2001 Elementary Differential Geometry Pressley
2001 Elementary Differential Geometry Pressley
2001 Elementary Differential Geometry Pressley
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M.A.]. Chaplain University ofDundee
K. Erdmann Oxford University
L.C.G.Rogers Cambridge University
E. Süll Oxford University
J.F.Toland University ofBath
i Springer
Andrew Pressley
Department ofMathematics, King's College, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS,UK
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American Statiatical Association: 01ance VoI8 No I, 1995artide by KSand KWHeiner'Tree Rin&' ofthe NorthernShawangunks' page32fig2
Springer-V~ Mathematicain Educationand Researdl Vol 4 ...... 31995 artide by Roman E Maeder, BeatriceAmrhein and OliverG100r
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TELOS:ISBN Q-387-14222-3.german edition by Birkhauser: ISBN~7643-5 1 0ll-4.
Mathematicain Educationand Research Val 4 Issue 3 1995artide by Richard J Gaylordand Kazume Nishidale'TnJlic Engineering with CelIuJar
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Pressley, Andrew
Elementarydifferentialgeometry. - (Springerundergraduate
mathematics series)
1. Geometry,Differential
1. Title
© Springer-VerlagLondon 2001
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The Differential Geometry in the title of this book is the study of the geometry
of curves and surfaces in three-dimensional space using calculus techniques .
This topie contains some of the most beautiful results in Mathematies, and
yet most of them can be understood without extensive background knowledge.
Thus, for virtually all of this book, the only pre-requisites are a good working
knowledge of Calculus (induding partial differentiation), Vectors and Linear
Algebra (induding matriees and determinants) .
Many of the results about curves and surfaces that we shall discuss are pro-
totypes of more general results that apply in higher-dimensional situations. For
example, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, treated in Chapter 11, is the prototype of
a large number of results that relate 'local' and 'global' properties of geometrie
objects. The study of such relationships has formed one of the major themes
of 20th century Mathematies.
We want to emphasise , however, that the methods used in this book are
not necessarily those whieh generalise to higher-dimensional situations. (For
readers in the know, there is, for example, no mention of 'connections' in the
remainder of this book.) Rather, we have tried at all times to use the simplest
approach that will yield the desired results . Not only does this keep the pre-
requisites to an absolute minimum, it also enables us to avoid some of the
conceptual difficulties often encountered in the study of Differential Geometry
in higher dimensions. We hope that this approach will make this beautiful
subject accessible to a wider audience.
It is a cliche, but true nevertheless, that Mathematies can be learned only
by doing it, and not just by reading about it. Accordingly, the book contains
VI Elementary Differential Geometry
over 200 exercises. Readers should attempt as many of these as their stamina
permits. Full solutions to all the exercises are given at the end of the book, but
these should be consulted only after the reader has obtained his or her own
solution, or in case of desperation. We have tried to minimise the number of
instances of the latter by induding hints to many of the less routine exercises.
Preface v
1. Curves in the Plane and in Space ......... 1
1.1 What is a Curve? 1
1.2 Arc-Length " . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Reparametrization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Level Curves vs. Parametrized Curves 16
2. How Much Does a Curve Curve? ............. 23
2.1 Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 Plane Curves 28
2.3 Space Curves 36
3. Global Properties of Curves 47
3.1 Simple Closed Curves 47
3.2 The Isoperimetrie Inequality 51
3.3 The Four Vertex Theorem 55
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 59
4.1 What is a Surface? 59
4.2 Smooth Surfaces 66
4.3 Tangents, Normals and Orientability 74
4.4 Examples of Surfaces 78
4.5 Quadric Surfaces 84
4.6 Triply Orthogonal Systems .................. 90
4.7 Applications of the Inverse Function Theorem 93
VIII Elementary Differential Geometry
In this chapter we discuss two mathematical formulations of the intuitive not ion
of a curve. The precise relation between them turns out to be quite subtle, so
we shall begin by giving some examples of curves of each type and practical
ways of passing between them.
\ J/
y - 2x =1 y - x2 =0
All of these curves are described by means of their cartesian equation
f(x,y) = c,
where f is a function of x and y and c is a constant. From this point of view,
2 Elementary Differential Geometry
Curves of this kind are called level curves , the idea being that the curve in Eq.
(1), for example, is the set of points (x,y) in the plane at which the quantity
f (x , y) reaches the 'level' c.
But there is another way to think about curves which turns out to be more
useful in many situations. For this, a curve is viewed as the path traced out by
a moving point. Thus, if 'Y(t) is the position vector of the point at time t, the
curve is described by a function 'Y of a scalar parameter t with vector values
(in R 2 for aplane curve , in R 3 for a curve in space). We use this idea to give
our first formal definition of a curve in Rn (we shall be interested only in the
cases n = 2 or 3, but it is convenient to treat both cases simultaneously):
Definition 1.1
A parametrised curve in Rn is a map 'Y : (a ,ß) -+ Rn , for some a .B with
-00 ~ 0. <ß~ 00.
Example 1.1
Let us find a parametrisation 'Y( t) of the parabola y = x 2 • If 'Y( t) = (')'1 (t), ')'2 (t)) ,
the components ')'1 and ')'2 of'Y must satisfy
for all values of t in the interval (0., ß) where y is defined (yet to be decided),
and ideally every point on the parabola should be equal to (')'1(t),')'2(t)) for
some value of t E (0., ß). Of course, there is an obvious solution to Eq. (2): take
1. Curves in the Plane and in Space 3
Example 1.2
Now we try the circle x 2 +y2 = 1. It is tempting to take x = t as in the previous
example, so that y = Jf=t2 (we could have taken y = -Jf=t2). So we get
the parametrisation
"Y(t) = (t, Jl=t2).
But this is only a parametrisation of the upper half of the circle, because
v'f='t2 is always ~ O. Similarly, if we had taken y = -v'f='t2, we would only
have covered the lower half of the circle.
If we want a parametrisation of the whole circle, we must try again. We
need functions 11 (t) and 12(t) such that
11(t)2 + 12(t)2 =1 (3)
for all t E (Ci, ß), and such that every point on the circle is equal to (,1 (t), 12 (t))
for some t E (Ci , ß). There is an obvious solution to Eq. (3): ')'1 (t) = cos t
and 12(t) = sin t (since cos2 t + sin 2 t = 1 for all values of t). We can take
(Ci, ß) = (-00,00), although this is overkill: any open interval (Ci , ß) whose
length is greater than 271" will suffice.
The next example shows how to pass from parametrised curves to level
curves .
Example 1.3
This level curve coincides with the image of the map -y.
In this book, we shall be studying curves (and later, surfaces) using meth-
ods of calculus. To differentiate a vector-valued function such as -y(t) (as in
Definition 1.1), we differentiate componentwise: if
d-y (d-Y1 d-Y2 d'Yn)
dt = & '&' ..., dt '
dt2 = (~'Y1 ~'Y2 ~'Yn)
dt2' dt2 , . . . , dt 2 ' etc .
Definition 1.2
If -y(t) is a parametrised curve, its first derivative d-y/dt is called the tangent
vector of -y at the point -y(t).
To see the reason for this terminology, note that the vector
-y(t + 1St) - -y(t)
is parallel to the chord joining the two points -y(t) and -y(t + 1St) of the image C
of -y:
We expect that, as 1St tends to zero, the chord becomes parallel to the tan-
gent to C at -y(t). Hence, the tangent should be parallel to
Um -y(t + 1St) - -y(t) = d-y .
6t-tO 1St dt
1. Curves in the Plane and in Space 5
Proposition 1.1
11the tangent vector 01 a parametrised curve is constant, the image 01 the curve
is (part of) a straight line .
Proof t.I
Ir -y(t) = a for all t, where a is a constant vector, we have, integrating compo-
nentwise ,
'Y(t) !
= ~~ dt = ! adt = ta + b,
where b is another constant vector. Ir a i- 0, this is the parametrie equation
of the straight line parallel to a and passing through the point with position
vector b :
Ir a = 0, the image of'Y is a single point (namely, the point with position vector
~. 0
1.5 Sketch the astroid in Example 1.3. Calculate its tangent vector at
each point. At which points is the tangent vector zero?
1.6 If P is any point on the circle C in the xy-plane of radius a > and °
centre (0, a), let the straight line through the origin and P intersect
the line y = 2a at Q, and let the line through P parallel to the x-axis
intersect the line through Q parallel to the y-axis at R. As P moves
around C, R traces out a curve called the witch 0/ Agnesi. For this
curve, find
(i) a parametrisation;
(ii) its cartesian equation.
: F ' - - - - - - -.. R
1.7 A cycloid is the plane curve traced out by a point on the circum-
ference of a circle as it rolls without slipping along a straight line.
Show that, if the straight line is the x-axis and the circle has radius
a > 0, the cycloid can be parametrised as
'Y(t) = a(t - sin t, 1 - cos t).
1.10 For the logarithmic spiral -y(t) = (etcost,etsint), show that the
angle between -y(t) and the tangent vector at -y(t) is independent of
t. (There is a picture of the logarithmic spiral in Example 1.4.)
1.2. Arc-Length
If v = (VI, . . . , vn ) is a vector in Rn, its length is
Definition 1.3
The arc-Iength of a curve -y starting at the point -y(to) is the function s(t) given
8 Elementary Differential Geometry
Example LI
For a logarithmic spiral
we have
-y = (e'{cos t - sin t), et(sin t + cos t)),
. . 1/ -y 1/2 = e2t(cos t - sin t)2 + e2t(sin t + cos t)2 = 2e 2t .
Hence, the arc-length of"Y starting at "Y(O) = (1,0) (for example) is
s= l '12e
du = V2(e t - 1).
Thinking of "Y(t) as the position of a moving point at time t, dsjdt is the speed
of the point (rate of change of distance along the curve). For this reason, we
1. Curves in the Plane and in Space 9
Definition 1.4
If 'Y : (0 , ß) -+ Rn is a parametrised curve, its speed at the point 'Y(t) is 11 -y(t) 11 ,
and 'Y is said to be a unit-speed curve if -y( t) is a unit vector for all t E (0, ß).
We shall see many examples of formulas and results relating to curves that
take on a much simpler form when the curve is unit-speed. The reason for this
simplification is given in the next proposition. Although this admittedly looks
uninteresting at first sight, it will be extremely useful for what follows.
Proposition 1.2
Let n(t) be a unit vector that is a smooth function of a parameter t . Then, the
dot product
n(t) .n(t) =0
for all t, i.e. n(t) is zero or perpendicular to n(t) for all t.
In particular, if 'Y is a unit-speed curve, then;y is zero or perpendicular to
Proof 1.2
1.11 Calculate the arc-length of the catenary 'Y(t) = (t, cosh t) starting at
the point (0,1).
1.12 Show that the following curves are unit-speed:
(i) -y(t) = (i(1 + t)3/2, H1 - t)3/2, 72) j
(ii) -y(t) = (~cost,l-sint,-~cost) .
10 Elementary Differential Geometry
1.13 Calculate the arc-length along the cycloid in Exercise 1.7 correspond-
ing to one complete revolution of the circle.
1.3. Reparametrisation
We saw in Examples 1.1 and 1.2 that a given level curve can have many
parametrisations, and it is important to understand the relation between them.
Definition 1.5
A parametrised curve i : (ö, /1) -+ Rn is a reparametrisation of a parametrised
curve 'Y : (o, ß) -+ Rn if there is a smooth bijective map 4; : (ö , /1) -+ (o, ß)
(the reparametrisation map) such that the inverse map 4;-1 : (o, ß) -+ (ö, /1) is
also smooth and
i(i) = 'Y(4;(i)) for all i E (ö,/1).
Example 1.5
In Example 1.2, we gave the parametrisation 'Y(t) = (cost,sint) for the circle
x 2 + y2 = 1. Another parametrisation is
i(t) = (sint,cost)
(since sin 2 t + cos2 t = 1). To see that i is a reparametrisation of 'Y, we have to
find a reparametrisation map 4; such that
(cos4;(t),sin4;(t)) = (sint,cost) .
One solution is 4;(t) = rr/2 - t.
Definition 1.6
A point 'Y(t) of a parametrised curve "1 is called a regular point if -y(t) 01 0;
otherwise 'Y(t) is a singular point of "1. A curve is regular if all of its points are
Proposition 1.3
Any reparametrisation of a regular curve is regular.
Proof 1.3
Suppose that "1 and i' are related as in Definition 1.5, let t = 4J(i) , and let
'l/J = 4J-1 so that i = 'l/J(t) . Differentiating both sides ofthe equation 4J('l/J(t)) = t
with respect to t and using the chain rule gives
= 1.
d~ d'l/J
dt dt
This shows that d4J/di is never zero. Since i'(i) = 'Y(4J(i)), another application
of the chain rule gives
di' d'Y d4J
di = dt dl '
which shows that di'/ di is never zero if d'Y/ dt is never zero. o
Proposition 1.4
1f 'Y( t) is a regular curve, its arc-Iength s (see Definition 1.3), starting at any
point of "1, is a smooth function of t.
Proof 1·4
~; = 11 -y(t) 11·
To simplify the notation, assume from now on that 'Y is aplane curve, say
'Y(t) = (u(t), v(t)),
12 Elementary Differential Geometry
The crucial point is that I is smooth on R 2\{(0,0)}, which means that all the
partial derivatives of I of all orders exist and are continuous functions except
at the origin (0,0). For example,
BI u BI v
-= ,- ,
Bu Ju 2 + v2 Bv Ju 2 + v2
are well defined and continuous except where u = v = 0, and similarly for
higher derivatives. Since 'Y is regular, u and v are never both zero, so the chain
rule and Eq. (6) shows that def d: is smooth. For example,
~s BI.. BI ..
dt2 = Buu + Bvv,
and similarly for the higher derivatives of s. 0
Proposition 1.5
A parametrised curve has a unit-speed reparametrisation il and only if it is
Proof 1.5
Suppose first that a parametrised curve 'Y : (o, ß) -+ Rn has a unit-speed
reparametrisation ;y, with reparametrisation map <p. Letting t = <p(i), we have
;y(i) = 'Y(t) ,
d;y d'Y dt
di = dt di'
11 d? 11 = 11 d'Y 111 l.
dt dt dt
Since j is unit-speed, 11 d;y/di 11= 1, so clearly d'Y/dt cannot be zero.
Conversely, suppose that the tangent vector d'Y/dt is never zero. By Eq.
(5), dsl d: > for all t, where s is the arc-length of'Y starting at any point of
the curve, and by Proposition 1.4 s is a smooth function of t. It follows from
the inverse function theorem of multivariable calculus that s : (o, ß) -+ R is
1. Curves in the Plane and in Space 13
injective, that its image is an open interval (ö, ß), and that the inverse map
S-1 : (ö, ß) ~ (o , ß) is smooth. (Readers unfamiliar with the inverse function
theorem should accept these statements for now; the theorem will be discussed
informally in Section 1.4 and formally in Chapter 4.) We take ifJ = S-1 and let
.y be the corresponding reparametrisation of 'Y, so that
.y(s) = 'Y(t) .
d.y ds d'Y
11 d.y 11 ds = 11 d'Y 11 = ds (by Eq. (5)),
ds dt dt dt
:. 11 d~ 11 = 1. o
The proof of Proposition 1.5 shows that the arc-length is essentially the
only unit-speed parameter on a regular curve:
Corollary 1.1
Let 'Y be a regular curve and let.y be a unit-speed reparametrisation of 'Y:
.y(u(t)) = 'Y(t) for all t,
where u is a smooth function of t. Then, if s is the arc-Iength of'Y (starting at
any point), we have
u = ±s+c, (7)
where c is a constant. Conversely, if u is given by Eq. (7) for some ualue of c
and with either sign, then.y is a unit-speed reparametrisation of 'Y.
