Course Name: Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation Course Code: MC1307 Course Instructor-Princy Randhawa
Course Name: Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation Course Code: MC1307 Course Instructor-Princy Randhawa
Course Name: Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation Course Code: MC1307 Course Instructor-Princy Randhawa
CO.4 [MC1307.5] Understand the concept of AC and DC bridges for the measurement
of Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance.
CO.5 [MC1307.4] Select appropriate passive or active transducers for measurement of
physical phenomenon like temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level,
displacement, speed etc.
Wednesday, February 6, 2
Course Syllabus
Basic concepts of measurements: System configuration, calibration - Errors in measurements,
measuring instruments: Permanent magnet moving coil, Moving iron, Electrodynamometer type
and Rectifier type instruments, Applications - Measurement of Resistance, Inductance &
Capacitance: A.C. Bridges. Temperature Measurement: Temperature and heat, Definitions,
temperature scales, bimetallic thermometers, filled-bulb and glass stem thermometers, Resistance
Temperature Detector (RTD), principle and types, measuring circuits, Linear and Quadratic
approximation Thermistors, Thermocouples, optical pyrometers, Pressure Measurement:
Manometers, Elastic types, Bell gauges, Electrical types, Differential Pressure transmitters, Dead
weight Pressure gauges, Low Pressure Measurement: Mc. Leod gauge, Knudsen gauge, Pirani
gauge, Thermal conductivity gauges, Ionization gauge. Flow measurement: Classification of flow
meters, orifice meters, Venturi Flow meter, variable area flow meters, Laser Doppler
Anemometer (LDA), ultrasonic flow meters, Doppler flow meters, V-cone flow meters, purge
flow regulators, Measurement of mass flow rate: Radiation, angular momentum, Displacement
measurement (LDR, Photodiode, LVDT), Vibration measurement, Level Measurement, Angular
Velocity Measurement
Wednesday, February 6, 3
Course Objective
Wednesday, February 6, 4
Course Summary
Wednesday, February 6, 5
Text Books:
• A.K. Sawhney, Electrical & Electronic Measurements and
Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Co, New Delhi, 19th Edition, 2011.
• E. O. Doeblin, Measurement Systems: Application and Design,
McGraw Hill, New York, 6th Edition, 2012.
• D. Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2010.
• A. K. Sawhney, A course in Mechanical Measurement and
Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi, 12th edition, 2002.
• Bela G. Liptak, Process Measurement and Analysis, Chilton
Book Company, Pennsylvania, 4th Edition, 2012
Wednesday, February 6, 6
Marks Scheme
30 Marks –Sessional I & 2
30 Marks Assignment
- Tutorial -5 Marks
- Quiz -10 marks
- Seminar -10 Marks
- Class Performance and Attendance- 5
marks 90 above- 5 marks
85-89- 4 marks
80– 84-3 marks
75-79 -2 marks
< 75 – 0 marks
40 Marks –End Semester
Wednesday, February 6, 7
Electrical & Electronics
Electronics is a subset of electrical where you influence and control the behaviour
of electrons in a circuit by another current, without mechanical parts (switches,
relays ) or electro magnetism (coils, oscillators)
Electric things are those deal with higher voltages , transformers , generators
etc. where as electronic are those which uses low voltages like IC.s of mag (0-
15 V)
X1 Y1
Electronics Y2
X3 Y3
Wednesday, February 6, 9
Few Definitions
Measurand: The physical quantity or the characteristic conditions which is the object of
measurement in an instrumentation system is termed as measurand or measurement
variable or process variable.
e.g. Fundamental Quantity: length, mass, time et.
Derived Quantity : Speed, Velocity, Pressure etc.
(Qty. to
Std. Unknown Quantity be Result (Read out)
Process of Comparison
Wednesday, February 6, 10
Significance of Measurement
“When you can measure, what you are speaking and express it
in numbers, you know something about and can express it in
numbers, you know something about it, when you cannot
express in it numbers in knowledge is of meagre and
unsatisfactory kind” – Lord Kelvin
Measured Value: Any value or any reading calculated from measurement system
or measuring instrument.
