IPv6 Routing

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IPv6 Routing


• RIPng
• EIGRP for IPv6
• OSPFv3
IPv6 Routing


Operation of RIPng
• RIPng for IPv6 is based on RIPv2, but it is not
an extension of RIPv2
• RIPng does not support IPv4, so to use RIP to
route both IPv4 and IPv6, you must run RIPv1 or
v2 for IPv4 and RIPng for IPv6
• RIPng uses the same timers, procedures, and
message types as RIPv2
• IPv6 multicast address used by RIPng is
• Unlike RIPv1 and v2, which run at UDP port 520,
RIPng sends and receives its messages at UDP
port 521
RIPng message format
RIPng message format (cont.)
• Command is always set to 1, indicating a Request message, or to
2, indicating a Response message.
• Version is always set to 1, that is, the current version of RIPng in
• IPv6 Prefix is the 128-bit IPv6 destination prefix of the route entry.
• Route Tag is used in the same way the 16-bit RIPv2 Route Tag
field is used: for transporting external route attributes across the
RIP domain.
• Prefix Length is an 8-bit field specifying, in bits, the significant
part of the address in the IPv6 Prefix field. For example, if the
advertised prefix is 3ffe:2100:1201::/48, the value in the Prefix
Length field is 48 (0x30). If the advertised route entry is a default
route, the IPv6 prefix is 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 and the Prefix Length is 0.
• Metric is the same hop count metric used by RIPv1 and v2. But as
the maximum possible value is 16, the field is reduced to 8 bits
from the unnecessarily large 16 bits of RIPv1 and v2.
Configuring RIPng
• Step 1: IPv6 unicast routing is enabled on the router
• Step 2: Enable RIPng for IPv6 routing on interfaces
will run RIPng (ipv6 rip process-name enable)
• Example:
ipv6 unicast-routing
interface Ethernet0
ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:6::1/64
ipv6 rip VTN enable
IPv6 route table
RIPng configuration with a modified UDP
port number
ipv6 router rip VTN
port 527 multicast-group ff02::9
show ipv6 rip
debug ipv6 rip
Modifing AD, LB, protocol times
ipv6 router rip VTN
timers 10 30 30 60
maximum-paths 8
distance 200
RIPng metric-offset

interface Ethernet1
ipv6 rip VTN metric-offset 3
Summarization advertised RIPng
interface Ethernet0
ipv6 address 2001:DB8:0:4::2/64
ipv6 rip VTN enable
ipv6 rip VTN summary-address 2001:DB8:0:10::/62
IPv6 Routing

EIGRP for IPv6

Operation of EIGRP for IPv6
• EIGRP is an enhanced version of the IGRP
developed by Cisco. EIGRP uses the same
distance vector algorithm and distance
information as IGRP.
• EIGRP has the following four basic
– Neighbor discovery
– Reliable transport protocol
– DUAL finite state machine
– Protocol-dependent modules
Enabling EIGRP for IPv6 on an Interface

• Step 1: enable
• Step 2: configure terminal
• Step 3: ipv6 unicast-routing
• Step 4: interface type number
• Step 5: no shut
• Step 6: ipv6 enable
• Step 7: ipv6 eigrp as-number
• Step 8: ipv6 router eigrp as-number
• Step 9: eigrp router-id ip-address
Configuring the Percentage of Link Bandwidth
Used by EIGRP

• Step 1: enable
• Step 2: configure terminal
• Step 3: interface type number
• Step 4: no shut
• Step 5: ipv6 bandwidth-percent eigrp as-
number percent
Configuring Summary Addresses

• Step 1: enable
• Step 2: configure terminal
• Step 3: interface type number
• Step 4: no shut
• Step 5: ipv6 summary-address eigrp as-
number ipv6-address [admin-distance]
Configuring EIGRP Route Authentication
• Step 1: enable
• Step 2: configure terminal
• Step 3: interface type number
• Step 4: no shut
• Step 5: ipv6 authentication mode eigrp as-number md5
• Step 6: ipv6 authentication key-chain eigrp as-number key-chain
• Step 7: exit
• Step 8: key chain name-of-chain
• Step 9: key key-id
• Step 10: key-string text
• Step 11: accept-lifetime start-time {infinite | end-time | duration
• Step 12: send-lifetime start-time {infinite | end-time | duration
Adjusting Hello and Hold timer

• Step 1: enable
• Step 2: configure terminal
• Step 3: interface type number
• Step 4: no shut
• Step 5: ipv6 hello-interval eigrp as-number
• Step 6: ipv6 hold-time eigrp as-number
Disabling Split Horizon in EIGRP for IPv6

interface type number
no shut
no ipv6 split-horizon eigrp as-number
Configuring stub in EIGRP for IPv6

configure terminal
ipv6 router eigrp as-number
eigrp stub [receive-only | leak-map |
connected | static | summary | redistributed]
IPv6 Routing


