Zenex Ecd Maths Module 3
Zenex Ecd Maths Module 3
Zenex Ecd Maths Module 3
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Identifying Shapes
In this unit we explore the definitions and properties of basic geometric shapes, and we
will investigate what changes and what stays the same as we enlarge, slide, rotate and
flip them.
1. Angles
These lines are These lines are
parallel. not parallel.
When two lines meet or cross they form an angle. We measure angles in degrees. A circle
contains 360 degrees (or 360˚ ). A right angle is 41 of a circle and has 90˚.
0 0 0
90 90 90
An acute angle measures less than 90˚. The following are all acute angles:
0 0
60 45 0
An obtuse angle measures more than 90˚. These are all obtuse angles:
MODULE THREE Unit 1: Identifying Shapess
0 120
150 135
2. Triangles
“Triangle” means “three angles.” Every triangle has three angles that add up to 180.
One way that triangles are classified is by their angles.
Angles of triangles
In acute triangles each angle measures less than 90°. This includes equilateral
triangles, which have all three angles equal to 60°.
An obtuse triangle has one angle that measures more than 90°.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 1:
1. Draw two of each kind of triangle described above. Label them and explain
why you have given them these names.
Time needed
40 minutes
2. Compare your drawings with a partner.
3. Quadrilaterals
All of these shapes are quadrilaterals.
Activity 2:
Work with a partner to explore the properties of the polygons below.
There are many special kinds of quadrilaterals. All of the shapes below are
MODULE THREE Unit 1: Identifying Shapes
All of the quadrilaterals below are parallelograms.
All of the quadrilaterals below are rectangles.
Each of the shapes below is a rhombus.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Each of the shapes below is a square.
11. You have written definitions for the quadrilateral, trapezium, parallelogram,
rectangle, and rhombus. Which of these categories includes squares?
12. If you add up the measurement of the four angles in a square what is the
sum? See if you can figure out the sum of the angles for the other types of
MODULE THREE Unit 1: Identifying Shapes
4. Polygons
Triangles and quadrilaterals are two of the many kinds of polygons. A polygon is
a plane figure with three or more sides. When all of the sides are the same length
and all of the angles are the same, as in an equilateral triangle, or a square, the
shape is called a regular polygon. Polygons are named for the number of sides
DICTIONARY: they have.
plane – flat
Triangle Quadrilateral
Pentagon Hexagon
Activity 3:
1. Look at the Polygon Shape Sheet on the next page. Make a list of the shapes
from A-Z. For each shape, write “regular” if all the sides are of equal length
Time needed and all the angles are equal. Write “irregular” if they are not. Then write the
40 minutes
name for the type of polygon, based on the number of sides.
2. Compare your list with your partner. Are there any differences? Can you
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
MODULE THREE Unit 1: Identifying Shapes
Activity 4:
Polygon Ambush
You are going to play a game of capturing polygons according to the attributes of
their sides and angles.
Time needed
60 minutes
Cut out the shapes from the Polygon Shape Sheets and place them in the centre
of the table. Cut out the property cards and put the SIDES cards in one pile and
the ANGLES cards in another. Divide the space in front of you into a yard and a
guardhouse, as in the diagram below.
Warm Up:
[Time needed: 10 minutes]
• Pick a card from the SIDES deck. Work with your partner to decide which of
the 26 shapes have the property described on the card, and which don’t. Try a
card from the ANGLES deck.
• One partner picks a card from the SIDES deck. The other partner picks a card
from the ANGLES deck. Together sort the shapes into 2 groups: one group
with shapes that have both attributes and another with shapes that have only
one attribute.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Property Cards
One and only one pair of One and only one angle
opposite sides is parallel. is a right angle.
There are three sides. One and only one angle is obtuse.
There are more than Two or more angles are right angles.
four sides.
MODULE THREE Unit 1: Identifying Shapes
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about geometric shapes?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of
classifying shapes?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about classifying
d. How will you use what you learned about shapes in your every day life
and work?
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
MODULE THREE Unit 1: Identifying Shapes
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Analyze similarities & differences in shapes & patterns, & effect of colour, used by
cultures. (analyze similarities and differences in shapes and patterns, and the effect of
colour, used by different cultures.)
Activity 1:
Tangram instructions
Work alone
Time needed 1. Follow these instructions step-by-step.
90 minutes
Take a square of paper, fold carefully along the
diagonal and cut along the fold to get two
MODULE THREE Unit 2: Tangrams
Are these two pieces congruent? If so, one piece should exactly cover the other. To prove
that the triangles were congruent you needed to change, or transform the shape in two
ways. You rotated the shape, and slid it on top of the other piece. Sliding in
mathematical terms, is called translation.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Can you make the trapeziums fit using only these two transformations? Try it.
Do you need another transformation? Try flipping one of the pieces over. Flipping a
shape over is called reflection in mathematics.
And here’s the last cut. Fold the right angle on the long side up to meet the obtuse
(wide) angle. Fold and cut to make a parallelogram and another triangle.
Now you have 7 shapes. Which ones are congruent? Which are similar? Which are
regular polygons? Which are the same when you flip them over, and which are different?
These pieces are the seven “tans” of the famous Chinese puzzle called “tangram”.
Exploring tangram puzzles is a great way to build spacial visualization skills.
Can you put these pieces back together to form the square you started with? If you need
help, look back at thee process you used to cut up the square into pieces.
Next, make a puzzle for your partner to solve. Put the pieces together in any way you
like, then carefully trace the outline. Give it to your partner to try to solve while you are
trying to solve the one your partner has invented.
You can make your puzzle as complicated as you like, but often the simpler shapes are
the most challenging. Here are a few of the shapes you can make using all 7 pieces. Try
some of them at home. Your family and friends might enjoy them too.
MODULE THREE Unit 2: Tangrams
Now you can change the shapes in different ways to build new shapes. You realized that
you can describe these changes using mathematical names, e.g. rotations and reflections.
By working with the shapes you became familiar with (used to) the properties of the
different shapes. You could see the lengths of their sides and angles and you managed
to build new shapes and patterns, following the outlines of shapes given.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and questions
about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about tangrams?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of tangrams?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have working with tangrams.
d. How will you use what you learned about tangrams in your every day life and
MODULE THREE Unit 2: Tangrams
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know, what
you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the table and
tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you can do these
things now.
I can:
Tick as follows: 4=Very well 3=Well 2=Fairly well 1=Not well. 4 3 2 1
Assignment 2:
Make as many shapes out of the tangram as you can. Draw the ones you make.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Symmetry and Transformations
Analyze similarities & differences in shapes & patterns, & effect of colour, used by
cultures. (analyze similarities and differences in shapes and patterns, and the effect of
colour, used by different cultures.)
1. Symmetry
We have seen that we can classify figures in many ways:
• by the number of sides they have
• by the properties of their angles.
Activity 1:
Symmetry Brainstorm
MODULE THREE Unit 3: Symmetry and Transformations
Activity 2:
Mirror Symmetry
Maybe you already realized that some shapes have symmetry along more than
one line. Explore the mirror symmetry of the shapes in Activity 1.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
When something has mirror symmetry about a line it also means that if you have
a picture of it, and you fold the paper along that line, the part on top will exactly
cover the part underneath.
Activity 3:
Paper Folding Symmetry
Work alone
Time needed Trace a shape onto a piece of see-through paper. For each shape, explore how
35 minutes
many different ways can you fold the paper so that the half above exactly covers
the half below.