Proof 1.1
The calculation in the first part of the proof of Proposition 1.5 shows that u
gives a unit-speed reparametrisation of'Y if and only if
Example 1.6
For the logarithmic spiral
'Y(t) = (etcost,etsint),
we found in Example 1.4 that
11 l' 11
= 2e 2t .
This is never zero, so 'Y is regular. The arc-Iength of'Ystarting at (1,0) was found
to be s = V2( et -1). Hence, t = In ( .i2 1),
+ so a unit-speed reparametrisation
of'Y is given by the rather unwieldy formula
We have
1'(t) = (1, 2t,3t2 ) ,
.. 11 1'(t) 11 = VI + 4t 2 + 9t 4 •
This is never zero, so 'Y is regular. The arc-length starting at 'Y(O) = 0 is
s= lt V1+4u 2+9u4du .
Our final example shows that a given level curve can have both regular and
non-regulär parametrisations.
Example 1.8
For the parametrisation
-y(t) = (t, t 2 )
of the parabola y = x 2 , .y(t) = (1,2t) is obviously never zero, so -y is regular.
.y(t) = (t 3,t6 )
is also a parametrisation of the same parabola. This time, ~ = (3t 2 , 6t 5 ) , and
this is zero when t = 0, so.y is not regular.
1.15 The cissoid 01 Diocles (see above) is the curve whose equation in
terms of polar coordinates (r,O) is
r = sinOtanO, -'lr/2 < 0< 'Ir/2.
Write down a parametrisation of the cissoid using 0 as a parameter
16 Elementary Differential Geometry
-y(t) = (t b),
, -1< t < 1,
is a reparametrisation of it .
1.16 Let -y be a curve in !Rn and let i be a reparametrisation of -y with
reparametrisation map 4J (so that i(i) = -y(4J(i))). Let i o be a fixed
value oft and let to = 4J(io ). Let sand s be the arc-lengths of -y and
i starting at the point -y(to) = i(io). Prove that s = s if d4J/di > 0
for all i, and s = -s if d4J/di < 0 for all i.
Theorem 1.1
Let f (x, y) be a smooth function 01 two variables (which means that all the par-
tial derivatives 01 I, 01 all orders, exist and are coniinuous functions). Assume
that , at every point 01 the level curve
c = ((x,y) E R 2 I f(x ,y) = O},
8f / 8x and 8 f / 8y are not both zero. 1/ P is a point 01 C, with coordinates
(xo,Yo), say, there is a regular parametrised curve -y(t), defined on an open
interval containing 0, such that -y passes through P when t = 0 and -y(t) is
contained in C [or all t .
The proof of this theorem makes use of the inverse function theorem (one
version of which has already been used in the proof of Proposition 1.5). For the
moment, we shall only try to convince the reader of the truth of this theorem.
The proof will be given in a later exercise (Exercise 4.31) after the inverse
1. Curves in the Plane and in Space 17
function theorem has been formally introduced and used in our discussion of
surfaces .
To understand the significance of the conditions on f in Theorem 1.1, sup-
pose that (xo+L1x, yo+L1y) is a point of C near P, so that f(xo+L1x, yo+L1y) =
o. By the two-variable form of Taylor's theorem,
8f 8f
f(xo + L1x, Yo + L1y) = f(xo, Yo) + L1x 8x + L1y 8y'
neglecting products of the small quantities L1x and L1y (the partial derivatives
are evaluated at (xo, Yo» . Hence,
8f 8f
L1x- + L1y- = O. (8)
8x 8y
Since L1x and L1y are small, the vector (L1x, L1y) is nearly tangent to e at P,
so Eq. (8) says that the vector n = (~, *)
is perpendicular to e at P.
The hypothesis in Theorem 1.1 teIls us that the vector n is non-zero at every
point of e. Suppose, for example, that U
# 0 at P. Then, n is not parallel to
the x-axis at P, so the tangent to e at P is not parallel to the y-axis.
~ -- - -- ----~---
Theorem 1.2
Let'Y be a regular parametrised plane curve, and let 'Y(to) = (xo, Yo) be a point
in the image of 'Y. Then, there is a smooth real-valued function f(x, y), defined
for x and y in open intervals containing Xo and Yo, respectively, and satisfying
the conditions in Theorem 1.1, such that 'Y(t) is contained in the level curve
f(x,y) = 0 for alt values oft in some open interval containing to.
~ ------------------
As in the proof of Theorem 1.1, this implies that any line parallel to the t-axis
close to u = Xo intersects the graph of u at a unique point u(t) with t close to
to. This gives a function h(x), defined for x in an open interval containing xo,
such that t = h(x) is the unique solution of u(t) = x if x is near Xo and t is
near to. The inverse function theorem teIls us that his smooth. The function
f(x,y) =y - v(h(x))
has the properties we want .
It is not in general possible to find a single function f (x, y) satisfying the
conditions in Theorem 1.1 such that the image of 'Y is contained in the level
curve f(x, y) = 0, for 'Y may have self-intersections like the litnacon
'Y(t) = «1 + 2 cos t) cos t , (1 + 2 cos t) sin t).
It follows from the inverse function theorem that no single function f satisfying
the conditions in Theorem 1.1 can be found that describes a curve near such a
self-intersection point.
1. Curves in the Plane and in Space 21
In this chapter, we associate to any curve in R 3 two scalar functions , caIled its
curvature and torsion. The curvature measures the extent to which a curve is
not contained in a straight line (so that straight lines have zero curvature) , and
the torsion measures the extent to which a curve is not contained in aplane
(so that plane curves have zero torsion). It turns out that the curvature and
torsion together determine the shape of a curve.
2.1. Curvature
We want to find a measure of how 'curved' a curve is. Since this 'curvature'
should depend only on the 'shape' of the curve:
(i) the curvature should be unchanged when the curve is reparametrised.
Further, the measure of curvature should agree with our intuition in simple
special cases, for example:
(ii) the curvature of a straight line should be zero, and large circles should have
smaIler curvature than small circles.
Bearing (ii) in mind , we get a clue as to what the definition of curvature
should be from Proposition 1.1: this teIls us that, if'Y is a plane curve with
;y = 0 everywhere, the curve 'Y is part of a straight line, and hence should
have zero curvature. So we might be tempted to define the curvature of 'Y to
be 11 ;y 11 (we take the norm because we want the curvature to be a scalar, not
24 Elementary Differential Geometry
Definition 2.1
If 'Y is a unit-speed curve with parameter s, its curvature I\;(s) at the point 'res)
is defined to be 11 i( s) 11 .
The first part of condition (ii) will certainly be satisfied. As to the second
part, consider the circle centred at (xo, Yo) and of radius R . This has a unit-
speed parametrisation
r r
11 i( s) 11 = (- ~ cos ~ + (- ~ sin ~ =~ I
But what if we are given a curve 'Y(t) that is not unit-speed? Ir 'Y is regular
(see Definition 1.6), then by Proposition 1.5 'Y has a unit-speed reparametrisa-
tion ;y. We define the curvature of'Y to be that of the unit-speed curve ;y. But
since it is not always possible to find the unit-speed reparametrisation explicitly
(see Example 1.7), we really need a formula for the curvature in terms of'Y and
t only.
Proposition 2.1
Let 'Y(t) be a regular curve in R 3 • Then, its curvature is
lI.yx'Yli (1)
K, = 11 l' 11 3 '
where the x indicates the vector (or cross) product and the dot denotes dJdt .
Proof 2.1
K, = 11'Y
-11 11
11 d (
l' )
11 (dS)dt) 11 = 11 .y~:(dsJdt)3
1t dsJdt - 'Y~
11 ·
ds ) 2 = 11'
'Y 11 = 'Y.'Y,
2 • •
( dt
and differentiating with respect to t gives
ds~s ...
dt dt2 = 'Y.'Y.
Using this and Eq. (2), we get
(where a , b , c E R 3 ) , we get
"I x er x "I) = ;Y('Y.'Y) - 'Y('Y.;Y) .
FUrther , "I and ;y x "I are perpendicular vectors, so
11 "I x (;y x "I) 11 = 11 "I 1111 ;Y x "I 11·
Hence ,
11 ;Yh·'Y) - 'Y('Y.;Y) 11
11 "I x (;y x "I) 11
11 "I 11 4
11 "I 11
11 "I 11
11 ;Y X "I 11
= 11 "I 11 3 .
Example 2.1
A circular helix with axis the z-axis is a curve of the form
'Y((J) = (c cos s, asin(J , bB) , -00 < (J < 00 ,
where a and bare constants.
for some value of (), then x 2+y2 = a 2, showing that the helix lies on the cylinder
with axis the z-axis and radius [c]; the positive number lai is called the radius
of the helix. As () increases by 211", the point (a cos (), a sin (), blJ) rotates once
round the z-axis and moves up the z-axis by 211"b; the positive number 211"Ibl is
called the pitch of the helix (we take absolute values since we did not assurne
that a or bis positive).
Let us compute the curvature of the helix using the formula in Proposition
2.1. Denoting d/d(} by a dot, we have
i'«(}) = (-asin(} ,acos(},b),
.'. 11 i'((}) 11 = J a2 + v .
This shows that i'«(}) is never zero, so 'Y is regular (unless a = b = 0, in which
case the image of the helix is a single point). Hence, the formula in Proposition
2.1 applies , and we have
;y = (-a cos (), -a sin (), 0),
;y x i' = (-absin(), ab cos(), _ a 2),
'" = 11 (-absin(},abcos(} , -a2) 11 = (a 2b2 +a4)l/2 = lai . (3)
11 (-asin(},acos(},b) 11 3 (a 2+b2)3/2 a 2+b2
Thus, the curvature of the helix is constant.
Let us examine some limiting cases to see if this result agrees with what we
already know. First, suppose that b = 0 (but a -=I 0). Then, the helix is simply a
circle in the xv-plane of radius [c], so by the calculation following Definition 1.1
its curvature is I/lai . On the other hand, the formula (3) gives the curvature
lai [c] [e] 1
a 2 + 02 = a 2 = lal2 = ~.
Next, suppose that a = 0 (but b -=I 0). Then, the image of the helix is just the
z-axis, a straight line, so the curvature is zero. And (3) gives zero when a = 0
too .
The scalar K. s is called the signed curvature of 'Y (it can be positive, negative or
zero) . Note that, since 11 Os 11 = 1, we have
so the curvature of'Y is the absolute value of its signed curvature. The following
diagrams show how the sign of the signed curvature is determined (in each case,
the arrow on the curve indieates the direction of increasing s) .
2. How Much Does a Curve Curve? 29
Proposition 2.2
Let 'Y( s) be a unit-speed plane curve, and let cp( s) be the angle through which
a fixed unit vector must be rotated anti-clockwise to bring it into coincidence
with the unit tangent vector t 0/ 'Y . Then ,
1'i. s = ds '
Let a be the fixed unit vector and let b be the unit vector obtained by rotating
a anti-clockwise by 71"/2. Then,
t = a cos sp + b sin cp,
. dcp
t = (-asincp + b cos e) ds'
. . dsp
t.a =- sm cp ds'
The next result shows that a unit-speed plane eurve is essent ially determined
onee we know its signed eurvature at eaeh point of the eurve. The meaning of
'essenti ally' here is 'up to a rigid motion of R 2 , . Reeall that a rigid motion of
R 2 is a map M : R 2 -t R 2 of the form
M =TaoRo,
where Ro is an anti-cloekwise rotation by an angle 0 about the origin,
Ro(x , y) = (x eos 0 - y sin 0, x sin 0 + Y eos 0),
and Ta is the translation by the veetor a,
Ta(v) = v + a,
for any veetors (x, y) and v E R 2 .
Theorem 2.1
Let k : (o , ß) -t R be any smooth fu,nction. Then, there is a unit-speed curve
'Y : (o , ß) -t R 2 whose signed curvature is k .
Further, i/ i : (a , ß) -t R 2 is any other unit-speed curve whose signed
curvature is k , there is a rigid motion M 0/ R 2 such that
i(s) = M('Y(s)) for all s E (a,ß).
2. How Much Does a Curve Curve ? 31
Proof 2.1
For the first part, fix So E (o, ß) and define, for any s E (a, ß) ,
tp(s) = l s
k(u)du , (cf. Proposition 2.2),
(1: 1:
k(u)du + cjJ(so).
Inserting this into Eq . (6), and writing a for the constant vector i'(so) and 0
for the constant scalar cjJ(so), we get
r coscp(t)dt + cosO r sincp(t)dt)
(1: 1:
Example 2.2
circle. To see this, let K be the (constant) curvature of the curve 'Y, and let Ks
be its signed curvature. Then, by Eq . (4),
L..--"--+-----------7 x
:8 (i +~) = ~.
Thus, if Ks > 0, the circle of radius 1/ K s has signed curvature K s .
2. How Much Does a Curve Curve? 33
Example 2.3
Theorem 2.1 shows that we can find a plane curve with any given smooth
function as its signed curvature. But simple curvatures can lead to complicated
curves . For example, let the signed curvature be "'s(8) = 8. Following the proof
of Theorem 2.1, and taking 80 = 0, we get
= Jt'
udu = 2'
(1 c;) 1 C;)
S s
-Y(8) = cos dt, sin dt).
_ _--;;;_--+-----'"":::....--~x
2.4 Show that the signed curvature of any regular plane curve "((t) is a
smooth function of t. (Compare with Exercise 2.2.)
2.5 Let "((t) = (ek t cos t , ek t sin t), where -00 < t < 00 and k is a non-
zero constant (a logarithmic spiral - see Example 1.4). Show that
there is a unique unit-speed parameter 8 on "( such that s > 0 für all
t and s -+ 0 as t -+ 1=00 if ±k > 0, and express s as a function of t .
Show that the signed curvature of"( is l/ks. Conversely, describe
every curve whose signed curvature, as a function of arc-length s, is
l/ks for some non-zero constant k.
2.6 A unit-speed plane curve "( has the property that its tangent vector
t(s) makes a fixed angle () with "((8) for all s. Show that
2. How Much Does a Curve Curve? 35
to be that of a unit-speed reparametrisation of 'Y). Suppose that the
signed curvature "'8 of'Y is never zero, say "'8(S) > for all s. Show
that the signed curvature of t is 1/(i - s).
2.11 Let 'Y be a regular plane curve. Show that
(i) the involute of the evolute of'Y is a parallel curve of 'Y;
(ii) the evolute of the involute of'Y is 'Y.
(These statements might be compared to the fact that the integral
of the derivative of a smooth function 1 is equal to 1 plus a constant,
while the derivative of the integral of 1 is I.)
2.12 Show that applying a refiection in a straight line to a plane curve
changes the sign of its signed curvature.
2.13 Show that, if two plane curves 'Y(t) and .y(t) have the same non-
zero curvature for all values of t, then .y can be obtained from 'Y by
applying a rigid motion or a refiection in a straight line followed by
a rigid motion.
Since b(s) is a unit vector for all s, b is perpendicular to b. Now we use the
'product rule' for differentiating the vector product of vector-valued functions
u and v of a parameter s:
d du dv
-d (u x v)
= -ds xv +u x -d .
