All Fast Facts 133p PDF
All Fast Facts 133p PDF
All Fast Facts 133p PDF
Beneficial (“good”) intestinal bacteria promote health, discourage the growth of
disease-causing (“bad”) bacteria and pathogenic fungi, and improve the balance
of microbes which normally inhabit our intestines. Many beneficial bacteria
transform naturally occurring sugars, especially lactose, into lactic acid, promoting
a more balanced and stable intestinal environment. As one of the most abundant
sources of lactose is milk, these beneficial bacteria have been used for thousands
of years to produce yogurt, cheese, and fermented milks. Both science and
folklore support healthful roles for these foods. NeoLife’s supplement of
beneficial bacteria, Acidophilus Plus, combines potency with technology to
guarantee that live organisms survive the stomach acid and reach the intestines
to deliver five billion viable organisms capable of supporting optimal digestive
tract function.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3524 – 60 Capsules *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeoLife Scientific
#3706, 22.2 oz.
Advisory Board (30 servings)
■ Provides cellulose, hemicellulose, gum, lignin, and pectin ■ Less than 1 gram of fat per serving, no cholesterol, and no
— all five types of dietary fiber necessary to maintain good added salt.
health. ■ No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, or
■ Concentrated and delicious. Each serving of All Natural sodium added.
Fiber Food and Drink Mix provides 6 grams of dietary fiber, ■ Gluten Free
plus added protein, fructose and complex carbohydrates for
good taste and smooth texture.
03/22 US
932218FOOD AND
630g 14.375” DRINK
x 5.00” US MIX
N utrition Facts
30 servings per container
NeoLifeThe convenientLLC
International, way to achieve a natural whole-food, high-fiber diet.
Scientific research has shown that a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
Serving Size: 1 scoop or 3 tablespoons (21 g) and high in fruits, vegetable and grain products that contain fiber may:
Promote STORES.
Amount Per Serving · Reduce your risk of certain forms of cancer‡
Calories 60 Available Exclusively
· Reduce from
your risk
NeoLife‡ Promoters.
of heart disease by helping to lower blood cholesterol ‡
Diseases associated with many factors
% Daily Value** LeadingEach
edge nutrition
serving provides:
Total Fat 1g 1% since· 1958.
A rich source of dietary fiber.
Saturated Fat 0g 0% · A balanced blend of soluble and insoluble fibers from whole foods.
Trans Fat 0g Based· Exclusive
in Nature,Neo-Polyfibe. Unlike simple bran, Neo-Polyfibe can help absorb
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Backedcholesterol
by Science.
Sodium 60 mg 3%
from the intestine and carry it out of the body, without robbing
Total Carbohydrate 17 g 6% trace minerals the way some other fiber products can do.
Dietary Fiber 6g 24% DIRECTIONS: Mix 1 scoop or 3 tablespoons (21 g) in 8 fl. oz. of 1% lowfat
Soluble Fiber 1g Made in U.S.A.
milk, water, or your favorite juice/beverage and blend well. Add All
Insoluble Fiber 5g Natural Fiber Food and Drink Mix to your favorite NeoLife protein drinks
Total Sugars 5g (mix
DVISORY directed).
In your recipes for baked goods, sauces, pasta,
Includes 2.5 g Added Sugars 5% casseroles, etc., add 2 or more tablespoons for a fiber boost.
Protein 1g
Vitamin D3 0 mcg (0 IU) 0% La manera conveniente para lograr una dieta de alimentos integrales,
Calcium 70 mg 6% alta en fibra. La investigación científica ha mostrado que una dieta baja en
Iron 0 mg 0% grasa saturada y colesterol y alta en frutas, vegetales y productos derivados
Potassium 120 mg 4% de los cereales que contienen fibra puede:
** The % Daily Value tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes · Promueve la regularidad
to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. · Reducir tu riesgo de ciertas formas de cáncer‡
· Reducir tu riesgo de una enfermedad cardíaca, ayudando a disminuir el
INGREDIENTS: Whey powder, maltodextrin, Neo-Polyfibe colesterol en la sangre ‡
(soy fiber, whole oat fiber, acerola), psyllium seed, pea fiber, ‡Enfermedades asociada con muchos factores
fructose, soy fiber, apple fiber, banana powder, soy lecithin, Cada porción proporciona:
guar gum, prune powder, almond powder, apricot powder, · Una fuente rica en fibra dietética.
· Una mezcla balanceada de fibras solubles e insolubles de alimentos integrales.
soy oil and natural flavors. · Con el exclusivo Neo-Polyfibe. A diferencia del salvado sencillo, el Neo-Polyfibe
Contains milk, soy and tree nuts (almond, hazelnut). puede ayudar a absorber el colesterol desde el intestino y llevarlo fuera del
cuerpo, sin robar oligominerales de la manera que lo pueden hacer algunos
otros productos de la fibra.
DIRECCIONES: Mezclando una medida o 3 cucharadas (21 g) en 8 onzas de
leche baja en grasa de 1%, agua, o tu jugo favorito y mezclar bien. Agrega All
Natural Fiber Food and Drink Mix a tus bebidas favoritas de proteína de
NeoLife (mezclar según lo indicado). En tus recetas para productos horneados,
salsas, pasta, guisados, etc., añadir 2 o más cucharadas para una carga de fibra.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives or sodium added.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
2003cure or prevent any disease.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
03/22 US
Why an Aloe Vera Beverage? ■ NeoLife's Special 3x Herbal Tea Blend. Includes ginseng/
Eleuthero, plus chamomile and passion flower to calm and
■ loe vera has been safely used worldwide, both topically
A relax.*
and internally, for about 4,000 years to support health and
vitality.* #931357 ■ Important electrolytes. Potassium and magnesium for
metabolic support of the body, especially the cardiovascular
■ Scientific studies support healthful roles for aloe vera in and nervous systems.*
constipation, peptic ulcers, immune system enhancement,
diabetes, asthma, and other conditions.* ■ Vitamin C. Each serving provides 170% of the Daily Value
for vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports immunity,
Our Solution: Aloe Vera PlusTM cardiovascular health, skin tone, and more.*
■ ine aloe vera juice. Our Aloe Vera Plus meets all
F ■ “Glycemic edge” beverage. Sweetened with fructose for
requirements of the International Aloe Science Council, a quick and sustained energy.*
voluntary industry group that establishes standards for aloe Great natural flavor. Pleasant-tasting aloe gel, delicious
vera products. NATURE · SCIENCE ■
herbal tea blend, natural lemon flavor, and natural
Natural Goodness of Pure sweeteners add up to great taste.
■ “ Gel only” filleting process keeps aloe polysaccharides
intact for Vera Juice
maximum in a Special Proprietary Blend
benefit. ■ Only 16 calories per 2-ounce serving.
Aloe Vera · 3x Herbal Tea Blend · Metabolic Electrolytes · Vitamin C
SUGGESTED USE: Drink 60 to 120 mL (2 to 4 oz.) per day. · SHAKE WELL · REFRIGERATE AFTER OPENING
Ingredients:Aloe Aloevera,vera,
Herbal BY:
Tea Blend
GNLD International, LLC. (chamomile, eleuthero/
natural lemon flavor, ascorbic
3500 Gateway Blvd. acid, citric acid, potassium
ginseng, passion flower), natural lemon flavor, Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
sorbate*, magnesium citrate and sodium benzoate*
ascorbic acid, citric acid, potassium sorbate*, GNLD International, Ltd.
(*to preserve flavor). Kingston, Jamaica, W.I.
magnesium citrate and sodium benzoate*
(*to preserve flavor). NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
Available Exclusively from GNLD Scientific GNLD Distributors. Advisory B oard *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Leading edge nutrition since 1958. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
08/21 US
Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Made in U.S.A K 1310
The increasing presence of toxic chemicals in our environment increases
the risk of life-threatening illness. NeoLife’s Betagard offers nutritional
protection. Its synergistic blend of antioxidant and detoxifying nutrients
helps the body neutralize and metabolize toxic materials.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
#3530, 90 Tablets
03/22 US
We Live In A Sea Of Chemicals defense mechanisms and set the stage for serious health
Motor vehicle exhaust. Industrial pollution. Smog. Fumes
from paint, cleaners, and hairspray. Smoke from barbecues, Your Solution To Pollution?
cigarettes, and fireplaces. Water tainted with pesticides,
NeoLife's Betagard!
herbicides, fertilizers, heavy metals, and chlorine
compounds. Food containing residual chemicals and An expert in the field of understanding how toxins affect our
artificial additives. bodies, Dr. Arthur Furst developed Betagard to answer his
personal and professional concerns regarding the
Today, pollution is everywhere, and it has become a primary
escalation of toxic assaults to our environment.
threat to our good health. The American Cancer Society
estimates that 80% of all cancers are either directly or The result of Dr. Furst’s expertise and ongoing scientific
indirectly related to chemicals and other toxic agents research is Betagard, a blend of antioxidant and detoxifying
polluting our environment. Although some pollutants are no nutrients that work together to help the body neutralize and
longer actively used, they will probably never be gone from metabolize toxic materials.
the environment. We are exposed to more and more
chemicals each year. Antioxidants: Defense Against Free
Radical Damage
Pollutants increase our risk for cancer and other illnesses,
including heart disease, kidney disorders, emphysema, Many pollutants do their damage by increasing oxidative
anemia, and liver disease. attacks on the body’s cells, causing damage that can set the
stage for disease to develop. Each three-tablet serving of
Indoors Or Out, The Air We Breathe Is Betagard provides the beta-carotene and other carotenoids
Cause For Alarm of two large carrots. These antioxidant nutrients have been
shown to play active roles in protecting delicate body
No one can choose NOT to breathe air, a crucial element
that’s difficult to control. Outdoors, our air is filled with the
exhaust of millions of cars and other vehicles, factories, and In addition, Betagard contains vitamin C and vitamin E from
power plants. Air quality evaluations are now routine in most natural plant sources to provide antioxidant protection for
major metropolitan areas, complete with “smog alerts” when both the watery and lipid portions of cells, respectively.*
pollution is severe enough to warrant staying indoors if you
are elderly, very young, or suffer from asthma or other Detoxifying Nutrients Help Protect
breathing difficulties. Against Pollutants
Unfortunately, indoor air isn’t any better ... and may even be Betagard provides the B-vitamins riboflavin, niacin, and
worse. Inside modern buildings, air pollution can pyridoxine to help detoxify foreign substances inhaled or
accumulate, combining outside pollutants with additional ingested. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is an essential cofactor for
chemicals from indoor sources. Chemicals may “gas off” several enzymes, including some involved in the
from building materials such as plywood, wallboard, detoxification of certain cancer-causing agents. Pyridoxine
carpeting, and even furniture. Additional chemicals can (vitamin B6) is similarly an enzyme cofactor; B6 deficiency
enter the air from paint and varnish, strong cleaners, floor has been linked to increased production of an agent which
and furniture polish and wax, and personal care products causes liver cancer.*
such as hair spray and nail polish remover. Other sources of Magnesium is an important part of the Betagard formula
unwanted chemicals include barbecues, fireplaces, heating since it is instrumental in both detoxification and tissue
systems, and tobacco smoke. repair.*
The risks are so significant that many researchers see Zinc works to protect the body against the effects of toxic
indoor air pollution as a significant health hazard. heavy metals including mercury and cadmium. Cadmium is
one of the most poisonous elements in our environment. It
Impure Food And Water Pose Challenges can inhibit the function of many of the body’s enzymes.
Our food and drinking water may contain residual In addition to zinc, Betagard also supplies selenium, an
pesticides and other agricultural chemicals or other cancer- important trace element required by the body to defend
causing contaminants. Most modern processed foods against heavy-metal poisons such as cadmium, mercury,
contain preservatives and other modern additives. and lead. Recent research has shown a significant
Like water overflowing from a rain barrel, these chemical relationship between selenium intake and a reduced
assaults can combine to overwhelm the body’s natural occurrence of certain cancers.
03/22 US
Chromium is included in Betagard because it boosts body
defenses. Other active ingredients are also present in
Betagard to help the liver detoxify food additives such as
artificial coloring agents and other harmful chemicals.
Betagard is NeoLife’s exclusive formula developed to
support the body’s natural ability to counteract the harmful
effects of toxic pollution. This type of protection is important
to all of us, but becomes crucial in highly polluted industrial
and metropolitan areas.*
Available Exclusively from
® Amount Per Serving % Daily Value challenges;
NeoLife Promoters. and promote antioxidant activity.* Servings Per Co
Vitamin A (as beta-carotene 2250 mcg (7,500 IU) 250% Exclusive
edge nutrition amino acid chelation supports ®
from carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root))
since improved
1958. absorption of beneficial minerals.* Vitamin A (as be
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 24 mg 30% from carrot ole
Based in Nature,
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 16.75 mg (25 IU) 110%
BackedStore in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
by Science. Vitamin C (as as
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 0.6 mg 50% Vitamin E (as d-
Niacin (as niacinamide) 8 mg 50% Packaged with safety seal.
Riboflavin (as ri
ealth Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride 15 mg
and from yeast)
880% Made in U.S.A.
NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients. Niacin (as niaci
onmental Iodine (from kelp) 60 mcg 40% Guard your health Vitamin B6 (as p
and from yeas
Magnesium (chelated)
Zinc (chelated)
100 mg
10 mg
ADVISORY BOARD against environmental Iodine (from kel
Magnesium (ch
Selenium (from yeast) 100 mcg 180% challenges* Zinc (chelated)
lud de los Chromium (from yeast) 50 mcg 140% Selenium (from
bientales* Lemon pectin 9 mg † Proteja su salud de los Chromium (from
Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 6.5 mg †
desafíos ambientales* Lemon pectin
† Daily Value not established Mixed non-alph
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, dicalcium BASED
† Daily Value no
phosphate, stearic acid, sodium croscarmellose, hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose, natural mint extract, silicon dioxide, 2002 OTHER INGRED
3 5 3 0 s phosphate, ste
plement magnesium stearate and triacetin. Lot # methylcellulose
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food Dietary Supplement magnesium ste
S #2002 K
Best If
KOSHER Used By: and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 90 TABLETS
03/22 US
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3521 – 100 Tablets
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3522, 30 Packets
■ Millions of dollars are spent yearly on antacids and other ■ Broad-spectrum formula. Supports digestion of
products to treat the symptoms of indigestion. However, all carbohydrates, including lactose, fats and proteins.*
these products miss the most important aspect of dealing ■ Targeted delivery technology. Utilizes NeoLife’s special
with indigestion: attacking the cause. “enteric coating” to deliver the ingredients where they are
■ NeoLife’s Beta-Zyme has a “one-two” punch that attacks intended.
digestive ailments where they begin, in the stomach and the ■ Each Beta-Zyme packet contains three Enzyme Digestive
intestine. Beta-Zyme contains enzymes that support the Aid tablets and two Beta-Gest tablets.
body’s ability to digest carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Composed of two different NeoLife digestive aides, Beta- ■ Convenient, sealed, sanitary packet.
Zyme attacks the cause of digestive discomfort, not just the ■ Non-habit-forming. Addresses the causes of improper
symptoms.* intestinal digestion, not just the symptoms.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
® *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
761135 US Prom
5 1/4” x 1 1/8” x 6 5/16”
1/8” 5/16”
Serving Size: 1 Packet
Servings Per Container: 30
Beta-Zyme ®
SUGGESTED USE: Adults take 1 packet immediately Amount
before or
Perwith a meal.
Serving % Daily Value
Supplement Facts
Calories 10
Total Fat 0.5 g 0%
A comprehensive digestant that supplements the body’s
Total Carbohydrate 1g 0%
Serving Size: 1 Packet less than 1 g natural digestive secretions, Beta-Zyme® supports optimal
Servings Per Container: 30 459 mg 35% ®
digestion and helps maximize nutrient availability, while N U T R I T I O N A L
Betaine hydrochloride 550 mg † minimizing digestive discomfort.*
Amount Per Serving 225 mg% Daily Value
Ox bile †
Made from plant-sourced enzymes plus other naturally
Calories Papain 10 170 mg †
Total Fat Amylase 0.5 g 150 mg † sourced ingredients, non habit-forming Beta-Zyme®
Promotes Healthy, Stress-Free Digestion*
Lipase 105 mg † A comprehensive digestant thatofsupplements the body’s
Total Carbohydrate 1g 0% addresses the causes stomach and intestinal
Acid stable protease 80 mg †
Dehydrocholic acid
less than 1 g
52.5 mg † naturalindigestion
digestive and
not just Beta-Zyme ®
supports optimal
the symptoms.*
Calcium 459 mg 35%
Protease 30 mg † digestion and helps
Beta-Zyme ® maximize
consists nutrient availability,
of Beta-Gest ® whileand
(two tablets)
Lactase 550 mg 16 mg †
Betaine hydrochloride † minimizing
Enzyme digestive discomfort.*
(three tablets), which contain protein-digesting
Ox bile Lemon pectin 225 mg 6 mg † †
Papain 170 mg † Made enzymes and hydrochloric
from plant-sourced enzymesacid,
assist with the
† Daily Value not established.
Amylase 150 mg † breakdown
sourced of protein
ingredients, non into amino acids.Beta-Zyme
habit-forming Carbohydrate
Promotes Healthy, Stress-Free Digestion*
Lipase OTHER INGREDIENTS: Dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline 105cellulose,
mg † breakdown
magnesium silicate, foodaddresses the iscauses
enhancedofwith amylase,and
stomach and dietary fats are
Acid stable protease
glaze, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, stearic acid, calcium 80 mg powdered cellulose,
sulfate, † silicon
digested with support from lipase and dehydrocholic acid.
Dehydrocholic acidtitanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, beet root powder, † licoriceindigestion and not just the symptoms.*
52.5 mgnatural color, triacetin,
Protease root powder, natural mint extract, glycerin and vanillin. 30 mg † These digestive agents promote healthy, stress-free
Beta-Zyme® consists of Beta-Gest® (two tablets) and
Lactase 16 mg † digestion and optimum nutrient availability.*
Lemon pectin BY: 6 mg † Enzyme (three tablets), which contain protein-digesting
NeoLIfe International, LLC Storeand
enzymes in a hydrochloric
cool, dry place,acid,
away that
from assist
direct sunlight.
with the
† Daily Value CA 94538 U.S.A.
not established. NeoLifeofproducts
breakdown protein use
intoonly GMO-free
amino acids.ingredients.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium silicate, food breakdown is enhanced with amylase, and dietary fats are
Available Exclusively
glaze, hydroxypropyl from NeoLife
methylcellulose, stearicPromoters.
acid, calcium sulfate, powdered cellulose, silicon digested with support from lipase and dehydrocholic acid.
dioxide, titanium
Leadingdioxide, magnesium
edge nutrition sincestearate,
1958. beet root powder, natural color, triacetin, licorice
root powder, natural mint extract, glycerin and vanillin. These digestive agents promote healthy, stress-free
Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
#1901 digestion and optimum nutrient availability.*
NeoLIfe International, LLC
Made in U.S.A. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Available Exclusively from
This product is NeoLife Promoters.
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Leading edge nutrition since 1958.
Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Made in U.S.A.
Beta-Zyme ®
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Best If 1901 761135
Used By:
Beta-Zyme ®
Best If 761135
Used By: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Many who consider themselves active or are on the journey to becoming more fit,
choose to do so with a goal or vision in mind. Whether it’s to be more toned, have
more energy or get physically stronger, a well-functioning metabolism is key to
efficient muscle building and recovery.
Exclusive NeoLife SPORT Bio-Tone provides specific free-form amino acids and
lipotropic factors to support muscle retention, lipid mobilization, lean tissue
development, and overall body tissue toning. These nutrients also support efficient
metabolism and the production of nitric oxide, which supports the body’s metabolic
processes by relaxing blood vessels and supporting blood flow.*
Bio-Tone’s combination of amino acids is involved in the body’s metabolic
processes including lean tissue development and lipid mobilization, and our added
Special Factors Blend with lipotropic factors choline and inositol helps balance lipid
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3280 – 120 Tablets
Support for Recovery and Metabolism Our Solution: NeoLife SPORT Bio-Tone
with Amino Acids
100% natural free-form amino acids include L-arginine,
Certain nutrients help support lipid mobilization and lean L-ornithine, and L-tyrosine.
muscle retention.* ■ Supports muscle retention and lipid mobilization.
■ Creating specific amino acid ratios in the bloodstream Amino acids support lean tissue development while
may support the body’s ability to biosynthesize important lipotropic factors aid mobilization and utilization of fats.*
neurochemicals involved in healthy metabolism.* ■ Designed to work while you sleep. Taken three hours
after your last meal and before bedtime, Bio-Tone allows
for increases in blood levels of specific amino acids in
the absence of competing amino acids.
■ Supports restful sleep by providing calcium to help relax
the nervous system.*
■ May help you get more out of your workout.
03/22 US
932213 150cc 6.375” x 2.25” US BIO-TONE®
SUGGESTED USE: 4 tablets in the evening at bed time. Nutrients
DISTRIBUTED BY:important for efficient metabolism and the
For best results, take on an empty stomach (approximately NeoLife International, LLC
Fremont, CA 94538 of nitric oxide, which supports the body’s
3 hours after a meal).
NOT metabolic processes
SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. by relaxing blood vessels &
Supplement Facts
Available blood
Exclusively fromflow.*
NeoLife Promoters.
Serving Size: 4 Tablets Bio-Tone’s
Leading combination of amino acids is involved in the
edge nutrition
Servings Per Container: 30 sincebody’s
1958. metabolic processes (including fat mobilization)
Based in Nature,
Amount Per Serving andbyour
Backed added
Science. Special Factors Blend with lipotropic
L-arginine hydrochloride 900 mg † factors choline and inositol helps balance fat utilization.*
L-ornithine hydrochloride 440 mg † MadeStore in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
in U.S.A.
L-tyrosine 300 mg †
Packaged with safety seal.
Special Factors Blend 420 mg †
NG, Dicalcium phosphate; Inositol; Choline bitartrate. NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients. AMINO ACIDS FOR R
† Daily Value not established AND MUSCLE RETEN
, la OTHER INGREDIENTS: Hydroxypropyl Aminoácidos para
ar* methylcellulose, stearic acid, magnesium 2002 tonificación y la ret
stearate, silicon dioxide and glycerin.
#2002 Lot # *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, DIETARY
Best If cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
Leading global health authorities like the World Health
Organization and American Heart Association agree that the key
to preventing disease and promoting health is weight
management, physical activity and eating a nutrient-rich diet that
includes whole grains, fruits & vegetables, and fish. However, the
quality of the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), often referred to
as the Western diet, has dramatically declined in recent years.
Studies have shown that poor diet is strongly associated with
poor health. Along with a sedentary lifestyle, this has played a
role in leading to the high incidence of malnutrition, weight gain,
and chronic diseases. Over 70% of adults in the U.S. were Two packaging options now available!
overweight or obese in 2016, according to the Centers #2921A-F: #2922A-F:
1 box of Pro Vitality 1 box of Pro Vitality
for Disease Control. 2 pouches of NeoLifeShake 2 boxes of NeoLifeShake packets
(Choose from 3 Flavors. Each resealable (Choose from 3 Flavors. Each box contains
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board pouch contains 15 shake servings.) 15 individually packaged servings.)
Support a Healthy Lifestyle with ■ NeoLifeShake is designed to fuel your body with 18g of
complete protein, over 25 vitamins and minerals, and 5g of
Wholesome, Balanced Nutrition
heart healthy fiber. Exclusive Glycemic Response Control
■ Protein is a key component of every cell in our body and Technology supports normal blood sugar levels, sustained
essential for cellular nutrition and energy. Studies show that energy, and maximum fat burning. For maximum healthy
higher protein diets help suppress hunger, increase satiety weight loss, replace two meals a day.*
and burn fat, thereby promoting weight loss and making it
■ Pro Vitality offers a foundation for good nutrition at the
easier to stay on a weight loss program.
cellular level to promote lifelong health and vitality. Each
■ Wholesome, balanced nutrition and an active lifestyle can box contains the essential phytolipids and phytosterols
also support weight management success. equivalent to over 12 lbs of whole grains, the carotenoid
■ Getting all of our essential vitamins and minerals is vital to equivalent of 80 lbs of raw fruits & vegetables, and 10 (3 oz)
the proper functioning of our immune and nervous systems, servings of pure omega-3 rich fish, as well as a full spectrum
preventing illnesses and diseases, and keeping us healthy of essential vitamins and minerals.*
and radiant. The right balance of nutrients, including whole
grains, fruits & vegetables, and omega-3s, will keep your NeoLifeShake
body functioning optimally and help support healthy weight ■ Based on our clinically proven Glycemic Response Control
management. Technology to help minimize fat storage and promote fat
■ Even those with good intentions to eat a healthy diet face burning*
challenges. Busy lifestyles, eating on-the-run, and the ■ Clinically proven for weight loss & body fat reduction,
prevalence of processed foods all contribute towards body size reduction, BMI (body mass index) reduction,
nutritional gaps that would benefit from nutritional and "cardio-protective" benefits†
■ Rich source of protein with 18g per serving—36% of the
Daily Value
Our Solution: NeoLifeShake and Pro
Vitality Combined in a Convenient Pack ■ Biologically Complete Protein Blend – Scientifically
advanced protein blend from soy, milk, caseinates, and
■ A convenient 30-day supply of NeoLifeShake and Pro Vitality whey for superior amino acid profile, with muscle-retaining
to help maximize weight management results. It contains two branched chain amino acids, including leucine*
(15-serving) NeoLifeShake pouches or boxes of packets and
one 30-serving box of Pro Vitality. With this program, you’ll ■ Rich source of fiber with 5g per serving—20% of the Daily
replace two meals a day with NeoLifeShake, and save Value
money while getting delicious, high quality protein.
† Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period
04/21 US
■ Proprietary Fiber Blend from whole food sources to
promote satiety, normal digestion, and heart health*
■ Formulated with “glycemic edge” carbohydrates that
provide lasting energy and encourage your body to stay in
fat-burning mode*
■ Choline & Inositol – Lipotropic factors to support fat
utilization and resist fat buildup*
■ Metabolically balanced – Ideal protein, carbohydrate, and
fat ratio*
■ Only 140 calories
■ 25 essential Vitamins & Minerals
■ Three delicious flavors: Creamy Vanilla, Berries n’ Cream,
and Rich Chocolate
■ No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives
Pro Vitality
Tre-En-En® Grain Concentrates
Feed Your Cells – Enhance Your Energy
Good nutrition begins at the cellular level. Tre-en-en is the
world’s first and only whole grain lipids and sterols
supplement proven to enhance energy and vitality by
optimizing cellular nutrition.*
Carotenoid Complex
Protect Your Cells – Optimize Your Immunity
With the protective power of carotenoids from tomatoes,
carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots
and peaches, this formula was patented as the first and only
whole food supplement clinically proven by USDA
researchers to protect your heart, defend your cells and
boost your immune power.*
04/21 US
Berries n' Cream (pouch) Rich Chocolate (pouch) Creamy Vanilla (pouch)
N utrition Facts
15®servings per container
N utrition Facts
15®servings per container
N utrition Facts
15 servings per container
Serving Size: 2 scoops (43g), One cup (8 fl. oz. as prepared) Serving Size: 2 scoops (43g), One cup (8 fl. oz. as prepared) Serving Size: 2 scoops (43g), One cup (8 fl. oz. as prepared)
*These statements
uated by the Food and Drug Administration.
NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIChave not been evaluated by the850341
Food and Drug Administration.
850342 850340
This product
ose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
ADVISORY is not intended to diagnose,
BOARD 3 8 1 3 s treat, cure2005
or prevent any disease.
ADVISORY BOARD 3 8 1 4 s 2005 ADVISORY BOARD 3 8 1 2 s 2005
04/21 US
761140 US
6.3125” x 2.00” x 5.25”
Pro Vitality
SUGGESTED USE: Take 1 packet daily, with a meal. USO SUGERIDO: Tome 1 paquete diario con alimento.
S u p p l e m e n t Fa c t s
Amount Per Packet % Daily Value**
Carotenoid Complex Blend 300 mg †
Serving Size: 1 Packet Carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root); Red bell pepper oleoresin
Servings Per Container: 30 (Capsicum frutescens) (fruit); Tomato oleoresin (Lycopersicon esculentum)
(fruit); Spinach oleoresin (Spinacia oleracea) (leaf); Apricot concentrate
Amount Per Packet % Daily Value (Prunus armeniaca) (fruit); Strawberry concentrate (Fragaria vesca) (fruit);
Calories 20 Peach concentrate (Prunus persica) (fruit)
Total Fat 2g 3%** Inositol 65 mg †
Saturated Fat 0g 0%** Phyto Enzyme Blend 45 mg †
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g † Lipase; Protease; Diastase; Amylase
Monounsaturated Fat 0g † Lecithin (from soy) 30 mg †
Trans Fat 0g † Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 2 mg †
Total Carbohydrate <1 g <1%** Lycopene 400 mcg †
Protein <1 g 1%** Lutein/Zeaxanthin 137 mcg †
Vitamin A (as alpha and beta carotene and from retinyl palmitate) 1950 mcg (6500 IU) 220%
**Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry (Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)) 90 mg 100%
† Daily value not established.
Vitamin D 3 (from cholecalciferol) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherols) 11.4 mg (17 IU) 80% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, salmon oil, UHPO3 (Ultra High Potency
Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 10 mg 830% Omega-3) fatty acid concentrate (tuna, sardine, and anchovy), glycerin,
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 10 mg 770% microcrystalline cellulose, olive oil, yellow beeswax, purified water, soy
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 50 mg 310%
lecithin, sodium croscarmellose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, silicon
Vitamin B 6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from yeast) 10 mg 590%
dioxide, rice bran powder, wheat germ powder, magnesium stearate,
Folate 667 mcg DFE 170%
(400 mcg folic acid) starch, titanium dioxide and natural color.
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg 420% Contains soy and wheat.
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 12 mg 240% DISTRIBUTED BY:
Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 6 mg 35% NeoLife International, LLC
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 35 mg 8% No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives added.
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 15 mg 140% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Selenium (as sodium selenite) 40 mcg 70% NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
Copper (as copper gluconate) 2 mg 220% Available Exclusively from NeoLife Promoters.
Manganese (as manganese gluconate) 10 mg 430%
Leading edge nutrition since 1958.
Chromium (chelated) 20 mcg 60%
Molybdenum (as molybdenum trioxide) 30 mcg 70% Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Potassium (as potassium gluconate) 10 mg <1%
Made in U.S.A.
TRE-EN-EN® Grain Concentrate Blend 675 mg †
Rice bran oil; Soybean oil; Wheat germ oil NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
Total Omega-3 fatty acids 383 mg †
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 160 mg
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 153 mg NEOLIFE PRODUCTS USE ONLY
DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) 17 mg
Stearidonic, eicosatrienoic, eicosatetraenoic,
heneicosapentaenoic, and alpha-linolenic acids 53 mg
04/21 US
The most abundant mineral in the body, calcium is critical for
the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth.
Present in all cells in the body, calcium is so important to
healthy metabolism that the body will leach needed calcium
from our bones if dietary supplies aren’t adequate. Research
shows that abundant calcium intake throughout life can
postpone or prevent the onset of osteoporosis (thinning of the
bones). Calcium has also been linked with protection against
high blood pressure. NeoLife’s calcium products provide
highly bioavailable calcium from multiple sources, plus
“helper” nutrients crucial to the process of bone development.
