Week1 Intro To UX

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Concepts of User
Experience (UX) & UX
Design : Introduction

Principles of UX Design
IT1165/ IT1565/ IT1665/ IT1865/ IT1965
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? What is User
Let me know what you think

Go to www.menti.com and use

the code: XXXXX
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What do you think is the

problem here?

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Learning Outcomes
 To describe the components in the design of User Experience (UX)
 To describe the processes involved in the design of UX

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UX Components
How UX is typically seen
○ Field research ○ Interaction design ○ Copywriting
○ Face to face interviewing ○ Visual design ○ Presenting and speaking
○ Creation of user tests ○ Feature writing ○ Working closely with
○ Gathering and organizing ○ Requirement writing programmers
statistics ○ Graphic arts ○ Brainstorm coordination
○ Creating personas ○ Taxonomy creation ○ Design culture evangelism
○ Product design ○ Terminology creation

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User Experience (UX)

 Encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction
with the company, its services, and its products.

 Refers to a person's emotions and attitudes about

using a particular product, system or service. It includes
the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful and
valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and
product ownership.

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 The extent to which a product can be used by specified users
to achieve specified goals in a specified context of use, with
these consideration (ISO 9241-11)

1. Effectiveness - able to complete task

2. Efficiency - optimal workflow
3. Satisfaction - Easy to learn, meet expectation

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Goals of Usability
1. Effectiveness
○ It refers to the accuracy and completeness with which specified users can
achieve specified goals in particular environments
2. Efficiency
○ It refers to the resources (i.e. time, effort, etc) used in relation to the accuracy
and completeness of goals achieved
3. Satisfaction
○ It is the comfort and acceptability of the work system to its users and other
people affected by its use.

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Other Goals of Usability

4. Learnability
○ How easy is it for users to accomplish basic task the first time they encounter
the design?
5. Memorability
○ When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can
they re establish proficiency?
6. Error Prevention
○ How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily
can they recover from the errors?

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Usability versus UX
 Usability
 Can a task be completed effectively, efficiently and

 User Experience (UX)

 Is the user delighted after completing a task?

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User Experience Design (UXD)

 The creation and synchronization of the elements that affect users’
experience with a particular company, with the intent of influencing
their perceptions and behaviour
 The elements include
 Touch
 Hear
 Smell
 People
 Digital interfaces
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Interaction Design
 Interaction design is an important part of UX

 Interaction design is about designing interactive products to

support the way people communicate and interact in their
everyday and working lives

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Scope of UX is growing
 Growing social media influence
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Reviews and social influencers can affect the experience of using a product
or service
 Availability of big data provides the start and means to improve user
 Fast changing technology such as Virtual Reality are pushing UX in
different areas

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Key to a good UX design

 Users are the centre of it all

 Understand the needs of the users

 Clear business objective
 Clear project goals
 Challenge is
 each project will have limited resources (budget, time, staff) and a balance
between the business objective with user needs must be met via a feasible and
clear project goal

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UX Designer | Developer |
Analyst | Researcher
 In some projects and companies, the task of formulating the UX
design and implementation lies solely on a one-person team
 With such as large scope of areas and UX components to handle,
it is hard to imagine a single person completing all the relevant
 Very often, various roles are directly or indirectly involved

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Who is involved?
 Researcher  Writer
 Information  Project manager
 Users
 Engineer
 Designer

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Designing with User in Mind

 User-centered design (UCD) describes the process and result of
designing with the needs of the user in mind.
 The process requires that the user-interface designer adopt the
mindset that the user’s experience is the one that matters most.
 The designer’s and the product’s success is ultimately measured
by how well it meets the needs of that audience.

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Design Thinking Approach

It is essentially a User-Centered Approach! 22

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 In groups of 4-5, do a recap of the design thinking process.
 Using 5 ppt slides,
 explain what you will do during each stage of the design
thinking process
 Highlight tools that you will use during each stage of the
design thinking process.

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