Chapter One Introduction To HCI

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Chapter one

Introduction to HCI
• Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a
multidisciplinary field of study focusing on the
design of computer technology and, in particular,
the interaction between humans (the users) and
• HCI is a design field that focuses on the interfaces
between people and computers.
• “HCI is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation
and implementation of interactive computing systems for
human use and with the study of major phenomena
surrounding them”
• Many disciplines contribute to HCI, including computer
science, psychology, ergonomics, engineering, and graphic
• HCI consists of three parts: the user, the computer itself, and
Goals of HCI
• To produce usable and safe systems, as well as
functional systems.

• To produce computer systems with good usability,

developers must attempt to: understand the factors
that determine how people use technology.

• To develop tools and techniques to enable building

suitable systems.
• To achieve efficient, effective, and safe

• To create products that enable the user to achieve

their objective(s) in the best way possible.
• Allow users to carry out tasks Safely ,
Effectively , Efficiently ,Enjoyably
Why do we care?
• Computers (in one way or another) now affect every person in
our society.
• Necessary to prevent goods or projects from failing
• It makes software and gadgets more understandable and
useful for everyone by leveraging our everyday knowledge of
the environment.
• The system may be Clear, straightforward, and natural
interaction should be the norm. 
Interaction Techniques
 Scroll bars, buttons, text fields
 But also:
• Drawing a new object in an editor
• Copy-and-paste
• Selecting a cell in a spreadsheet
Some Examples
 Visual Basic
 Physical controls
Interaction Techniques
• An interaction technique is a way of using a physical
input/output device to perform a generic task in a human-
computer dialogue.
• An “interaction technique” starts when the user does
something that causes a computer to respond, and
includes the direct feedback from the computer to the
 Wikipedia’s definition: “An interaction technique, user
interface technique or input technique is a combination of
hardware and software elements that provides a way for
computer users to accomplish a single task.”
 Foley & van Dam, 1990:“An interaction technique is a
way of using a physical input/output device to perform a
generic task in a human-computer dialogue.”
The Era of HCI
The Past:
– Users as information processors
– Dominance of cognitive psychology and engineering for modeling

– At the desktop both literally and symbolically

– To model users and system behavior so as to maximize productivity
and efficiency in the office
The Present:
The Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Era

– Users as players in a bigger system as entities whose activities can be modeled, predicted, sensed and


– Everywhere and anywhere (mobile, pervasive, ubiquitous)

Converging Smart environments

– To model user and system behavior so as to maximize

productivity and efficiency anytime, anyplace.

– To make users more effective through intelligent

environments and tools.


• Understanding users in • Understanding users in human

machine terms terms
• Users can be modelled, • Users are active creators of
predicted and sensed their own experiences
• Users as part of a pre-defined • Users as part of complex, pre-
system existing ecologies
Place-ness Place-less
Place agnostic Situated
Networked Ecological
Convergence Divergence

An interdisciplinary approach means new design goals

To maximize the productivity and To provide diversity of experience
efficiency of human-technical systems through good design, a sensitivity to
To make users more effective through place, and an understanding of human
intelligent environments and technologies values
To offer tools as resources for
intelligence and creative expression

Social, cognitive, technical and design disciplines are equal partners at the table
Overview: Map of Human Computer Interaction
What Is Not An Interaction Technique?

 Whole applications (Microsoft Word)

 Dashboard “widgets” –small apps for the desktop
 Output only (no interactions)

• Visualizations
But many come with specialized interactions, then they might count?

• Animations
• Movies
• Combination of
– Ease of learning

– High speed of user task performance

– Low user error rate

– Subjective user satisfaction

– User retention over time
Design Evaluation
 Both subjective and objective metrics
 Some things we can measure
• Time to perform a task
• improvement of performance over time
• Rate of errors by user

• Retention over time

• Subjective satisfaction
UI Design/ Develop Process
• User-Centered Design
– Analyze user’s goals & tasks
– Create design alternatives
– Evaluate options
– Implement prototype
– Test
– Refine
– Implement
Know Thy Users
 Physical & cognitive abilities (& special needs)
 Personality & culture
 Knowledge & skills
 Motivation
 Two Fatal Mistakes:
Assume all users are alike
Assume all users are like the designer

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