What’s more, NeoLife offers a choice of calcium products so
you can best address the nutritional “gaps” in your diet: Neo-
Cal and Chelated Cal-Mag.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3401, 450 tablets #3402, 150 capsules #3404, 150 tablets
Our Solution: Neo-Cal and Chelated Cal-Mag Chelated Cal-Mag with 1000 IU Vitamin D
■ High potency and purity. Featuring a variety pharmaceutical-
■ Pharmaceutical-grade calcium glycinate.
grade calcium sources. NeoLife products are concentrated
and high in purity. ■ Natural amino acid chelate for better absorption.
■ Chelated for maximum absorption or “complexed” for fast ■ 2 to 1 calcium to magnesium ratio.
dissolution and high potency. NeoLife’s unique chelation ■ With 1000 IU vitamin D3, to absorb and utilize calcium from
process—used in Chelated Cal-Mag — binds calcium to
the diet
natural amino acids to improve absorption. Neo-Cal uses
mineral complexation to achieve enhanced bioavailability,
extremely fast dissolution, and high potency.
■ Complete. More than just calcium, all of NeoLife’s formulas
include “helper” nutrients which are critical to the process of
bone development and help enhance digestion, absorption,
and utilization of the calcium delivered. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
#932111 150cc 2.25” x 6.375” US
Chelated Cal-Mag with 1000 IU Vitamin D
Essential To Bones and Much More
SUGGESTED USE: 3 tablets daily with meals. SUGGESTED USE: 3 tablets daily with meals.
Supplement Facts
DISTRIBUTED BY: calcium and vitamin D 3 as part of a
NeoLife International, LLC Calcium is the most abundant mineralSupplement in the human body, Facts
NeoLife Interna
Fremont, CA 94538diet,
U.S.A. along with physical activity, may Fremont, CA 94
HELATED Serving Size: 3 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 50
IN RETAIL risk of osteoporosis in later life. making
N U T R I T up
I O Nabout
body weight, and Servingparticipating
Size: 3 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 50
in the NOT SOLD IN R
Available Exclusivelyand
from magnesium, necessary for strong Available Exclu
NEOLIFEhigher calcium and magnesium absorption.
more (as magnesium glycinate)
fluids. The vitalteeth role& of
this small amount of calcium is
(as magnesium glycinate)
Store in a cool,
ADVISORY BOARDdry place, away from direct sunlight. ADV
alecer los OTHER INGREDIENTS: Powdered cellulose, Packaged with safety seal.
reflected in the precise Para fortalecer
controllosof calcium
OTHERin the blood
Powdered cellulose,
dientes y microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, NeoLife products use only huesos, dientes y microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide,
magnesium stearate, food glaze, magnesium GMO-free ingredients. always remains within a
mucho más very narrow range
magnesiumthat is
stearate, regulated
food glaze, magnesium
silicate, sodium croscarmellose and carmine. silicate, sodium croscarmellose and carmine.
by hormones.
3 4 0 4 s
Supplement Chelated Cal-Mag with 400 Lot # IU Vitamin
#932110 275cc 2.75” x 7.75” US
D have not been evaluated by the Food
*These statements This circulatingDietary calcium is essential for normal muscle Lot #
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
SUGGESTED USE: 3 capsules daily with meals.
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. contraction and relaxation, regulation of the
150 TABLETS heart beat, nerve
SUGGESTED USE: 3 capsules daily K KOSHER
Best If
Used By:
with meals.
Calcium andBY:
DISTRIBUTED magnesium, necessary for strong bones
functioning, blood clotting, secretion of hormones, and the DIST
Supplement Facts and teeth,
NeoLife are also LLC
International, critical to many enzyme reactions,
N U T R I T I Oof
N a
A Lnumber ofCHELATED
enzymes, including lipase,
Facts Neo
3 Capsules which is
HELATED Serving Size: 3 Capsules
Fremont, CA 94538
cardiovascular U.S.A.and nerve and muscle function.*
health, S
Serving Size:
Servings Per Container: 50 NOTA SOLD
healthyIN diet
sufficient uptake of calcium may Servings Per Container: 50 NOT
needed to break down dietary fats.
MAG Amount Per Serving
of calcium 300
Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol)
10 mcg (400 IU) 50%
MIN D3 Calcium (as calcium glycinate) 300 mg 25% since 1958. absorption.
magnesium 400 IU/10 mcg VITAMIN D3 Calcium (as calcium glycinate) 25% sinc
Magnesium (as magnesium glycinate) 150 mg 35% Based in Nature,
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Backed by Science.
the circulation so that blood levels of the mineral can be kept
Magnesium (as magnesium glycinate) 150 mg 35% Base
bones, OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, water, powdered cellulose,
Packaged with safety seal. constant at all times. It is estimated that inOTHER
For strong bones, an INGREDIENTS:
adult man about
Gelatin, water, powdered cellulose, Neo
re silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate and carmine. NeoLife
Made products use only
in U.S.A. teeth & more silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate and carmine. Mad
cer los
#1901 GMO-free ingredients. 700mg of calciumPara enters and
fortalecer los
leaves the bones each day in
ntes y this cycle of calcium “deposits”
huesos, dientes y and “withdrawals.”
s mucho más
Calcium must be supplied to the body through diet. However,
#931341 - 500cc only 20-30% of calcium in the average diet is absorbed from
Neo-Cal 1901
with multiple
and young adult women.*
designed high
Exclusively frompotency chewable Neo-Cal
sources of calcium and added vitamin C,
as cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and milk, greens including
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)
Calcium (as calcium carbonate, 1000 mg
collards and kale, almonds, flour, fish, tofu, and egg yolks. In
40 mg 67%
dicalcium phosphate, calcium gluconate, and calcium lactate)
Magnesium 76 mg 19% Magnesium 76 mg 19%
(as magnesium oxide) magnesium and betaine hydrochloride (sourced from
natural edge
beet nutrition
root) to ensure easy digestion and
the U.S., 75% of the calcium consumed is (as inmagnesium
the form oxide) of dairy
Phosphorus 120 mg 12% Phosphorus 120 mg 12%
e formula for (as dicalcium phosphate) since 1958.and better calcium utilization.
absorption products. Of the nutrients
Chewablethat mustforbe provided
formula (as dicalcium by the foods
phosphate) since
Betaine hydrochloride 12 mg † Store in
cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Betaine hydrochloride 12 mg †
nes & teeth*
we eat, calcium is strong
most likely
bonesto be lacking.
& teeth*
† Daily Value not established Backed by with safety seal.
Science. † Daily Value not established Backe
de calcio OTHER INGREDIENTS: Glucose, mannitol, stearic Tabletas de calcio OTHER INGREDIENTS: Glucose, mannitol, stearic
Made in U.S.A. Made
acid, cocoa powder, beet juice powder, fructose, acid, cocoa powder, beet juice powder, fructose,
e para gum, sorbitol, magnesium stearate, natural mint
flavor and carob powder.
Dietary Factors Can
masticable paraEnhance gum, sorbitol, magnesium stearate, natural mint
flavor and carob powder.
los huesos fortalecer los huesos
#1502 Calcium Absorption
y dientes*
GNLD Scientific
Advisory Board The following dietary factors may increase the absorption of
3 4 0 1 s calcium:
Lot # Lot #
Supplement *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food Dietary Supplement
andIf Drug Administration. This product is not intended ■ Vitamin D. One of the most important factors affecting
to diagnose,
Used By: treat, cure or prevent
1502any disease. 450 TABLETS
calcium absorption is an adequate supply of vitamin D,
Best If
Used B
08/21 US
Protein. Dietary protein increases the rate of calcium
Who Is At Risk For Osteoporosis
absorption from the small intestine when the amino acid
building blocks of proteins combine with calcium to form Bone mass begins to slowly decline after the age of 50. This
calcium chelates which are easily absorbed. decline is not debilitating when bone stores are adequate.
However, an inadequate calcium intake throughout the first
two or three decades of life can leave an individual at
Osteoporosis: When Calcium Needs serious risk for developing osteoporosis, a crippling disease
Are Greater Than Dietary Supplies that is marked by a gradual but severe loss of bone mineral.
The body builds bone mass throughout infancy, childhood, As a result, the bones become more fragile and susceptible
and young adulthood. In order to achieve maximum bone to injury and fracture:
density, the body must have a calcium intake high enough to 1. Because the rate of bone loss is particularly marked after
maintain the structure of the bones as well as to supply all of menopause, mainly because of a sharp reduction in
the additional needs for calcium in the body. It is believed estrogen, osteoporosis is more common in women in their
that peak bone mass is reached around the age of 25. middle and later years than heart attacks, strokes, diabetes,
The National Institutes of Health recommends that Americans or rheumatoid arthritis.
consume more calcium than they do now in order to build 2. The risk of a woman developing osteoporosis is greater than
and maintain healthy bones. the combined likelihood of her getting breast, uterine, and
ovarian cancers.
Suggested Daily Intake 3. American men over 50 have double the chance of suffering an
osteoporosis-related fracture than of developing clinical
Calcium prostate cancer. A little over one out of four men over 50 will
Age Group (milligrams)
break a bone due to osteoporosis.
08/21 US
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, there More than 80 studies have reported lowered blood pressure
is a “silent epidemic” of vitamin D deficiency in the elderly in after dietary calcium supplementation in experimental models
the U.S., and this increases the risk of skeletal fractures. of hypertension. One study of people with mild (stage 1)
What’s more, use of heavy sunscreens—as a precaution hypertension found that those consuming a low-fat diet rich
against premature aging and increased risk of skin cancer— in fruits, vegetables, and calcium enjoyed an average drop in
also decreases the ability of the body to produce sufficient systolic blood pressure of 11 points, and diastolic pressures
vitamin D. In fact, the Osteoporosis Society of Canada has fell an average of six points, which may be as good or better
recommended that elderly people and those who use heavy than reductions achieved with medication. Regardless,
sunscreens should have a dietary intake of 400 to 800 IU of calcium supplementation is not advised as a substitute for
vitamin D per day. prescribed hypertension medication.
Dietary Calcium and Osteoporosis Calcium status is particularly important during pregnancy, and
Prevention studies have shown that calcium supplementation may lower
blood pressure and prevent preeclampsia (high blood
The role of dietary calcium in reducing the risk or delaying pressure or tissue swelling during, or as a result of,
the onset of osteoporosis is now well-recognized. Because pregnancy). A review of six studies showed that calcium
bone loss accompanies the aging process, sufficient calcium
supplementation during pregnancy cut the risk of pregnancy-
intakes during early adulthood increase peak bone mass,
induced hypertension by half. There were also indications of
thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis decades later. In
other favorable benefits of calcium supplementation,
fact, calculations compiled by researchers at a major
including reduced risk of premature delivery. Calcium
osteoporosis center suggest that a 5% increase in peak bone
supplementation may be important to pregnant women for
density early in life can result in a 50% reduction in the risk of
other reasons as well: insufficient calcium supply during
fractures from bone loss later in life.
pregnancy and breast-feeding could result in maternal bone
According to researchers in New Zealand, calcium
loss, reduced calcium levels in breast-milk, or impaired infant
supplementation can slow postmenopausal bone loss by 30-
50%. Another study in Belgium showed that calcium and bone development.
vitamin D supplementation reduced nonvertebral fractures in Neolife Delivers Calcium In Complete
elderly subjects by up to 40% over an 18-month period. And
Bone-Building Formulas
numerous studies have shown that increased calcium intake,
together with weight-bearing exercise, can actually build NeoLife always looks first to nature for raw materials that are
bone, even late in life. high in purity and compatible with the body’s natural
Other studies suggest that it’s never too early to benefit from processes. For this reason, NeoLife’s Chelated Cal-Mag
increased calcium intake: In one study of adolescent girls, utilizes calcium carbonate from seashells. Highly soluble,
significant increases in bone density were seen in girls who calcium carbonate is readily absorbed.
received calcium supplements for 18 months. Researchers for For additional potency and purity, NeoLife offers
the U.S. Department of Agriculture say that “the primary pharmaceutical-grade calcium, present with seashell calcium
prevention of osteoporosis begins before puberty.” Studies in Neo-Cal. The different high-quality sources of calcium
now suggest that girls should boost their calcium intake allow us to achieve different formulation goals: maximum
beginning at about age five, since peak bone formation may absorption with Chelated Cal-Mag, ideal for the person who
begin—and end—earlier than previously believed. eats calcium-rich foods but wants extra calcium as “dietary
At least 14 intervention studies have established the skeletal insurance,” and high potency with Neo-Cal, ideal for people
benefits of increased calcium intake during growth and who might otherwise consume very little calcium in their
among women in late postmenopause. diets.
Calcium and Blood Pressure The amount of supplemental calcium a person needs each
day depends greatly upon a number of factors including diet,
High blood pressure, one of the most common chronic
age, nutritional preferences, and even genetic background.
diseases in industrialized societies, is a primary risk factor for
Because NeoLife is aware of these differences, we offer a
cardiovascular disease, heart failure, kidney disease, and
choice of four different calcium product formulations, each
stroke. Data from both population studies and clinical trials
with unique advantages, to fulfill everyone’s supplemental
have shown that calcium metabolism may be altered in
calcium needs.
people with hypertension.
08/21 US
Neo-Cal is a fresh-tasting, mint flavored, chewable tablet the
whole family will enjoy. It blends calcium carbonate with
calcium lactate and calcium gluconate-high-purity calcium
complexed to organic acids for better absorption-for
maximum utilization in the body. In addition, Neo-Cal contains
natural beet root, a source of betaine hydrochloride, which
helps digest calcium and maintain normal acidity in the
stomach. Magnesium and vitamin C have also been added to
enhance calcium absorption and utilization. Mint oil and
carob create the refreshing flavor of Neo-Cal.
Chelated Cal-Mag
Cal-Mag provides NeoLife’s unique amino-acid-chelated
calcium to improve absorption in a 2-to-1 ratio with
magnesium, a mineral which plays important roles in
numerous enzyme systems and in regulating the
cardiovascular system and muscle contraction. Cal-Mag is
available in two forms: a tablet which provides 100mg of
― ++ ―
08/21 US
Osteoporosis and low bone mass are a major health issue for more than 50
million Americans. By 2020, half of all North Americans over 50 years are
projected to be at risk of osteoporosis-related fractures. Despite the fact that we
consume more dairy products and calcium than any other population in the
world, we still have one of the highest rates of this debilitating disease. National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data shows that large
percentages of North Americans fail to meet the recommendations for optimal
calcium, magnesium and vitamin D intake. Calcium is critical for the development
and maintenance of strong bones and teeth, but emerging science shows that
we need more than just calcium to optimize bone health, and the benefits of
calcium, magnesium and vitamin D go beyond just bone health.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3404, 150 Tablets
Why Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D? Our Solution: Chelated Cal-Mag with
■ Research shows that adequate calcium and vitamin D as part of 1,000 IU Vitamin D
a healthy diet, along with physical activity, may reduce the risk ■ Supports stronger bones and more. Perfect blend of
of osteoporosis in later life. chelated calcium and magnesium with high potency vitamin
■ agnesium helps build strong bones and stimulates calcium
M D3, to support a broad range of health benefits.
uptake. ■ roprietary double amino acid chelation for fast dissolution
■ Calcium and magnesium, necessary for strong bones and and maximum absorption of minerals, calcium and
teeth, are also critical for cardiovascular health, normal blood magnesium. Prevents irritation to stomach and intestines.
pressure, nerve and muscle function, reduction of symptoms of ■ Preferred 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium.
PMS and many enzyme reactions.*
■ High potency and bioavailability with 1,000 IU of readily
■ Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption, and has also been absorbable and highly bioavailable vitamin D3.
shown to support breast, bone, heart and immune health in
■ Easy to swallow coated tablets.
recent research.*
■ ure & natural. Pharmaceutically pure, seashell sourced
■ Daily supplementation of calcium and vitamin D combined may
reduce the risk of bone fractures in all adults, regardless of age
or gender.
932365 150cc (2.25” x 6.375”) US
SUGGESTED USE: 3 tablets daily with meals. SUGGESTED USE: 3 tablets daily w
Adequate BY: calcium and vitamin D3 as part of a
Supplement Facts NeoLife International, LLC
Fremont, diet, U.S.A.
CA 94538 along with physical activity, may Supplement F
Serving Size: 3 Tablets reduce
RETAIL of osteoporosis in later life. N U T R I T I O N A L S CHELATED Serving Size: 3 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 50 Calcium and magnesium, necessary for strong Servings Per Container: 50
Available Exclusively from
® ®
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value bones and teeth, are also critical for cardiovascular
NeoLife Promoters. Amount Per Serving
Leading edgenerve
nutritionand muscle function and many
Vitamin D3 25 mcg (1000 IU) 130% since 1958. Vitamin D3 25 mcg (1000
enzyme reactions.*
N D3 (as cholecalciferol) Based in Nature,
Backed D3 supports breast, bone, heart and
by Science.
1000 IU/25 mcg VITAMIN D3 (as cholecalciferol)
Calcium 300 mg 25% Calcium 300 mg
immune health.* (as calcium glycinate)
(as calcium glycinate) Exclusive
Made in U.S.A. Double Amino Acid Chelation to For strong bones,
Magnesium 150 mg 35% Magnesium 150 mg
promote higher calcium and magnesium absorption. teeth & more
e (as magnesium glycinate) Store inN LIFE SCIENTIFIC
aEOcool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
(as magnesium glycinate)
cer los
Packaged with safety seal. Para fortalecer los OTHER INGREDIENTS: Powdered c
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Powdered cellulose, NeoLife products use only huesos, dientes y microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dio
ntes y microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, GMO-free ingredients. magnesium stearate, food glaze, ma
magnesium stearate, food glaze, magnesium mucho más silicate, sodium croscarmellose and
silicate, sodium croscarmellose and carmine. BASED
#0521 3 4 04 s
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food Dietary Supplement
ement and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
Lot #
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. K
TS 03/22 US
Used By:
Numerous studies link carotenoids—yellow, orange, red, and green pigments in
fruits and vegetables—to reduced risks for cancer and heart disease, enhanced
immunity, and tissue protection. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of
carotenoids, but most people do not eat the 5-13 daily servings recommended for
optimal health. NeoLife’s Carotenoid Complex is a whole-food supplement whose
benefits have been demonstrated in human studies conducted by the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and university researchers. Each capsule
provides the complete carotenoid value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of
carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3300, 90 Softgels
■ Whole-food ingredients. Our exclusive blend of carotenoid- ■ No artificial anything. Contains no artificial colors, flavors,
rich extracts and concentrates is derived from whole preservatives or sweeteners.
tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, ■ Low sodium.
apricots, and peaches.
■ Convenient serving. Each capsule provides the complete
carotenoid value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of
carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables — just one more way
to help you meet the recommended dietary intake of 5 to 13
servings of fruits and vegetables every day. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Hundreds of Pounds of Carotenoid Carotenoid Complex Is USDA Tested
Power in Every Bottle! ■ United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists
■ When it comes to delivering pure carotenoid power, conducted clinical research studies on Carotenoid Complex,
Carotenoid Complex puts hundreds of pounds in the palm NeoLife’s exclusive broad-spectrum carotenoid supplement
of your hand. To deliver the total carotenoid power in a from whole foods, and published their findings in peer-
single bottle of the new Carotenoid Complex, you’d have to reviewed scientific journals. The USDA studies showed that
eat: Carotenoid Complex:
■ 250 pounds or more of the raw vegetables and fruits it’s ■ Dramatically enhanced the immune response of white
made from. Research shows that your body absorbs only
blood cells — “natural killer” cells and lymphocytes —
5-10% of the carotenoids in raw vegetables and fruits.
greater than responses obtained at baseline and with beta-
■ 50 pounds or more of the steamed vegetables and fruits carotene supplementation alone.*
Carotenoid Complex is made from. Research shows food
■ Reduced blood lipid oxidation, an event that may contribute
preparation affects carotenoid bioavailability. Steamed fruits
and vegetables increase bioavailability 30-50%. to atherosclerosis, the arterial blockage that can lead to
heart disease and stroke.*
■ 18 pounds or more of steamed and puréed fruits and
vegetables (baby food). Steamed and puréed fruits and ■ Prevented the oxidation of cellular lipids, whereas
vegetables have the best bioavailability—up to 70%, which supplementation with beta-carotene alone did not.
is the method of raw material preparation utilized in Oxidation can contribute to the development of cancer and
Carotenoid Complex. other diseases.*
#932112 150cc 2.25” x 6.375” US
Available zeta-,from
Exclusively and cis-beta-carotene. It also contains
NeoLife Promoters.
lycopene and cis-lycopene, lutein, alpha-cryptoxanthin &
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Leading edge nutrition zeaxanthin and other carotenoids.
Calories 18 sinceEach
1958.bottle contains the carotenoid power of 250 lbs of
Total Fat
1.5 g
Basedraw fruits & vegetables.*
in Nature, COMPLEX
Backed by Science.contribute to antioxidant activity in cellular
Vitamin A (as alpha and beta-carotene) 2250 mcg (7500 IU) 250%
lipids, support normal cellular growth and renewal, and
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 12 mg (18 IU) 80% Madeassist healthy levels of immune cell activity. Carotenoids Immune-boosting
ng in U.S.A.
Lycopene 1200 mcg † promote cardiovascular health, including support for a nutrients from fruits
ruits Lutein/Zeaxanthin 410 mcg † healthy antioxidant response to LDL cholesterol.*
& vegetables*
Carotenoid Complex Blend 900 mg † Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root); Red bell pepper oleoresin Packaged with safety seal.
Nutrientes de frutas
rutas (Capsicum frutescens) (fruit); Tomato oleoresin (Lycopersicon NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
esculentum) (fruit); Spinach oleoresin (Spinacia oleracea) (leaf); y verduras para la
a la Apricot concentrate (Prunus armeniacea) (fruit); Strawberry estimulación
concentrate (Fragaria vesca) (fruit); Peach concentrate (Prunus inmunológica*
persica) (fruit). 1811
3 3 0 0 s
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
† Daily Value not established.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food Dietary Supplement
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
ement OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, olive oil, glycerin, Lot # diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 90 SOFTGELS
yellow beeswax, purified water, lecithin, soybean oil, CERTIFIED Best If
starch, silicon dioxide and natural color. HALAL Used By:
#1811 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10, known as ubiquinone) is a fat soluble, vitamin-like
compound found in virtually every cell of every living thing. CoQ10 is present in all
human cells, reaching its highest concentrations in and around the energy
producing mitochondria. It is needed for every basic cellular function, including
energy production and, in fact, even life itself.
Because of its unique, fat-soluble structure CoQ10 can readily exist within cell
membranes and facilitate both its protective antioxidant and energetic functions.
No other molecule can do this!
CoQ10 levels are known to decrease naturally with aging either by reduced
production efficiency (biosynthesis) within the body, or by increased metabolic
requirements, or both. Our natural production of CoQ10 slows as we age, often by
more than 50% by age 50. Some diet and lifestyle patterns and prescription drug
therapies are known to deplete CoQ10 unnaturally. Of particular concern are the
cholesterol lowering drugs known generally as “statins” which are known to disrupt
CoQ10's natural biosynthesis within the body.
CoQ10 Mitochondrial Energy Complex is nutritional fortification for optimal cellular
energy and health. Its exclusive, proprietary formula was developed from years of
research by the NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board and our global Science and
Technology Team. It is packed with specially selected nutrients known to play key
roles in healthy, lifelong mitochondrial energy production.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
#3523, 60 Softgels
■ Low CoQ10 levels have been directly associated with higher • Plus, the four most powerful, phytosterols; Betasitosterol,
risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, Campesterol, Stigmasterol and Brassicasterol from soy
neurodegenerative diseases, certain genetic disorders, involved in mitochondrial function.*
and aging. ■ NeoLife Proprietary Polyphenol Blend is natural, whole-
■ Low levels of CoQ10 have been associated with the food sourced polyphenols, plus resveratrol from red grapes
negative impact of three of the primary biologic markers of to provide extra antioxidant protection and to promote
Metabolic Syndrome (MetS); obesity, oxidative stress and mitochondrial protection.*
inflammation. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
■ With L-cysteine, the “rate-limiting” amino acid needed for ■ Natural, cold processed oils to preserve nutritional value.
cellular biosynthesis of the mitochondrial protector
■ Easy-to-swallow softgel capsules
glutathione. L-cysteine is known to support mitochondrial
function and strengthen inner-cellular protective systems.* ■ Based in Nature: NeoLife products use only
GMO-free ingredients
■ Other key ingredients; sunflower lecithin, coconut medium
chain triglycerides (MCT) oil, rice bran oil support CoQ10 ■ No artificial anything! No artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners
absorption. or preservatives added.
Supplement Facts
LLY CoQ10 International
NeoLife is an essential antioxidant for energy
CED Serving Size: 2 Softgels Servings Per Container: 30
3500 Gateway healthy
critical functions
Blvd.heart function, and many other
CA 94538 of the body. Our natural production
of CoQ10
NOT SOLDslows as we age,
IN RETAIL often by more than 50%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
by age 50.*
Available Exclusively from
Ubiquinone (CoQ10) 100 mg † NeoLifeDistributors.
NeoLife CoQ10 uses advanced biogenic technology
NeoLife Mitogenic Phyto-lipid & 606 mg † to source natural, pharmaceutical grade CoQ10,
Sterol Blend Leading edge nutrition
delivered in a highly bioavailable form. Combined
ex Rice bran oil, soy phytosterol concentrate (standardized to 95%
since 1958.
with a unique profile of critical ‘partner nutrients’
Energy Complex
Based in Nature,
to promote and protect total cellular energy
total phytosterols with 40% beta-sitosterol) and rice tocotrienols.
Backed by Science.
production at the mitochondrial level.* Supports heart healt
NeoLife Proprietary Polyphenol Blend 50 mg †
ealth Grape skin extract (standardized to 30% polyphenols) and grape
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. & cellular energy*
Made in U.S.A.
* extract (standardized to 10% resveratrol). Packaged with safety seal.
Apoya la salud del
L-cysteine 50 mg † corazón y la
el Coconut MCT oil 20 mg †
BASED energía celular*
Sunflower lecithin 20 mg † IN NATURE
† Daily Value not established. 3 5 2 3 s
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, glycerin, glycine, water, beeswax, *These statements have not been evaluated
and natural colors. by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose,
Dietary Suppleme
treat, cure or prevent any disease. 60 SOFTGELS
ement Lot #
Best If
S Used By: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3301, 60 Tablets *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
A Mountain Of Research Supports The ■ The phytonutrients in cruciferous vegetables, however, help
protect your cells in different ways. Research has shown
Health Benefits Of Cruciferous Vegetables
that the special protection afforded by cruciferous
■ Scientists often disagree amongst themselves, debating the phytonutrients can lessen our risk of developing what
latest theories in journal articles and at research scientists call “hormonally mediated” cancers (breast,
conferences. But fruits and vegetables seem to be one area prostate, lining of the uterus), as well as other cancers (lung,
where the research is so compelling and convincing that it’d colon and other digestive tract cancers). How cruciferous
be hard to find anyone willing to take the “con” side of the vegetables and other plants can help prevent cancer is not
debate. Thousands of scientific studies document the health yet fully understood, but it is likely that they:
benefits of diets rich in fruits and vegetables, and hundreds
■ Boost production of enzymes that detoxify cancer-causing
link these diets with lower risks of developing cancer.
agents (carcinogens) and flush them out of the body.
Among this mountain of research, some of the strongest
evidence correlates lower cancer rates with increased ■ Prevent the conversion of “good” estrogen (a hormone
consumption of cruciferous vegetables, named for their correlated with a lower risk for breast cancer) to “bad”
cross-shaped flower petals. Members of this pungent family estrogen (correlated with a higher risk).
include: ■ Defend cells from infiltration of “bad” estrogen by blocking
■ Bok choy (Chinese cabbage) ■ Horseradish its entry sites on the cell membrane. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
■ These cruciferous vegetables contain two main Fruit And Vegetable Consumption: Almost
phytonutrients that science has shown may lower your risk
Everyone Falls Short
of developing cancer:*
■ Yet people worldwide fall profoundly short of meeting the
■ Isothiocyanates. One potent member of this family of
five-serving recommendations. For instance, the Second
protector nutrients is sulforaphane, a component of broccoli
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES
and other crucifers that has been shown to inhibit tumors of
II, 1976-1980) showed that less than 10% of the U.S.
the lung, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, breast,
population consumed the recommended amount of
liver, and bladder in rats and mice. Sulforaphane can
produce. In fact, the survey revealed that on a given day
prevent chemicals from becoming active carcinogens in the
45% of the population ate no fruit or juice and 22% ate no
first place, stimulate enzymes that detoxify them, block their
interaction with DNA, and facilitate their excretion. Its
potential for preventing cancer is the subject of current ■ Even if you think you’re eating enough of the right stuff, you
human clinical trials. could be fooling yourself. A study commissioned by the
United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, now known
■ Indole carbinols. These compounds encourage estrogen to
as the United Fresh Produce Association, revealed that
follow a metabolic pathway that is associated with a consumers overestimated the amounts of fruits and
reduced risk of breast cancer. Indole carbinols also can vegetables they ate by 33%. Examination of food diaries
defuse cancerpromoting estrogen byproducts and facilitate from 2,000 households showed that study participants
their excretion. Cruciferous Plus also contains antioxidants actually ate 13% fewer vegetable and 56% fewer fruit
from oranges, licorice root, and soybeans that help protect servings than they reported. On average, people consumed
your cells in different ways: one serving of fruit and two of vegetables daily — far less
■ Terpenes. D-Limonene, a terpene (plant oil) in citrus fruits, can than the five or more servings recommended by the
boost levels of enzymes that break down carcinogens, National Cancer Institute and other leading health
stimulate cancer-killing immune cells, and inhibit oncogenes authorities. Larger studies confirm that the average
(genes capable of causing cancer). It has been shown to inhibit consumption of fruits and vegetables ranges from 2.5 to 3.5
breast cancer at all stages in animal studies and has even servings a day.
been shown to cause regression of breast cancer in rats.
The Cruciferous Gap
■ Chalcones. A sweet substance in licorice root, chalcones
have been shown to prevent the formation of a byproduct ■ Cruciferous vegetables are particularly unpopular, with the
of testosterone that spurs the growth of prostate cancer. average American eating about one serving per week
Relatives of antioxidant flavonoids, they can also prevent (instead of per day, as recommended), according to the U.S.
the DNA damage that often precedes cancer. Department of Agriculture. Inhabitants of the United
Kingdom fare slightly better with three cruciferous servings
■ Isoflavones. Research has shown that isoflavones such as
per week, but still miss the “one-a-day” mark. The
genistein in soybeans can inhibit cancer by hindering the
Japanese, who enjoy some of the world’s lowest cancer
growth of the capillaries that supply tumors, blocking the
rates, especially for hormonally mediated cancers, meet the
entry of estrogen into cells, and deterring the proliferation
cruciferous challenge by eating eight servings per week.
of cancer cells. Genistein is currently under investigation as
an agent to prevent cancer in humans. THE CRUCIFEROUS GAP
PER WEEK *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The bottom line is that most of the world’s people, even in Cruciferous Plus Bridges The Gap
developed nations, aren’t eating anywhere near the amount
of crucifers recommended by public health authorities to While eating a serving of brussels sprouts, cabbage, or
lessen cancer risks. broccoli each day is easier said than done, getting the
■ In addition, people aren’t getting enough of other health protective phytonutrients you need to help reduce your
promoting phytonutrients. Non-Asian diets frequently miss cancer risk is now easier than ever. In a convenient tablet,
out on the anti-cancer boons of soy products, and licorice NeoLife’s Cruciferous Plus provides the nutrient density and
root, which provides healthful chalcones, is hardly a dietary diversity of the phytonutrients found in one optimal serving
staple. D-Limonene is removed from oranges and lemons of a combination of cruciferous vegetables. Based in nature
during juice production to curb rancidity problems. The and backed by science, Cruciferous Plus offers an excellent
result? We’re not getting the full protection Mother Nature means of bridging dietary gaps and supplying unique
can afford.