True value: Any value calculated from rated value known as True value of
Actual Value.
e.g. Motor Actual Speed
Wednesday, February 6, 1
2019 2
Methods of Measurement
Method of Measurement
Comparison methods
“Comparison method” include the comparison of the quantity under
measurement with a pre-defined standard quantity which gives
measurement. Example: potentiometer
Wednesday, February 6, 14
Sensor VS transducer
Wednesday, February 6, 15
Functional Elements of an Instruments
Qty. to be
Primary Variable Variable Data Data
measured sensing conversion manipulation transmission presentation
element element element element
Wednesday, February 6, 16
Take an example:
Wednesday, February 6, 17
Classification of Instruments
Measurement involve the use of instruments as a physical means of
determining quantities or variables.
Wednesday, February 6, 18
Active/Passive Instruments
Wednesday, February 6, 19
Absolute or
Absolute Instruments
It gives the magnitude of quantity under measurement in
terms of physical constants of the instrument e.g. Tangent
In this type of instruments no calibration
or comparison with other instruments is necessary.
They are generally not used in laboratories and
are seldom used in practice by electricians and engineers.
Secondary Instruments
These instruments are so constructed that the quantity being measured can only
be determined by the output indicated by the instrument.
These instruments are calibrated by comparison with an absolute instrument or another
secondary instrument, which has already been calibrated against an absolute
e.g. Ammeter, Voltmeter etc.
Wednesday, February 6, 20
Classification of Secondary
(a) Classification based on the various effects of electric current (or voltage) upon which
their operation depend.
• Magnetic effect: Used in ammeters, voltmeters,
watt-meters, integrating meters etc.
• Heating/thermal effect: Used in ammeters and
• Electromagnetic field of attraction/repulsion
• Electrostatic effect: Used in voltmeters.
• Electromagnetic induction effect: Used in ac ammeters,
voltmeters, watt meters and integrating meters.
Wednesday, February 6, 22
Analog /Digital Instruments
Wednesday, February 6, 23
Analog Instruments
Analog Instruments
Working Principle
Quantity to be measured Magnetic field effect Representation
Current-Ammeter Electrostatic field effect
Voltage-Voltmeter Electromagnetic Field of
Power-Wattmeter attraction/repulsion
P=V x I Induction effect
Energy –Energy Meter Heating effect
E= 0 �𝑃𝑑𝑡
Wednesday, February 6, 24
Deflection /Null o/p Instruments
Deflection Null
Only one source of input reqd. Require two input- measurand
and balance input
Output reading is based on the deflection Must have feedback operation that
from the initial condition of the compares the measurand with std. value
instrument Most accurate and sensitive
• The measurand value of the qty. depends
on the calibration of the instrument
Wednesday, February 6, 2
2019 5
Essential Requirements of Indicating
1. Deflecting torque (Td) : Deflecting torque causes the moving system
and pointer of the instrument to move from its zero position. Production
of deflecting torque depends upon the type of indicating instrument and
its principle of operation
2. Controlling torque (Tc) : Controlling torque limits the movement of pointer
and ensures that the magnitude of deflection is unique and is always same
for the given value of electrical quantity to be measured.
Wednesday, February 6, 2
2019 6
Spring Control Method
Wednesday, February 6, 27
Gravity Control Method
Wednesday, February 6, 28
Essential Requirements of Indicating
Wednesday, February 6, 29
Essential Requirements of Indicating
3. Damping Torque: Damping torque minimizes the oscillations of the pointer about the final
steady state deflection and makes it steady.. In the absence of this torque, pointer continues
oscillating to its final position after reaching to its final position. Depending on the
magnitude of damping, it can be classified as underdamped, over damped and critically
Wednesday, February 6, 30
Damping Methods
Wednesday, February 6, 31
Air Friction Damping
Wednesday, February 6,
Fluid Friction Damping
Wednesday, February 6,
Eddy Current Damping
Wednesday, February 6,
Types of Instruments
Wednesday, February 6, 35
Permanent Magnet Coil Instrument
Wednesday, February 6, 3
2019 6
Permanent Magnet Coil Instrument
(PMMC)- Torque Equation
Wednesday, February 6,
Permanent Magnet Coil Instrument
(PMMC)- Torque Equation
Controlling Torque: The value of
control torque depends on the mechanical
design of the control device. For spiral
springs and strip suspensions, the
controlling torque is directly proportional
to the angle of deflection of the coil.