Applying this to b = t x n gives
b= i x n +t x n = t x n, (9)
since by the definition (7) of n ,
i xn = xn x n = O.
b = -rn, (10)
for some scalar r , which is called the torsion of 'Y (the minus sign is purely a
matter of convention). Note that the torsion is only defined if the curvature is
Of course, we define the torsion of an arbitrary regular curve 'Y to be the
torsion of a unit-speed reparametrisation of 'Y. As in the case of the curvature,
to see that this makes sense, we have to show that if we make a change in the
unit-speed parameter of'Y of the form
u = ±s + c,
where c is a constant, then r is unchanged. But this change of parameter has
the following effect on the vectors introduced above:
t f--+ ±t, i f--+ t, n f--+ n, b f--+ ±b, b f--+ b.
It follows from Eq. (8) that r f--+ r, as required.
38 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proposition 2.3
Let 'Y(t) be a regular curve in R 3 with nowhere vanishing curvature. Then,
denoting djdt by a dot, its torsion is given by
(i' x i)·;Y
r = 11 i' x i 1/2 ' (11)
Note that this formula shows that r(t) is defined at all points 'Y(t) of the
curve at which its curvature K(t) is non-zero, since by Proposition 2.1 this is
the condition for the denominator on the right-hand side to be non-zero.
Proof 2.3
We could 'derive' Eq. (11) by imitating the proof of Proposition 2.1. But it
is easier and clearer to proceed as follows, even though this method has the
disadvantage that one must know the formula for r in Eq . (11) in advance.
We first treat the case in which 'Y is unit-speed. Using Eqs . (7) and (10),
r = -n.b = - n .(t x n)' = -n.(i x n + t x n) = -n.(t x n).
Now, n = 1i = 1':;', so
I< I< I
r = - ;,'Y.
1.. (.'Y x d
dt (1..)) ;,'Y
= --'Y.
1.. ( 'Y. x
(1... k, .•) )
-'Y - -'Y
K 2 K
1 ... ( . .')
= 2'Y·
'Y x 'Y ,
since i.(i' x i) = 0 and i .(i' x ;y) = -;Y.(i' xi). This agrees with Eq. (11), for,
since y is unit-speed, i' and i are perpendicular, so
. ds I
'Y = dt'Y ,
.. (dS)2" ~s A)
'Y= dt 'Y + dt2"T'
... _ (dS)3 111 3ds ~s" d I
'Y - dt 'Y + dt dt2 'Y + dt3 'Y •
. .. (ds)3 I Al'
'Yx'Y= dt 'Y x"T'
and so
Example 2.4
We compute the torsion of the circular helix
'Y(O) = (acosO,asinO,bO)
studied in Example 2.1. We have
-y(0) = (-asinO,acosO,b),
;.y(O) = (-acosO, - a sin O,O),
;Y(O) = (a sin 0, -a cos 0, 0).
-y x;.y = (absinO, -abcosO, a2),
11 -y x ;.y 11 = a
2 2(a2 + b2),
(-y x ;.y) .;Y = a2b,
and so the torsion
Note that the torsion of the circular helix in Example 2.4 becomes zero
when b = 0, in which case the helix is just a cirele in the xy-plane. This gives
us a elue as to the geometrical interpretation of torsion, contained in
40 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proposition 2.4
Let '1 be a regular curve in R 3 with nowhere vanishing curvature (so that the
torsion T 0/ '1 is defined). Then, the image 0/ '1 is contained in a plane i/ and
only i/ T is zero at every point 0/ the curve.
We ean assume that '1 is unit-speed (for this ean be aehieved by reparametrising
'1, and reparametrising ehanges neither the torsion nor the faet that '1 is, or is
not, eontained in aplane). We denote the parameter of'Y by sand d/ds by a
dot as usual.
Suppose first that the image of'Y is eontained in the plane r .a = d, where
ais a eonstant veetor and dis a eonstant sealar (r is the position veetor of an
arbitrary point of R 3 ) . We ean assurne that a is a unit veetor. Differentiating
'Y .a = d with respeet to s, we get
t.a = 0, (12)
La =0 (sinee a = 0),
.. I\:n.a = 0 (sinee t = xn),
.. n.a =0 (sinee I\: =I' 0). (13)
Equations (12) and (13) show that t and n are perpendicular to a. It follows
that b = t x n is parallel to a. Sinee a and b are both unit veetors, and b(s)
is a smooth (henee eontinuous) funetion of s, we must have b(s) = a for all s
or b(s) = -a for all s. In either ease, b is a eonstant veetor. But then b = 0,
so T = O.
Conversely, suppose that T = 0 everywhere. By Eq . (10), b = 0 , so b is a
constant veetor. The first part of the proof suggests that '1 should be contained
in aplane r.b = constant. We therefore consider
~ ('Y.b) = ')t.b = t .b = 0,
so 'Y.b is a constant (sealar), say d. This means that '1 is indeed contained in
the plane r .b = d. 0
Ii = b X t +b X i = -rn X t + xb X n = -~t + rb .
Putting all this together, we get
Theorem 2.2
Let'Y be a unit-speed curve in R 3 with nowhere vanishing curvature. Then,
i = ~n
Equations (14) are called the Frenet-Serrei equations (or sometimes the
Serret-Frenet equations). Notice that the matrix
0 ~ 0)
(o -~ 0
which expresses i, Ii and b in terms of t, n and b is skew-symmetric, i.e, it is
equal to the negative of its transpose. This helps when trying to remember the
equations. (The 'reason' for this skew-symmetry can be seen in Exercise 2.22.)
Here is a simple application of Frenet-Serret:
Proposition 2.5
Let 'Y be a unit-speed curve in R 3 with constant curvature and zero torsion.
Then, 'Y is (part oi) a circle.
Proof 2.5
This result is actually an immediate consequence of Example 2.2 and Propo-
sition 2.4, but the following proof is instructive and gives more information,
namely the centre and radius of the circle and the plane in which it lies.
By the proof of Proposition 2.4, the binormal b is a constant vector and 'Y
is contained in aplane perpendicular to b. Now consider
d (
ds 'Y + ~n
1) = + 1. =t ~n 0,
where we have used the fact that the curvature ~ is constant and the Frenet-
Serret equation
Ii = -~t + rb = -~t (since r = 0).
42 Elementary Differential Geometry
11 'Y - a 11 = II-~n 11 = ~ .
I>, I>,
This shows that 'Y lies on the sphere of centre a and radius 1/1>,. Since the
intersection of aplane and a sphere is a circle, this completes the proof. (Note
that the plane actually intersects the sphere in a great circle: this is because
n is parallel to the plane, so by Eq. (15) the centre a of the sphere lies in the
plane .) 0
We conclude this chapter with the analogue ofTheorem 2.1 for space curves .
Recall that a rigid motion of R 3 is a rotation about the origin followed by a
Theorem 2.3
Let 'Y(s) and ;Y(s) be two unit-speed curves in R 3 with the same curvature
I>,(s) > 0 and the same torsion 7(S) for all s. Then, there is a rigid motion M
of R 3 such that
;Y(s) = M('Y(s)) for all s.
Further. if k and t are smooth functions with k > 0 everywhere, there is a
unii-speed curve in R 3 whose curvature is k and whose torsion is t .
Proof 2.3
Let t, n and b be the tangent vector, principal normal and binormal of 'Y,
and let t, ii and b be those of;Y. Let So be a fixed value of the parameter
s. Since {t(so), n(so), b(so)} and {t(so), ii(so), b(so)} are both right-handed
orthonormal bases of R 3 , there is a rotation about the origin of R 3 that takes
t(so), n(so) and b(so) to t(so), ii(so) and b(so), respectively. Further, there is
a translation that takes -y(so) to ;Y(so) (and this has no effect on t, n and b) .
By applying the rotation followed by the translation, we can therefore assume
-y(so) = ;Y(so), t(so) = t(so), n(so) = ii(so), b(so) = b(so). (16)
The trick now is to consider the expression
= t.t + ii.n + b.b.
In view of Eqs. (16), we have A(so) = 3. On the other hand, since t and t are
unit vectors, t.t ~ 1, with equality holding if and only if t = t ; and similarly
2. How Much Does a Curve Curve? 43
for fi .n and b .b. It follows that A(s) ~ 3, with equality holding if and only
if t = t, n = n and b = b. Thus, if we can prove that A is constant, it will
follow in particular that t = t, i.e. that = 1', and hence that 1'(s) - 'Y(s) is a
constant. But by Eqs. (16) again, this constant vector must be zero, so l' = 1'.
For the first part of the theorem, we are therefore reduced to proving that
A is constant. But, using the Frenet-Serret equations,
( ~ko ~ ~)
-t 0
expressing T,N and 13 in terms of T , N and B is skew-symmetric, it follows
that the vectors T, N and B are orthonormal for all values of s (see Exercise
Now define
'Y(s) = r T(u)du .
Then, l' = T, so since T is a unit vector, l' is unit-speed. Next, T = kN by Eq.
(17), so since N is a unit vector, k is the curvature of l' and N is its principal
normal. Next, since Bis a unit vector perpendicular to T and N, B = >.T x N
where >. is a smooth function of s that is equal to ±1 for all s. Since k = i x j,
we have >'(so) = 1, so it follows that >.(s) = 1 for all s. Hence, B is the binormal
of'Y and by Eq . (19), t is its torsion. 0
44 Elementary Differential Geometry
2.14 Compute K, -r, t, n and b for each of the following curves, and verify
that the Frenet-Serret equations are satisfied:
(r) -y(t) = (~(1 + t)3/2, ~(1- t)3/2, ~)j
(ii) -y(t) = (tcost,l-sint,-~cost).
2.15 Show that the curve
1+ t t + 1, -1-t)
= ( "T> t-
is planar.
2.16 Show that the curve in Exercise 2.14(ii) is a circle , and find its centre,
radius and the plane in which it lies.
2.17 Describe all curves in R 3 which have constant curvature K > 0 and
constant torsion r . (Observe that it is enough to find one curve with
curvature K and torsion r.)
2.18 Show that the torsion of a regular curve -y(t) is a smooth function
of t whenever it is defined.
2.19 Let -y(t) be a unit-speed curve in R 3 , and assume that its curvature
K(t) is non-zero for all t . Define a new curve 6 by
6(t) = d-y(t) .
Show that 6 is regular and that, if s is an arc-length parameter for
6, then
dt = K.
Prove that the curvature of 6 is
( 1 + K2
a general helix. (Thus, Examples 2.1 and 2.4 show that a circular
helix is a general helix.)
2.21 Let -y(t) be a unit-speed curve with lI:(t) > 0 and r(t) ::f. 0 for all t.
Show that, if -y lies on the surface of a sphere, then
T d ( k ) (20)
~ = ds TII: 2 •
for i = 1,2 and 3, and suppose that for some parameter value So
the vectors VI(so), V2(SO) and V3(So) are orthonormal. Show that
the vectors VI(S),V2(S) and V3(S) are orthonormal for all values of
s. (Find a system of first order differential equations satisfied by the
dot products v.. V j, and use the fact that such a system has a unique
solution with given initial conditions.)
All the properties of eurves that we have diseussed so far are 'loeal': they
depend only on the behaviour of a eurve near a given point, and not on the
'global' shape of the eurve. In this ehapter, we diseuss some global results about
eurves. The most famous, and perhaps the oldest, of these is the 'isoperimetric
inequality', whieh relates the length of eertain 'dosed' eurves to the area they
Definition 3.1
Let a ERbe a positive eonstant. A simple closed curve in R 2 with period a is
a (regular) eurve 'Y : R ~ R 2 such that
'Y(t) = 'Y(t') if and only if t' - t = ka for some integer k,
Thus, the point 'Y(t) returns to its starting point when t inereases by a, but
not before that.
48 Elementary Differential Geometry
Example 3.1
The parametrised circle
Not all examples of simple closed curves have such an obvious interior and
exterior, however. Is the point P in the interior or the exterior of the simple
closed curve shown at the top of the next page?
3. Global Properties of Curves 49
Since every point in the image of a simple closed curve 'Y of period a is
traced out as the parameter t of'Y varies through any interval of length a, e.g.
o::; t ::; a, it is reasonable to define the length 0/'Y to be
l('Y) = 1 a
11 -y(t) 11 dt, (1)
where a dot denotes the derivative with respect to the parameter of the curve 'Y.
Since y is regular, it has a unit-speed reparametrisation .y with the arc-length
s=1 t
11 -y(u) 11 du
of'Yas its parameter (so that .y(s) = 'Y(t)). Note that
1= =1a
t a
s(t + a)= 0 + 11 -y(u) 11 du 0 11 -y(u) IIdu+ a 11 -y(u) 11 du = l('Y) + s(t),
since, putting v u - a and using 'Y(u - a) = 'Y(u), we get
a 11 -y(u) 11 du = 1t
0 11 -y(v) 11 dv = s(t) .
.y(s(t)) = .y(s(t')) {:::::} 'Y(t) = 'Y(t') {:::::} t' - t = ka {:::::} s(t') - s(t) = kl('Y),
where k is an integer. This shows that .y is a simple closed curve with period
l('Y). Note that, since j' is unit-speed, this is also the length of.y. In short, we
can always assume that a simple closed curve is unit-speed and that its period
is equal to its length.
We shall usually assume that our simple closed curves 'Y are positively-
oriented. This means that the signed unit normal n, of 'Y (see Section 2.2)
points into int('Y) at every point of 'Y. This can always be achieved by replacing
the parameter t of'Y by -t, if necessary.
50 Elementary Differential Geometry
In the above diagrams, the arrow indicates the direction of increasing parame-
ter. Is the simple closed curve shown at the top of the previous page positively-
In the next section, we shall be interested in the area contained by a simple
closed curve "(, i.e.
A(int("()) = j' r
J int("()
dxdy. (2)
This can be computed by using Green 's Theorem, which says that, for all
smooth functions f(x , y) and g(x , y) (i.e, functions with continuous partial
derivatives of all orders),
j 'r
J int("()
- ~f) dxdy =
1 "(
f(x,y)dx + g(x ,y)dy,
Proposition 3.1
If "((t) = (x(t),y(t» is a positively-oriented simple closed curve in R 2 with
period a, then
A(int("(» =~ l a
(xy- y:i;)dt. (3)
Proof 3.1
A(int("()) =~
2 J"(
r xdy - ydx ,
Note that, although the formula in Eq. (3) involves the parameter t of
"(, it is clear from the definition (2) of A(int("()) that it is unchanged if"( is
3.1 Show that the length lh) and the area A(int("()) are unchanged by
applying a rigid motion to "( (see Section 2.2).
3.2 Show that the ellipse
"(t) = (acost,bsint),
where a and b are positive constants, is a simple closed curve and
compute the area of its interior.
3.3 Show that the limacon
"(t)= «1 + 2cost) cost, (1 + 2cost)sint)
is a (regular) curve such that "(t + 211") = "(t) for all values of t, but
that "( is not a simple closed curve.
3.4 Show that, if "(t) is a simple closed curve of period a, and t, n, and K s
are its unit tangent vector, signed unit normal and signed curvature,
respectively, then
t(t + a) = t(t), = ns(t), Ks(t + a) = Ks(t).
ns(t + a)
(Differentiate the equation "(t + a) = "(t) .)
A(int("()) s 4~ lh)2,
with equality holding if and only if"( is a circle.