932149 100cc 5.50” x 2.00” US
Soy (from high isoflavone soy milk
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value NeoLife Promoters.provides isoflavones (e.g. genistein) that
Leading edgemaintain
helps nutritionhealthy hormonal activity.*
Calories 0 since 1958.
LUS Total Carbohydrate <1 g <1%** Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Based in Nature, P
Sodium 10 mg <1% BackedPackaged with safety seal.
by Science.
Cruciferous Plus Blend 525 mg † NeoLife products use only
Soymilk powder; Broccoli extract (Brassica oleracea italica) GMO-free
Made in U.S.A. ingredients.
(aerial); Radish extract (Raphanus sativus) (seed); Kale extract phytonutients
ds* (Brassica oleracea acephala) (aerial); Orange extract (Citrus NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC from whole fo
sinensis) (fruit); Mustard extract (Brassica juncea) (seed); ADVISORY BOARD
Licorice extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (root); Mustard concentrate Fitonutrientes
(Brassica juncea) (seed); Watercress concentrate (Rorippa protectores d
nasturtium officinale) (leaf and stem). BASED
IN NATURE alimentos ent
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. 1902
† Daily Value not established. 3301s
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, calcium *These statements have not been evaluated
carbonate, rice starch, sodium croscarmellose, stearic acid, by the Food and Drug Administration.
ment silicon dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, simethicone Lot # This product is not intended to diagnose,
Dietary Supp
and natural color.
Contains soy. Best If
Used By:
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
#1902 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
08/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
When active people are training with a goal in mind, pushing your body to its limit
and the finish line takes endurance mentally and physically.
Beef liver is traditionally valued as an energy-boosting food. NeoLife SPORT
Endurance is a superior, concentrated source of natural “anti-fatigue” nutrients
from pure liver and enhanced by the antioxidant properties of vitamin C.*
NeoLife SPORT Endurance is derived from 100% pure South American beef liver.
Beef liver is a densely nutritious food rich in high quality protein, B-complex
vitamins, particularly B12, plus iron and an array of trace minerals. Because of the
synergistic ratios in which these nutrients naturally occur, liver is an excellent
energy food.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3281 – 120 Tablets
Support for Athletic Endurance with Our Solution: NeoLife SPORT Endurance
Liver and Antioxidants ■ Superior, concentrated source of the natural “anti-
■ Traditionally, an energy-boosting food, and provides a fatigue” nutrients from liver.*
concentrated source of nutrients needed to support ■ Highest quality desiccated liver from grass fed cows.
biological and energy producing activities. Contains 100% pure South American beef liver with no
■ Because of the body’s ability to endure prolonged activity growth hormones (anabolic steroids), antibiotics or
is linked to nutritional energy reserves, the concentrated pesticide residues.
nutrients in liver support increased physical endurance ■ Vacuum-dried and defatted to eliminate cholesterol and
and provide a nutritional buffer against fatigue.* prevent rancidity.
■ Special protective coating “locks in” the nutrient value
of each tablet and minimizes taste and odor
■ Vitamin C and bioflavonoids in Neo-Plex Concentrate
added to protect desiccated liver from oxidation and
enhance nutrient absorption.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
932132 150cc 6.375” x 2.25” U.S. ENDURANCE
SUGGESTED USE: Adults take 2 tablets daily. Nutrients
DISTRIBUTED BY:required for the body’s energy production
NeoLife International, LLC
Supplement Facts Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
Hormone-free, antibiotic-free, beef liver. Liver is
Serving Size: 2 Tablets naturally rich in protein, B-complex vitamins
Available Exclusively from
Servings Per Container: 60 (especially
NeoLife Promoters.B12 ), iron, chromium, magnesium, copper,
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value selenium,
Leading potassium and other vital trace minerals.
edge nutrition
1958. C and Neo-Plex Concentrate to enhance
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 53 mg 60%
in Nature, absorption and protect whole food
Desiccated liver 1,000 mg † Backed by Science.
components from oxidation.*
Yeast 24 mg †
E Rosehips (Rosa canina) (fruit) 20 mg † Made Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
in U.S.A.
Rutin 20 mg † Packaged with safety seal.
Neo-Plex Concentrate Blend 57 mg † NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients. ANTI-FATIGUE NUT
ORT Orange juice powder (Citrus sinensis) (fruit); ENERGY & MAXIM
CE* Orange powder (Citrus sinensis) (peel);
Anti-fatiga nutriente
Citrus bioflavonoid.
gia NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC y maximizar la resist
† Daily Value not established ADVISORY
3 2 8 1BOARD
s 1902
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Stearic acid, hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose, silicon dioxide, *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
glycerin and natural color.
Lot # Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, DIETARY
Best If
cure or prevent any disease. SUPPLEMENT
TS #1902
Used By: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3520 - 180 Tablets
Serving Size: 4 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 45 NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. provide a broad range of activity across the full pH
Available Exclusively from spectrum normally found in the intestinal tract. Tablets are
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value NeoLife Promoters. enteric coated to protect contents from stomach acid and
AID Calcium 612 mg 45% Leading edge nutrition
ensure enzyme release in the intestines.
(as dicalcium phosphate and calcium sulfate) since 1958.
Protease catalyzes protein into amino acids. Amylase aids
40 mg
140 mg
Based in Nature,
Backed by Science. carbohydrate breakdown into saccharides. Lipase, bile DIG
eric Amylase 200 mg † salts and dehydrocholic acid help prepare dietary lipids
ective Papain 200 mg † Made in U.S.A. for absorption. Ox bile and dehydrocholic acid facilitate
ery Ox bile 300 mg †
lipase activity and support thorough fat digestion. These
Dehydrocholic acid 70 mg †
icas digestive agents promote healthy, stress-free digestion
ectro, † Daily Value not established. and optimum nutrient availability.*
ara una OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
silicate, stearic acid, food glaze, powdered cellulose, hydroxypropyl
específica methylcellulose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, titanium Packaged with safety seal.
dioxide, natural color, glycerin, vanillin and carmine. NeoLife products use only
plement GMO-free ingredients.
#0321 Lot #
TS Best If
Used By:
03/22 US *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3615, 60 Tablets
■ Because herbs are nature’s solutions to wellness ■ Herbs are selected from many global traditions, bringing
challenges. you the best herbal knowledge from around the world.
■ Because herbs are non-habit-forming. ■ Contains St. John’s wort, which has been shown to help
support calmness, relieve low mood, and support positive
■ Because herbs work naturally and gently to support normal mental attitude.*
female function.
■ Contains Vitex and Red Sage, which have been shown to
■ Because herbs have been shown to restore the body’s support normal female physiology and function.*
balance and help the female body perform at its vital best.
■ Guaranteed purity, potency, and consistency.
■ Because herbs have been shown to relieve menstrual and
premenstrual symptoms including: swelling and bloating, ■ Natural herbal formula contains no chemical or
inflammation, breast tenderness, irritability, cramping, and animal products.
mild anxiety.
03/22 US
Red Sage — leaf Normalizes body temperature. Reduces excess sweating and
(Salvia officinalis) abdominal bloating. Assists in regulation of menstrual cycle.
Restores vitality.*
St. John’s Wort — flower Relieves irritability and anxiety; helps elevate low moods.
(Hypericum perforatum) Normalizes body temperature and distressed tissue. Calms the
nervous system.*
Wild Yam — root system Calms and relaxes muscles and nervous system. Normalizes
(Dioscorea villosa) distressed tissues. Supports a healthy liver and assists with
cleansing of blood.*
Lady’s Mantle — herb Diminishes heavy menstrual flow. Normalizes distressed tissues.
(Alchemilla vulgaris) Helps regulate menstrual cycle.*
Chinese Angelica — root Restores vitality. Calms and relaxes muscles and nervous system.
(Angelica polymorpha) Normalizes distressed tissues. Helps regulate menstrual cycle.*
Skullcap — herb Relieves irritability and anxiety. Calms and soothes muscles and
(Scutellaria lateriflora) nervous system.*
Ginger — root Reduces swelling in fingers and ankles. Calms and relaxes
(Zingiber officinale) muscles. Normalizes distressed tissues.*
Dandelion — root Assists with cleansing of blood, promoting healthy kidney and
(Taraxacum officinale) liver function. Reduces abdominal bloating and fluid retention.*
03/22 US
monthly cycle.*
support the physical and emotional aspects of every day of the
Feminine Herbal Complex contains a unique blend of herbs that
S u p p l em e nt F acts
Feminine Herbal COMPLEX
Serving Size: 1 Tablet Feminine Herbal
Servings Per Container: 60 COMPLEX
SUGGESTED USE: 1 tablet each Amount
p lBlend
officinalis) e
(7:1); St.F acts 304 mg The herbs red sage, St. John's wort, vitex, lady's
(Hypericum perforatum) (flower) (6:1); Vitex (Vitex and leading edge science unique
† agnus-castus)
Daily Value not (5:1); Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) (root)
(fruit)established. been shown to support the physical
cyclical needs of the female system. and emotional
(25:1); Lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) (herb) (7:1); aspects of every day of the monthly cycle.*
OTHER angelica (Angelica sinensis)
ChineseINGREDIENTS: (root) (5:1); Skullcap
Microcrystalline cellulose, Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
(Scutellaria laterifolia) (herb) (5:1); Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Feminine Herbal Complex uses a synergistic
sodium croscarmellose and magnesium stearate.
(root) (6:1); Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) (root) (5:1);
Herbal Blend derived from ancient herbal wisdom
DISTRIBUTED BY: glabra) (root) Based
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza (5:1). in Nature,
NeoLife International, LLC Backed by Science. and leading edge science to support unique
† Daily Value
Fremont, not established.
CA 94538 U.S.A. cyclical needs of the female system.
NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. Made in U.S.A. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Exclusively from Microcrystalline cellulose,
Promoters. and magnesium stearate.
Leading edge BY:
nutrition Based in Nature,
NeoLife International, LLC Backed by Science.
since 1958.
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. Made in U.S.A. and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Available Exclusively from 2001
NeoLife Promoters.
Leading edge nutrition
since 1958.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
Flavonoids are water-soluble antioxidants in fruits, vegetables, tea, and wine.
Colorful pigments, they are responsible for brilliant blues, purples, and greens, as
well as yellows, oranges, and reds which cannot be attributed to carotenoids.
Research links them to reduced risks for cancer, heart disease, and other age-
related degenerative diseases, as well as antioxidant protection of body fluids such
as blood. NeoLife’s Flavonoid Complex provides diverse phytonutrients from an
optimal serving of fruits and vegetables, plus catechins from green tea and ellagic
acid from grapes, and cranberries.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3302 60 Tablets
Based in Nature,
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 100 mg 110%
Backed by Science.
ful phytonutrient
Sodium 68 mg 3% of catechins, anthocyanins, proanthocyanins,
flavones, flavanones, flavonols, and ellagic acid
Flavonoid Complex Blend 654 mg † Made in U.S.A.
tion for cellular Cranberry extract (Vaccinium macrocarpon) (fruit); Kale concentrate
(Brassica oleracea acephala) (leaf); Green Tea extract (Camellia sinensis)
* (leaf); Beet concentrate (Beta vulgaris) (root); Blueberry extract (Vaccinium
from green tea, kale, cranberries, blueberries,
corymbosum) (fruit); Elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra) (fruit); Red
osa protección Grape Skin extract (Vitis vinifera) (skin); Black Grape Skin extract (Vitis elderberries, red & black grapes, beet root,
o nutrientes para vinifera) (skin); Orange extract (Citrus aurantium) (fruit); Lemon extract
(Citrus limon) (fruit); Grapefruit extract (Citrus paradisi) (fruit). lemons, oranges, and grapefruit.
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
† Daily Value not established.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Powe
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, sodium
croscarmellose, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, hydroxypropyl
Packaged with safety seal. prote
y Supplement methylcellulose, triacetin, carmine, and natural color.
Lot #
ABLETS #0621
Best If
Used By: health
Pode con fi
03/22 US salud
3 3 0 2 s
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3105, 60 Packets *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Packet
Servings Per Container: 60
Formula IV Plus
Calories 10
Total Fat 1g 1%**
Vitamin A (from retinyl palmitate) 1000 mcg (3333 IU) 110%
NeoLife International, LLC
Vitamin C [as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry 90 mg 100% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
(Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)]
Vitamin D3 (from cholecalciferol) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 6.7 mg (10 IU) 45% NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 10 mg 830% Available Exclusively from NeoLife Promoters.
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 10 mg 770% Leading edge nutrition since 1958.
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 25 mg 160%
Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Formula IV Plus
quantities and in proper balance for your cells to function at their best.
strong as its weakest link, six nutrient groups must be present in sufficient
Formula IV® Plus helps strengthen the Chain of Life. Because a chain is only as
Potassium (as potassium gluconate) 10 mg <1%
Inositol 65 mg †
Lecithin (from soy) 30 mg †
Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 2 mg †
TRE-EN-EN Grain Concentrate Blend 675 mg †
Rice bran oil; Soybean oil; Wheat germ oil
Phyto Enzyme Blend 45 mg †
Lipase; Protease; Diastase; Amylase *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. cure or prevent any disease.
† Daily Value not established.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, glycerin, yellow beeswax, sodium croscarmellose,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, water, rice bran, wheat germ, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide,
natural color and triacetin.
Contains soy and wheat. 1901
Formula IV Plus
Best If
Used By: 3 1 0 5 s *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
There’s more to nutrition than just vitamins and minerals. As important as these
nutrients are to optimal health, others play equally important roles. Original and
unique, NeoLife’s Formula IV is more than just a multi-vitamin and mineral
supplement. It’s the first multifactor food supplement to provide vitamins and
related food factors, minerals, and enzymes, as well as lipids and sterols. First
developed in the 1950s, Formula IV with Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates has
provided people throughout the world with decades of nutritional assurance at the
cellular level.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3100, 120 Softgels
Why Food Supplements? ■ trengthens all nutritional “links” of the “Chain of Life” except
The human body requires a wide variety of nutrients to be its
healthy best. ■ cientifically tested and proven to support efficient utilization
of nutrients.*
■ Many diets do not provide the density or diversity of nutrients
needed to assure optimal health. ■ Enzymes to aid digestion and absorption of supplemented
■ any modern diets rely on processed staple foods which have
been stripped of nutrients important for cell function — ■ atural colored, soft gelatin capsules assure potency, digest
especially lipids and sterols. easily.
■ Preservative-free.
Our Solution: Formula IV
■ Delivers a wide array of vitamins plus important minerals.
■ ontains Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates — rich sources of
essential lipids and sterols important for cellular health.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
® Amount Per Serving % Daily Value sinceLecithin
1958.(from soy) 30 mg †
Calories 16 Para-aminobenzoic acid 30 mg †
Total Fat 1.2 g 2%** Based in Nature,
Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Vitamin A (from fish liver oil) 1200 mcg (4000 IU) 130% Backed
Mixedby Science.
non-alpha-tocopherols 1 mg †
Vitamin C [as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry 90 mg 100% TRE-EN-EN® Grain Concentrate Blend 450 mg †
(Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)] Store inRice
a cool, drySoybean
bran oil; place,oil; Wheat germ oil.
Vitamin D3 (from fish liver oil) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50% awayPhyto
sunlight. 45 mg †
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 6.7 mg (10 IU) 45% Lipase; Protease; Diastase; Amylase.
x Thiamine (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 10 mg 830% Packaged with safety seal.
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 10 mg 770% ** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 50 mg 310%
† Daily Value not established.
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from yeast) 10 mg 590%
Made INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, glycerin, wax, water, hydrolyzed collagen
in U.S.A.
Folate 667 mcg DFE 170% protein, titanium dioxide and natural color.
(400 mcg folic acid) Contains soy, wheat and fish (pollack and skipjack).
mínico Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg 420% NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 12 mg 240% ADVISORY
Iron [as ferrous fumarate and from parsley 25 mg 140% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
(Petroselinum crispum) (leaf)] Lipids and sterols provide critical support for the healthy cellular uptake of
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70% nutrients and cellular export of waste and metabolites.*
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 35 mg 8%
Copper (as copper gluconate and from kelp) 2 mg 220% *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Manganese (as manganese gluconate) 10 mg 430% This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Potassium (as potassium gluconate) 10 mg <1%
Lot #WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of
nt #1901 fatal poisoning in children under six. Keep this product out of reach of children.
Best InIf case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
Used By:
3100s *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3105, 60 Packets *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Packet
Servings Per Container: 60
Formula IV Plus
Calories 10
Total Fat 1g 1%**
Vitamin A (from retinyl palmitate) 1000 mcg (3333 IU) 110%
NeoLife International, LLC
Vitamin C [as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry 90 mg 100% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
(Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)]
Vitamin D3 (from cholecalciferol) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 6.7 mg (10 IU) 45% NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 10 mg 830% Available Exclusively from NeoLife Promoters.
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 10 mg 770% Leading edge nutrition since 1958.
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 25 mg 160%
Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Formula IV Plus
quantities and in proper balance for your cells to function at their best.
strong as its weakest link, six nutrient groups must be present in sufficient
Formula IV® Plus helps strengthen the Chain of Life. Because a chain is only as
Potassium (as potassium gluconate) 10 mg <1%
Inositol 65 mg †
Lecithin (from soy) 30 mg †
Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 2 mg †
TRE-EN-EN Grain Concentrate Blend 675 mg †
Rice bran oil; Soybean oil; Wheat germ oil
Phyto Enzyme Blend 45 mg †
Lipase; Protease; Diastase; Amylase *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. cure or prevent any disease.
† Daily Value not established.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, glycerin, yellow beeswax, sodium croscarmellose,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, water, rice bran, wheat germ, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide,
natural color and triacetin.
Contains soy and wheat. 1901
Formula IV Plus
Best If
Used By: 3 1 0 5 s *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
There’s more to nutrition than just vitamins and minerals. As important as these
nutrients are to optimal health, others play equally important roles. Original and
unique, NeoLife’s Formula IV is more than just a multi-vitamin and mineral
supplement. It’s the first multifactor food supplement to provide vitamins and
related food factors, minerals, and enzymes, as well as lipids and sterols. First
developed in the 1950s, Formula IV with Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates has
provided people throughout the world with decades of nutritional assurance at the
cellular level.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3100, 120 Softgels
Why Food Supplements? ■ trengthens all nutritional “links” of the “Chain of Life” except
The human body requires a wide variety of nutrients to be its
healthy best. ■ cientifically tested and proven to support efficient utilization
of nutrients.*
■ Many diets do not provide the density or diversity of nutrients
needed to assure optimal health. ■ Enzymes to aid digestion and absorption of supplemented
■ any modern diets rely on processed staple foods which have
been stripped of nutrients important for cell function — ■ atural colored, soft gelatin capsules assure potency, digest
especially lipids and sterols. easily.
■ Preservative-free.
Our Solution: Formula IV
■ Delivers a wide array of vitamins plus important minerals.
■ ontains Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates — rich sources of
essential lipids and sterols important for cellular health.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
® Amount Per Serving % Daily Value sinceLecithin
1958.(from soy) 30 mg †
Calories 16 Para-aminobenzoic acid 30 mg †
Total Fat 1.2 g 2%** Based in Nature,
Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Vitamin A (from fish liver oil) 1200 mcg (4000 IU) 130% Backed
Mixedby Science.
non-alpha-tocopherols 1 mg †
Vitamin C [as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry 90 mg 100% TRE-EN-EN® Grain Concentrate Blend 450 mg †
(Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)] Store inRice
a cool, drySoybean
bran oil; place,oil; Wheat germ oil.
Vitamin D3 (from fish liver oil) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50% awayPhyto
sunlight. 45 mg †
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 6.7 mg (10 IU) 45% Lipase; Protease; Diastase; Amylase.
x Thiamine (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 10 mg 830% Packaged with safety seal.
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 10 mg 770% ** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 50 mg 310%
† Daily Value not established.
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from yeast) 10 mg 590%
Made INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, glycerin, wax, water, hydrolyzed collagen
in U.S.A.
Folate 667 mcg DFE 170% protein, titanium dioxide and natural color.
(400 mcg folic acid) Contains soy, wheat and fish (pollack and skipjack).
mínico Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg 420% NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 12 mg 240% ADVISORY
Iron [as ferrous fumarate and from parsley 25 mg 140% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
(Petroselinum crispum) (leaf)] Lipids and sterols provide critical support for the healthy cellular uptake of
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70% nutrients and cellular export of waste and metabolites.*
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 35 mg 8%
Copper (as copper gluconate and from kelp) 2 mg 220% *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Manganese (as manganese gluconate) 10 mg 430% This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Potassium (as potassium gluconate) 10 mg <1%
Lot #WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of
nt #1901 fatal poisoning in children under six. Keep this product out of reach of children.
Best InIf case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
Used By:
3100s *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Joint pain is the most frequent cause of physical disability among adults, impacting
both quality of life and finances. It affects more than 40 million Americans and more
than half the U.S. population age 65 or older. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that
exists naturally in our body. It is the building block of molecules that gives structure
and resilience to cartilage and it is essential for the function and integrity of joints.
Glucosamine has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and other symptoms
associated with joint pain and to stimulate the regeneration of joint cartilage.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3505, 90 Tablets
03/22 US
932345 175cc (2.375” x 6.75”) US
Serving Size: 3 Tablets Comfort Complex
STORES. and selected minerals for
Servings Per Container: 30
Available andfrom
Exclusively mobility.*
Amount Per Serving NeoLife Promoters.
% Daily Value
Notice: Not recommended for pregnant or
Zinc (as zinc gluconate) 15 mg 140% Leading edge nutrition
lactating women.
since 1958.
Glucosamine hydrochloride 1500 mg † BasedStore in a cool, dry place, away from
in Nature,
Silica (from bamboo extract 30 mg † Backed by Science.
(Bambusa vulgaris) (stem)) direct sunlight. Comfort
Boron (as boron citrate) 6 mg † Made inPackaged
U.S.A. with safety seal. Flexibility
Proprietary HCC 756 mg †
Boswellia extract (Boswellia serrata) (plant); Bromelain Mobility
(from pineapple); White willow extract (Salix alba) (bark)
† Daily Value not established
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, Movilidad
sodium croscarmellose, silicon dioxide, hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose, triacetin and natural color.
Contains shellfish (lobster, shrimp and crayfish). 0321
3 5 0 5 s
ment Lot # *These statements have not been evaluated by the Dietary Su
Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
Best If
Used By:
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
#3665 60 Tablets
NeoLife Scientific
Dietary Supplement Advisory Board
studies show that this amount — equivalent to that found in
sulfur compound responsible for many of garlic’s health garlic every day.
Garlic phytonutrients help to retain healthy blood pressure and
support healthy immune responses, and promote normal cell growth and renewal
Supplement Facts (especially in the gastrointestinal tract).*
Serving Size: 2 Tablets Servings Per Container: 30
Garlic phytonutrients help to retain healthy blood pressure and
Amount Per Serving cholesterol levels, support healthy immune responses, Garlic Allium
and Complex includes the whole food garlic components, alliin and
promote normal cell growth and renewal (especially alliinase.
in theOur exclusive Targeted Delivery Technology ensures these key
Allium Blend 490 mg †
components are delivered to the digestive tract, where they react together to
Heart* · Immunit
Contains soy.
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
statements have not been evaluated by the Food GNLD International, Ltd. since 1958.
Used By
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended Kingston, Jamaica, W.I. Based in Nature,
Best If
Balancing the uptake and utilization of glucose is one of the most important
physiological processes of the body as glucose is a key fuel. If too little glucose is
available at any given time it undermines health and vitality by compromising
cellular energy production; thus the function of critical tissue, organs and systems
within it. Too much glucose, on the other hand, can react with and harm body
tissues and disturb the body’s natural fat storage systems. This induces unhealthy
weight gain, increases risk of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases, and
ultimately disrupts or even destroys portions of the circulatory system, putting the
entire body at risk. Maintaining healthy, effective glucose balance throughout our
lives is vital. For an increasing portion of the population, the ability to maintain
glucose balance and control has been compromised.
In 2017 the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published data
derived from 2015 investigations estimating that more than 30 million Americans
(9.4% of the population) had diabetes. Additionally they pointed out that about one
third of the population, or about 84 million Americans age 20 and older had
prediabetes. Combined, that means as of 2015 nearly half of the U.S. population 20
years of age or older is affected. Since that time, rapidly growing data shows it is
only getting worse.
The NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board has created a safe, drug-free, blood glucose
support product.* This was designed to complement other dietary and lifestyle
changes in a holistic approach to blood glucose management. This unique and
exclusive combination of the bioactive botanicals; cinnamon, turmeric and
curcumin, combined with chromium from yeast and alpha-lipoic acid, delivers
broad, natural, evidence-based support for normal healthy glucose balance.*
Formulated to work with the body’s own natural biochemistry, NeoLife Glucose
Balance represents yet another example of how our understanding of the effect of
nutrition on metabolism enables us to produce products that can contribute to
lifelong health and vitality.*
#3430, 120 Tablets
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
Why A Glucose Balance Supplement? ■ Cassia cinnamon is the most studied and proven effective
form for supporting glucose metabolism and blood glucose
■ To help support healthy glucose levels in the body.*
levels. In addition cinnamon has been shown to support
■ To support normal pancreatic function for healthy insulin levels.* normal insulin production and to help support and maintain
■ To maintain normal insulin activity.* a healthy cholesterol profile.*
■ Curcumin is the most bioactive phytonutrient component of
Why NeoLife’s Glucose Balance? turmeric; curcumin has been shown to support the normal
■ NeoLife exclusive botanical blend provides powerful whole production and function of insulin.*
food botanical ingredients; cinnamon, curcumin and turmeric ■ Turmeric is an antioxidant phytonutrient that provides a
proven with leading-edge modern clinical science to support broad spectrum of curcuminoids as well as beneficial
healthy glucose levels during fasting and after meals.* effects to balance inflammation, and helps maintain normal
healthy blood glucose levels.*
■ Provides chromium from yeast, the most bioactive form. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chromium is a critical co-factor with insulin and essential for NeoLife Glucose Balance uses a proprietary Ayurvedic
the normal healthy metabolism of carbohydrates, and also Botanical Blend of whole food ingredients known to support
to maintain normal cellular responsiveness to insulin.* normal blood glucose balance in three primary ways:
■ Alpha-lipoic acid provides protection from free radicals created 1. Maintaining blood glucose within the normal range
during metabolic processes, and also helps support healthy 2. Supporting healthy and normal insulin action
blood sugar levels and maintain normal insulin sensitivity.*
3. Promoting whole body glucose management*
■ 100% Vegan
■ GMO-free ingredients are used *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3655, 60 Tablets
03/22 US
761226 2.75” x 1.00” x 3.46875” US
Herbal Respiratory60FORMULA
The following benefits have been attributed to the
· Relief ** · Relief *
herbs contained in NeoLife’s Herbal Respiratory
Dietary Supplement
Formula by master herbalists:
Herbal Respiratory
* ·*Comfort
Herb Actions and Benefits
Dietary Supplement
Elecampane — root Promotes clear, calm and healthy bronchial and pulmonary
Herbal Respiratory
(Inula helenium) mucosa, free of spasms and restrictions; encourages regular air
Airflow* ·Airflow
flow. Supports a strong immune system.*
Facilita la comodidad respiratoria*
Nettle — leaf Supports a healthy respiratory response to pollen and other
Facilitates respiratory comfort*
(Urtica dioica) common allergens. Promotes efficient kidney function.*
Facilita la comodidad respiratoria*
Thyme — herb Encourages calm and unrestricted air flow and, healthy and
(Thymus vulgaris)
Herbal Respiratory
* Facilitates respiratory comfort clear lungs. Calms and soothes distressed tissue. Promotes
vitality and healthy immune responses.*
Elder — flower Supports normal temperature levels; soothes distressed tissue.
Herbal Respiratory
(Sambucus nigra) Promotes healthy, normal moisture content along airway
passages; encourages regular airflow.*
Aniseed — seed Promotes clear, relaxed breathing, free of spasms and
(Pimpinella anisum) restrictions. Encourages normal moisture content of airway
mucosa. Also calms and quiets digestion.*
body's natural respiratory comfort.*
Licorice — root Calms and soothes distressed tissue. Assists a clear, relaxed
Herbal Respiratory Formula's unique blend of herbs supports the
(Glycyrrhiza glabra) respiratory response to pollen and other common allergens.
Encourages normal moisture content of airway mucosa.*
Herbal Respiratory FORMULA
body's natural respiratory comfort.*
Herbal Respiratory Formula's unique blend of herbs supports the
Bayberry — root bark Encourages normal moisture content of airway mucosa and
helenium) Elder
Storeflower anddry
place,promote a healthy, clear
Elecampane (Inula(root
(Myrica cerifera) (root) (5:1); Nettle
bark) (4:1). in a cool, away from direct sunlight.
(Urtica dioica) (leaf) (5:1); Thyme (Thymus vulgaris ) bronchial lining.*
ValueElder (Sambucus nigra ) (flower) (4:1);
not established.
Anise (Pimpinella anisum) (seed) (5:1); Licorice Herbal Respiratory Formula's unique blend of herbs
glabra) (root)Microcrystalline
(5:1); Bayberry cellulose, supports the body's natural respiratory comfort.*
Herbal Respiratory
sodium croscarmellose and magnesium stearate.
(Myrica cerifera) (root bark) (4:1). Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
DISTRIBUTED BY: Based in Nature,
† Daily International,
NeoLife Value not established.
LLC Backed by Science.
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. Made in U.S.A. cellulose,
INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline
sodium croscarmellose
Available Exclusively from and magnesium stearate.
NeoLife Promoters.
DISTRIBUTED BY: Based in Nature,
edge nutritionLLC Backed by Science.
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
since 1958. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. Made in U.S.A. and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Available Exclusively from 0321
NeoLife Promoters.
Leading edge nutrition
since 1958. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3645, 60 Tablets
Why Choose Herbs For Relaxation? Our Solution: Herbal Rest & Relax
Because herbs have been proven effective from Comprehensive formula. Our unique “complete family”
centuries of use. approach to the formula provides broad, synergistic
effects of the herbal constituents, which optimizes their
Because herbs have a long history of safe use, without ability to support a relaxed body and quiet mind–
the side effects associated with chemical drugs. essential for normal sleep function.
Because herbs are nature’s solutions to wellness
Herbs are selected from many global traditions, bringing
you the best herbal knowledge from around the world.
Because herbs are non-habit-forming.
Contains St. John's Wort, which has been shown to help
Because herbs work naturally and gently to calm the support calmness, relieve low mood, reinforce positive
body and mind to support relaxation and sleep. mental attitude, and support healthy sleep patterns.*
Because herbs have been shown to restore the body’s Contains Lemon Balm and Passion Flower, which have
balance and help the body perform at its vital best. been shown to help calm and relax the body, aid sleep
Because herbs have been shown to help relieve and reduce depression.
nervous tension, reduce stress and mild anxiety,
Guaranteed purity, potency, and consistency.
relieve the inability to fully relax, and assist with
occasional sleeplessness. Natural herbal formula contains no chemical or animal
03/22 US
& Relax
Dietary Supplement
Relax* Renew*
Dietary Supplement
Rest &Rest
The following benefits have been attributed to the
herbs contained in NeoLife’s Herbal Rest & Relax by
Rest* · Renew
master herbalists:
un despertar renovado*
Herb Actions and Benefits
Promueve un sueño reparador y
Rest* · Relax*
refreshed awakening*
Damiana — leaf
un despertar renovado Calms nervous system, assists stress relief and healthy sleep
Promotes restful sleep
(Turnera diffusa)
and * patterns. Supports kidney health. Restores vitality, libido, and
Promueve un sueño reparador y related functions.*
refreshed awakening*
Lemon Balm — leaf Calms and relaxes; counters irritability and stress. Relieves
Herbal Rest & Relax
Promotes restful sleep and
(Melissa officinalis) restlessness, allowing sleep to occur naturally. Restores
digestive stability.*
Skullcap — herb Helps relieve nervous tension. Relaxes and calms; aids sleep.