Now take a piece of transparent paper and make a small sketch on it. Fold the
paper along a line that does not pass through your sketch.
Place the mirror along the crease. Does the image look like the figure you drew?
MODULE THREE Unit 3: Symmetry and Transformations
Activity 4:
Rotational Symmetry
Work alone
Time needed
25 minutes
When you brainstormed about symmetry in Activity 1, you probably found that
some shapes that you thought were symmetrical did not have mirror symmetry.
Let’s look at another kind of transformation.
1. Sketch the image below on one piece of transparent paper. Then cover it with
a second piece and sketch it again.
2. Now, put a pin through the center of the two images. Put something underneath,
such as a piece of cardboard, to stop the pin from sticking into the table.
3. Turn the top sheet slowly, counterclockwise, around the pin. Look to see
whether the figure on top exactly covers the figure on the bottom.
To explain how you have rotated something you have to talk about the centre of
rotation (where you put the pin) and the angle of rotation (how far you turned it).
Mathematicians call counter clockwise rotation positive and clockwise rotation
negative. So a rotation of 90° means 90° counterclockwise. A rotation of –90°
means turning 90° clockwise.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 5:
Mirror and rotational symmetry
Or, with the same sketch we could put the pin at the center of the paper, but it
wouldn’t be in the center of the flower. That rotation would look like this:
The next quarter turn would, of course, bring it back – full circle – to where it
MODULE THREE Unit 3: Symmetry and Transformations
Activity 6:
Translational Symmetry
Work alone
Time needed
30 minutes
Think back to Activity 1.
1. If we included patterns like the two below would you have said they have
2. Study the first design. Make a copy of a portion of it on your tracing paper.
Now slide the paper along and observe how the copy is aligned with the
original each time you move by the space of one symbol.
3. Now study the second pattern. Not all of the elements are the same. What is
the pattern that repeats itself in this line? Draw the pattern on your tracing
paper and observe what happens as you slide along.
By working through the activities in this unit you should now be able to:
• Identify shapes that have symmetry along one or more lines (mirror
symmetry or reflection symmetry)
• Identify shapes that have rotational symmetry
• Identify shapes that have translational symmetry
• Identify shapes or patterns that have more than one kind of symmetry
• Explain the meaning of transformations: reflection, rotation and translation
as the three ways we can move objects in the plane without changing their
shape or size.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Learner’s Manual
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about symmetry?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about symmetry.
d. Write down one or two questions that you still have about transformations.
e. How will you use what you learned about symmetry in your every day life
and work?
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Tick as follows: 4=Very well 3=Well 2=Fairly well 1=Not well. 4 3 2 1
MODULE THREE Unit 3: Symmetry and Transformations
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
1. What is a polyhedron?
A closed flat figure with 3 or more straight sides is called a polygon. A solid shape
with 4 or more flat, faces is called a polyhedron. Each face is a polygon.
Activity 1:
Constructing Polyhedra from Polygons
2. Shapes with triangular faces. Now cut out some equilateral (all sides the same
length) triangles. Using the triangles and cellotape, how many shapes can you
build that have only equilateral triangles for faces?
3. Shapes with pentagonal faces. Cut out some pentagons. Once again explore
what 3-dimensional (3-D) shape(s) you can make with all the sides as
4. Cut out some hexagons. Can you make any 3-D shapes with only hexagons as
MODULE THREE Unit 4: Polyhedra
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
MODULE THREE Unit 4: Polyhedra
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
MODULE THREE Unit 4: Polyhedra
2. Platonic Solids
It is possible to make a polyhedron with any number of faces, but there are only
five shapes that have all their faces the same shape and all their angles equal.
Think about a cereal box. How did it become a box? It started as a flat sheet of
cardboard that was folded up to make the box. Try to imagine what the cardboard
will look like if you unglue the box and lay it flat. This flat cardboard is the pattern
for the cereal box. This kind of pattern – the flat shape that can be folded up to
make the 3 dimensional shape – is called a net.
Think about the way you put the six squares together to make a cube. How many
different ways can you unfold the cube to make a net?
Look at the patterns below. Which ones can be folded to make a cube? Which
ones cannot? There are 11 different ways to make a net for a cube. How many can
you find?
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 2:
Constructing Platonic Solids from Nets
Work alone
You are now going to build these shapes in two different ways. First, we’ll make
models out of paper, then out of tooth picks and prestik or sweets like jelly tots.
At the end of this unit, you will find a picture of 5 different nets. You can copy and
cut these out to build each of these platonic solids.
When you have finished making your platonic solids write task 4. on a separate
paper and add it to your portfolio.
4. When you are finished discuss each one and work though these tasks:
a. Describe each shape by the number of faces each one has and the name of
the face (polygon) used to build each shape.
b. Describe the properties of the different faces: the number of sides and
angles they have.
c. Write clear mathematical definitions to explain each of the 5 platonic solids.
d. Record them in a table like this:
1 Tetrahedron
MODULE THREE Unit 4: Polyhedra
You have also learned that a net is a flat design that we can measure, draw, cut
and fold to make 3-D models of polyhedra, like the platonic solids.
3. Pyramids
Another special kind of polyhedron is a pyramid. A tetrahedron is a pyramid
with a triangular base, but it is also possible to make a pyramid with a square
base. A pyramid is a 3-D shape. It has a polygon as a base. The other faces are
triangles which meet at a point. A pyramid can have any shaped polygon as its
Activity 3:
Pyramid Power
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Work alone
a. Design a net for making a pyramid of any size that has a square base and
four congruent triangular sides.
b. When you are satisfied with your net, build the pyramid.
Work in pairs
c. Discuss and compare your pyramid with your partner’s. How are your
models the same? How are they different?
4. Prisms
Prisms are another special group of polyhedra. A prism is a 3-D shape which has
two polygon faces which are parallel to each other. The rest of the sides are
parallelograms. The cereal box you thought about in the first activity was a
rectangular prism, or cuboid. A rectangular prism in which all the faces are
squares is called a cube.
All of the shapes below are prisms. A prism whose sides are perpendicular to its
base is called a right prism. One that leans over is called oblique.
MODULE THREE Unit 4: Polyhedra
Activity 4:
Work in pairs
DICTIONARY: 1. Look at the shapes above again. Discuss:
a. What properties does each of these prisms have?
perpendicular – straight up
oblique – slanted b. What makes them the same and how are they different?
c. Discuss and draw rough sketches of the nets you need to build each prism.
2. Work with your partner to design a net for any one of the right prisms that can
fit onto an A4 piece of paper. Now build your prism. If it does not work, try
3. Once you are satisfied that you have drawn the net correctly and checked that
it folds neatly into a prism, practice designing nets for some of the other right
prisms shown above.
Activity 5:
Polyhedral Skeletons
Work in pairs
1. You have a lot of experience building polyhedra from nets, that is, a design
using the flat faces needed to build a particular solid. Now you’re going to
have a chance to explore skeletons of the same shapes. You will need a box of
toothpicks, some sweets like jelly tots or some prestik.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
b. Now try making as many of the other figures you explored in this unit as
you can. Use the shapes you made from nets as well as the drawings on
page 26 to guide you. Make at least one other platonic solid, one pyramid,
and one prism.
2. Now that you have tried making several of the shapes we have already
considered, it’s time to get creative. What kinds of shapes do you think are
possible to make? When choosing a shape for the face, which shapes seem to
be strong? What shapes seem more floppy? Try experimenting and then
discuss and share your findings with a partner.