Of course, it is obvious that equality holds when "( is a circle, since in that
case l("() = 211"R and A(int("()) = 1I"R2 , where R is the radius ofthe circle.
52 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proposition 3.2
Let F : [0,11"]-+ R be a smooth function such that F(O) = F(1I") = O. Then,
with equality holding if and only if F(t) = A sin t for all t E [0,11"], where A is
a constant .
Assuming this result for the moment, we show how to deduce the isoperi-
metrie inequality from it.
Proof 3.1
We start by making some assumptions about "( that will simplify the proof.
First, we can if we wish assurne that "(is parametrised by arc-length s. However,
because of the 11" that appears in Theorem 3.1, it turns out to be more convenient
to assurne that the period of "( is 11". H we change the parameter of"( from s to
t = 1I"s/l('Y), (4)
the resulting curve is still simple closed, and has period 11" because when
s increases by l("() , t increases by 11". We shall therefore assurne that "1 is
parametrised using the parameter tin Eq. (4) from now on.
For the second simplification, we note that both l("() and A('Y) are un-
changed if "1 is subjected to a translation "((t) 1-7 'Y(t) + b, where b is any
constant vector (see Exercise 3.1). Taking b = -"1(0), we might as well assurne
that "1(0) = 0 to begin with, i.e. we assurne that "1 begins and ends at the
To prove Theorem 3.1, we shall calculate l('Y) and A(int("()) by using polar
x = rcoslJ, y = rsinlJ.
Using the chain rule, it is easy to show that
i;2 + il = f2 + r 8
2 2, xiJ - yi; = r 28,
l~~2 _ A(int('Y)) ~ 0,
with equality holding if and only if'Y is a circle. By Eq. (5),
By simple algebra,
The first integral on the right-hand side of Eq. (8) is obviously ~ 0, and the
second integral is ~ by Wirtinger's inequality (we are taking F = r : note
that r(O) = r(1r) = since 'Y(O) = 'Y(1r) = 0) . Hence, I ~ 0. Further, since
both integrals on the right-hand side of Eq . (8) are ~ 0, their sum I is zero if
and only if both of these integrals are zero. But the first integral is zero only if
Ö= 1 for all t, and the second is zero only if r = A sin t for some constant A (by
Wirtinger again) . So (J = t+a, where o is a constant, and hence r = A sin«(J-a) .
It is easy to see that this is the polar equation of a circle of diameter A, thus
comp1eting the proof of Theorem 3.1 (see the diagram above). 0
= 1" G 2 2
sin t dt +- 21" GG sin t cos t dt + 1" 2 2
G cos t dt.
Integrating by parts:
21" GG sin t cos t dt = G2 sin t cos tl~ - 1" G 2(cos2t - sin t)dt
Hence ,
1" 1" 6
= 1"(G2+62)sin2tdt= F 2dt+ 2 2
sin t dt ,
and so
The integral on the right-hand side is obviously ~ 0, and it is zero if and on1y
if 6 = for al1 t , i.e, if and on1y if G(t) is equal to a constant, say A , for all t.
Then, P(t) = Asint, as required. 0
Definition 3.2
Avertex of a curve 'Y(t) in R 2 is a point where its signed curvature "'s has a
stationary point, i.e, where d"'s/dt = O.
Example 3.2
The ellipse 'Y(t) = (acost,bsint), where a and b are positive constants, is
a convex simple closed curve with period 271" (see Exercises 3.2 and 3.6). Its
signed curvature is easily found to be
"'s(t) = (a2 sin2 t + b2 cos? t)3/2 •
56 Elementary Differential Geometry
dx; 3ab(b2 - a 2 ) sin t cos t
dt - (a2 sin2 t + b2 cos" t)5/2
vanishes at exactly four points of the ellipse, namely the points with t =
0, 1r /2, 1r and 31r /2 , which are the ends of the two axes of the ellipse.
The foIlowing theorem says that this is the smaIlest number of vertices a
convex simple closed curve can have.
It is actually the case that this theorem remains true without the assump-
tion of convexity, but the proof is then more difficult than the one we are ab out
to give,
Proof 3.2
We might as weIl assurne that the curve 'Y(t) is unit-speed, so that its period
is the length l of 'Y. We consider the integral
1 1
where a dot denotes d]dt. (RecaIl from Exercise 2.4 that "'s is a smooth function
of t .) Integrating by parts, and using the equation ns = -"'st (see Exercise 2.3),
we get
k,s('Y.b) dt = 0. (10)
4. Global Properties of Curves 57
Suppose that P and Q are the only vertices of 'Y . Since 'Y is convex, the
straight line joining P and Q divides 'Y into two segments, and since there are
no other vertices , we must have k s > 0 on one segment and k s < 0 on the
other. But then the integrand on the left-hand side of Eq. (10) is either always
> 0 or always < 0 (except at P and Q where it vanishes), so the integral is
definitely > 0 or < 0, a contradiction.
Hence, there must be at least one more vertex, say R. If there are no other
vertices, the points P, Q and R divide 'Y into three segments, on each of which
k s is either always > 0 or always < O. But then k; must have the same sign on
two adjacent segments. Hence, there is a straight line that divides 'Y into two
segments, on one of which k s is always positive , and on the other k s is always
< O. The argument in the preceding paragraph shows that this is impossible .
So there must be a fourth vertex . 0
3.6 Show that the ellipse in Exercise 3.2 is convex. (You may need to use
the inequality 2XIX2 $ xi + x~.)
3.7 Show that the definition of a vertex of aplane curve is independent
of its parametrisation.
3.8 Show that the limacon in Exercise 3.3 has only two vertices .
Surfaces in Three Dimensions
also in U:
a E U and 11 U - a 1/ < e ===? U E U.
Definition 4.1
A subset S of R 3 is a surface if, for every point PES, there is an open set U in
R 2 and an open set W in R 3 containing P such that S n W is homeomorphic
to U.
Example 4.1
Every plane in R 3 is a surface with an atlas containing a single surface patch.
In fact , let a be a point on the plane, and let p and q be two unit vectors that
are parallel to the plane and perpendicular to each other. Then, any vector
parallel to the plane is a linear combination of p and q , say up + vq for some
scalars u and v . If r is the position vector of any point of the plane, r - a is
parallel to the plane, so
r - a = up+vq,
r = a+up+vq,
for some scalars u and v. Thus, the desired surface patch is
O'(u, v) = a+up+vq,
and its inverse map is
0'-1(r) = ((r - a) .p, (r - a).q).
These formulas make it clear that 0' and 0'-1 are continuous, and hence that 0'
is a homeomorphism. (We shall not verify this in detail.)
The next example shows why we have to consider surfaces , and not just
surface patches.
Example 4.2
The unit sphere
S2={(x,y,Z)ER3 \ x 2+y2+ z2=1}
is a surface. The most obvious parametrisation is probably that given by lati-
tude () and longitude <p:
0'((), <p) = (cos () cos ip , cos () sin ip, sin ()) .
62 Elementary Differential Geometry
Without some restriction on ((), <p), a is not injective (and so is not a homeo-
morphism) . To cover the whole sphere, it is clearly sufficient to take
1f 1f
--2 -< () -< -2' 0 <_ In'r: <_ 21f.
However, the set of points ((), <p) satisfying these inequalities is not an open
subset of R 2 , and so cannot be used as the domain of a surface patch. The
largest open set consistent with the above inequalities is
To show that the sphere is a surface , we must therefore pro duce at least one
more surface patch covering the part of the sphere omitted by a , For example,
let i1 be the patch obtained by first rotating n by 1f about the z-axis and then
by 1f/2 about the z-axis. Explicitly, i1 : U -t R 3 is given by
i1((), <p) = (- cos () cos ip, - sin (}, - cos (} sin <p)
(the open set U is the same as for e) . The image of i1 is the complement of the
great semi-circle C consisting of the points of the sphere of the form (x, y, 0)
with x ~ 0 (see the diagram at the top of the next page).
It is clear that C and Cdo not intersect, so the union of the images of a and
i1 is the whole sphere. Note that most points of the sphere are in the images of
both surface patches.
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 63
It is intuitively obvious, although not quite trivial to prove, that the sphere
cannot be covered by a single surface patch (see Exercise 4.5).
Our last example (for the moment) is a subset of R 3 that is nearly, but not
quite, a surface.
Example 4.3
We consider the double cone
the vertex . We can assume that U is an open ball with centre a, since any
open set U containing a must contain such an open ball. The open set W must
obviously contain a point p in the lower half 8_ of 8 where z < and a point
q in the upper half 8+ where z > 0; let b and c be the corresponding points
in U . It is clear that there is a curve 11' in U passing through band c, but not
passing through a, This is mapped by o into the curve 'Y = a 0 11' lying entirely
in 8, passing through p and q, and not passing through the vertex. (It is true
that 'Y will in general only be continuous, and not smooth, but this does not
affect the argument.) This is clearly impossible . (The reader versed in point set
topology will be able to make this heuristic argument rigorous.)
..... ----
/ '11'(
' c , ,
• a
,, , I
.._-_ ... ...
and ir : (; ~ 8nW are two patches such that a E 8nWnW. Since a and ir are
homeomorphisms, t1- 1(8 n W n W) and ir-I (8 n W n W) are open sets V ~ U
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 65
4.5 Show that the unit sphere eannot be eovered by a single surfaee pateh.
(This requires some point set topology.)
Definition 4.2
A surface patch a : U -+ R 3 is called regular if it is smooth and the vectors o u
and o v are linearly independent at all points (u, v) EU . Equivalently, lT should
be smooth and the vector product lTu X lTv should be non-zero at every point
Definition 4.3
A smooth surface is a surface lT whose atlas consists of regular surface patches.
Ezample 4.4
The plane in Example 4.1 is a smooth surface. For
lT(u, v) = a + up + vq
is clearly smooth and U u = P and a; = q are linearly independent because p
and q were chosen to be perpendicular unit vectors .
Example 4.5
For the unit sphere 8 2 in Example 4.2, it is again clear that o and iT are smooth.
As for regularity, we compute
170 = (-sin9coscp,-sin9sincp,cos9), lTI{) = (-cos9sincp,cos9coscp,O),
68 Elementary Differential Geometry
which gives
Ue x u", = (- cos2 0 cos lp, - cos" 0 sin lp, - sin 0 cos 0)
and hence Ilue x u'" 11= [cos ö] . But if (O ,lp) E U, then -1r/2 < 0< 1r/2 so
cos 0 ::j:. O. Similarly, one checks that iT is regular.
In Exercise 4.3 we gave another family of surface patches covering the unit
sphere 8 2 , and it is easy to check that they are regular (see Exercise 4.7) .
Together with Example 4.5, this gives two atlases for 8 2 consisting of regular
surface patches, and an obvious question is: which atlas should we use to study
the sphere? The answer is that we can use either, or both. For the eight patches
in Exercise 4.3 and Example 4.5 together form a third atlas. In most situations
(although not in all - see Definition 4.5), one might as weB use the maximal
atlas for a given surface S consisting of all the regular surface patches U : U -t
S n W , with U and W being open subsets of R 2 and R 3 , respectively. Such
surface patches are called allowable surface patches for S. The maximal atlas
is independent of any arbitrary choices.
Although not at first sight very interesting, the next two results are very
important for what is to foBow.
Proposition 4.1
The transition maps 0/ a smooth surface are smooth .
The proof of this will be given in Section 4.7. The next result is a kind of
Proposition 4.2
Let U and Ü be open subseis 0/ R 2 and let U : U -t R 3 be a regular surjace
patch . Let P : Ü -t U be a bijective smooth map with smo~th inverse map
p-l : U -t Ü. Then, iT = U 0 P : Ü -t U is a regular surface patch.
Proo/4 .2
The patch iT is smooth because any composite of smooth maps is smooth. As
for regularity, let (u, v) = p{u, ii). By the chain rule,
_ 8u 8v _ 8u 8v
o« = 8u uu + 8u u v, Ujj = 8iiuu + 8iiuv,
_ _ (8U8V 8U8V)
Uü x Ujj = 8u 8ii - 8ii 8u U u x U v' (I)
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 69
The scalar on the right-hand side of this equation is the determinant of the
jacobian matrix
8 11.
J(!!) =( ~~
8:U )
8ü 8:U
of!!). We recall from calculus that, if lJ! and .p are two maps between open sets
in R 2 ,
(In fact, this is equivalent to the chain rule that expresses the first partial
derivatives of .p 0 lJ! in terms of those of .p and lJ!.) Taking lJ! = !!) and .p =
!!)-1, we see that J(!!)-l) = J(!!)-l. In particular, J(!!) is invertible, so its
determinant is non-zero and Eq. (1) shows that q is regular. 0
l1 2 °/ - - -1 0l120l12
0l11=l12 ( -1) ° / 0l110l11
( -1)-
- -1 ) (-1 / ) (-1
= l12 ° l12 ° l1 2 ° ° l11 ° l1 1 ° l11
( - )
= !!)2 ° (l12 ° / ° (11) ° !!)1,
70 Elementary Differential Geometry
and 4'1 and 4'2 1 are smooth maps (between open subsets of R 2 ) . The reader
should check that composites of smooth maps between surfaces are smooth.
We shall be especially interested in smooth maps / : SI -t S2 which are
bijective and whose inverse map /-1 : S2 -t SI is smooth. Such maps are
called diJfeomorph isms, and SI and S2 are said to be diJfeomorphic if there is
a diffeomorphism between them. The following observation will be useful.
Proposition 4.3
Proof LS
We can assurne that SI and S2 are covered by single allowable patches 0'1 : U1 -t
R 3 and 0'2 : U2 -t R 3 , respectively. Since / is a diffeomorphism, /(0'1 (u,v» =
0'2 (F(u, v», where F : U1 -t U2 is bijective, smooth and F- is smooth. The
result now follows from Proposition 4.2. 0
Example 4.6
We consider the map which wraps the plane onto the circular cylinder of radius
1 and axis the z-axis, which we parametrise by 0'2 : U -t R 3 , where
0'2(U,V) = (cosu,sinu,v), U °
= {(u ,v) E R 2 I < u < 271"} .
If we wrap the whole plane onto the cylinder, we shall not get a bijective map ,
since the plane will wrap around infinitely many times . So we consider the
infinite strip in the yz-plane of width 271" parametrised by 0'1 : U -t R 3 , where
O'l(U ,V) = (O,u,v) .
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 71
We wrap the strip around the cylinder by wrapping the line z = v parallel to
the y-axis around the 'waist' of the cylinder at height v above the xy-plane.
Since the width of the strip is equal to the circumference of the cylinder, a
point in the strip with y-coordinate u will go to a point on the cylinder with
polar angle u. Putting this together, we see that the wrapping map takes the
point (O,u,v) ofthe strip to the point (cosu,sinu,v) ofthe cylinder, i.e. in the
notation above,
f(O,u,v) = (cosu,sinu,v).
From this, it is clear that the expression for f in terms of parameters is simply
F(u ,v) = (u ,v) ,
Theorem 4.1
Let S be a subset 0/ R 3 with the /ollowing property: [or each point PES, there
is an open subsei W 0/ R 3 containing P and a smooth /unction / : W ~ R
such that
(i) snw ={(x,y,z)EW I f(x ,y,z)=O};
(ii) the partial derivatives fx , fy and fz do not all vanish at P .
Then, S is a smooth surface.