Herbal Rest & Relax
(Scutellaria lateriflora) Reduces feelings of anxiety and stress.*
Schisandra — fruit Adaptogenic tonic for the central nervous system. Supports,
(Schizandra chinensis) blood cleansing, kidney health and strong immune responses.
Restores vitality, libido, and related functions.*
St. John's Wort — flower Reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. Calms the nerves; helps
(Hypericum perforatum) relieve mild depression. Supports healthy sleep patterns.*
and passion flower to promote calm relaxation.*
Carefully selected herbs with lemon balm, skullcap, schisandra,
Passion Flower — herb Relaxes and calms; encouraging healthy, deep, and restful
(Passiflora incarnata) sleep.*
Herbal Rest & Relax
Vervain — herb Calms nervous tension. Helps to relieve sleeplessness.*
and passion flower to promote calm relaxation.*
(Verbena officinalis)
Carefully selected herbs with lemon balm, skullcap, schisandra,
chamomile (leaf) (6:1);
(Matricaria Lemon balm (5:1).
(flower) mood to support
natural state ofhealthy sleep patterns.*
calm wellness which precedes
(Melissa officinalis) (leaf) (6:1); Skullcap (Scutellaria
† Daily Value (herb)not Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis)
(5:1); Tooptimal
let the rest.*
body truly relax, herbalists have long
(fruit) (4:1); St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
(flower) (6:1); Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata)
Store inthat youdrymust
a cool, place,first
fromthe mind”.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose,
(herb) (5:1); Vervain (Verbena officinalis) (herb) (5:1); Herbal
directRest & Relax is formulated to support the
German croscarmellose andrecutita)
chamomile (Matricaria (5:1). natural state of calm wellness which precedes
Rest &Rest
NeoLife International,
Leading LLC
edge nutrition Backed by Science.
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
since 1958.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. Made in U.S.A. and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
& Re
03/22 US Exclusively from to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeoLife Promoters.
Leading edge nutrition
Lecithin contains high concentrations of two nutrients — phosphatidyl choline
and phosphatidyl inositol — which support primary brain functions. NeoLife’s
Lecithin provides these critical phospholipid “building blocks” necessary for
optimum functioning of cells and nerve tissue.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3540, 130 Softgels *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Lecithin And Neurotransmission Based on NeoLife's
Nutritional lecithin is a special fraction of soybean oil that Pioneering Lipid Technology
contains pure phosphatidyl choline and pure myo-inositol. NeoLife researchers have been conducting ground-
These nutrients are used for various functions throughout breaking investigations into the roles of dietary lipids since
the body. the development of our flagship product, Formula IV ®.
Lecithin is a primary component of NeoLife’s unique “water-
Lecithin has been called “brain food” because of its high
miscible” vitamin technology, and is an important ingredient
concentration of phosphatidyl choline. Choline, in the form
in all of NeoLife’s protein products, contributing to their
of acetylcholine, is a neurotransmitter within the brain. In
superior mixability, smooth texture, and nutritional quality.
fact, the brain contains the body’s single largest store of
Other lipid technology leadership can be seen in NeoLife’s
acetylcholine. Without acetylcholine, primary brain functions
species-specific fish lipid products, including Cod Liver Oil,
such as memory, thought, and muscular control would not
Omega III Salmon Oil, and Vitamin A.
be possible. Acetylcholine is so critical to healthy brain
function that if sufficient amounts are not supplied by the Finest Raw Materials, Purest Product
diet, the body will “cannibalize” body tissue and extract the
After reviewing numerous raw materials, NeoLife chose to
needed choline or choline building blocks.
derive Lecithin from the purest soybean oil that yields
lecithin with high concentrations of the phospholipids
Lecithin And Lipid Chemistry
choline and inositol.
Besides supporting natural brain function and cell
Each serving of NeoLife Lecithin contains 1,200 mg of pure
membrane chemistry, lecithin can contribute to blood lipid
soybean phospholipids. This pure lecithin consists of active
stability and overall digestion and absorption.*
phospholipids choline (175 mg) and inositol (100 mg), the
In the bloodstream, which is mostly water, lecithin two most important dietary contributors of lipotropic factor.
contributes lipotropic factors which help stabilize blood What’s more, the inositol is 100% myo-insitol (“muscle
lipids and keep them evenly dispersed in the blood. It is sugar”), the only biologically active form of this nutrient, and
these “emulsifying” lipotropic capabilities that have earned 230 mg of other biologically active components.
lecithin the reputation as an “anti-cholesterol” nutrient.*
Added Magnesium, Wheat Germ Oil,
Lecithin contributes these same emulsification properties to
And Vitamin E
the digestive tract, helping to disperse dietary lipids (fats and
oils) evenly, thereby supporting better absorption of nutrients.* Finally, the only components added to NeoLife’s pure
lecithin are a small amount of magnesium and wheat germ
oil to stabilize the product, and natural vitamin E to provide
antioxidant protection.*
Supplement Facts
Phosphatidyl choline
memory and muscle LLCcontrol and assists fat
Fremont, CAin the liver andU.S.A.
94538 throughout the bloodstream. N U T R I T I O N A L S
Serving Size: 2 Softgels Phosphatidyl inositol supports nerve cell structure and
NOT SOLD INtransmission.*
nerve impulse
Servings Per Container: 65
Each 1,200 mg serving of Lecithin delivers important
Available Exclusively from
phytonutrients from pure soybean phospholipids. As
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value NeoLife Promoters.
well as being rich in phosphatidyl choline, this nutritious
Calories 16 Leading
whole foodedge nutrition
provides 100% myo-inositol, the only bioactive
form of this nutrient, and 230 mg of other biologically
Total Fat 1.5 g 2.5%** since 1958.
active phosphoglycerides. Supports brain function,
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 6.7 mg (10 IU) 45% Based inaNature,
Store in cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. fat metabolism & nerve
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 12 mg 3% Backed
Packaged bywith
safety seal. transmission*
nction, Apoya la función del
Phosphatidyl choline (from soy lecithin) 175 mg †
nerve Phosphatidyl inositol (from soy lecithin) 100 mg † Made in U.S.A.
cerebro, el metabolismo O
de la grasa, y la
transmisión nerviosa* C
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC BASED
del † Daily Value not established. 1901
olismo OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, glycerin, soybean oil, yellow *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
Dietary Supplement
beeswax, water, natural color and wheat germ oil. diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 130 SOFTGELS
osa* Contains soy and wheat.
#1901 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
ement 8/21 US Lot #
Best If
Many factors determine the health of your heart and blood vessels, especially a
balanced diet low in fat and high in fiber. Sometimes we don’t eat the foods that
give us the nutrients we need for optimal cardiovascular health. These nutrients
include lipotropic factors and B-vitamins. Lipotropic factors help keep lipids (fats)
emulsified in blood, so they may be mobilized and utilized throughout the body
where needed. B-vitamins help assur e proper metabolism of homocysteine.
Leading-edge Lipotropic Adjunct™ provides nutrients shown to play essential roles in
maintaining the health of the circulatory system.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3510, 180 Tablets *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Available Exclusively from
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value homocysteine, which supports a healthy antioxidant
NeoLife Promoters.
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 8 mg 470% response to LDL cholesterol, free flowing circulation
Leading edge nutrition
Folate 1000 mcg DFE 250% and overall arterial wall health.*
since 1958.
NCT (600 mcg folic acid) Betaine hydrochloride works in conjunction with
Based in Nature,
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 100 mcg 4170% Helps red
, hesperidin and bioflavonoids support overall
Backed byB 12Science.
Choline bitartrate 200 mg † product effectiveness. buildup &
Inositol 200 mg † Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. homocyst
Made in U.S.A.
Betaine hydrochloride 200 mg † Ayuda a d
Packaged with safety seal.
Lemon bioflavonoids 100 mg † homociste
Hesperidin 100 mg † NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
su acumu
ir la † Daily Value not established. BASED
cellulose, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, Dietary S
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, glycerin, sodium This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
180 TAB
starch glycolate, vanillin and carmine.
Lot #
Best If
Used By: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
To meet the needs of infants, toddlers, and others who cannot chew tablets or who
prefer liquid supplements, NeoLife developed Liqui-Vite. Delicious and convenient,
Liqui-Vite’s fluid formulation features NeoLife’s exclusive Tre-en-en® Grain
Concentrates, whole-food carotenoids and flavonoids, 12 essential vitamins, and a
wide array of other key nutrients, including the amino acid L-carnitine, considered
“semi-essential” in infants.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3120, 8 fl. oz.
Why A Liquid Nutritional Supplement? ■ Whole-food flavonoids and vitamin C help provide
antioxidant protection for the watery portions of cells and
■ practical alternative to pills for infants, toddlers, and
body fluids, such as blood. Flavonoids aid absorption and
others who prefer or require liquid supplements. Capsules
utilization of vitamin C, which may strengthen immunity.*
and tablets may be difficult to chew or swallow. Fluid
nutrient delivery systems are an excellent option. ■ L-carnitine supports energy production. This amino acid is
considered “semi-essential” in infants for fat utilization and
■ Convenient and versatile. Nutrients can be delivered by
cellular energy metabolism.*
the spoonful or as drops, or stirred into other liquids and
consumed through a straw or from a glass, toddler’s cup, or ■ A full day’s supply of 12 important vitamins. Just two
baby’s bottle. teaspoons provide at least 100% of the Daily Value for
vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6, and B12, folic acid, niacin,
Our Solution: Liqui-Vite biotin, and pantothenic acid.
■ Liqui-Vite provides essential nutrients in a convenient ■ Other key nutrients — choline, inositol, lecithin, iodine,
liquid for those who want or need a fluid supplement. linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) for overall metabolic
Suitable for infants, toddlers, and adults who want or need a support.
fluid supplement. ■ Mixes well with favorite drinks. Nutrients disperse quickly
■ NeoLife’s exclusive Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates — the and evenly in milk, juice, water, or NeoLife protein drinks for
cornerstone of Formula IV® — support complete nutrition at easy digestion and absorption.
the cellular level with unique lipids and sterols from wheat, ■ Delicious. Liqui-Vite’s mild citrus flavor appeals to people of
rice, and soy.* all ages.
■ Whole-food carotenoids and vitamin E may strengthen ■ Flip top for convenience.
immunity and help protect the lipid regions of cells,
especially their membranes, from free-radical damage. ■ Tamper-proof seal for safety. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Liqui-Vite: Ideal For People Who Need Fluid Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates assure availability of
Supplements important lipids and sterols that might not otherwise be
present in a child’s diet.*
Infants, toddlers, and even some adults find it difficult to
swallow capsules or chew tablets. These people need an 12 Essential Vitamins
alternative form of nutritional supplementation. A liquid
Just two teaspoons of Liqui-Vite provide at least 100% of the
formulation of vitamins and minerals can be an effective and
Daily Value for 12 important vitamins — A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6
practical way to support optimal nutrition. Nutrients can be
and B12, folic acid, niacin, biotin, and pantothenic acid.
administered by the spoonful or as drops, or they can be
stirred into beverages and consumed through a straw or
Diverse Antioxidant Protection From
from a glass, toddler’s cup, or baby’s bottle.
Carotenoids, Flavonoids, & More!
The NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board and global Research
With the first breath of air, a newborn is exposed to
and Development group took more than three years to
oxidative stress. But, depending on the mother’s diet, that
develop Liqui-Vite. Its revolutionary formulation provides a
wide array of essential vitamins and whole-food nutrients baby’s bodily reservoirs of protector nutrients may be
known to be critical for healthy growth and development. It inadequate. High-energy day-to-day growth and development
is the only liquid supplement on the market to deliver whole also create a great need for antioxidant nutrients.
food carotenoids and flavonoids, as well as NeoLife’s Providing a density and a diversity of essential antioxidants,
exclusive Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates.* Liqui-Vite fulfills this need as no other product can. In
addition to providing antioxidant protection from vitamins C
Small Babies Have Big Nutritional Needs and E, Liqui-Vite delivers whole-food carotenoids and
When an infant enters the world, he or she is immediately flavonoids from citrus fruits and berries. The diverse
confronted with many life challenges. After being nurtured members of this “antioxidant team” work well together:
and protected by the mother’s bodily defenses and Carotenoids and vitamin E help protect the lipid regions of
nutritional delivery systems for 9 months, the newborn now cells, especially their membranes, from free-radical
faces a whole new set of rules for survival. He or she must damage, while flavonoids and vitamin C help protect the
begin breathing independently, establishing a viable and watery portions of cells and body fluids, such as blood.*
functional “Six Stages of Nutrition,” building bodily The source of carotenoids is carrots. Two teaspoons
defenses, and filling nutrient reserves. provide 1650 IU of pro-vitamin A activity from beta-
At the same time the newborn is faced with all these carotene. Other carrot carotenoids include alpha-carotene,
challenges, he or she is going through the biggest lutein, and zeaxanthin.
growth spurt of its life and burning more energy pound The sources of flavonoids are lemons and elderberries.
for pound than an athlete! All of this adds up to Flavonoids from these foods include anthocyanins, flavones,
nutritional demands that are enormous. NeoLife’s Liqui- flavanones, catechins, and a close “relative,” ellagic acid.
Vite, unmatched anywhere in our industry, provides Whole-food sources are an important “NeoLife Difference.”
nutrient density and nutrient diversity perfectly suited to
meet these nutritional demands.* Boosting Immunity
Though an infant receives the basis of a strong immune
Tre-en-en To Build Healthy Cells
system from his or her mother, the ability of that immune
NeoLife researchers developed Liqui-Vite to fill the needs system to protect health and defend the body against
of those who prefer or require a liquid delivery system. To challenges is directly related to the quality of the baby’s
support health at the cellular level, they started with diet. It is a well-documented scientific fact that a diet low in
NeoLife’s unique and exclusive Tre-en-en Grain carotenoids — yellow, orange, red, and green pigments in
Concentrates to provide the complete lipid and sterol fruits and vegetables — can result in a reduction of immune
profile of wheat, rice, and soy. capacity. This is true throughout life, including infancy and
Essential lipids and sterols are especially important for childhood, when children are faced with some of their most
infants and toddlers. Growth requires the rapid production serious immune challenges. Liqui-Vite provides whole-food
of new cells, and the body’s need for the lipid “building carotenoids as only NeoLife can. Whole-food sources
blocks” that make up cellular membranes and keep them (carrots) assure a natural diversity and balance of critical
functioning at their best is at its lifetime highest. Liqui-Vite’s carotenoids in the everyday diet. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
L-Carnitine To Support Energy Production ■ Inositol, which is involved in cellular signaling and helps
maintain the structure of nerve cells.
Infants and toddlers need enormous amounts of energy to
support healthy activity and rapid growth and development. ■ Lecithin, a source of phospholipid “building blocks” needed
Children’s metabolism depends strongly on the utilization for optimum function of cells and nerve tissue.
of fat for energy. L-carnitine, an amino acid, is considered ■ Iodine, a mineral involved in metabolism.
semiessential for infants because of its direct involvement
■ Linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, from safflower oil. Just
in fat utilization and cellular energy metabolism.
as with Formula IV®, Liqui-Vite provides a balanced
Suboptimal carnitine levels are of great consequence to nutritional foundation every day.
infant health and vitality. Frequently, the newborn’s body
cannot manufacture L-carnitine fast enough to keep up with Delicious, Convenient
energy-related demands. The carnitine status of an infant
Naturally flavored with orange and mixed berries and
depends on what he or she obtains from the mother during
naturally sweetened with fructose, dextrose, and sorbitol,
pregnancy and breastfeeding. Infants fed soy-based
Liqui-Vite has a delicious, mild citrus taste. It is preserved
formulas, which contain little or no carnitine, have
with vitamins C and E. It does not contain sucrose, artificial
abnormally low blood levels of carnitine. Liqui-Vite helps
colorings, or artificial flavorings. Packaged with a flip top and
assure dietary abundance of this critical nutrient by
tamper-proof seal, it is easy to use or administer. Liqui-Vite
delivering natural L-carnitine in every serving.*
does not require refrigeration; store it in a cool place away
from direct sunlight. Convenient and versatile, it can be
Other Key Nutrients
enjoyed “straight” or mixed with juices, cold water, milk, or
Liqui-Vite provides a wide array of other important nutrients, NeoLife protein drinks.
■ Choline, a precursor to the important neurotransmitter
Supplement Facts
Children under 4 years: 1 teaspoon.
GNLD International, LLC.
Adults and children over 4 years: 2 teaspoons.
3500 Gateway Blvd.
Serving Size: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) Servings Per Container 48 Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. NUTRITIONALS CITRUS FLAVOR
GNLD and sterols provide
Ltd.critical support for
AVOR % Daily Value for % Daily Value for healthy cellular
Kingston, uptake W.I.
Jamaica, of nutrients and cellular ®
in vitamins
® Calories 9 RETAIL STORES.
including carnitine, whole food carotenoids,
Total Carbohydrate 2g † <1%**
Sugars 2g † † flavonoids and
Available TRE-EN-EN®from
Exclusively Grain Concentrates.
Vitamin A (as retinyl palmitate and 33% GNLD
Store Distributors.
in a cool, dry place, Liquid multi-vitamin
as beta-carotene from carrot oleoresin away from direct sunlight. with TRE-EN-EN®
(Daucus carota) (root)) 2,500 IU 100% 50% Leading edge nutrition
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 30 mg 75% 50%
since 1958.with tamper-resistant shrink band Grain Concentrates
and safety seal under cap for your protection.
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 200 IU 50% 50%
Based Multi-vitamina liquida
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 15 IU 150% 50% Do notinuse
if either seal is missing or broken. con TRE-EN-EN ®
Backed by Science.
amin Thiamine (as thiamine hydrochloride)
1.5 mg
1.5 mg
88% Grain Concentrates
Made in U.S.A.
N® Niacin
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride)
15 mg
1.5 mg
rates Folic Acid 200 µg 100% 50% *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 6 µg 200% 100%
iquida Biotin
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate)
150 µg
5 mg
Lot # GNLD Scientific Dietary Supplement
Advisory Board
N® Iodine (as potassium iodine) 37.5 µg 54% 25% Best If
Used By 8 fl. oz. (240 ml) O
Inositol 3.5 mg † †
rates Soy lecithin 22.5 mg † †
Carnitine (as L-carnitine tartrate) 3 mg † †
Choline (as choline bitartrate) 3.5 mg † †
TRE-EN-EN ® Grain Concentrate Blend 40 mg † †
Rice Bran Oil; Soya Bean Oil; Wheat Germ Oil
Liqui-Vite® Flavonoids Blend 8.75 mg † †
Elderberry Extract (Sambucus nigra) (fruit) and Lemon Bioflavonoid
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet K
ement † Daily Value not established
ml) OTHER INGREDIENTS: Water, glycerin, invert sugar, sorbitol, natural flavors, xanthan gum, safflower
oil, potassium sorbate, citric acid and yucca extract. 1404 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals found in the body. It is
predominantly found within our body’s cells and bones playing an important
role in health and nutrition. Magnesium is essential for more than 700
biochemical reactions in the body. These include the structural development of
bone, protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood pressure regulation
and blood glucose control. Magnesium is a vital component in nerve impulse
conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm.
Magnesium plays an important role in lifelong health and vitality. Low levels of
magnesium have been associated with a number of chronic diseases including
cardiovascular disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, and type 2 diabetes.
Additionally, magnesium plays a critical part in physical performance. Adequate
magnesium status is of the utmost importance for both competitive and recreational
athletes given the role magnesium plays in cellular reactions, releasing energy
from carbohydrates and fats, and its important role in muscle contraction during
strength training and endurance activity.
There are many reasons why magnesium deficiencies exist including: consuming
foods which are low in magnesium, changes in farming practices, food
processing techniques, along with the consumption of over-the-counter and
prescription drugs. That is why NeoLife’s Scientific Advisory Board formulated
NeoLife’s Magnesium Complex. Magnesium Complex combines three well
known forms of magnesium in Tri-Mag Blend and whole food phytonutrients
(PhytoMag Blend) to help supplement the diet.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3405 – 60 Tablets
■ Magnesium is needed by the body to use calcium. • Double amino acid chelated magnesium bound to
glycine, to provide a highly bioavailable and absorbable
■ Magnesium helps restore the ideal magnesium to form of magnesium. Double amino acid mineral chelation
calcium ratio in the body. was developed by Dr. Arthur Furst.
■ Magnesium plays an important role in the prevention of • ri-magnesium citrate is an organically bound natural
many diseases. source of magnesium with high bioavailability.
• agnesium oxide has the highest concentration of
magnesium and is easily absorbed. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
■ eoLife PhytoMag Blend is a proprietary blend of whole
N ■ Vegetarian/Vegan formula. Made entirely without animal
food Beet, Kale, Broccoli and Radish, foods that provide sourced ingredients of any kind. Magnesium Complex fulfills
phytonutrient benefits such as antioxidant power and are the strict sourcing criteria expected by vegetarian/vegan
natural sources of magnesium. supplement users.
■ Magnesium Complex is developed using our 3D ■ No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives added.
technology to enhance bioavailability. NeoLife 3D ■ NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
technology assures rapid and complete Disintegration,
Dissolution and Dispersion.
Available Exclusively
function, from
feelings of well-being, and optimal nerve
muscle function.*
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Leading edge nutrition
NeoLife Magnesium Complex is a highly bioavailable,
Magnesium (NeoLife Tri-Mag Blend) 300 mg 70% since 1958.
LEX Magnesium glycinate, magnesium oxide and tri-magnesium citrate. naturally sourced, whole food based formula.
Based in Nature,
Exclusive Tri-Mag Blend features high-potency
NeoLife PhytoMag Blend 50 mg †
Backed by Science.
sources, including double amino-acid chelation C
y Beet (Beta vulgaris) (root), Kale (Brassica oleracea and organically bound forms.*
acephala) (aerial), Broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica) (aerial), Made in U.S.A.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Promo
rt health, Radish (Raphanus sativus) (seed)
& Packaged with safety seal. produc
† Daily Value not established. NeoLife products use muscle
* only GMO-free ingredients.
ción de OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, calcium carbonate, balanc
sodium croscarmellose, stearic acid, water, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose,
el corazón, silicon dioxide and glycerin. Estimu
ulos, y #1810 energía
or* 1810 función
3 4 0 5 s equilibr
ement Lot # * These statements have not been evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration.
Best If
This product is not intended to diagnose,
Used By:
treat, cure or prevent any disease. 60 TA *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3625, 60 Tablets
■ Because herbs are nature’s solutions to wellness ■ Herbs are selected from many global traditions, bringing
challenges. you the best herbal knowledge from around the world.
■ Because herbs are non-habit-forming. ■ Contains Saw Palmetto, which has been shown to support
prostate health.*
■ Because herbs naturally and gently balance and support
normal male physiology and function. ■ Contains Avena Sativa, which supports the function of the
nervous system.*
■ Because herbs have been shown to support masculine
needs and help the male body perform at its vital best. ■ Contains St. John's wort and Skullcap, which help support
calmness, relieve low mood, and support positive mental
■ Contains Damiana for renewed vitality.*
■ Guaranteed purity, potency, and consistency.
■ Natural herbal formula contains no chemical or
animal products.
03/22 US
761174 2.75” x 1” x 3.46875”
Vigor * * · Vigor *
Masculine Herbal COMPLEX
Saw Palmetto — fruit
Dietary Supplement Maintains a healthy urinary tract and prostate. Supports a strong
(Serenoa serrulata/repens) immune system and restores vitality.*
Vitality * *· ·Balance
Oats — seed Helps relieve feelings of stress and anxiety. Supports healthy
(Avena sativa) nervous system, libido and related male functions.*
Dietary Supplement
Damiana — leaf Supports healthy nervous system, libido and related male
Vitality * · Balance
(Turnera diffusa) functions. Aids in control of stress and anxiety.*
Promueve un balance en la vitalidad masculina*
Yarrow — flower
Promotes vital male balance* Supports healthy blood pressure levels. Soothes and calms,
(Achillea millefolium) normalizing distressed tissue.*
St. John's wort — flower
Promueve un balance en la vitalidad masculina*
Masculine Herbal Calms the nerves, relieves mild depression. Also helps soothe
* (Hypericum perforatum)
Promotes vital male balance and normalize distressed tissue.*
Skullcap — herb
COMPLEX Calms the nerves, reduces feelings of anxiety and stress. Helps
(Scutellaria lateriflora)
Masculine Herbal support healthy blood pressure levels.*
Astragalus — whole plant Promotes vitality and healthy immune responses. Supports
(Astragalus membranaceus) healthy kidney and liver functions.*
Ginger — root Reduces swelling in fingers and ankles. Calms and relaxes
(Zingiber officinale) muscles. Normalizes distressed tissues.*
and urinary tract health.*
Saw palmetto promotes male vitality by supporting prostate
Celery — seed
Masculine Herbal COMPLEX Assists with cleansing of the blood. Functions as a tonic to support
(Apium graveolens)
and urinary tract health.*
healthy male physiology, promoting fertility, vitality and longevity.*
Saw palmetto promotes male vitality by supporting prostate
USE: Encourages
1 tablet each morning and night. healthy circulation, especially to the extremities.*
Su p p lement Facts
(Capsicum frutescens)
Masculine Herbal COMPLEX
Serving Size: 1 Tablet Masculine Herbal
Servings Per Container: 60 COMPLEX
SUGGESTED USE: 1 tablet each morning andServing
Amount Per night.
Sawp p lement
Herbal Extract Blend
Facts 301 mg †
palmetto (Serenoa serrulata repens) (fruit) (5:1); Saw palmetto promotes male vitality by supporting
Serving Size:sativa)
Oats (Avena 1 Tablet
(seed) (10:1); Damiana (Turnera prostateMasculine
and urinary tract Herbal
health. Damiana and
diffusa) Per
Servings (leaf)Container: (Achillea millefolium)
(6:1); Yarrow 60 avena sativa for renewed physical vitality, libido,
(flower) (6:1); St. John's wort (Hypericum
perforatum) (flower) (6:1); Skullcap Amount (Scutellaria
Per Serving
nervous system, and also known to energize mood.*
laterifolia) (herb) (5:1); Astragalus (Astragalus Masculine Herbal Complex uses a synergistic Herbal
Herbal membranaceus)
Extract Blend (whole plant) (4:1); Celery 301 mg†
graveolens) serrulata repens) (fruit)
Saw palmetto
Blend derivedpromotes male herbal
from ancient vitality knowledge
by supportingand
(fruit) (25:1). BY: Based in Nature, leading edge science to support the unique energetic
NeoLife International, LLC Backed by Science.
needs of the male system.*
Daily ValueCA 94538 U.S.A.
not established.
NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. Made in U.S.A. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Available Exclusively from Microcrystalline cellulose,
Promoters. and magnesium stearate.
Leading edgeBY:
DISTRIBUTED nutrition Based in Nature,
since 1958.
NeoLife International, LLC Backed by Science. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
#3675, 60 Tablets *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
Gotu Kola — leaf Helps maintain adequate blood flow to the brain, improving
(Centella asiatica)
en su punto máximo* alertness, attention span, memory and concentration. Mild anti-
Rendimiento y agudeza mental stress properties are thought to be especially helpful to strengthen
nervous system functions and lessen the effects of fatigue.*
en su punto máximo*
and acuity
Rendimiento y agudeza *
For peak mental performance
Red Sage — leaf Strong antioxidant properties also support microcirculation
and acuity*
(Salvia officinalis) within the brain, helping to minimize age-related mental
declines. Supports positive mood and mental clarity. Helps
For peak mentalCOMPLEX
Mind Enhancement maintain levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, increasing
COMPLEX alertness, memory function and the ability to concentrate.*
Mind Enhancement
Rosemary — leaf
Helps strengthen small blood vessels, supporting adequate
(Rosmarinus officinalis) blood circulation to the brain and providing antioxidant activity.
Historically used to assist memory function.*
Sweet Basil — leaf Complements the effectiveness of Rosemary and Gotu Kola, in
(Ocimum basilicum)
and concentration.* support of nervous system functioning, especially in response
to exhaustion or other stress, promoting mental calm, clarity and
blood flow to the brain, supporting alertness, memory
steady mood.*
and Enhancement COMPLEX
Thyme — leaf Strong antioxidant properties that support cerebrovascular health.
blood flow to the brain, supporting alertness, memory
(Thymus vulgaris) Promotes vitality, helping to offset exhaustion.*
Ginkgo, Gotu Kola and Red Sage all promote healthy
SUGGESTED USE: 1 tablet each morning and night.
Skullcap — flower Restorative for the nervous system;
Mind Enhancement COMPLEX Facts
(Scutellaria laterifolia)
Serving Size: 1 Tablet helps to allay anxiety
Mind and stress.*
Amount Per Serving
Herbal Extract 1 tablet each morning and
mg †
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) (leaf) (5:1); Gotu kola (Centella
Ginkgo, gotu kola and red sage all promote
asiatica) (leaf) (5:1); Red sage (Salvia Facts
officinalis) (leaf)
(7:1); Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) (leaf) (5:1); healthy blood flow to the brain, supporting
Serving Size:
Sweet 1 Tablet
basil (Ocimum basilicum) (leaf) (6:1); Thyme Mind Enhancement
alertness, memory and concentration. Ginkgo,
(Thymus vulgaris) (leaf) (6:1); Skullcap (Scutellaria COMPLEX
laterifolia) (flower) (5:1).
Amount Per Serving red sage and thyme all generate antioxidant
Herbal Extract Blend
† Daily(Ginkgo
Value not established
304 mg † activity that promotes cerebrovascular health.*
Ginkgo biloba) (leaf) (5:1); Gotu kola (Centella
Mind Enhancement COMPLEX
OTHER (leaf)
asiatica) (5:1); Red sage
INGREDIENTS: (Salvia officinalis)
Microcrystalline (leaf)
Mind gotu kolaComplex
Enhancement and reduses
sagea all promote
sodiumRosemary (Rosmarinus
croscarmellose and officinalis)
magnesium (leaf) (5:1);
stearate. synergistic Herbalflow
healthy blood Extract Blend
to the to support
brain, the
Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) (leaf) (6:1); Thyme health and effective functioning of the entire
alertness, memory and concentration. Ginkgo,
(Thymus vulgaris) (leaf)
GNLD International, LLC.(6:1);Available
Skullcap (Scutellaria nervous system, especially the brain.*antioxidant
3500 Gateway(flower) (5:1).
Exclusively from red sage and thyme all generate
GNLD Distributors.
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. Store in athat
activity cool,promotes
dry place, cerebrovascular
away from health.*
† Daily Value not established Leading edge nutrition
Mind Enhancement C
Minerals make up 4-5% of human body weight and are absolutely critical for normal
body function. Important building blocks of bones, teeth, soft tissue, muscle, blood,
and nerve cells, minerals are crucial to muscle response, nervous system
communication, digestion, metabolism, and production of hormones and antibodies.
They also regulate the body’s balance of water, acids, bases, and other important
substances. NeoLife’s Multi-Min with chelates and custom trace minerals provides
a broad spectrum of bioavailable macrominerals and microminerals (trace minerals).