Wednesday, February 6, 3
2019 8
Permanent Magnet Coil Instrument
(PMMC)- Torque Equation
It is provided by the induced currents in a metal former or core on which the coil is wound or
in the circuit of the coil itself.
Wednesday, February 39
2019 6,
Frictional Error
Temperature Error
Errors due weakening of permanent
Error due to ageing of spring
Stray magnetic field error
Wednesday, February 6, 41
disadvantages of PMMC
Wednesday, February 6, 42
1. A permanent magnet moving coil instrument has a coil of dimensions 15mm x 12 mm.
The flux density in the air gap is 1.8 x 103 Wb/𝑚2 and the spring constant is 0.14 x 10−6
Nm/rad. Determine the number of turns required to produce an angular deflection of 90
degrees when a current of 5mA is flowing through the coil.
2. The control spring of an instrument has the following dimensions:
Length of strip =370 mm , thickness of strip =0.073 mm, width of strip= 0.51mm
The young modulus is 112.8 GN/𝑚2. Estimate the torque exerted by spring when it is
turned through 90𝑜 .
3. The coil of a moving coil voltmeter is 40mm long and 30mm wide and has 100 turns on
it. The control spring exerts a torque of 240 x 10−6 N-m when the deflection is 100
divisions on full scale. If the flux density of the magnetic field in the air gap is 1.0
wb/𝑚2, estimate the resistance that must be put in series with the coil to give one volt per
division. The resistance of the voltmeter coil may be neglected.
Wednesday, February 6, 43
Ammeter Shunts
DC Ammeter
Its is always connected in series
low internal resistance
maximum pointer deflection is produced by a very small current
For a large currents, the instrument must be modified by connecting a
very low shunt resister
Extension of Ranges of Ammeter
- Single Shunt Type of Ammeter
Wednesday, February 6, 44
Ammeter Shunts
V sh
I m Rm
I s h R sh
R sh I m R m
I sh
I Im
I sh
Rsh I m R m
I Im
Wednesday, February 6,
Ammeter Shunts
Multirange Ammeters
Make-before-break switch
The instrument is not left without a
shunt in parallel with it.
During switching there are actually two shunts
in parallel with the instrument.
Wednesday, February 6, 46
Ayrton or Universal Shunts
Wednesday, February 6, 47
Design an Aryton shunt to provide an ammeter with a current ranges 1A, 5A and 10A.
A basic meter resistance is 50 ohms and full scale deflection current is 10mA.
Wednesday, February 6, 48
Wednesday, February 6, 4
2019 9
Voltmeter Multipliers
Wednesday, February 6, 50
Multirange dc Voltmeter
Wednesday, February 6 , 51
Ammeter/Voltmeter Sensitivity
Ammeter sensitivity is determined by the amount of current required by the meter coil
to produce full-scale deflection of the pointer.
The smaller the amount of current required producing this deflection, the greater
the sensitivity of the meter.
The sensitivity of a voltmeter is given in ohms per volt. It is determined by dividing the sum
of the resistance of the meter (Rm), plus the series resistance (Rs), by the full-scale reading
in volts. In equation form, sensitivity is expressed as follows:
This is the same as saying the sensitivity is equal to the reciprocal of the full-scale
deflection current. In equation form, this is expressed as follows:
Wednesday, February 6, 52
Wednesday, February 6, 53
Calculate the value of the shunt resistance required to convert a 1-mA meter
movement, with a 100 Ohm internal resistance, into a 0- to 10 mA ammeter
Compute the value of the shunt resistors for the circuit below. I3 = 1A, I2 = 100 A, I1 = 10
mA, Im = 100 uA and Rm = 1K Ohm.
