Lars Shakya Buch-Jepsen

Lars Shakya Buch-Jepsen

Aarhus, Region Midtjylland, Danmark
2 t følgere 500+ forbindelser


Leadership and management: I have always had a large interest i psychology and the…

Artikler af Lars Shakya

  • Database Method: Staged Migration

    Database Method: Staged Migration

    Method Name: Staged Migration When to use: Migrate to another database vendor Lower the risk of an upgrade when the…

  • Thinking in data

    Thinking in data

    Data Vocabulary Meta-data: Data describing data. You need to think this in multiple levels as there can be meta-data…

  • Processes and the benefit of having them as text

    Processes and the benefit of having them as text

    In software we work a lot with processes (though we call the flows) as the main benefit of software in a company is to…

  • Missing Regex in Sql Server ?

    Missing Regex in Sql Server ?

    Some are missing regexes in Sql Server when hosted where CLR extensions cannot be installed fx Azure/AWS. Since Sql…



Tilmeld dig for at se al aktivitet


  • Aeven Grafik
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    Aarhus, Middle Jutland, Denmark

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    Greater Aarhus Area

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    Aarhus, Middle Jutland, Denmark

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    Aarhus, Middle Jutland, Denmark

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    Trige, Denmark

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    Skejby, Århus, Denmark

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    Århus Area, Denmark

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  • Aarhus Universitet Grafik

    Aarhus University

Licenser og certificeringer

Erfaring med frivilligt arbejde

  • Mensa Denmark Grafik

    IT Koordinator

    Mensa Denmark

    1 år 4 måneder

    This has a formal responsibility description which I translate.
    Mainly leadership of the webmaster team as a form of internal product owner, idea generator, prioritizing and breaking down change requests to bits "eatable" by a team of volunteer webmasters


  • English

    Komplet professionel færdighed

  • Spanish

    Elementær færdighed

  • German

    Elementær færdighed

  • Swedish

    Professionel praktisk færdighed

  • Norwegian

    Professionel praktisk færdighed

  • Danish

    Modersmåls- eller tosprogsfærdighed

  • Portuguese

    Elementær færdighed


  • Undervisningministeriet

    Medlem af Naturvidenskabeligt Uddannelseråd

    Appointed by the Danish Educational Minister, Margrethe Vestager, as a member of Naturvidenskabelige Uddannelsesråd (Natural Sciences Educational Council) for the Undervisningsministeriet (Danish Educational Ministry). The function was to be independent councelling function for the educational ministry in educational policy. Naturvidenskabelige Uddannelsesråd was disbanded in December 2002 by Ulla Tørnæs as a result of new university law

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  • Se, hvem I begge kender
  • Bliv introduceret
  • Kontakt Lars Shakya direkte
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