As you work you will think about the different properties of the shapes you use
to build the different models. By the end of the activity it should be easy for you
to say for example: “I built a cube made of 6 square faces and a tetrahedron made
of 4 triangular faces”
When you have made several different models you should be able to classify
them and say if they are one of the platonic solids. or if they are prisms or
pyramids or perhaps maybe some of them will just be irregular polyhedra you
designed yourself.
MODULE THREE Unit 4: Polyhedra
The reason that triangular frames are used is that the triangle is the most rigid and
sturdy of shapes and needs not extra support to keep it in shape, even under
pressure. A rectangle or square on the other hand is more “wobbly” and less rigid
and would need to have side piece added, to hold its shape when pressure was
applied to it.
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about polyhedra?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about polyhedra.
d. How will you use what you learned about polyhedra in your every day life
and work?
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Platonic Solids
Irregular Polyhedra
Assignment 3:
Look around you in your place of work, in your home or when you go shopping.
Try and find as many examples of pyramids and prisms as you can. Draw a table
like the one below to describe and classify each of the shapes you find. Make a
rough sketch of each shape and describe all its properties in detail. Compare
tables with a partner’s when you are finished.
Cut out along the solid lines and then
score the dashed lines and fold back
MODULE THREE Unit 4: Polyhedra
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
MODULE THREE Unit 4: Polyhedra
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Discovering Geometry
Solve measurement problems in various contexts. (practical and non-practical processes,
trigonometric right-angled heights and distances.)
Complementary angles:
If the sum of two angles equals 90° the two angles are called complementary. Two
complementary angles combine to form a right angle.
Supplementary angles:
If two angles add up to 180° they are called supplementary angles. If two
supplementary angles are combined they form a straight line.
MODULE THREE Unit 5: Discovering Geometry
Work in pairs
Time needed The figure below (WXYZ) is a rectangle.
70 minutes
• Rectangles have opposite sides the same length and four right angles (90°).
• They also have diagonals that are the same length and intersect at their mid-
points. You can call the point where the diagonals meet ‘C’.
Look at the rectangle carefully and then do the following tasks with a partner. Try
to reach agreement on each task.
w z
x y
1. Make a list of all the right triangles. Which ones are congruent (sides and
angles the same)?
2. Make a list of all the isosceles triangles (2 sides equal). How do you know they
are isosceles triangles? Which ones are congruent?
3. Make a list of all the pairs of supplementary angles.
4. Use the idea that supplementary angles add up to 180° and prove that angles
j and l are congruent, and that angles i and k are congruent?
5. Make a list of all the pairs of angles at the corners - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h that
are complementary angles. Don’t stop at 4 pairs! There are a lot more!
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
6. Use the idea that complementary pairs add up to 90° to work out which of
these angles are the same sizes
intersects – crosses
7. Considering only the angles at the corners - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h – how many
different sizes do these angles come in? Group them according to their sizes.
Looking again
We can change the picture a little. Take away the right and left sides of the
rectangle, and one of the diagonals. Then extend (make longer) the parallel lines
of the top and bottom sides of the rectangle, and extend the remaining diagonal.
Can you see how you get this picture now?
Activity 2:
Find the angles.
Work in pairs
Time needed 1. Look at the new picture and find all of the pairs of angles that are congruent.
20 minutes
2. Explain how you know they are equal.
When you are reading you will also learn the special language mathematicians
use to describe these angles.
The line that intersects the two other lines is called the transversal.
MODULE THREE Unit 5: Discovering Geometry
interior – inside
exterior – outside
Vertical Angles
• In the diagram above, angles m and o are vertical. So are angles r and p.
But so are angles n and a, and angles e and q!
• Vertical angles are not necessarily up and down, they are the angles
opposite one another at the intersection of two lines.
• Vertical angles are congruent.
Corresponding Angles
• In the drawing above, angles m and r are corresponding angles. So are a
and q, n and e, and o and p.
• They are called corresponding because they are in similar positions in
relationship to the transversal and the parallel lines.
• If the lines cut by the transversal are parallel, corresponding angles are
There are some angle pairs that are not necessarily congruent.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 3:
How many degrees in all?
Work alone
There are 360° in a circle.
1. Do this exercise to work out what the sum of all the angles in a quadrilateral is.
• Tear the corners off a rectangle and turn them around to put the points
• You will get 360° - a full circle.
• In the case of a rectangle, you can find the answer just by thinking about it.
It has four right angles, each 90°.
MODULE THREE Unit 5: Discovering Geometry
4. What do you think you would get if you tried the same test for other
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about angle pairs?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of
intersecting lines and parallel lines?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about demonstrating
the value of the sum of the angles in triangles and quadrilaterals.
d. How will you use what you learned about angles in your every day life and
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Assignment 3:
• Fold a sheet of A3 paper to make a square. Then follow the steps on pages 10,
11 and 2 in Unit 2 make a tangram from the square.
• Draw a table like the one below. Based on what you have learned in this unit,
enter the following information in the table; the name of each shape, a
drawing of each shape; filling in what you what you think the size of both the
interior and exterior angles are.
• In the next column write a short sentence to explain how you know this. The
last column gives you space to re-draw the shape if you found the angles sizes
are different after measuring them with a protractor
• Use a protractor to measure the angles to see if you were correct. If necessary
re-draw the shape and show the correct angles sizes in the last column.
• Record your findings in this way for each of the 7 tangram pieces. When you
are finished compare your findings with a partner.
MODULE THREE Unit 5: Discovering Geometry
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Playing with Pythagoras
Solve measurement problems in various contexts. (practical and non-practical processes,
trigonometric right-angled heights and distances.)
MODULE THREE Unit 6: Playing with Pythagoras
We can use this proof for any triangle whose two shorter legs happen to have
squares whose sum is the perfect square of another number. But what about other
triangles? Do Activity 1 to see how it works for isosceles triangles.
Activity 1:
Demonstrating the Pythagorean Theorem using Isosceles Triangles
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
intersect – cross
Activity 2:
Demonstrating the Pythagorean Theorem for any triangle
Work with a partner
Now let’s try to demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem for any triangle.
Time needed
50 minutes
1. Cut out a scalene right triangle from plain paper. One way to be sure you have
a right angle is to cut off a corner of a sheet of A4 paper. Using a ruler or grid
paper as a guide carefully cut out the squares for each of the three sides, also
from plain paper.
2. Now place the triangle on grid paper with the hypotenuse at the bottom.
Carefully place the squares next to each side.
3. Find the centre of the mid-sized square. Put a ruler along one diagonal and
mark the region near the centre. Then move the ruler to the other diagonal and
do the same. The two diagonals intersect at the centre of the square.
MODULE THREE Unit 6: Playing with Pythagoras
4. Through that centre point you make a vertical line. Use the grid paper to help
make sure the line is vertical.
5. Now make a horizontal line, again using the grid paper to help you be sure the
line is horizontal.
6. Now see if you can put together the small square, and the four pieces of the
mid-sized square to exactly form the large square. If you succeed you will
have demonstrated the Pythagorean Theorem. Check with others working on
the same task to see if their triangles had a square on the hypotenuse, which
was equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
If a right triangle has sides of 8cm and 15cm, use the Pythagorean Theorem to find
the length of the hypotenuse.
A2 + B2 = C2
(8cm)2 + (15cm)2 = C2
64cm2 + 225cm2 = C2
289cm2 = C2
17cm = C
Activity 3:
Find the missing side
1. Find the length of the hypotenuse, C. Use the √ key on your calculator to find
the square root.