Example 4.7
For the unit sphere 8 2 , we can take W = R 3 and use the single function
f(x, y, z) = x 2 + y2 + z2 - 1. Then, (Jx, fy, fz) = (2x, 2y, 2z) so 11 (Jx , fy , fz) 11
72 Elementary Differential Geometry
Example 4.8
For the double cone of Example 4.3, f(x ,y,z) = x 2 + y2 - z2 . Hence,
(f." fy , fz) = (2x, 2y, -2z) , and this vanishes only at the vertex (0,0,0) . Hence,
removing the vertex gives a smooth surface , as we have already seen.
Definition 4.4
The tangent space at a point P of a surface S is the set of tangent vectors at
P of all curves in S passing through P.
Proposition 4.4
Let D' : U -t R 3 be a patch 0/ a surjace S containing a point P 0/ S, and let
(u,v) be coordinates in U . The tangent space to S at P is the vector subspace
0/ R spanned by the vectors D'u and D'v (the derivatives are eoaluated at the
point (uo,vo) E U such thatD'(uo,vo) = P).
Let 'Y be a smooth curve in S, say
'Y(t) = u(u(t),v(t)) .
Denoting djdt by a dot, we have, by the chain rule,
'Y = uuu + D'vv.
Thus, 'Y is a linear combination of D' u and u u -
Conversely, any vector in the vector subspace of R 3 spanned by D'u and a;
is of the form eD'u + "luv for some scalars and "I. Define
'Y(t) = D'(uo + et, vo + TJt).
Then, 'Y is a smooth curve in S and at t = 0, i.e. at the point P in S, we have
'Y = (D'u + TJD'v ·
This shows that every vector in the span of D' u and D'v is the tangent vector at
P of some curve in S. 0
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 75
(with the derivatives evaluated at the point of U corresponding to P), for this
is c1early a unit vector perpendicular to every linear combination of tT u and tT v .
This is called the standard unit normal of the surface patch a at P. Unlike the
tangent plane, however, N tT is not quite independent of the choice of patch a
containing P. In fact , if tT : Ü -t R 3 is another surface patch in the atlas of 8
containing P , we showed in the proof of Proposition 4.2 that
e« x tTiJ = det(J(!Jj))tT u x tT v ,
where J(!Jj) is the jacobian matrix of the transition map !Jj from a to tT. So the
standard unit normal of tT is
where the sign is that of the determinant of J(!Jj). This leads to the following
Definition 4.5
An orientable surface is a surface with an atlas having the property that, if
is the transition map between any two surface patches in the atlas, then
det(J(!Jj)) > 0 where f is defined.
Proposition 4.5
An orientable sur/ace 8 has a canonical choice 0/ unit normal at each point,
obtained by taking the standard unit normal 0/ each surface patch in the atlas
0/8. 0
76 Elementary Differential Geometry
In fact, the converse is also true: if a surface S has a unit normal N defined
at each point PES and depending smoothly on P, then S is orientable. To see
this, start with the maximal atlas of Sand retain a patch O'(u, v) if 0'" x a; is a
positive multiple of N at all points in the image of 0', otherwise discard it . The
patches that remain form an atlas satisfying the condition in Proposition 4.5.
We leave the details of this to the interested reader (the argument is similar to
that used in the next example).
Most of the surfaces we shall discuss are orientable (see Exercise 4.16). Here
is one that is not.
Example 4.9
The M öbius band is the surface obtained by rotating a straight line segment L
around its midpoint P at the same time as P moves around a circle C, in such
a way that as P moves once around C, L makes a half-turn about P . If we take
C to be the circle x 2 + y2 = 1 in the xy-plane, and L to be a segment of length
1 that is initially parallel to the z-axis with its midpoint P at (1,0,0), then
after P has rotated by an angle fJ around the z-axis, L should have rotated by
fJ /2 around P in the plane containing P and the z-axis. The point of L initially
at (1,0, t) is then at the point
We compute the standard unit normal NO' at points on the median circle
(where t = 0). At such points, we have
O't X 0'8 n
= ( -COS17COSi . n 0 . 0) .
4.13 Find the equation of the tangent plane of the following surface
patches at the indicated points:
(i) O'(u,v) = (u,v ,u2 -v2 ) , (1,1,0);
(ii) O'(r,O) = (rcoshO,rsinhO,r 2 ) , (1,0,1).
4.14 A helicoid is a surface swept out by an aeroplane propeller, when
both the aeroplane and its propeller move at constant speed. (A
picture of the helicoid can be found in Example 9.3.) If the aeroplane
is ftying along the z-axis, show that the helicoid can be parametrised
O'(u, v) = (v cosu, v sin u , '\u),
where ,\ is a constant. Show that the cotangent of the angle that
the standard unit normal of (1 at a point P makes with the z-axis is
proportional to the distance of P from the axis .
78 Elementary Differential Geometry
4.15 If 0'( U , v) is a surfaee pateh, show that the set of linear eombinations
of O'u and 0'1) is unehanged when 0' is reparametrised.
4.16 Consider the surfaee S defined by I(x, y, z) = 0, where I is a smooth
funetion such that Ix, I y and I, do not all vanish at any point of S.
Show that the veetor
Example 4.10
A (generalised) cylinder is the surface S obtained by translating a curve. If the
curve is 'Y : (0:, ß) ~ R 3 and a is a unit veetor in the direetion of translation,
the point obtained by translating the point 'Y{u) of 'Y by the veetor va parallel
to a is
O'{u, v) = 'Y{u) + va.
Then, 0' : U ~ R 3 , where U = {(u, v) E R 2 I 0: < u < ß}, and clearly 0' is
smooth. Since
O'{u, v) = O'{u /, v') {:::} 'Y{u) - 'Y{u /) = {v' - v)a,
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 79
Example 4.11
A (generalised) cone is the union of the straight lines passing through a fixed
point and the points of a curve. If p is the fixed point and 'Y : (o, ß) -+ R 3 is
80 Elementary Differential Geometry
the curve, the most general point on the straight line passing through p and a
point -y( u) of the curve is
O'(u, v) = (1 - v)p + v-y(u) .
Then, 0' is clearly smooth. Now,
O'(u, v) = O'(u' ,v') <===> v-y(u) - v'-y(u') + (v' - v)p = 0,
which says that the points p, -y(u) and -y(u') are collinear. So, for 0' to be a
surface patch, no straight line passing through p should pass through more
than one point of -y (in particular, -y should not pass through p) . Finally, we
have O'u = v-y, 0'1) = -y-p (with d/du denoted by a dot), so 0' is regular provided
v # 0, i.e, the vertex of the cone is omitted (cf. Exercise 4.3), and none of the
straight lines forming the cone is tangent to -y.
Examples 4.10 and 4.11 are both special cases of the next class of surfaces.
Example 4.12
A ruled surjace is a surface that is a union of straight lines, called the rulings of
the surface. Suppose that Cis a curve in R 3 that meets each of these lines. Any
4, Surfaces in Three Dimensions 81
point P of the surface lies on one of the given straight lines which intersects C
at Q, say. If 'Y is a parametrisation of C with 'Y( u) = Q, and if 6(u) is a non-zero
vector in the direction of the line passing through 'Y( u), P has position vector
of the form
D'(u, v) = 'Y(u) + v6(u),
for some scalar v.
Example 4.13
A surface 0/ revolution is the surface obtained by rotating aplane curve, called
the profile curve, around a straight line in the plane . The circles obtained by
rotating a fixed point on the profile curve around the axis of rotation are called
the parallels of the surface, and the curves on the surface obtained by rotating
the profile curve through a fixed angle are called its meridians. (This agrees
with the use of these terms in geography, if we think of the earth as the surface
obtained by rotating a great circle passing through the poles about 'the polar
axis and we take u and v to be latitude and longitude, respectively.)
82 Elementary Differential Geometry
Let us take the axis of rotation to be the z-axis and the plane to be the
xz-plane. Any point P of the surface is obtained by rotating some point Q of
the profile curve through an angle v (say) around the z-axis. If
'Y(u) = (f(u) ,O,g(u))
is a parametrisation of the profile curve containing Q, P has position vector of
the form
0'( u, v) = (f( u) cos v, f( u) sin v, g(u)).
Thus, O'u x a; will be non-vanishing if f(u) is never zero, i.e. if'Y does not
intersect the z-axis, and if j and gare never zero simultaneously, i.e. if 'Y is
regular. In this case, we might as weIl assurne that f(u) > 0, so that f(u) is
the distance of 0'( u, v) from the axis of rotation. Then, 0' is injective provided
that 'Y does not self-intersect and the angle of rotation v is restricted to He in
an open interval oflength ~ 21l". Under these conditions , surface patches of the
form 0' give the surface of revolution the structure of a smooth surface .
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 83
4.18 The surface obtained by rotating the curve x = cosh z in the xz-
plane around the z-axis is called a catenoid. Describe an atlas for
this surface. (A picture of the catenoid can be found in Section 9.2.)
4.19 Show that
0'( u, v) = (sech u cos v, sech u sin v, tanh u)
is a regular surface patch for the unit sphere (it is called Merca-
tor's projection) . Show that meridians and parallels on the sphere
correspond under 0' to perpendicular straight lines in the plane.
4.20 A loxodrome is a curve on the unit sphere that intersects the meridi-
ans at a fixed angle, say o. Show that, in the Mercator surface patch
0' (see Exercise 4.19), a unit-speed loxodrome satisfies
84 Elementary Differential Geometry
Definition 4.6
A quadric is the subset of R 3 defined by an equation of the form
(rA) .r + b .r + c = 0,
where r = (x, y, z), A is a constant symmetrie 3 x 3 matrix, b E R 3 is a constant
vector, and cis a constant scalar.
Proposition 4.6
By applying a rigid motion of R 3 , every non-empty quadric (.4) in which the co-
efficients are not all zero can be transformed into one whose cartesian equation
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 85
+~- =1
2 2 2
(ii) hyperboloid 01 one sheet: } ~
+ ~ =z
2 2
(iv) elliptic paraboloid: }
86 Elementary Differential Geometry
(x) plane: x = °
(xi) two parallel planes: x 2 = p2
(xii) two intersecting planes :
?- = °
(xiii) straight line : ?2
+~ =
° °
+ tr + = .
. Ie pomt:
( xiv) smg . :1:
p" y2 z2
Proof 4.6
The proof depends on the following fact . If A is a real symmetrie matrix, there
is a matrix P with pt P = I and det(P) = 1 such that pt AP is a diagonal
matrix A' (pt denotes the transpose of P). The diagonal entries of A' are the
eigenvalues of A, and the rows of P are the corresponding eigenvectors .
With A as in Definition 4.6, we define r' = (x', y', z'), b' = (b!, b2, b~) , where
(x' y' z') = (x y z)P, (b~ b~ b~) = (bl b2 b3)P.
Writing the equation of the quadrie as
(xy z)A(xy z)t + (b! b2 b3)(x Y z)t + c = °
and noting that
(x y z) = (x' y' z')pt, (b! b2 b3 ) = (b~ b~ b~)pt ,
we get
+ (b~ b~ b;)(x' y' z')t + c = 0,
(x' y' z')A' (x' y' z,)t
(r' A') .r'+b'.r' + c = 0,
a~ X,2 + a~y,2 + a;z,2 +b~ x' + b~y' + b;z' + c = 0,
where a~ , a2 and a~ are the diagonal entries of A' , i.e. the eigenvalues of A. Since
any 3 x 3 matrix P with pt P = I and det(P) = 1 represents a rotation of R 3 ,
this new quadric is obtained from the given one by a rigid motion. Hence, we
88 Elementary Differential Geometry
Suppose now that, in Eq . (5), al =1= O. If we define x' = x + bl/2al, corre-
sponding to a translation of R 3 , the equation becomes
al X1 + a2Y2 + a3z 2 + b2Y + b = ,
3Z +' CO
where C' is a constant. In other words, if al =1= 0, we can assume that b1 = 0,
and similarly for a2 and a3, of course.
If al, a2 and a3 in Eq . (5) are all non-zero, we may therefore reduce to the
alx 2 + a2y 2 + a3z2 + c = O.
If C =1= 0, we get cases (i), (ii) and (iii), depending on the signs of al , a2, a3 and
c, and if C = 0 we get cases (vi) and (xiv).
If exactly one of al , a2 and a3 is zero, say a3 = 0, we are reduced to the
If b3 =1= 0, we may define z' = Z + c/b3 • Thus, by a translation (and by dividing
by b3 ) , we are reduced to the case
alx 2 + a2y2 + z = O.
This gives cases (iv) and (v).
If bs = 0 in Eq. (6), we have
alx 2 + a2y2 + c = O.
If c = 0 we get cases (xii) and (xiii). If c =1= 0, dividing through by it leads to
cases (vii) and (viii).
= =
Suppose now that a2 a3 0, but al =1= O. Then we have
alx2 + b2y + b3z + c = O. (7)
If b2 and b3 are not both zero, by rotating the yz-plane so that the y-axis
becomes parallel to the vector (b2, b3), we can arrive at the situation b2 =1=
0, b3 = 0, and then by a translation along the y-axis we can arrange that c = O.
This leads to the equation
alx2 +y = 0,
which gives case (ix). If b2 = b3 = 0 in Eq. (7), then c = 0 gives case (x) and
c =1= 0 gives case (xi).
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 89
Example 4.14
Consider the quadric
x2 + 2y 2 + 6x - 4y + 3z = 7.
Setting x' = x + 3, y' = y - 1 (a translation), we get
+ 2y,2 + 3z = 18.
Setting z' =Z - 6 (another translation) gives
+ 2y,2 + 3z ' = o.
Finally, setting z" = x', y" = _y', Z" = - z' (a rotation by 7r about the z-axis)
1 112 2 112
-x + -y = z ,
3 3
which is an elliptic paraboloid. It can be parametrised by setting z" = u, v" =
V, Z" = ~U2 + jv • This corresponds to x = u - 3, y = 1- v, z = 6 - ~U2 - jv 2 ,
and shows that the given quadric is a smooth surface with an atlas consisting
of the single surface patch
Fix a point (a, b, c) E R 3 with a, band c all non-zero. The following properties
are clear :
(i) Ft(a, b, c) is a continuous function of t in each of the open intervals
(_00,p2), (p2,q2), (q2,r 2) and (r 2, (0);
(ii) Ft(a,b,c) -t 0 as t -t ±oo;
(iii) Ft(a, b,c) -t 00 as t approaches p2,q2 or r 2 from the left, and Ft(a, b, c) -t
-00 as t approaches p2, q2 or r 2 from the right.
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 91
It follows from these properties and the Intermediate Value Theorem that
there is at least one value of t in each open interval (-OO,p2), (p2, q2) and
(q2, r 2) such that Ft(a , b, c) = 1. On the other hand , the equation Ft(a, b, c) = 1
is equivalent to the cubic equation Gt(a, b,c) = 0, where
Gt(a,b,c) = a2(q2 - t)(r 2 - t) + b2(p2 - t)(r 2 - t) + C2(p2 - t)(q2 - t)
_ (p2 _ t)(q2 _ t)(r2 _ t) , (8)
and so has at most three real roots. It follows that there are unique numbers
u E (-OO,p2), V E (p2,q2) and w E (q2 ,r2) (depending on (a,b,c), of course)
such that
F,,(a,b,c) = 1, Fv(a,b ,c) = 1, Fw(a,b,c) = 1. (9)
The three quadrics F,,(x,y,z) = 1, Fv(x ,y,z) = 1 and Fw(x ,y,z) =: 1 are
ellipsoids, hyperboloids of one sheet and hyperboloids of two sheets, respec-
tively, and we have shown that there is one of each passing through each point
(a, b, c) E R 3 that does not He on any of the coordinate planes . We show that
they form a triply orthogonal system .