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3410, 150 Tablets
03/22 US
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value specially Exclusively
Available selected varieties
from of nutrient-rich sea vegetation. Amount Per Serving %
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 2.5 mcg (100 IU) 15% Amino acid
NeoLife chelates with glycine, methionine and other selected
Promoters. Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 2.5 mcg (100
Calcium (chelated) 150 mg 10% amino acids
Leading edgefor significantly higher absorption.
Calcium (chelated) 150 mg
Iron (chelated) 10 mg
Iron (chelated) 10 mg 60% Vitamin
since 1958. D promotes a range of health benefits and facilitates Potassium (complex) 90 mg
Potassium (complex) 90 mg 2% the absorption
Phosphorus (complex) 20 mg 2% Based in Nature,of calcium and phosphorus. Phosphorus (complex) 20 mg
Magnesium (chelated) 75 mg
Magnesium (chelated) 75 mg 20% Backed
WARNING: by Science.
Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a
Broad spectrum Iodine (from Kelp) 100 mcg
um Iodine (from Kelp)
Zinc (chelated)
100 mcg
15 mg
leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under six. Keep this
product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, minerals with amino
Zinc (chelated)
Selenium (complex)
15 mg
100 mcg
amino Selenium (complex) 100 mcg 180% Made
call aindoctor
U.S.A.or poison control center immediately. Copper (chelated) 1 mg
Copper (chelated) 1 mg 110%
acid chelates and Manganese (chelated) 5 mg
s and Manganese (chelated) 5 mg 220% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. vitamin D Chromium (chelated) 100 mcg
Molybdenum (chelated) 100 mcg
Chromium (chelated) 100 mcg 290% Packaged with safety seal.
Molybdenum (chelated) 100 mcg 220% NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients. Amplio espectro Marine Blend 122 mg
Laminaria digitata (Kelp), Irish moss and Dulse le
ctro Marine Blend 122 mg † minerales con
Laminaria digitata (Kelp), Irish moss and Dulse leaf. † Daily Value not established.
n quelatos aminoácidos OTHER INGREDIENTS: Powdered cellulose, hyd
† Daily Value not established. 0321
y vitamina D methylcellulose, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, tita
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Powdered cellulose, hydroxypropyl magnesium stearate and triacetin.
methylcellulose, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
Dietary Supplement
magnesium stearate and triacetin.
pplement #0321
Lot #
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
ETS Best If
Used By:
03/22 US
Our natural eliminative processes cannot be taken for granted. Faulty or irregular
elimination can occur as a result of several reasons, including improper dietary
choices such as insufficient fiber or too little liquid; stress can also be a factor.
Master herbalists have learned that a carefully selected combination of natural
herbal components can assist our lower digestive tract to perform it’s healthy
elimination function. NeoLife’s Neo-Lax is a unique combination of proven herbal
ingredients, which are both safe and effective and especially helpful for encouraging
normal stool movement and bowel function.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3632, 90 Tablets
03/22 US
Senna extract — leaf Encourages softening of the stool and natural peristaltic action
(Cassia senna) of the colon.*
Licorice powder — root Adds moisture to the stool. Promotes liver health and blood
(Glycyrrhiza glabra) cleansing. Calms and soothes tissues in the digestive tract.*
Alfalfa powder — leaf Supports blood cleansing. Rich in phytonutrients important for
(Medicago sativa) cellular renewal.*
Buckthorn extract — bark Assists softening of the stool. Supports blood cleansing and
(Rhamnus frangula) kidney function.*
Rhubarb powder — root A tonic for the digestive system. Cools excess heat in digestive
(Rheum officinale) tract. Encourages movement of stool.*
SUGGESTED USE: 1 to 2 tablets with a glass of water at 932353 100cc 2.00” x 5.50” US
bedtime. Drink another glass of water when you wake up.
Neo-Lax works gently overnight.
Supplement Facts Put International,
NeoLife yourself on a regimen
LLC that includes fiber and bedti
bran.CA 94538
Give natureU.S.A.
a chance to promote regularity.
Serving Size: 2 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 45 NOTICE: This product contains senna leaf,
Available Exclusively from
buckthorn bark and rhubarb root. Read and Serv
Amount Per Serving NeoLife Promoters.
follow the directions carefully. Do not use if Serv
have nutrition
or develop diarrhea, loose stools,
Herbal Blend 856 mg †
since 1958.
Senna extract (Cassia senna) (leaf) (standardized to 16 mg total or abdominal pain because senna leaf,
sennosides), Licorice powder (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (root), Prune Basedbuckthorn
in Nature, bark and rhubarb root may
ild Backedworsen
by Science.
powder (Prunus domestica) (fruit), Alfalfa powder (Medicago these conditions and be harmful Se
sativa) (leaf), Buckthorn extract (Rhamnus frangula) (bark)
to your health. Consult your physician if you Pure, natural, mild se
(10:1 for glucofrangulins), Rhubarb powder (Rheum officinale)
Made have frequent diarrhea or if you are pregnant,
in U.S.A. herbal cleanse sa
mpieza (root), Asparagus powder (Asparagus officinalis) (plant), Anise nursing, or taking medications, or have a (1
as powder (Pimpinella anisum) (seed). medical condition. Puro, natural, limpieza (ro
suave de hierbas po
† Daily Value not established. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
† Da
Packaged with safety seal.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Dicalcium phosphate, stearic acid, silicon OTHE
dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, magnesium stearate dioxid
and triacetin. and tr
This product contains no sucrose, gluten, This p
yeast, corn, soy or milk derivative. BASED yeast,
ement Lot # IN NATURE
Dietary Supplement
#0321 Best If
Used By:
3 6 3 2 s 90 TABLETS
03/22 US
Traditional snack foods such as potato chips, cheese curls, and chocolate
sandwich cookies have lined the shelves of our neighborhood supermarkets
and grocery stores for decades. Although they are convenient, many snack
products sold today are far from wholesome; they contain empty calories and
unhealthy ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup and trans fats. Such
foods may contribute to the obesity epidemic when they are not consumed
in moderation, or as a small part of an overall nutritious
and balanced diet. That’s why it’s important to have
a healthy choice in snacks especially when striving to
achieve or maintain a healthy weight. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Nutrition Amount Per Serving % Daily Value** Amount Per Serving % Daily Value** **Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on
NeoLife International, LLC *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The quality of the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), often
referred to as the Western diet, has dramatically declined in
recent years. We are no longer getting the right balance of
macronutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrate), micronutrients
(vitamins and minerals), nor the fiber, phytonutrients, and
antioxidants our bodies need everyday to maintain and
promote health. For example, although we are getting more
than enough protein in our diets, we are getting it from animal
and dairy products which are laden with fat and cholesterol.
Studies have shown that poor diet is strongly associated with
poor health. Along with a sedentary lifestyle, this has played a
role in leading to the high incidence of malnutrition, weight
gain, and chronic diseases.
For Daily Nutrition & Weight ■ Three delicious flavors: Creamy Vanilla, Berries n’ Cream,
Management and Rich Chocolate
03/22 US
# 931692 5.125” x 14.375”
Use NeoLifeShake Worry-Free: NeoLife Exclusives
X Artificial Sweeteners X Artificial Colors ■ Protogard Process – protects amino acids, maximizes
nutritional value*
X Cholesterol X Artificial Flavors
■ Multi Enzyme Blend – plant derived enzymes
X Saturated Fats X Gluten
improve digestibility*
X Preservatives X High Fructose Corn Syrup
■ Neo-Plex Concentrate – whole food antioxidants including
X NeoLifeShake X
a delicious and Hydrogenated
convenient Fats/Trans
way to help satisfy hunger · Fats
Controlled Glycemic vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids*
while giving you lasting energy. Each serving provides 18 grams of Response
(GMO)allIngredients ■ 90% Lactose Freeand our
22 amino acids critical for human nutrition, ■ Choline & Inositol – lipotropic factors to support fat
Glycemic Response Control Technology to help minimize fat storage · Exclusive Protogard Process
and promote fat burning. Our exclusive Protogard Process maximizes utilization and resist fat buildup*
to maximize nutritional value
nutritional value of this high protein formula packed with protective
■ Metabolically balanced – Ideal protein, carbohydrate,
antioxidants from Neo-Plex Concentrate.* · Multi Enzyme Blend
for easy digestion and fat ratio*
Diets low in saturated fats and cholesterol that include 25
■ 25 essential Vitamins & Minerals
Rich Choco
grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. · NeoLife products use only
One serving of NeoLifeShake provides 13 grams of soy protein. GMO-free ingredients
■ Convenient and versatile; mixes easily in water or milk.
DIRECTIONS: Simply mix two scoops in 8 fl. oz. of ice cold water in a
shaker or blender. Blend in a few ice cubes for an even thicker, frothier
drink. Can also be mixed in milk.
Also Available:
Use as a meal replacement for weight management, or for delicious
and healthy nutrition everyday.
For Nutritio
NeoLifeShake Packets
NeoLifeShake es una manera deliciosa y conveniente para ayudarle a Blend up a perfect shake every time!
· Respuesta Glicemica Para Nu
satisfacer el hambre al mismo tiempo que le brinda energía duradera. Controlada
Cada single 18
porción proporciona servings
gramos defor nutrition
proteína, los 22on-the-go.
aminoácidos Designed for convenient on-the-go use with patented
fundamentales para la nutrición humana y nuestra Tecnología Respuesta · Proceso Exclusivo
Glicémica que ayuda a minimizar el acumulamiento y promueve la Protogard
Blender Ball® whisk. BPA free.
quema de grasa. Nuestro proceso exclusivo, Protogard, maximiza el para maximizar el
valor nutricional de esta fórmula alta en proteína y llena de antioxidantes valor nutricional
protectores de Concentrado Neo-Plex.*
· Mezcla de Multi Enzimas
Las dietas bajas en grasas saturadas y colesterol, y con 25 para facilitar la digestión
gramos de proteína de soya por día, podrían reducir el riesgo
de enfermedades del corazón. Una porción saludable de · Los productos NeoLife utilizan sólo
NeoLifeShake le proporciona 13 gramos de proteína de soya.
ingredientes libres de GMO
DIRECCIONES: Simplemente mezcle dos cucharadas de medida en 8 fl.
oz. de agua fría en un mezclador o licuadora. Agréguele unos cuantos
cubos de hielo para una bebida más espesa y espumosa. Tambien puede
ser mezclado en la leche.
Úselo como reemplazo de comidas para control de peso o para nutrición
deliciosa y saludable todos los días.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives added.
*These statements have not been evaluated#3809 #3808
by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Creamy Vanilla Rich Chocolate Berries n' Cream
15 Servings 15 Servings 15 Servings
NeoLife Blender
Bottle® Classic™
03/22 US
Berries n' Cream (pouch) Rich Chocolate (pouch) Creamy Vanilla (pouch)
N u® tper rcontainer
15 servings
ition Facts N u® tper rcontainer
15 servings
ition Facts N utrition Facts
15 servings per container
Serving Size: 2 scoops (43 g) Serving Size: 2 scoops (43 g) Serving Size: 2 scoops (43 g)
03/22 US
Berries n' Cream (packet) N utrition Facts
INGREDIENTS: NeoLife proprietary protein blend
(soy protein isolate, nonfat dry milk, whey protein
THE PERFECT MEAL FOR NUTRITION & 15 servings per container isolate and calcium sodium caseinate), fructose,
Serving Size: 1 packet (43 g), One cup (8 fl. oz. as prepared)
NeoLife proprietary fiber blend (soy fiber, oat fiber,
CREAM Amount Per Serving maltodextrin fiber and guar gum), natural strawberry
15 Packets / Net Wt. 22.8 oz (645 g) to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. ADVISORY BOARD
Vitamin B12
(140 mcg folic acid)
2.1 mcg 90%
Biotin 105 mcg 350%
Pantothenic acid
3.5 mg
10 mg
PROTEIN &MINERALS FREE FIBER Phosphorus 349 mg 30%
Magnesium 142 mg 35% DISTRIBUTED BY: Leading edge nutrition
Iodine 53 mcg 35% NeoLife International, LLC since 1958.
Zinc 5.3 mg 50% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. Based in Nature,
AMINO Selenium 24.5 mcg 45%
Copper 0.7 mg 80%
Manganese 0.7 mg 30% Available Exclusively from
Chromium 42 mcg 120% NeoLife Promoters. Made in U.S.A.
Molybdenum 26 mcg 60%
with Glycemic Response Control Technology NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
** The % Daily Value tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes
15 Packets / Net Wt. 22.8 oz (645 g) to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. ADVISORY BOARD
Vitamin B12
(140 mcg folic acid)
2.1 mcg 90%
Biotin 105 mcg 350%
Pantothenic acid
3.5 mg
10 mg
PROTEIN &MINERALS FREE FIBER Phosphorus 350 mg 30%
Magnesium 142 mg 35% DISTRIBUTED BY: Leading edge nutrition
Iodine 53 mcg 35% NeoLife International, LLC since 1958.
Zinc 5.3 mg 50% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. Based in Nature,
24.5 mcg
0.7 mg
Manganese 0.7 mg 30% Available Exclusively from
Chromium 42 mcg 120% NeoLife Promoters. Made in U.S.A.
Molybdenum 26 mcg 60%
with Glycemic Response Control Technology NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
** The % Daily Value tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes
15 Packets / Net Wt. 22.8 oz (645 g) to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. ADVISORY BOARD
03/22 US
To keep up with our exceedingly fast-paced and demanding
lifestyle today – many of us find ourselves reaching for quick-fix
energy boosts that may be filled with empty calories or
potentially harmful ingredients. What our bodies actually crave
is a natural boost that can provide a quick ‘pick-me-up’ while
turning on our cellular energy generating systems and helping
our bodies adapt to the demands of our life. This becomes
especially important while you are on a weight management
program – to keep up energy levels and burn fat.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3860 – 15 Sticks (30 Servings)
03/22 US
SUGGESTED USE: Mix 1/2 stick (1.8 g) per 8 fl. oz. of hot or cold water. Antioxidant-Rich
Herbal Tea Blend
S u p p l e m e n t Fa c t s On-The-Go Stick
Serving Size: 1/2 Stick (1.8 g) (makes 8 fl. oz.)
Servings Per Container: 30
Best If Used By
Lot #
03/22 US
Nutritional needs vary at every stage of life. After the age of
around 40, the body undergoes physiological and hormonal
changes that may give rise to health challenges. Those in their
prime years may start to experience a slower rate of metabolism,
digestive issues, and an increased risk for chronic diseases. By
not eating a healthful diet or absorbing the nutrients needed,
middle-aged adults may start to experience subtle symptoms of
multiple nutritional inadequacies, such as sluggishness,
forgetfulness, or getting sick more often. It may also take a toll
on skin-aging appearance!
While requirements for some nutrients increase, the ability to
absorb and use nutrients generally becomes less efficient. This
is because the body may not be as effective at producing
stomach acid or enzymes to digest food. In addition, a slower
metabolism and hormonal changes means that muscle mass
begins to decrease and weight can pile on much quicker as fat,
leading to a less desirable body composition. Evidently both
#3112 - 30 packets
men and women need to optimize their nutritional intake to
ensure their nutrient needs are met without the excessive
calories that can lead to weight gain. This is where nutritional
supplements can help fill the gaps. Research shows that
complete and balanced nutrition can contribute to long term NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
benefits in energy metabolism, cognitive performance,
cardiovascular function, bone health, vision, immune protection
and support healthy aging.
Nutritional Support for the Prime Years* ■ Each Prime Pack contains: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
NeoLife Prime Pack is designed to stack on to Pro Vitality daily whole food nutrition pack.
SUGGESTED USE: 1 packet daily with breakfast or lunch. 761165 4.125” x 4.125” x 4.125” US
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 25 mcg 1040% NOT SOLD IN RETAI
Biotin 20 mcg 70% powder (Citrus sinensis ) (peel); Citrus bioflavonoid Available Exclusively
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 50 mg 1000% from NeoLife Promo
Choline (from choline bitartrate) 75 mg 15% ** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Calcium (as calcium carbonate and from dicalcium and tricalcium phosphate) 500 mg 40% † Daily Value not established. Leading edge nutriti
Phosphorous (from dicalcium and tricalcium phosphate) 82 mg 6% since 1958.
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 170 mg 40% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, glycerin, Based in Nature,
Selenium (as sodium selenite and from yeast) 160 mcg 290% Backed by Science.
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, soybean oil, water, yellow beeswax, silicon
Chromium (from chromium yeast) 80 mcg 230%
Molybdenum (as molybdenum trioxide) 120 mcg 270%
dioxide, sodium croscarmellose, gum acacia, soy lecithin, magnesium silicate,
food glaze, magnesium stearate, calcium sulfate, natural color, titanium dioxide, Made in U.S.A.
Inositol 175 mg † triacetin, wheat germ oil and carmine.
Phosphatidyl choline (from soy lecithin) 93 mg †
Phosphatidyl inositol (from soy lecithin) 52 mg † Contains soy.
(Continued) Betaine hydrochloride 50 mg †
Lemon bioflavonoid 50 mg †
BASED Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Hesperidin 50 mg † Nutrition for your prime years. Nutrición para sus mejores años.
Rose hips (Rosa canina) (fruit)
30 mg † PRIME PRIME Perfect add-on to NeoLife Complemento perfecto para el
Desiccated ox bile
25 mg
25 mg
† PA C K PA C K Pro Vitality, daily whole food
nutrition pack.
paquete de alimento integral diario
Pro Vitality de NeoLife.
Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 18 mg † DISTRIBUTED BY:
Dehydrocholic acid 15 mg † NeoLife International, LLC LIPOZYME Factores lipotrópicos que ayudan a
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. Heart healthy lipotropic factors to help metabolizar la grasa en el torrente
Phyto Enzyme Blend 176 mg †
Protease; Lipase; Amylase Store in a cool, dry place, metabolize fat in the bloodstream. Plus sanguíneo para un corazón saludable.
Neo-Plex Concentrate Blend 38 mg † away from direct sunlight. calcium and a broad spectrum of Más calcio y un amplio espectro de
Orange juice powder (Citrus sinensis) (fruit); Orange NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. *These statementsenzymes
have not been evaluated
for healthy digestion and by the Food and
enzimas paraDrug Administration.
la digestión saludable y la
powder (Citrus sinensis ) (peel); Citrus bioflavonoid Available Exclusively These products are not absorption.*
nutrient intended to diagnose, treat,absorción cure ordeprevent any disease.
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. from NeoLife Promoters. LECITHIN Apoya funciones clave del cerebro
† Daily Value not established. Leading edge nutrition Supports key brain functions including incluyendo la memoria y el control
since 1958. memory and muscle control. Exclusive muscular. Formula exclusiva derivada de
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, glycerin, Based in Nature, whole food derived formula.* alimento crudo integral.*
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, soybean oil, water, yellow beeswax, silicon Backed by Science.
dioxide, sodium croscarmellose, gum acacia, soy lecithin, magnesium silicate, PRIME B & C Formula vitamínica de alta potencia.
High potency vitamin formula. Vitaminas B para apoyar el metabolismo
food glaze, magnesium stearate, calcium sulfate, natural color, titanium dioxide, Made in U.S.A.
triacetin, wheat germ oil and carmine. B vitamins support energy metabolism, de la energía, la salud del corazón, el
heart health, stress & DNA synthesis. estrés y la síntesis de ADN. La vitamina
Contains soy. Vitamin C supports immune strength. C apoya la fortaleza inmune. Entrega de
Threshold controlled delivery for umbral controlado para una máxima
maximum bioavailability.* biodisponibilidad.*
SELENIUM E Protección antioxidante con
Antioxidant protection from
natural vitamin E. Plus key PRIME vitamina E natural. Más minerales
clave y calcio.*
minerals and calcium.*
No Artificial Anything! ¡Nada Artificial!
NeoLife products use only Los productos NeoLife utilizan sólo Diet
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. GMO-free ingredients. ingredientes libres de GMO.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
761 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3143, 30 Packets
Our Diet Impacts Our Health & Vitality Our Solution: Pro Vitality
■ 90% of us don’t eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits ■ Whole-food nutrition clinically proven to strengthen the
and vegetables perfect foundation for lifelong health and vitality
■ 70% of us admit to eating foods that actually contribute to ■ In convenient on-the-go packets
poor health ■ With 21 essential vitamins and minerals, lipids and sterols from
■ Less than 1 serving of whole grains are consumed on a daily whole grains, carotenoids from fruits and vegetables, and
basis—many don’t even get that omega-3 fatty acids from fish.
■ Protective lipids and sterols have been stripped from whole ■ Each packet provides powerful nutrients that support*:
grains to increase their shelf life • Cellular health for abundant energy
■ Many don’t eat fish due to concerns about the presence of • Powerful antioxidant protection
heavy metals and contaminants
• Optimum immune strength
■ A majority of people are below the estimated average
requirement for some basic, essential vitamins and minerals • Heart and brain health
• Flexible, healthy joints
Whole Food Nutrients Can Optimize Health
• Clear vision
■ Leading global health authorities like the World Health
• Youthful skin, hair and nails
Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and American Heart
Association agree that the key to preventing disease and • Natural genetic anti-aging function
promoting health is weight management, physical activity and ■ Pro Vitality is the core supplement for healthy nutrition—no
eating a nutrient-rich diet that includes whole grains, fruits & matter what your health goals!
vegetables and fish.
■ Everyone should increase consumption of whole-grain foods,
fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids—and
maintain a healthy weight.
■ But even those with good intentions to eat a healthy diet face
challenges. Busy lifestyles, eating on-the-run, and the prevalence
of processed foods all contribute towards nutritional gaps that
would benefit from nutritional supplements. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
Carotenoid Complex
Protect Your Cells – Optimize Your Immunity
With the protective power of carotenoids from tomatoes, 37%
carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots
BASELINE *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
761140 US
6.3125” x 2.00” x 5.25”
SUGGESTED USE: Take 1 packet daily, with a meal. USO SUGERIDO: Tome 1 paquete diario con alimento.
S u p p l e m e n t Fa c t s
Amount Per Packet % Daily Value**
Carotenoid Complex Blend 300 mg †
Serving Size: 1 Packet Carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root); Red bell pepper oleoresin
Servings Per Container: 30 (Capsicum frutescens) (fruit); Tomato oleoresin (Lycopersicon esculentum)
(fruit); Spinach oleoresin (Spinacia oleracea) (leaf); Apricot concentrate
Amount Per Packet % Daily Value (Prunus armeniaca) (fruit); Strawberry concentrate (Fragaria vesca) (fruit);
Calories 20 Peach concentrate (Prunus persica) (fruit)
Total Fat 2g 3%** Inositol 65 mg †
Saturated Fat 0g 0%** Phyto Enzyme Blend 45 mg †
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g † Lipase; Protease; Diastase; Amylase
Monounsaturated Fat 0g † Lecithin (from soy) 30 mg †
Trans Fat 0g † Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 2 mg †
Total Carbohydrate <1 g <1%** Lycopene 400 mcg †
Protein <1 g 1%** Lutein/Zeaxanthin 137 mcg †
Vitamin A (as alpha and beta carotene and from retinyl palmitate) 1950 mcg (6500 IU) 220%
**Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry (Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)) 90 mg 100%
† Daily value not established.
Vitamin D 3 (from cholecalciferol) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherols) 11.4 mg (17 IU) 80% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, salmon oil, UHPO3 (Ultra High Potency
Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 10 mg 830% Omega-3) fatty acid concentrate (tuna, sardine, and anchovy), glycerin,
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 10 mg 770% microcrystalline cellulose, olive oil, yellow beeswax, purified water, soy
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 50 mg 310%
lecithin, sodium croscarmellose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, silicon
Vitamin B 6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from yeast) 10 mg 590%
dioxide, rice bran powder, wheat germ powder, magnesium stearate,
Folate 667 mcg DFE 170%
(400 mcg folic acid) starch, titanium dioxide and natural color.
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg 420% Contains soy and wheat.
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 12 mg 240% DISTRIBUTED BY:
Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 6 mg 35% NeoLife International, LLC
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 35 mg 8% No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives added.
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 15 mg 140% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Selenium (as sodium selenite) 40 mcg 70% NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
Copper (as copper gluconate) 2 mg 220% Available Exclusively from NeoLife Promoters.
Manganese (as manganese gluconate) 10 mg 430%
Leading edge nutrition since 1958.
Chromium (chelated) 20 mcg 60%
Molybdenum (as molybdenum trioxide) 30 mcg 70% Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Potassium (as potassium gluconate) 10 mg <1%
Made in U.S.A.
TRE-EN-EN® Grain Concentrate Blend 675 mg †
Rice bran oil; Soybean oil; Wheat germ oil NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
Total Omega-3 fatty acids 383 mg †
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 160 mg
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 153 mg NEOLIFE PRODUCTS USE ONLY
DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) 17 mg
Stearidonic, eicosatrienoic, eicosatetraenoic,
heneicosapentaenoic, and alpha-linolenic acids 53 mg
IN CASE OF ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE, CALL A DOCTOR OR POISON CONTROL CENTER IMMEDIATELY. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
It has long been known and proven that omega-3 fatty acids play critical roles in the
human diet. In particular, two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, EPA (eicosapentaenoic
acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) have been well researched.
Today the latest scientific research not only continues to validate the important roles of
EPA and DHA in human health, but it has also shown that there is a whole family of
omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to optimal human nutrition. This critically important
chain of dietary omega-3 fatty acids starts with ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and ends with
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), taking six important steps along the way. Each is now
known to have its own unique biochemistry and supporting “synergistic” role in human
omega-3 nutrition.
The United States Department of Agriculture suggests that all adults eat 2-3 servings of
fish each week for optimal health. Unfortunately, the problem for many adults is that
they eat very little fish on a consistent basis and rarely meet this important nutritional
need. Large portions of the population go without getting any broad spectrum omega-
3 supplementation for weeks, sometimes months. Not to mention the fact that much of
the fish supply is suspect due to environmental contamination. Pregnant women, who
have the highest dietary needs for omega-3 fatty acids, ironically are instructed to limit
their fish intake to one serving per week, due to contamination risk.
NeoLife solves the problem of inadequate omega-3 fatty acid intake with Salmon Oil
Plus. Pure and potent, Salmon Oil Plus provides a complete omega-3 profile of salmon
oil with eight members of the omega-3 fatty acid family, assuring complete omega-3
supplementation in every dose.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3502, 90 Softgels
03/22 US
ResearchExclusively from fatty acids play critical roles in the
shows omega-3
Amount Per Serving NeoLife
health Promoters.
% Daily Value and function of the: heart and cardiovascular system;
Calories 20 brain, central
Leading nervous system and vision; joints and connective
edge nutrition
Total Fat 2g 3%** tissue1958.
since and the cellular inflammatory/anti-inflammatory balance
S Total Omega-3 fatty acids 1070 mg
of theinbody.*
8 members of the family of omega-3 fatty acids
by Science.
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) 460 mg † naturally part of the human food chain, including EPA and
ed DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) 480 mg † DHA. Natural salmon oil is derived by cold processing of health
Made in U.S.A.
screened, disease free fish selected for human consumption
DPA (Docosapentaenoic acid) 50 mg †
and confirmed free of pesticides, herbicides or toxic heavy P
Stearidonic, eicosatrienoic, 80 mg †
eicosatetraenoic, heneicosapentaenoic, and alpha-linolenic acids
metals. NeoLife’s exclusive UHPO3 omega-3 fatty acid p
concentrate, derived by “molecular differentiation”, delivers
purity and potency to maximize safety, comfort and benefits. o
do ** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
† Daily Value not established
Packaged with safety seal. P
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Salmon oil, UHPO3 omega-3 fatty acid NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients. p
concentrate (tuna, sardines, anchovies), gelatin, glycerin and water.
Contains fish (salmon, tuna, sardines and anchovies).
ent Lot # 3 5 0 2 s
Best If
*These statements have not been evaluated by the D
HALAL Used By: Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
Athletes and physically active people require an abundant
amount of nutrients because their bodies are constantly moving
and burning off energy. Simply eating more may not be enough
to meet the body’s increased needs for vitamins and minerals
during training and exercise, especially since athletes tend to
rely on high-energy sources.
Exercise and being active increases the demand for nutrients for
a few reasons. First, increased activity means more nutrients are
needed for the conversion of food into energy. Second, increased
metabolic activity means greater exposure to free radicals,
which leads to a greater need for antioxidant protection! Finally,
increased energy production requires additional nutrients for
increased waste elimination.
Athletes and active people need the same nutrients as anyone
else, but they just need more of them to maintain high energy
levels, promote endurance and maintain cellular protection!
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3111 – 30 Packets
Performance • Endurance
Anti-fatigue nutrients to support energy & maximize
■ Liver is a densely nutritious food that provides a synergistic
endurance. Derived from 100% pure beef liver, free of
array of nutrients appropriate for athletes and active people.
growth hormones, antibiotics and pesticides.*
■ B vitamins play key roles in energy production and in the
• 2 Chela-Sea M
metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. B-vitamins can
Full-body support from unique sea sourced minerals
also support endurance.
including iron. Magnesium promotes red blood cell
■ Adequate iron intake supports the ability of the blood to formation. Potassium stabilizes muscle contractions.
transport oxygen to body tissues. Exclusive double amino acid chelation for enhanced
■ Selenium, vitamin C and vitamin E provide absorption.*
antioxidant protection. • 1 Sports B & C
B vitamins support energy production and optimal red
Our Solution: blood cell formation. Vitamin C supports immune
NeoLife SPORT Performance Pack strength. Threshold controlled delivery for maximum
The NeoLife SPORT Performance Pack meets the needs of bioavailability.*
every level of athleticism, from those who work out consistently • 1 Selenium E
to world-class professional athletes—it adequately provides Selenium helps repair cellular damage. Natural Vitamin E
the nutrients that the body needs to perform optimally.* helps protect muscle cells from oxidative damage. Plus
key minerals and calcium.*
NeoLife SPORT Performance Pack is designed to stack on
to Pro Vitality daily whole food nutrition pack.
03/22 US
761160 4.125 x 4.125 x 4.125 US
SUGGESTED USE: 1 packet daily with a meal.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Lemon bioflavonoid 25 mg †
Hesperidin 25 mg DISTRIBUTED BY:
Calories 10
Total Carbohydrate 2g 1%** Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 18 mg NeoLife International,
Protein 1g 2%** Fremont, CA 94538 U.
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry (Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)) 376 mg 420% Neo-Plex Concentrate Blend 95 mg † Store in a cool, dry pl
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 67 mg (100 IU) 450% Orange juice powder (Citrus sinensis) (fruit); Orange away from direct sun
Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 20 mg 1670% powder (Citrus sinensis ) (peel); Citrus bioflavonoid NOT SOLD IN RETAIL
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 20 mg 1540%
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 150 mg 940% ** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Available Exclusively
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from yeast) 20 mg 1180% † Daily Value not established. from NeoLife Promote
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 20 mcg 830% Leading edge nutritio
Biotin 20 mcg 70% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Glycine, stearic acid, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, since 1958.
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 50 mg 1000% cellulose powder, magnesium silicate, silicon dioxide, sodium croscarmellose,
Choline (Choline bitartrate) 51 mg 10%
Based in Nature,
food glaze, dulse, calcium sulfate, gum acacia, Laminaria digitata, irish moss,
Calcium (chelated and from dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate) 385 mg
Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 6 mg
magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, natural color, glycerin and triacetin.
Backed by Science.
Potassium (as potassium glycinate) 66 mg <2% Contains soy. MAXIMUM ENDURANCE • FASTER RECOVERY Made in U.S.A.