Time needed
30 minutes
2. Most triangles don’t work out to perfect squares. In this problem, use your
calculator to find the length of C.
MODULE THREE Unit 6: Playing with Pythagoras
3. In this case we know the length of the hypotenuse and we want to find the
length of one of the other sides. How long is side A?
Activity 4:
Solving problems using the Theorem of Pythagoras
1. Imagine you need a ladder to reach a window 4m above the ground. You want
to put the foot of the ladder 1.5m away from the wall so that the ladder will be
Time needed
30 minutes
steady when you climb it. Work out how long your ladder needs to be. Do a
drawing to help you.
2. You have a square garden, 5m on a side. You want to build a stone path across
the diagonal of the garden. How long will the path be?
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
You can also use the Pythagorean Theorem, if you know the lengths of all three
sides, to find out whether a triangle is a right triangle. If the sum of the squares of
the two shorter sides equals the square of the hypotenuse, it is a right triangle.
Otherwise it isn’t.
Activity 5:
Design a wheel chair ramp.
Mrs Maseko wants to build a ramp for her ECD centre to make it accessible to
children and adults who use wheelchairs. Luckily, she already has some wood she
can use for the frame and the railings, but she’ll have to buy some deck boards for
the surface. The wood is very expensive, so she needs to calculate the exact
amount needed to avoid any unnecessary expense.
The door of the ECD centre is 1 200mm above the ground. She has learned that the
ramp must be at least 1 100mm wide, and it can only have a slope of 1:12. That’s
another way of saying that for every metre you want to go up, the ramp must run
12 metres along the ground.
12 m
Part 1:
Mrs Maseko’s first thought was that she needed to build a triangular ramp 1 100mm
wide, 1 000mm high, and 12 times as long as it was high or 12 x 1 200mm = 14.4
meters long. She was pleased that she knew the Pythagorean Theorem, as this
would allow her to calculate how many square feet of decking board she would
need. What did she find?
1200 mm
MODULE THREE Unit 6: Playing with Pythagoras
Part 2:
Mrs Maseko thought she should check to see if were any other things she needed
to know about wheelchair ramps before she began.
She learned that she needs some landings. The landing at the bottom has to be at
least as wide as the ramp, and at least 1 200mm long.
The one at the top has to have room for the person to get through the door. The
exact dimensions depend on the design of the ramp and how the door swings. If
the door swings out, onto the ramp, the landing has to be 1 200mm, plus the
length taken up by the door swing. If the door swings in, away from the ramp,
then the landing can be 1 500mm. Since the door at the ECD centre swings in, Mrs
Maseko plans to add a top landing of 1 500mm.
She also learned that a ramp that rises more than 1 metre, like this one, needs a
landing somewhere in the middle, so the wheelchair user can rest. That landing
has to be at least 1 200mm long, and as wide as the ramp.
She looked at designs of some ramps and found that some are straight, some are
l-shaped, and some zig-zag. She saw that if she wanted to zig-zag she would need
a bigger landing. She also learned that she needed a handrail on both sides of the
There was a lot to think about. Mrs Maseko asked her colleagues to help her
figure out how to design a ramp that met all the requirements. See if you can help
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Make a sketch of the ECD Centre (you can make it look any way you like, just
remember that the door is 1 200mm above the ground.) On the scale drawing (or
you can make a scale model, if you prefer), show the ramp, landings, and
handrails – everything that the specifications require. Discuss how you will build
the framework under the ramp. Try to reach consensus on what you will have to
do to make it strong.
And finally, use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate how much decking board
you’ll need for the ramp and landings! Give your answer in mm2 or m2.
Part 3:
Mrs Maseko has found deck boards for sale that are 10cm wide. How many linear
metres does she need?
It is sold in lengths of 2m, 3m, and 4m. If she wants to build the ramp with no
seams – that is, with only whole boards, 1 100mm each, across the ramp,
• which length board should she choose,
• how many pieces will she need,
• how much wood will be left over?
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about Pythagoras?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about Pythagoras.
d. How will you use what you learned about Pythagoras in your every day
life and work?
MODULE THREE Unit 6: Playing with Pythagoras
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Area and perimeter of rectangles
Use measuring instruments to measure and calculate quantities in various contexts.
(Quantities include all of: length, distance, mass, time, temperature, volumes of regular
prisms, perimeter, area, weight, surface area, density, displacement and angles.
Measuring instruments include all of: rulers, tape measures, scale, clocks, thermometers,
capacity measuring instruments, and protractors.)
Solve measurement problems in various contexts. (practical and non-practical processes,
trigonometric right-angled heights and distances.)
1. Revision
Activity 1:
Revising what you know
Work in Pairs
On the square grid below draw six different shaped rectangles.
Count the number of squares that cover the rectangles to find their area.
Time needed
10 minutes
MODULE THREE Unit 7: Area and perimeter of rectangles
Activity 2:
Measuring square areas
Work Alone
Time needed Use the formula for calculating area to solve these problems. Give your answer in
40 minutes
the correct unit each time.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
1. A local council has donated a piece of land for a health centre to be built. The
land measures 28 metres long and is 32,5 metres across. What is the area of the
piece of land?
2. Thabo is going to paint the roof of the Bantwana Bami ECD centre. He has to
work out how many tins of paint he should buy. He has this information:
• The label on the tin says that a tin of paint covers an area of 4m2
• The price of the paint is R278.
• The roof is in the shape of a rectangle which is 17m long and 6m wide.
Use this information and some quick calculation methods to find out the
a. The number of tins of paint that Thabo will need.
b. What the paint will cost.
3. A local government department wants to buy an area of 12, 5km2 of land for a
housing development project. The present owner wants R8 600 per hectare for
the land. Use this information and your knowledge of working with decimals
to help you work out:
a. How many hectares there are in 12,5km2?
b. What will this much land cost the government to buy?
4. Discuss and compare your methods of doing questions 1-3 with a partner or
with a group of colleagues. You can use a calculator to check your answers. If
your calculations were wrong, try to find your mistakes and correct your work.
5. Practice converting these measurements:
a. Express each measurement below in hectares e.g. 23,5km2 = 2350ha
(i) 34,76km2 (ii) 3,208km2 (iii) 435km2 (iv) 5,67km2 (v) 124,5km2
(i) 346,7ha (ii) 500ha (iii) 899,8ha (iv) 987.56ha (v) 4 587ha
There are some units in the metric system for measuring area that you use more
often than others. For example you generally use square millimetres, centimetres
and metres. You do not often use square decimetres (10 square centimetres) or
decametres (10 square metres).
MODULE THREE Unit 7: Area and perimeter of rectangles
In addition to square kilometres, you can use hectares to measure larger land sizes
like the size of a farm. One hectare is the same as 10 000 square metres or one
hundredth of a square kilometre.
Activity 3:
Same areas, different perimeters
Work in pairs
Time needed You now know that you can find the area of a rectangle by multiplying the length
15 minutes
by the breadth - l × b. Look at the diagram below. You can see that different-
shaped rectangles can have the same area. all the rectangles below have an area
of 6cm2.
1. On grid paper draw sketches to show all the possible rectangles with the
following areas (in cm2) and complete the table.
cm2 1 x 6; 6 x 1; 2 x 3; 3 x 2 4
7 cm2
8 cm2
9 cm2
12 cm2
20 cm2
36 cm2
37 cm2
60 cm2
2. Discuss the links you can see between number and area.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 4:
Same perimeters; different areas
Work Alone
Time needed 1. Count how many steps around each of these shapes cover. Do you agree they
20 minutes
all have the same perimeter? Are they equally big? How big is each house?