92 Elementary Differential Geometry
(r 2 - u)(r 2 - v)(r 2 - w)
c=± (p2 _r 2)(q2 _ r 2)
Define u(u ,v,w) = (x ,y,z), where x,y and z are the right-hand sides of the
three equations in (10), respectively, with any combination of signs. For fixed
u (resp. fixed v, fixed w), this gives eight surface patches for the correspond-
ing ellipsoid Fu(x,y ,z) = 1 (resp . hyperboloid of one sheet Fv(x,y,z) = 1,
hyperboloid of two sheets Fw(x, y, z) = 1).
J(f) =
~) 8ü a
8~"' .
~ ~ 8ü D
8Ul 8ua 8u",
This has already been used in the case m = n = 2 in Section 4.2, but now we
shall need it in other cases too.
The main tool that we use is
Thus, the inverse function theorem says that, if J(f) is invertible at some
point, then I is bijective near that point and its inverse map is smooth. A proof
of this theorem can be found in books on multi variable calculus.
We use the inverse function theorem to give the proof of Proposition 4.1.
We want to show that, if a : U -t R 3 and iT : Ü -t R 3 are two regular patches
in the atlas of a surface S, the transition map from a to iT is smooth where it
is defined .
Suppose that a point P lies in both patches, say u(uo, vo) = iT( uo, ii o) = P.
u(u,v) = (f(u,v) ,g(u,v),h(u,v)).
Since a u and a v are linearly independent, the jacobian matrix
lu Iv)
(hgu hgv
u v
(gulu gvIv)
is invertible at P . (The proof is similar in the other two cases.) By the inverse
function theorem applied to the map F : U -t R 2 given by
F(u,v) = (f(u,v),g(u,v»,
there is an open subset V of R containing F(uo, vo) and an open subset W of
U containing (uo,vo) such that F : W -t V is bijective with a smooth inverse
F-I : V -t W. Since u : W -t u(W) is bijective, the projection 7f : u(W) -t V
given by 7f(x,y,z) = (x,y) is also bijective, since 7f = F 0 u- I on u(W) . It
follows that W = iT-I(u(W» is an open subset of Ü and that
u- I 0 iT = F- I 0 F
4. Surfaces in Three Dimensions 95
(~ fx
~ ~) ,
fy fz
and is clearly invertible at P since I, f 0. By the inverse function theorem,
there is an open subset V of R 3 containing F(xo, Yo , zo) = (xo, Yo, 0) and a
smooth map G : V -+ W such that W = G(V) is open and F : W -+ V and
G : V -+ W are inverse bijections.
Since V is open, there are open subsets U1 of R 2 containing (xo,Yo) and
U2 of R containing 0 such that V contains the open set U1 x U2 of all points
(x,y,w) with (x,y) E U1 and w E U2 . Hence, we might as well assurne that
V = U1 X U2 . The fact that Fand G are inverse bijections means that
G(x, y, w) = (x, y, g(x , y, w))
for some smooth map 9 : U1 x U2 -+ R, and
f(x, y, g(x, y , w)) = w
for all (x,y) E U1 , W E U2 •
Define 0" : U1 -+ R 3 by
O"(x,y) = (x,y,g(x,y,O)).
Then 0" is a homeomorphism from U1 to Sn W (whose inverse is the restriction
to Sn W of the projection n(x, y, z) = (x, y)) . It is obvious that 0" is smooth,
and it is regular because
O"x X O"y = (-gx, -gy, 1)
is nowhere zero. So 0" is a regular surface patch on S containing the given point
P . Since P was an arbitrary point of S, we have constructed an atlas for S
making it into a (smooth) surface . 0
96 Elementary Differential Geometry
Perhaps the first thing that a geometrically inclined bug living on a surface
might wish to do is to measure the distance between two points of the surface.
Of course, this will usually be different from the distance between these points
as measured by an inhabitant of the ambient three dimensional space, since
the straight line segment which furnishes the shortest path between the points
in R 3 will generally not be contained in the surface. The object which allows
one to compute lengths on a surface , and also angles and areas , is the first
fundamental form of the surface .
s = r
(Eü 2 + 2FüiJ + GiJ2)1/2dt. (1)
If we bring the dt inside the square root and write (~~) 2 (dt)2 = du 2, etc . (!),
we see that s is the integral of the square root of the expression
Edu 2 + 2Fdudv + Gdv 2. (2)
This is called the first fundamental form of a. Since
s !
= Vdi2, (!)
Example 5.1
For the plane
tT(u, v) = a + up + vq
(see Example 4.1) with p and q being perpendicular unit vectors, we have
tTu = p, a; = q, so E = 11 tTu 11 = 11 P 11 = 1, F = tTu·tT v = p .q = 0,
2 2
Example 5.2
For the sphere in latitude longitude coordinates
tT( 0, tp) = (cos 0 cos tp, cos 0 sin ip, sin 0)
5. The First Fundamental Form 99
Example 5.3
We consider a (generalised) cylinder
(I(u,v) ="Y(u)+va
defined in Example 4.10. As we saw in that example we can assurne that "Y is
unit-speed, that a is a unit vector , and that "Y is contained in aplane perpen-
dicular to a, Then, denoting d]du by a dot,
(lu = "Y, a; = a,
so E = 11 (lu 11 2 = 11 "Y 11 2 = 1, F = (lu.(lv = "Y.a = 0, G = 11 a; 11
= 11 a 11 2 = 1,
and the first fundamental form of (I is
du2 + dv2 .
Note that this is the same as the first fundamental form of the plane (see
Example 5.1). The geometrical reason for this coincidence will be revealed in
the next section .
Example 5.4
We consider a (generalised) cone
(I(u,v) = (l -v)p+v"Y(u)
(see Example 4.11). Before computing its first fundamental form, we make some
simplifications to (I.
First, translating the surface by p (which does not change its first funda-
mental form by Exercise 5.3), we get the surface patch (11 = (1- P = v("Y - p),
so if we replace "Y by "Y1 = "Y - P we get (11 = V"Y1 ' This means that we might as
weH assurne that p = 0 to begin with. Next, we saw in Example 4.11 that for
(I to be a regular surface patch, "Y must not pass through the origin, so we can
define a new curve-j by .y(u) = "Y(u)1 11 "Y(u) 11 . Setting ü = u, ii = u] 11 "Y(u) 11,
we get a reparametrisation Ö'(ü, ii) = ii.y(ü) of (I with 11 .y 11 = 1. We can there-
fore assurne to begin with that (I(u, v) = v"Y(u) with 11 "Y( u) 11 = 1 for all values
of u (geometrically, this means that we can replace "Y by the intersection of the
100 Elementary Differential Geometry
cone with the unit sphere) . Finally, reparametrising again, we can assume that
'Y is unit-speed, for we saw in Example 4.11 that for a to be regular, 'Y must be
With these assumptions, and with a dot denoting d] du, we have
a., = vi', a; = 'Y,
so E = 11 vi' 11 2 = v 2 11 i' 11 2 = v 2 , F = vi'.'Y = 0 (since 11 'Y 11 = 1), G = 11 'Y 11 2 = 1,
and the first fundamental form is
v 2du2 + dv 2 •
Note that, as for the generalised cylinder in Example 5.3, there is no trace of
the curve 'Y in the first fundamental form.
J = (i~8ii i~)
be the jacobian matrix of the reparametrisation map (ü, ii) 1---+ (u , v),
and let r
be the transpose of J. Prove that
( F~ ~) = Jt (EF
F) J.
5. The First Fundamental Form 101
If we draw a curve on the plane, then after wrapping it becomes a curve on the
cylinder . Because there is no crumpling, the lengths of these two curves will be
the same. Since the lengths are computed as the integral of the (square root of
the) first fundamental form, it is plausible that the first fundamental forms of
the two surfaces should be the same. Experiment suggests , on the other hand,
that it is impossible to wrap a plane sheet of paper around a sphere without
crumpling. Thus, we expect that a plane and a sphere do not have the same
first fundamental form (whatever the choiee of parametrisation).
The following definition makes precise what it means to wrap one surface
onto another without crumpling.
Definition 5.1
If S1 and S2 are surfaces, a diffeomorphism f : S1 ~ S2 is called an isometry
if it takes curves in S1 to curves of the same length in S2 . If an isometry
f : S1 ~ S2 exists, we say that S1 and S2 are isometrie.
Theorem 5.1
A dijJeomorphism f : S1 ~ S2 is an isometry if and only if, for any surfaee
102 Elementary Differential Geometry
patch 0'1 of SI, the patches 0'1 and f 0 0'1 of SI and S2, respectively, have the
same first fundamental form .
Proof 5.1
Since the length of any curve can be computed as the sum of the lengths of
curves each lying in a single surface patch, we can assume that SI and S2
are covered by single surface patches. Moreover, since f is a diffeomorphism,
Proposition 4.3 shows that we can assume that these patches are of the form
0'1 : U -t R 3 (for Sd and f 0 0'1 = tT2 (for S2). We have to show that f is an
isometry if and only if 0'1 and 0'2 have the same first fundamental form.
Suppose first that 0'1 and 0'2 have the same first fundamental form. If
t H (u(t),v(t)) is any curve in U, and 'Y1(t) = O'l(U(t),v(t)) and 'Y2(t) =
0'2 (u(t) , v(t)) are the corresponding curves in SI and S2, then f takes 'Y1 to 'Y2'
It is clear that 'Y1 and 'Y2 have the same length, since both lengths are found by
integrating the expression (Eü 2+ 2Füv+GiP)1/2 , where Edu 2+ 2Fdudv +Gdv 2
is the (common) first fundamental form of 0'1 and 0'2.
Conversely, suppose that f is an isometry. If t H (u(t), v(t)) is any curve
in U, defined for t E (a,ß), say, the curves 'Y1(t) = 0'1 (u(t),v(t)) and 'Y2(t) =
0'2(U(t),v(t)) have the same length. Hence,
t ~
(EI ü 2 + 2F1üv + GIV2)1/2dt =
(E2ü2 + 2F2üv + G2V2)1/2dt,
for all to, h E (o, ß), where EI, F1 and GI are the coefficients of the first
fundamental form of 0'1, and E 2, F2 and G2 those of 0'2. This implies that the
two integrands are the same, and hence that
Fix to E (o, ß), and let Uo = u(to), Vo = v(to). We now apply Eq. (3) for the
following three choices of the curve t H (u(t), v(t)) in U:
(i) u = Uo + t - to, v = Vo: this gives EI = E 2;
(ii) u = uo, v = Vo + t - to: this gives GI = G 2;
(iii) u = Uo + t - to, v = Vo + t - to: this gives
EI + 2F1 + GI = E2 + 2F2 + G2,
and hence (in view of (i) and (ii)) F1 = F2 • o
5. The First Fundamental Form 103
Example 5.5
Let SI be the infinite strip in the xy-plane given by 0 < x < 211", and let S2
be the circular cylinder x 2 + y2 = 1 with the ruling given by x = 1, y = 0
removed. Then, SI is covered by the single patch 0'1 (u, v) = (u, v, 0), and S2 by
the patch 0'2 (u, v) = (cos u, sin u, v), with 0 < u < 211" in both cases. The map
f : SI -t S2 that takes 0'1 (u, v) to 0'2 (u, v) is an isometry since, by Example
5.3, 0'1 and 0'2 have the same first fundamental form.
We might as well assurne that 'Y is unit-speed . The most general point on the
tangent line at 'Y(u) is
O'(u, v) = 'Y(u) + v-y(u) ,
for some scalar v. Now
O'u X O'v = (-y + v.y) x -y = v.y x -y.
For 0' to be regular, it is thus necessary that .y is never zero, or in other words,
the curvature K = 11 .y 11 is > 0 at all points of 'Y. Now, -y = t, the unit tangent
vector of 'Y, and .y = i = xn, where n is the principal normal to 'Y, so
O'u X O'v = Kvn x t = -Kvb,
where b is the binormal of 'Y. Thus, 0' will be regular if K > 0 everywhere and
v f. O. The latter condition means that, for regularity, we must exclude the
104 Elementary Differential Geometry
curve 'Y itself from the surface. Typically, the regions v > and v < of the
tangent developable form two sheets which meet along a sharp edge formed by
the curve 'Y where v = 0, as the following illustration of the tangent developable
of a circular helix indicates:
Proposition 5.1
Any tangent developable is isometrie to (part oJ) a plane.
Proof 5.1
We use the above notation, assuming that 'Y is unit-speed and that x > 0. Now,
E = 11 U u 11 2 = (1' + v;Y) .('Y + v;y)
= 1'.1' + 2v'Y.;Y + v2;y.;Y = 1 + v2 ", 2 ,
F = UU'U v = (1' + v;Y).'Y = 1'.1' + v'Y.;y = 1,
G = 11 a; 11 2 = 1'.1' = 1,
since 1'.1' = 1, 'Y.;y = 0, ;y.;y = ",2 . So the first fundamental form of the tangent
developable is
We are going to show that (part of) the plane can be parametrised so that it
has the same first fundamental form. This will prove the proposition.
By Theorem 2.1, there is a plane unit-speed curve i' whose curvature is ",
(we can even assurne that its signed curvature is x). By the above calculations,
the first fundamental form of the tangent developable of i' is also given by (4).
5. The First Fundamental Form 105
But since l' is aplane curve, its tangent lines obviously fill out part of the plane
in which l' lies. 0
t=O t = 0.6
t = 0.2 t = 0.8
t = 0.4 t=l
106 Elementary Differential Geometry
Using the dot product formula for the angle between vectors, we see that () is
given by
cos () = .y.'Y .
1I.y 1111 'Y 11
By the chain rule,
. . .
'Y = truü + trvv, 'Y = truü + trvv,
.y..y = (truü + trvv).(trufl + trv~)
= (tru.tru)üfl + (tru.trv)(ü~ + flv) + (trv .trv)v~
= Eüfl + F(ü~ + flv) + o».
Replacing j by 'Y (resp. 'Y by 'Y) gives similar expressions for 1I.y 112= .y..y (resp.
11 11 2 ) , which finally give the formula
Example 5.6
The parameter curves on a surface patch tr(u, v) can be parametrised by
'Y(t) = tr(a, t), 'Y(t) = tr(t, b),
respectively, where a is the constant value of u and b the constant value of v in
the two cases. Thus,
u(t) = a, v(t) = t, ü(t) = t, v(t) = b,
ü = 0, v = 1, fl = 1, ~ = O.
These parameter curves intersect at the point tr(a, b) of the surface . By Eq. (5),
their angle of intersection () is given by
cos(} = VEG '
In particular, the parameter curves are orthogonal if and only if F = O.
Corresponding to the Definition 5.1 of an isometry, we make
Definition 5.2
If S1 and S2 are surfaces , a diffeomorphism f : S1 -+ S2 is said to be conformal
if, whenever f takes two intersecting curves 1'1 and 'Y1 on S1 to curves 'Y2 and 'Y2
108 Elementary Differential Geometry
on S2, the angle of intersection of 'Yl and '1'1 is equal to the angle of intersection
of 'Y2 and '1'2 '
Theorem 5.2
A difjeomorphism / : SI ~ S2 is conformal i/ and only i/, [or any surface patch
Ul on SI , the first fundamental [orms 0/ Ul and foul are proportional.
