Great little feature here on MMC in the Australian Broker. There is lots of terminology kicked about in this space and they all have a different meaning— MMC, industrialised building, prefabrication, offsite manufacturing, modular construction, DfM, DfMA, alternative construction techniques, smart building etc etc Let's consider Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) as an overarching category. By doing so, the focus shifts to identifying the specific aspects of MMC that we are investigating, funding, and investing in, understanding their current stage of development, and assessing their potential impact on housing supply in both the short and long term. Naturally, it's easy to focus on whether to view some of this as a cost or an investment. Of course, low-scale production of modular homes will be expensive right now if the market (orders are low). Similarly, investing in the development of an entirely new industry is expensive when there is so much need now. However, I'm sure we considered that when we invested in the light bulb, motor vehicle, computers, and mobile phones. It seems to me that government and industry both have a role to play in delivering right now and developing for the future. We should also acknowledge that many of these techniques have been embedded into private sector development for many, many years. I am largely referring to the role govt and industry should play together here 🤝 I like the direction of the national advanced manufacturing agenda, and that is the sort of visionary thinking this second part of the MMC equation requires in my opinion. Our state govt was one of the first out the gates with a modular program, but let’s lead hard on this whole agenda before someone else swoops in and beats us to the prize. Q Shelter Master Builders Queensland Building 4.0 CRC Property Council of Australia #MMC #ModernMethods #FutureTech #InvestNow #AdvancedManufacturing
Modular construction is a brilliant solution. By combining modular and rooftop airspace development, we can transform old rooftops into new modular rooftop homes, effectively utilising unused rooftop spaces above public, strata, and retail buildings in our cities. This approach could achieve infill development at half the cost of traditional building methods. ♻️
Navigating the intersection of government policy and community through successful strategic engagement.
5moCase in point in NSW, right now, with state and Fed money to test these new concepts in social and affordable housing, and in medium density settings👇