Linagliptin - DRUG STUDY
Linagliptin - DRUG STUDY
Linagliptin - DRUG STUDY
Generic Name Classification and Indication Mechanism of Contraindications Side effects Nursing Considerations
Linagliptin Category action
Brand Name Observe patient for
Trajenta A. Chemical: Indicated for the Linagliptin in is contraindicated in severe or signs and symptoms of
dipeptidyl treatment of an inhibitor of patients with a history ongoing pain in hypoglycemic reactions
peptidase-4 (DPP- type II diabetes DPP-4, an of hypersensitivity to your joints; (abdominal pain,
Available dosage
4) inhibitor in addition to enzyme that linagliptin, such as a severe sweating, hunger,
5mgOD diet and degrade s the anaphylaxis, urticaria, autoimmune weakness, dizziness,
B. Therapeutic: anti- exercise. incretin angioedema, reaction-- headache, tremor,
hyperglycemic hormones exfoliative dermatitis itching, blisters, tachycardia, anxiety).
drugs glucagon-like or other serious breakdown of Monitor for signs of
peptide-1 (GLP- allergic skin the outer layer pancreatitis (nausea,
1) and glucose condition (serious of skin; or. vomiting, anorexia,
depend ent rash), or bronchial symptoms of persistent severe
insulino tropic hypersensitivity. heart failure-- abdominal pain,
polypep tide shortness of sometimes radiating to
Route PO (GIP). breath (even the back) during
Frequency OD while lying therapy. If pancreatitis
down), swelling occurs, discontinue
Pharmacokinetics in your legs or linagliptin and monitor
Onset: 1 hour feet, rapid serum and urine
Peak: 1.5 hours weight gain. amylase,
Duration: 12 hours amylase/creatinine
Half Life: 100-155 clearance ratio,
hours electrolytes, serum
calcium, glucose, and