As in the proof of Theorem 5.1, we can assurne that SI and S2 are covered by
the single surface patches Ul : U ~ R 3 and U2 = foul, respectively. Suppose
that their first fundamental forms
E 1du2 + 2F1dudv + G 1dv2 and E 2du2 + 2F2dudv + G 2dv2
are proportional, say
E 2du2 + 2F2dudv + G 2dv2 = )"(E1du2 + 2F1dudv + G 1dv2)
for some smooth function )..(u, v), where (u,v) are coordinates on U . Note that
).. > 0 everywhere, since (for example) EI and E 2 are both > O. If 'Y(t) =
Ul(U(t) ,v(t)) and i'(t) = Ul(u(t),ii(t)) are curves in SI, then / takes 'Y and '1'
to the curves U2(U(t),v(t)) and U2(U(t),ii(t)) in S2, respectively. Using Bq. (5),
the angle () of intersection of the latter curves on S2 is given by
Example 5.7
We consider the unit sphere x 2 + y2 + z2 = 1. If P = (u, v, 0) is any point in the
xy-plane, draw the straight line through P and the north pole N = (0,0,1).
110 Elementary Differential Geometry
This line intersects the sphere at a point Q, say. Every point Q of the sphere
arises as such a point of intersection, with the sole exception of the north pole
q =
2u 2v
u +v -
( u 2 + v 2 + i ' u 2 + v 2 + I.' u 2 + v 2 + 1
1) .
If we denote the right-hand side by 0'1 (u, v), then 0'1 is a parametrisation of
the whole sphere minus the north pole. Parametrising the plane z = 0 by
0'2(U,V) = (u ,v,O), the map that takes Q to P takes 0'1(U,V) to 0'2(U,V).
This map is called stereographie projection. We are going to prove that it is
According to Theorem 5.5, we have to show that the first fundamental forms
of 0'1 and 0'2 are proportional. The first fundamental form of 0'2 is du 2 + dv 2 •
5. The First Fundamental Form 111
As to 0"1 , we get
2(V2 - u 2 + 1) -4uv 4U)
(O"du= (u2+v2+1)2'(u2+v2+1)2 '(u2+v2+1)2 '
-4uv 2(u 2-v2+1) 4v )
(O"dv = (u2 +v2 + 1)2' (u2 +v2 + 1)2' (u2 +v2 + 1)2 .
This gives
4(v 2 - u 2 + 1)2 + 16u2v2 + 16u2
EI = (O"du ·(O"du = U +v2 + 1)4
constant and v = constant, respectively. Fix (uo, vo) E U, and let Llu and Llv
be very small. Since the change in (1( u, v) corresponding to a small change Llu
in u is approximately (1uLlu and that corresponding to a small change Llv in v is
approximately (1 vLlv, the part of the surface contained by the parameter curves
in the surface corresponding to u = uo, u = Uo + Llu, v = Vo and v = Vo + Llv
is almost a parallelogram in the plane with sides given by the vectors (1 uLlu
and (1vLlv (the derivatives being evaluated at (uo,vo)):
5. The First Fundamental Form 113
Recalling that the area of a parallelogram in the plane with sides a and b is
11 a x b 11, we see that the area of the parallelogram on the surface is approxi-
11 O'u Llu x O'v Llv 11 = 11 O'u X a; 11 LluLlv.
This suggests the following definition .
Definition 5.3
The area Au(R) of the part O'(R) of surface patch 0' : U -+ R 3 corresponding
to a region R s:;; U is
Of course, this integral may be infinite - think of the area of a whole plane,
for example. However, the integral will be finite if, say, R is contained in a
reetangle that is entirely contained, along with its boundary, in U.
The quantity 11 0'u X 0' v 11 that appears in the definition of area is easily
computed in terms of the first fundamental form Edu 2 + 2Pdudv + Gdv 2 of 0':
Proposition 5.2
11 O'u x O'v 11 = (EG - P 2)1/2 .
Proof 5.2
We use a result from vector algebra: if a, b, c and d are vectors in R 3 , then
(a x b).(c x d) = (a .c)(b.d) - (a .d)(b.c).
Applying this to 11 O'u X O'v 11 2 = (O'u X O'v).(O'u x O'v) , we get
11 a; X a; 11
= (O'u .O'u)(O'v'O'v) - (O'u .O'v? = EG - p 2. o
Note that, for a regular surface, EG - p 2 > 0 everywhere, since for a regular
surface 0'u X 0' v is never zero.
Thus, our definition of area is
Proposition 5.3
The area 0/ a surjace patch is unchanged by reparametrisation.
Prooi s.S
Let (I : U -t R 3 be a surface patch and let iT : (; -t R 3 be a reparametrisation
of (I , with reparametrisation map ~ : (; -t U. Thus, if ~(ü, ii) = ('1.1. , v), we have
iT(ü, ii) = (1('1.1., v).
Let R ~ (; be a region, and let R = ~(R) ~ U. We have to prove that
By the change of variables formula for double integrals, the right -hand side of
this equation is exactly
/1 11 (luX (I v 11 dudv . o
This proposition implies that we can calculate the area of any surface S by
breaking S up into pieces, each of which are contained in a single surfac e patch,
calculating the area of each piece using Eq. (8), and adding up the results (cf.
Section 11.3, where an analogous procedure is carried out).
where p(u) is the distance of 'Y( u) from the z-axis . Hence find the
area of
(i) the unit sphere;
(ii) the torus in Exercise 4.10.
5.17 Let 'Y(s) be a unit-speed curve in R 3 with principal normal n and
binormal b. The tube of radius a > 0 around 'Y is the surface
parametrised by
CT(S, 8) = 'Y(s) + a(n(s) cos 8 + b(s) sin 8).
Give a geometrical description of this surface . Prove that CT is regular
if the curvature K. of'Y is less than a- l everywhere. Assuming that
this condition holds, prove that the area of the part of the surface
given by So < S < SI, 0 < 8 < 21T, where So and SI are constants, is
21Ta(sl - So).
Definition 5.4
Let $1 and $2 be two surfaces. A diffeomorphism f : $1 ~ $2 is said to be
equiareal if it takes any region in $1 to a region of the same area in $2.
Theorem 5.3
A diffeomorphism f : $1 ~ $2 is equiareal if and only if, for any surface patch
0'( u,
v) on $1, the first fundamental forms
E 1du 2 + 2F1dudv + G 1dv2 and ~du2 + 2F2dudv + G 2dv 2
of the patches 0' on $1 and f 00' on $2 satisfy
E 1G1 - Fr = E 2G2 - Fr (9)
The proof is very similar to that of Theorem 5.1 and we leave it as Exercise
For Archimedes's theorem, we consider the unit sphere x 2 + y2 + z2 = 1 and
the cylinder x 2 + y2 = 1. The sphere is contained inside the cylinder, and the
two surfaces touch along the cirde x 2 + y2 = 1 in the xy-plane. For each point
P on the sphere other than the poles (0,0, ±1), there is a unique straight line
parallel to the xy-plane and passing through the point P and the z-axis. This
line intersects the cylinder in two points, one of which, say Q, is dosest to P .
Let f be the map from the sphere (minus the two poles) to the cylinder that
takes P to Q.
5. The First Fundamental Form 117
Proo] 5.4
We take the atlas for the surface SI consisting of the sphere minus the north
and south poles with two patches, both given by the formula
tTl (0, cp) = (cos0 cos cp, cos 0sin ip, sin 0),
and defined on the open sets
{-1r/2 < 0< 1r/2, 0< ip < 21r} and {-1r/2 < 0< 1r/2, -1r < cp < 1r} .
118 Elementary Differential Geometry
The image of 0'1 (0, ep) under the map f is the point
0'2 (0, ep) = (cos sp, sin sp, sin 0) (10)
of the cylinder. It is easy to check that this gives an atlas for the surface 8 2 ,
consisting of the part of the cylinder between the planes z = 1 and z = -1,
with two patches, both given by Eq. (10) and defined on the same two open
sets as 0'1 . We have to show that Eq. (9) holds.
We computed the coefficients EI, F1 and GI of the first fundamental form
of 0'1 in Example 5.3:
Example 5.8
We use Archimedes's theorem to compute the area of a 'lune', i.e. the area
enclosed between two great circles:
We can assurne that the great circles intersect at the poles, since this can be
achieved by applying a rotation of the sphere, and this does not change areas
(see Exercise 5.3). If 0 is the angle between them, the image of the lune under
the map f is a curved reetangle on the cylinder of width 0 and height 2:
5. The First Fundamental Form 119
If we now apply the isometry which unwraps the eylinder on the plane,
this eurved reetangle on the eylinder will map to a genuine reetangle on the
plane, with width (J and height 2. By Arehirnedes' theorem, the lune has the
same area as the eurved reetangle on the eylinder, and sinee every isometry
is an equiareal map (see Exercise 5.18), this has the same area as the genuine
reetangle in the plane, namely 2(J. Note that this gives the area of the whole
sphere to be 47T.
Theorem 5.5
Let ABC be a triangle on a sphere 0/ unit radius whose sides are ares 0/ great
circles. Then, the area 0/ the triangle is
LA + LB + LC - 7T,
where LA is the angle 0/ the triangle at A, ete.
The three great circles, of whieh the sides of the triangle are ares, divide the
sphere into 8 triangles, as shown in the following diagram (in which A' is the
antipodal point of A, etc.) . Denoting the area of triangle ABC by A(ABC),
ete., we have, by Example 5.8,
A(ABC) + A(A'BC) = 2LA,
A(ABC) + A(AB'C) = 2LB,
A(ABC) + A(ABC') = 2LC.
120 Elementary Differential Geometry
/ \
/ \
--------- ~
- - - - \ A'
...- ...
" B' I
... "
,," I
In this chapter, we introduce several ways to measure how 'curved' a surface is,
All of these rest ultimately on the second fundamental form of a surface patch.
It turns out (see Theorem 10.4) that a surface patch is determined up to a rigid
motion of R 3 by its first and second fundamental forms, just as a unit-speed
plane curve is determined up to a rigid motion by its signed curvature.
124 Elementary Differential Geometry
By the two variable form of Taylor's theorem, lT(U + L1u, v + L1v) - lT(U, v) is
equal to
is the analogue for the surface of the curvature term K(L:\t)2 in the case of a
curve. One calls the expression
Ldu 2 + 2M dudv + N dv2 (4)
the second fundamental form of (T. As in the case of the first fundamental form ,
we regard the expression (4) simply as a convenient way of keeping track of
the three functions L , M and N. We shall soon see that a knowledge of these
functions (together with that of the first fundamental form) will enable us to
compute the curvature of any curve on the surface (T,
Example 6.1
Consider the plane
(T(u, v) = a + up + vq
(see Example 4.1) . Since (Tu = P and (Tv = q are constant vectors , we have
(Tuu = (Tuv = (Tvv = O. Hence, the second fundamental form of a plane is zero.
Example 6.2
Consider a patch (T on a surface of revolution:
(T(u, v) = (f(u) cos v , j(u) sin v, g(u)) .
Recall from Example 4,12 that we can assurne that j(u) > for all values of u °
and that the profile curve u I---t (f(u) ,O,g(u)) is unit-speed, i.e, j2 + iJ2 = 1 (a
dot denoting djdu). Then:
(Tu =(jcosv,jsinv,g), (Tv = (-jsinv,jcosv,O),
2 2
11 = P + iJ = 1, F=(Tu .(Tv=O, G=II(TvIl
(Tu X (Tv = (- j iJ cos v , - j iJ sin v, j j),
If the surface is the unit sphere, we can take J(u) = cosu, g(u) = sinu,
with -1f /2 < u < 1f /2, giving
( ~ i!) = (L M)
±Jt J
where J is the jacobian matrix of c:l> and we take the plus sign if
det(J) > 0 and the minus sign if det(J) < O.
6.4 Show that the second fundamental form of a surface patch is un-
changed by applying a rigid motion to the patch.
6. Curvature of Surfaces 127
The scalars "'n and "'0 are called the normal curvature and the geodesie curva-
ture of 'Y , respectively. Since N and N x i' are perpendicular unit vectors, Eq.
(5) implies that
"'n = ;Y.N , "'0 = ;Y.(N x -y)
1I;y 11 = "'; + "'~.
Hence, the curvature '" = 1I;y 11 of'Y is given by
128 Elementary Differential Geometry
Since '1 lies in II, the principal normal n is parallel to II, and since II is
perpendicular to the tangent plane, N is also parallel to II. Since n and N are
both perpendicular to .y, and since .y is parallel to II, n and N must be parallel
to each other, i.e. 1/; 0 or 1l'. From Eqs. (7) and (8), we deduce that
Kn = ±K, Kg =0
for anormal section.
We shall now study the normal curvature K n in more detail. The study of
K g will be taken up in Chapter 8.
6. Curvature of Surfaces 129
6.5 Compute the normal eurvature of the circle 'Y( t) = (eos t , sin t, 1) on
the elliptie paraboloid O'(u, v) = (u,v, u2 + v2 ) (see Exercise 6.1).
6.6 Show that if a eurve on a surfaee has zero normal and geodesie
eurvature everywhere, it is part of a straight line.
6.7 Show that the normal eurvature of any eurve on a sphere of radius
r is ±l/r.
6.8 Compute the geodesie eurvature of any circle on a sphere (not nee-
essarily a great circle).
6.9 Consider the surfaee of revolution
O'(u,v) = (J(u) eosv, J(u) sin v, g(u)),
where u H (J(u),O,g(u)) is a unit-speed eurve in R 3 . Compute the
geodesie eurvature of
(i) a meridian v = eonstant;
(ii) a parallel u = eonstant.
6.10 A unit-speed eurve 'Y with eurvature '" > and principal normal n
forms the interseetion of two surfaees Si and S2 with unit normals
Ni and N 2. Show that, if "'1 and "'2 are the normal eurvatures of 'Y
when viewed as a eurve in Si and S2, respeetively, then
"'lN2 - "'2Nl = ",(Ni X N 2) x n,
Deduee that, if 0: is the angle between the two surfaees,
",2 sin 0: = "'~ + "'~ - 2"'1"'2 eos 0: .
6.11 Let 'Y be a unit-speed eurve on a surfaee pateh 0' with eurvature
'" > 0. Let 1/; be the angle between ;y and N , and let B = t x N (in
the usual notation) . Show that
N = neos1/; + bsin 1/;, B = b cos e - nsin 1/;.
Deduee that
i = "'nN - "'gB, N= -"'nt + 7 gB , B = "'gt - 7 gN ,
where 7g = 7 +.,p. (7g is ealled the geodesie torsion of 'Y; cf. Exercise
6.12 A eurve 'Y on a surface S is ealled asymptotic if its normal eurvature
is everywhere zero. Show that any straight line on a surfaee is an
asymptotic eurve. Show also that a eurve 'Y with positive eurvature
130 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proposition 6.1
1f 'Y(t) = O'(u(t),v(t)) is a unit-speed curve on a surface patch 0', its normal
curuature is given by
«« = Lü 2 + 2Müv + Nv 2 ,
where Ldu 2 + 2Mdudv + N dv 2 is the second fundamental form of 0' .