Which house is the biggest? Write a short summary of what your answers tell
MODULE THREE Unit 7: Area and perimeter of rectangles
Activity 5:
Using perimeter and area in the work place.
1. With a partner think about how you can use the measurements you are given
to calculate the perimeter and area of the shaded part of this figure.
2. Now calculate the area and perimeter of the shape.
3. The Bantwana Bami ECD Centre is improving their building by fixing fascia
board all around the edge of the roof. The fascia board is sold in lengths of
2,4m, at R129.00 per 2,4m length. A rough sketch of the roof, as seen from
above, is given below. Read the plan carefully then answer these questions.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 6:
Buying a carpet
Work alone
Time needed The Bantwana Bami ECD Centre wants to buy a carpet for the new toy library.
30 minutes
They have a limited budget to spend on carpeting. The Toy Library Committee
finds out that the carpets come in rolls 3m wide and are sold per running metre.
Different types of carpets have different prices, as follows:
Pebbles R185
Nora R249
Afrika R299
These prices include VAT. They must also buy underfelt at R25 per metre. The
labour to lay the carpet costs R12 per square metre.
Ms Mahlathini prefers the Pebbles design and Mr. Mabena prefers the Afrika
design. Mr. Pieterse likes the Nora design.
Discuss the following questions and do the tasks.
1. What will they need to find out to see if they can afford to buy any of these
carpets? Write down some ideas.
2. Back home they measure that the library is 5,23m long and 4,52m wide. What
is the area of the room?
3. Draw a sketch to show how you would cover the area of the room with the
carpeting. Work out how many running metres you would need to buy.
4. Estimate roughly what it will cost to carpet the room using each of the three
designs. Estimate cost of the underfelt. Add the two costs together.
5. Compare your sketches and your cost estimations with a partner.
6. Use a calculator to find the exact costs. Compare these with your estimations.
7. The committee chooses the Nora design. Once the carpet is laid, they decide
to put skirting board around the edges. This costs R33 per metre.
a. How much skirting board will they need?
b. What will it cost?
8. What is the total cost of carpeting the library?
MODULE THREE Unit 7: Area and perimeter of rectangles
Activity 7:
Tiling a bathroom
Work alone
Time needed Bantwana Bami decides to use funds to tile the kitchen. Read all the information
30 minutes
below and then do the tasks.
The distance:
• from A to B is 3,21m
• from B to C is 2,34m
• from C to D is 2,98m
• from A to F is 6,41m.
The smaller tiles cost R495 for 100 and the larger tiles cost R665 for 100.
1. What will it cost to tile the room with the small tiles?
2. What will it cost if they use the big tiles?
3. Check your answers with a partner. Discuss, compare and evaluate the
different ways you have used to do the calculations. Discuss which ways were
easier to follow and why.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Some goods are charged per length, like edge-to edge carpeting or dress cloth or
skirting board. For these you also need to know how wide the materials are.
Others like wood or tiles are sold per square metre.
• Older children can trace around objects on square grid paper and count how
many blocks the different outlines cover. To make it simpler they can count
half-blocks as wholes and do not count blocks less than half.
MODULE THREE Unit 7: Area and perimeter of rectangles
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about area and perimeter of squares?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of the
formula to calculate the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about the area and
perimeter of squares and rectangles.
d. How will you use what you learned about area and perimeter in your
every day life and work?
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
2. If you want to carpet the entire floor area with carpeting that costs R156 per
square metre but is on sale for less 15%. How much will you pay?
3. You want to put skirting board around the edges of the carpet.
a. How much will you need?
b. If skirting board comes in 3,6m strips and each strip costs R45 per square
metre, how many strips will you need?
c. What will this cost you?
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Perimeter and Area of other Polygons
Use measuring instruments to measure and calculate quantities in various contexts.
(Quantities include all of: length, distance, mass, time, temperature, volumes of regular
prisms, perimeter, area, weight, surface area, density, displacement and angles.
Measuring instruments include all of: rulers, tape measures, scale, clocks, thermometers,
capacity measuring instruments, and protractors.)
Solve measurement problems in various contexts. (practical and non-practical processes,
trigonometric right-angled heights and distances.)
1. Remembering perimeters
You remember that perimeter means distance around an object. You learned how
to measure the perimeter of squares and rectangles. Now you are going to find
the perimeter of other polygons by finding the total length of all their sides.
Activity 1:
More perimeter investigations
Work alone
Time needed Follow these steps:
30 minutes
1. Draw a table with headings like the one below.
MODULE THREE Unit 8: Perimeter and Area of other Polygons
2. Start with shape A. Describe the shape in as much detail as possible (see
3. Estimate the perimeter (the combined length of its sides).
4. Write your estimate in the correct column.
5. Now measure the sides of the shape with a ruler to find the actual
measurements in centimetres or millimetres. Fill this answer in the correct
6. Compare your estimate with the real measurements.
Work alone
7. Share your findings with a partner. Check one another’s measurements and
discuss the ways you described each shape. Look to see if your estimations
improved over time!
You recorded and organized your information in a detailed table. This gave you
an opportunity to practice your data skills as well. You can see how using tables
make it easy to work with lots of information at the same time. If you work in a
neat and orderly way it is easy to analyse and compare your findings with
someone else.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
2. Area of triangles
Activity 2:
Area of triangles
Time needed
60 minutes Now that you know how to find the area of a rectangle you can change the
method a little to find the area of other shapes as well.
Think about a square with sides of 2cm. Count the squares and you will see that
the area of the square is 4cm2.
Count the squares in the triangle. There is one whole square and two half-squares.
The area of the triangle is 1 + 12 + 12 = 2cm2.
Again, the area of the triangle is half the area of the square.
MODULE THREE Unit 8: Perimeter and Area of other Polygons
Here the area of the rectangle is 3cm × 2cm = 6cm2. The triangle is made up of one
whole square and some part squares. It is hard to say the exact area of the triangle
just by counting squares. But we know that the diagonal divides the rectangle in
two equal triangles. If we rotate one triangle it will exactly cover the other.
The area of the rectangle is 3cm x 2cm = 6cm2. The area of the triangle is half that
much, or 3cm2.
Try it yourself.
But these are not the only kinds of triangles you get. So now you can investigate
how to find the area of other kinds of triangles.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
To find the area of the box you need to know the lengths of the sides of the
rectangle. The top and bottom of the rectangle are 5cm. This is the same length as
the base of the triangle.
The right and left sides of the rectangle are 3cm. This is the same as the height of
the triangle.
5cm 3cm
You can see that the 3cm × 5cm rectangle is made up of two smaller rectangles.
Each of the parts is half covered by the triangle.
Since the triangle covers half of each part of the rectangle, its area is half of the
rectangle’s area.
MODULE THREE Unit 8: Perimeter and Area of other Polygons
Once again we have found that the area of the triangle is A = 1 (base × height)
In this case:
A = 12 × (5cm × 3cm)
= 2 × (15cm2)
= 7,5cm2
Activity 3:
Practice what you’ve learnt.
Work alone
Time needed Do the following exercises:
15 minutes
a. The dimensions of A4 paper are 209,9mm × 297,0mm. If you cut a sheet
along a diagonal what is the area of each of the triangles?
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
b. You can use the same relationship to find the base or the height if you know
the area. This has an area of 2m2. Its base is 1.5m. What is its height? (Use
your calculator. Give the answer to 2 decimal places.)
