s e'ectron#ca''( )#tho$t need#ng to ha't the eh#c'e at the to'' p'a/as+
+ 0he &#n#str( has roped #n I.I.I %an! and A8#s %an! "or pro#d#ng centra' c'ear#ng ho$se (..@) ser#ces and to d#str#%$te
R>I5 (rad#o*"reE$enc( #dent#"#cat#on) %ased F>AS0agF thro$gh the#r "ranch#ses at po#nts o" sa'es near the to'' p'a/as+
:E+ 4assach$setts Inst#t$te o" 0echno'og( has e&erged as the 'ead#ng ars#t( #n the )or'd
40+ .h#nese 1res#dent R# 6#np#ng 'a$nched the constr$ct#on o" the 1+4 %#''#on do''ar .o'o&%o 1ort .#t( #n Sr# Lan!a
41+ 7oor-&r$6&n !ele3r&te$ >> "e&r$ o1 e.$ten!e' 5oordarshan &ade a &odest %eg#nn#ng #n Ind#a on 1>t6 Se(te03er
1E>E, )hen the "#rst e8per#&enta' centre at 5e'h# )#th a s&a'' trans&#tter )as #na$g$rated %( the then 1res#dent
RaCendra 1rasad+
42+ Ind#a &a( %eco&e "#"th 'argest e8porter %( 20302 @SB. report
*ote2 0he report sa(s, UA9 #s '#!e'( to re&a#n top e8port dest#nat#on "or Ind#a t#'' 2030, and .h#na #s "orecast to e&erge as
the second 'argest e8port &ar!et, d#sp'ac#ng the US %( 2030+
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4:+ 0he Hor'd @ea'th :rgan#sat#on (H@:) hono$red Bang'adesh and 0#&or*Leste )#th So$th 9ast As#a Reg#ona' A)ard "or
98ce''ence #n 1$%'#c @ea'th+
7ote2 Sa#&a @ossa#n o" Bang'adesh con"erred the A)ard #n adanc#ng the ca$se o" A$t#s& #n So$th 9ast As#a and
+ 0he 7at#ona' 4a'ar#a .ontro' 1rogra&&e o" 0#&or*Leste )as con"erred the A)ard #n the reg#on categor( "or #ts
aggress#e ant#*&a'ar#a e""ort )h#ch has drast#ca''( red$ced &a'ar#a cases #n 0#&or*Leste+
44+ S$pre&e .o$rt r$'ed 3 percent E$ota "or d#sa%'ed persons #n a'' goern&ent Co%s
4>+ 0he ..9A (.a%#net .o&&#ttee on 9cono&#c A""a#rs) headed %( 1r#&e 4#n#ster, approed the sa'e o" shares #n Co&l In-&=
O*GC &n- *BPC to garner a co&%#ned Rs 43,000 crore+
4A+ 0he As#an 5ee'op&ent Ban! has agreed to g#e P1<0*&#''#on 'oan to the =oern&ent o" Ind#a to he'p %$#'d trans&#ss#on
'#nes "or rene)a%'e energ( #n RaCasthan+
4?+ 0he 9$ropean Un#on #&posed ne) econo&#c sanct#ons on R$ss#a oer U!ra#ne+ 0he restr#ct#ons #nc'$de "#nanc#ng "or so&e
R$ss#an state*o)ned co&pan#es and asset "ree/es on 'ead#ng R$ss#an po'#t#c#ans+
4C+ B#'' and 4e'#nda =ates >o$ndat#on has p'edged >0 0llon US
-oll&r$ to s$pport e&ergenc( e""orts to conta#n Hest A"r#caAs
9%o'a ep#de&#c+
4E+ Internat#ona' :'(&p#c .o&&#ttee (I:.) and Interpo'
(Internat#ona' 1o'#ce agenc() hae #ncreased the#r co''a%orat#on
to co&%at &atch*"#8#ng and #''ega' %ett#ng+
>0+ ;6e e&ergenc( &anage&ent ser#ces pro#der =?, 94RI has s#gned a &e&orand$& o" $nderstand#ng )#th 7at#ona'
0ra$&a Research Inst#t$te, A$stra'#a to #&proe e&ergenc( tra$&a care ser#ces #n the co$ntr(+
>1+ 0ata 7ano to %e re%&0(e- &n- l&un!6e- &$ & GS0&rt Ct" C&rG ne.t "e&r+
>2+ Israe' anno$nced to ta!e oer Hest Ban! 'and+ 0he area )#'' %e na&ed as =eaot+ 0he 'and port#on #s 'ocated so$th o"
Beth'ehe&+ 0he se#/$re o" the 'and #s sa#d to %e the 'argest se#/$re %( Israe' #n 'ast 30 (ears+
>:+ A st$d( %( ,14=*>I..I sa(s Ind#a ran!s a&ong the top three &ed#ca' to$r#s& dest#nat#ons #n As#a+
>4+ .ongress &e&%ers to head < 1ar'#a&entar( Stand#ng .o&&#ttees
>>+ M+ Veer&((& Mol"= S6&$6 ;6&roor &n- P+ B6&tt&!6&r"& )#'' no) head the #&portant co&&#ttees on >#nance, 98terna'
A""a#rs and @o&e respect#e'(+
>A+ Un#ted Ban! o" Ind#a dec'ared ,#ng"#sher A#r'#nes and #ts o)ner ?#Ca( 4a''(a as )#''"$' de"a$'ter
*ote' Wl1ul 7e1&ult2 A )#'"$' de"a$'t occ$rs )hen e#ther a %orro)er has not repa#d )hen he can do so, or )hen
sanct#oned "$nds hae %een $sed "or other p$rposes or )hen the %orro)er d#sposes o"" the assets ass$red "or aa#'#ng o"
the 'oan )#tho$t the %an!Bs !no)'edge+
*ote2 Accord#ng to the g$#de'#nes o" Resere Ban! o" Ind#a (RBI), once a )#'"$' de"a$'ter not#ce #s #ss$ed, the %orro)er 6&$
1> -&"$ to -e1en- 60$el1 n 1ront o1 t6e 3&n)+
+ 0he )#'"$' de"a$'ter tag g#es s$ret( that the %orro)er and an( "#r& on the %oard o" )h#ch he #s a d#rector )#'' not get a
'oan "ro& an( "#nanc#a' #nst#t$t#on #n "$t$re+
>?+ As#aAs "#rst Ba''#st#c Research .entre to open #n =u5&r&t' Ind#a )#'' hae As#aAs "#rst Ba''#st#c Research .entre )h#ch )#''
he'p #t #n ach#e#ng se'"*re'#ance #n test#ng o" ar&ored eh#c'es+
*ote2 0#'' no), the ar&ored eh#c'es "ro& Ind#a are sent to co$ntr#es '#!e the U,, USA and >rance "or test#ng+ Ba''#st#c
Research .entre )#'' cond$ct tests "or ar&ored eh#c'es o" the Ind#an Ar&( and a'so pro#de ser#ces to pr#ate p'a(ers
)ho s$pp'( eh#c'es to the ?I1s+
>C+ Re'#ance =ro$p, 7#ppon L#"e 'a$nch Ind#a "$nds "or 6apan #nestors' 6apan, "#nanc#a' sector g#ant 7#ppon L#"e sa#d #t )#''
partner An#' A&%an#*'ed Re'#ance =ro$p "or a proposed Re'#ance Ban! and 'a$nched t)o Ind#a*"oc$ssed "$nds "or 6apanese
>E+ Rea' estate &aCor 5L> d#rected %( the S$pre&e .o$rt to depos#t Rs ;30 crore "#ne s'apped on #t %( the .o&pet#t#on
.o&&#ss#on o" Ind#a (..I) "or a''eged'( resort#ng to $n"a#r %$s#ness pract#ces+
A0+ 0he (ear 2014 has %een dec'ared %( the Un#ted 7at#ons as the Intern&ton&l /e&r o1 F&0l" F&r0n2+
A1+ 201<*1; to %e o%sered as W&ter Con$er%&ton /e&r+
A2+ 0e8t#'es 4#n#str(, >'#p!art Co#n hands "or hand'oo& )eaers an #n#t#at#e to %oost the hand'oo& sector, e&po)er the
)eaers and $p'#"t &an$"act$r#ng #n the co$ntr(+
A:+ 1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od# ded#cated to the nat#on the Ranch#*5hara&Ca(garh*S#pat 7;<! #nter*reg#ona' po)er
trans&#ss#on '#ne #n 6har!hand+ *ote2 0h#s '#ne #s the "#rst #nter*reg#ona' '#n! %et)een eastern reg#on and )estern reg#on+
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A4+ A"ghan#stan ce'e%rated #ts 9<th Independence 5a( on 19 A$g$st 2014+
A>+ 20th ed#t#on o" ann$a' 5e'h# Boo! >a#r %eg#ns #n 7e) 5e'h#+ 0he&e o" the n#ne* da( eent $ GLter&ture n Cne0&G+
AA+ 0ata .ons$'tanc( Ser#ces (0.S) and Bhart# >o$ndat#on anno$nce to spend 200 crore r$pees "or Cle&n In-& C&0(&2n+
A?+ B7FC B&n) &!!or-e- 0o$t %&lue- 3r&n-' @5>. Ban! )#th a %rand a'$e o" P 9+4%n #s Ind#aBs &ost a'$a%'e %rand
accord#ng to the "#rst ed#t#on o" the BrandS 0op <0 4ost ?a'$a%'e Ind#an Brands ran!#ng+
*ote' A#rte' occ$p( 2nd post+ SBI at n$&%er 3rd and I.I.I at n$&%er 4
AC+ A!!or-n2 to Glo3&l Pe&!e In-e.= 2014 B6ut&n= *e(&l t)o &ost peace"$' co$ntr#es #n So$th As#an reg#on+
7ote2 #+ Bh$tan stands at 1;th pos#t#on and 7epa' at 7;th pos#t#on+
+ Bang'adesh #s ahead o" Ind#a, 1a!#stan and A"ghan#stan #n ter&s o" Astate o" peaceA+
+ Hh#'e Bang'adesh occ$p#ed 98th pos#t#on, Ind#a )as rated at 143= 1a!#stan 1<4, and A"ghan#stan at 1;1+
%+ Ice'and, 5en&ar! and A$str#a )ere ran!ed "#rst, second and th#rd respect#e'(+
AE+ ;A;A-SIA Arlne$ 3r&n- n&0e to 3e !&lle- V$t&r&2 0ata*S#ngapore A#r'#nes (SIA) na&ed #ts $pco&#ng Co#nt ent$re
a#r'#ne as V$t&r& and )#'' start #ts operat#on "ro& :cto%er 2014+
?0+ In-& r&n)e- >t6 &0on2$t to( 10 )#nd po)er prod$cers2 Report+
*ote' .h#na )as the 'ead#ng )#nd po)er prod$cer %( add#ng 1;,100 4H capac#t( #n 2013, "o''o)ed %( USA, =er&an( and
Spa#n,J Rene)a%'es 2014 ='o%a' Stat$s Report sa#d+
?1+ Un#on .a%#net approed the 6$en#'e 6$st#ce B#'', 2014 to a&end the 6$en#'e 6$st#ce Act, 2000
*ote' A2e o1 & <u%enle n t6e << Bll= 2014' 0he %#'' )#'' treat &#nors a%oe t6e &2e o1 1A &$ &-ult$, )ho are acc$sed o"
he#no$s cr#&es '#!e rape and &$rder+ 0he 66 Act, 2000 treats an( person %e'o) the age o" 18 as C$en#'e+
*ote' ;6e Pro%$on 1or C6l-ren n !on1l!t Fone$ &n- Cor(or&l (un$60ent n t6e << Bll= 2014' 0he B#'' proposes $p
to $e%en "e&r r2orou$ 0(r$on0ent= > l&)6 ru(ee$ "#ne or %oth "or &#'#tant gro$ps )ho recr$#t ch#'d so'd#ers or $se
ch#'dren "or an( p$rpose+
*ote' I" the B#'' #s passed #n 1ar'#a&ent, Ind#a )#'' 5on 40 ot6er !ountre$ )here corpora' p$n#sh&ent #s a pena' o""ence+
?2+ 7oor-&r$6&n $2n$ (&!t ,t6 Ger0&n !6&nnel2 In an e""ort to d#str#%$te #ts content to #nternat#ona' &ar!ets, 55 Ind#a
has s#gned an agree&ent )#th =er&an p$%'#c ser#ce %roadcaster 5e$tsche He''e (5H)+ 0h#s agree&ent )#'' he'p Ind#aBs
p$%'#c %roadcaster get a g'o%a' "ootpr#nt )#th #ts progra&&es %eco&#ng part o" the >ree*to*A#r %as#c pac! on a 50@
?:+ As per the pro#s#ona' res$'ts o" the S#8th 9cono&#c .ens$s re'eased %( the Un#on 4#n#str( o" Stat#st#cs and 1rogra&&e
I&p'e&entat#on (4oS1I) on 6$'( 30 * M&n(ur &t C:+2E (er !ent to($ t6e l$t o1 (er!ent&2e o1 2ro,t6 n e0(lo"0ent
"o''o)ed %( Assa&, S#!!#&, Uttar 1radesh, Anda&an and 7#co%ar Is'ands, @#&acha' 1radesh, 6a&&$ and ,ash&#r,
Uttara!hand, =$Carat and RaCasthan+
?4+ >'#p!art anno$nced #t has ra#sed P1 %#''#on (Rs ;,000 crore), the 'argest eer "$nd*ra#s#ng %( an Ind#an #nternet co&pan(+
?>+ A0t&36 B&!6!6&n na&ed as 4aharashtraAs 6ort!ulture &03&$$&-or
?A+ A recent st$d( report prepared %( Assocha&Bs 9cono&#c Research B$rea$ has sho)ed that Gu5&r&t to((e- #n ne)
#nest&ents attracted %( the (o,er $e!tor d$r#ng the per#od 2004*0< and 2012*13+
0hree states hae recorded h#ghest gro)th rate #n ter&s o" per cap#ta #nco&e d$r#ng 2004*13 are2 Gu5&r&t= M&6&r&$6tr&
&n- B&r"&n&
??+ >oot)ear &a!er Hood'and has t#ed $p )#th U7I.9> to pro&ote a )ater, san#tat#on and h(g#ene ca&pa#gn (HAS@) #n
?C+ 0ata .ons$'tanc( Ser#ces has %eco&e the "#rst Ind#an co&pan( )#th a &ar!et cap#ta'#sat#on o" Rs < 'a!h crore+
?E+ For0er Pre$-ent o" the Un#ted States o" A&er#ca B#'' .'#nton #s#ted 6a%ro$'# #''age, near L$c!no), on an a)areness
&#ss#on on -&rr6oe&+
C0+ Ind#a has the th#rd*h#ghest n$&%er o" peop'e '##ng )#th @I? #n the )or'd )#th 2+1 &#''#on Ind#ans acco$nt#ng "or a%o$t
"o$r o$t o" 10 peop'e #n"ected )#th the dead'( #r$s #n the As#aG1ac#"#c reg#on, accord#ng to a U7 report+
0he "#rstGeer U7AI5S Q=ap ReportB sa#d a"ter s$%GS&6&r&n A1r!&, the reg#on )#th the 'argest n$&%er o" peop'e '##ng
)#th @I? #s As#a and the 1ac#"#c+
C1+ Ind#a has e&erged as the )or'dAs 'argest cons$&er o" &nt3ot!$ "o''o)ed %( .h#na and the US, accord#ng to a ne) st$d(
)h#ch E$ant#"#es the gro)#ng a'ar& s$rro$nd#ng ant#%#ot#c*res#stance+
C2+ In ter0$ o1 G7P= In-&G$ e!ono0" $ 10t6 322e$t' Worl- B&n) * A"ter gro)#ng at an aerage ann$a' rate o" C$st oer ;
per cent "ro& 1980 to 2010, Ind#aBs econo&( #s no) the 10th %#ggest #n the )or'd #n ter&s o" gross do&est#c prod$ct,
accord#ng to the Hor'd Ban!+
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I0(ort&nt *e,$ - St&te$
1+ B6&r $ t6e 1&$te$t 2ro,n2 St&te ,6le ;&0l *&-u $ t6e
,or$t (er1or0er, the 'atest data re'eased %( the .entra' Stat#st#cs
:""#ce (.S:) has reea'ed+
*ote' + B#harBs =ross State 5o&est#c 1rod$ct (=S51) gre) 10+73
per cent d$r#ng 2012*13+ 0he second*%est per"or&#ng State #s
M&-6"& Pr&-e$6, )h#ch gre) at 9+89 per cent+ 5e'h# #s th#rd )#th
a gro)th rate o" 9+33 per cent+
+ A'' &aCor #nd$str#a' States 'ag %eh#nd B#har+ =ro)#ng &t ?+EA
(er !ent, =$Carat #s ran!ed $.t6 and 4aharashtra nnt6 )#th
;+18 per cent+
2+ RaCasthan %eco&es "#rst state to start o'#e re"#ner(+ the re"#ner(
)#'' %e set $p )#th a cost o" Rs+ 3+7< crore #n L$n!aransar area #n
the d#str#ct o" B#!aner+ 0he o'#e o#' prod$ced #n the re"#ner( )#''
%e &ar!ed $nder the %rand n&0e o1 QR&5 Ol%e OlD
:+ 7el6 Metro 6&$ 3een r&n)e- second a&ong 18 #nternat#ona'
4etro s(ste&s #n ter&s o" oera'' c$sto&er sat#s"act#on #n an
on'#ne c$sto&er s$re(+
*ote' Lon-on 7LR= 5e'h# 4etro and Bang!o! respect#e'( )ere
the %est three per"or&ers #n the 7et 1ro&oters Score (71S)
4+ In-&D$ 1r$t S)ll -e%elo(0ent centre has co&e $p #n Uda#p$r,
RaCasthan+ 0he centre has %een set $p $nder the L#e'#hood S!#''
>+ .hhatt#sgarh )#'' set $p & QM&rne Fo$$l P&r)D n Kor"& -$tr!t
)here "oss#'s o" 1er&#an geo'og#ca' per#od )ere "o$nd+ 0he
&ar#ne "oss#'s o" sea she''s )ere d#scoered on roc!s on the %an!
