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Definition Properties
• Prebiotics are nondigestible • Limited hydrolysis and
food ingredient that beneficially absorption in the upper
affect the host by stimulating GIT(gastro- intestinal tract).
growth of one or limited growth • Selective growth stimulation of
of bacteria in colon and thus
beneficial bacteria in the colon.
improves the host health
• Immuno-stimulation.
• HISTORY: ► In 1995, Glenn
Gibson and Marcel Roberfroid • Stimulation of beneficial flora
introduced the prebiotic that promotes colonization
concept. resistance.
Sources Mode of Action
• Increase a number of bifidobacterium
and lactic acid bacteria.
• Effect on the metabolism of lipids.
• Suppression of putrefactive bacteria
• Reduces chance of colon cancer
• Increase bioavailability of minerals
• Inulin is a dietary fiber that is OLIGOSACCHARIDE
found in many common foods such • Group of connected simple sugars.
as leeks, kiwi, asparagus, onions,
garlic, bananas, wheat, rhubarb, • Sources include onions and chicory
dairy products etc. root also garlic.
• There are several benefits of inulin • It helps in the stimulate production
apart from weight management, it of beneficial bacteria, minimal
even increases calcium absorption, effect on blood sugar, also help
improved bone health. strengthen the immune system.
• They found in soy milk, soy oil,
bean curd, ice cream.
• They are naturally present in fruits,
• Promote the growth of
vegetables, bamboo, milk and
Bifidobacteria in the intestinal
tract, lowering cholesterol
• It help to improve blood sugar
levels and fat absorption, re-
establish normal colonic flora.
• Galacto-oligosaccharides,
otherwise called( GOS), are found
naturally in breast milk but are
added to foods such as infant
formula, fruit drinks, dairy
products, breakfast cereals and
biscuit crackers.
Physiological effects

• They are considered as the dietary • FOS, GOS or Inulin Supplementation

fiber because they performed many
physiological functions.
• FOS and GOS Increase the absorption of calcium &
when consumed
Food for beneficial bacteria like
Bifidobacteria & Lactobacillus • FOS, GOS or Inulin Supplementation
• FOS, GOS and Inulin
Increase the elimination of toxic
Increase the number of beneficial
bacteria & Decrease the number of
harmful bacteria.
Effects on human health and potential applications
 Reduction in blood cholesterol level: Lowers the serum triacyl glycerol &
phospholipids level.
 Reduce Risk of Colorectal Cancer: Non - digestible fermentation may reduce the
risk of colorectal cancer.
 Cancer Prevention: Bifidobacteria digest inulin in the gut flora and produce short
chain fatty acids, namely Acetic acid, Propionic acid, Butyric acid, etc. It is
believed that these acids can help to prevent certain forms of cancer.
 Prevent Allergy: The bacterial intestinal colonization is possibly important for the
development of the immune system response of neonates and young infants.
 Effective dose: A Normal diet provides 5 and 10 grams of non-digestible
Adverse effects
 Excessive consumption prebiotics
can cause the abdominal discomfort
and distension as well as significant
levels of flatulence.
 The Nutrition Information Centre of
south Africa's University of
Stellenbosh, recommends that daily
consumption of prebiotics should be
below 20grams.
Introduction History
• The world health organization defines • The concept of probiotics was first
probiotics as live microorganisms, which introduced by Noble prize winner, Elie
when administered in adequate amounts Metchnikoff.
confer a health benefit on a host. • He suggested that long and healthy life
• • The term probiotic comes from the of Bulgarian peasants resulted from their
Latin or Greek pro, "before, forward", and consumption of fermented milk products.
bios, or "life" thus probiotics are life- • He himself introduced in his diet sour
promoting. In this case, we use the term milk fermented with bacteria he called
probiotics to refer to beneficial bacteria. "Bulgarian Bacillus, later called as
• • The most common types of these Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp." and
beneficial bacteria are Lactobacilli and found his health benefited
Bifidobacteria. • The term 'probiotic' was first introduced
in 1965 by Lily and Stillwell;
• Probiotics: Probiotics defined as microorganisms that have a beneficial
effect on the host intestinal microbial balance.
• Probiotic organisms are live microorganisms thought to be beneficial to
the host organism.
• According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are:
"Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts
confer a health benefit on the host".
• Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifidobacteria are the most common types
of microbes used as probiotics; but certain yeasts and bacilli may also be
Mode of action of probiotics
• Production of inhibitory compounds
• Competition for chemicals/available energy
• Competition for adhesion sites (exclusion)
• Enhancement of the immune response
• Improvement of water quality
• Interaction with phytoplankton
• A source of macro- and micro-nutrients
• Enzymatic contribution to digestion
• Production of low-molecular-weight antibacterial substance that inhibits
both gram-positive and gram- negative enteric bacteria.
• Also use enzymatic mechanisms to modify toxin receptors and block toxin-
mediated pathology.
• Also prevent colonization of pathogenic microorganisms by competitive
inhibition for microbial adhesion sites.
Who needs probiotics?
• People who suffer from yeast infections of any kind, including athlete's
foot, jock itch, vaginal yeast infections and nail fungus.
• People with weak immune systems, frequent respiratory infections and
• People with food or respiratory allergies.
• People suffering from inflammatory bowel disorders, constipation or
intestinal infections.
Characteristics of probiotics
 Probiotic microorganisms are: • It should be safe to the host.
• Able to survive the passage • It should not produce any
through the digestive system pathogenic or toxic effect.
• Able to attach to the intestinal • It must be resistance to
epithelia and colonize hydrochloric acid, bile and
pancreatic juice.
• Able to Maintain good viability
• It should have anti-carcinogenic
• Able to utilize the nutrients and
substrates in a normal diet
• It should produce lactic acid.
• Non-pathogenic and non-toxic
• It should retain viability during
• Capable of exerting a beneficial
storage and use.
effect on the host
• It should stimulate the immune
system of the body.