Phosphorous (from dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate) 82 mg 6% OVERALL ENERGY • STRONG IMMUNITY
Magnesium (chelated) 100 mg 25% NEOLIFE SCIENTIF
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70% ADVISORY BOARD
Zinc (chelated) 15 mg 140%
Selenium (as sodium selenite and from yeast) 160 mcg 290%
Chromium (from chromium yeast) 80 mcg 230%
Molybdenum (as molybdenum trioxide) 120 mcg 270%
Desiccated liver 1000 mg †
WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of
fatal poisoning in children under 6. Keep this product out of reach of children. In
case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Nutrition to fuel your Nutrición para alimentar su
performance. Perfect add-on rendimiento. Complemento
to NeoLife Pro Vitality daily perfecto para el paquete de
PERFORMANCE whole food nutrition pack. alimento integral diario
PACK Pro Vitality de NeoLife.
ENDURANCE Nutrientes anti-fatiga para
S.A. Anti-fatigue nutrients to support apoyar la energía y maximizar
energy & maximize endurance.* la resistencia.*
light. CHELA-SEA M Con minerales únicos de origen
STORES. Full-body support from unique sea marino para el apoyo de todo el
sourced minerals including iron. cuerpo incluyendo el hierro. El
Magnesium promotes red blood cell magnesio promueve la formación de
ers. formation. Potassium stabilizes glóbulos rojos. El potasio estabiliza
n muscle contractions. Exclusive las contracciones musculares.
double amino acid chelation for Exclusivo quelación de aminoácidos
enhanced absorption.* doble para la absorción mejorada.*
SPORTS B & C Vitaminas B para apoyar la PERFORMANCE
B vitamins support energy producción de energía y la
production and optimal red blood formación optima de glóbulos rojos
cell formation. Vitamin C supports en la sangre. La vitamina C ayuda a TARGETED NUTRITION FOR
C immune strength. Threshold
controlled delivery for maximum
la resistencia inmunológica. Con
liberación de umbral controlado para ATHLETES & ACTIVE PEOPLE
bioavailabilty.* una máxima biodisponibilidad.* NUTRICIÓN DIRIGIDA PARA
SELENIUM E El selenio ayuda a reparar el daño ATLETAS Y PERSONAS ACTIVAS
Selenium helps repair cellular damage. celular. La Vitamina E Natural ayuda
Natural Vitamin E helps protect muscle a proteger las células del músculo
cells from oxidative damage. Plus key del daño oxidativo. Además de
minerals and calcium.* minerales esenciales y calcio.*
Used By:
Best If 7611
Lot #
3 1 1 1 s
03/22 US
Proper nutrition is necessary to maximize our health and wellness. It
becomes even more important for the body when athletes and active
people are training, competing, or recovering. The right balance of
nutrients energizes workouts, supports the body’s natural resiliency,
optimizes performance, and promotes adaptation in muscle and other
tissues in response to training so you can make the best of your workout.
Our NeoLife SPORT Performance Protein plays a significant role as a
performance enhancing product that helps prepare the body for physical
activity, workouts, and in maximizing muscle building and repair, giving
athletes and active people nutrition to help fuel performance.*
No potentially harmful or artificial ingredients.
Designed in mind to fuel your body, we use only the highest quality
protein and key nutrients needed for optimal performance.*
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3212 – 15 Servings
Support Athletic Performance with ■ Exclusive Protogard™ Process uses low temperature
High Quality Ingredients blending to maximize nutritional value. Excellent PDCAAS value.*
■ Sports and a high activity lifestyle can put an increased ■ Metabolically balanced 1:1 protein to carbohydrate ratio
metabolic demand on your cells, and with an increased (26g:26g)† optimized to support sport activity for immediate
metabolic demand, the nutritional needs are amplified. and sustained energy.
■ While physical fitness and mental endurance are ■ Biologically complete protein with all 22 amino acids,
important, performance is directly linked to the quality, including all the essential ones and 3 BCAAs—from whey &
timing, and quantity of the food fueling the body. milk, and does not contain soy protein.
■ Optimized nutrition can give active people and athletes ■ Full spectrum of 25 balanced essential vitamins and
the competitive edge they need to win. minerals with higher amounts of chromium and magnesium
to support healthy blood sugar levels and optimal nerve and
Our Solution: NeoLife SPORT Performance muscle function for athletic people.*
Protein ■ Proprietary HoneyFruit natural sweetener system based on
honey and fruit juice powders plus stevia provides
■ NeoLife SPORT Performance Protein provides—high
incomparable taste and flavor. Does not contain added
quality protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals in
specialized formulas that help the body build stamina, lean
muscle mass and the ability to repair and recover quickly.* ■ NeoLife Fiber Blend includes both insoluble and soluble
fiber to support a healthy heart and good digestion.
■ MuscleMatch™ Protein Blend features an amino acid profile
optimized to closely match lean muscle, and promote ■ Glycemic Response Control Technology to help support
maximum muscle building efficiency. Each serving (in 8 oz. normal blood sugar levels.*
nonfat milk) provides 26g protein, 5.7g branched-chain ■ Contains protein-sparing carbohydrates from honey and
amino acids (BCAAs) including 2.6g Leucine for optimal fruit juice to provide energy while sparing protein for muscle
muscle building and retention, and 5.1g Glutamine and development.*
Glutamic Acid to support immune strength and the integrity
of the digestive tract.* ■ Includes special Enzyme Blend—plant derived enzymes to
improve digestibility.*
†Mixed in nonfat milk
03/22 US
■ Includes Neo-Plex Concentrate —whole food antioxidants ■ Contain only GMO-free ingredients.
including vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids. ■ No artificial anything! No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners,
■ Includes Lipotropic Factors choline and inositol to support or preservatives added.
fat utilization.* ■ Gluten-free
■ Mild vanilla flavor —versatile enough to accommodate your ■ Based in Nature, Backed by Science
own add-ins like fruits and berries.
■ Guaranteed to be free of any substance currently banned
■ Only 1g of fat per serving. by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, International
Olympic Committee, and World Anti-Doping Agency.
Key Features and Our Promise!
■ Formulated under the strict guidance of the Scientific Advisory
Board—world-renowned scientists and nutrition experts.
■ No potentially dangerous stimulants.
110 200
Zinc 5 mg 50% 6 mg 60%
Calories Selenium
25 mcg
0.7 mg
33 mcg
0.7 mg
% DV** % DV** Manganese 0.7 mg 30% 0.7 mg 30%
Total Fat 1g 1% 1g 1% Chromium 60 mcg 170% 60 mcg 170%
Saturated Fat 0g 1% 0g 1% Molybdenum 26 mcg 60% 31 mcg 70% DISTRIBUTED BY:
Trans Fat 0g 0g
**The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food NeoLife International, LLC
Cholesterol 2 mg 1% 7 mg 3%
Sodium 76 mg 3% 181 mg 8%
contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
Total Carbohydrate 14 g 5% 26 g 10% Store in a cool, dry place,
INGREDIENTS: MuscleMatch™ Protein Blend (whey protein isolate, nonfat milk
Dietary Fiber 5g 17% 5g 17% away from direct sunlight
Soluble Fiber 4g 4g powder, calcium sodium caseinate), NeoLife Fiber Blend (maltodextrin fiber, oat
fiber, guar gum), Proprietary HoneyFruit Sweetening System (honey powder, NOT SOLD IN
Insoluble Fiber 1g 1g
Total Sugars 6g 18 g grape juice concentrate, rice dextrin, stevia), natural flavors, soy lecithin powder, RETAIL STORES.
Includes Added Sugars 2.5 g 5% 2.5 g 5% magnesium oxide, zinc yeast, vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherols), Available Exclusively from
Protein 18 g 36% 26 g 52% chromium yeast, Neo-Plex Concentrate [orange juice powder, vitamin C NeoLife Promoters.
(ascorbic acid), orange peel powder, citrus bioflavonoid], vitamin C (ascorbic Leading edge nutrition
Vitamin D 3.5 mcg 20% 3.5 mcg 20%
acid), manganese yeast, copper yeast, ferrous sulfate, selenium yeast, inositol, since 1958.
Calcium 197 mg 15% 496 mg 40%
Iron 6.3 mg 35% 6.3 mg 35% kelp, niacinamide, Enzyme Blend (bromelain, papain, malt diastase, lactase,
lipase and amylase), vitamin A palmitate, pantothenic acid, vitamin D3, vitamin B6 Based in Nature,
Potassium 197 mg 4% 577 mg 12%
(pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), riboflavin, thiamine Backed by Science.
Vitamin A 375 mcg 40% 375 mcg 40%
Vitamin C 21 mg 25% 21 mg 25% hydrochloride, molybdenum yeast, folic acid and biotin.
Vitamin E 7 mg 45% 7 mg 45%
Contains milk and soy. Made in U.S.A. 1904
Thiamin 0.525 mg 45% 0.635 mg 50%
The key to Gold Medal performance is nutrition that works as hard as you do!
NeoLife Sport Performance Protein is designed to fuel your body with the highest quality protein
and key nutrients needed for optimal performance.*
Exclusive MuscleMatch™ Formula features an amino acid profile optimized to closely match lean
muscle and promote maximum muscle building efficiency. Includes all 22 amino acids involved in
human nutrition including branched chain amino acids (BCAA). Proprietary protein blend includes
whey and casein.* • No Artificial
Exclusive Protogard Process uses low-temperature blending to maximize nutritional value.* Anything!
25 Vitamins and Minerals to replenish those used up during intense activity. • Controlled
NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients. Glycemic Response
Use Pre-Workout for sustained energy and muscle-fueling nutrition. • 5.1g Glutamine &
Use Post-Workout for recovery, optimal muscle building and repair.*
Glutamic Acid †
DIRECTIONS: Mix 2 scoops (36g) in 8 fl. oz. of ice cold nonfat milk in a shaker or blender. Can also be
mixed in water. • No fructose
Amounts based on powder mixed in 8 fl. oz. of nonfat milk.
¡La clave para un rendimiento de calidad de medalla de oro es la nutrición que trabaja tan fuerte
como usted!
La proteína de desempeño deportivo de NeoLife está diseñada para alimentar su cuerpo con la
mejor calidad de proteínas y nutrientes esenciales necesarios para el rendimiento óptimo.*
La formula exclusiva MuscleMatch™ cuenta con un perfil de aminoácidos optimizado para asemejarse
a la masa muscular magra y promover la máxima eficiencia de la construcción de músculo. Incluye los 22
aminoácidos involucrados en la nutrición humana que incluye los aminoácidos de cadena ramificada.
Mezcla exclusiva de suero y caseína.*
Proceso Protogard Exclusivo utiliza el procesamiento a baja temperatura para maximizar el
valor nutricional.*
25 Vitaminas y minerales para reponer los que se utilizan durante la actividad intensa. BUILDING AND REPAIR*
Los productos NeoLife utilizan sólo ingredientes libres de GMO. La fórmula exclusiva
Úselo Pre-Entrenamiento para la energía sostenible y la nutrición que alimenta
los músculos.
¡Nada Artificial!
Respuesta Glicemica
MuscleMatch™ para desarrollo
Úselo Post-Entrenamiento para la recuperación, construcción muscular óptima y reparación.*
DIRECCIONES: Mezcle 2 cucharadas (36g) llenas en 8 fl. oz de leche sin grasa bien fría en una
Controlada y reparación muscular óptima*
coctelera o licuadora. También puede ser mezclado con agua. • 5.1g Glutamina y
Cantidades basadas en polvo mezclado en 8 fl. oz. de leche descremada. Ácido Glutámico †
*These US
statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
• Sin fructosa
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. NET WT. 19 OZ (540G)
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3309, 30 Packets
Why Carotenoid, Flavonoid and Cruciferous ■ Each Carotenoid Complex capsule contains an optimal
Compound Phytonutrients? serving of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables — tomatoes,
carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots
■ he consumption of carotenoids has been linked to
T and peaches.
everything from stronger immune systems to lower risks of
developing heart disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, FLAVONOID DEFENSE
and even cancer.
Ingredients in Flavonoid Complex inhibited the growth
■ A flavonoid-rich diet has been shown to help support of cancer cells by up to 90% in a recent test tube research
cellular nutrition, promote healthy inflammation, and procedure using human cells.*
support cardiovascular health.
■ Flavonoid Complex delivers an optimal serving of all 5
■ umerous studies have shown that populations consuming
N classes of flavonoids in each tablet. Derived from whole
an average of eight servings of cruciferous vegetables per cranberries, kale, green tea (decaffeinated), beets,
week report some of the world’s lowest cancer rates, elderberries, red grapes, black grapes, oranges, lemons
especially rates of breast and prostate cancers. and grapefruit. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
761154 US
6.3125” x 2.00” x 5.25”
Supplement Facts growth and renewal, and assist healthy levels of immune cell activity. Carotenoids
Serving Size: 1 Packet promote a healthy cardiovascular system, including support for a healthy antioxidant
Servings Per Container: 30 PhytoDefense
response paired to LDL cholesterol. Dietary intake of the carotenoids lutein N U and T R I T I O N
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value zeaxanthin have been shown to support clear, healthy vision.*
Calories 29
Total Fat 1.5 g 2%**
NeoLife International, LLC
Flavonoids promote antioxidant activity, cellular health, and normal tissue growth and
Total Carbohydrate 2g 1%** Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. renewal throughout the body.*
Vitamin A (as alpha and beta-carotene) 2250 mcg (7500 IU) 250% Cruciferous compounds - sulforaphane and indole-carbinol (from broccoli and other
Available Exclusively from NeoLife Promoters.
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 100 mg 110% crucifer extracts) and D-limonene (from oranges) support enzyme activity linked to
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 12 mg (18 IU) 80% Leading edge nutrition since 1958.
Sodium 77 mg 3%
normal cell growth and renewal, especially of breast and prostate tissues. Soy provides
Based in Nature, Backed by Science. isoflavones (e.g. genistein), that help maintain healthy hormonal activity.*
under United States National Cancer Institute protocols to protect and defend cells.*
we patented it! Flavonoid Complex and Cruciferous Plus have been tested and proven
proven to protect the heart, defend the cells and boost immune function – so unique
Carotenoid Complex is a high potency formulation of broad spectrum carotenoids
Lycopene 1200 mcg †
Made in U.S.A.
Lutein/Zeaxanthin 410 mcg †
Carotenoid Complex Blend 900 mg † ADVISORY BOARD
Carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root); Red bell pepper oleoresin (Capsicum frutescens) (fruit);
Tomato oleoresin (Lycopersicon esculentum) (fruit); Spinach oleoresin (Spinacia oleracea) (leaf);
Apricot concentrate (Prunus armeniaca) (fruit); Strawberry concentrate (Fragaria ananassa) (fruit);
Peach concentrate (Prunus persica) (fruit).
Flavonoid Complex Blend 654 mg †
Cranberry extract (Vaccinium macrocarpon) (fruit); Kale concentrate (Brassica oleracea acephala)
(leaf); Green Tea extract (Camellia sinensis) (leaf); Blueberry extract (Vaccinium corymbosum)
(fruit); Beet concentrate (Beta vulgaris) (root); Elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra) (fruit);
Red Grape Skin extract (Vitis vinifera) (skin); Black Grape Skin extract (Vitis vinifera) (skin); Orange
extract (Citrus aurantium) (fruit); Lemon extract (Citrus limon) (fruit); Grapefruit extract (Citrus
paradisi ) (fruit).
Cruciferous Plus Blend 525 mg †
Soy milk powder; Broccoli extract (Brassica oleracea italica) (aerial); Radish extract
(Raphanus sativus) (seed); Kale extract (Brassica oleracea acephala) (aerial); Orange extract
(Citrus sinensis) (fruit); Mustard extract (Brassica juncea) (seed); Licorice extract
(Glycyrrhiza glabra) (root); Mustard concentrate (Sinapsis alba) (seed); Watercress
concentrate (Nasturtium officinale) (aerial).
Lot #
Best If
Used By: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
Nutritional needs vary at every stage of life. After the age of
around 40, the body undergoes physiological and hormonal
changes that may give rise to health challenges. Those in their
prime years may start to experience a slower rate of metabolism,
digestive issues, and an increased risk for chronic diseases. By
not eating a healthful diet or absorbing the nutrients needed,
middle-aged adults may start to experience subtle symptoms of
multiple nutritional inadequacies, such as sluggishness,
forgetfulness, or getting sick more often. It may also take a toll
on skin-aging appearance!
While requirements for some nutrients increase, the ability to
absorb and use nutrients generally becomes less efficient. This
is because the body may not be as effective at producing
stomach acid or enzymes to digest food. In addition, a slower
metabolism and hormonal changes means that muscle mass
begins to decrease and weight can pile on much quicker as fat,
leading to a less desirable body composition. Evidently both
#3112 - 30 packets
men and women need to optimize their nutritional intake to
ensure their nutrient needs are met without the excessive
calories that can lead to weight gain. This is where nutritional
supplements can help fill the gaps. Research shows that
complete and balanced nutrition can contribute to long term NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
benefits in energy metabolism, cognitive performance,
cardiovascular function, bone health, vision, immune protection
and support healthy aging.
• 2 Lipozyme
■ Antioxidants to boost the immune system.
Heart healthy lipotropic factors to help metabolize fat in
■ Digestive enzymes to enhance the body’s utilization of nutrients. the bloodstream. Plus, calcium and a broad spectrum of
■ Lipotropic factors to help keep lipids in the blood circulating to enzymes for healthy digestion and nutrient absorption.
prevent accumulation and to promote elimination through • 1 Lecithin
metabolism. Supports key brain functions including memory and
■ Lecithin to support brain functions, such as learning and memory, muscle control. Exclusive whole food derived formula.
and nerve transmission. • 1 Prime B & C
■ B-vitamins play a key role in the nervous system, cardiovascular High potency vitamin formula. B vitamins support energy
health, and help sustain energy production. metabolism, heart health, stress & DNA synthesis.
Vitamin C supports immune strength. Threshold
Our Solution: NeoLife Prime Pack controlled delivery for maximum bioavailability.
■ NeoLife Prime Pack is a complete and responsible program • 1 Selenium E
specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of people over Antioxidant protection from natural vitamin E. Plus key
40. It provides a stable supply of nutrients to support overall minerals and calcium.
health during the prime years, including:
03/22 US
NeoLife Prime Pack is designed to stack on to Pro Vitality daily whole food nutrition pack.
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 25 mcg 1040% powder (Citrus sinensis ) (peel); Citrus bioflavonoid Available Exclusively
Biotin 20 mcg 70%
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 50 mg 1000% ** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. from NeoLife Promo
Choline (from choline bitartrate) 75 mg 15% † Daily Value not established. Leading edge nutriti
Calcium (as calcium carbonate and from dicalcium and tricalcium phosphate) 500 mg 40% since 1958.
Phosphorous (from dicalcium and tricalcium phosphate) 82 mg 6%
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 170 mg 40% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, glycerin, Based in Nature,
Selenium (as sodium selenite and from yeast) 160 mcg 290% hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, soybean oil, water, yellow beeswax, silicon Backed by Science.
dioxide, sodium croscarmellose, gum acacia, soy lecithin, magnesium silicate,
Chromium (from chromium yeast) 80 mcg 230%
Molybdenum (as molybdenum trioxide) 120 mcg 270% food glaze, magnesium stearate, calcium sulfate, natural color, titanium dioxide, Made in U.S.A.
Inositol 175 mg † triacetin, wheat germ oil and carmine.
Phosphatidyl choline (from soy lecithin) 93 mg † Contains soy.
Phosphatidyl inositol (from soy lecithin) 52 mg †
(Continued) Betaine hydrochloride 50 mg †
Lemon bioflavonoid 50 mg †
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
IN NATURE Hesperidin 50 mg † Nutrition for your prime years. Nutrición para sus mejores años.
Rutin #1912
Rose hips (Rosa canina) (fruit)
30 mg † PRIME PRIME Perfect add-on to NeoLife Complemento perfecto para el
Desiccated ox bile
25 mg
25 mg
† PA C K PA C K Pro Vitality, daily whole food
nutrition pack.
paquete de alimento integral diario
Pro Vitality de NeoLife.
Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 18 mg † DISTRIBUTED BY:
Dehydrocholic acid 15 mg † NeoLife International, LLC LIPOZYME Factores lipotrópicos que ayudan a
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. Heart healthy lipotropic factors to help metabolizar la grasa en el torrente
Phyto Enzyme Blend 176 mg †
Protease; Lipase; Amylase Store in a cool, dry place, metabolize fat in the bloodstream. Plus sanguíneo para un corazón saludable.
Neo-Plex Concentrate Blend 38 mg † away from direct sunlight. calcium and a broad spectrum of Más calcio y un amplio espectro de
Orange juice powder (Citrus sinensis) (fruit); Orange NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. *These statementsenzymes
have not been evaluated
for healthy digestion and by the Food and
enzimas paraDrug Administration.
la digestión saludable y la
powder (Citrus sinensis ) (peel); Citrus bioflavonoid Available Exclusively These products are not absorption.*
nutrient intended to diagnose, treat,absorción cure ordeprevent any disease.
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. from NeoLife Promoters. LECITHIN Apoya funciones clave del cerebro
† Daily Value not established. Leading edge nutrition Supports key brain functions including incluyendo la memoria y el control
since 1958. memory and muscle control. Exclusive muscular. Formula exclusiva derivada de
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, glycerin, Based in Nature, whole food derived formula.* alimento crudo integral.*
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, soybean oil, water, yellow beeswax, silicon Backed by Science.
dioxide, sodium croscarmellose, gum acacia, soy lecithin, magnesium silicate, PRIME B & C Formula vitamínica de alta potencia.
3 food glaze, magnesium stearate, calcium sulfate, natural color, titanium dioxide, High potency vitamin formula. Vitaminas B para apoyar el metabolismo
Made in U.S.A. B vitamins support energy metabolism, de la energía, la salud del corazón, el
triacetin, wheat germ oil and carmine.
heart health, stress & DNA synthesis. estrés y la síntesis de ADN. La vitamina
Contains soy. Vitamin C supports immune strength. C apoya la fortaleza inmune. Entrega de
Threshold controlled delivery for umbral controlado para una máxima
maximum bioavailability.* biodisponibilidad.*
SELENIUM E Protección antioxidante con
Antioxidant protection from
natural vitamin E. Plus key PRIME vitamina E natural. Más minerales
clave y calcio.*
minerals and calcium.*
No Artificial Anything! ¡Nada Artificial!
NeoLife products use only Los productos NeoLife utilizan sólo Diet
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. GMO-free ingredients. ingredientes libres de GMO.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3143, 30 Packets
Our Diet Impacts Our Health & Vitality Our Solution: Pro Vitality
■ 90% of us don’t eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits ■ Whole-food nutrition clinically proven to strengthen the
and vegetables perfect foundation for lifelong health and vitality
■ 70% of us admit to eating foods that actually contribute to poor ■ In convenient on-the-go packets
health ■ With 21 essential vitamins and minerals, lipids and sterols
■ Less than 1 serving of whole grains are consumed on a daily from whole grains, carotenoids from fruits and vegetables,
basis—many don’t even get that and omega-3 fatty acids from fish.
■ Protective lipids and sterols have been stripped from whole ■ Each packet provides powerful nutrients that support*:
grains to increase their shelf life • Cellular health for abundant energy
■ Many don’t eat fish due to concerns about the presence of • Powerful antioxidant protection
heavy metals and contaminants
• Optimum immune strength
■ A majority of people are below the estimated average
requirement for some basic, essential vitamins and minerals • Heart and brain health
• Flexible, healthy joints
Whole Food Nutrients Can Optimize
• Clear vision
• Youthful skin, hair and nails
■ Leading global health authorities like the World Health
Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and American • Natural genetic anti-aging function
Heart Association agree that the key to preventing disease ■ Pro Vitality is the core supplement for healthy nutrition—no
and promoting health is weight management, physical activity matter what your health goals!
and eating a nutrient-rich diet that includes whole grains, fruits
& vegetables and fish.
■ Everyone should increase consumption of whole-grain foods,
fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids—
and maintain a healthy weight.
■ But even those with good intentions to eat a healthy diet face
challenges. Busy lifestyles, eating on-the-run, and the
prevalence of processed foods all contribute towards
nutritional gaps that would benefit from nutritional
supplements. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
Carotenoid Complex
Protect Your Cells – Optimize Your Immunity
With the protective power of carotenoids from tomatoes, 37%
carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots
BASELINE *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
SUGGESTED USE: Take 1 packet daily, with a meal. USO SUGERIDO: Tome 1 paquete diario con alimento.
S u p p l e m e n t Fa c t s
Amount Per Packet % Daily Value**
Carotenoid Complex Blend 300 mg †
Serving Size: 1 Packet Carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root); Red bell pepper oleoresin
Servings Per Container: 30 (Capsicum frutescens) (fruit); Tomato oleoresin (Lycopersicon
esculentum) (fruit); Spinach oleoresin (Spinacia oleracea) (leaf); Apricot
Amount Per Packet % Daily Value concentrate (Prunus armeniaca) (fruit); Strawberry concentrate (Fragaria
Calories 20 ananassa) (fruit); Peach concentrate (Prunus persica) (fruit)
Total Fat 2g 3%** Inositol 65 mg †
Saturated Fat 0g 0%** Phyto Enzyme Blend 45 mg †
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g † Lipase; Protease; Diastase; Amylase
Monounsaturated Fat 0g † Lecithin (from soy) 30 mg †
Trans Fat 0g † Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 2 mg †
Total Carbohydrate <1 g <1%** Lycopene 400 mcg †
Protein <1 g 1%** Lutein/Zeaxanthin 137 mcg †
Vitamin A (as alpha and beta carotene and from retinyl palmitate) 1950 mcg (6500 IU) 220%
**Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry (Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)) 90 mg 100%
† Daily value not established.
Vitamin D 3 (from cholecalciferol) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherols) 11.4 mg (17 IU) 80% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, salmon oil, UHPO3 (Ultra High Potency
Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 10 mg 830% Omega-3) fatty acid concentrate (tuna, sardine, and anchovy), glycerin,
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 10 mg 770% microcrystalline cellulose, olive oil, yellow beeswax, purified water, soy
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 50 mg 310% lecithin, sodium croscarmellose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, silicon
Vitamin B 6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from yeast) 10 mg 590%
dioxide, rice bran powder, wheat germ powder, magnesium stearate,
Folate 667 mcg DFE 170%
(400 mcg folic acid) starch, titanium dioxide and natural color.
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg 420% Contains soy, wheat and fish.
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 12 mg 240% DISTRIBUTED BY:
Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 6 mg 35% NeoLife International, LLC
Potassium (as potassium gluconate) 10 mg <1% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 35 mg 8% No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives added.
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 15 mg 140% NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
Selenium (as sodium selenite) 40 mcg 70% Available Exclusively from NeoLife Promoters.
Copper (as copper gluconate) 2 mg 220%
Leading edge nutrition since 1958.
Manganese (as manganese gluconate) 10 mg 430%
Chromium (chelated) 20 mcg 60% Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Molybdenum (as molybdenum trioxide) 30 mcg 70%
Made in U.S.A.
TRE-EN-EN® Grain Concentrate Blend 675 mg †
Rice bran oil; Soybean oil; Wheat germ oil NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
Total Omega-3 fatty acids 383 mg †
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 160 mg
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 153 mg NEOLIFE PRODUCTS USE ONLY
DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) 17 mg
Stearidonic, eicosatrienoic, eicosatetraenoic,
heneicosapentaenoic, and alpha-linolenic acids 53 mg
IN CASE OF ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE, CALL A DOCTOR OR POISON CONTROL CENTER IMMEDIATELY. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
In addition to life-giving oxygen, the atmospheric environment includes a mix of
pollution, smoke, smog, bacteria, pollens and allergenic substances which can result
in respiratory sensitivities and distress. Master herbalists know that a healthy and
unrestricted respiratory system, free from allergic reactions, is critical to optimal
wellness. They discovered that certain herbs work together to support respiratory
wellness, especially with regard to upper respiratory function.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3652, 90 Tablets
■ Because herbs have a long history of safe use, without the ■ Supports a healthy respiratory tract.*
side effects associated with chemical drugs. ■ Herbs are selected from many global traditions, bringing
■ Because herbs are nature’s solutions to wellness challenges. together the best herbal knowledge from around the world.
■ Because herbs are non-habit-forming. ■ Leading edge science to support sinus decongestion and
free, comfortable breathing.*
■ Because herbs work naturally and gently to support normal
respiratory function. ■ Contains Horseradish root which supports normal
airflow in the sinuses and lungs and promotes a healthy
■ Because herbs have been shown to restore the body’s
immune response.*
balance and help the body perform at its vital best.
■ Contains Thyme and Hyssop to promote clear, open airways.*
■ Because herbs have been shown to help relieve
mild respiratory complaints and help fight mild ■ Guaranteed purity, potency, and consistency.
respiratory infections. ■ Contains no chemical or animal products.
03/22 US
The following benefits have been attributed to the herbs
contained in NeoLife’s Resp-X by master herbalists:
Horseradish — root Supports normal airflow in sinuses and lungs. Assists with normal
(Amoracia rusticana) digestion. Supports kidney function and the immune system.*
Thyme — herb Encourages calm and unrestricted airflow; healthy and clear lungs.
(Thymus vulgaris) Calms and soothes distressed tissue. Promotes vitality and healthy
immune responses.*
Fenugreek — seed Soothes and calms distressed tissue. May help to normalize body
(Trigonella foenum) temperature.*
Hyssop — plant Supports healthy, open airways, free of restrictions. Calms and
(Hyssopus officinalis) soothes distressed tissues. Supports a strong immune response.*
Slippery Elm — bark Calms and soothes distressed tissues; especially effective for
(Ulmus rubra) airway mucosa.*
Yerba Santa — plant Encourages normal moisture content of airway mucosa. Assists
(Eriodietyon Californicum) normal tissue renewal, especially in the respiratory tract.*
03/22 US
932402 120cc 6.00” x 2.00” US
Servings Per Container: 90
to support
Available normalfrom
Exclusively airflow in the sinuses and lungs. ®
® NeoLife
Amount Per Serving HyssopPromoters.
and thyme promote clear, open airways.*
Leading edge nutrition
since 1958.uses a synergistic Herbal Blend derived
03/22 US
During periods of stress, the body undergoes changes that
place high demands on critical physiological functions. The body
needs adequate nutrients to support the increase in 1) energy
metabolism, 2) cognitive and brain function, 3) blood circulation
and respiration, and 4) immune protection. If it continues for
prolonged periods of time, stress can deplete the body of the
nutrients it needs for optimal performance. Poor eating habits
further compromise the ability of the body to manage and
recover from stress. This can make the body more susceptible
to illness and infection in the short term, and chronic health
problems in the long term.
Providing the body with balanced nutrition and correcting all
nutrient deficiencies and inadequacies have been associated
with improved resilience to the negative effects of the stress
response. Some of these nutrients may also reduce the levels of #3110 - 30 packets
stress hormones in the body and improve mood. When the body
is operating at its best, it can respond to stress with adequate
energy, optimal brain function, and the vital antioxidant and
immune responses needed to protect against illness. NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
■ B-vitamins play a key role in the nervous system and help • 2 Stress B & C
sustain energy production.* Extra high potency vitamin formula. B vitamins support
energy metabolism, heart health, stress & maintenance
■ Vitamin C, E, zinc and selenium are particularly important for
of the nervous system. Vitamin C and flavonoids from the
antioxidant protection and optimal immune response.*
exclusive NeoPlex concentrate for powerful immune
■ Calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine, chromium and support. Threshold controlled delivery for maximum
molybdenum support brain, cardiovascular, metabolic and effect.*
hormone function.*
• 2 Chela-Sea M
Vital mineral support including unique sea sourced
Our Solution: NeoLife Stress Pack
minerals and iron. Exclusive amino acid chelation for
■ The NeoLife Stress Pack is scientifically formulated to meet enhanced absorption.*
the needs of a stressful lifestyle by providing a balanced
• 1 Selenium E
supply of key nutrients that are in high demand during
Antioxidant protection from natural vitamin E and
periods of stress—it helps provide the extra nutrients
selenium. Plus, the key trace minerals chromium and
needed during stressful times and supports strong immunity
and overall energy.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
NeoLife Stress Pack is designed to stack on to Pro Vitality daily whole food nutrition pack.