A = 2m2
c. Cut out a non-square rectangle about the size of a postcard. Carefully draw
in the two diagonals. You have made four isosceles triangles. The top and
bottom triangles are congruent. They have the same sides and angles, and
obviously they have the same area. The left and right triangles are also
congruent and also have the same area.
d. Do you think the area of the top and bottom triangles is the same as the
area of the left and right triangles?
There are a number of ways to solve this riddle. Think about it and talk about it
with someone. Cut out the triangles and experiment. Maybe you can find an
answer without cutting. Have fun!
MODULE THREE Unit 8: Perimeter and Area of other Polygons
• Now you can see the parallelogram has a triangular part that sticks out from
the rectangle. It also has a hole just the same size and shape on the other side.
If you cut off the triangle on the right and paste it in the hole on the left you
have a rectangle.
• This means that the area of a parallelogram is the same as the area of the
rectangle formed by the base and the height.
• So the formula for the area of a parallelogram is A = base × height.
1. Trapezium
You can find the area of a trapezium if you see it as a rectangle and two
triangles. You already know how to find the area of those.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
2. Hexagon.
A regular hexagon is just a group of triangles. You know how to find the area
of triangles so you can find the area of any regular hexagon.
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about the perimeter of triangles and
other polygons?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of the
area of triangles and polygons?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about the relationship
between the area of a triangle and the area of a rectangle.
d. How will you use what you learned about triangles and polygons in your
every day life and work?
MODULE THREE Unit 8: Perimeter and Area of other Polygons
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Measuring Circles
Use measuring instruments to measure and calculate quantities in various contexts.
(Quantities include all of: length, distance, mass, time, temperature, volumes of regular
prisms, perimeter, area, weight, surface area, density, displacement and angles.
Measuring instruments include all of: rulers, tape measures, scale, clocks, thermometers,
capacity measuring instruments, and protractors.)
Solve measurement problems in various contexts. (practical and non-practical processes,
trigonometric right-angled heights and distances.)
Analyze similarities & differences in shapes & patterns, & effect of colour, used by
cultures. (analyze similarities and differences in shapes and patterns, and the effect of
colour, used by different cultures.)
Analyze and explain the way shapes and space are used in different epochs and
cultures. (Architecture, town and settlement planning.)
MODULE THREE Unit 9: Measuring Circles
This example shows how Sotho builders constructed the circular frame for this
beehive hut.
Activity 1:
Circles long ago
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 2:
Investigating Pi
E.g. bowl
8. Discuss what you notice about the ratio of the circumference to the diameter
in all the circles you measured?
The ancient Greeks first discovered that the ratio between the circumference and
the diameter in any circle is always just over 3 or about 3 17 or 22
7 .
The Greeks used their letter π pi to show this ratio. Mathematicians have been
interested in this number for thousands of years. They have found that the
number does not have an end and the numbers after the decimal point do not
have a clear pattern. This means that π is an irrational number. Today we work
with the value of π being equal to 3,14.
MODULE THREE Unit 9: Measuring Circles
Activity 3:
Using Pi to find the circumference of a circle
Use the π key on your calculator or work with the value of π as 3.14 to do these
1. Use a large plate and a CD for this measurement task.
a. Estimate what you think the circumference of each object is. Write down
your estimate.
b. Now measure the radius or diameter of each object.
c. Use π on your calculator or work with the value of 3,14 to find the actual
circumference. Remember c = π × 2r.
d. Check how close your estimate was.
2. Imagine a bicycle wheel turning. The distance a wheel travels when it turns
around once is the length of its circumference. Try this with a plate. Make a
mark at one point on the plat and then turn it like a wheel. Start and finish at
the mark. Use this information to work out the following problem:
a. The spokes of a bicycle wheel are 45cm long and the outer rim is 6,5cm
thick. How far does the wheel travel when it turns around once?
b. Without using your calculator, fill in the table below to show how far the
wheel will travel if it turns 10 times, 100 times, 5 times etc. Think of quick
ways to do this. Round your measurements to the second decimal place.
Distance Travelled ?
Calculator Answer
c. Do the same calculations again with your calculator. Write these answers in
the bottom row.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
3. The distance from the Northern border in South Africa in the Limpopo
Province to Cape Town in the Western Cape is 1715km. So imagine a distance
of 40 000km, across the earth’s circumference! The equator measures 40 000km
across the centre of the earth. Use this measurement to find the circumference
of the earth.
3. Area of a circle
You use the value of π to find the area of a circle as well. Let’s see how this works.
Activity 4:
Finding the area of a circle
Work in pairs
1. Draw a circle like this and shade half of it.
Time needed
30 minutes
3. Cut out the segments and then put them together like this
MODULE THREE Unit 9: Measuring Circles
Activity 5:
Finding the area of a circle
Work in pairs
Time needed
30 minutes
Find the areas of the following circles. Remember to give your answers in square
units (mm2, cm2 or m2):
d = 55mm
d = 16cm
d = 1,5m
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
You will work out the areas of the other circles using the same formulae.
This should all make more sense to you now that you know how the formula was
worked out to begin with.
Give yourself lots of practice working out the areas of other circles in the world
around you so that you feel confident.
MODULE THREE Unit 9: Measuring Circles
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about the area and circumference of a
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of the
formulae for calculating are and circumference of a circle?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about area of circles.
d. Write down one or two questions that you still have about circumference
of circles.
e. How will you use what you learned about circles in your every day life and
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Assignment 5:
The earth is far from being the largest planet. Do some of your own research to
find out how big some of the other planets are. If you only find their diameter
measurement you now know how to work out the circumference!
You can also find out the diameter measurement from the circumference by
changing the formula around and instead of calculating C = π D, work out D as
Record your answers in a table. Show any calculations that you had to do to find
any of the measurements that were not given in your source.
For your own reference, and to share with your colleagues, provide information
in the last column about the source of your information e.g. name of book;
internet site.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Assignment 6:
Phindi is a community nurse. She wants to build a herb garden in the grounds of
the clinic. She wants it to look like the sketch below, with one larger circle
surrounding a smaller circle. She wants to fence each of the circular borders.
MODULE THREE Unit 9: Measuring Circles
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Investigating surface area of Prisms and Cylinders
Use measuring instruments to measure and calculate quantities in various contexts.
(Quantities include all of: length, distance, mass, time, temperature, volumes of regular
prisms, perimeter, area, weight, surface area, density, displacement and angles.
Measuring instruments include all of: rulers, tape measures, scale, clocks, thermometers,
capacity measuring instruments, and protractors.)
Solve measurement problems in various contexts. (practical and non-practical processes,
trigonometric right-angled heights and distances.)
1. Surface Area
So far you have investigated areas of flat 2-D shapes only. But if you want to
calculate the area of all the faces of a 3-D object, you need to find the surface area
of that object. Let’s investigate what this means.
• This cube has 6 faces. You can only see three of the faces.
• Each face measures 1cm by 1cm. So we know that each face has an area of
• When you add the area of all the faces of the cube you get 6cm2.
• So the surface area of a cube or of any prism is the sum of the area of all its
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
Activity 1:
What is Surface Area?
Activity 2:
Surface area of rectangular prisms
1. Find a pattern in the relationship between the numbers in each column. Use
what you find out to fill in the missing numbers in the table.
1 cube 24
2. Can you see another pattern when you compare the numbers in the second
column with the numbers in the last column?