Wednesday, February 6, 54
Solution 1: V m I m Rm Vm 0.1V
V sh
1mA* 100 I Im
0.1V I 10mA 1mA
Solution 2 : This is the shunt for the 10 mA
sh 9mA 0.1V 11.11
Rsh Vsh
range. When the meter is set on the 100-mA I sh 9mA
range, the resistor Rb and Rcprovide the shunt
. The total shunt resistance is found by the
equation. Rb (R b Rc ) Rc
Rsh Rm 1K
1.01 0.101
I (Rb Rc ) 100 10.1
R R mn 1 0.909
Ra Rsh (Rb Rc )
b c
1 2 I Rsh Ra10.1
Rb R(0.909
(100 uA) * (10.1 0.909
9.09 0.909 0.101 10.1
100 mA
(Rb R6,
Wednesday,I mFebruary c ) 55
b2019 c
Moving Iron Instruments
-Torque Equation
1. Moving Iron Attraction Type Instruments
1. Moving Iron Repulsion Type Instruments.
Wednesday, February 6, 56
Moving Iron Instruments
Wednesday, February 6,
Moving Iron Instruments
Wednesday, February 6,
Torque Equation
Wednesday, February 6,
Torque Equation
Wednesday, February 6,
Wednesday, February 6, 61
Wednesday, February 6, 62
1.Hysteresis error : This error occurs as the value of flux density is different of same current for ascending
and descending values. The flux density is higher for descending value there for instruments read higher
for descending value current this error can be minimize using small iron parts and other method is used
nickel iron alloy
2.Temperature error: the effect of temperature change on moving iron instruments aries chiefly from the
temperature coefficient of spring.for minimize the error the series resistance should be made of material
like Manganin which has small temperature coefficient. the value of resistance should large as compare
with coil order to reduce the self heating.
3.Stray Magnetic fields: It is a also called demagnetization fields. this is weak at full scale deflection
hence it can easily distorted . these error can be minimized using an iron case or iron shied over working
Wednesday, February 6, 63
Moving Iron Instrument Animation
Wednesday, February 6, 64
Moving Iron Instrument (Repulsive)
Wednesday, February 6, 65
Electrodynamometer Instruments
Wednesd y, February 6, 66
a 2019
Electrodynamometer Instruments
Wednesday, Februa ry 67
2019 6,
Torque Equation
Wednesday, February 6,
Torque Equation
Wednesday, February 6,
Torque Equation
Wednesday, February 6,
Wednesday, February 6, 71
Wednesday, February 6, 72
Wednesday, February 6, 73
Wednesday, February 6, 74
Characteristics of Instruments
Wednesday, February 6, 75
Static Characteristics
It is the closeness with which an instrument reading approaches the
true value of the quantity measured.
Precision : The degree to which repeated measurements show the
same results.
Wednesday, February 6, 76
Accuracy and Precision
Indication of Precision
Significant Figures: It is an indication of precision of measurement. It
convey the actual information regarding the magnitude and the
measurement precision of a qty. The more the significant figures, the
greater the precision.
e.g. 302 A = 3S.F
302.10 V = 5 S.F
0.00030 = 5 S.F
Wednesday, February 6,
Static Characteristics
output output
Input Input
Static sensitivity = Infinitesimal change in output
Wednesday, February 6,
2019 /infinitesimal
Static Characteristics
Dead Time :The time before the instrument begins to respond after the
measured quantity has been changed. E.g: Camera, Data acquisition card,
Wednesday, February
2019 6,
Static Characteristics
1) Zero drift : If the whole of instrument calibration/ characterstics gradually shifts
one by same amount. It may be due to presence set or slippage and can be
corrected by shifting pointer
Characteristics with zero drift
Normal characteristics
Wednesday, February 6,
2019 Zero
Static Characteristics
Normal characteristics
Span drift
3) Zonal Drift : When the drift occurs only over a portion of span of
an instrument.