Operation of OSPFv3

• OSPFv3 uses the same fundamental mechanisms as

OSPFv2the SPF algorithm, flooding, DR election, areas
• OSPFv3 is not backward-compatible with OSPFv2
• OSPFv3 Differences from OSPFv2
– Per link protocol processing
– Removal of addressing semantics
– Neighbors are always identified by Router ID
– Addition of a link-local flooding scope
– Use of link-local addresses
– Support for multiple instances per link
– Removal of OSPF-specific authentication
– More flexible handling of unknown LSA types
OSPFv3 Messages

• OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 both have the same

protocol number of 89
• The IPv6 AllSPFRouters multicast address is
FF02::5, and the AllDRouters multicast
address is FF02::6
• OSPFv3 uses the same five message types:
Hello, DD, LS Database Request, LS Database
Update, and LS Acknowledgmentas OSPFv2
OSPFv3 LSA types and their OSPFv2
Enabling OSPF for IPv6 on an Interface

configure terminal
interface type number
ipv6 ospf process-id area area-id
[instance instance-id]
Defining an OSPF for IPv6 Area Range

configure terminal
ipv6 router ospf process-id
area area-id range ipv6-prefix/prefix-
length [advertise | not-advertise] [cost cost] !
Configuring NBMA Interfaces in OSPF for IPv6

configure terminal
interface type number
frame-relay map ipv6 ipv6-address dlci
[broadcast] [cisco] [ietf] [payload-compression
{packet-by-packet | frf9 stac [hardware-options] |
data-stream stac [hardware-options]}]
ipv6 ospf neighbor ipv6-address [priority
number] [poll-interval seconds] [cost number]
[database-filter all out]
Verifying OSPF for IPv6 Configuration and

show ipv6 ospf [process-id] [area-id] interface
[interface-type interface-number]
show ipv6 ospf [process-id] [area-id]
show ipv6 ospf [process-ID] event [generic | interface |
lsa | neighbor | reverse | rib | spf]
show ipv6 protocol
show ipv6 ospf neighbor
show ipv6 route
show ipv6 ospf interface serial 0/0
IPv6 Routing

MP-BGP for IPv6

Multiprotocol BGP Extensions for IPv6

• Multiprotocol BGP is the supported EGP for

IPv6. Multiprotocol BGP extensions for IPv6
supports the same features and
functionality as IPv4 BGP
• Multicast BGP is an enhanced BGP that
allows the deployment of interdomain IPv6
BGP Router ID for IPv6

configure terminal
router bgp as-number
no bgp default ipv4-unicast
bgp router-id ip-address
Configuring an IPv6 Multiprotocol BGP Peer

configure terminal
router bgp as-number
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address[%] | peer-
group-name} remote-as autonomous-system-
number [alternate-as autonomous-system-
number ...]
address-family ipv6 [vrf vrf-name] [unicast |
multicast | vpnv6]
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name | ipv6-
address%} activate
Multiprotocol BGP Peering Using Link-Local

router bgp autonomous-system-number
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address[%] | peer-
group-name} remote-as autonomous-system-
number [alternate-as autonomous-system-
number ...]
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address[%] | peer-
group-name} update-source interface-type
address-family ipv6 [vrf vrf-name] [unicast |
multicast | vpnv6]
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name |
ipv6-address%} activate
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name |
ipv6-address [%]} route-map map-name {in | out}
Configuring an IPv6 Multiprotocol BGP Peer

router bgp as-number
neighbor peer-group-name peer-group
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address[%] | peer-
group-name} remote-as autonomous-system-
number [alternate-as autonomous-system-
number ...]
address-family ipv6 [vrf vrf-name] [unicast |
multicast | vpnv6]
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name |
ipv6-address%} activate
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address} send-
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address} peer-
group peer-group-name
Redistributing Prefixes into IPv6
Multiprotocol BGP

configure terminal
router bgp as-number
address-family ipv6 [vrf vrf-name] [unicast |
multicast | vpnv6]
redistribute bgp [process-id] [metric
metric-value] [route-map map-name]
Assigning a BGP Administrative Distance

configure terminal
router bgp as-number
address-family ipv6 [vrf vrf-name]
[unicast | multicast | vpnv6]
distance bgp external-distance
internal-distance local-distance

• show bgp ipv6 unicast

• show bgp ipv6 unicast summary
• debug bgp ipv6 unicast updates

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