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 3:
Solving problems with surface area
1. Calculate the surface area of block A and B to find out how much plastic you
need to make each block.
2. Use your calculation to find the cost of (i) 10 (ii) 100 (iii) 1 000 of each block
3. Show your findings in a table.
4. Compare your results with a partner’s.
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
5. Use the measurements to draw a net on paper or cardboard of each shape. Cut
and fold the net to see if it folds neatly. If not try again until your measurements
are accurate.
You practiced measuring accurately so that you could design nets for each shape.
You realized that measuring accurately is important for calculating surface area
and designing three dimensional nets.
To find the surface area of a prism you need to know the area of the two parallel
bases, and the areas of each of the parallelogram faces. Take the example of a right
hexagonal prism. These are the steps we follow:
The sides of the regular hexagon are 10cm and the length of the prism is 30cm.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
b. You know that the area of the triangle is A = 12 base × height. The base is
10cm. But you don’t know the height! Let’s use the Pythagorean Theorem
to find out.
a2 + b2 = c2
a2 = c2 – b2
a2 = (10cm)2 – (5cm)2
a2 = 100cm2 – 75cm2
a2 = 75cm2
We can use the √ key on the calculator to find the square root of a:
a = 8.66cm
The height of the right triangle = height of the equilateral triangle.
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
Activity 4:
Finding the surface area of a triangular prism
2. Check your solutions with a partner. If you don’t have the same answers re-do
your calculations to find if you made mistake.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 5:
Finding the surface area of a cylinder
Work alone
Time needed 1. Find the total surface area of a closed cylindrical tin with the dimensions
15 minutes
Hint: Draw the net for the cylinder showing top, bottom and sides. Find the
area of each shape.
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about surface?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of
surface area?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about surface area of
d. Write down one or two questions that you still have about prisms and
e. How will you use what you learned about surface area in your every day
life and work?
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Investigating Volume
Use measuring instruments to measure and calculate quantities in various contexts.
(Quantities include all of: length, distance, mass, time, temperature, volumes of regular
prisms, perimeter, area, weight, surface area, density, displacement and angles.
Measuring instruments include all of: rulers, tape measures, scale, clocks, thermometers,
capacity measuring instruments, and protractors.)
Solve measurement problems in various contexts. (practical and non-practical processes,
trigonometric right-angled heights and distances.)
1. Volume
Volume means the amount of space that something takes up.
This cube has a length of 1cm, a height of 1cm, a width of 1cm. So it measures
1cm × 1cm × 1cm. We say that its volume is 1 cubic centimetre, written as 1cm3.
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
Activity 1:
Investigating volume
Work alone
Time needed 1. Use these sketches to find an easy method to calculate the volume of the cube.
30 minutes
2. Discuss and compare your methods with your partner.
Activity 2:
Missing Measurements
Work alone
Time needed 1. Use the above method to calculate the missing measurement in each case
30 minutes
Length (mm) 15 10 5
Width (mm) 4 12 25
Height (mm) 30 9
2. Rewrite the table above in measurements of cm3. Remember there are 10mm
in each cm. Check your answers and methods with a partner’s.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 3:
Packing Boxes
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
Maybe you were able to do some of these calculations mentally (in your head),
using your knowledge of multiplication. Some calculations were easier when you
used a calculator.
You gave some of your answers in cubic measurements like mm3 . When you
converted some of these to cm you divided by 10 because you know that there are
10 mm in one cm.
Activity 4:
Converting units
Work alone
Time needed 1. Name some quantities that are measured in
15 minutes
a. millilitres
b. litres
c. kilolitres
4. Check your solutions with a partner. You can use a calculator to see if you were
correct e.g. 2,5kl × 1000 = 2 500l
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
3. Volume of Prisms
Read through the following text carefully.
A rectangular or square box is one kind of prism. Now let’s explore the volume of
different shaped prisms.
A slanted box
like this is
called an
It is easy to find the answer if we use our imagination. Think about a stack of
paper – let’s say a ream of blue A4, stacked up neatly the way it arrives in the
Now, let’s gently push the stack so that it looks like the figure above. What can
you say about the volume? It’s the same ream of paper, stacked just as tightly, so
the volume is the same as it was before, though the stack has a different shape.
The volume is equal to the area times the height.
Now we have two triangular prisms. What is the volume of each? Clearly each
prism has a volume of half of the volume of the ream. The ream’s volume is
V = l × w × h,
or V= the area of the ream × height.
That means each triangular prism has a volume of 1 of the area of the ream times
the height.
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
Can you see that the area of the base of each triangular prism is 12 the area of the
ream. So for the triangular prism we can also say the volume is the area of the
base (in this case A= 12 × l × w) times the height!
You found out earlier that you could use your knowledge of the area of rectangles
and triangles to find the area of any polygon. Similarly, you can look at any prism
as a combination of rectangular prisms (cuboids) and triangular prisms. With this
knowledge you can find the volume of any prism.
Activity 5:
Find the volume of a storage room
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
4. Volume of Cylinders
Read the information together with a partner. Make sure you understand each
If you have difficulty, ask for help from another colleague or from your trainer.
With volume, cylinders are just like prisms. All we need to know is the area of the
base and the height of the cylinder.
1. Find the area of its base and multiply by the height. Think about the capacity
of a water tank that is 1 metre in diameter and 1,5 metres tall.
2. First we’ll find the area of the circular base. Remember that the area of a circle
is A = π r2. The radius is 12 the diameter, or 0,5 metres. Let’s use 3,14 for π . Then
A = 3,14 × (0,5m)2
= 3,14 × 0,25m2
= 0,7850m2
3. Now we multiply the area of the circle by the height of the tank to find the
= 0, 7850m2 × 1.5m
= 1, 1775m3
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
It is the same with oblique cylinders. Imagine a stack of biscuits. If we slide the
stack so that it tilts a bit we haven’t changed the volume of the stack.
Activity 6:
Finding the Volume of cylinders.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Exploring Capacity
• Children can guess which containers will hold a litre, more than a litre or less
than a litre.
• They can pour from a marked litre container filled with water or sand, into
other containers, one by one, to test their predictions.
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about calculating volume?
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your understanding of
volume and surface area?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about the volume of
prisms and cylinders.
d. How will you use what you learned about volume in your every day life
and work?
MODULE THREE Unit 10: Investigating sur face area of Prisms and Cylinders
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Views and Maps
Draw maps according to scale. (Non-contoured maps.)
Illustrate changes in size & shape of appearance of objects as result of changes in
1. Different views
There are different ways to represent 3-dimensional objects in 2-dimensions in the
form of drawings or plans. There are certain conventions that we follow and
certain terms that we use. It is important to know what these conventions and
terms are so that we all understand visual representations of objects in the same
way. Conventions like these are part of social knowledge. We do not make up
the rules as we go along, but rather follow methods that everyone uses and
MODULE THREE Unit 11: Views and Maps
Activityy 1:
Naming different views
1. Where do you think Vuyi was standing when she took each of these
Activity 2:
Take your own photos
Work alone
Time needed Choose an object such as a cereal box or cold drink can for this activity. Pretend
20 minutes
you have a camera and you are taking photos of the object you have chosen.
1. Draw what you see when you take a “photo” of the object from directly above
Aerial view – (aerial view).
2. Draw what you see when you take a “photo” of the object directly from the
front (front view).
3. Draw what you see when you take a “photo” of the object directly from the
side (side view).
4. What happens to the object in your photos when you move closer to the
5. What happens to your photos when you move further away from the object?
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
6. Now move to two different places and draw what your photo looks like from
each of these points.