Normal characteristics
Wednesday, February 6,
2019 zonal drift
Static Characteristics
Idealised St. Line
Wednesday, February 6,
Static Characteristics
Types of Errors
Gross errors
- Human errors
Systematic errors
- Instrument
- Environmenta
l errors
- Observational
Random February 6,
Static Characteristics
Types of Errors
Gross errors
- Human errors
Systematic errors
- Instrument
- Environmenta
l errors
- Observational
Random February 6,
Errors in Measurement
Static Error/Absolute Error- It is defined as the difference between the measured value and
the true value of the quantity. Then:
∆ A= Am- (1)
Where ∆ A= error At
Am = measured value of quantity
At = True value of quantity
∆ A is also absolute static error of quantity
A we have ɛ0 = ∆ A (2)
Where ɛ0 = absolute static error of quantity
Relative Static Error (3)
ɛr = absolute error/ true value
= ∆ A/ At
= ɛ0 /At
Percentage static error % ɛr = ɛ x 100
r (4)
We have At = Am - ∆ A
= Am - ɛ 0= Am - ɛr At = ) (5)
Wednesday, February 6,
2019 Am/(1+ ɛr
Errors in Measurement
Wednesday, February 6,
a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Both A and B
d) None of above
Wednesday, February 6,
Errors in sum and Difference of
Wednesday, February 6,
Errors in product and Quotient of
Wednesday, February 6,
Dynamic Characteristics
The output voltage of a 5 V DC supply is measured as 4.9 V. Find (1) Absolute error
(2) Percent error (3) Relative accuracy and (4) Percent accuracy
The three resistors R1 , R2 and R3 have the following ratings:
R1= 25Ω± 4 %
R2= 65Ω± 4%
R3= 45Ω± 4%
Determine the
a) Limiting value of
resultant resistance
b) % Limiting error of
series combinations
of resistance.
Wednesday, February 6,
AC and DC bridges
Bridges circuit are used for measuring components such as R, L and C and other
circuit parameters derived from component values such as frequency, phase angle and
Operate on a null indication principle (Comparison). That is known (standard) value
is adjusted until it is equal to unknown value
Very high degrees of accuracy can be achieved using the bridges
DC Bridges
Low Resistance Measurement High Resistance Measurement
Ammeter Voltmeter method Direct Deflection Method
Kelvin Double Bridge Method Loss of Charge Method
Potentiometer method Megohm Bridge
Medium Resistance Measurement Meggar
Ammeter voltmeter method
Substitution Method
Wheatstone bridge method
Wednesday, February 6,
AC bridges
De sauty’s Bridge
Maxwell’s Bridge
Schering Bridge
Maxwell inductance bridge
Maxwell inductance capacitance bridge
Hay’s Bridge
Anderson Bridge Mutual Inductance
Owen’s Bridge
Carry Foster
Haydweiller bridge
Wien’s Bridge
Wednesday, February 6,
Ammeter Voltmeter Method
Resistance can be measured using Ammeter and Voltmeter and Applying ohms law.
When voltmeter is connected across supply then resistance R= (E+Ev)/I
In both cases measured value of unknown resistance is equal to the reading of voltmeter
divided by reading of ammeter.