Identification of strains of Actions of probiotics
probiotics • Restore the balance between
'Good' and 'bad' bacteria in gut
• Effects of probiotics are strain
specific. secrete bactericidal proteins
• Strain identity is important to link a decreases the pH
strain to a specific health effect as • Block the attachment & invasion of
well as to enable accurate epithelium by pathogens
surveillance and epidemiological
• Improve epithelial barrier function
• Both phenotypic and genotypic ↑ mucus production
tests should be done using ↑ barrier integrity
validated standard methodology. • Alter host immune responses
• Nomenclature of the bacteria must
stimulate IgA production
conform to the current,
scientifically recognized names as ↓ proinflammatory cytokines
per the International Committee on • Produce ẞ-galactosidase, so digest
Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICPS). lactose
• ↓ production of carcinogenic
Probiotics in Indian Applications
foods • Probiotics were identified to
beneficially affect the host by
• In ancient Indian society, it became improving its intestinal microbial
common place (and still is) to enjoy balance, thus inhibiting pathogens
a before-dinner yogurt drink called and toxin producing bacteria.
a lassi. These Indian traditions were
based on the principle of using milk
• Today, specific health effects are
as a probiotic delivery system to being investigated and documented
the body. including alleviation of chronic
intestinal inflammatory diseases,
prevention and treatment of
pathogen-induced diarrhea,
urogenital infections, and atopic
 Advantages  Adverse effects
• Antibiotic associated diarrhoea • Taking them in larger amounts
• Probiotics and Cancer might produce digestive issues,
such as gas and bloating, but
• Hepatic Diseases they are usually temporary.
• Helicobacter pylori Infections • Treating lactobacillus septicemia
• Treat high cholesterol which is a potentially fatal
disease caused by the
• Use of probiotics beyond GIT consumption of probiotics.
• Discomfort in the
gastrointestinal tract
• Allergy
 Synbiotic = Probiotic + Prebiotic  Health benefits
 The concept of synbiotics has been • Improved survival of live bacteria in
proposed to characterize health- food products, prolonged shelf life
enhancing foods and supplements
used as functional food ingredients • Increased number of ingested
in humans bacteria reaching the colon in a
viable form
 Potential synergy between pro- &
• Stimulation in the colon of the
growth and implantation of both
 Improve survival in upper GIT exogenous and endogenous bacteria
 More efficient implantation • Activation of metabolism of
 E.g.: Bifidobacteria and fructo- beneficial bacteria, antagonistic
oligosaccharides toward pathogenic bacteria
 Status of Probiotics in  Institutes engaged
• Indian probiotic industry is in its
in Probiotic
infancy stage and presently
accounts for only a small fraction
research in India
i.e. less than 1% of the total world  Central Food Technology And
market turnover in the probiotic Research Institute, Mysore, India
 National dairy research institute,
• Apart from human use, also used Karnal, Haryana, India
as animal feed supplements for
cattle, poultry and piggery.
 Institute of microbial technology,
Chandigarh, India
• The latest and recent addition to
the list of probiotics in India is  National dairy development board,
ViBact (which is made up of Anand, Gujarat, India
genetically modified Bacillus  Nestle Pvt Ltd, Panipat, Haryana,
mesentricus), which acts as an
alternate to B-complex.

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