SUGGESTED USE: 1 packet daily with breakfast or lunch. 761148 4.125” x 4.125” x 4.125” US
Supplement Facts (Continued)
powder (Citrus sinensis ) (peel); Citrus bioflavonoid
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 50 mg 3850%
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 200 mg 1250% Store in a cool, dry pl
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from yeast) 50 mg 2940% away from direct sunl
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 50 mcg 2080% NOT SOLD IN RETAIL
† Daily Value not established.
Biotin 400 mcg 1330% Available Exclusively
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 50 mg 1000% from NeoLife Promote
Choline (from choline bitartrate) 125 mg 25% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Glycine, stearic acid, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose,
Calcium (chelated and from dicalcium phosphate) 299 mg 25% magnesium silicate, powdered cellulose, food glaze, silicon dioxide, magnesium Leading edge nutrition
Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 6 mg 35% stearate, sodium croscarmellose, dulse, calcium sulfate, gum acacia, Laminaria since 1958.
Potassium (as potassium glycinate) 66 mg <2% digitata, irish moss, glycerin, carmine, natural color, titanium dioxide and triacetin. Based in Nature,
Backed by Science.
Phosphorous (from dicalcium phosphate) 35 mg 2%
Magnesium (chelated) 150 mg 35% Contains soy.
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70%
Made in U.S.A.
Zinc (chelated) 45 mg 410%
Selenium (as sodium selenite and from yeast) 160 mcg 290% NEOLIFE SCIENT
Chromium (from chromiumAmountyeast)
Per Serving % Daily Value 80 mcg 230% ADVISORY BOAR
Molybdenum (as molybdenum trioxide) 120 mcg 270%
Rutin 30 mg † Combat the effects of stress.* Combate los efectos del estrés.*
IN NATURE Rose hips (Rosa canina)liver
Desiccated (fruit)
Lecithin (from soy)
30 mg † STRESS 200 mg
40 mg
STRESS Perfect add-on to NeoLife Complemento perfecto para el
Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol
Lemon bioflavonoid
18 mg
7.6 mg
† PA C K PA C K Pro Vitality, daily whole food
nutrition pack.
paquete de alimento integral diario
Pro Vitality de NeoLife.
Hesperidin 7.6 mg † DISTRIBUTED BY:
NeoLife International, LLC
Neo-Plex Concentrate Blend 50 mg † WARNING: Accidental
B & C of iron-containing products
Fórmula is a leading
vitamínica cause of
de alta potencia
Orange juice powder (Citrus sinensis ) (fruit); Orange Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
powder (Citrus sinensis ) (peel); Citrus bioflavonoid Store in a cool, dry place,
fatal poisoning in children
Extra undervitamin
high potency 6. Keep this product
formula. outVitaminas
adicional. of reachB of children.
para apoyar elIn
away from direct sunlight. case of accidental overdose,
B vitamins call
support a doctor
energy or poison
metabolism, control de
metabolismo center immediately.
la energía, la salud del
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
heart health, stress & DNA synthesis. corazón, el estrés y la síntesis de ADN.
† Daily Value not established. Vitamin C supports immune strength. La vitamina C apoya la fortaleza inmune.
Available Exclusively *These statements havecontrolled
Threshold not beendelivery
for by the Fooddeand
Entrega Drug
umbral Administration.
controlado para una
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Glycine, stearic acid, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, from NeoLife Promoters. These productsmaximum
are not bioavailability.*
intended to diagnose, treat,
máximacure or prevent any disease.
magnesium silicate, powdered cellulose, food glaze, silicon dioxide, magnesium Leading edge nutrition
stearate, sodium croscarmellose, dulse, calcium sulfate, gum acacia, Laminaria since 1958. CHELA-SEA M Minerales marinos únicos para el
digitata, irish moss, glycerin, carmine, natural color, titanium dioxide and triacetin. Based in Nature, Full-body support from unique apoyo de todo el cuerpo, incluyendo
Backed by Science. sea sourced minerals including iron. hierro. Aminoácidos exclusivos de doble
Contains soy. Exclusive double amino acid quelación para una mejor absorción.*
Made in U.S.A. chelation for enhanced absorption.*
3 1
NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC SELENIUM E Protección antioxidante con
ADVISORY BOARD Antioxidant protection from vitamina E natural. Más minerales
natural vitamin E. Plus key clave y calcio.*
minerals and calcium.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
No Artificial Anything!
NeoLife products use only
¡Nada Artificial!
Los productos NeoLife utilizan sólo Dietary
GMO-free ingredients. ingredientes libres de GMO.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
1912 30 P
7611 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
Science has shown that a special group of nutrients
called polyphenols, drawn from an equally special group
of foods referred to as Super Fruits, plays a wide range
of critical roles in supporting and maintaining optimal
health, longevity, and cognitive capacity throughout life.
This research tells us that when these polyphenols are
absent from or deficient in our diets, aging processes
are accelerated and disease risk is higher. Conversely,
when they are abundant in the diet, aging is slowed and
disease risk is lowered.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
#3010, 32 fl. oz.
Based in Nature—Backed by Science
TRÉ – Nutritional Essence of Super Fruits NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF TRÉ
8/21 US
Our Solution: TRÉ The Science Behind The Essence
Combining Super Fruits with Superb Science
■ otent and unique combination of the purest extracts of
pomegranate, acai berry, and green tea, combined with our POMEGRANATE
proprietary Inflox berry blend, Tré is enhanced with resveratrol Mental Agility
Heart Health
and alpha-lipoic acid, and is sweetened naturally with the
nectar from the agave cactus.
■ Standardized amounts of active ingredients such as Antioxidant Protection
punicalagins in Pomegranate and polyphenols in Green Tea
assures you a powerful measure of the most potent bioactive
essence in each serving. GREEN TEA
■ Drawn from a broad spectrum of powerful Super Fruits, Tré Heart Health
assures you the nutrient diversity your body needs—and Prostate & Breast Health
Brain Health
nature intended!
■ Conceived and created by NeoLife’s Scientific Advisory
Board—world-renowned experts in creating whole-food PROPRIETARY INFLOX BERRY BLEND*
based, scientifically proven products. BLUEBERRY BLACK CURRANT CRANBERRY
■ Delicious and concentrated, from the first sip, you will
experience the refreshing taste and the invigorating potency of
the active ingredients—for living long and living well.
■ Refreshing beverage with a low glycemic response NeoLife ELDERBERRY RED GRAPE Heart Health
ExclusivesNATURE • SCIENCE Brain Health
■ Proprietary Energy
Ancient wisdom of Blend of three teas,the
the Mediterranean, natural caffeine,
Amazon, Memory
and the Orient validated
tea extract by modern to
standardized science, Tré is a
94% EGCG Immunity
nourishing liquid nutritional essence of Pomegranate, BILBERRY WHITE GRAPE
■ Proprietary Adaptogen Blend of three herbs, studied Eye Health
Acai berry and Green tea enhanced with a proprietary
for their blend
“Inflox” abilityoftodeep,
promote mental Not
dark berries. alertness andTré
just juice, overall
is Urinary Tract
a delicious combination of ingredients known for their Health
■ Naturally ability to&enhance
Flavored health, improve mental
agility and maximize healthy lifespan*.
SUGGESTED USE: Drink 1 fl. oz. (30mL)
Shake well before use. Serve chilled. RESVERATROL ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID
Store away from direct sunlight. Refrigerate after opening. HO O
S u p p l e m e n t Fa c t s OH
Cell membranes need lipids and sterols to stay healthy. Unfortunately, grain processing
strips lipids, sterols, and other vital nutrients from the foods that make up our dietary staples.
Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates help assure good nutrition at the cellular level by providing a
unique and exclusive blend of whole-food extracts from wheat germ, rice bran, and
soybeans. Developed and introduced by NeoLife in 1958, Tre-en-en was the world’s first
phytonutrient supplement. It provides phyto-LIPIDS essential to optimal health and cellular
function, including omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, and phyto-STEROLS, including beta-
sitosterol, gamma-oryzanol, stimasterol, and campesterol, plus octacosanol.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3130, 120 Softgels *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
Lipids And Sterols: Building Blocks For sterol profile of the diet has changed. While our hunter-
Every Cell Membrane In The Human Body gatherer ancestors consumed a diversity of natural fats,
mostly from locally gleaned plants, this diversity decreased
When it comes to health, not all fats are bad. Some fats are when people became successful at growing agricultural
good — even essential. Fats provide energy, essential fatty crops which could be sold at the local farmers’ market. This
acids, and cellular building blocks, and they have eroding nutrient diversity was compounded by a decrease
regulatory functions. For instance, fats are necessary for in nutrient density when people discovered that grains
normal growth and development, especially for infants. could be stored longer without going rancid if their lipid-
They are also important to the structure and function of the and sterol-rich outer coatings were removed. And after
nervous system. But most importantly, they make up the World War II, the world got its first taste of margarine and
greater part of the membranes that surround every cell in other artificially hydrogenated oils, and the global kitchen
the human body. has never been the same. This relatively rapid
Healthful lipids and sterols from wheat, rice, and soybeans displacement of natural fats with artificial fats in all types of
are “good fats.” Certain lipids, including omega-6 and foods has created an unhealthy imbalance of “good”
omega-3 fatty acids, may increase the fluidity, or “pliability,” versus “bad” fats and has diminished the amount and
of cell membranes and help keep cells functioning variety of healthful lipids and sterols in the diet.
normally. Plant sterols may have a number of beneficial
effects as well, including reducing cholesterol levels, Tre-en-en® For Cellular Efficiency
lowering the risk of atherosclerosis, and inhibiting tumors. Our bodies are composed of trillions of cells which must
Both lipids and sterols are located in the bran and outer work efficiently if we are to stay healthy. How do cells stay
layers which are removed during grain processing (see The healthy? The key is their membranes. Like bodies, cells
Story of Wheat, The Story of Rice, and The Story of Soy). must take in nutrients and eliminate wastes. Every cell in
the body is surrounded by a lipid membrane with the
Consequences Of The Imbalance Of discretionary power to allow only needed nutrients to enter
“Good” And “Bad” Fats In The Modern Diet the cell. By the same token, it allows only waste material
With consumer preferences shifting to low-fat and fat-free and metabolic products (hormones, enzymes,
foods, people are eating less fat than in recent years, neurotransmitters, etc.) to exit. Deficiencies of lipids,
although the fat content of the Western diet is still far from sterols, and amino acids can compromise the discretionary
the 30% recommended by health experts. While reducing power of cells. Cells can become “starved” (inhibited in
the fat content of the diet has many positive health their ability to take in substances) even though nutrients
consequences, it means that people are reducing the total are available. And they can become “constipated”
lipids and sterols they are taking in from all sources, not (inhibited in their ability to eliminate accumulating waste
just “bad” fats such as saturated fats. They are also products or export metabolites). Under these conditions,
reducing their intake of “good” fats from whole grains and cells work inefficiently, expending more energy than
soybeans, which supply important lipid and sterol nutrients healthy cells would to get the same results.
you need to feel your best. Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates supply essential lipids and
In the quest to reduce the fat content of the diet, fat sterols to promote the efficient functioning of cells,
substitutes or “fake fats” have begun to make their way into glandular systems, and the entire body. Remember, we are
the marketplace. While these substances may make some only as healthy as our cells, and Tre-en-en strengthens the
foods less caloric and fatty, they do nothing to meet the lipid/sterol “link” in our “Chain of Life,” supporting cellular
body’s hunger for good nutrition. Whole-food lipids and health and vitality.
sterols from wheat, rice, and soy will be especially Imbalance has consequences: Insufficiency of lipids and
important for the growing group of people who use fat sterols may cause alterations of the cell membrane, leading
substitutes to reduce the fat content of their diets. to reduced cellular efficiency throughout the body. It may
The decrease in total fat consumption is only part of the also affect the ability of the cell’s “metabolic machinery” to
reason the modern diet features an imbalance of “good” produce energy. Lipid/sterol insufficiency may also slow the
and “bad” fats. The other part of the story is that the foods normal workings of the endocrine glands, which virtually
that make up the human diet have changed dramatically in control the body’s energy levels. For these reasons,
the last 50 years. As artificial fats have increasingly insufficiency of lipids and sterols may be a factor in long-
displaced natural fats in the foods we eat, the lipid and term fatigue. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
Servings Per Container: 40
Available Exclusively® from
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value NeoLife Promoters. Grain Concentrates "feed your cells" with
Calories 25 an edge
Leading exclusive
nutritionwhole-food blend of extracts from wheat,
1958. and soy. It provides phyto-LIPIDS, including
TES Total Fat 2.5 g 3%**
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 1.7 mg 10% Basedomega-6
in Nature, and omega-3 fatty acids, and phyto-STEROLS
by Science. gamma-oryzanol, stigmasterol, campesterol
TRE-EN-EN® Grain Concentrate Blend 2025 mg † beta-sitosterol,
trition Rice bran oil; Soybean oil; Wheat germ oil
and octacosanol.
Made in U.S.A. For cellular nutrition
Contains no cholesterol.
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
† Daily Value not established. and energy*
celular Cold
NEOpressed and cold processed to preserve
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, glycerin, yellow beeswax, water, nutritional value. Para nutrición celular
rice bran powder, wheat germ powder, titanium dioxide, natural Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. y energía*
color and mixed non-alpha-tocopherol. Packaged with safety seal.
Contains wheat. NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
#0621 Lot #
plement 3 1 3 0 s
Dietary Supplement
Best If
Used By: * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is known as the “sunshine” vitamin because we can
make it in the body when ultraviolet B, or UVB, rays from sunlight hit the skin.
Vitamin D exerts its effects by binding to a protein called the vitamin D receptor.
This receptor is present in nearly every cell of the body and affects many different
body processes. Vitamin D is considered a hormone as well as a vitamin and
influences the function of many genes in our body.¹
We also get vitamin D directly from foods, but it is generally difficult to obtain
adequate levels from foods alone. Foods with good levels of vitamin D include oily
fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), beef liver, cheese, egg yolks and mushrooms. We
typically obtain only about 10 to 20% of our vitamin D from foods. The other 80 to
90% may be produced in the body following exposure to sunlight.
Our life stage, skin pigmentation, life situation and sun exposure have an enormous
influence on the levels of vitamin D (or vitamin D status) that we achieve. With
today’s typically indoor lifestyles and use of sunscreens, inadequacies and
deficiencies of vitamin D are extremely common. Between 50% and 90% of the
population of a given region have low vitamin D status. #3335, 90 tablets
Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health. Well conducted clinical trials
indicate that supplementation with at least 20 mcg, or 800 IU, of vitamin D per day
may reduce the risk of falls and fractures in older individuals. NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
Why a Vitamin D Supplement? ■ itamin D helps your body use calcium properly for bone
formation and nerve function.*
Today’s indoor living lifestyles and use of sunscreens threaten
our vitamin D body stores and a large percentage of people ■ ow vitamin D can also impact our immune system
around the world of all ages are low in vitamin D. performance, our cardiovascular health, our muscle strength,
our blood glucose regulation and our overall mood.*
■ typically only get about 10%-20% of our vitamin D from the
diet as vitamin D is not widely distributed in foods. ■ ow vitamin D increases the risk of viral infections, including
those of the respiratory system.*
■ etting enough vitamin D all year round is vital to our optimal
health and vitality as this vitamin is needed by all our body Why NeoLife’s Vegan D?
systems and organs.*
Vegan D is a proprietary blend of two naturally sourced and
■ oth vitamin D₂ (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D₃ (cholecalciferol)
B whole food-based vitamin D ingredients to ensure high-
are known to be effective. A supplement helps us achieve the potency and bioavailability.
current Recommended Daily Allowances for this vitamin of 15
mcg per day (or 600 IU) for all adults aged 18-69 years and 20 ■ It combines vitamin D₃ and vitamin D₂ (cholecalciferol/
mcg per day (800 IU) for adults aged 70 and above.³ ergocalciferol). *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
■ It contains two unique ingredients:
1. Vitamin D₃ from lichen (Cladina rangiferina), known as
Reindeer Lichen, which is actually a combination of an
algae and a fungus. This natural lichen D₃ ingredient is:
• Sustainably sourced using gentle extraction techniques
• Traditionally consumed by people in the Arctic
2. Contains D₂ from superior quality mushrooms
(Agaricus bisporus)
• Postharvest flash UV light exposure of mushrooms
produces vitamin D₂-enriched mushrooms
• These mushrooms provide valuable whole food beta
glucans, known to be of particular benefit for the immune
■ Vegan
■ GMO-free
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. NeoLife's Vegan D features a proprietary blend of naturally sourced and whole food-
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 90 NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. based vitamin D₃/D₂ to ensure high potency.
Available Exclusively from
/ D2 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value NeoLife Promoters.
Leading edge nutrition
Vitamin D 25 mcg (1000 IU) 125%
hy since 1958.
(as cholecalciferol
uscles, from lichen and ergocalciferol Based in Nature,
from mushroom) Backed by Science.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, stearic Made in U.S.A.
lud de acid, silicon dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose,
ntes, sodium croscarmellose and magnesium stearate.
ios y
Lot #
Best If
Used By:
1. Sassi F, Tamone C, D’Amelio P. Vitamin D: Nutrient, Hormone, and Immunomodulator. Nutrients. 2018;10(11):1656. doi:10.3390/nu10111656
2. van Schoor N, Lips P. Chapter 59 - Worldwide Vitamin D Status. In: Feldman D, ed. Vitamin D (Fourth Edition). Academic Press; 2018:15-40. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-809963-6.00059-6
3. Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. The National Academies Press; 2011. doi:10.17226/13050 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
The global market for vegan products has experienced incredible
growth in the last few years. Though products may be ‘vegan,’ they
appeal to a broad spectrum of consumers who are searching for
healthy products to improve their diet and lifestyle. ‘Flexitarian’ diets,
referring to flexible vegetarian diets that do not eliminate meat
completely, are also skyrocketing in popularity. Studies have shown
that flexitarian diets have numerous health benefits including an anti-
inflammatory effect, reduced blood pressure, reduced total and LDL
cholesterol, and lower body mass index (BMI) compared to those who
consume more meat.1,2 An added bonus is that plant-heavy diets are
more environmentally friendly and have a smaller carbon footprint than
meat-heavy diets.
Egg and whey proteins are considered the gold standard in protein
quality because they contain all the essential amino acids (EAAs) in the
correct proportions. There is a common misconception that vegan #3214 - Natural Vanilla
proteins can never match the quality of egg and whey. While this may
be true for almost all proteins that use only a single plant source, it is NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board
possible to equal the quality and mimic the EAA profile of egg and
whey by mixing a thoughtfully selected variety of plant protein sources.
NeoLife Vegan Protein provides a unique and delicious way to include plant-based proteins into a vegan, vegetarian,
flexitarian or omnivorous diet. It is one of the only plant-based protein products to include innovative protein sources
such as fava, hemp and chickpea. It also has an EAA profile which mimics that of egg and whey, making it a biologically
complete protein with the highest protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) possible. NeoLife Vegan
Protein is an excellent source of high-quality protein, with the addition of healthy fat and 24 essential vitamins and
Support a Healthy Lifestyle with Plant- fats with a variety of health benefits. Replacing a portion of
saturated fats with MUFAs and PUFAs can help improve
Based Nutrition Meant for Everyone
blood lipid levels and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.6
Protein is a vital nutrient, required for the structure and MCTs are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to
function of every cell in our body. It may also be used as an an increase in the amount of energy used by the muscles.7
energy source. Calories from protein keep people feeling Substituting MCT oil for other fats in a healthy diet can help
full longer than the same number of calories from sugar or to support healthy weight and body composition.8
simple carbohydrates. When we ingest protein, we burn
■ Getting the right balance of macronutrients and
more calories than when we consume carbohydrates or
micronutrients is essential to supporting optimal health and
fats, known as the thermogenic effect.3,4
can help support weight management success. This
■ Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of three includes getting all of our essential vitamins and minerals
essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. which are needed to support healthy bones, vision, immune
BCAAs help to stimulate the synthesis of new muscle in the system, energy metabolism, and hair, skin & nails.
body, so protein that is consumed is used to build new
muscle instead of being used for energy.5 Our Solution: NeoLife Vegan Protein
■ Good fats are an essential part of a healthy diet and provide ■ Clinically proven nutrients to support brain, heart, bone,
a major source of energy. Medium chain triglycerides vision, immune, skin, energy metabolism, weight
(MCTs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and maintenance and overall health*
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are all types of healthy
08/21 US
■ Formulated with an innovative Plant-Based Superfood ■ Soy Free
Protein Blend of 5 protein sources — Pea, Fava Bean, ■ No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives
Brown Rice, Chickpea, and Hemp; combined to optimize added
protein quality
■ Mild vanilla flavor — versatile enough to accommodate
• Canadian yellow peas processed using a chemical free, your own add-ins like fruits such as berries, and also
water separation method for highly bioavailable protein* vegetables
• Fava beans protein is extracted with purified water and
contains high levels of phenolic compounds to support
antioxidant activity*
15 servings per container
Serving Size: 2 scoops (33.6 g)
• Brown Rice Protein extracted with a proprietary low-heat Amount Per Serving
process is the first patented allergen-friendly whole rice Calories 140
EGAN PROTEIN grain protein source
Chickpeas are nutrient dense and support a low
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
% Daily Value**
Trans Fat
fe’s Vegan Protein response*
is crafted with the highest quality sources Cholesterol
0 mg 0%
Sodium 10%
nt-based protein, protective
proteinantioxidants, and nutrient-dense
220 mg
• Hemp contains essential fatty acids and does Total Carbohydrate 7g 2%
dients for optimalnot
have anythat youorand
THC CBDyour family will love. Dietary Fiber
Total Sugars
08/21 US
Today, more people are avoiding or reducing consumption of animal products.
NeoLife's Vegetarian Multi-Vitamin/Multi-Mineral Supplement is 100% plant-
derived and supplies important nutrients that may be deficient in vegetarian diets.
In addition, the raw materials are carefully screened for their low allergy potential.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3680, 120 Tablets
03/22 US
932303 200cc 2.5” x 6.8125” US
SUGGESTED USE: 2 tablets daily.
Supplement Facts
(Continued from opposite panel)
NeoLife International, LLC Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Fremont, CA 94538 trioxide) U.S.A.
EE Serving Size: 2 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 60
Molybdenum (as molybdenum
Inositol (as inositol and from soy lecithin)
1.2 mcg
66 mg
Diastase (from malt) IN RETAIL STORES. 20 mg †
Papain 17 mg †
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Available
Lipase Exclusively from 10 mg †
Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Vitamin A (as retinyl palmitate and 10% as beta- 1320 mcg (4400 IU) 150% NeoLife Promoters.
carotene from carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root)) Custom Trace Mineral Blend 50 mg
Complex (from Laminaria digitata); Kelp; Irish moss; Dulse leaf;
Cellulose; MarineedgeOrganicnutrition
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 93 mg 100% Dicalcium phosphate.
since 1958. MULTI
Vitamin D2 (as ergocalciferol) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50% Neo-Plex Concentrate 47 mg †
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 6.7 mg (10 IU) 45% Orange Juice powder (Citrus sinensis) (fruit); Orange powder (Citrus sinensis) (peel);
Thiamine (as thiamine mononitrate and from rice) 10 mg 830%
Based in Nature,
Citrus bioflavonoid.
Essential nutrients for
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from rice) 10 mg 770% Backed
† Daily Value notby Science.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose, powdered cellulose, hydroxypropyl
nourishment & repair *
Niacin (as niacinamide and from rice) 50 mg 310%
s for Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from rice) 10 mg 590%
methylcellulose, chlorophyll, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and triacetin.
Complete multivitamin with chelated minerals for enhanced absorption and plant Nutrientes esenciales
pair * Folate 667 mcg DFE 170% Madefor in
enzymes easyU.S.A.
para la nutrición y
(400 mcg folic acid) Contains soy.
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin and from rice) 10 mcg 420% WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal reparación*
les Biotin 300 mcg 1000%
poisoning in children under six. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of
accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate) 12 mg 240% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Packaged with safety seal.
Choline (as choline bitartrate and from soy lecithin) 25 mg 5% NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
Calcium (as calcium carbonate) 300 mg 25%
Iron (chelated) 18 mg 100% 0820
Potassium (as potassium phosphate) 10 mg 0% 3 6 8 0 s Dietary Supplemen
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 150 mg 35% *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70% product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 120 TABLETS
Zinc (chelated) 15 mg 140%
Selenium (as sodium selenite) 1.6 mcg 2%
Copper (chelated) 2 mg 220%
Manganese (chelated) 10 mg 430%
ment Chromium (chelated) 0.8 mcg 2%
Lot #
Best If
Used By:
03/22 US
Free radicals can harm cells, be they young or old. This damage may accumulate and lead to
disease later in life. The earlier a person begins consuming a diet rich in antioxidants from
whole foods and whole-food supplements, the greater the protection from free-radical
damage. Health benefits may show up in childhood in the form of a stronger immune system,
or they may manifest themselves during adulthood as slowed onset of the effects of aging.
Vita-Gard delivers a broad spectrum of whole-food antioxidants to help protect cells and
tissues. It’s an investment worth making to maximize your child’s chances for good health,
both now and in the future.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3125, 120 Tablets *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
■ 150% of the RDA for vitamin E for children under four years Antioxidants help protect cells from free-radical damage, as
of age. Contains the entire vitamin E family of mixed toco- well as strengthen the immune system so children are
pherols and tocotrienols, not just the most common member better able to meet the many infectious challenges they
(alpha-tocopherol). face on a daily basis. Pound for pound, children’s
■ Contains selenium. Selenium works synergistically with requirements for certain antioxidant nutrients (for instance,
vitamins C and E) are greater than those of adults.
vitamin E to protect cell membranes.*
What are free radicals, and how do they harm cells? Free
■ 94% of the RDA for zinc for children under four years of
radicals can form as byproducts of oxidation, a normal
age. Zinc has been shown to play important roles in
chemical reaction in cells that provides energy for physical
immunity, appetite, and growth, and is a component of a key
activity and other life functions. But oxidation can also cause
antioxidant enzyme in the body.
destruction, examples of which can be seen in rusting iron
■ All-natural sweeteners fructose and fruit-juice concentrates or rancid butter. Free radicals can also be created by
(grape, orange, apple). No sucrose. physical activity, sunlight, smog, ozone, pesticides, food
■ All-natural fruit essence flavoring with no artificial colors additives, cigarette smoke, many drugs, and other
or preservatives. substances to which children are exposed as a matter of
course. Just as termites jeopardize the structural integrity of
■ Chewable! Your children can begin to receive antioxidant
a house, free radicals undermine the cellular architecture
protection as soon as they are old enough to chew a tablet.
upon which good present and future health depends. They
■ Tastes great! can damage lipids, proteins, and DNA. The damage
■ Unique hexagon shape helps differentiate Vita-Gard so accumulates over time, eventually crippling cells’ abilities to
there’s less chance of mix-ups with adult products. perform their vital functions. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
becomes overwhelmed, free radicals can initiate reactions ■ About two-thirds of the children ate less than two servings
that harm and even destroy cells. For instance, a typical of fruit a day. Only one child in the entire study ate three or
human cell undergoes 10,000 oxidative “hits” to its DNA more servings of vegetables a day.
every day! DNA damage accumulates over time, and so ■ Children in the study consumed almost no carotenoid-rich
does the risk of cancer, one of the diseases linked to free- vegetables, with the average daily intake of dark green and
radical damage. Antioxidants may lessen the lifetime risk of yellow vegetables only one-tenth of one serving!
cancer, not only because they prevent free-radical damage,
but also because they boost the immune system, which is As a result of these dietary gaps, which are the rule rather
the body’s first line of defense against disease. In a study than the exception in children, children’s diets are often
conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, deficient in several antioxidant nutrients:
for instance, NeoLife’s Carotenoid Complex™ was shown to • Vitamin A
strengthen the body’s defenses, causing a 37% up-swing in • Vitamin C
immunity in study participants. Many of the ingredients in
Carotenoid Complex are included in the Vita-Gard • Vitamin E
formulation. The carotenoids and other nutrients in Vita- • Zinc
Gard may similarly help strengthen children’s immune
• Carotenoids
systems and contribute to their ability to meet the many
infectious challenges of childhood. • Flavonoids
How Much Antioxidant Protection Is Optimal? Vita-Gard Fills The Antioxidant Gap And
Antioxidants destroy free radicals. In the process, however,
Protects Your Child's Cells*
the antioxidants themselves are either destroyed or You wouldn’t depend on buying a lottery ticket to pay for
re-activated, so they must constantly be replenished. How your child’s college tuition. Similarly, good health is a lifetime
much antioxidant protection a person needs depends on need too important to leave to chance. It requires planning.
metabolic rate, lifestyle, diet, and health. Since most Just as you’d put money in a college fund to provide for
children have high metabolisms, active lifestyles, poor diets, your child’s future, so should you invest in his or her health.
and constant exposure to infectious agents, their antioxidant Oxidative damage can accumulate, causing cellular injury
needs can be great. that may lead to disease later in life. The earlier you provide
your child with antioxidants, the greater the protective
We're Not Taking Full Advantage Of benefit. Health benefits may show up in childhood in the form
Nature's Wonderful Gift of a stronger immune system, or they may manifest themselves
during adulthood as slowed onset of the effects of aging.
Without question, children do not eat enough antioxidant-
Good whole foods and good whole-food supplements are an
rich fruits and vegetables. Virtually all of the world’s major
investment worth making to maximize your child’s chances for
public health organizations recommend high-produce diets.
good health, both now and in the future.
For example, in the United States, the National Cancer
Institute, the American Cancer Society, and the National Another NeoLife "First"
Research Council all recommend 5-9 servings of fruits and
Great-tasting Vita-Gard is an unmatched opportunity in
vegetables each day for optimal health. That’s the dietary
children’s nutrition. It provides antioxidant nutrients typically
ideal, but this is the reality:
deficient in children’s diets at a time when cellular
■ One-quarter of American schoolchildren do not consume protection is most crucial. Another NeoLife “first”, Vita-Gard
fruits or vegetables every day, according to a nationwide provides complete antioxidant protection for children from
survey. fruit and vegetable concentrates. Its exclusive blend of
■ Vegetable consumption is declining among U.S. children, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (plant nutrients) was
especially those from lower income families. Fruit specially formulated by our Scientific Advisory Board to
consumption is similarly inadequate. maximize cellular protection, and no other children’s product
provides as broad a range of water- and lipid-soluble
■ In one study children ate an average of two servings of fruit
antioxidants. Your child can begin to reap the rewards of
and one of vegetables each day, with less than 7%
antioxidant protection as soon as he or she is old enough to
consuming the five daily fruit and vegetable servings
chew a tablet!
recommended by health authorities. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
Based In Nature, Backed By Science ■ The entire vitamin E family, not just alpha-tocopherol.