o" @asdeo r#er near 4anendragarh #n ,or#(a d#str#ct a co$p'e o"
(ears %ac!+
A+ 14 7arendra 4od# #na$g$rated In-& Foo- P&r) #n 0$&!$r #n ,arnata!a+
*ote' + 0he "ood par! #s an #n#t#at#e o" >$t$re =ro$p ch#e" ,#shore B#(an#+
+ 4oreoer, >ood 1rocess#ng 4#n#str( )#'' approe 17 s$ch "ood par!s across the co$ntr( oer the ne8t "e) &onths
?+ @#&acha' 1radesh goern&ent #ntrod$ced .age .$'t$re 0echn#E$e "or "#sh "ar&#ng #n )ater %od#es created %( the
@#&acha' 1radesh 4#d*@#&a'a(an Hatershed 5ee'op&ent 1roCect+
C+ 0a&#' 7ad$ goern&ent anno$nced 1r#ce Sta%#'#/at#on "$nd "or green tea 'ea" )#th a corp$s o" 12 crore r$pees
E+ Andhra 1radesh =ot+ s#gned the 4e&orand$& o" Understand#ng (4oU) agree&ent )#th =oog'e Ind#a "or 5#g#ta' A1
proCect+ =oog'e Ind#a )#'' )or! )#th the A1 goern&ent to get )o&en and s&a'' and &ed#$& %$s#nesses on'#ne and he'p
the& ga#n "ro& the #nternet econo&(+
10+ 0he Bo&%a( @#gh .o$rt d#rected the Un#on =oern&ent to str#ct'( #&p'e&ent the %an on &an$"act$re o" nat#ona' "'ags
&ade "ro& p'ast#c
11+ A''#ance A#r, the )ho''( o)ned s$%s#d#ar( o" A#r Ind#a, s#gned a 4e&orand$& o" Understand#ng )#th the 7orth 9ast
.o$nc#' "or "'#ght operat#ons #n the 7orth 9ast+
12+ Pun5&3= to($ n CPSE n%e$t0ent$' 1$nCa%, 4aharashtra, B#har and :d#sha are the on'( "o$r states a&#d top 20 &aCor
states #n Ind#a that hae seen a s$rge #n e&p'o(&ent generated %( the .entra' 1$%'#c Sector 9nterpr#ses (.1S9s) )h#'e rest
o" the states hae recorded a "a'' rang#ng %et)een 3*22 per cent
*ote' =$Carat has ran! 12
recorded a dec'#ne o" oer 14 per cent #n e&p'o(&ent generated %( the .entra' 1$%'#c Sector
9nterpr#ses (.1S9s) %et)een 2008*09 and 2012*13
1:+ 0he Uttar 1radesh goern&ent dec#ded to open 7#r%ha(a .enters #n a'' d#str#cts o" the state+ 0hese 7#r%ha(a .enters )#''
pro#de pro&pt he'p to the #ct#&s o" cr#&e aga#nst )o&en and a'so "ac#'#tate 'odg#ng o" >IRs+
14+ 41 to host ='o%a' Inestors S$&&#t at Indore to attract "ore#gn #nest&ent
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1>+ =oa %eca&e a per&anent en$e "or the Internat#ona' >#'& >est#a' o" Ind#a (I>>I)+
1A+ 54R. o%sered Hor'd =reen B$#'d#ng Hee! "ro& 22 Septe&%er 2014 to 27 Septe&%er 2014+ 0he 5e'h# 4etro has dec#ded
to des#gn a'' #ts phase*III stat#ons as green %$#'d#ngs+
1?+ 5e'h# 1o'#ce to 'a$nch #ts "#rst e*po'#ce stat#on to dea' )#th eh#c'e the"ts
1C+ Hest Benga' ca%#net c'eared "ar&er*"r#end'( proCect Sech*Bandh$ 1ra!a'pa to %oost #rr#gat#on
1E+ B#har goern&ent recogn#sed transgender as th#rd gender
20+ Uttara!hand =oern&ent dec'ared E Se(te03er &$ B0&l&"& 7,&$
21+ 14 anno$nces 6M, "'oods Q7at#ona' 5#sasterB, dec'ares add#t#ona' a#d o" Rs 1=000 !rore
22+ ;th 9cono&#c .ens$s Report2 Ar$nacha' 1radesh has the h#ghest proport#on o" h#red )or!ers a&ong a'' Ar$nacha'
2:+ Un#on .a%#net approed 0e'eco& 5ee'op&ent 1'an "or the 7orth*9astern Reg#on+ 0he proposa' enta#'s an est#&ated cost
o" oer R$ >=::A !rore+
24+ Andhra gets ne) cap#ta', to %e 'ocated #n ?#Ca(a)ada reg#on+
*ote2 Andhra 1radesh )as %#"$rcated to create a ne) state o" 0e'angana ear'#er th#s (ear #n 6$ne+ @(dera%ad )#'' sere as
the shared cap#ta' o" 0e'angana and Andhra 1radesh "or another 10 (ears $nt#' 2024+ A"ter that, @(dera%ad )#'' %e'ong to
the ne) state o" 0e'angana+
2>+ A3out ne,l" 1or0e- ;el&n2&n& &n- An-6r& Pr&-e$6 $t&te$ 4
C6e1 Mn$ter &n- 6$ (&rt" -
Andhra 1radesh * .+ .handra%a%$ 7a#d$ 0e'$g$ 5esha& 1art(
0e'engana * ,+ .handrshe!har rao 0e'angana Rastra Sa&#t#
=oernor * 9SL 7ars#nh&an(Sa&e "or %oth)
Secretar#at * @(dera%ad(Sa&e "or %oth)
.ap#ta' * =reater @(dera%ad(Sa&e "or %oth)
Andhra 1radesh * < cr 0e'engana * 3+< cr
Andhra 1radesh 1+; 'a!h sE !&
0e'engana 1+14 'a!h sE !&
S6&re$ 3or-er ,t6 t6e$e $t&te$
Andhra 1radesh * 0a&#'nad$, !arnata!a, :d#sha,0e'engana
0e'engana * ,arnata!a,4aharashtra, .hhat#sgarh, :d#sha,Andhra 1radesh
2A+ 0he co$ntr(As "#rst Fr$t )$&n 0&n- out$-e #s to set $p &t Al(ur n nort6 7el6+
*ote' ;6$ "#rst s$ch &and#, ter&ed a A!#san &and#A, #s %e#ng set $p %( the S&a'' >ar&ersA Agr#*B$s#ness .onsort#$&
(S>A.), a %od( $nder the Un#on &#n#str( o" agr#c$'t$re+
2?+ ,arnata!a %eca&e "#rst state #n Ind#a to 'a$nch @ea'th Ada'at+
*ote2 It )as 'a$nched to address hea'th #ss$es at the grassroots 'ee' and ens$re that a'' hea'th "ac#'#t#es e8tended %( the
goern&ent reached a'' sect#ons o" soc#et(+
2C+ Anc#ent *&l&n-& Un%er$t", )as "or&a''( #na$g$rated #n #ts &odern QaatarB %( 98terna' A""a#rs 4#n#ster S$sh&a S)araC
#n RaCg#r+
*ote2 7a'anda Un#ers#t( ?#ce*.hance''or * =opa Sa%har)a'
.ha#r&an o" the =oern#ng Bod( o" the $n#ers#t( * 9cono&#st A&art(a Sen
+ .entre a''ocates oer Rs+ 2700 cr "or 7a'anda Un#ers#t(
2E+ Fr$t (r%&te ,l-l1e !orr-or to !o0e u( n M&-6"& Pr&-e$62 H#th an a#& to dee'op co$ntr(Bs "#rst pr#ate )#'d'#"e
corr#dor %et)een ,anha and 1ench 0#ger Resere, te'eco& &aCor ?oda"one and =ro)*0rees+co& )#'' p'ant 3,00,000
sap'#ngs $nder #ts .orporate Soc#a' Respons#%#'#t( (.SR) #n#t#at#e+
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*e, A((ont0ent n In-&
1+ S"e- Mu&FFe0 Al ne) Bang'adesh 9no( to Ind#a+ @e rep'ace 0ar#E A+ ,ar#&
2+ R&5% 3 appo#nted act#ng .entra' ?#g#'ance .o&&#ss#oner (.?.)+ @e rep'ace 1radeep ,$&ar
:+ Be0&nt Contr&!tor 3 7e) .ha#r&an o" 1ens#on >$nd Reg$'ator( >$nd and 5ee'op&ent A$thor#t( (1>R5A)+
4+ O+ P&nneer$el%&02 ne) ch#e" &#n#ster o" 0a&#' 7ad$+ @e rep'ace 6+ 6a(a'a'#thaa
*ote' @e #s 28th .h#e" 4#n#ster o" 0a&#' 7ad$+
>+ <u$t!e BL 7&ttu' ne) .h#e" 6$st#ce o" Ind#a+ @e rep'ace .6I R4 Lodha
A+ Le /u!6en2 &((onte- .h#naAs 7e) A&%assador to Ind#a+ @e rep'ace rep'aced He# He#
?+ P S&t6&$%&0 appo#nted ne) =oernor o" ,era'a+ @e rep'ace S6el& 7)$6t
C+ L<6& Ku0&r&0&n2&l&0 appo#nted ne) ch#e" o" the 7at#ona' .o&&#ss#on "or Ho&en (7.H)+ She rep'aces 4a&ta
E+ K+K+ P&ul= Go%ernor o" 4egha'(a ta!e add#t#ona' charge o" M&n(ur= MFor&0
10+ *&ren-r& A03,&n e'ected as .ha#r&an o" the Adert#s#ng Standards .o$nc#' o" Ind#a (AS.I)+
11+ B<P %eter&n L+K+ A-%&n appo#nted as the cha#r&an o" the prest#g#o$s 9th#cs .o&&#ttee o" Lo! Sa%ha+
12+ S6&6 Ru)6 K6&n &((onte- A03&$$&-or o" Interpo'Bs #n#t#at#e Q0$rn Bac! .r#&eB ca&pa#gn, a#&ed at pro&ot#ng greater
a)areness on ho) to preent cr#&e+
1:+ A-l O&nul36& appo#nted as the .ha#r&an o" D$a'#t( .o$nc#' o" Ind#a (D.I)+
14+ A0t M&t6e, e'ected as cha#r&an o" A$d#t B$rea$ o"
1>+ Sure$6 Pr&36u &((onte- &s 14 7arendra 4od#Bs Sherpa "or
the =ro$p o" 20 ann$a' S$&&#t 2014+
*ote2 ;6e =*20 ann$a' s$&&#t )#'' %e he'd #n Br#s%ane "ro& 1<
7oe&%er to 1; 7oe&%er 2014+
+ S$resh 1ra%h$ )#'' attend the =20 SherpaBs &eet#ng that #s go#ng to %e he'd #n .an%erra, A$stra'#a "ro& 30 Septe&%er to
1 :cto%er 2014+
+ S6er(& #s a sen#or o""#c#a' respons#%'e "or prepar#ng the agenda "or 'eaders to cons#der d$r#ng the s$&&#t+
1A+ Ind#a 0? cha#r&an and ed#tor*#n*ch#e" R&5&t S6&r0& appo#nted as the pres#dent o" 7e)s Broadcast#ng Assoc#at#on
1?+ For0er Unon Bo0e Se!ret&r" GK Pll& appo#nted ?#ce .ha#r&an o" 0ata Stee'
1C+ B&r-ee( Sn26 Pur appo#nted as Secretar( =enera' o" Independent .o&&#ss#on on 4$'t#'atera'#s& (I.4)
1E+ R* R&% &((onte- as ne) ch#e" o" 6o#nt Inte''#gence .o&&#ttee+
*ote2 Inte''#gence .o&&#ttee #s a %od( tas!ed to assess #nte''#gence gathered %( ar#o$s #nte''#gence agenc#es #nc'$d#ng IB
and RAH+
20+ C6&n-r&)&l& P&-& appo#nted as "#rst )o&en cha#rperson o" Ind#an Inst#t$te o" Adanced St$d( (IIAS)+
21+ .+S+?er&a e'ected as >#rst 1res#dent o" Ind#an Stee' Assoc#at#on+
*e, 2o%ernor$ &((onte-
1+ K&l"&n Sn26 3 ne) =oernor o" RaCasthan
2+ V&5u36& Ru-&36& V&l& * ne) =oernor o" ,arnata!a
:+ C6enn&0&nen V-"&$&2&r R&o * ne) =oernor o" 4aharashtra
4+ Mr-ul& Sn6& * ne) =oernor o" =oa
>+ R&0 *&)' ne) =oernor o" Uttar 1radesh+ @e rep'aces B+L+ 6osh#
A+ B&lr&05 7&$$ ;&n-on2 ne) =oernor o" .hhatt#sgarh+
?+ Ke$6&r *&t6 ;r(&t6' ne) =oernor o" Hest Benga'+
C+ O0 Pr&)&$6 Ko6l' ne) =oernor o" =$Carat+
E+ P&-0&n&36& B&l&)r$6n& A!6&r"&2 ne) =oernor o" 7aga'and+
10+ K&(t&n Sn26 Sol&n)' ne) =oernor @ar(ana+ @e rep'aces 6agannath 1ahad#a
22+ ; M B6&$n2 7e) .ha#r&an o" Ind#an Ban!s Assoc#at#on+ @e rep'aces ,R ,a&ath+
2:+ K V ;6o0&$' ne) .ha#r&an o" 1ar'#a&entBs 1$%'#c Acco$nts .o&&#ttee+
24+ R&% S6&$tr &((onte- as the 5#rector o" Ind#an .r#c!et 0ea&
2>+ R&5n R&F-&n ta!es oer as ne) U1S. ch#e"+ She rep'aced 1ro"+ 7 P A2r&,&l
2A+ A-lle Su0&r,&l& .he"*de*4#ss#on "or As#an =a&es
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2?+ K+V+ C6o,-&r" appo#nted as ne) .ha#r&an o" .entra' Board o" 5#rect 0a8es (.B50)+ @e s$cceed R , 0e)ar#
2C+ S+ S+ Mun-r&2 7e) RBI dep$t( =oernor+ @e rep'aces ,. .ha!ra%art(
2E+ Ar%n- Gu(t& appo#nted 5ep$t( 7at#ona' Sec$r#t( Ad#sor
:0+ A-t"& V&r-6&n A2&r,&l= ne) ?#ce*1res#dent o" Ind#an .ha&%er o" .o&&erce
:1+ Lt Gen P6l( C&0(o$e ta!es oer as Ar&( ?#ce .h#e"
:2+ <u$t!e 7r+ C6ellur s)orn #n as .h#e" 6$st#ce o" .a'c$tta @#gh .o$rt
::+ For0er In-& !r!)et !&(t&n K&(l 7e% )#'' head the Ar5un& A,&r-$ $ele!ton !o00ttee "or choos#ng th#s (earAs
o$tstand#ng sportspersons o" the co$ntr(
:4+ For0er Bo!)e" C&(t&n A5t(&l Sn26 to head 5ronachar(a A)ard Se'ect#on .o&&#ttee
:>+ R&% S6&n)&r 5one- n1r&$tru!ture "#nance co&pan( I5>. as the head o" Bharat Ban!#ng+
7ote2 I5>., )h#ch recent'( %agged a co&&erc#a' %an!#ng '#cence, p'ans to start %an! operat#ons %( :cto%er ne8t (ear+
:A+ S&n& MrF&2 Brand A&%assador o" 0e'angana
:?+ I>S o""#cer S&n5ee% Ku0&r Sn2l& appo#nted as 1r#ate Secretar( to 1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od#+
7ote2 1r#&e 4#n#ster has 2 pr#ate secretar#es one sho$'d %e "ro& IAS and one "ro& I>S+
:C+ S6&n)&r A22&r,&l' ne) Ur%an 5ee'op&ent Secretar(
:E+ / Su-6&r$6&n R&o appo#nted as .ha#r&an o" Ind#an .o$nc#' o" @#stor#ca' Research (I.@R)
40+ S&t$6 U(&-6"&" 2 ta!es charge as 5e'h# B61 ch#e"
41+ S6&)t)&nt& 7&$2 appo#nted as 7e) Reen$e Secretar(+ @e rep'ace RaC# 0a!r$+
42+ R&5ee% ;o(no' appo#nted as 1r#ate Secretar( to 1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od#
4:+ V$6&l S))&2 appo#nted 7e) .9: o" In"os(s+
44+ B A$6o)' appo#nted 7e) I:. .ha#r&an+ @e rep'aces R S Butol&+
4>+ A+K+ 7u3e"' appo#nted as .ha#r&an o" .oa' Ind#a L#&#ted
4A+ Sr)on-& M&-6u$u-6&n& 2 >#rst spea!er o" 0e'angana Leg#s'at#e Asse&%'(+
4?+ S L B6o5e2o,-&2 e'ected ?#ce*.ha#r&an o" Bar .o$nc#' o" Ind#a+
4C+ *&ren-r& 7&0o-&r-&$$ Mo- s)orn #n as the 1>t6 Pr0e 4#n#ster o" the co$ntr(+
;6e l$t o1 C&3net Mn$ter$ n!lu-e$'
4E+ R&5n&t6 Sn262 @o&e 4#nster
>0+ Su$60& S,&r&52 98terna' A""a#rs M :erseas Ind#an A""a#rs
>1+ Arun <&tle"2 >#nance .orporate A""a#rs M 5e"ence
>2+ M+ Ven)&&6 *&-u2 Ur%an 5ee'op&ent @o$s#ng and Ur%an 1oert( A''e#at#on M 1ar'#a&entar( A""a#rs
>:+ *tn <&r&0 G&-)&r2 Road 0ransport and @#gh)a(s Sh#pp#ng U R$ra' 5ee'op&ent, 1ancha(at# RaC M 5r#n!#ng Hater
and San#tat#on
*ote2 *tn <&r&0 G&-)&r g#en add#t#ona' charge o" R$ra' 5ee'op&ent, 1ancha(at# RaC M 5r#n!#ng Hater and
San#tat#on as =op#nath 4$nde d#ed #n Road acc#dent+
>4+ 7+V+ S&-&n&n-& Go,-&2 Ra#')a(s
>>+ U0& B6&r&t' Hater Reso$rces, R#er 5ee'op&ent and =anga ReC$enat#on
>A+ 7r+ *&50& A+ Be(tull&2 4#nor#t( A""a#rs
>?+ R&0%l&$ P&$,&n2 .ons$&er A""a#rs, >ood and 1$%'#c 5#str#%$t#on
>C+ K&lr&5 M$6r&2 4#cro, S&a'' and 4ed#$& 9nterpr#ses
>E+ M&ne)& G&n-62 Ho&en and .h#'d 5ee'op&ent
A0+ An&nt6)u0&r2 .he&#ca's and >ert#'#/ers
A1+ R&% S6&n)&r Pr&$&-2 .o&&$n#cat#ons and In"or&at#on 0echno'og( M La) and 6$st#ce
A2+ A$6o) G&5&(&t6 R&5u2 .##' A#at#on
A:+ An&nt Geete' @ea( Ind$str#es and 1$%'#c 9nterpr#ses
A4+ B&r$0r&t K&ur B&-&l2 >ood 1rocess#ng Ind$str#es
A>+ *&ren-r& Sn26 ;o0&r2 4#nes M Stee' La%o$r and 9&p'o(&ent
AA+ <u&l Or&0' 0r#%a' A""a#rs
A?+ R&-6& Mo6&n Sn262 Agr#c$'t$re
AC+ ;6&&,&r C6&n- Ge6lot2 Soc#a' 6$st#ce and 9&po)er&ent
AE+ S0rt Ou3n Ir&n' @$&an Reso$rce 5ee'op&ent
?0+ 7r+ B&r$6 V&r-6&n2 @ea'th and >a&#'( He'"are
?1+ Su0tr& M&6&5&n' ne) Lo! Sa%ha Spea!er
?2+ C6&n-r&3&3u *&-u s)orn*#n as >#rst .h#e" 4#n#ster o" Andhra 1radesh+
?:+ K C6&n-r&$e)6&r R&o (,.R) )as s)orn #n as #ts "#rst .h#e" 4#n#ster o" ;el&n2&n&
?4+ >#nance 4#n#ster Arun <&tle" has %een appo#nted on the Board o" =oernors o" 1h#'#pp#nes*%ased As#an 5ee'op&ent
Ban! (A5B)+
?>+ M&ll)&r5un K6&r2e e'ected 'eader o" .ongress #n Lo! Sa%ha+
?A+ *r(en-r& M$6r& appo#nted 1r#nc#pa' Secretar( to 14
??+ Mu)ul Ro6&t2 &((onte- 14
7e) Attorne(*=enera' o" Ind#a+ @e rep'ace =+9+ ?ahanat#
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?C+ A5t Ku0&r 7o%&l appo#nted as ne) 7at#ona' Sec$r#t( Ad#sor
?E+ R&5% M&t6ur t&)e$ o%er &$ *e, CIC 8.h#e" In"or&at#on
.o&&#ss#oner)+ @e s$cceeds Su$60& Sn26,
C0+ An&n-3en P&tel' ne) .4 o" =$Carat
C1+ *&%een P&tn&) s)orn #n as :d#sha ch#e" &#n#ster
C2+ P&,&n C6&0ln2 s)orn as S#!!#& .4 "or record <th t#&e
C:+ <t&n R&0 M&n56' ne) B#har .4
C4+ ; R Oel&n2 &((onte- ne) .4 o" 7aga'and+ @e
s$cceed *e(6u Ro
C>+ *&3&0 ;u) s)orn*#n as .4 o" Ar$nacha' 1radesh "or second
CA+ R+M+Lo-6&' 7e) .h#e" 6$st#ce o" Ind#a+ @e #s the 41$t C6e1
<u$t!e o1 In-&+ @e s$cceeds 6$st#ce 1+ Sathas#a&+
C?+ Lt Gen 7&l3r Sn26 Su6&2' appo#nted ne) Ar&( .h#e"+ @e
s$cceed =en B#!ra& S#ngh
*e, A((ont0ent n Worl-
1+ <o6n Ke" re*e'ected as the 1r#&e 4#n#ster o" 7e) Sea'and "or a
th#rd ter&
2+ A$6r&1 G6&n s)orn #n as A"ghan#stan 1res#dent+ @e rep'aced
@a&#d ,ar/a#
:+ VoreMe B&n0&r&0& ne) 1r#&e 4#n#ster o" >#C#
4+ Leuten&nt Gener&l R#/)an A!htar appo#nted Inter*Ser#ces
Inte''#gence (ISI) ch#e"
>+ Leon&r-o 7C&(ro appo#nted as U7 4essenger o" 1eace
A+ K&u$6) B&$u2 Internat#ona' 9cono&#c Assoc#at#on appo#nted as 1res#dent*9'ect
*ote2 A&art(a Sen %eca&e the "#rst Ind#an to Co#n I9A+
?+ Su36&$6 C6&n-r& G&r2 appo#nted as 98ec$t#e 5#rector (95) #n Hor'd Ban!+
C+ Ser2o M&r!6onne ne) >errar# cha#r&an+ @e rep'ace Lu!& Cor-ero - MonteFe0olo
E+ ;CS re-&((ont$ * C6&n-r&$e)&r&n &$ CEO
10+ Re!e( ;&""( Er-o2&n' 0$r!e(As ne) pres#dent
11+ B&-er &l-A3&- ' 7e) IraE# 1r#&e 4#n#ster
12+ C6e1 Pr&"ut6 C6&n-o!6& e'ected ne) 14 o" 0ha#'and
1:+ <o)o W-o-o2 ne) Indones#a 1res#dent
14+ (.A=) .o&ptro''er M A$d#tor =enera' o" Ind#a, S6&$6 K&nt S6&r0& too! charge as &e&%er o" U7 Board :" A$d#tors
1>+ E00& W&t$on= t6e Br#t#sh Actress appo#nted as the Goo-,ll A03&$$&-or 1or U* Wo0en+
1A+ M!6elle Bo,&r- %eca&e the "#rst "e&a'e 1our-$t&r &-0r&l n US *&%"+ She #s the "#rst )o&en ad&#ra' #n 23; (ear o'd
h#stor( o" US 7a(+
1?+ <e&n-Cl&u-e <un!)er2 na&ed as ne8t 9$ropean .o&&#ss#on pres#dent
1C+ C6un2 Bun2 Won reta#ned as 1r#&e 4#n#ster o" So$th ,orea+
1E+ Mu$t&1& K&0&l' appo#nted 7e) 1res#dent o" Internat#ona' .r#c!et .o$nc#' (I..)+
*ote' 4$sta"a ,a&a' has %eco&e the "#rst "ro& Bang'adesh to %e pres#dent o" Internat#ona' .r#c!et .o$nc#' (I..)+
20+ * Srn%&$&n' appo#nted "#rst cha#r&an o" Internat#ona' .r#c!et .o$nc#' (I..)+
21+ <u&n M&nuel S&nto$ re*e'ected .o'o&%#a pres#dent+
22+ U2&n-&D$ Fore2n A""a#rs 4#n#ster, S&0 K&6&03& Kute$& e'ected 1res#dent "or the ;9th Sess#on o" Un#ted 7at#ons
=enera' Asse&%'( (U7=A)+ @e rep'aced <o6n Wll&0 A$6e+
*ote' Un#ted 7at#ons =enera' Asse&%'( (U7=A) co&pr#ses 193 &e&%er nat#ons+
2:+ Reu%en Ru3" R%ln e'ected as 10th (re$-ent o1 I$r&el+ @e s$cceed Sh#&on 1eres+
24+ Prn!e Oe- &l Bu$$en 8<or-&nD$ &03&$$&-or9 no&#nated as U+7+ @#gh .o&&#ss#oner "or @$&an R#ghts
2>+ B&$6&r &l-A$$&-2 e'ected S(r#a 1res#dent "or th#rd t#&e
2A+ 7&l& Gr"3&u$)&te2 ne) 1res#dent o" L#th$an#a
2?+ Peter Mut6&r)& #s ne) 4a'a)# pres#dent
2C+ A3-el F&tt&6 Al S$$ 3 ne) 1res#dent o" 9g(pt
2E+ <&!o3 Ou0& $,orn n as So$th A"r#caAs 1res#dent "or second ter&
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:0+ Petro Poro$6en)o' 7e) 1res#dent o" U!ra#ne
1+ *A;O Su00t 2014- W&le$ 8Brt&n9
*ote2 0h#s #s the "#rst 7A0: s$&&#t s#nce .h#cago #n 2012,
+ Br#ta#n 'ast hosted the s$&&#t #n 1990, )hen 4argret 0hatcher )as 1r#&e 4#n#ster
A3out *A;O 4 8*ort6 Atl&nt! ;re&t" Or2&n$&ton9 - 7A0:Bs essent#a' p$rpose #s to sa"eg$ard the "reedo& and
sec$r#t( o" #ts &e&%ers thro$gh po'#t#ca' and &#'#tar( &eans+
C6e1 3 6ens Sto'ten%erg Me03er$ 3 28 co$ntr#es &e&%ers+ Be&-Mu&rter 3 Br$sse's, Be'g#$&
2+ *u!le&r $e!urt" $u00t
+ :
S$&&#t 2014 2 B&2ue= *et6erl&n-
+ 4
S$&&#t 201;2 Unte- St&te$
:+ G 20 Su00t'
G-20 0eetn2 820149 o" >#nance &#n#sters and centra' %an! goernors he'd #n C&rn$ 8Au$tr&l&9+
G-20 La%o$r and 9&p'o(&ent 4#n#ster#a' &eet he'd #n 4e'%o$rne (A$stra'#a)
G20 Le&-er$ Su00t (2014) )#'' %e he'd #n Br#s%ane, D$eens'and (A$stra'#a, #n 7oe&%er 2014+
G-20 Su00t 201> - ;ur)e"
A3out G-20-
+ 0he =20 #s the pre&#er "or$& "or #nternat#ona' econo&#c cooperat#on and dec#s#on*&a!#ng, )#th &e&%ers "ro& 19
co$ntr#es p'$s the 9$ropean Un#on+
+ =20 &e&%ers acco$nt "or C> (er!ent o1 t6e ,orl- e!ono0"= 80 percent o" g'o%a' trade and t)o*th#rds o" the
)or'dAs pop$'at#on+
%+ 0he =20 represents a'' geograph#c reg#ons o" the )or'd, %$t re&a#ns s&a'' eno$gh to %e an e""ect#e dec#s#on*&a!#ng
%+ 0he &e&%ers are2 Argent#na, A$stra'#a, Bra/#', .anada, .h#na, 9$ropean Un#on, >rance, =er&an(, Indones#a, Ind#a,
Ita'(, 6apan, Rep$%'#c o" ,orea, 4e8#co, R$ss#a, Sa$d# Ara%#a, So$th A"r#ca, 0$r!e(, Un#ted ,#ngdo& and the Un#ted
4+ BRICS $u00t 4 A
BRICS Su00t 2014' >orta'e/a, Bra/#' 3 0he&e RIn!lu$%e Gro,t6' Su$t&n&3le Soluton$L+
*e.t ?
BRICS Su00t to %e he'd #n U"a, Ru$$&
*ote2 U"a #s the cap#ta' c#t( o" the Rep$%'#c o" Bash!ortostan, R$ss#a, and the #nd$str#a', econo&#c, sc#ent#"#c and c$'t$ra'
centre o" the rep$%'#c+
;6e *e, 7e%elo(0ent B&n) 8*7B9= #s operated %( the BRI.S states (Bra/#', R$ss#a, Ind#a, .h#na and So$th A"r#ca) as an
a'ternat#e to the e8#st#ng Hor'd Ban! and Internat#ona' 4onetar( >$nd+
0he 7e) 5ee'op&ent Ban! headE$arter )#'' %e #n S6&n26&= C6n&+
0he Ban! )#'' hae a rotat#ng cha#r and #ts 1r$t Pre$-ent ,ll !o0e 1ro0 In-& "or the "#rst s#8 (ears+
0he "#rst cha#r o" the Board o" =oernors sha'' %e "ro& R$ss#a+
0he "#rst cha#r o" the Board o" 5#rectors sha'' %e "ro& Bra/#'+
0he Ban! )#'' a'so hae a reg#ona' o""#ce #n 6ohannes%$rg, So$th A"r#ca+
P&rt!(&nt le&-er$ o1 t6e 1%e n&ton$ &re
V Bra/#' * 5#'&a Ro$sse""
V R$ss#an * ?'ad#&#r 1$t#n
V Ind#an * 7arendra 4od#
V .h#na * R# 6#np#ng
V So$th A"r#ca * 6aco% S$&a
7e%elo(0ent C&(t&l' 0he &e&%er co$ntr#es )#'' a'so set $p a P100 3llon !urren!" reseres poo' to he'p co$ntr#es
"oresta'' short*ter& '#E$#d#t( press$res+
*ote' 0he %an! )#'' %eg#n )#th a s$%scr#%ed cap#ta' o" N>0 3llon -%-e- eMu&ll" 3et,een t$ 1%e 1oun-er$+
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>+ IBSA Su00t' Ind#a )#'' host the ne8t s$&&#t o" IBSA (Ind#a, Bra/#', So$th A"r#ca) #n 7e) 5e'h# #n 201<+
A+ G C Su00t'
G-C Countre$2 .anada, >rance, =er&an(, Ita'(, 6apan, R$ss#a, Br#ta#n and the US
40t6 G-? $u00t 2014 he'd at Br$sse's+
*ote' It )as the "#rst t#&e that the 9U hosted a =7 s$&&#t+ 0he s$&&#t #s Co#nt'( represented %( the 9$ropean
.o$nc#' 1res#dent @er&an an Ro&p$( and the 9$ropean .o&&#ss#on 1res#dent+
?+ SAARC Su00t' 1Ct6 SAAR. 2014* ,ath&and$ (7epa')
So$th As#an Assoc#at#on "or Reg#ona' .ooperat#on (SAAR.)
Be&-Mu&rter - ,ath&and$ (7epa')
Me03er$ 4 C 4 Ind#a, 7epa', Bh$tan, Bang'adesh, A"ghan#stan, 4a'd#es, 1a!#stan, Sr# Lan!a (4BA I7 BS1)
C+ BIMS;EC Su00t
:r- BI4S09. s$&&#t 20142 *&" P" ;&, 84(an&ar)
BI4S09. s$&&#t )#'' %e he'd #n *e(&l+
*ote2 BI4S09. (Ba( o" Banga' In#t#at#e "or 4$'t#sectora' 0echn#ca' and 9cono&#c .ooperat#on)
BIMS;EC n!lu-e$ ? !ountre$2 Bang'adesh, Ind#a, 4(an&ar, Sr# Lan!a, 0ha#'and, Bh$tan and 7epa' and a#&s to create
cooperat#on #n &$'t#p'e sectors #nc'$d#ng trade, #nest&ent and
1+ =*4 "ore#gn &#n#ster &eet#ng he'd #n 7e) -or! to d#sc$ss
Sec$r#t( .o$nc#' re"or&
*ote' G -4 co$ntr#es #nc'$de- Ind#a, Bra/#', =er&an( and
2+ U7 .'#&ate .hange S$&&#t 2014 he'd #n 7e) -or!
:+ 13th ed#t#on o" the 1raas# Bharat#(a 5#as (1B5) )#'' %e he'd "or the "#rst t#&e #n =andh#nagar, =$Carat+
4+ Hor'd 9cono&#c >or$& he'd #n 4 ;&n5 8C6n&9
>+ ,era'a to host ='o%a' Agro &eet and an e8h#%#t#on on h#*tech agr#c$'t$re and "ood process#ng at ,och#
A+ 98terna' A""a#rs 4#n#ster S$sh&a S)araC #na$g$rated the "#rst eer Ind#a Inest&ent &eet #n Bahra#n cap#ta' 4ana&a
?+ 1C
BASIC Mn$ter&l 4eet#ng he'd #n 7e) 5e'h#+ BASIC * (Bra/#', So$th A"r#ca, Ind#a and .h#na)
*ote' 1?t6 BASIC 4#n#ster#a' 4eet#ng on .'#&ate .hange )as he'd #n B&nF26ou= C6n&
C+ ASEA* 1ore2n-0n$ter*&eet#ng he'd #n 4(an&ar
E+ >#"th Indo*US Strateg#c 5#a'og$e he'd #n 7e) 5e'h# d$r#ng )h#ch the t)o s#des d#sc$ssed Itrans"or&at#e #n#t#at#esJ #n !e(
areas o" sec$r#t( and energ(+
10+ :r- In-&-A1r!& Su00t %e he'd #n 7e) 5e'h#
11+ At6 Intern&ton&l *u!le&r 9nerg( >or$& A0:49R1:*2014 he'd #n Mo$!o,
I0(ort&nt Or2&n$&ton
1+ Unte- *&ton 8U*9 3 #s an #ntergoern&enta' organ#/at#on esta%'#shed on 24 :cto%er 194< to pro&ote #nternat#ona'
Be&-Mu&rter 4 7e) -or! = Be&- 4 B&n )-0oon Me03er - So$th S$dan ne) &e&%er co$ntr( + 0ota'3 193 &e&%ers
2+ W;O (Hor'd 0rade :rg+) 3-e&en ne) &e&%er co$ntr(+ 0ota' 3 1;0 &e&%ers+
Be&-Mu&rter 3 =enea, S)#t/er'and, Be&- * Ro%erto A/eWdo
:+ Worl- B&n) - 0he Hor'd Ban! #s a Un#ted 7at#ons #nternat#ona' "#nanc#a' #nst#t$t#on that pro#des 'oans to dee'op#ng
co$ntr#es "or cap#ta' progra&s+
Be&-Mu&rter - W&$6n2ton 7+C+ 8Unte- St&te$9 Pre$-ent 4 <0 /on2 K0
Me03er - So$th S$dan ne) &e&%er co$ntr(+ 0ota'3 188 &e&%ers
4+ IMF 3 0he Internat#ona' 4onetar( >$nd (I4>) #s an #nternat#ona' organ#/at#on that )as #n#t#ated #n 1944 at the Bretton
Woo-$ Con1eren!e and "or&a''( created #n 194< %( 29 &e&%er co$ntr#es+
Be&-Mu&rter 4 Hash#ngton 5. + (Un#ted States) Pre$-ent 3 .hr#st#ne Lagarde
Me03er - So$th S$dan ne) &e&%er co$ntr(+ 0ota'3 188 &e&%ers
>+ Euro(e&n Unon 3 .roat#a ne) &e&%er co$ntr(+ 0ota'3 28 &e&%er co$ntr#es+
Be&-Mu&rter 4 Br$sse's, Be'g#$&
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A+ EuroFone * 0he gro)th o" the e$ro/one #s an ongo#ng process
)#th#n the 9$ropean Un#on (9U)+ A'' 4e&%er states o" the
9$ropean Un#on, e8cept "or 7en0&r) &n- t6e Unte- Kn2-o0
are o%'#ged to adopt the e$ro as the#r so'e c$rrenc( once the(
&eet the cr#ter#a+
Me03er 3 0he e$ro/one c$rrent'( co&pr#se 18 9U states+
*ote' L&t%& %eco&es the 1Cth Me03er State to adopt the e$ro
on 1 6an$ar( 2014+
+ Lt6u&n& has %een approed "or e$ro adopt#on on 1 6an$ar(
?+ ASEA* * Assoc#at#on o" So$theast As#an 7at#ons #s a po'#t#ca' and
econo&#c organ#sat#on o" ten co$ntr#es 'ocated #n So$theast As#a,
)h#ch )as "or&ed on 8 A$g$st 19;7+
Be&-Mu&rter 4 <&)&rt&= Indones#a Me03er * 10 &e&%er
co$ntr#es (Ind#a #s not the &e&%er o" AS9A7)
C+ APEC 3 As#a 3 1ac#"#c 9cono&#c .ooperat#on 3#s a "or$& "or 21
1ac#"#c R#& &e&%er econo&#es that see!s to pro&ote "ree trade
and econo&#c cooperat#on thro$gho$t the As#a*1ac#"#c reg#on+ It
)as esta%'#shed #n 1989
Be&-Mu&rter 4 S#ngapore Me03er - 21
E+ OPEC 8Or2&nF&ton o1 t6e Petroleu0 E.(ortn2 Countre$) #s
an #nternat#ona' organ#/at#on and econo&#c carte' )hose &#ss#on
#s to coord#nate the po'#c#es o" the o#'*prod$c#ng co$ntr#es
Be&-Mu&rter 4 Venn&= A$str#a , Me03er * 12 &e&%er co$ntr#es
Pont$ ;o Re0e03er'
In-& -e&l ,t6 Au$tr&l&
1+ In-& $2n$ !%l nu!le&r &2ree0ent ,t6 Au$tr&l&
*ote' Au$tr&l& )#'' pro#de s$pp'( o" $ran#$&, prod$ct#on o" rad#o #sotopes, n$c'ear sa"et( and other areas o"
cooperat#on to Ind#a+
Apart "ro& the c##' n$c'ear dea' s#gned %et)een Ind#a and A$stra'#a, the t)o co$ntr#es a'so #n!ed three &ore pacts+ Ot6er
t6ree (&!t$ ,ere
+ 4:U on cooperat#on #n Sport
+ Rene)a' o" 4:U on cooperat#on #n the "#e'd o" Hater Reso$rces 4anage&ent
+ 4oU on .ooperat#on #n 0echn#ca' ?ocat#ona' 9d$cat#on and 0ra#n#ng (0?90)
*ote2 A$stra'#a as a nat#on has a%o$t a t6r- o1 t6e ,orl-D$ re!o%er&3le ur&nu0 reso$rces and #t e8ports near'( seen
tho$sand tonnes o" $ran#$& #n a (ear+ 0h#s )as A$stra'#aBs "#rst n$c'ear dea' )#th a 7on*7$c'ear, 7on*1ro'#"erat#on 0reat(
(710) s#gnator( co$ntr(+
+ 9ar'#er s$ch dea' )as %anned %eca$se Ind#a #s not a s#gnator( o" the 7$c'ear 7on*1ro'#"erat#on 0reat(, 710
*e, Colo03o Pl&n' A$stra'#an 14 0on( A%%ott 14 'a$nched the A7e) .o'o&%o 1'anA at the 4$&%a# Un#ers#t(+
*ote' + 0he 7e) .o'o&%o 1'an #s a concept o" co''ect#e #nter*goern&enta' e""orts to strengthen the econo&#c and soc#a'
dee'op&ent o" &e&%er co$ntr#es #n the As#a*1ac#"#c reg#on+
+ .an%erraBs 7e) .o'o&%o 1'an a#&s at '#"t#ng !no)'edge o" the Indo*1ac#"#c #n A$stra'#a %( s$pport#ng A$stra'#an
$ndergrad$ates to st$d( #n Ind#a+
Pl&n n%ol%e$
V Scho'arsh#p progra&&e "or st$d( $p to one (ear
V Internsh#ps or &entorsh#ps
V A "'e8#%'e &o%#'#t( grants progra&&e "or short* and 'ong*ter& st$d(
0he p'an )#'' %e #&p'e&ented "ro& the ne8t acade&#c (ear+
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In-& -e&l ,t6 C6n&
XI <n(n2D$ In-& %$t - .h#nese pres#dent RI 6#np#ngBs pa#d a three da( #s#t to Ind#a )as acco&pan#ed %( h#s )#"e 1eng
L#($an+ It )as th#rd #s#t %( an( .h#nese pres#dent to Ind#a+ 1res#dent @$ 6#nato #s#ted Ind#a #n 2001; and 6#ang Se&#n #n
In-& $2n$ (&!t ,t6 C6n& to 3etter tr&-e te$ o1 N203n' Ind#a s#gned a <*(ear trade and econo&#c cooperat#on
agree&ent )#th .h#na )#th a #e) to #&proe the trade %a'ance+
*ote' + 0he A>#e (ear 0rade and 9cono&#c 5ee'op&ent 1'anA )as s#gned %( .o&&erce 4#n#ster *r0&l& St6&r&0&
&n- her .h#nese co$nterpart G&o Bu!6en2
I0(ort&nt Pont$ 4
1+ Ind#a, .h#na s#gn 3 4oUs #nc'$d#ng sett#ng $p Ind$str#a' 1ar! #n =$Carat
;6e &2ree0ent$ n!lu-e
+ S#ster c#t( pact %et)een =$ang/ho$ #n .h#na and Ah&eda%ad
+ Sett#ng $p o" an #nd$str#a' par! #n ?adodara d#str#ct (=$Carat)
+ 0he th#rd #s %et)een the goern&ents o" =$Carat and a .h#nese pro#nce+
2+ 7e) road to ,a#'ash 4ansaroar #a 7ath$ La
:+ 4$&%a# and Shangha# )#'' %e t)#n c#t#es+
4+ .h#na )#'' set $p t)o n-u$tr&l (&r)$ n In-&= one e&!6 n Gu5&r&t &n- M&6&r&$6tr&+
In-& -e&l ,t6 <&(&n
PM Mo- <&(&n V$t 3 0h#s )as 14 "#rst #s#t to an( co$ntr( o$ts#de So$th As#a a"ter %eco&#ng the 1r#&e 4#n#ster o"
Ind#a+ @#s ear'#er #s#ts )ere to Bh$tan M 7epa'+
I0(ort&nt Pont$ 4
1+ <&(&n (ro0$e to 2%e US5 3< to Ind#a thor$gh p$%'#c M pr#ate "$nd#ng oer the ne8t "#e (ears "or dee'op&enta'
proCects, #nc'$d#ng %$#'d#ng o" s&art c#t#es and ne8t generat#on #n"rastr$ct$re as a'so c'ean#ng o" the =anges+
*ote' 0he US5 3< %#''#on "$nd#ng, at an aerage o" US5 7 %#''#on per (ear, )o$'d %e the h#ghest "ro& an( co$ntr(+
2+ Bot6 $-e$ $2ne- > (&!t$ !o%ern2 4 de"ence e8changes, cooperat#on #n c'ean energ(, roads M h#sh)a(s, hea'thcare
and )o&en+
:+ In-&= <&(&n $2n MoU to dee'op ?aranas# #nto Qs&art c#t(B2 %( $s#ng the e8per#ence o" K"oto, the Bs&art c#t(B o" 6apan,
$nder a pact s#gned %O) Ind#a M 6apan+
*ote' ,(oto, )h#ch #s a her#tage c#t( )#th B$ddh#st c$'t$re, pro#des spec#a' s(&%o'#s& to the #s#t as the 1r#&e 4#n#ster
has the #s#on o" IreC$enat#ngJ Ind#an c#t#es+
4+ 6apan '#"ted the %an on s#8 Ind#an ent#t#es #nc'$d#ng @#nd$stan Aerona$t#cs L#&#ted (@AL) )h#ch )as #&posed #n the
a"ter&ath o" 1998 n$c'ear tests+
>+ 6apan o""ered to pro#de "#nanc#a', techn#ca' and operat#ona' s$pport to Ind#a "or #ntrod$ct#on o" %$''et tra#ns+
0he t)o 1r#&e 4#n#sters 'oo! "or)ard to the co&p'et#on o" the 6o#nt >eas#%#'#t( St$d( on @#gh Speed Ra#')a( s(ste& on
Ah&eda%ad34$&%a# ro$te+
A+ 6apan to )or! )#th Ind#a #n "#nd#ng $!)le !ell &ne0& re&ed(+ 4od# &et S6n"& /&0&n&)&, 6apanAs ste& ce'' p#oneer
and 2012 *o3el PrFe ,nner 1or 0e-!ne, at ,(oto Un#ers#t( and d#sc$ssed treat&ent o" the d#sease+
A+ SBI= <&(&n B&n) (&rtner 1or e.(ort !re-t o1 N1>2 0n' 0he 'oan #s co*"#nanced )#th the B&n) o1 ;o)"o-Mt$u3$6
UF< Lt- 8B;MU) a&o$nt#ng to 13+< %#''#on 6apanese -en (P13< &#''#on) and P21 &#''#on appro8#&ate'(+ 0he tota' co*
"#nanc#ng a&o$nt ca&e to P1<2 &#''#on (a%o$t Rs+ 927 crore),J
*ote' 0h#s cred#t '#ne )#'' %e $t#'#sed %( 4eCa UrCa 7#ga& 1t Ltd (4U71L) to "#nance the proc$re&ent o" stea& t$r%#ne
generator eE$#p&ent to constr$ct a s$percr#t#ca' press$re coa'*"#red po)er p'ant (;;04H82 $n#ts) #n 4eCa, Uttar 1radesh+
+ 4U71L #s a Co#nt ent$re eE$a''( #nested %( 701. Ltd and U1 RaC(a ?#d($t Utpadan 7#ga& Ltd,
www.bankersadda.com | www.careerpower.in | www.careeradda.co.in 25
In-& -e&l ,t6 *e(&l
Pr0e Mn$ter *&ren-r& Mo- %$t *e(&l+ 0h#s )as 14 second #s#t a"ter %eco&#ng 1r#&e 4#n#ster o" Ind#a+ @#s "#rst
#s#t to Bh$tan+
*ote2 #+ 7arendra 4od# #s the second 14 o" Ind#a )ho #s#ted 7epa' #n 17 (ears+
+ 0he "#rst Ind#an pr#&e &#n#ster )ho #s#ted 7epa' )as %( I+,+ =$Cra' #n 6$ne 1997+
I0(ort&nt Pont$'
1+ In-& &n- *e(&l 6&%e &2ree- to 3ul- & ((elne "or s$pp'( o" petro'e$& prod$cts to the @#&a'a(an nat#on+
*ote' 0he proCect "or constr$ct#on o" the p#pe'#ne )#'' start "ro& R&.u&l n B6&r to A0le)62&n5 #n 7epa' #n the "#rst
phase and e8tend #t to ,ath&and$ #n the ne8t phase+
2+ In-& &n- *e(&l n) : (&!t$ n!lu-n2 one on the >=A00 MW P&n!6e$6,&r -&0 on t6e M&6&)&l r%er+
7ote2 0he proCect "a''s $nder the #ntegrated treat( on 4aha!a'# R#er, %order#ng %oth 7epa' and Ind#a, )h#ch )as s#gned #n
:+ In-& # *e(&l to 3oo$t !oo(er&ton #n de"ence, sec$r#t(, trade M #nest&ent
4+ 1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od# &nnoun!e- N1 3llon lne o1 !re-t to 7epa' and proposed a F@I0F (@2 @#gh)a(s, I2 I*
)a(s and 02 0rans)a(s) "or&$'a "or the dee'op&ent o" the 'and*'oc!ed co$ntr(+
>+ Ind#a has pro#ded R$ AE 0llon to proc$re and -$tr3ute Io-$e- $< #n the r$ra' areas o" 7epa'+
MOU$-7e&l 3et,een In-& # Ot6er Countre$
1+ :7=. ?#desh Ltd, s#gned an agree&ent )#th 1etro'eos 4e8#canos (1e&e8) "or cooperat#on #n the Lat#n A&er#can nat#on+
*ote' 4e8#co #s the 'argest cr$de o#' prod$c#ng co$ntr( #n Lat#n
2+ 7epa' see!s techn#ca' cooperat#on "ro& Ind#a "or e8tend#ng
1ro#dent >$nd (1>)
:+ Ind#a and ?#etna& #n!ed seen pacts, #nc'$d#ng one to enhance
cooperat#on #n the strateg#c o#' sector, as the( ca''ed "or K1ree-o0 o1
n&%2&tonL #n the So$th .h#na Sea,
4+ Bero MotoCor( L#&#ted has entered #nto an agree&ent )#th the Andhra 1radesh =oern&ent "or sett#ng $p a =reen"#e'd
t)o*)hee'er &an$"act$r#ng p'ant #n C6ttoor -$tr!t
>+ Lat#n A&er#can nat#on 1er$ has p'ans to s#gn a "ree trade agree&ent )#th Ind#a+
*ote' Peru #s the s#8th 'argest go'd prod$cer, &#n#ng < &#''#on o$nces eer( (ear+ 1er$ #s a'so the second 'argest prod$cer
o" s#'er and the th#rd %#ggest prod$cer o" copper, t#n, /#nc and 'ead+
A+ B&n2l&-e$6 &n- In-& hae s#gned a &e&orand$& o" $nderstand#ng (4oU) "or enhanced cooperat#on #n the "#e'ds o"
trad#t#ona' &ed#c#ne '#!e A($reda and Unan#,
?+ Un#ted Ara% 9&#rates has s#gned three agree&ents )#th the Un#ted 7at#ons Worl- Foo- Pro2r&0, H>1, o""er#ng 31
&#''#on US do''ars )orth o" h$&an#tar#an a#d "or the S(r#an re"$gees+
C+ H#'d'#"e 0r$st o" Ind#a (H0I) and 0ata .he&#ca's L#&#ted (0.L) s#gned 4oU to set$p Ind#aBs "#rst .ora' =arden #n =$Carat+
0h#s .ora' =arden )#'' %e set $p at 4#thap$r coasta' reg#on o" 5e%hoo&#*S)ar!a d#str#ct o" =$Carat+
E+ Ind#a and =er&an( agreed to prepare a road&ap "or cooperat#on #n s!#'' dee'op&ent, so'#d )aste &anage&ent and
c'ean#ng o" r#ers+
10+ In-& $2ne- lo&n &2ree0ent ,t6 Worl- B&n) 1or MFor&0 St&te Roads 1roCect (4SR1 II)+ As per the agree&ent, so"t
'oan )#ndo) o" Hor'd Ban!, Internat#ona' 5ee'op&ent Agenc( (I5A) )#'' pro#de ass#stance o1 10? 0llon US -oll&r$
"or the 1roCect+
11+ Ind#a and ./ech Rep$%'#c s#gned 4oU on techn#ca' cooperat#on #n Ra#')a(+
12+ Ind#a to g#e grant o1 N1 0llon 1or constr$ct#on o1 !r!)et $t&-u0 n A126&n$t&n+ 0he stad#$& #s set to co&e $p #n
A#no 4#na, a northern s$%$r% o" ,andahar c#t( on 'and donated to the A"ghan#stan .r#c!et Board #n 2012+
1:+ In-& &n- Br&Fl $2ne- t6ree &2ree0ent$ to strengthen the %#'atera' re'at#on
0he three agree&ents s#gned %et)een the t)o co$ntr#es are2
(#) 4oU on .ooperat#on #n the >#e'd o" 9n#ron&ent
(##) Agree&ent on Space
(###) 4oU on .ooperat#on #n the 9sta%'#sh&ent o" a cons$'tat#on &echan#s& on &o%#'#t( and cons$'ar #ss$es+
14+ In-& $2ne- & 4:Us )#th Sr# L&n)& "or sett#ng $p o" a >ac$'t( o" Agr#c$'t$re and a >ac$'t( o" 9ng#neer#ng "or the
Un#ers#t( o" 6a""na at ,#'#nochch#+
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S!6e0e # Pl&n L&un!6e- 3" Unon # St&te Go%ern0ent'
1+ S,&!66 B6&r&t M$$on 8E) K&-&0 S,&!66&t& K Aur9 l&un!6e- on O!t 2' ;6e !on!e(t o1 S,&!66 B6&r&t #s to pae
access "or eer( person to san#tat#on "ac#'#t#es #nc'$d#ng to#'ets, so'#d and '#E$#d )aste d#sposa' s(ste&s, #''age c'ean'#ness
and sa"e and adeE$ate dr#n!#ng )ater s$pp'(+
I0(ort&nt Pont$'
1+ 0he 4#ss#on a#&s at "$'"#''#ng the drea& o" c'ean Ind#a o" 4ahat&a =andh# %( h#s 1<0th %#rth ann#ersar( n 201E+
2+ Lo2o 4 !re&te- 3" S6r An&nt K6&$3&r-&r o1 Kol6&(ur, 4aharashtra has )on the Logo des#gn contest
:+ ;6e ;&2lne KE) K&-&0 S,&!66&t& K AurL ,&$ 2%en 3" M$+B6&2"&$r S6et6 o" RaC!ot, =$Carat e&erged s$ccess"$'
#n the contest "or 0ag'#ne "or the Logo+
4+ 14 7arendra 4od# appo#nted %o''()ood actor A&0r K6&n &$ t6e Br&n- A03&$$&-or o" the S)achh Bharat 4#ss#on
>+ 1r#&e 4#n#ster roped 9 ce'e%r#t#es #nc'$d#ng cr#c!et #con Sach#n 0end$'!ar, .ongress 'eader Shash# 0haroor,
#nd$str#a'#st An#' A&%an#, Sa'&an ,han, 1r#(an!a .hopra and ,a&a' @aasan, =oa goernor 4r#d$'a S#nha, (oga g$r$
Ra&de and the tea& o" 0? ser#a' F0ara! 4ehta ,a U'ta .hash&aF+
2+ Pr0e Mn$ter l&un!6e$ GM&)e n In-&G 2lo3&l #n#t#at#e )#th an a#& to %oost Ind#aNs &an$"act$r#ng sector+
:+ Un#on =oern&ent 'a$nched 7een 7&"&l U(&-6"&"& Ant"o-&"& /o5&n& "or $r%an and r$ra' poor
*ote' + 5een 5a(a' Upadh(a(a Ant(oda(a -oCana has t)o co&ponents one "or $r%an Ind#a and other "or r$ra' Ind#a+
+ 0he Ur3&n !o0(onent )#'' %e #&p'e&ented %( the Un#on 4#n#str( o" @o$s#ng M Ur%an 1oert( A''e#at#on
+ Rur&l !o0(onent na&ed as 7een 7&"&l U(&-6"&"& Gr&0een K&u$6&l"& /o5&n& )#'' %e #&p'e&ented %( the Un#on
4#n#str( o" R$ra' 5ee'op&ent+
M&n B26l26t$ o1 t6e Ur3&n S!6e0e
+ I&part#ng s!#''s )#th an e8pend#t$re o" 1<000 r$pees to
18000 r$pees on each $r%an poor
+ 9na%'#ng $r%an poor "or& Se'"*@e'p =ro$ps "or &eet#ng
"#nanc#a' and soc#a' needs )#th a s$pport o" 10000 r$pees per
each gro$p )ho )o$'d #n t$rn )o$'d %e he'ped )#th %an!
M&n Pon$ o1 t6e Rur&l S!6e0e
+ 0he -oCana a#&s at tra#n#ng 10 'a!h (1 &#''#on) r$ra' (o$ths "or Co%s #n three (ears, that #s, %( 2017+
+ 0he &#n#&$& age "or entr( $nder the -oCana $ 1> "e&r$ !o0(&re- to 1C "e&r$ $nder the AaCee#!a S!#''s 1rogra&&e+
+ 0he s!#''s #&parted $nder the -oCana )#'' no) %e %ench&ar!ed aga#nst #nternat#ona' standards and )#'' co&p'e&ent
the 1r#&e 4#n#sterBs 4a!e In Ind#a ca&pa#gn+
4+ Un#on 4#n#str( o" Sc#ence M 0echno'og( anno$nces IKIRA*J( ,no)'edge, Ino'e&ent, Research, Adance&ent thro$gh
7$rt$r#ng) sche&e "or Ho&en Sc#ent#sts
+ 0o #ncrease the n$&%er o" )o&en researchers #n Ind#a+
+ 1ro#de Research grants part#c$'ar'( to those "e&a'e researchers and techno'og#sts )ho had to ta!e a %rea! #n career
o)#ng to ho$seho'd reasons+
+ Br#ng a%o$t, as "ar as ach#ea%'e, gender par#t( #n the "#e'd o" sc#ence and techno'og(+
>+ =oern&ent )#'' soon l&un!6 Un%er$&l Be<6 A$$ur&n!e M$$on to pro#de a""orda%'e hea'th ser#ces to peop'e+
Under the &#ss#on a%o$t <0 essent#a' dr$gs )#th a d#agnost#c pac!age and 30 A-US@ dr$gs )#'' %e &ade aa#'a%'e to a''
c#t#/ens at goern&ent hosp#ta's and hea'th centers across the co$ntr(+
A+ B6&0&$6&6 Fn&n!&l E0(o,er0ent S!6e0e 4 Go%ern0ent o1 R&5&$t6&n
0he =oern&ent o" RaCasthan has e&%ar!ed $pon B6&0&$6&6 Fn&n!&l E0(o,er0ent S!6e0e, (B>9S) )here%( the
=oern&ent )#'' depos#t Rs+1<00O* #nto the sa#ngs acco$nts o" <0 'a!h r$ra' "a&#'#es %e'ong#ng to Be'o) 1oert( L#ne
?+ R&$6tr"& S,&$t6"& B0& /o5&n&2 RSB- started ro''#ng "ro& 1st Apr#' 2008+
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*ote' + RSB- has %een 'a$nched %( 4#n#str( o" La%o$r and
9&p'o(&ent, =oern&ent o" Ind#a to pro#de hea'th #ns$rance
coerage "or Be'o) 1oert( L#ne (B1L) "a&#'#es+
+ 0he o%Cect#e o" RSB- #s to pro#de protect#on to B1L ho$seho'ds
"ro& "#nanc#a' '#a%#'#t#es ar#s#ng o$t o" hea'th shoc!s that #no'e
+ Bene"#c#ar#es $nder RSB- are ent#t'ed to hosp#ta'#/at#on
!o%er&2e u( to R$+ :0=000O* "or &ost o" the d#seases that reE$#re
C+ *&ton&l Pen$on S"$te0 *2 =oern&ent o" Ind#a
esta%'#shed 1ens#on >$nd Reg$'ator( and 5ee'op&ent A$thor#t(
(1>R5A)* 98terna' )e%s#te that opens #n a ne) )#ndo) on
:cto%er, 2003 to dee'op and reg$'ate pens#on sector #n the
;6e *&ton&l Pen$on S"$te0 8*PS9 )as 'a$nched on 1st 6an$ar(,
2004 )#th the o%Cect#e o" pro#d#ng ret#re&ent #nco&e to a'' the
*ote' + Under S,&%&l&03&n Sche&e* 98terna' )e%s#te that opens
#n a ne) )#ndo), the goern&ent )#'' contr#%$te a s$& o" R$+1,000
to each e'#g#%'e 71S s$%scr#%er )ho contr#%$tes a &#n#&$&
o" R$+1,000 and &a8#&$& R$+12,000 per ann$&+ 0h#s sche&e #s
present'( app'#ca%'e $pto >+-+201;*17+
+ 0he s$%scr#%er )#'' %e a''otted a $n#E$e 1er&anent Ret#re&ent
Acco$nt 7$&%er (1RA7)+ 0h#s $n#E$e acco$nt n$&%er )#'' re&a#n
the sa&e "or the rest o" s$%scr#%erAs '#"e+ 0h#s $n#E$e 1RA7 can %e
$sed "ro& an( 'ocat#on #n Ind#a+
E+ A&5ee%)& - *&ton&l Rur&l L%el6oo-$ M$$on 8*RLM9 )as
'a$nched %( the 4#n#str( o" R$ra' 5ee'op&ent (4oR5), =oern&ent o" Ind#a #n 6$ne 2011+ 0he %as#c #dea %eh#nd th#s
progra&&e #s to organ#/e the poor #nto S@= (Se'" @e'p =ro$ps) gro$ps and &a!e the& capa%'e "or se'"*e&p'o(&ent+
10+ In-r& A,&$ /o5&n' It #s one o" the &aCor "'agsh#p progra&s o" the R$ra' 5ee'op&ent 4#n#str( to constr$ct ho$ses "or
B1L pop$'at#on #n the #''ages
*ote' + 0he "#nanc#a' ass#stance pro#ded "or ne) constr$ct#on #n the "or& o" "$'' grant #s Rs+70,000O* per $n#t "or p'a#n
areas M Rs+7<,000O* "or h#''(Od#""#c$'t areas+
+ >$rther, an IA- %ene"#c#ar( can aa#' top*$p 'oan $pto Rs 20,000O* $nder the 5#""erent#a' Rate o" Interest (5RI Sche&e)
"ro& an( 7at#ona'#/ed Ban! at an #nterest rate o" 4% per ann$&+
11+ Pr&-6&n M&ntr Kr$6 Seen!6&" /o5&n&' 1radhan 4antr# ,r#sh# Seencha(# -oCana )as anno$nced %( 1r#&e 4#n#ster
7arendra 4od# + 0he -oCna has %een anno$nced to &eet the #rr#gat#on needs o" a'' "ar&ers across the co$ntr(+ S$& o" 1000
crore r$pees has %een a''ocated "or #&p'e&entat#on o" the sche&e+
12+ K&rn&t&)&= Ker&l& $2n MoU 1or rur&l l%el6oo- 0$$on2 As per the 4oU, ,era'a =oerne&entBs ,$d$&%ashree and
,arnata!a State R$ra' L#e'#hood 4#ss#on are to he'p tra#n and hand*ho'd r$ra' Se'" @e'p =ro$ps (S@=s) #n ,arnata!a+
1:+ =ot re*'a$nches V&r$6t6& Pen$on B0& /o5&n&' 0he goern&ent has re*'a$nched the ?ar#shtha 1ens#on B#&a -oCana,
"or the %ene"#t o" c#t#/ens aged ;0 (ears and a%oe+
*ote' It )#'' pro#de &onth'( pens#on r&n2n2 1ro0 >00 to >=000 r$pees per &onth to sen#or c#t#/ens o" the co$ntr(+
+ 0he Sche&e )#'' %e ad&#n#strated %( t6e L1e In$ur&n!e Cor(or&ton= LIC+
14+ *&ton&l rur&l $!6e0e on PPP 0o-el l&un!6e-' R$ra' 5ee'op&ent 4#n#ster 7#t#n =ad!ar# 'a$nched the Sh(a&a 1rasad
4$!herCee 7at#ona' R$ra' 4#ss#on on 111 &ode' )#th an a''ocat#on o" 100 crore r$pees+
*ote' 0he sche&e )#'' %e #n#t#a''( aa#'a%'e #n three d#str#cts o" the co$ntr( on p#'ot %as#s+ 0he d#str#cts are W&r&n2&l n
An-6r& Pr&-e$6 &n- t,o -$tr!t$ n M&6&r&$6tr&+
+ 0he sche&e #s #ntended to stop &#grat#on "ro& r$ra' areas to c#t#es+ 0he goern&ent )ants to create #n"rastr$ct$re #n
#''ages so that peop'e can get e&p'o(&ent there and do not &#grate to c#t#es+
1>+ P&-6o P&r-e$6 $!6e0e 1or 0nort" !o00unt"' =oern&ent has 'a$nched a sche&e t#t'ed, 1adho 1ardesh, "or
pro#d#ng #nterest s$%s#d( on ed$cat#ona' 'oans "or oerseas st$d#es "or st$dents %e'ong#ng to the not#"#ed &#nor#t(
co&&$n#t#es '#!e 4$s'#&s, .hr#st#ans, S#!hs, B$ddh#sts, 6a#ns and 1ars#s+
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*ote2 0he o%Cect#e o" the sche&e #s to a)ard #nterest s$%s#d( to &er#tor#o$s st$dents %e'ong#ng to econo&#ca''( )ea!er
sect#ons o" the not#"#ed &#nor#t( co&&$n#t#es so as to pro#de opport$n#t#es "or h#gher ed$cat#on a%road and enhance
the#r e&p'o(a%#'#t(+
1A+ =oern&ent has 'a$nched the R&$6tr"& Go)ul M$$on to pro&ote conserat#on and dee'op&ent o" #nd#geno$s %reeds
#n a "oc$sed and sc#ent#"#c &anner+
0he &#ss#on a#&s at enhanc#ng &#'! prod$ct#on, $pgrad#ng non*descr#pt catt'e $s#ng e'#te #nd#geno$s %reeds and d#str#%$te
d#sease "ree h#gh genet#c %$''s+
A,&r-$ # Bonour$
S6&nt S,&ru( B6&tn&2&r PrFe 1or S!en!e &n- ;e!6nolo2" 8SSB9 s a sc#ence a)ard #n Ind#a g#en ann$a''( %(
the .o$nc#' o" Sc#ent#"#c and Ind$str#a' Research (.SIR) "or nota%'e and o$tstand#ng research, app'#ed or "$nda&enta',
#n %#o'og(, che&#str(,en#ron&enta' sc#ence, eng#neer#ng, &athe&at#cs, &ed#c#ne and 1h(s#cs+
1+ 10 $!ent$t$ 2et S6&nt S,&ru( B6&tn&2&r PrFe '
0he se'ected a)ardees #n d#""erent "#e'ds are
Bolo2!&l S!en!e$2 7r+ Roo( M&ll) o" 0ata Inst#t$te o" >$nda&enta' Research, 4$&%a#
C6e0!&l S!en!e$2 7r+ K&%r&"&n R&0&)r$6n& Pr&$&- o" Ind#an Inst#t$te o" Sc#ence, Benga'$r$ and 7r+ Sou%)
M&t o" Inst#t$te o" =eno&#cs and Integrat#e B#o'og( (.SIR*I=IB), 7e) 5e'h#
E&rt6= At0o$(6ere= O!e&n &n- Pl&net&r" S!en!e$2 7r+ S&!6!6-& *&n- ;r(&t6 o" Ind#an Inst#t$te o" 0echno'og(,
En2neern2 S!en!e$2 7r+ S Ven)&t& Mo6&n o" Ind#an Inst#t$te o" .he&#ca' 0echno'og( (.SIR*II.0), @(dera%ad
and 7r+ Sou0en C6&)r&3&rt o" Ind#an Inst#t$te o" 0echno'og(, 4$&%a#
M&t6e0&t!&l S!en!e$2 7r+ K&u$6&l Ku0&r Ver0& o" Ind#an Inst#t$te o" Sc#ence, Benga'$r$
Me-!&l S!en!e$2 7r+ Anur&2 A2r&,&l o" Inst#t$te o" =eno&#cs and Integrat#e B#o'og( (.SIR*I=IB), 7e) 5e'h#
P6"$!&l S!en!e$2 7r+ Pr&t&( R&"!6&u-6ur, 0ata Inst#t$te o" >$nda&enta' Research o" 4$&%a# and 7r+ S&-M&l
A33&$ R&n2,&l& o" Ra&an Research Inst#t$te, Benga'$r$
2+ Bn- 1l0 GL&rG$ 7!e has %een se'ected as Ind#aAs o""#c#a' entr( to the %est "ore#gn "#'& categor( at the :scar 201<
a)ards+ *ote2 5#rector * Geet6u Mo6&n-&$
:+ 7oted )r#ter and "#'&&a!er M; V&$u-e%&n *&r )as se'ected "or the 6. 5an#e' A)ard "or '#"et#&e ach#ee&ent "or the
(ear 2013+ *ote2 0he a)ard g#en %( the ,era'a got+ recogn#/es the oera'' contr#%$t#on o" 7a#r to the 4a'a(a'a& "#'&
4+ >or&er U+S+ sp( agenc( contractor E-,&r- Sno,-en &n- Al&n Ru$3r-2er, ed#tor o" 0he =$ard#an on )on R26t
L%el6oo- A,&r-+
*ote2 0he R#ght L#e'#hood A)ard #s a'so !no)n as Altern&t%e *o3el (rFe o1 S,e-en+
>+ Lead#ng 7RI %$s#ness&en = 1 @#nd$Ca and S 1 @#nd$Ca hae %een hono$red )#th a L#"et#&e Ach#ee&ent A)ard #n
B$s#ness at a cere&on( #n the @o$se o" Lords+
A+ ,o'!ata*%orn Br#t#sh a$thor 7ee' 4$!herCeeBs 'atest noe' 0he L#es o" :thers has %een short'#sted "or the prest#g#o$s
Boo!er 1r#/e 2014+
?+ Ind#an sc#ent#st ,a&a' Ba)a has )on the 2014 M-or PrFe #n B#od#ers#t( "or h#s research, #nc'$d#ng #n c'#&ate change
#n the @#&a'a(as+
*ote2 ,a&a' Ba)a, #s the "o$nder pres#dent o" the Asho!a 0r$st "or Research #n 9co'og( and the 9n#ron&ent (A0R99) #n
+ 0he 4#dor# 1r#/e #s regarded a &aCor e'e&ent Fat the ser#ce o" the o%Cect#es o" the Un#ted 7at#ons 5ecade on
B#od#ers#t( 2011*2020F+
C+ Ind#an tenn#s star Ro6&n Bo(&nn& to rece#e 5a#s .$p .o&&#t&ent A)ard
E+ In-r& G&n-6 R&536&$& &,&r-' Rashtr#(a Ispat 7#ga& L#&#ted (RI7L) .45 4adh$s$dan hono$red )#th the prest#g#o$s
Ind#ra =andh# RaC%hasha Sh#e'd "or the Best @#nd# I&p'e&entat#on #n the organ#sat#on+
10+ Ind#an &o#e Court )on %est de%$t a)ard at ?en#ce >#'& >est#a'
*ote2 Court= &n In-&n 0o%e )r#tten and d#rected %( Ind#an )r#ter C6&t&n"& ;&06&ne= )on the L#on o" the >$t$re 3
L$#g# 5e La$rent##s a)ard "or a 5e%$t >eat$re at the 71st ?en#ce >#'& >est#a'
7ote2 .o$rt )as a'so )as a)arded )#th the :r#//ont# a)ard "or %est "#'&+
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11+ .h#na a)arded .h#na Boo! A)ard to 67U pro"essor Pr"&-&r$ Mu)6er5
*ote2 1r#(adars# 4$!herC# )as hono$red #n recogn#t#on o" h#s 'ong*ter& contr#%$t#on to the trans'at#on and p$%'#cat#on o"
.h#nese )or!s+
12+ O.1or- A,&r-' 5r 4r$na'#n#de# 1$ar, .hance''or o" 4aharaCa Sa(aC#rao Un#ers#t( at ?adodara, has %een con"erred )#th
the FBest 4anagerF a)ard %( the :8"ord S$&&#t o" Leaders (Sc#ence and 9d$cat#on) #n U,,
*ote2 5r 4r$na'#n#de# 1$ar #s !no)n "or her research #n aa#'a%#'#t( o" /#nc #n Ind#an "ood and )as a'so a)arded 1h5 %( a
@(dera%ad %ased $n#ers#t(,
1:+ Vno- 4ehta e&#nent Co$rna'#st and 9d#tor#a' .ha#r&an o" :$t'oo! gro$p, )as se'ected "or = , Redd( 4e&or#a' A)ard
14+ Ind#an 0e'$g$ Actor, A))nen *&2e$,&r& R&o %eca&e the
"#rst Ind#an actor to %e hono$red )#th a postage sta&p
%( t6e US Po$t Ser%!e
1>+ US actor B&rr" Bel&1onte to rece#e 6ean @ersho't
@$&an#tar#an :scar A)ard
1A+ M&r"&0 MrF&)6&n' Ir&nG$ "#rst )o&an to )#n prest#g#o$s
&ath pr#/e !no)n as the >#e'd 4eda', the Internat#ona' .ongress o" 4athe&at#c#ans+ 4ar(a& 4#r/a!han#, a @arard
ed$cated &athe&at#c#an and pro"essor at Stan"ord Un#ers#t( #n .a'#"orn#a
1?+ Inst#t$te o" .o&pan( Secretar#es o" Ind#a (I.SI) has %esto)ed the I.SI L#"e 0#&e Ach#ee&ent A)ard 2013 "or 98ce''ence
#n .orporate =oernance to BCL Foun-er &n- C6&r0&n S6% *&-&r+
1C+ =$r$ @an$&an A!hara, a 5e'h#*%ased )rest'#ng acade&( )as chosen "or the 2014 Rashtr#t(a ,he' 1rotsahan 1$ras!ar
(R,11) +
*ote' 0he A!hara )as chosen #n the categor( o" esta%'#sh&ent and &anage&ent o" sports acade&#es o" e8ce''ence+
1E+ R&5% G&n-6 *&ton&l S&-36&%&n& A,&r-' 4$/a""ar A'#, a noted "#'&&a!er o" Ind#a )as se'ected "or RaC# =andh#
7at#ona' Sad%haana A)ard+ @#s na&e )as se'ected "or h#s o$tstand#ng contr#%$t#on to)ards the pro&ot#on o" .o&&$na'
har&on(, peace and good)#''+
*ote' + 0h#s )#'' %e the 22nd ed#t#on o" the Sad%ha)na a)ard+ Sarod &aestro U$t&- A05&- Al K6&n )as rec#p#ent o" the
21st RaC# =andh# 7at#ona' Sadh%hana A)ard+
20+ R&0on M&2$&"$&" A,&r- 2014
0he '#st o" a)ardees #nc'$ded s#8 )#nners a&ong "#e #nd##d$a's and one organ#/at#on "ro& 1a!#stan+
+ Bu S6ul' She #s a .h#nese #nest#gat#e Co$rna'#st+
+ S&ur M&rln& M&nurun2' She #s %e#ng recogn#/ed "or her enno%'#ng pass#on to protect and #&proe the '#es o"
Indones#aBs "orest peop'e, and her energ#/#ng 'eadersh#p o" o'$nteers #n S:,:LABs c$sto&#/ed ed$cat#on progra&+
+ O0&r& K6&n M&$ou- 1ro0 A126&n$t&n' @e #s %e#ng recogn#/ed "or h#s co$rage, 'a%or, and 'eadersh#p #n protect#ng
A"ghan c$'t$ra' her#tage+
21+ B&!6en-r P&l= t6e 1r$t In-&n ,o0&n &o$nta#neer to sca'e 4o$nt 9erest )as con"erred )#th B6&r&t G&ur&%, the
h#ghest hono$r o" &er#t o" 9ast Benga' .'$%+
22+ 9n#ron&enta'#st and soc#a' act##st .hand# 1rasad Bhatt has %een a)arded the prest#g#o$s G&n-6 Pe&!e (rFe 1or 201:+
2:+ AIMA 8 A'' Ind#a 4anage&ent Assoc#at#on) A,&r-$' .handra She!har =hosh, .45 o" Bandhan )on QEntre(reneur o1 t6e
/e&rD &,&r-
4 = =eorge 4$thoot, .ha#r&an, 4$thoot =ro$p (9&erg#ng B$s#ness Leader o" the -ear), 7 .handrase!aren, .9: M
4anag#ng 5#rector, 0.S (Ind#an 47. o" the -ear), Ra!e(sh :&pra!ash 4ehra, >#'& 1rod$cer, 5#rector o" Bhaag, 4#'!ha
Bhaag (5#rector o" the -ear) and S+ S+ Badr#nath, >o$nder and .ha#r&an, 9&er#t$s o" San!ara 7ethra'a(a (:$tstand#ng
Inst#t$t#on B$#'der)+
24+ <n&n(t6 A,&r- 201:' 7oted @#nd# poet Ke-&rn&t6 Sn26 has %een chosen "or the prest#g#o$s 6nanp#th a)ard "or 2013+
@e )#'' %e the rec#p#ent o" the 49th 6nanp#th a)ard+
2>+ Pen Pnter (rFe 20142 Sa'&an R$shd#e )#ns 1en 1#nter pr#/e "or h#s o$tstand#ng '#terar( o$tp$t and s$pport "or "reedo&
o" e8press#on+
2A+ Worl- Foo- PrFe 20142 Ind#a*%orn p'ant sc#ent#st S&n5&"& R&5&r&0 has %een na&ed the )#nner o" the Hor'd >ood 1r#/e
"or h#s %rea!thro$gh ach#ee&ent #n #ncreas#ng g'o%a' ,6e&t prod$ct#on %( &ore than 200 &#''#on tonnes "o''o)#ng the
=reen Reo'$t#on+
2?+ Moort-e% A,&r- 201:2 C R&-6&)r$6n&n se'ected "or 4oort#de# A)ard 2013+ @e has %een se'ected "or h#s
noe' ;6ee))&-&l K&t&n6u ;6ru0&-6ur&0+
*ote' + Radha!r#shnan #s the $e!on- M&l&"&l&0 )r#ter to %e a)arded )#th the 4oort#de# a)ard+ 0he "#rst 4a'a(a'a&
a$thor to )#n the a)ard )as A))t6&0 A!6ut6&n *&03oot6r n 200E "or h#s se'ected poe&s+
+ B&r&(r&$&- 7&$ )as con"erred the 4oort#de# A)ard 1or 2012 1or GV&0$6&= a poet#c recreat#on o" the 4aha%harata
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2C+ Su-&r$&n P&ttn&) )on pr#/e at Hor'd .$p o" S&n- S!ul(tn2-2014+ @e )on pr#/e "or h#s )or! Sae 0ree, Sae the
2E+ M&l&l& /ou$&1F& )#ns L3ert" Me-&l "ro& the 7at#ona' .onst#t$t#on .entre #n 1h#'ade'ph#a+
:0+ >rance hono$r S6&6ru)6 K6&n ,t6 Le2on o1 Bonour
*ote' 0he a)ard o" :""#c#er de 'a Leg#on dA@onne$r (:""#cer o" the Leg#on o" @ono$r) #s the h#ghest hono$r a&ong .##'#ans
and 4#'#tar( %esto)ed %( >rance on French c#t#/en as )e'' as "ore#gners+
:1+ Gro B&rle0 Brun-tl&n- a)arded )#th the "#rst ;&n2 PrFe n $u$t&n&3le -e%elo(0ent+
:2+ >or&er 0A0A Grou( C6&r0&n R&t&n ;&t& rece#ed an honorar( doctor o" 'a)s degree "ro& /or) Un%er$t" n
;oronto= C&n&-&+
::+ Ind#an or#g#n ph(s#c#st ;e5n-er Vr-ee )as hono$red )n26t6oo- Bache'or %( D$een 9'#/a%eth II+ @e )as a)arded "or
h#s )or! on the @#ggs Boson theor(+
:4+ L1et0e A!6e%e0ent A,&r-D' Le&-n2 *RI n-u$tr&l$t Lor- S,r&5 P&ul has %een hono$red )#th the QL#"et#&e
Ach#ee&ent A)ardB %( a U,*%ased %$s#ness assoc#at#on "or h#s o$tstand#ng contr#%$t#on to the #nd$str(, ed$cat#on and
:>+ Gol-0&n PrFe "or en#ron&enta' act##st R&0e$6 A2r&,&l+ @e rece#ed the pr#/e "or he'p#ng #''agers "#ght coa' &#n#ng
#n .hhatt#sgarh+
:A+ .aparo =ro$p "o$nded %( 'ead#ng 7RI n-u$tr&l$t Lor- S,r&5 P&ul has )on the Intern&ton&l Bu$ne$$ o1 t6e /e&r
&,&r- 2014
:?+ Gol-en Pe&!o!) A,&r-$ 20142 0echnopar! 0echno'og( B$s#ness Inc$%ator (0*0BI) )as chosen "or the Spec#a'
.o&&endat#on at the =o'den 1eacoc! 7at#ona' 0ra#n#ng A)ards 2014+
:C+ PultFer PrFe 2014' Ind#a*%orn poet V5&" Se$6&-r has )on the prest#g#o$s 2014 1$'#t/er 1r#/e #n the poetr( categor(
"or h#s )or! G: Se!ton$G+
:E+ 7onn& ;&rtt )#ns "#ct#on PultFer PrFe 2014 "or noe' GGol-1n!6G
40+ G&n-6 Pe&!e PrFe 1or 201:' 9&#nent =andh#an and en#ron&enta'#st C6&n- Pr&$&- B6&t se'ected "or the a)ard+
*ote' A p#oneer o" the .h#p!o 4oe&ent "or )h#ch he )as a'so a)arded the 4agsa(sa( A)ard #n 1982, 4r+ Bhatt )as
g#en the 1ad&a Bh$shan %( U1A*I #n 200<+
41+ S&r&$,&t S&00&n 201:2 Go%n- M$6r& se'ected "or "or h#s %oo! 76ool P&u-6o P&r+
42+ PrtF)er PrFe 2014' 6apanese arch#tect S62eru B&n )on the 1r#t/!er Arch#tect$re 1r#/e 2014+ @e )on the a)ard "or h#s
creat#e and #ne8pens#e des#gns "or d#saster re'#e" she'ters+
4:+ A3el PrFe 20142 R$ss#an &athe&at#c#an /&)o% Gr2ore%!6 Sn& )on the a)ard+
44+ L&.0, an ac#d attac! #ct#& gets Internat#ona' Wo0en o1 Cour&2e A,&r- (US hono$r)+
4>+ V"&$ S&00&n 20132 V$6,&n&t6 ;r(&t6 %een se'ected "or the prest#g#o$s V"&$ S&00&n 1or t6e "e&r 201:+
*ote2 0r#path# has %een chosen "or h#s &e&o#r GV"o0)e$6 7&r%e$6G, a %#o'graph( o" noted @#nd# scho'ar A!6&r"& B&F&r
Pr&$&- 7,%e-+
P&-0& A,&r-$ 2014'
P&-0& V36u$6&n
1+ 5r Ragh$nath A 4ashe'!ar2 Sc#ence and 9ng#neer#ng,
2+ B , S I(engar2 -oga, 4aharashtra
P&-0& B6u$6&n
=$'a& 4oha&&ed She#!h, Art*1a#nt#ng, =$Carat
Beg$& 1areen S$'tana, Art*.'ass#ca' S#ng#ng, 4aharashtra
0+@+ ?#na(a!ra&, Art*=hata& Art#st, 0a&#' 7ad$
K&0&l B&&$&n, Art*.#ne&a, 0a&#' 7ad$
6$st#ce 5a'eer Bhandar#, 1$%'#c A""a#rs, 5e'h#
Ru$)n Bon-= Lter&ture and 9d$cat#on, Uttara!hand
1$''e'a =op#chand, Sports*Bad&#nton, Andhra 1radesh
Leander 1aes, Sports*0enn#s, 4aharashtra
1ro" L'o(d I R$do'ph, L#terat$re and 9d$cat#on, USA
P&-0& S6r
4oha&&ad A'# Ba#g, Art*0heatre, Andhra 1radesh
7a(ana Apte 6osh#, Art, 4aharashtra
V-"& B&l&n, Art*.#ne&a, 4aharashtra
AnC$& .hopra, Sports*.r#c!et, 5e'h#
S$n#' 5a%as, Sports*,a%%ad#, @ar(ana
Loe RaC S#ngh 5har&sha!t$, Sports*4o$nta#neer#ng,
5#p#!a Re%ecca 1a''#!a', Sports*SE$ash, 0a&#' 7ad$
@ Bon#"ace 1ra%h$, Sports*Hhee'cha#r 0enn#s, ,arnata!a
/u%r&5 Sn26= S(ort$*.r#c!et, @ar(ana
4a&ta Sodha Sports*4o$nta#neer#ng, @ar(ana
www.bankersadda.com | www.careerpower.in | www.careeradda.co.in 31
O$!&r A,&r- 2014'
Best >#'& * 12 -ears a S'ae 3 5#rected %( Stee 4cD$een
Best Actor * M&tt6e, M!Con&u26e" "or2 5a''as B$(ers
Best Actress * C&te Bl&n!6ett "or2 B'$e 6as&#ne
Best 5#rector * Al1on$o Cu&rSn "or =ra#t(
Best Actor #n a S$pport#ng Ro'e * 6ared Leto "or2 5a''as
B$(ers .'$%
Best Actress #n a S$pport#ng Ro'e * L$p#ta 7(ongAo "or 12
-ears a S'ae
Best >ore#gn Lang$age >#'& * 0he =reat Bea$t( (Ita'()
*ote' RGr&%t"R (ulle- n ? O$!&r$= n!lu-n2 3e$t
-re!tor= &t t6e CAt6 A!&-e0" A,&r-$ on M&r!6 2=
A1$t *&ton&l Fl0 A,&r-$'
Best @#nd# >#'& 3 6o''( LLB
Best >eat$re >#'&2 ASh#p o" 0hese$sA 3 5#rector 3 Anand
Best Actor2 RaC!$&ar Rao "or AShah#dA and S$raC
?enCara&$d$ and ?enaCara&ood$ "or 4a'a(a'a& &o#e
Best Actress2 =eetanCa'# 0hapa "or L#ars 5#ce
Best 5#rector A)ard2 1ranCa' 5$a "or A.h#d#(a UdA (@#nd#)
Best 1op$'ar >#'& pro#d#ng Hho'eso&e
9nterta#n&ent2 ABhaag 4#'!ha BhaagA
Best S$pport#ng Actor2 Sa$ra%h Sh$!'a, A6o''( LLBA
5#rector o" >#'& AShah#dA 3 @ansa' 4ehta
5#rector o" >#'& A6o''( LLBA3 S$%hash ,apoor
5#rector o" >#'& L#ars 5#ce 3 =eet$ 4ohandas
;6e IIFA 2014 A,&r-$ Wnner$D L$t
Best Actor (4a'e)2 >arhan A!htar "or Bhaag 4#'!a Bhaag
Best Actress (>e&a'e)2 5eep#!a 1ad$!one "or .henna#
L#"et#&e Ach#ee&ent A)ard 2014' S6&tru26&n Sn6&
Best 9nterta#ner o" the -ear2 5eep#!a 1ad$!one
Best >#'&2 Bhaag 4#'!a Bhaag
Best 5#rector2 Ra!e(sh :& 4ehra "or Bhaag 4#'!ha Bhaag+
Best 5e%$tant A)ard &ap2 5han$sh "or RaanChanaa
<o6n ;r&%olt& 6onoure- the 4ost 1op$'ar A'' 0#&e
Internat#ona' Star #n Ind#a at II>A a)ards
Fl01&re A,&r-$ 2014'
1+ Best Actress2 5eep#!a 1ad$!one * =o'#(on ,# Ras'ee'a
2+ Best Actor2 >arhan A!htar * Bhaag 4#'!ha Bhaag
:+ Best >#'& 2 Bhaag 4#'!ha Bhaag
4+ Best 5#rector2 Ra!e(sh :&pra!ash 4ehra 3 Bhaag
4#'!ha Bhaag
>+ Best Actor #n a S$pport#ng Ro'e2 7a)a/$dd#n S#dd#E$# *
0he L$nch%o8
A+ Best Actress #n a S$port#ng Ro'e2 S$pr#(a 1atha! * Ra&*
?+ L#"et#&e Ach#ee&ent A)ard' ;&nu5&
Per$on n *e,$'
1+ I&n E-0on-$on2 A "or&er ne)s ed#tor at R$pert 4$rdochBs no)*de"$nct ta%'o#d News of the World ad&#tted to hac!#ng
phones o" ce'e%r#t#es+
2+ L S&rt& 7e%' Ind#an %o8er L Sar#ta 5e# re"$sed to accept the %ron/e &eda' at As#an =a&es 2014+
*ote' AIBA (A'' Ind#a Bo8#ng Assoc#at#on)%an Sar#ta 5e# and opened d#sc#p'#nar( case aga#nst her+
:+ < <&"&l<6&&' 0a&#' 7ad$ .h#e" 4#n#ster con#cted $nder preent#on o" corr$pt#on act %( a spec#a' co$rt #n Banga'ore+
She has %een g#en a Ca#' ter& o" 4 (ears %( the %anga'ore spec#a' co$rt and s'apped a "#ne o" 100 crores
*ote2 #+ Spec#a' 6$dge 6ohn 4#chae' 5A.$nha con#cted AIA54, .h#e" #n a case o" o)n#ng assets to the t$ne Rs ;;,;< crores
d#sproport#onate to her !no)n so$rces o" #nco&e d$r#ng 1991*9; )hen she )as ch#e" &#n#ster "or the "#rst t#&e+
+ <&"&l<6&&, ;;, )#'' no) 'ose 4LAAs post and d#sE$a'#"#ed "ro& p$%'#c o""#ce "or ne8t ; (ears+
4+ Alo) S6ett"' A 28*(ear*o'd Ind#an arch#tect has %een na&ed I(o$ng 'eader o" to&orro)J %(Time &aga/#ne "or h#s
p#oneer#ng )or! #n des#gn#ng a""orda%'e "'ood*proo" ho$ses "or s'$& d)e''ers+
>+ R!6&r- R&6ul Ver0&2 US 1res#dent no&#nates as ne8t US eno( to Ind#a
A+ @o''()ood star Arnol- S!6,&rFene22er arr#ed .henna# to 'a$nch o" ?#!ra&*starrer IIJ+
?+ A))nen *&2e$,&r& R&o 4 Legendar( 0e'$g$ Actor A!!#nen# 7agesh)ar Rao %eca&e the "#rst actor to %e honored )#th a
postage sta&p %( the US Ser#ce+
1+ B 4$th$ra&an, ?#ce*.ha#r&an o" 0ata Stee' ret#red "ro& the Board o" the co&pan(
2+ 4aharashtra ch#e" &#n#ster 1r#th#raC .haan has res#gned
:+ P&n)&5 A-%&n# anno$nced to ret#re "ro& pro"ess#ona' snoo!er
4+ L# 7a2 2*t#&e =rand S'a& )#nner .h#na p'a(er L# 7a ret#res "ro& to$r
www.bankersadda.com | www.careerpower.in | www.careeradda.co.in 32
*ote2 she )on the 2011 >rench :pen, and A$stra'#an :pen t#t'e
>+ Vno- Ku0&r 7u22&l' ?#nod ,$&ar 5$gga' res#gned as
4an#p$r =oernor
A+ S6el& 7)$6t2 ,era'a goernor res#gned
?+ K S&n)&r&n&r&"&n&n2 4aharashtra goernor res#gned
C+ K&0l& Ben,&l' 4#/ora& =oernor re&oed
E+ 7(& K&r0&)&r %eca&e "#rst Ind#an )o&an g(&nast to )#n
&eda' #n .o&&on)ea'th =a&es
10+ *e6!6&l S&n-6u' 5ep$t( 7at#ona' Sec$r#t( Ad#ser res#gned
Boo)$ # ;6er Aut6or$
1+ An- ;6en One 7&"' 7aseer$dd#n ShahAs a$to%#ograph(
2+ Go- o1 Ant&r!t!& ,rtten 3" /&$6,&r-6&n S6u)l&' 5e'h#*
%ased 13 (ear o'd schoo' %o( -ash)ardhan Sh$!'a a$thored a
noe', =ods o" Antarct#ca+ 0he %oo! #s "#ct#ona' ta'e o" gods and
:+ I:ne L#"e #s 7ot 9no$ghJ 2 )r#tten %( Kun,&r *&t,&r Sn26
*ote' 0he %oo! #s an a$to%#ograph( o" the "or&er 98terna'
A""a#rs 4#n#ster and sen#or .ongress 1art( 'eader 7at)ar S#ngh+
4+ A %oo! ent#t'ed 4$nger thro$gh the Ages a$thored %( 'ate
7e%en-r& Pr&$&- /&-&
>+ 0he L#es o" :thersJ a noe' )r#tten %(2 *eel Mu)6er5ee
*ote' 7oe' #s short '#sted "or the prest#g#o$s 4an Boo!er 1r#/e
A+ 0he S$%stance and the Shado)2 )r#tten %( Uda( 0ara 7a(ar, a
"or&er Co$rna'#st+
*ote2 0he S$%stance and the Shado), the %#ograph( o" 91*(ear*o'd actor 7l( Ku0&r+
?+ Harr#or State )r#tten %( 0 ? 1a$'
C+ B'ood >e$d )r#tten %( 9d)ard ,'e#n
E+ A Bad .haracter2 a$thored %( 5eept# ,apoor+
10+ 0he =ood, the Bad and the R#d#c$'o$s * ,h$s)ant S#ngh
11+ 0ra#n 0o 1a!#stan * ,h$s)ant S#ngh
12+ An Uncerta#n ='or(2 Ind#a and #ts .ontrad#ct#ons * 6ean 5re/e and A&art(a Sen+
1:+ A Br$sh )#th L#"e* Sat#sh =$Cra'
14+ A Bend #n the r#er* ?+S+ 7a#pa$'
1>+ =od o" S&a'' th#ngs* Ar$ndhat# Ra#
1A+ Inher#tance o" Loss* ,#ran 5esa#+
1?+ 6oseph Anton* S$'&an R$shd#e (A$to%#ograph()
1C+ I,h$sh)antna&a*0he Lessons o" 4( L#"e I 3,h$sh)ant s#ngh
1E+ LaCCa* 0as'#&a 7asr#&+
20+ 4( Un"orgetta%'e 4e&or#es*4a&ata BanerCee
21+ 4( -ears )#th RaC# and Son#a )r#tten %( R+5+1radhan
22+ 4od#7o&#cs2 Inc'$s#e 9cono&#cs, Inc'$s#e =oernance2 a$thored %( Sa&eer ,ochhar+
2:+ .r$sader or .onsp#ratorT .oa'gate and other 0r$ths a$thored %( 1. 1ara!h
24+ 0he Acc#denta' 1r#&e 4#n#ster2 0he 4a!#ng and Un&a!#ng o" 4an&ohan S#ngh a$thored %( 5r+ SanCa(a Bar$
Le&-erD$ %$te- In-&JWorl-
1+ A&a/on "o$nder 6e"" Be/os #s#ted Ind#a+
2+ >ran! Ha'ter2 >ore#gn 4#n#ster o" =er&an( #s#ted Ind#a
:+ A$stra'#an 14 0on( A%%ott to #s#ted Ind#a
4+ .h#nese 1res#dent R# 6#np#ng #s#ted Ind#a
>+ 1res#dent o" Ind#a 1rana% 4$!herCee #s#ted ?#etna&
A+ S$sh&a S)araC #s#ted Bahra#n
www.bankersadda.com | www.careerpower.in | www.careeradda.co.in 33
?+ S$sh&a S)araC #s#ted 7epa'
C+ 1r#&e 4#n#ster o" Ind#a 7arendra 4od# #s#ted 7epa'
E+ 1r#&e 4#n#ster o" Ind#a 7arendra 4od# &ade h#s "#rst "ore#gn to$r to Bh$tan
10+ 1r#&e 4#n#ster o" Ind#a 7arendra 4od# #s#ted 6apan
11+ 1r#&e 4#n#ster o" Ind#a 7arendra 4od# #s#ted US
12+ .h$c! @age'2 US 5e"ence Secretar( #s#ted Ind#a
1:+ 6#& -ong ,#&2 Hor'd Ban! 1res#dent #s#ted Ind#a+
14+ B#'' .'#nton2 >or&er US 1res#dent #s#ted #n L$c!no)
1>+ H#''#a& @ag$e2 U, >ore#gn 4#n#ster #s#ted Ind#a
1A+ La$rent >a%#$s2 >rench >ore#gn 4#n#ster to #s#ted Ind#a+
1?+ = L 1e#r#s2 >ore#gn 4#n#ster o" Sr# Lan!a #s#ted Ind#a
1C+ Hang -#2 .h#nese >ore#gn 4#n#ster #s#ted Ind#a
1+ Uppa'ap$ Sr#n#as2 Reno)ned 4ando'#n e8ponent passed a)a(
*ote2 Sr#n#as (4<), pop$'ar'( !no)n as A4ando'#n Sr#n#asA, #s a reno)ned &ando'#n p'a(er o" So$th Ind#an .arnat#c
2+ 9d$cat#on#st ,#reet 6osh# d#ed
:+ 6#tendra .handra 1a$'2 >reedo& >#ghter and 6o$rna'#st d#ed
4+ 4oha&&ad =ho$se2 >or&er Internat#ona' cr#c!et $&p#re d#ed
>+ Shan!ar Bar$ah 2 98*Assa& 5=1 co&&#t s$#c#de
*ote2 @#s s$#c#de ca&e a"ter .BI ra#ded h#s res#dence d$r#ng the co$rse o" #nest#gat#on o" &$'t#*crore Saradha ch#t "$nd
case+ .BI ra#ded h#s ho$se on 28 A$g$st 2014+
A+ 5r+ 7oe' H+ @#nners2 >or&er 7ASA Sc#ent#st d#ed
?+ 6oan R#ers2 US co&ed#an and 0? host d#es
C+ =oo'a& 9+ ?ahanat#2 >or&er Attorne( =enera' o" Ind#a d#ed
E+ 4a(a Rao2 Reno)ned ,atha! dancer d#ed+
10+ B#p#n .handra2 7oted h#stor#an passes a)a(
11+ 7or&an =ordon' So$th A"r#can "ast %o)'er o'dest s$r##ng 0est cr#c!eter at 103 (ears o'd, passed a)a(
12+ Satt#raC$ La!sh&#nara(ana, , the art#st, "#'&&a!er, h$&o$r#st pop$'ar'( !no)n as Bap$, passed a)a( #n .henna#,
1:+ R#chard Atten%oro$gh2 =andh#A "#'&&a!er d#es at 90
14+ UR Anantha 4$rth(2 9&#nent ,annada )r#ter passes a)a(+ Anantha 4$rth(, a )r#ter and cr#t#c, )as cons#dered one o" the
p#oneers o" the 7a(a &oe&ent #n ,annada '#terat$re+
1>+ B,S I(engar2 Hor'd*reno)ned (oga g$r$ and "o$nder o" the I(engar Schoo' o" -oga B,S I(engar passed a)a(
1A+ Ro%#n H#''#a&s2 :scar H#nn#ng Actor d#ed
1?+ La$ren Baca''2 @o''()ood #con dead at 89
1C+ @ash#& ,han2 SE$ash Legend o" 1a!#stan d#ed
1E+ .artoon#st 1ran ,$&ar Shar&a, creator o" #con#c .hacha .ho)dh$r(, dead
20+ Ro%ert 5re)2 1#oneer o" .#ne&a doc$&entar#an d#es at 90
21+ S$ndara& San!aran2 ?eteran Co$rna'#st d#ed at 87
22+ S$sh#'aran# 1ate', the reno)ned c'ass#ca' s#nger o" Ind#a d#ed
2:+ 4adh$!ar S#ngh, an e&#nent @#nd# '#tterate$r d#ed
24+ 6+ Sas#!$&ar2 4a'a(a'a& "#'&&a!er passes a)a(+
2>+ 7ad#ne =ord#&er2 So$th A"r#caBs 7o%e'*)#nn#ng noe'#st d#es
2A+ Sohra Sehga'2 ?eteran Bo''()ood actress Sohra Sehga' !no)n "or her Co#a' ro'es #n "#'&s '#!e 5#' Se, ,a' @o 7aa @o, ?eer*
Saara, .heen# ,$& and Saa)ar#(a passed a)a(+ She )as 102+
2?+ =ran#''e A$st#n, the e&#nent scho'ar o" the Ind#an .onst#t$t#on d#ed #n Hash#ngton 5.+
www.bankersadda.com | www.careerpower.in | www.careeradda.co.in 34
S(ort$ *e,$
ASIA* GAMES 2014 4 In!6eon 8Sout6 Kore&9' 0he 2014 As#an =a&es, o""#c#a''( !no)n as the R?II (17
ed#t#on) o" As#ad
M&$!ot o1 t6e A$&n G&0e$ 2014 #s the B&r3our Se&l S3ln2$ - B&r&0e= C6u0uro &n- V!6uon &eans )#nd,
dance and '#ght #n ,orean 'ang$age+
0he t6e0e o" the 2014 As#an =a&es $ Meet A$&D$ Future+
Motto 4 7%er$t" S6ne$' Bere+
7ote2 S&r-&r Sn26= !&(t&n o1 the &enBs hoc!e( tea& #s the Ind#an cont#ngentBs "'ag %earer at 17th As#an =a&es
*e.t A$&n G&0e$ 201C ,ll 3e 6el- n 4 <&)&rt&= In-one$&+
*ote' Vetn&0 had or#g#na''( %een p#c!ed to host the 1Ct6 G&0e$ n 201E= %$t )#thdre) %'a&#ng "a''o$t "ro& an
econo&#c cr#s#s+ Indones#a #&&ed#ate'( %eca&e "ao$r#tes to host the 201C A$&n G&0e$+
*ote' + C6n& to((e- n t6e 0e-&l t&ll" n A$&n G&0e$+
+ In-& 1n$6e- &t C
(o$ton #n the 2014 As#an =a&es )#th <7 &eda's ta''( co&pr#s#ng 11 go'd, 10 s#'er and 3;
+ Ko$u)e B&2no o1 <&(&n 8S,00er9 #s anno$nced as the &ost a'$a%'e p'a(er+
%+ @a&&er thro)er 4anC$ Ba'aAs &eda' )as $pgraded "ro& %ron/e to s#'er a"ter a .h#nese co&pet#tor Shang Hen8#$
)ho "#n#shed ahead o" her )as ca$ght "or dop#ng+
%+ Shang Hen8#$ #s the s#8th ath'ete to %e !#c!ed o$t o" the As#an =a&es #n Incheon, So$th ,orea "or dop#ng and the
second go'd &eda'*)#nner a"ter 4a'a(s#aAs )$sh$ cha&p#on 0a# .hea$ R$en++
A$&n G&0e$ 2014 -Me-&l ;&ll" 4
Countr" T R&n)n2 Gol- Sl%er BronFe ;ot&l
1+ C6n& 1>1 10C C: :42
2+ Sout6 Kore& ?E ?1 C4 2:4
:+ <&(&n 4? ?A ?? 200
4+ K&F&)&6$t&n 2C 2: :: C4
C+ In-& 11 10 :A >?
BereG$ t6e l$t o1 In-&G$ 0e-&l ,nner$'
1+ ARCBER/ 81 Gol-= 1 Sl%er= 2 BronFe9
Gol-2 1+ RaCat .ha$han, Sandeep ,$&ar and A%h#she! ?er&a #n .o&po$nd 4enAs 0ea&
Sl%er2 1+ A%h#she! ?er&a #n .o&po$nd 4enAs Ind##d$a'
BronFe2 1+ 0r#sha 5e% #n .o&po$nd Ho&enAs Ind##d$a'
2+ 1$rasha Shende, 6(oth# ?enna&, 0r#sha 5e% #n Ho&enAs .o&po$nd 0ea&
2+ A;BLE;ICS 82 Gol-= : Sl%er= C BronFe9
Gol-' 1+ 1r#(an!a 1a)ar, 0#nt$ L$!a, 4andeep ,a$r and 1ooa&&a 4achett#ra #n )o&enAs 4.4000 Rel&"+
2+ See0& Pun& n Ho&enAs 5#sc$s 0hro)
Sl%er' 1+ K6u$63r K&ur #n Ho&enAs 20!& Race Ha'! 2+ V)&$ Go,-& #n 4enAs 5#sc$s 0hro)
:+ ;ntu Lu)& #n Ho&enAs 800& 4+ 4anC$ Ba'a #n Ho&enAs @a&&er 0hro)
BronFe2 1+ RaC# Aro!#a #n 4enAs 400& 2+ 1ooa&&a 4aachett#ra #n Ho&enAs 400&
:+ La'#ta Ba%ar #n Ho&enAs 3000& Steep'echase 4+ :1 6a#sha #n Ho&enAs 1<00&
>+ 7aeen ,$&ar #n 4enAs 3000& Steep'echase A+ InderCeet S#ngh #n 4enAs Shot 1$t
?+ Ann$ Ran# #n Ho&enAs 6ae'#n 0hro)
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:+ BA7MI*;O* 81 BronFe9
BronFe' 1+ Ash)#n# 1onnappa, 1. 0h$'as#, 0an# Uda(, 1radn(a =adre, Sa#na 7eh)a', 1? S#ndh$, S#!!# Redd( #n
Ho&enAs 0ea&
4+ BOXI*G 81 Gol-= 4 BronFe9
Gol-2 1+ MC M&r" Ko0 #n Ho&enAs >'( (48*<1!g)
BronFe2 1+V)&$ Kr$6&n #n 4enAs 4#dd'e (7<!g) 2+ S&t$6 Ku0&r #n 4enAs S$per @ea( (U91!g)
:+ L S&rt& 7e% #n Ho&enAs L#ght (<7*;0!g)
4+ Poo5& R&n #n Ho&enAs 4#dd'e (;9*7<!g)
>+ BOCKE/ 81 Gol-= 1 BronFe9
Gol-2 4enAs 0ea& BronFe2 Ho&enAs 0ea&
A+ KABA77I 82 Gol-9
Gol-2 4enAs 0ea&, Ho&enAs 0ea&
?+ ROWI*G 8: BronFe9
BronFe2 1+ S)arn S#ngh #n 4enAs S#ng'e Sc$''s
2+ ,ap#' Shar&a, RanC#t S#ngh, BaCrang La' 0a!har, Ro%#n U'ahannan, Sa)an ,$&ar, 4oha&&ad A/ad, 4an#nder S#ngh,
5a#nder S#ngh, 4oha&&ed Ah&ed #n 4enAs 9#ght
:+ 5$sh(aht 5$sh#ant #n L#ght)e#ght 4enAs S#ng'e Sc$''s
C+ SAILI*G 81 BronFe9
BronFe' 1+ ?arsha =a$tha& and A#sh)ar(a 7ed$nche/h#(an #n 29er Ho&enAs 0)o 1erson 5#ngh(
E+ SBOO;I*G 81 Gol-= 1 Sl%er= ? BronFe9
Gol-2 6#t$ Ra# #n 4enAs <0& 1#sto'
Sl%er2 1+ 1e&%a 0a&ang, =$rpreet S#ngh and ?#Ca( ,$&ar #n 4enAs 2<& .entre >#re 1#sto' 0ea&
BronFe2 1+ Sh)eta .ha$dhr( #n Ho&enAs 10& A#r 1#sto'
2+ Rah# Sarno%at, An#sa Sa((ed and @eena S#dh$ #n Ho&enAs 2<& 1#sto' 0ea&
:+ Shag$n .ho)dhar(, Shre(as# S#ngh and ?asha ?ar&an #n Ho&enAs 5o$%'e 0rap 0ea&
4+ A%h#na B#ndra #n 4enAs 10& A#r R#"'e
>+ .ha#n S#ngh #n 4enAs <0& R#"'e 3 1os#t#ons
A+ A%h#na B#ndra, Ra# ,$&ar and SanCee RaCp$t #n 4enAs 10& A#r R#"'e 0ea&
?+ 6#t$ Ra#, Sa&aresh 6$ng and 1ra!ash 7anCappa #n 4enAs 10& A#r 1#sto' 0ea&
10+ S@UASB 81 Gol-= 2 Sl%er= 1 BronFe9
GOL72 Sa$ra =hosa'a, @ar#nder 1a' S#ngh Sandh$, 4ahesh 4angaon!ar, ,$sh ,$&ar
SILVER2 1+ Sa$ra =hosa' #n 4enAs S#ng'es
2+ 5#p#!a 1a''#!a', 6oshana .h#nappa, Ana!a A'an!a&on( and AparaC#tha Ba'a&$r$!an #n Ho&enAs 0ea&
BRO*OE2 5#p#!a 1a''#!a' #n Ho&enAs S#ng'es
11+ SWIMMI*G 81 BronFe9
BRO*OE2 Sandeep SeC)a' #n 4enAs <0& Breaststro!e
12+ ;E**IS 81 Gol-= 1 Sl%er= : BronFe9
Gol-2 San#a 4#r/a and Sa!eth 4(nen# #n 4#8ed 5o$%'es
Sl%er2 Sa!eth 4(nen# and Sana& S#ngh #n 4enAs 5o$%'es
BronFe' 1+ -$!# Bha&%r# #n 4enAs S#ng'es 2+ -$!# Bha&%r# and 5##C Sharan #n 4enAs 5o$%'es
:+ San#a 4#r/a and 1rarthana 0ho&%are #n Ho&enAs 5o$%'es
1:+ WRES;LI*G 81 Gol-= 1 Sl%er= : BronFe9
Gol-2 -ogesh)ar 5$tt #n 4enAs >reest('e ;<!g
Sl%er2 BaCrang #n 4enAs >reest('e ;1!g
BronFe' 1+ ?#nesh #n Ho&enAs >reest('e 48!g 2+ =eet#!a 6a!har #n Ho&enAs >reest('e ;3!g
:+ 7ars#ngh -ada #n 4enAs >reest('e 74!g
14+ WUSBU 82 BronFe9
BronFe2 1+ 7arender =re)a' #n 4enAs Sanda *;0!g 2+ Santho# 5e# #n Ho&enAs Sanda *<2!g
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I0(ort&nt Pont$'
1+ Sa$ra =hosa' %eca&e the "#rst Ind#an to enter the As#an =a&es "#na' #n SE$ash
2+ 5#p#!a 1a''#!a' )on %ron/e &eda' the "#rst %( an Ind#an )o&an sE$ash p'a(er
:+ ,h$sh%#r ,a$r (21*(ear*o'd) %eca&e the "#rst Ind#an )o&an to )#n a &eda' #n race )a'!#ng #n the As#an =a&es
4+ Ind#an %o8er L Sar#ta 5e# st$nned o""#c#a's and spectators %( re"$s#ng to accept the %ron/e &eda', &atch he'd %O)
So$th ,oreaAs 6#na 1ar!
>+ 4 . 4ar( ,o& %eca&e the "#rst Ind#an )o&an %o8er to c'#nch a go'd &eda' at the As#an =a&es
Pro K&3&-- Le&2ue2 0he 1ro ,a%add# Leag$e (1,L) #s a pro"ess#ona' !a%add# 'eag$e #n Ind#a, %ased on the "or&at o" the
Ind#an 1re&#er Leag$e+ O,ner 4 M&$6&l S(ort$ 7re!tor 4 C6&ru S6&r0& *o+ o1 ;e&0$ 4 C
Wnner * 6a#p$r 1#n! 1anthers de"eated U 4$&%a
Clu3 *&0e Ct" O,ner$ C&(t&n
Benga' Harr#ors ,o'!ata ,#shore B#(an# (>$t$re =ro$p) 7#'esh Sh#nde
Benga'$r$ B$''s Banga'ore ,os&#! ='o%a' 4ed#a 4anC#t .h#''ar
5a%ang 5e'h# 5e'h# Radha ,apoor 6as&er S#ngh
6a#p$r 1#n! 1anthers 6a#p$r A%h#she! Bacchan 7aneet =a$ta&
1atna 1#rates 1atna RaCesh Shah Ra!esh ,$&ar
1$ner# 1a'tan 1$ne S$&an'a' Shah Ha/#r S#ngh
0e'$g$ 0#tans ?#/ag ?eera Sports RaCag$r$
U 4$&%a 4$&%a# Ronn#e Scre))a'a An$p ,$&ar
IP;L - Intern&ton&l Pre0ere ;enn$ Le&2ue 4 $ & tenn$ cha&p#onsh#p 'eag$e that #s set to 'a$nch #n 7oe&%er
2014, and )#'' %e he'd across "o$r c#t#es2 4an#'a, 5$%a#, 5e'h# and S#ngapore+ 0he to$rna&ent )as the #dea o" 4ahesh
Bh$path# and #s st('ed on the Ind#an 1re&#er Leag$e+ *u03er o1 ;e&0$' 4 tea& "ro& 4 co$ntr#es
;e&0$ &re 4 1+ M&nl& M&%er!)$ 2+ UAE Ro"&l$ :+ In-&n A!e$ 4+ Sn2&(ore Sl&00er$
*ote' Ra"ae' 7ada' )#thdre) "ro& the 'eag$e d$e to hea'th pro%'e&s+ @e #s rep'aced %( Roger >ederer #n the Ind#an tea&
*&ton&l S(ort$ A,&r-$'
Ar5un& &,&r-' A%h#she! ?er&a (archer(), 0#nt$ L$!a (ath'et#cs), @+7+ =#r#sha (para*ath'et#cs), ?+ 5#C$ (%ad&#nton),
=eeth$ Anna 6ose (%as!et%a''), 6a# Bhag)an (%o8#ng), R+ Ash)#n (cr#c!et), An#r%an Lah#r# (go'"), 4a&ta 1$Car#
(!a%add#), SaC# 0ho&as (ro)#ng), @eena S#dh$ (shoot#ng), Ana!a A'an!a&on( (sE$ash), 0o& 6oseph (o''e(%a''),
Ren$%a'a .han$ ()e#ght'#"t#ng), S$n#' ,$&ar Rana ()rest'#ng)+
7ron&!6&r"& &,&r-' 4aha%#r 1rasad ()rest'#ng)K L#"et#&e ach#ee&ent2 7+ L#ngappa (ath'et#cs), =+ 4anoharan
(%o8#ng), =$rcharan S#ngh =og# (C$do), 6ose 6aco% (ro)#ng)+
76"&n C6&n- &,&r-' =$r&a#' S#ngh (hoc!e(), ,+1+ 0ha!!ar (s)#&&#ng*d##ng), Seeshan A'# (tenn#s)+
;enFn2 *or2&" A,&r-$' L&n- &-%enture' S$%edar 6agat S#ngh, 1assang 0en/#ng SherpaK Ar &-%enture' 4H:
S$render S#nghK L1et0e &!6e%e0ent' Hg+ .dr+ (retd) A&#t .ho)dh$r(+
M&ul&n& A3ul K&l&0 AF&- ;ro(6"' 1$nCa%# Un#ers#t(, 1at#a'a+
R&$6tr"& K6el Prot$&6&n Pur&$)&r' :#' and 7at$ra' =as .orporat#on, 6#nda' Stee' Hor!s =$r$ @an$&an A!hara,
*ote' + 7o sportsperson )as se'ected "or R&5% G&n-6 K6el R&tn& A,&r- th#s (ear+
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2014 Co00on,e<6 G&0e$'
2014 Co00on,e<6 G&0e$' 0he 2014 .o&&on)ea'th =a&es (o""#c#a''( the RR .o&&on)ea'th =a&es) )ere he'd #n
='asgo), Scot'and, "ro& 23 6$'( to 3 A$g$st 2014+ 0h#s #s the 20th ed#t#on o" the .o&&on)ea'th =a&es+
M&$!ot' Cl"-e= an anthropo&orph#c th#st'e na&ed a"ter the r#er )h#ch "'o)s thro$gh the centre o" ='asgo), )as the
o""#c#a' &ascot o" the 2014 .o&&on)ea'th =a&es+
2018 Co00on,e<6 G&0e$' - )#'' %e he'd #n =o'd .oast (A$stra'#a)+
Me-&l ;&ll"'
R&n) *&ton Gol- Sl%er BronFe ;ot&l
1 9ng'and <8 <9 <7 174
2 A$stra'#a 49 42 4; 137
: .anada 32 1; 34 82
4 Scot'and 19 1< 19 <3
> Ind#a 1< 30 19 ;4
In-& n t6e 2014 Co00on,e<6 G&0e$= Gl&$2o,= S!otl&n-
Ind#a "#n#shed "#"th #n the 2014 .o&&on)ea'th =a&es )#th ;4 &eda's ta''( co&pr#s#ng 1< go'd, 30 s#'er and 19 %ron/e+ Ind#a
!ept occ$p(#ng "#"th spot on the &eda's ta%'e+
:n c'os#ng cere&on(, the Ind#an cont#ngentBs "'ag %earer )as See&a 1$n#a, )ho )on S#'er #n )o&enAs d#sc$s thro)+ Hh#'e,
the torch %earer #n the open#ng cere&on( )as ace shooter ?#Ca( ,$&ar, the 2012 London :'(&p#cs S#'er &eda'#st+
Bere $ t6e l$t 0e-&l ,nner$
Gol- Me-&l$t Wnner$ - We26tl1tn2
1+ , SanC#ta .han$2 48 !g categor(
2+ S$!hen 5e(2 <; !g categor(
3+ Sat#sh S#a'#nga&2 77 !g categor(
Sl%er Me-&l Wnner$ - We26tl1tn2
1+ S 4#ra%a# .han$ 3 48 !g categor(
2+ Santosh# 4atsa * <3 !g categor(
3+ Ra# ,at$'$ * 4enAs )e#ght'#"t#ng, 77 !g
4+ ?#!as 0ha!$r * 4enAs )e#ght'#"t#ng, 8< !g
<+ RaC#nder Rahe'$ * 4enAs hea( po)er'#"t#ng
BronFe Me-&l Wnner- We26tl1tn2
1+ =anesh 4a'# * 4enAs )e#ght'#"t#ng <; !g
2+ S)at# S#ngh * Ho&enAs <3 !g categor(
:+ :&!ar :tar# * 4enAs ;9 !g He#ght'#"t#ng
4+ 1$na& -ada * Ho&enAs )e#ght'#"t#ng, ;3 !g
>+ .handra!ant 4a'# * 4enAs )e#ght'#"t#ng, 94 !g
A+ Sa!#na ,hat$n * Ho&enAs '#ght)e#ght po)er '#"t#ng
=o'd 4eda' )#nner Hrest'#ng
1+ S$sh#' ,$&ar2 In 4enBs )rest'#ng, 7<!g "reest('e
2+ -ogesh)ar 5$tt2 In 4enBs )rest'#ng, ;< !g "reest('e
:+ A&#t ,$&ar2, <7!g "reest('e+
4+ Ba%#ta ,$&ar#2 << !g "reest('e
>+ ?#nesh 1hogat2 48!g "reest('e
Sl%er Me-&l ,nner - Wre$tln2
1+ RaCee 0o&ar * 4enAs )rest'#ng, 12< !g
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2+ Sat(a)art ,ad#an * 4enAs )rest'#ng, 97 !g "reest('e
:+ BaCrang * 4enAs )rest'#ng, ;1 !g
4+ La'#ta Sehra)at * Ho&enAs )rest'#ng, <3 !g
>+ Sa!sh# 4a'#! * Ho&enAs )rest'#ng, <8 !g
A+ Geet)& <6&)&r * Ho&enAs )rest'#ng, ;3 !g "reest('e
BronFe Me-&l ,nner - Wre$tln2
1+ *&%5ot K&ur * Ho&enAs )rest'#ng, ;9 !g
2+ P&,&n Ku0&r * 4enAs )rest'#ng, 8; !g "reest('e
Gol- Me-&l Wnner In S6ootn2
1+ A36n&% Bn-r&2 In 4enBs 10& A#r R#"'e
2+ <tu R&' In 4enBs shoot#ng, <0 & 1#sto'
:+ R&6 S&rno3&t' 2< & 1#sto'
4+ A(ur% C6&n-el&' 10 & A#r R#"'e
Sl%er Me-&l Wnner In S6ootn2
1+ M&l&)& Goel - Ho&enAs 10& A#r 1#sto' shoot#ng
2+ Pr&)&$6 *&n5&((& * 4enAs shoot#ng, 10& A#r 1#sto'
:+ A"on)& P&ul * Ho&enAs shoot#ng, 10& A#r R#"'e
4+ An$& S&"ee- - Ho&enAs shoot#ng, 2<& 1#sto'
>+ Shre(as# S#ngh * Ho&enAs shoot#ng, do$%'e trap
A+ =$rpa' S#ngh * 4enAs shoot#ng, <0& 1#sto'
?+ =agan 7arang * 4enAs shoot#ng, <0& R#"'e 1rone
C+ SanCee RaCp$t * 4enAs shoot#ng, <0& R#"'e 3 1os#t#ons
E+ @arpreet S#ngh * 4enAs shoot#ng, 2<& Rap#d >#re 1#sto'
BronFe Me-&l Wnner In S6ootn2
1+ Mo6&00e- A$&3 * 4enAs shoot#ng, do$%'e trap
2+ G&2&n *&r&n2 * 4enAs shoot#ng, <0& R#"'e 3 1os#t#ons
:+ M&n&%5t Sn26 Sandh$ * 4enAs shoot#ng, 0rap
4+ L&55& G&u$,&0 * Ho&enAs shoot#ng, <0& R#"'e 3 1os#t#ons
Gol- Me-&l Wnner n At6let!$
1+ V)&$ Go,-&' A"ter )#nn#ng the go'd &eda' In 4enBs -$!u$ t6ro, ?#!as =o)da %eca&e the "#rst Ind#an &an to )#n a "#e'd
eent go'd &eda' at the .o&&on)ea'th =a&es+ =o)da thre) the d#sc$s to ;3+;4& to c'#nch the go'd &eda'
*ote' ?#!as =o)da %eca&e the "#rst Ind#an &an to )#n a "#e'd eent go'd &eda' at the .o&&on)ea'th =a&es
Sl%er Me-&l Wnner n At6let!$
1+ See0& Pun& * Ho&enAs d#sc$s thro)
BronFe Me-&l Wnner n At6let!$
1+ 7(& K&r0&)&r - Ho&enAs art#st#c g(&nast#cs
1+ 7()& P&ll)&l &n- <o$6&n& C6n&((&' In Ho&enBs do$%'es "#na's the pa#r o" 5#p#!a 1a''#!a' and 6oshana .h#nappa
de"eated 9ng'andBs 6enn( 5$nca'" and La$ra 4assaro 11*;, 11*8 #n stra#ght sets+
*ote' 0he pa#r gae Ind#a the#r "#rst sE$ash &eda' #n the .o&&on)ea'th =a&es+
Gol- Me-&l n B&-0nton
1+ P&ru(&ll K&$6"&(' 1ar$pa''# ,ash(ap #n 4enBs Bad&#nton "#na' de"eated S#ngaporeBs 5ere! Hong
*ote' P&ru(&ll K&$6"&( %eca&e the "#rst Ind#an &an #n 32 (ears to )#n %ad&#nton go'd at the =a&es+
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Sl%er Me-&l n B&-0nton
1+ <,&l& Gutt& &n- A$6,n Ponn&((& * Ho&enAs %ad&#nton do$%'es
BronFe Me-&l n B&-0nton
1+ PV Sn-6u - Ho&enAs %ad&#nton
2+ RMV Guru$&-utt * 4enAs %ad&#nton
Sl%er Me-&l n Bo.n2
1+ La#shra& Sar#ta 5e# * Ho&enAs %o8#ng, <7*;0 !g
:+ La#shra& 5eendro S#ngh * 4enAs %o8#ng, 4;*49 !g
:+ ?#Cender S#ngh * 4enAs %o8#ng, 7< !g
4+ 4andeep 6angra * 4enAs %o8#ng, ;9 !g
BronFe Me-&l n Bo.n2
1+ Pn) <&n2r& * Ho&enAs %o8#ng, <1 !g
Sl%er Me-&l n ;&3le ;enn$
1+ A!6&nt& S6&r&t6 ,a&a' and Anton( A&a'raC * 4enAs 0a%'e 0enn#s
Sl%er Me-&l n <u-o
1+ *&%5ot C6&n& * 4enAs C$do ;0 !g ('ost to Ash'e( 4c,en/#e o" 9ng'and on pena't( po#nts (sh#do) #n the "#na')
2+ S6u$6l& L)0&3&0 * Ho&enAs C$do 48 !g ('ost to ,#&%er'( Ren#c!s o" Scot'and #n the "#na')
BronFe Me-&l n <u-o
1+ ,a'pana 0ho$da& * Ho&enAs C$do <2 !g
2+ R&5,n-er K&ur - Ho&enAs U78 !g C$do
2014 FIFA Worl- Cu('
Ger0&n" -e1e&t Argent#na %( 1*0 to '#"t 2014 >I>A Hor'd .$p t#t'e+
1+ Gol-en B&ll A,&r-' Lonel Me$$ )as dec'ared as the 1'a(er o" the to$rna&ent and a)arded =o'den Ba''+
2+ Gol-en Boot A,&r-' <&0e$ Ro-r2ueF o1 Colo03& )#ns the =o'den Boot a)ard "or "#n#sh#ng top scorer at the 2014
Hor'd .$p #n Bra/#'+ @e scores ; goa's #n the to$rna&ent+
:+ Gol-en Glo%e A,&r-' M&nuel *euer (=er&an() )#ns =o'den ='oe at 2014 Hor'd .$p+
B&t-R!) Go&l' ;6o0&$ Muller (=er&an() score "#rst hattr#c! and X6er-&n S6&Mr (S)#t/er'and) c'a#& second hattr#c!
o" the to$rna&ent+
*ote' + M&ro GUtFe !#c!s #n second ha'" o" e8tra t#&e to he'p =er&an( to )#n the "#na' %( 1*0 aga#nst Argent#na+
+ =er&an( )on the#r 1ourt6 Hor'd .$p a"ter a 24*(ear (19<4, 1974 and 1990) )a#t+
+ 7ether'and stood 3
and Bra/#' stood 4
#n the to$rna&ent+
%+ Br&Fu!& #s the na&e o" the ne) %a'' $ne#'ed #n the 2014 >I>A Hor'd .$p
FIFA r&n)n2$'
1+ =er&an( 2+ Argent#na 3+ 7ether'and 4+ .o'o&%#a <+ Be'g#$&
;+ Ur$g$a( 7+ Bra/#' 8+ Spa#n
FIFA 8Foot3&ll9 Worl- Cu( %enue' - R@
1+ 2018 2 Ru$$&
2+ 20222 @&t&r
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US O(en 2014'
1+ MenD$ Sn2le * .roat#aAs M&rn Cl! de"eated Ke *$6)or
o" 6apan #n stra#ght sets to c'#nch the t#t'e
*ote2 Hor'd 7o+14 .#'#c c'a#&ed h#s "#rst =rand S'a& t#t'e )#th
the )#n #n h#s "#rst appearance #n a =rand S'a& "#na'+
2+Wo0enD$ Sn2le * Seren& Wll&0$ de"eated C&rolne
WoFn&F) o" 5en&ar! to )on 3rd consec$t#e US :pen 0#t'e
7ote2 H#th th#s )#n H#''#a&s Co#ned the 0enn#s greats .hr#s
9ert and 4art#na 7arat#'oa on 1C Gr&n- Sl&0 ttle$+
:+ M)e &n- Bo3 Br"&n )on "#"th U+S+ 0enn#s :pen &enAs
do$%'es t#t'e
4+ M.e- 7ou3le$ - San#a 4#r/a * Br$no Soares )#n ed
do$%'es t#t'e %( de"eated A&er#can*4e8#can tea& o" A%#ga#'
Spears and Sant#ago =on/a'e/
*ote' 0h#s )as San#aAs "#rst US :pen and careerAs th#rd 4#8ed
5o$%'es =rand S'a& t#t'e+
*ote2 Ke *$6)or %eca&e the "#rst &an "ro& 6apan to reach
the U+S+ :pen se&#"#na's #n 9; (ears, de"eated Stan Ha)r#n!a
o" S)#t/er'and+
*ote2 0he 'ast 6apanese se&#"#na'#st at the U+S+ :pen
)as I!6"& Ku0&2&e #n 1918+ 7o &an "ro& the co$ntr( had
&ade #t to the "#na' "o$r at an( &aCor to$rna&ent s#nce 6#r#
Satoh at H#&%'edon #n 1933+
W03le-on 2014'
1+ MenD$ ;tle' *o%&) 75o)o%! de"eated Roger >ederer to )#n h#s second 4enAs H#&%'edon t#t'e and $e%ent6 career
=rand S'a&+
2+ Wo0enD$ ;tle' Petro K%to%& de"eated 9$gen#e Bo$chard to )#n H#&%'edon t#t'e
Fren!6 O(en 2014'
1+ MenD$ ;tle' R&1&el *&-&l c'#nches record nnt6 >rench :pen t#t'e+ @e de"eated *o%&) 75o)o%! #n the "#na'+
*ote2 Ra"a' 7ada' no) )on 14 Gr&n- Sl&0 s#ng'es t#t'es t#'' no)+
2+ Wo0enD$ ;tle' M&r& S6&r&(o%& de"eat S0on& B&le( to )#n >rench :pen 0#t'e second t#&e+
*ote2 4ar#a Sharapoa )on >t6 =rand S'a& t#t'e+
Au$tr&l&n O(en 2014'
1+ MenD$ Sn2le' S)#t/er'andAs St&n$l&$ W&,rn)& c'a#&ed h#s "#rst =rand S'a& t#t'e %( de"eat#ng Ra"ae' 7ada'
2+ Wo0enD$ Sn2le2 L *& 8C6n&9 de"eat 5o&#n#!a .#%$'!oa+ L# 7a %eco&es "#rst .h#nese )o&an to c'#nch t#t'e+
:+ Wo0enD$ 7ou3le$2 9rran# and Ro%erta ?#nc# %eat R$ss#aAs 9!ater#na 4a!aroa and 9'ena ?esn#na
Bo!)e" Worl- Cu( 2014'
1+ MenD$ ;tle' Au$tr&l& de"eated *et6erl&n- #n the "#na'+
*ote' A$stra'#a )on the t#t'e "or the second t#&e,
2+ Wo0enD$ ;tle' *et6erl&n- de"eated Au$tr&l& #n the "#na'+
*ote' 7ether'and )on the t#t'e "or the $e%ent6 t#&e,
*ote2 Ind#an &enAs hoc!e( tea& ran! Et6 #n 'atest )ord hoc!e( ran!#ngs+
Bo!)e" Worl- Cu( 201C Venue'
1+ 4enBs @oc!e( Hor'd .$p 3 In-&
2+ Ho&enBs @oc!e( Hor'd .$p * En2l&n-
ICC Worl- Cu( Cr!)et Venue'
O7I' 8One -&" Intern&ton&l9'
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1+ A$stra'#a M 7e) Sea'and2 201>+
2+ 9ng'and * 201E
:+ Ind#a * 202:
1+ Bang'adesh *2014+ 3 Sr L&n)& de"eat In-& to )#n the &a#den t#t'e+
2+ Ind#a *201A+
:+ A$stra'#a * 2020+
1+ 9ng'and3 201? ("or "#rst t#&e)+
2+ Ind#a * 2021+
U-1E Worl- Cu(
1+ UA9 4 2014 - + Sout6 A1r!& de"eated P&)$t&n to )#n the
&a#den t#t'e+
2+ Bang'adesh 4 201A
:+ 7e) Sea'and 4 201C
4+ So$th A"r#ca 4 2020
>+ Hest Ind#es - 2022
Co00on,e<6 G&0e$ %enue$'
1+ 2014 3 Gl&$2o, 8S!otl&n-9+
2+ 2018 3 Gol- Co&$t 8Au$tr&l&9+
Ol"0(!$ G&0e$ %enue$'
1+ 2014 )#nter2 Soch# (R$ss#a) 3 Ru$$& to($ #n the &eda' ta''( #n 2014 )#nter :'(&p#c ga&es+
2+ 201; S$&&er2 R#o de 6ane#ro (Bra/#')
:+ 2018 )#nter2 1(eongchang (So$th ,orea)
4+ 2020 s$&&er2 0o!(o (6apan)
1+ Ind#a s'#pped e#ghts p'aces to %e ran!ed 1<8th #n the 'atest >I>A ran!#ngs
2+ 9$rope reta#ns =o'"As R(der .$p %( de"eat#ng Un#ted States
:+ Leander 1aes a'ong )#th h#s ne) partner 4arc#n 4at!o)s!# '#"ted the A01 4a'a(s#an :pen t#t'e
4+ Un#on 4#n#str( o" Sports #na$g$rated 7at#ona' Acade&#es "or Ath'et#cs M =o'" #n 0h#r$ananthap$ra&, ,era'a
>+ B..I e8tends ten$re o" Ra# Shastr# as tea& Ind#a d#rector t#'' 201< Hor'd .$p
A+ .r#c!eter Sach#n 0end$'!ar and Stee Ha$gh o" A$stra'#a se'ected as Brad&an @ono$ree 2014
?+ M&r%&n At&(&ttuG$ #s ne) Sr# Lan!a .oach+
C+ San#a 4#r/a M .ara B'ac! )#n do$%'es t#t'e at H0A 0ora( 1ac#"#c :pen
E+ I.. Hor'd .r#c!et Leag$e, H.L 5##s#on 3 )#'' %e he'd #n ,$a'a L$&p$r, 4a'a(s#a cap#ta'+
7ote2 0he s#8 tea&s co&pet#ng #n the eent are Ber&$da, 4a'a(s#a, 7epa', S#ngapore, Uganda and the USA+
10+ Bo8er 4anoC ,$&ar )#ns co$rt %att'e aga#nst got, to get ArC$na A)ard
11+ Bo!)e" In-& n-u!te- *@oc!e( ?#''age Ind#a as an acade&( &e&%er
12+ AIBA 98ec$t#e .o&&#ttee B$rea$ "or&a''( recogn#sed Bo8#ng Ind#a as the pro#s#ona' AIBA 7at#ona' >ederat#on to
represent the sport o" %o8#ng #n Ind#a+
1:+ USA ,on >IBA Bas!et%a'' Hor'd .$p 2014 de"eat#ng Ser%#a
14+ .h#tresh 0atha #s the (o$ngest sa#'or at the As#an =a&es 2014
1>+ Sa%#ne L#s#c!# )on @ong ,ong :pen 0#t'e de"eat#ng ,aro'#na 1'#s!oa
1A+ @ S 1ranno( )on Indones#an &asters t#t'e (Bad&#nton) de"eated Indones#an >#r&an A%d$' ,ho'#!