From fig.(1) R = Rm (𝟏 − 𝑹 𝒂/ 𝑹 𝒎 )
Ideally R = Rm only when Ra = 0
From fig.(2)
R = 𝑹 𝒎 /(𝟏− 𝑹 𝒎/ 𝑹 𝒗 )
Ideally R = Rm when resistance of
voltmeter is ‘∞
Wednesday, February 6,
Substitution Method
Accuracy depends on the EMF of the battery and also depends on the resistance of
the circuit other than R & S
Substitution method is more accurate than ammeter voltmeter method
Wheatstone Bridge
Wednesday, February 6,
Wheatstone Bridge
Wednesday, February 6,
Current Sensitivity:-
Voltage Sensitivity:-
Bridge Sensitivity:-
Wednesday, February 6,
Under small Unbalance Condition
Wednesday, February 6,
Under small Unbalance Condition
Wednesday, February 6,
Under small Unbalance Condition
Wednesday, February 6,
Thevenin Voltage
Wednesday, February 6,
Sensitivity under unbalanec
Wednesday, February 6,
Errors in Wheatstone Bridge
The difference between the true and the mark value of the three
resistances can cause the error in measurement.
The galvanometer is less sensitive. Thus, inaccuracy occurs in
balance point.
The resistance of the bridge changes because of the self-heating
which generates an error.
The thermal emf cause serious trouble in the measurement of low-
value resistance.
The personal error occurs in the galvanometer by taking the reading
or by finding the null point.
Wednesday, February 6,
Kelvin Bridge
Wednesday, February 6,
Kelvin Bridge
Wednesday, February 6,
Kelvin Double Bridge
Wednesday, February 6,
Kelvin Double Bridge
Wednesday, February 6,
Kelvin Double Bridge
Wednesday, February 6,
Measurement of High Resistance
Wednesday, February 6,
Loss of Charge Method
R, an unknown resistance is connected in parallel with a capacitor C and
electrostatic voltmeter.
A battery with emf V in parallel with R and C.
Capacitor is charged to suitable voltage by battery.
Then allowed to discharge through resistance.
Terminal voltage is observed over a considerable period of time during discharge.
After application of voltage, Voltage across capacitor at any instant ‗t‘
Loss of Charge Method
If R is very large, time for appreciable fall in voltage is very large.
Care is to be taken while measuring V and v i.e. voltage at beginning and end of time
Error in V/v
Better results by change in voltage (V-v) directly and calculating R as
Direct Deflection Method
•When the four resistive arms of the basic Wheatstone bridge are replaced
by impedances and the bridge is excited by an AC source, the result is an
AC Bridge.
•To balance the bridge, two conditions must be satisfied, the resistive (R)
and the reactive components (XC or XL). Once balanced, the AC Bridge
indicates a null.
•AC bridge circuits are also used for shifting phase, providing feedback
paths for oscillators and amplifiers, filtering out undesired signals, and
measuring the frequency of audio and radio frequency (RF) signals.
General AC Bridge
In admittance form
Maxwell Inductance Bridge
Maxwell Inductance-Capacitance
Maxwell Inductance-Capacitance
Maxwell Inductance-Capacitance
Quality Factor
Maxwell Inductance-Capacitance
Maxwell bridge is that, they are unsuitable of measuring the
low and high quality factor coils.
Anderson Bridge
•Need of Anderson's bridge though we have Maxwell bridge to measure quality factor
of the circuit.
•The main disadvantage of using Maxwell bridge is that, they are unsuitable
of measuring the low and high quality factor.
•However Maxwell bridge are suitable for measuring accurately medium quality factor
•So, there is need of bridge which can measure low quality factor and this bridge is
modified Maxwell's bridge and known as Anderson's bridge.
Anderson Bridge
Anderson Bridge
Anderson Bridge
Schering Bridge
Balance equation
Schering Bridge
Desauty’s Bridge
The De Sauty’s bridge is an A.C Bridge works on the principle of Wheat stone’s bridge
This bridge is used to determine the capacity of an unknown capacitor C1 in terms of a
known capacitor C2.
Modified Desauty’s Bridge
Desauty’s Bridge
Owens Bridge
Balance equations are simple and does
not contain any frequency
Can be used over a wide range of
Variable Capacitor is expensive.
C2 tends to become large when
measuring high Q values.
Weins Bridge
Instruments to measure temperature can be divided into separate
classes according to the physical principle on which they operate.
The main principles used are:
The thermoelectric effect
Resistance change
Sensitivity of semiconductor device
Radiative heat emission
Thermal expansion
Resonant frequency change
Sensitivity of fibre optic devices
Acoustic thermometry
Colour change
Change of state of material.
Resistance Thermometer
Thermistor (Thermally sensitive
Rod Type
4mm dia Washer Type
50mmlo 143
Thermistors ng
THERMally sensitive resISTOR
Thermistor Example
RTD , Thermistor & Thermocouple
Thermocouples (Types)
O/p Voltage Vs Temperature
Thermocouple circuit
Thermocouple Compensation Circuits
Type T
Type J Thermocouple using
Isothermal Block
Reference Junction
Multiple-junction thermocouple circuit designed to amplify the output of the
Different Types of Thermocouples
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Wide temperature range (-270oC to 2700oC
Rugged Construction
Bridge Circuits not required for temperature measurement.
Comparatively cheaper in cost
Good reproducibility
Speed of response is high compared to thermometer systems.
Calibration checks can be easily performed
Using extension leads and compensating cables, long distance transmission for
temperature measurement is possible.
Good Accuracy
• Two types of pyrometers used in industries :
Radiation Pyrometers Optical Pyrometers
• They are used for temperatures above the practical operating range of
• They can be used in the environments which contaminate or limit
the life of thermocouple.
• Used for moving targets.
• They are used for measurement of average temperature of
large surface areas.
• They are used for the targets which would be damaged by contact
with primary elements like thermocouples and resistance
Pressure Measurement
Atmospheric Pressure
It is the pressure that an area experience due to force exerted by the atmosphere. The
atmospheric pressure at sea level ( above absolute zero) called std. atmospheric pressure.
Gauge Pressure
It is measured with the help of pressure measuring instrument in which atmospheric
pressure is taken at datum. Gauge pressure record above or below atmospheric pressure.
Absolute pressure
Any pressure above the absolute zero of pressure. The actual pressure at given position.
Atmospheric pressure
Absolute pressure
- Advantages
Simple operation and Construction
Range (water)
Higher pressure range requires
mercury Readings are localised
Sensing Elements
•Bellows sensor is an axially flexible, cylindrical enclosure with folded sides. When
pressure is applied through an opening, the closed end extends axially.
• Bellows elements can measure absolute pressure, gauge pressure, vacuum, or differential
Bourdon Tubes
Resistance Type
Inductive Type
Capacitive Pressure Transducer
Differential Transformer (LVDT)
Indirect method for the measurement of
Pirani Gauge
Thermocouple vaccum gauge
Ionisation gauges
McLeod Gauges
Dead Weight Tester
Knudsen Gauges
Pirani Gauge
Thermocouple Vaccum Gauge
Ionisation Gauges
Mcleod Gauge
Dead Weight Tester
Applications, Advantages and
Applications: It is used to calibrated all kinds of pressure gauges such as industrial pressure
gauges, engine indicators and piezoelectric transducers.
Advantages: it is simple in construction and easy to use. It can be used to calibrated a wide
range of pressure measuring devices. Fluid pressure can be easily varied by adding weights
or by changing the piston cylinder combination.
Limitations: the accuracy of the dead weight tester is affected due to the friction between
the piston and cylinder, and due to the uncertainty of the value of gravitational constant 'g'
Stroboscope ( Measurement of Angular Velocity)
The receptor circuit is based upon variable frequency oscillator which controls
the flashing frequency.
•A strong light is flashed on a moving object , at the time each flash occurs , in an
instantaneous position , the object will appear to be stationary
Stroboscope ( Measurement of Angular Velocity)
A strobotron is the high frequency source of light whose frequency can be varied and
• For measuring the speed of shaft , a mark is made on the disc attached to the shaft.
• The flashing frequency is adjusted until the mark appears stationary.
•The flashing rate is reduced gradually and the flashing frequencies are noted for all
single line images.
• Imposes no load on the shaft hence no power loss.
• Non contact type hence, no attachments needed.
• Convenient to use for spot checks on machinery speeds and laboratory work.