Similarly, Vita-Gard contains the entire vitamin E family of
All NeoLife products are based in nature and backed by
tocopherols and tocotrienols as they exist in natural foods,
science. Following Nature’s blueprints, our Scientific
Advisory Board uses cutting-edge research to design truly not just the most common member in isolation
innovative, high-quality products. Our goal is to bring you (alphatocopherol). The benefit is more complete protection
healthful nutrients in as natural a context as possible. Vita- for cell membranes.*
Gard meets that goal because it features: ■ Broad-spectrum flavonoids. Vita-Gard features a broad
■ Broad-spectrum carotenoids, not just beta-carotene. spectrum of flavonoids, not just the one or two found in
Betacarotene does not exist in isolation in nature — it’s part other supplements. The result is better protection for the
of a huge family with approximately 600 members! But water-soluble portions of cells.*
many supplements supply it alone rather than with the other
■ Wholesome ingredients. You won’t find ingredients as
healthful members of the carotenoid family. Not Vita-Gard!
wholesome as those in Vita-Gard in any other children’s
Vita-Gard is the only children’s chewable to deliver
betacarotene with the other carotenoid family members that supplement. Flavored with natural fruit essences and
exist in foods, such as alpha-, gamma-, and zeta-carotene, sweetened with fructose and fruit juices, Vita-Gard contains
lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin. It’s an ingredients you can feel good about! And it doesn’t contain
excellent source of vitamin A from the human food chain, ingredients that cause concern — sugar and artificial colors,
and it offers broader protection of cell membranes.* sweeteners, or flavors.*
D Amount
Per Serving
% Daily Value for
Adults and Children
4 or more Years of Age
Available Exclusively from
normal tissue
promote antioxidant activity, cellular health, and
renewal throughout the body.*
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Calories 10 Leading edge nutrition
Total Carbohydrate 2.5 g 1%** Packaged with safety seal.
Total Sugars 2g †
since 1958.
NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
Includes 2 g of Added Sugars 4%** Based in Nature, Immun
Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) 750 mcg (2,500 IU) 80% antioxid
Backed by Science.
ng Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)
Vitamin E (as D-alpha-tocopherol)
60 mg
10 mg (15 IU)
70% Antioxid
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 7.5 mg 70%
Selenium (from yeast) 20 mcg 35% Made in U.S.A. reforza
Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 3 mg †
Carotenoid Complex Blend 150 mg †
d* Carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root); Tomato concentrate (Lycopersicon esculentum)
(fruit); Apricot concentrate (Prunus armeniaca) (fruit); Strawberry concentrate (Fragaria
vesca) (fruit); Peach concentrate (Prunus persica) (fruit). 1903
3 1 2 5 s
Flavonoid Complex Blend 100 mg †
Orange extract (Citrus sinensis) (fruit); Elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra ) (fruit); *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Dietar
Cranberry extract (Vaccinium macrocarpon) (fruit); Green Tea extract (Camellia sinensis ) Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
(leaf); Lemon extract (Citrus limon) (fruit). diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 120 T
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
† Daily Value not established. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
Building a foundation of health that will last a lifetime requires a commitment to good nutrition.
It’s never too early to assure your children receive the lipids, sterols, vitamins, minerals, and
other nutrients necessary to lay the protective groundwork for immediate and future good
health. Vita-Squares help provide the nutritional building blocks growing children need to
achieve their physical, mental, and emotional “bests.”
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3122, 180 Tablets
Why Multivitamins For Children? n More than just a multivitamin. The most complete
children’s supplement available, Vita-Squares contain
n To help provide children with the nutritional building blocks
vitamins, minerals, lipids, sterols, and other whole-food-
they will need to form healthy bodies and minds.
based nutrients that are deficient in many diets but that are
n To help supply key nutrients which research has shown essential for good health.*
play a role in promoting emotional well-being in children.
n Contains Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates. Our exclusive
n To support the exceptional growth demands of childhood, formulation from whole wheat germ, rice bran, and
when body weight doubles several times over and new soybeans supplies lipids and sterols that are often processed
cells are created at a phenomenal rate. out of the foods that make up children’s dietary staples.
n To assist in the development and maturation of tissues n Broad-spectrum antioxidant protection from the entire
and organ systems. vitamin E family of natural-source mixed tocopherols and
n To help meet the high energy demands and special tocotrienols, not just the most common member
metabolic needs of childhood. (alphatocopherol).
n To aid in the maturation of the immune system, which in n 100% natural sweeteners and flavorings. Sweetened with
childhood is called upon to respond to some of its greatest fruit juice concentrates (oranges, apples, and grapes) and
challenges. fructose, and flavored with berry essences. Contains no
sucrose. Tastes great!
n To fill nutritional gaps that are the rule rather than the
exception in children’s diets. n Optimal mineral supplementation. Zinc and chromium
have been added. (Zinc has been shown to strengthen the
Our Solution: Vita-Squares immune system, and chromium helps regulate blood sugar
levels.) Contains copper and iron, minerals that play key
n Vita-Squares provide optimal cellular nutrition that
roles in immunity, blood building, growth, and other body
supports children’s physical and mental growth and
functions. It also features iodine, shown to aid metabolic
development and emotional well-being. The formulation
regulation, and manganese, critical for a healthy nervous
specifically addresses the nutritional needs of children.
system and normal metabolism.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
n More choline and inositol. Choline and inositol have been n Children’s poor diets are characterized by inadequate
shown to be important for cognitive functions (for example, consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and
learning and memory). excessive consumption of highly processed, sugary, and
fatty foods. For instance, children consume 20-30% of their
n Chewable tablets are easy to digest and absorb.
calories as sugar, which means that the remainder of
n No preservatives or artificial colors. calories must supply all of the nutrients displaced by sugar.
n Unique shape helps differentiate Vita Squares so there is Studies show that this isn’t happening, however; children’s
less chance of mix-ups with adult products. diets often don’t supply 100% of the U.S. Recommended
Daily Allowance (RDA) for key nutrients.
Building A Foundation Of During childhood, a time of great nutritional need, the diet
Health To Last A Lifetime may well be at its worst. Science has shown supplements
If you were going to build your dream house, you’d first can replace nutrients that have been stripped from the foods
create a strong foundation and then assemble the finest we eat or that are missing from typical children’s diets.
building materials available to complete your project.
Constructing a foundation of health that will last a lifetime Three Requirements For Optimal Cellular
requires the same commitment to quality materials. Good Nutrition In Children
whole foods and good whole-food supplements provide the 1. Feed their cells. The health of the trillions of cells in the
nutritional diversity and density that form the foundation for human body depends on their ability to receive nutrients
good health. that fortify the “chain of life”: carbohydrates, lipids/sterols,
It’s never too early to ensure your children receive the protein, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. As a chain is only
building blocks they need to achieve their physical, mental, as strong as its weakest link, inadequate nutrition can
and emotional “bests.” Good nutrition during childhood will undermine good health, both now and later. To create and
help lay the protective groundwork for immediate and future maintain a healthy cellular foundation in childhood, when
good health. cellular growth, renewal, and repair peak, good nutrition is
essential. Without it, cell membranes become compromised
Why are children’s nutritional demands exceptional? in their ability to absorb nutrients and excrete wastes. Cells
n Children produce MORE THAN A BILLION new cells each become “sluggish” and unable to perform their number one
day, and it takes a lot of nutrients to support this function: producing energy for life! If your child’s cells are
extraordinary growth! Children’s body weights double “sickly,” your child isn’t going to be optimally healthy. But if
many times over from the time they’re born. For example, your child’s cells are healthy, so is your child!
50% of adult weight is attained during puberty alone! 2. Renew and repair their cells. Due to body growth, tissue
n Young tissues and organ systems need nutrients to and organ development, and response to injury, children’s
develop properly. For instance, children’s immature cells undergo renewal and repair more often than those of
immune systems are constantly exposed to bacteria and normal adults. To grow, for instance, the body needs
viruses, and many nutrients have been shown to boost protein, a major cellular building block made up of strings of
immunity. In addition, children’s delicate lungs are often amino acids. Children’s bodies cannot make 10 of the 22
exposed to smog, automobile exhaust, cigarette smoke, amino acids required to replace old cells and repair
and other pollutants, and antioxidant nutrients may offer damaged ones, so these essential amino acids must be
protection from such insults. supplied in the diet.
n Childhood is a time when cognitive skills (learning, 3. Protect their cells. But feeding, renewing, and repairing
memory) and personalities are developing, and scientific cells isn’t enough. Cells also need protection from highly
studies have found associations between levels of certain reactive and damaging chemicals called free radicals, by
nutrients and mental performance and mood. products of the oxidation reactions that fuel metabolism.
Since children’s bodies burn a lot of energy, they also
n Children’s metabolic rates are very high – probably the
produce a lot of free radicals. Free radical are also
highest they will ever be and vitamins and minerals are
generated by sunlight, cigarette smoke, smog, ozone,
necessary to keep the body’s metabolic pathways
pesticides, food additives, drugs, and several other
running smoothly.
chemicals to which we and our children are routinely
n Children’s levels of physical activity, growth, and repair exposed. Antioxidant nutrients can neutralize free radicals
create enormous energy demands. Vitamins and minerals and offer some protection. Nutrients such as vitamin C and
work together to help the body better absorb and flavonoids protect the watery regions of cells from free-
assimilate other nutrients from foods. radical attack, whereas those such as the vitamin E family *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
and carotenoids defend their fatty regions, particularly the n Vitamin C n Iron
membranes. n Vitamin E n Magnesium
Nutritional gaps are the rule rather than the exception in n Calcium
children’s diets. Many children fail to get the nutrients they
need each day, handicapping their abilities to meet Supplements are an excellent way to fill dietary gaps.
enormous challenges for physical activity and growth and Scientific studies have demonstrated that vitamin and
cognitive development. Immunity can also be weakened, mineral supplements:
leaving children vulnerable to infections and disease.
Improve mental development in infants
Children do not eat enough whole grains, fruits, vegetables,
Improve appetite and growth rates in children
and legumes. These are some of nature’s richest sources of
vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients. Virtually all of the ■
Build bone mass in youngsters
world’s major public health organizations recommend high-
produce diets. For example, in the United States, the Vita-Squares Fill The Gap
National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, and Vita-Squares can make a positive difference. Since they
the National Research Council all recommend 5-9 servings
contain semi-essential nutrients, such as choline and
of fruits and vegetables each day for optimal health. That’s
inositol, and our exclusive Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates,
the dietary ideal, but this is the reality:
Vita-Squares are more than just a multivitamin. The most
One-quarter of American school children do not consume complete whole food children’s supplement on the market,
fruits or vegetables every day, according to a nationwide NeoLife's chewable Vita-Squares provide the nutrient
diversity and density cells need for optimal growth,
n Vegetable consumption is declining among U.S. children, maintenance, and repair. Children love them because
especially those from lower income families. Fruit they’re delicious, but you’ll love them because:*
consumption is similarly inadequate.
n Vita-Squares deliver the finest natural-source ingredients on
n In one study children ate an average of two servings of fruit the market.
and one of vegetables each day, with less than 7%
consuming the five daily fruit and vegetable servings n All-natural sweeteners and flavorings create a great-tasting
recommended by health authorities. supplement without the added sugar, preservatives, and
artificial colorings found in other children’s chewables.
n About two-thirds of the children ate less than two servings
of fruit a day. Only one child in the entire study ate three or n Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates from whole wheat germ, rice
more servings of vegetables a day. bran, and soybeans provides whole-grain nutrients that are
n Children in the study consumed almost no carotenoid-rich removed from the processed foods children tend to favor.
vegetables, with the average daily intake of dark green and n Our vitamin E offers broad-spectrum antioxidant protection
yellow vegetables only one-tenth of one serving! from the entire vitamin E family — not just its most well-
Even healthy diets have occasional nutritional gaps. known member, alpha-tocopherol.
Children’s preferences also tend to create dietary shortfalls.
n As science supports important biological roles for zinc
“Picky eaters” may avoid healthful foods, such as Brussels
(immunity, growth, appetite), chromium (sugar regulation),
sprouts and spinach, while sticking to a narrow range of less
copper and iron (immunity, blood building, growth), iodine
healthy favorites, such as sugary cereals and high-fat chips.
(metabolic regulation), and manganese (nerve function,
Processed foods, poor in fiber and essential nutrients, often
supplant whole grains in the diet. The result? Children aren’t metabolic regulation), these essential minerals are an
getting enough of the essential nutrients they need at a important part of the new, improved formulation.
time of exceptional growth, activity, and learning. n Choline and inositol help support important cognitive
functions such as learning and memory.*
Nutritional Gaps In Children
In sum, Vita-Squares contain key whole-food nutrients to
Population surveys and scientific studies indicate children’s
support the “chain of life” and give your children a head
diets are often deficient in:
start on health!*
n Vitamin A n Folic acid
n Niacin n Vitamin B6 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Available Exclusively from
Calories 12 WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a
® Total Carbohydrate 3g 2%** 1%* NeoLife
cause of fatal poisoning in children under six. Keep this
Total Sugars 3g † †
Includes 3 g Added Sugars 11%** 5%* Leading
out of nutrition
reach of children. In case of accidental overdose,
call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) 900 mcg (3000 IU) 300% 100% since 1958.
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 60 mg 400% 70%
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 10 mcg (400 IU) 70% 50% StoreininNature,
Based a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol) 6.7 mg (10 IU) 110% 45% Backed
Packagedby Science.
with safety seal.
Thiamine (as thiamine mononitrate) 1.5 mg 300% 120%
Riboflavin 1.5 mg 300% 110%
NeoLife products use only GMO-free ingredients.
min Niacin (as niacinamide) 13 mg 220% 80%
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 1.4 mg 280% 80% Made in U.S.A.
* Folate 333 mcg DFE 220% 80%
(200 mcg folic acid)
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 3 mcg 330% 120% NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
Biotin 150 mcg 1880% 500% ADVISORY BOARD
as y Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate) 10 mg
Choline (from inositol and from soy lecithin) 4.5 mg
Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 6.0 mg 90% 30%
Iodine (as potassium iodide) 75 mcg 80% 50% BASED
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 7.5 mg 250% 70% IN NATURE
ent * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. ** Percent Daily Values are based on a 1,000 calorie diet.
† Daily Value not established.
Lot #
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Glucose, fructose, grape juice concentrate, citric acid,
silicon dioxide, stearic acid, orange juice powder, natural flavor and apple powder. Best If
Contains soy and wheat. Used By:
#1901 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
8/21 US This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Vitamin A supports healthy vision, bones, and skin, and acts as a natural antioxidant.
NeoLife’s Vitamin A offers a water-miscible formula from one of nature’s finest
sources of vitamin A: pure liver oil from pollack (a species of cod) that contains
essentially no vitamin D.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3310, 250 Softgels
■ Vitamin A deficiency is a major health problem in developing ■ Convenient serving. Pure protein, soft gelatin capsules
countries, which has prompted a great deal of research into protect freshness and potency and eliminate “fishy” taste,
the vitamin and its roles in health. Emerging areas of interest then dissolve quickly for maximum availability.
include vitamin A’s ability to promote immune system health. ■ High concentration of vitamin A with essentially no vitamin D.
■ Vitamin A, a natural antioxidant, helps protect the lipid
portions of cells and tissues from free-radical damage.*
NeoLife Promoters.
NeoLife's breakthrough water miscible technology, derived from a unique blend of
Supplement Facts Leading edge nutrition
since 1958. components, including apple pectin and soy lecithin, encourages faster, more efficient
Serving Size: 1 Softgel
Servings Per Container: 250 Based in Nature, absorption of vitamin A.
Backed by Science.
Amount % Daily
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Per Serving Value
ack Made in U.S.A. Packaged with safety seal.
Vitamin A 3000 mcg (10,000 IU) 330%
(from pollack liver oil) NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
te de
abadejo OTHER INGREDIENTS: Monoglycerides, gelatin,
sorethytan monooleate, glycerin, water, soy
lecithin and apple pectin.
Contains soy and fish (pollack).
upplement Lot # *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
Used By:
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3321, 180 Tablets *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
15 mg
% Daily Value
Available Exclusively from
NeoLife Promoters.
Leading edge nutrition
since 1958.
processes of growth, harvest and drying, B vitamins are "biologically bound" to create
a natural hi-potency B-complex raw material. Ingredients blended with liver and soy
lecithin provide the entire family of B vitamins in balanced whole food ratios. NeoLife's
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 100 mg 630% Threshold Controlled formula helpes maintain elevated blood levels of B vitamins with a
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride 15 mg 880% Based in Nature, slow release over six hours.
and from yeast) Backed by Science.
Folate 667 mcg DFE 170% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
(400 mcg folic acid)
es* Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 15 mcg 630% Made in U.S.A.
Packaged with safety seal.
Biotin 200 mcg 670%
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate 30 mg 600%
os* and from yeast)
Choline (as choline bitartrate and from yeast) 50 mg 10% *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
8/21 US
Vitamin C, the body’s main water-soluble antioxidant,
strengthens immunity, aids wound healing, and supports
overall good health. Besides its own powerful antioxidant
role, it is an integral part of the body’s antioxidant “defense
team” and helps “recharge” the body’s main fat-soluble
antioxidant, vitamin E. Vitamin C is needed to make
collagen, the cellular “cement” that provides structure to
skin, bones, blood vessels, and other tissues. Diets rich in
vitamin C are linked to increased longevity and promotes
cellular health, cardiovascular, and eye health. As vitamin C is
water-soluble, it can’t be stored in the body for long—it must
be replenished daily. As important as this “protector” nutrient
is, more than half of us do not consume the Recommended
Dietary Allowance each day. NeoLife provides two excellent
choices to address this “gap”: Threshold Controlled Super C
for sustained release over six hours or more, and delicious
All-C for a chewable option. Our products feature high-
potency, high-purity vitamin C plus vitamin C-related factors
from whole citrus fruits. All NeoLife vitamin C products
include our exclusive Neo-Plex Concentrate—virtually
everything from whole oranges but the water—for better
absorption and utilization. NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3333, 200 Tablets #3332, 250 Tablets
03/22 US
932340 275cc (2.75” x 7.75”) US
Super C Threshold Controlled
NeoLife Super C provides the vitamin C power of eight
SUGGESTED USE: 1 tablet daily. oranges in each tablet. Vitamin C provides antioxidant
HOLD Supplement Facts NeoLife International, LLC
activity, and is critical in the formation and maintenance
of connective tissue. Vitamin C also supports proper
OLLED Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
functioning of the immune system.*
Servings Per Container: 200 NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
cherry and other phytonutrients are also
Vitamin C [as Ascorbic acid and 206 mg 230% Available Exclusively from included to support maximum utilization of
from Rosehips (Rosa canina) (fruit) and NeoLife Promoters. vitamin C. Deliciously sweet, with the same
Acerola (Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)] Leading edge nutrition sugars in the same ratios as a section of
since 1958. whole orange.
Rutin 5 mg †
Based in Nature,
Vitamin C provides antioxidant activity, and
Hesperidin 5 mg †
is critical in the formation and maintenance
idant Lemon bioflavonoid 5 mg † Backed by Science.
of connective tissue. Vitamin C also supports
ngth* Neo-Plex Concentrate 114 mg † proper functioning of the immune system.*
Orange juice powder (Citrus sinensis) (fruit); Orange Made in U.S.A.
dante powder (Citrus sinensis) (peel); Citrus bioflavonoid. Store in a cool, dry place, away from
direct sunlight.
† Daily Value not established.
Packaged with safety seal.
ement Lot #
3 3 3 2 s
Used By:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
03/22 US
Nature’s “master antioxidant” and an essential nutrient, vitamin E supports
overall health and vitality. Research especially links higher vitamin E levels
with strengthened immunity and cardiovascular health. NeoLife’s Vitamin E
Plus is more than just alpha-tocopherol: It provides balanced ratios of the
entire vitamin E family of tocopherols and tocotrienols as they exist in whole
foods. Its water-miscible foundation is pure, cold-pressed wheat germ oil
with lecithin, a natural emulsifier.
Features the entire vitamin E family from whole-food
sources. Vitamin E Plus provides the entire vitamin E family
of tocopherols and tocotrienols—not just alpha-tocopherol
—in balanced ratios that occur in natural foods.
932341 275cc (2.75” x 7.75”) US
NE Available Exclusively from 100% food sourced components provide the complete
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
NeoLife Promoters. vitamin E spectrum as found in nature. By combining cold
Calories 20
Leading edge nutrition pressed, unrefined wheat germ oil with high potency soy
LUS Total Fat
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol)
369 mg (550 IU)
since 1958.
lipid extracts, Vitamin E Plus provides all four tocopherols
Based in Nature,
Wheat germ oil 550 mg † Backed by Science. and all four tocotrienols of the vitamin E family.
Mixed non-alpha-tocopherols 100 mg † NeoLife’s breakthrough water miscible technology, derived
Made in U.S.A. from a unique blend of components, including apple pectin
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. F
† Daily Value not established. and lecithin, encourages faster, more efficient absorption
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, sorethytan monooleate, of vitamin E.
glycerin, soy lecithin, water, rice bran oil and apple pectin. t
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Contains soy and wheat. o
a Packaged with safety seal.
al* #0321 G
lement p Lot #
ELS 03/22 US Best If
Used By: 0321
3 3 4 0 s
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Support a Healthy Lifestyle with ■ NeoLifeShake is designed to fuel your body with 18g of
complete protein, over 25 vitamins and minerals, and 5g of
Wholesome, Balanced Nutrition
heart healthy fiber. Exclusive Glycemic Response Control
■ Protein is a key component of every cell in our body and Technology supports normal blood sugar levels, sustained
essential for cellular nutrition and energy. Studies show that energy, and maximum fat burning. For maximum healthy
higher protein diets help suppress hunger, increase satiety weight loss, replace two meals a day.*
and burn fat, thereby promoting weight loss and making it
■ Pro Vitality offers a foundation for good nutrition at the
easier to stay on a weight loss program.
cellular level to promote lifelong health and vitality. Each
■ Wholesome, balanced nutrition and an active lifestyle can box contains the essential phytolipids and phytosterols
also support weight management success. equivalent to over 12 lbs of whole grains, the carotenoid
■ Getting all of our essential vitamins and minerals is vital to equivalent of 80 lbs of raw fruits & vegetables, and 10 (3 oz)
the proper functioning of our immune and nervous systems, servings of pure omega-3 rich fish, as well as a full spectrum
preventing illnesses and diseases, and keeping us healthy of essential vitamins and minerals.*
and radiant. The right balance of nutrients, including whole
grains, fruits & vegetables, and omega-3s, will keep your NeoLifeShake
body functioning optimally and help support healthy weight ■ Based on our clinically proven Glycemic Response Control
management. Technology to help minimize fat storage and promote fat
■ But even those with good intentions to eat a healthy diet burning*
face challenges. Busy lifestyles, eating on-the-run, and the ■ Clinically proven for weight loss & body fat reduction,
prevalence of processed foods all contribute towards body size reduction, BMI (body mass index) reduction,
nutritional gaps that would benefit from nutritional and "cardio-protective" benefits†
■ Rich source of protein with 18g per serving—36% of the
Daily Value
Our Solution: NeoLifeShake and Pro
Vitality Combined in a Convenient Pack ■ Biologically Complete Protein Blend – Scientifically
advanced protein blend from soy, milk, caseinates, and
■ A convenient 30-day supply of NeoLifeShake and Pro Vitality whey for superior amino acid profile, with muscle-retaining
to help maximize weight management results. It contains branched chain amino acids, including leucine*
four (15-serving) NeoLifeShake pouches or boxes of packets
and one 30-serving box of Pro Vitality. With this program, ■ Rich source of fiber with 5g per serving—20% of the Daily
you’ll replace two meals a day with NeoLifeShake, and save Value
money while getting delicious, high quality protein.
† Results are not typical. In an open label clinical study participants lost an average of 5.27 lbs. over a 12 week period
04/21 US
■ Proprietary Fiber Blend from whole food sources to
promote satiety, normal digestion, and heart health*
■ Formulated with “glycemic edge” carbohydrates that
provide lasting energy and encourage your body to stay in
fat-burning mode*
■ Choline & Inositol – Lipotropic factors to support fat
utilization and resist fat buildup*
■ Metabolically balanced – Ideal protein, carbohydrate, and
fat ratio*
■ Only 140 calories
■ 25 essential Vitamins & Minerals
■ Three delicious flavors: Creamy Vanilla, Berries n’ Cream,
and Rich Chocolate
■ No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives
Pro Vitality
Tre-En-En® Grain Concentrates
Feed Your Cells – Enhance Your Energy
Good nutrition begins at the cellular level. Tre-en-en is the
world’s first and only whole grain lipids and sterols
supplement proven to enhance energy and vitality by
optimizing cellular nutrition.*
Carotenoid Complex
Protect Your Cells – Optimize Your Immunity
With the protective power of carotenoids from tomatoes,
carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots
and peaches, this formula was patented as the first and only
whole food supplement clinically proven by USDA
researchers to protect your heart, defend your cells and
boost your immune power.*
04/21 US
Berries n' Cream (pouch) Rich Chocolate (pouch) Creamy Vanilla (pouch)
N utrition Facts
15®servings per container
N utrition Facts
15®servings per container
N utrition Facts
15 servings per container
Serving Size: 2 scoops (43g), One cup (8 fl. oz. as prepared) Serving Size: 2 scoops (43g), One cup (8 fl. oz. as prepared) Serving Size: 2 scoops (43g), One cup (8 fl. oz. as prepared)
*These statements
uated by the Food and Drug Administration.
NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIChave not been evaluated by the850341
Food and Drug Administration.
850342 850340
This product
ose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
ADVISORY is not intended to diagnose,
BOARD 3 8 1 3 s treat, cure2005
or prevent any disease.
ADVISORY BOARD 3 8 1 4 s 2005 ADVISORY BOARD 3 8 1 2 s 2005
04/21 US
761140 US
6.3125” x 2.00” x 5.25”
Pro Vitality
SUGGESTED USE: Take 1 packet daily, with a meal. USO SUGERIDO: Tome 1 paquete diario con alimento.
S u p p l e m e n t Fa c t s
Amount Per Packet % Daily Value**
Carotenoid Complex Blend 300 mg †
Serving Size: 1 Packet Carrot oleoresin (Daucus carota) (root); Red bell pepper oleoresin
Servings Per Container: 30 (Capsicum frutescens) (fruit); Tomato oleoresin (Lycopersicon esculentum)
(fruit); Spinach oleoresin (Spinacia oleracea) (leaf); Apricot concentrate
Amount Per Packet % Daily Value (Prunus armeniaca) (fruit); Strawberry concentrate (Fragaria vesca) (fruit);
Calories 20 Peach concentrate (Prunus persica) (fruit)
Total Fat 2g 3%** Inositol 65 mg †
Saturated Fat 0g 0%** Phyto Enzyme Blend 45 mg †
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g † Lipase; Protease; Diastase; Amylase
Monounsaturated Fat 0g † Lecithin (from soy) 30 mg †
Trans Fat 0g † Betaine hydrochloride 10 mg †
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Mixed non-alpha-tocopherol 2 mg †
Total Carbohydrate <1 g <1%** Lycopene 400 mcg †
Protein <1 g 1%** Lutein/Zeaxanthin 137 mcg †
Vitamin A (as alpha and beta carotene and from retinyl palmitate) 1950 mcg (6500 IU) 220%
**Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid and from acerola cherry (Malpighia punicifolia) (fruit)) 90 mg 100%
† Daily value not established.
Vitamin D 3 (from cholecalciferol) 10 mcg (400 IU) 50%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherols) 11.4 mg (17 IU) 80% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, salmon oil, UHPO3 (Ultra High Potency
Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate and from yeast) 10 mg 830% Omega-3) fatty acid concentrate (tuna, sardine, and anchovy), glycerin,
Riboflavin (as riboflavin and from yeast) 10 mg 770% microcrystalline cellulose, olive oil, yellow beeswax, purified water, soy
Niacin (as niacinamide and from yeast) 50 mg 310%
lecithin, sodium croscarmellose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, silicon
Vitamin B 6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and from yeast) 10 mg 590%
dioxide, rice bran powder, wheat germ powder, magnesium stearate,
Folate 667 mcg DFE 170%
(400 mcg folic acid) starch, titanium dioxide and natural color.
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg 420% Contains soy and wheat.
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate and from yeast) 12 mg 240% DISTRIBUTED BY:
Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 6 mg 35% NeoLife International, LLC
Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg 70% Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A.
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) 35 mg 8% No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives added.
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 15 mg 140% Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Selenium (as sodium selenite) 40 mcg 70% NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
Copper (as copper gluconate) 2 mg 220% Available Exclusively from NeoLife Promoters.
Manganese (as manganese gluconate) 10 mg 430%
Leading edge nutrition since 1958.
Chromium (chelated) 20 mcg 60%
Molybdenum (as molybdenum trioxide) 30 mcg 70% Based in Nature, Backed by Science.
Potassium (as potassium gluconate) 10 mg <1%
Made in U.S.A.
TRE-EN-EN® Grain Concentrate Blend 675 mg †
Rice bran oil; Soybean oil; Wheat germ oil NEOLIFE SCIENTIFIC
Total Omega-3 fatty acids 383 mg †
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 160 mg
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 153 mg NEOLIFE PRODUCTS USE ONLY
DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) 17 mg
Stearidonic, eicosatrienoic, eicosatetraenoic,
heneicosapentaenoic, and alpha-linolenic acids 53 mg
04/21 US
In addition to its proven ability to reduce the severity and duration of common
cold symptoms, zinc supports healthy reproduction and energy metabolism,
normal prostate function, and the healing of wounds. NeoLife's Chelated Zinc
provides high-purity and high-potency zinc, plus natural amino acid chelation for
improved absorption.
NeoLife Scientific
Advisory Board #3425 150 Tablets
Why Zinc? ■ Zinc is required for normal skin, bones, and hair.
Zinc is required in respiration for the proper transfer of
In scientific studies, zinc supplements reduced the duration
carbon dioxide, a waste product, in red blood cells.
of cold symptoms by an average of three days, tand also
reduced the severity of symptoms, including cough, ■ Zinc is necessary for normal appetite and the ability to
headache, congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing. taste accurately.
■ Zinc is essential for normal growth and development of ■ Because the best food sources of zinc are meat and
reproductive organs, and normal prostate function. seafood, vegetarian or low-meat diets may provide less
than the 12.5 mg of zinc required daily for optimal health.
■ Zinc is important in wound healing, and has been proven
effective in helping to speed the healing of ulcers.
Our Solution: Chelated Zinc
Zinc is involved in the absorption and activity of
ighest potency and purity. NeoLife’s pharmaceutical-
■ H
B-complex vitamins, and is a component of insulin and 25
grade zinc base provides both high purity and high potency.
enzymes related to digestion. All of these factors contribute
to normal metabolism of carbohydrates. ■ Chelated for improved absorption. In our unique chelation
process, zinc is reacted with the amino acid methionine, a
■ Zinc is involved in the production of proteins as well as
process proven to improve zinc absorption in the body. This
DNA and RNA, nucleic acids which encode our genetic
is particularly important since less than 10% of dietary zinc is
normally absorbed.
932289 150cc 6.375” x 2.25” US
Supplement Facts NeoLife International, LLC
Fremont, CA 94538 U.S.A. Zinc is necessary for normal immune function,
Serving Size: 2 Tablets NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES.
healthy skin, eye health, and prostate function. Our
Servings Per Container: 75 Available Exclusively from
NeoLife Promoters. body needs zinc to make DNA, RNA, insulin, and N U T R I T I O
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Leading edge nutrition
Zinc 30 mg 270% since 1958. dozens of critical enzymatic reactions.*
(as zinc glycinate and methionate) Based in Nature,
Backed by Science. Our double amino acid chelates support higher
ith amino
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Dicalcium phosphate,
Made in U.S.A.
zinc absorption.
sodium croscarmellose, stearic acid, hydroxypropyl
e and methylcellulose, natural color, magnesium stearate Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
and glycerin. Packaged with safety seal.
n amino #1020 NeoLife products use
na y
only GMO-free ingredients.
03/22 US
pplement Lot #
Used By: