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# 8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Op : Vengalrao Nagar post office,
Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500038.
REGD. NO. 00YY33887503

1. Fundamentals of programming

Module 1 Object-oriented Programming

● Classes and Objects
● Inheritance and Polymorphism
● Arrays and Linked Lists

Module 2 Algorithms
● Introduction to Algorithm Analysis + Recursion
● Dynamic Programming

Module 3 : Data Structures

● Stacks and Queues
● Hash Tables
● Trees and BST's
● Heaps
● Graphs and Graph Algorithms

Module 4 : Software design and Development

● Use Cases and Scenarios with Software Requirements
● Software Architecture
● HTML and CSS
● Javascript
● Backend Integration

2. Web Development
Module 1 : Deploying the first website Topics
Writing HTML code using Header Tags, Paragraphs, Ordered and Unordered lists, Forms , Links,
Tables, Iframes, Images, Text Formatting, Image Maps

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
Module 2 : Module 2 : Creating web pages with HTML5 Topics
● Encoding URL
● multiple attribute Topics
● HTML5 Local Storage
● HTML5 web workers and server sent events
● Introduction to XHTML, Using HTML5 introduced features
● HTML5 form validate/no validate, HTML5 canvas, embedding audio and video in a
webpage, drag and drop

Module 3 : Styling web pages using CSS Topics

● Styling of HTML elements-text, links, lists and tables
● Creating Navigation Bars
● Writing Media Rules, hide visibility of an element
● Different ways to write csse.g. external, internal, inline
● CSS Image Sprites and Gradients
● CSS Pseudo Classes and Pseudo Elements

Module 4 : CSS3 effects and animations Topics

● Css3 text effects using different text fonts
● Applying animations, transitions to HTML elements
● Creating 2D and 3D transformations
● CSS3 resize UI and multiple columns feature

Module 5 : Handling events with JavaScript

● Java Script datatypes, variables, arrays
● Defining and calling java script functions on events
● Creating loops and writing if-else decision making statements
● Manipulating DOM elements

Module 6 : Twitter Bootstrap 3

● Getting started with Twitter Bootstrap 3
● Using Font Awesome Icons
● Bootstrap features like fixed drop down menu, carousel, text and image grids, custom
thumbnails, bootstrap modal

Project : Building a real world website using Twitter Bootstrap 3 features e.g. bootstrap
fixed drop down menu,carousel, bootstrap modal, font awesome icons, custom thumbnails,
text and image grids, Accordions, signing/signup form and jumbotron

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
Module 7 : Bootstrap Scroll Spy, jQuery and jQuery UI

● Bootstrap Scroll Spy, Including jQuery in HTML pages

● Creating a Countdown timer using jQuery timer API
● Using jQuery UI components e.g. Date picker into your HTML pages

Module 8 : Ajax, Google APIs, Social Plugins

JAX XML Http Request object, making an AJAX call and retrieving the response.
Working with Google APIs Adding social plugins on your web page provided by LinkedIn,
Facebook, Quora and Twitter

Project - Building Website Tourt

Project Work : Build a web application with Bootstrap which includes following features:
1. Google Charts API to show Pie Charts (i.e. popularity of speaking languages)
2. Google Maps API to include Maps on web pages .
3. Bootstrap Carousel.

3. JQuery UI Devlopment

Module 1 : Introducing jQuery

● Intro to jQuery & History
● Basic DOM HTML Document/Page Types
● The jQuery Object($) CSS Selectors.
● IDE's for jQuery
● Selectors
● jQuery CDN & Installation
● jQuery Functions
● DOM Traversing
● Querying dom
● Traversing the DOM. jQuery Selectors
● jQuery Basic Functions

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
Module 2 : DOM Manipulation & jQuery Effects
● Adding and Removing DOM elements
● DOM elements
● jQuery Filters
● Hide/Show
● Fading methods
● Animate Function
● Iterating with each()
● Modifying properties and attributes
● jQuery Effects
● Chaining

Module 3 : jQuery Forms & Events

● jQuery Form Selectors
● Form Submission, Events
● jQuery on() & off()
● Form Validation
● Event Handling
● Custom Events and Triggers

Module 4 : jQuery AJAX & Utilities

● AJAX using jQuery
● PHP and $.each and Templating
● Deferreds
● Interacting with Server-Side
● Twitter/Github API

Module 5 : jQuery Plugins

● jQuery 3rd party plugins
● Plugin Development
● Plugin Implementation

Module 6 : jQuery UIt

● Accordion Widget
● Tooltip Widget
● Widget
● jQuery Mobile
● Tabs Widget
● Menu Widget
● Datepicker Widget

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
Module 7 : jQuery Mobile Introduction
● jQuery Mobile CSS Framework
● Mobile Widgets
● jQuery Mobile Events

Project 1 : Developing Admin for Content Management System.

Type : CMS (Web Application)
Data : developing a real time UI Web pages and UI Components for a Content Management

Project 2 : jQuery Mobile App Type : Corp Event

Data : developing a Event Mobile App using jQuery Mobile

Module 1 : Introduction to JavaScript MVC Framework & Angular
● JavaScript MVC, SPA Intro NodeJS Intro
● (NPM)
● Typescript Introduction (When to use types / When not)
● Angular Hello World Demo
● Companion Objects

Module 2 : Components and DOM Interactions

● Components and Metadata
● Multiple Components and Metadatata
● Data Passing in Components
● DOM Manipulation (View, Content Access)

Module 3 : Components and Dependency Injection Topics

● Component creation strategies
● Introduction to Dependency Injection
● Topics Angular lifecycle hookst
● Sharing data between components

Module 4 : Routes, Inbuilt Directives and Pipes Topics

● Angular Modules
● Inbuilt Directive
● Routes (Simple and Nested)
● Inbuilt Pipes

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
Module 5 : Custom Directives and Pipes Topics
● Custom Directives
● Inbuilt features - HTTP Request
● Custom Pipe

Module 6 : Third-party Library Integration, Other APIs

● Integrating JQuery / Socket.io
● Introduction to Third party library integration
● Introduction to i18n and l10n
● Introduction to SystemJS/CommonJS
● Touch Angular 1.x to 2.x (or Higher usage) - Do’s and Don’ts
● Other APIs

Module 7 : Unit Testing and Angular-CLI

● Unit Testing, related Tools, and TDD
● Introduction to Angular CLI Topics
● Unit Test Environment and set up using Angular CLI
● Introduction to Jasmine Framework
● Other Tools


Grocery list Management

Project – Shopping Cart Application

5. Node.js
Module 1 : Getting started with Node.js and ExpressJS

● What is NodeJS?
● Node Package Manager (NPM)
● Pushing code to GitHub
● Building first node app
● Installing NodeJS
● ExpressJS Framework
● Deploying application to Heroku
● Using Nodemon

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
Module 2 : Building application with EJS Template

● JavaScript Templating Engines

● Twitter Bootstrap
● How to modularize code by separating routes
● Creating project using EJS template How to use EJS partials
● Deploy code to Heroku

Module 3 : Building Application using Jade and Handlebars template

● Jade Templating Engine
● Using Handlebars to create a web app
● Deploying Jade application to Heroku
● Deploying Handlebars application to Heroku.
● Getting started with Jade
● Handlebars Templating Engine
● Handlebars templates and partials
● Using Handlebars To create a web app

Module 4 : Build Web Applications using ExpressJS & MongoDB

● Introduction to MongoDB
● Understanding Mongoose Schema and Model
● Using chalk to differentiate log messages
● Performing Authentication using MongoDB
● Getting started with Mongoose
● Using body-parser and express session modules
● Hashing passwords with bcrypt
● Implementing SignUp, Login,Logout features.

Module 5 : Build Web Applications using ExpressJS & MongoDB - Part 2

● Summernote editor
● Generating a slug for each story
● Using MongoLabs hosted MongoDB as our database
● Buying Domain and setting custom domain for Heroku application
● Saving user stories
● Handling 404 and 500 errors
● Deploying the application to Heroku Implementing SignUp, Login, Logout features.

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.

Module 6 : Building Realtime Chat Application using Socket.IO

● Introduction to WebSocket and Socket IO

● Handling events at server and client side
● Handling private and public messages
● Topics Getting started with Socket IO
● Handling 404 and 500 errors
● Designing the chat UI
● Deploying the chat application to Heroku

Module 7 : Build Systems - Grunt and Gulp, Testing with Mocha and Chai
● What is a Build System?
● Getting started with Grunt
● Writing gulp tasks for CSS, JS minification and watch
● Creating grunt tasks for CSS, JS minification and watch
● Topics Why we need a build system?
● Handling 404 and 500 errors
● Getting started with Gulp

Module 8 : Getting started with Hapi and Meteor

● Getting started with Hapi
● Using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) to host MySQL
● How to choose a web framework from Express, Hapi and Meteor
● Writing a basic app with Hapit
● Getting started with Meteor

Project 1 socket IO real time chat application using Socket IO. This application have the
following features :-

1. To join chat room requires short name

2. Inf name is already taken display error message
3. Once a user joins a chatroom, user can broadcast messages to all the users that are Message to
single user
4. Rather than broadcasting message to all the users, a user can also send a private Message to
single user
5. If you try to send a private message to a user that is not currently online you will get an Error
6. Once a user joins the chatroom, the user can see all the users that are currently online

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
7. All the messages that a user sends are displayed on the chat window, note that private
Messages should be displayed in a different way than broadcast messages.
8. Note that we do not store chat messages into database so if a user reloads the Application
previous message may not be shown.
9. Chat messages are stored in sockets.


Module 1 : Design Goals, Architecture and Installation

● Understanding Base Concepts of Database

● Types of NoSQL Database, and NoSQ vs. SQL Comparison, ACID & Base Property
● Overview of MongoDB, Design Goals for MongoDB Server and Database, MongoDB
● How to modularize code by separating routes
● Installation/Running MongoDB on various platforms Windows, Linux, MAC OS etc
● Project: Problem Statement.
● Database Categories, What is NoSQL? Benefits over RDBMS.
● CAP Theorem, and Implementing NoSQL, What is MongoDB?
● Depth Understanding of Database, Collection, Documents and Key /Values etc.
● Introduction to JSON and BSON Documents.
● Environment Setup (Live Hands on), Usage of various MongoDB Tools available with
MongoDB Package.

Module 2 : CRUD Operations

● CRUD Introduction Topics
● MongoDB Development Architecture
● MongoDB CRUD Introduction
● Concern Levels, Journalling etc.
● Distributed Read & Write Queries
● MongoDB Datatypes
● MongoDB Production Architecture
● MongoDB CRUD Concerns
● Cursor Query Optimizations, Query Behaviours in MongoDB
● MongoDB CRUD Syntax & Queries (Live Hands on)

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
Module 3 : Schema Design and Data Modelling
● Data Modelling Concepts
● Type of Data Modelling
● Data Model Examples and patterns
● Model Tree Structures
● Model Relationships between Documents
● Use Case of Data modelling
● Type of Data Modelling
● Analogy between RDBMS & MongoDB Data Model, MongoDB Data Model
(Embedding & Linking)
● Challenges for Data Modelling in MongoDB

Module 4 : Scalability and Availability

● Introduction to Replication
● What is Replica Set and Master Slave Replication?
● Introduction to Shardin
● Concepts around Sharding, What is shards, Key
● How to setup a Sharding
● Concepts around Replication
● Type of Replication in MongoDB
● How to setup a replicated cluster Managing Replica Sets etc.
● Type of Sharding (Hash Based, Range Based etc.), and Managing Shards.

Module 5 : Indexing and Aggregation Framework

● Index Introduction
● Index Types Topics
● Index Creation
● Aggregation to Introduction
● Type of Aggregation (Pipeline, MapReduce & Single Purpose)
● Index Concepts
● Index Properties
● Index Tutorial
● Indexing Reference
● Approach to Aggregation
● Performance Tuning

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.
Module 6 : Application Engineering and MongoDB Tools
● MongoDB Package Components
● MongoDB Limits and Thresholds
● MMS(MongoDb Monitoring Service)
● HTTP and Rest Interface
● Integration of MongoDB with Hadoop and Data Migration MongoDB with Hadoop
(MongoDB to Hive).
● Configuring file options
● Connection String URI Format/ Integration of any compatible tool with MongoDB API
and Drivers for MongoDB

Module 7 : Project, Additional Concepts and Case Studies

● Security Introduction
● Security Tutorial
● Integration of MongoDB with Pentaho
● Integration of MongoDB with Java
● Integration of MongoDB with GUI Tool Robomong
● Security Concepts
● Integration of MongoDB with Jaspersof
● Integration of MongoDB with Hadoop/Hive
● Project on MongoDB and Java

1. Design a HR schema and Perform All CRUD Operation
2. Setup a MongoDB on Windows/Linux and Perform Import and Export Activities
3. Monitor and Tune MongoDB Database Performance with Monitoring Tools
4. Take Backup and Restore

040 4200 6200 [email protected] www.hiee.in

8-3-191/101, Umashankar building, Opp : Vengalrao Nagar post office, Vengal Rao Nagar, Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500038.

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