1?+ 4egha'a(aAs 9d)ard 4a)thoh has %agged a %ron/e &eda' at the Hor'd ,#c!%o8#ng .ha&p#onsh#ps
1C+ I.. s$spends 1a!#stanAs Saeed AC&a' "or #''ega' %o)'#ng act#on+
1E+ Le)#s @a&#'ton sho)ed )on Ita'#an =rand 1r#8+
20+ S$dha!ar 6a(ant )#ns go'd at Hor'd 4asters He#ght'#"t#ng .ha&p#onsh#ps
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21+ R#t$ Ran# to 'ead Ind#an )o&enAs hoc!e( tea& at As#an =a&es
22+ .r#c!et 'egend ,ap#' 5e has %een hono$red )#th a L#"et#&e Ach#ee&ent a)ard at a cere&on( #n the @o$se o" Lords #n
2:+ B..I s#gns "#e*(ear &2ree0ent ,t6 MRF P&!e Foun-&ton
*ote2 ='enn 4c=rath, d#rector o" the "o$ndat#on and "or&er A$stra'#an pace %o)'er, )#'' tra#n the p'a(ers+ 4c=rath )ho
p'a(ed "or A$stra'#a "or 14 (ears )as h#&se'" tra#ned #n the "o$ndat#on $nder 5enn#s L#''ee #n 1992+
24+ Ind#a )on the "#e &atches :5I ser#es 3*1 aga#nst 9ng'and+ 0he "#rst &atch o" the ser#es )as )ashed o$t d$e to ra#n
)#tho$t a %a'' %e#ng %o)'ed+ @o)eer, Ind#a )on the second, th#rd and "o$rth &atches o" the ser#es %$t s$""ered a de"eat
%( the hands o" 9ng'and #n the "#"th and the "#na' &atch+ M&n-o1-t6e-Sere$ 3 S$resh Ra#na
2>+ C&roln& M&rn %eca&e the "#rst S(&n&r- to ,n Worl- B&-0nton .ha&p#onsh#p %( de"eat#ng L# 7a
2A+ Ind#a capta#n 4#tha'# RaC re&a#ns 7$&%er :ne Bats)o&an #n I.. Ran!#ngs
2?+ .r#st#ano Rona'do na&ed the UEFA Be$t Pl&"er n Euro(e
2C+ S#&%a%)e %eat A$stra'#a "or "#rst t#&e #n 31 (ears+ capta#n 9'ton .h#g$&%$raAs
2E+ 2
S$&&er -o$th :'(&p#cs =a&es he'd #n 7anC#ng, .h#na
:0+ He#ght'#"ter Raga'a ?en!at Rah$' %agged Ind#aAs "#rst &eda' o" the second -o$th :'(&p#c =a&es #n 7anC#ng, .h#na+
:1+ @oc!e( Ind#a #nd$cts 4adh(a 1radesh as ne) 23rd Assoc#ate 4e&%er+
*ote' + 1r#or to %e#ng the assoc#ate &e&%er o" @oc!e( Ind#a, @oc!e( 4adh(a 1radesh )as !no)n as 4adh(a 1radesh
@oc!e( Assoc#at#on
+ @oc!e( Ind#a c$rrent'( has 2< per&anent, 23 assoc#ate, 2 &e&%ers thro$gh State :'(&p#c Assoc#at#ons, ; Acade&(
&e&%ers and 1 @oc*,e( 4e&%er+
+ *tn 760ole $ t6e Pre$-ent and Lo! Bahad$r #s the =enera' Secretar( o" the @oc!e( 4adh(a 1radesh+
:2+ Ku$6 Ku0&r 3e!&0e "#rst Ind#an p'a(er to reach se&# "#na' o" Hor'd 6$n#or SE$ash .ha&p#onsh#p+
::+ Ra#chandran Ash)#n no&#nated "or 2014 ArC$na A)ard
:4+ Ro2er Fe-erer H#ns 4#'estone 300th 4asters 4atch2 Roger >ederer %eca&e the "#rst &an to )#n 300 &atches at the A01
4asters 1000 'ee', %eat#ng ?ase! 1osp#s#' #n .#nc#nnat#+
:>+ Rea' 4adr#d )on U9>A >oot%a'' S$per .$p #n .ard#""
:A+ 1arag'#d#ng Hor'd .$p Assoc#at#on $ele!te- B0&!6&l Pr&-e$6 as a en$e to host the 201< para*g'#d#ng Hor'd .$p+
*ote' 0h#s )#'' %e the "#rst para*g'#d#ng Hor'd .$p to %e hosted #n Ind#a+ 0he to$rna&ent )#'' %e organ#sed $nder the aeg#s
o" 1ara*g'#d#ng Hor'd .$p Assoc#at#on, >rance+
:?+ 6a&&$ and ,ash&#r to host >oot%a'' >ederat#on .$p #n A$g$st 201<
:C+ 5$tch teenager 4a8 ?erstappen to %eco&e (o$ngest >or&$'a :ne dr#er
:E+ So$th A"r#can a''*ro$nder cr#c!eter 6acE$es ,a''#s, anno$nced h#s ret#re&ent "ro& a'' "or&ats o" #nternat#ona' cr#c!et+
40+ =er&an Sa%#ne L#s#c!# created a record o" "astest sere at 131 &#'es per #n the )o&enBs tenn#s+
41+ Bero MotoCor( na&ed t#t'e sponsor o" ISL+ Ind#an S$per Leag$e ** the "#rst*o"*#ts*!#nd "ranch#se*%ased "oot%a'' 'eag$e #n
the co$ntr(+
42+ P6l(( L&60, the capta#n o" =er&an(Bs "oot%a'' tea& anno$nced h#s ret#re&ent "ro& #nternat#ona' ga&e +
4:+ Ita'(Bs ?#ncen/o 7#%a'# )#ns 101st ed#t#on o" 0o$r de >rance
44+ 9ng'#sh a''*roun-er Moeen Al has %een %anned "ro& )ear#ng ISae =a/aJ and I>ree 1a'est#neJ )r#st%ands t#'' the
re&a#nder o" the th#rd 0est &atch aga#nst Ind#a #n So$tha&pton
4>+ Ir#sh&an Ror" M!Ilro" )on the Br#t#sh Gol1 O(en .ha&p#onsh#p 2014
4A+ 5$rand .$p "oot%a'' to$rna&ent 20142 0he th#rd o'dest "oot%a'' to$rna&ent #n the )or'd, 5$rand .$p, )#'' %e he'd #n =oa
%et)een :cto%er 28 and 7oe&%er 9 th#s (ear+
4?+ 7#co Ros%erg )#ns A$str#an =rand 1r#8 0#t'e 2014+
4C+ 3<th 7at#ona' =a&es to %e he'd #n ,era'a ne8t (ear+
7ote2 Sach#n 0end$'!ar #s the %rand a&%assador o" 3<th 7at#ona' =a&es+
4E+ .h#na de"eated 6apan to )on U%er .$p 2014 o" %ad&#nton
>0+ 6apan de"eated 4a'a(s#a to '#"t &a#den 0ho&as .$p Bad&#nton troph( 2014+
>1+ 6apan %eat A$stra'#a #n Ho&enAs As#an .$p >oot%a'' "#na'+
>2+ As#a .$p 0#t'e 20142 Sr# Lan!a de"eat 1a!#stan to )#n the t#t'e+
>:+ RanC# 0roph( 2014+ ,arnata!a %eat 4aharashtra to '#"t the t#t'e+ ,arnata!a hae )on the troph( "or seenth t#&e+
>4+ Iran# 0roph( 20142 ,arnata!a )on %( de"eat#ng Rest o" Ind#a+
>>+ Ind#a c'a#& U*19 As#a .$p t#t'e %( de"eat#ng 1a!#stan #n "#na'
>A+ ?#Ca( @a/are 0roph( 20142 ,arnata!a )on the t#t'e %( de"eat#ng Ra#')a(s
>?+ 5eodhar 0roph( 20142 Hest Sone '#"ted the troph( a"ter de"eat#ng 7orth Sone #n the "#na'
>C+ ;8th Santosh 0roph( 2 4#/ora& de"eat Ra#')a(s to )#n the t#t'e+
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*e,$ Rel&te- ;o 7e1en!e # ;e!6nolo2"
In-&G$ M&r$ 0$$on $u!!e$$1ul on 1$t &tte0(t2 Ind#aAs "#rst M&r$ or%#ter s$ccess"$''( %egan a 400 &#''#on*!& 'ong Co$rne(
to 4ars, &a!#ng #t the 1r$t A$&n !ountr" &n- t6e 1ourt6 n t6e ,orl- to $nderta!e a &#ss#on to the red p'anet+
I0(ort&nt Pont$+
Ind#aAs 4:4 #s the cheapest #nter*p'anetar( &#ss#on, cost#ng o" Rs 4<0 .rore (P;71 &#''#on) entered the 4art#an or%#t on
24 Septe&%er 2014+
0he 4ars :r%#ter 4#ss#on (4:4), a'so ca''ed 4anga'(aan, #s Ind#aBs "#rst #nterp'anetar( &#ss#on to the p'anet 4ars+
Ind#a %eco&es the "#rst co$ntr( #n the )or'd to #nsert a spacecra"t #nto the 4art#an or%#t #n #ts er( "#rst atte&pt+
4ars :r%#ter Spacecra"t, Ind#aAs "#rst #nterp'anetar( pro%e, )as 'a$nched %( 1SL?*.2< on 7oe&%er <, 2013 "ro& Sat#sh
5ha)an Space .entre, Sr#har#!ota+
Ind#an Space Research :rgan#sat#on (ISR:) %eco&es the "o$rth
space agenc( to reach 4ars a"ter Ro$!o$0o$ 8Ru$$&9= *ASA
8USA9 &n- ESA 8Euro(e&n9+
0he "#rst .h#nese &#ss#on to 4ars, !&lle- /n26uo-1= 1&le- n
0he proCect )as approed %( the goern&ent o" Ind#a on 3 A$g$st 2012 and costs Rs+ 4<0 crores+
4:4 #s the cheapest and 'o)est*cost #nter*p'anetar( &#ss#on eer to %e $nderta!en #n the )or'd+ It cost $s a'' a &ere Rs 4
per person
0he &#ss#on s$ccess"$''( co&p'eted #ts 100 da(s #n space on >e%r$ar( 12, 2014+
0he sate''#te has carr#ed a co&pact sc#ence e8per#&ent #nstr$&ents, tota'#ng a &ass o" 1<!g to st$d( the 4art#an s$r"ace,
at&osphere and &#nera'og(+
0he 4ethane Sensor >or 4ars (4S4) 3 )#'' con"#r& the presence o" ðane #n the 4art#an at&osphere+ 4ethane #s
cons#dered a !e( che&#ca' to deter&#ne '#"e process+4S4 #s a&ong the "#e so'ar*po)ered #nstr$&ents a%oard
4anga'(aan that )#'' gather #n"or&at#on on ho) the 4art#an )eather s(ste&s )or!+
Accord#ng to 7ASA, :$t o" the <1 &#ss#ons to the red p'anet %( d#""erent co$ntr#es, on'( 21 )ent s$ccess"$' t#'' no)+
M$$le$ n u$e o1 In-&n Ar0"'
1r#th# I * 1<0!& * Sur1&!e to 4 Sur1&!e $6ort r&n2e 3&ll$t! 0$$le+
1r#th# II * 3<0!&
1r#th# III * 3<0!& * ;00!&
Agn# I * 700!& *12<0!& Sur1&!e to 4 Sur1&!e $6ort r&n2e 3&ll$t! 0$$le+
Agn# II * 2000!& *3<00!&
Agn# III * 3<00!& *<000!&
Agn# I? * 3000!& *4000!&
Agn# ? * <<00!& *<800!&
Agn# ?I * 8000!& *3<00!&
A!ash* 30 !&
1+ 701. ?#d($t ?(apar 7#ga& L#&#ted and So'ar 9nerg( .orporat#on o" Ind#a L#&#ted are set to enter #nto separate
agree&ents )#th Andhra 1radesh "or sett#ng $p o" 'arge so'ar po)er generat#on par!s o" a%o$t 1000 4H each+
2+ 701. enter #nto an agree&ent )#th the Andhra 1radesh State "or #ts 'ong pend#ng 4000 4H ther&a' po)er proCect
proposed at 1$d#&ada!a, 'ocated c'ose to ?#sa!hapatna& d#str#ct #n Andhra 1radesh+
:+ Ra(s 1o)er 98perts anno$nced to set $p <0 &) So'ar 1o)er =enerat#on 1ar! #n Andhra 1radesh+
7ote2 Ra(s 1o)er 98perts #s a th#rd 'argest co&pan( #n so'ar po)er e8ec$ted #n Ind#a+
4+ Ind#a s$ccess"$''( test*"#res n$c'ear*capa%'e s$r"ace*to*s$r"ace Agn#*I &#ss#'e+ 0he %a''#st#c &#ss#'e has a str#!#ng range o"
700 to 12<0 !&
>+ Iran $ne#'ed a ne) s$r"ace*to*a#r 0a'ash*3 (9""ort*3, #n 1ers#an) &#ss#'e and t)o radar s(ste&s Arash*2 and ,a(han
A+ A%& In-r&-2014 e.er!e' Indo*R$ss#a &a#den aer#a' e8erc#se he'd #n .asp#an Sea #n R$ss#a+
?+ Indo*US Co#nt &#'#tar( /u-6 A36"&$ e8erc#se $nder)a( #n Uttara!hand
C+ Indo*7epa' Co#nt &#'#tar( e8erc#se S$r(a ,#ran*?II conc'$ded at 1#thoragarh
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E+ 1a!#stan test "#red short range n$c'ear capa%'e &#ss#'e @at" IR short range s$r"ace*to*s$r"ace &#ss#'e+ It #s a n$c'ear capa%'e
%a''#st#c &#ss#'e )#th a &a8#&$& range o" ;0 !#'o&eter
10+ IR*SS - 1C, the ne8t sate''#te #n Ind#aBs IR7SS (Ind#an Reg#ona' 7a#gat#ona' Sate''#te S(ste&) ser#es, #s set to %e 'a$nched
on :cto%er 9 %( ISR:+
*ote2 IR7SS 1. )#'' %e 'a$nched on a 1SL? .2; "ro& Sr#har#!ota+ 0he sate''#te #s s#&#'ar to, and "o''o)s the IR7SS 1A and
1B )h#ch )ere 'a$nched #n Apr#' 2013 and 6$'( 2014 respect#e'(+
IR7SS #s a na#gat#on s(ste& that )#'' coer Ind#a, and a'so
e8tend 1,<00 !&s "ro& #ts %o$ndar#es+
11+ I*S Kol)&t& ' 1r#&e 4#n#ster 7arendra 4od#
co&&#ss#oned I7S ,o'!ata at the 7aa' %ase #n 4$&%a#+ I7S
,o'!ata #s %#ggest and &ost po)er"$' g$#ded &#ss#'e*
12+ I*S K&0ort&2 Ind#aAs "#rst #nd#geno$s'( %$#'t Ant#*s$%&ar#ne )arsh#p #nd$cted #nto the 7a(+
1:+ PM -e-!&te$ t,o 6"-ro (o,er (ro5e!t$ n Le6 &n- K&r2l2 (#) 44 4H C6ut&) 6"-ro-ele!tr! proCect #n ,arg#' d#str#ct
and (##) 4< 4H *0oo B&F2o proCect #n Leh d#str#ct+
*ote' + 0he .h$ta! @(droe'ectr#c 1'ant #s a r$n*o"*the*r#er po)er proCect on the Suru R%er
+ 0he 7#&oo Ba/go po)er stat#on #s 'ocated on r%er In-u$+
14+ C6n& un%ele- t$ ne.t 2ener&ton Intercont#nenta' Ba''#st#c 4#ss#'e (I.B4) 7on21en2 4 41 87F-419+
7ote2 5>*41 )#th #ts 'ong range has s#&#'ar a%#'#t#es to the US roc!et Mnute0&n, )h#ch has a range o" 13000 !& or
R$ss#an RS-24M /&r$+
1>+ 0he Ind#an A#r >orce rece#ed #ts $.t6 C-1? Glo3e0&$ter hea( '#"t transport a#rcra"t )h#ch a'so carr#ed a Hor'd Har II
#ntage A@arardA a#rcra"t #n #ts %e''(+
1A+ Indo*R$ss#a pact p'anned to dee'op a s'ee!er and "aster A&#n#A ers#on o" Br&6Mo$ &#ss#'e
1?+ M&l&3&r *&%&l e.er!$e 2014 he'd #n the 1ac#"#c :cean+ 0he 98erc#se 4a'a%ar #s a Co#nt naa' e8erc#se "#rst cond$cted as a
%#'atera' one %et)een the US and Ind#an na#es #n 1992+ 6apan part#c#pates #n the 4a'a%ar e8erc#ses "or the th#rd t#&e s#nce
#t "#rst part#c#pated #n 2007+
1C+ Indo*R$ss#an Co#nt ent$re "#r& Brah4os Aerospace #s dee'op#ng a s&a''er ers#on o" the 290*!& s$person#c cr$#se
&#ss#'e "or ena%'#ng #ts dep'o(&ent on s$%&ar#nes and s&a''er "#ghter a#rcra"t s$ch as 4#= 29
Be&-Mu&rter o1 Intern&ton&l Or2&n$&ton
U7: * *e, /or)
U7I.9> * *e, /or)
U79S.: 3 P&r$
H@: 3 Gene%&
U7>1A * *e, /or)
SAAR. 3 ,&t60&n-u
Hor'd Ban! * W&$6n2ton 7+C
A5B * M&nl&
I4> *W&$6n2ton 7C
H0: 3 Gene%& 8S,tFerl&n-9
:rgan#/at#on o" the 1etro'e$& 98port#ng .o$ntr#es 4
8OPEC9 Venn& 8Au$tr&9
Assoc#at#on o" So$th 9ast 7at#ons (AS9A7) 4 <&)&rt&
7A0: (7orth At'ant#c 0reat( :rg)4Bru$$el$
As#a*1ac#"#c 9cono&#c .ooperat#on (A19.) 3
Un#ted 7at#ons .on"erence on 0rade and 5ee'op&ent
(U7.0A5) 4 Gene%&
Un#ted 7at#ons Ind$str#a' 5ee'op&ent :rgan#/at#on
(U7I5: 9 4 Venn&
Internat#ona' .o$rt :" 6$st#ce * ;6e B&2ue
Internat#ona' Ato&#c 9nerg( Agenc( 4 Venn&
Internat#ona' .o&&#ttee o" the Red .ross 4 Gene%&
Internat#ona' 4ar#t#&e :rgan#sat#on3 Lon-on
>ood and Agr#c$'t$ra' :rgan#sat#on 4 Ro0e 8Fr&n!e9
Hor'd 4eteoro'og#ca' :rgan#sat#on - Gene%&
.o&&on)ea'th o" 7at#ons 4 Lon-on
1+ R9I0s2 Rea' 9state Inest&ent 0r$sts
2+ InI0s2 In"rastr$ct$re Inest&ent 0r$sts
:+ AL4* Asset L#a%#'#t( 4anage&ent
4+ A4L 3 Ant# 4one( La$nder#ng
>+ ,-. 3 !no) -o$r .$sto&er
A+ ASBA2 App'#cat#on S$pported %( B'oc!ed A&o$nt
BSB5A * Bas#c Sa#ngs Ban! 5epos#t Acco$nt
?+ I>S. 3 Ind#an >#nanc#a' S(ste& .ode
C+ .BS2 .ore Ban!#ng So'$t#on
E+ R0=S * Rea' 0#&e =ross Sett'e&ent
10+ SLR*Stat$tor( L#E$#d#t( Rat#o
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