7. Discuss and review your drawings with a colleague.
Activity 3:
Different views of a box
Choose a few more objects you can practice drawing from different viewpoints
and then name the different views you have drawn each time. When you observe
pictures of photographs in books and newspapers think about what views these
pictures show. Try and visualise the same images from different viewing points.
MODULE THREE Unit 11: Views and Maps
Activity 4:
Block Buildings 1
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Floor plans
When you view an object from above it is called an aerial view. A plan of this view
is called a floor plan.
You can use numbers to show how many blocks there are in each stack, like this:
2 1
1 1
Activity 5:
Block Buildings 2
1. In each case below you can see a sketch of a building and its floor plan. Fill in
the numbers on the floor plan to show how many blocks in each stack. Say
how many blocks are there in each building.
MODULE THREE Unit 11: Views and Maps
2. Use cubes or do a drawing to build a block building for each of the following
floor plans:
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Activity 6:
Working with maps
West Sipho's
Vivian's Park
1. Describe two different routes that you could take from Vivian to Sipho's house.
2. Discuss these questions:
a. What made it easy and what made it difficult for you to explain these
MODULE THREE Unit 11: Views and Maps
b. What other information could have made it easier for you to read the map?
c. Does this map give you any information about distance from one place to
another? How could this be done?
2. Scale on a map
Maps are drawn to scale because it is impossible to draw the actual size on a sheet
of paper. Different maps use different scales. A scale is a ratio where the distance
on paper represents a far bigger distance in real life. Let’s take the example of the
map in Activity 5:
In this map the scale is given as 1:20 000. This means that a distance of 1cm on the
map represents 20 000cm in reality. So the actual distance is 20 000 times larger
than the distance on the map. 20 000cm = 200m, so this means that 1 cm on the
map represents 200m in reality!
If you use a ruler you will find that the distance on the map from Vivian’s house
to the school is 3cm. This means that the actual distance = 3 × 200m = 600m =
0,6km. Scale can help you to work out approximate distances from one place to
another. You can also use this information to work out the approximate time it
will take you to get from one place to another.
Activity 7:
Ratio and scales
Work Alone
Time needed 1. Use the scale 1:20 000 and your ruler to calculate the distances of the two
20 minutes
routes from Vivian to Sipho’s house you found in Question 1.
2. Say which route is shorter.
3. Use the same scale to estimate the border around the park (the perimeter).
Activity 8:
Draw your own map
Work alone
Time needed 1. Draw a sketch that shows a map of your community.
20 minutes
a. Show on the map the ECD centre where you work or different places that
you visit for your work.
b. Choose four or five other familiar landmarks and show where these are in
relation to your place of work.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
c. Think about the distance between places and try and show these as
realistically as possible on your map.
2. Show your map to a partner and explain how you decided to place the
different landmarks in relation to one another. You will come back to this map
later after learning about other ways of drawing maps
Activity 9:
Maps on Grids
Work alone
Time needed You are visiting an ECD training agency’s offices in Newtown. The secretary gave
15 minutes
you these directions:
“When you come into Newtown with Aloe Street, turn left at the first road, then
right at the first road, then left at the second road. Our building is the third on the
MODULE THREE Unit 11: Views and Maps
3. Coded Grids
In the last activity you read information on a map that was drawn on a grid. You
used words like up, down, left, right across to explain how to move from one
point to another. The map was not coded. Maybe you found it a little difficult to
say exactly where a place was.
In the next map you will notice that the grid is coded. The rows are labelled with
letters and the columns are labelled with numbers. This makes it easy to find a
place on the grid. You read the row and column references and see where they
intersect. For example, you will see on the map on page 122 that Koeberg Station
is in row H and column 3. We say that the map co-ordinates for Koeberg are H3.
You will find this grid system of marking the map co-ordinates in a street map.
Activity 10:
Reading maps on a coded grid
Work alone
Time needed Refer to the map on the next page for this activity.
30 minutes
Read the information and then answer the questions below:
Mandisa and Sheila are two ECD trainers who visit different ECD sites in the
Western Cape. They use a map to help them find their way. The first landmark
they pass is the Koeberg Station on the map.
1. List the map co-ordinates for these places that Mandisa and Sheila are going
to visit:
(i) Clanwilliam (ii) Lambertsbaai (iii) Vredendal (iv) Worcester (v) Wuppertal
2. Give the names of three towns in block C3.
3. Which direction is North? How do you know?
4. Name a town to the South of Piketberg (Piketberg is in E4).
5. Name a town to the West of Piketberg.
6. Describe three different routes by road from Cape Town to Velddrif in E2.
a. Which one do you think is the shortest?
b. Which one can you drive the quickest?
7. Use the information about scale to make an estimation of the distance by road
along the N7 between Cape Town and Van Rhynsdorp. Explain your
reasoning in detail.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
8. If you drive at an average speed of 120kmph, about how long will it take to drive
by car from Cape Town to Van Rhynsdorp? Explain your reasoning in detail.
9. Estimate the area in square kilometres of the land on the map. Explain your
reasoning in detail.
10. Estimate the area of the Winelands in square kilometres. Explain your
reasoning in detail.
11. Use the scale to find a place that is approximately:
a) 250km north of Cape Town b) 100km south of Cape Town
12. Share your answers with a partner. Make any corrections that you need to.
MODULE THREE Unit 11: Views and Maps
Activity 11:
Drawing a map on a coded grid
Work alone
Time needed In this activity you are going to re-draw the map you drew in Activity 6. You will
30 minutes
draw it on a grid showing the map co-ordinates of all the different places you
drew in your first sketch.
Keep the sketch of your map in front of you. Follow these steps to guide you:
1. Draw a 10 × 10 grid on paper with each square measuring 2cm. Label the
columns with numbers from 1-10 and the rows with letters from A-J.
2. Estimate the actual distances between the places on your map.
3. Choose an appropriate scale to show the distances between places. For
example, 1cm on your map could represent 1km or 12 km in real life. The scale
you decide on should work well for the actual distances between the places on
your map.
4. On the grid draw an outline of the whole area you want to show.
5. Place the landmarks you chose in the correct places.
6. Write down the map co-ordinates for all of the landmarks you have shown.
7. Share your map with a partner. Let them use the scale you chose to check if
you have placed your landmarks correctly and if your scale works.
8. Make any adjustments to your scale that you need to.
In the last activity you read information from a map that was drawn on a coded
grid. This helped you to find exactly where particular places were. The scale of
the map helped you to estimate the distance from one place to another.
You used what you learned to redraw the map that you sketched earlier. This time
you drew it on a coded grid and chose a scale appropriate for the distances you
want to show. For example if you show distances in km every cm on your map
will represent 1km and not 1m in real life.
Fundamentals in ECD : Mathematics Literacy Learner’s Manual
Journal Reflection
Think about what you have learned. Write down all your thoughts, ideas and
questions about your learning in your journal. Use these questions to guide you:
a. What did you learn from this unit about interpreting maps with coded
b. How do you think you will be able to improve your map reading skills?
c. Write down one or two questions that you still have about drawing maps.
d. Write down one or two questions that you still have about choosing a scale.
e. How will you use what you learned about maps in your every day life and
Self-assessment Checklist
Reflect on the outcomes that were set for this unit. Think about what you know,
what you can do and how you can use what you have learned. Use the key in the
table and tick the column next to each outcome to show how well you think you
can do these things now.
I can:
MODULE THREE Unit 11: Views and Maps