This result means that two unit-speed curves passing through a point P
on a surface and with the same tangent vector at P have the same normal
curvature at P, since both "'n
and the tangent vector l' = O'uü + O'vv depend
only on u, v, ü and v (and not on any higher derivatives of u and v).
Proof 6.1
We have , with N denoting the standard unit normal of 0',
using the definition (3) of L, M and N, and the fact that N is perpendicular
to tT u and tT v ' 0
This proposition implies the following classical result, which takes longer to
state than to prove.
Praoi B.z
Assurne that 'Yo is a unit-speed parametrisation of the curve of intersection of
IIo and S . Then, at P, ~o = ±v, so 1'0 is perpendicular to v and is parallel to
IIo. Thus, in the notation of Section 6.1, 1/J = 7r/2 - (J and so Eq. (7) gives
KO sin (J = Kn .
t} = 6t1 u + T/lt1v, t2 = 6t1 u + TJ2t1v
be two tangent veetors at some point of a. Then,
t}.t2 = (6t1 u + TJlt1 v) .(6t1u + TJ2t1v)
= E6~2 + P(6TJ2 + 6TJd + GTJITJ2
= (6 TJd (; ~) (~:) .
Thus, writing
we get
On the other hand, the tangent veetor l' = Ut1 u + Vt1 v, and if T = (~),
then by using Proposition 6.1 we see by a similar matrix ealeulation that
"'n = T t :FIIT. (10)
The justifieation for the next two definitions will appear in Proposition 6.3
and Corollary 6.1.
Definition 6.1
The principal curvatures of a surfaee pateh are the roots of the equation
L - ",E M - ",P I= O.
IM-",P N-",G
Sinee (12) is a quadratic equation for «, there are two roots. Apriori, these
may be eomplex numbers. However, we shall prove in the next proposition that
6. Curvature of Surfaces 133
the principal curvatures are always real. To motivate this result, note that if FI
happens to be the identity matrix (as it is for the standard parametrisation of
the plane, for example), Eq. (11) would become the equation for the eigenvalues
of FII. But a standard result from linear algebra states that the eigenvalues
of any real symmetrie matrix, such as FII, are real numbers. In general, FI is
not the identity matrix, but it is always invertible (see the remark following
Proposition 5.2), so Eq. (11) is equivalent to
det(FI(Fi 1 Fit - 11:)) = 0,
det(FI)det(Fi Fu - 11:) = 0,
.. det(Fi Fu - 11:) = 0,
and hence the principal eurvatures are the eigenvalues 0/ Fi 1 Fu. However,
Fi 1 Fu is not usually symmetrie, so the above result from linear algebra does
not immediately imply the reality of the principal curvatures in the general
If 11: is one of the principal curvatures, Eq. (11) says that Fu - II:FI is not
invertible, so, assuming that 11: is real, there is a non-zero 2 x 1 column matrix
T with real number entries such that
Definition 6.2
If T = (~) satisfies Eq. (13), the corresponding tangent vector t = ~O'u + 110'v
to the surface 0'(U, v) is called a principal veetor corresponding to the principal
curvature 11:.
Proposition 6.3
Let 11:1 and 11:2 be the prineipal eurvatures at a point P 0/ a surjace pateh 0'.
Then ,
(i) 11:1 and 11:2 are real numbers;
(ii) i/lI:l = 11:2 = 11:, say, then Fu = II:FI and (henee) every tangent veetor to
0' at P is a principal veetor;
(iii) i/ 11:1 ::I 11:2, then any two (non-zero) principal veetors t 1 and t2 eorre-
sponding to 11:1 and 11:2, respeetively, are perpendieular.
For (i), let t 1 and t 2 be any two perpendieular unit tangent vectors to the
134 Elementary Differential Geometry
surface at P (not yet known to be principal vectors). Define ~i, r/i and Ti, for
i= 1,2 as in the discussion preceding Definition 6.1, and let
A=(6 6) . 'Tli 'Tl2
= (~ ~),
since t l and t2 are perpendicular unit vectors. Let
gIl = AtFIlA.
Then, gIl is still (real and) symmetrie because
g}I = AtFh(At)t = AtFIlA = gIl.
By the theorem from linear algebra referred to above, there is an orthogonal
matrix B (so that Bt B = I), say, such that
= (Al0 A2 '
B gIlB
for some real numbers Al and A2. Let C = AB. Then,
Al - 0 I= 0,
o A2 - K,
6. Curvature of Surfaces 135
For (ii), suppose that the principal curvatures are equal, to n, say. Then
>'1 = >'2 = '" and Eqs. (14) and (15) give
CtFIC = 1, CtFIIC = ",1,
.. Ct(FII - ",FI)C = 0,
FII - ",FI = 0,
because C and ct are invertible. Obviously then, if T is any 2 x 1 column
Example 6.3
It is intuitively clear that a sphere curves the same amount in every direction,
and at every point of the sphere. Thus, we expect that the principal curvatures
of a sphere are equal to each other at every point, and are constant over the
sphere. To confirm this by calculation, we use the latitude longitude parametri-
sation as usual. We found in Example 5.2 that
E = 1, F = 0, G = cos2 (J,
136 Elementary Differential Geometry
Example 6.4
We consider the circular cylinder of radius one and axis the z-axis, parametrised
in the usual way:
u(u, v) = (cosv, sin v, u) .
We found in Example 5.3 that
E = 1, F = 0, G = 1,
and in Exarnple 6.2 that
L = 0, M = 0, N = 1.
So the principal curvatures are the roots of
K 0
1- K
•• K(K -1) = 0,
•• K = 0 or 1.
,- --------- h
;------------- ...
6. Curvature of Surfaces 137
To find the principal vectors t l and t2 , recall that ti = ~iCTu + TliCTv, where
Ti = (~:) satisfies
6 =0.
Proof 6.1
We can assume that 'Y is unit-speed. Let t be the tangent vector of 'Y, and let
t = ~CT u + TJCT v, T = (~). Suppose first that ~l = ~2 = «, say. By Proposition
6.3(ii) , the normal curvature of'Y is
~n = TtFIIT = ~TtFIT = ~t.t =~.
This agrees with the formula in the statement of the corollary, since
~l cos2 0 + ~2 sin 2 (J = ~(cOS2 0 + sin 2 0) = «.
138 Elementary Differential Geometry
Assume now that 11:1 :{; 11:2, so that t 1 and t2 are perpendicular by Proposi-
tion 6.3(iii). We might as weIl assume that tl and t2 are unit vectors. Let
cosO(6tTu + 1/1tT v ) + sinO(6tTu + 1/2tT v ) = ~tTu + 1/tTv ,
.'. ~lcosO+6sinO=~, 1/1COSO+1/2SinO=1/,
"""----'--'-------1-'--7 t .
Corollary 6.2
The principal curvatures at a point 0/ a surjace are the maximum and min imum
oalues 0/ the normal curvature 0/ all curves on the surjace that pass through
the point. Moreover, the principal vectors are the tangent ueciors 0/ the curves
giving these maximum and minimum oolues.
6. Curvature of Surfaces 139
Prooj B.B
If the principal eurvatures 11:1 and 11:2 are different, we might as weIl suppose
that 11:1 > 11:2. Let II:n be the normal eurvature of a eurve 'Y on the surfaee.
Then, sinee
II: = 11:1 eos (J + 11:2 sin (J = 11:1 - (11:1 - 11:2) sin (J,
2 2 2
it is clear that II:n ~ 11:1 with equality if and only if (J = 0 or 11', i.e, if and only
if the tangent veetor t of'Y is parallel to the principal veetor t 1. Similarly, one
shows that II: n ~ 11:2 with equality if and only if t is parallel to t2 .
If 11:1 = 11:2, the normal eurvature of every eurve is equal to 11:1 by Euler's
Theorem and every tangent veetor to the surface is a principal veetor by Propo-
sition 6.3(ii). 0
We eonclude this seetion with the following eomputation which will be very
useful on several oeeasions later in the book.
Proposition 6.4
Let N be the standard unit normal 0/ a surface patch 0'( u, v). Then,
( b d
c) = -F -1
1 F//.
The matrix Fi 1 F// is ealled the Weingarten matrix of the surfaee pateh 0',
and is denoted by W .
Prooj B.L
Sinee N is a unit veetor, we know that Nu and N 1J are perpendicular to N,
henee are in the tangent plane to 0', and henee are linear eombinations of 0' u
and 0'1J' So seal ars a, b, c and d satisfying Eq . (20) exist.
To ealeulate them, note that N.O'u = 0 implies, on differentiating with
respeet to u, that
Nu'O'u+N .O'uu = 0,
Nu .O'u = -L.
140 Elementary Differential Geometry
Taking the dot product of each of the equations in (20) with tT u and a; thus
- L = aE + bF, - M = cE + dF,
-M=aF+bG, -N=cF+dG.
These four scalar equations are equivalent to the single matrix equation
6.15 Calculate the principal curvatures of the helicoid and the catenoid,
defined in Exercises 4.14 and 4.18, respectively.
6.16 Let 'Y(t) = tT(u(t),v(t)) be a regular, but not necessarily unit-speed,
curve on a surface a , and denote djdt by a dot . Prove that the
normal curvature of 'Y is
Lü 2 + 2Mü'Ü + N'Ü 2
/'i,n = Eü2 + 2Fü'Ü + G'Ü2 .
6.17 By using the results of Exercises 5.4 and 6.3, show that the principal
curvatures of a surface either stay the same or both change sign when
the surface is reparametrised, according to whether the unit normal
stays the same or changes sign. Show also that the principal vectors
are unchanged by reparametrisation.
6.18 A curve C on a surface S is called a line 0/ curvature if the tangent
vector of C is a principal vector of S at all points of C. Ir 'Y is a
parametrisation of the part of a curve C lying in a surface patch a
of S, and if N is the standard unit normal of a, show that C is a line
of curvature if and only if
N = -A.y,
for some scalar A, and that in this case the corresponding principal
curvature is A. (This is called Rodrigues' Formula.)
Show that the meridians and paralieis of a surface of revolution are
lines of curvature.
6. Curvature of Surfaces 141
Tl = (~:), T2 = (~:) ,
the point (x, y, 0) in the tangent plane at P is equal to
X(~lO'u + 1J10'v) + y(60'u + 1}20'v) = (x6 + y6)O'u + (X1}l + Y1J2)O'v = SO'u + tO'v,
say. Thus, neglecting higher order terms,
O'(S, t) = 0'(0,0) + sa.; + ta; + 2(s 2 O'uu + 2stO'uv + t 2 O'vv)
1 2
=(x, y, 0) + 2(s O'uu + 2stO'uv + t 2 O'vv),
all derivatives being evaluated at the origin. Thus, neglecting higher order
terms, the coordinates of O'(s, t) are (x, y, z), where
z = O'(s, t).N
1 2 + 2Mst + Nt 2)
= 2(Ls
=~(s t)(~ ~)(:) .
( St)
6 + Y6) = x
= (xX1}l + y1}2
(6) + Y (6)
1}1 1J2
= xT1 + yT2,
Z = 2(xT t
1 + yT2) :F//(xT1 + yT2)
using Eq. (19). We conclude that, near a point Po/ a surface at which the prin-
cipal curvatures are "-I and "-2, the surjace coincides with the quadric surface
z = 2("-lX2 + ,,-2y2) (22)
6. Curvature of Surfaces 143
Note that this classification is independent of the surface patch (I, since
reparametrising either 1eaves the principal curvatures unchanged or changes
the sign of both of them .
Example 6.5
On the unit sphere, 11:1 = 11:2 = ±1 (the sign depending on the parametrisation)
so al1 points are elliptic (and umbilics). On a circu1ar cylinder, 11:1 = ±1, 11:2 = 0,
144 Elementary Differential Geometry
so every point is parabolic (and there are no umbilics) . On aplane, 11:1 = 11:2 = 0
so all points are planar (!) (and umbilics).
Example 6.6
For the torus
(1(8, <p) = «a + b cos 8) cos ip, (a + b cos 8) sin <p, b sin 8)
(see Exercise 4.10), we find that the first and second fundamental forms are
b2d82 + (a + bcos8)2d<p2 and bd(}2 + (a + bcos8) cos8d<p2,
respectively, so the principal curvatures are
1 cos 8
11:1 = b' 11:2 = a + bcos8°
Since 11:1 > 0 (everywhere), the point (1(8, <p) of the torus is elliptic, parabolic or
hyperbolic according as 11:2 is > 0, = or < 0, respectively; from the formula for
11:2, these are the regions of the torus given by -1r /2 < 8 < 1r/2, 8 = ±1r/2 and
1r/2 < 8 < 31r/2, respectively. Pictures of the elliptic and hyperbolic regions
can be found in the solution to Exercise 7.18 (where they are labelled S+ and
S- , respectively) i the parabolic region consists of two circles of radius a centred
on the z-axis,
We conclude this chapter with the analogue for surfaces of Example 2.2,
which teIls us that aplane curve with constant curvature is part of a circle.
Proposition 6.5
Let S be a (connected) surfoce 0/ which every point is an utnbilic. Then, S is
either part 0/ a plane or part 0/ a sphere.
Let (1 : U ~ R 3 be a surface patch in the atlas of S with U a (connected) open
subset of R 2 • Let 11: be the commmon value of the principal curvatures of (1.
By Proposition 6.3(ii),
W = Fi 1 Ftt = (~ ~).
7. Curvature of Surfaces 145
By Proposition 6.4,
so u(U) is part of the sphere with centre K,-la and radius K,-l .
We have now proved the proposition when S is covered by a single surface
patch. For an arbitrary surface S, the preceding argument shows that each
patch in the atlas of S is contained in a plane or a sphere. But clearly two
overlapping patches must then be part of the same plane or the same sphere .
It follows that the whole of S is contained in a plane or a sphere . 0
We shall now introduce two new measures of the curvature of a surface, called
its gaussian and mean curvatures. Although these together contain the same
information as the two principal curvatures, they turn out to have greater geo-
metrical significance. The gaussian curvature, in particular, has the remarkable
property, established in Chapter 10, that it is unchanged when the surface is
bent without stretching, a property that is not shared by the principal cur-
vatures. In the present chapter, we discuss some more elementary properties
of the gaussian and mean curvatures, and what a knowledge of them implies
about the geometry of the surface.
Definition 7.1
Let 11:1 and 11:2 be the principal curvatures of a surface patch. Then, the gaussian
curvature of the surface patch is
Note Some authors omit the 1/2 in the definition of H, even though this eon-
fliets with the usual meaning of 'mean'.
Note from Exercise 6.17 that the gaussian eurvature stays the same when
a surfaee pateh is reparametrised, while the mean eurvature either stays the
same or ehanges sign. It follows that the gaussian curvature is well defined for
any surface S .
It is easy to get explicit formulas for H and K :
Proposition 7.1
Let 0'(u , v) be a surface patch with first and second fundamental forms
Edu 2 + 2Fdudv + Gdv 2 and Ldu 2 + 2Mdudv + N dv 2 ,
respectively. Then,
K = LN-M
(ii) H = L~(JN!'t.}rE;
(iii) the principal curvatures are H ± J H2 - K .
Proof 7.1
By Definition 6.1, the principal eurvatures are the roots of
I= 0,
L - ",E M - ",F
M - ",F N - ",G
.. (L - ",E)(N - ",G) - (M - ",F)2 = 0,
(EG - F 2 ) ", 2 - (LG - 2MF + NE)",+LN - M 2 = O.
Now, reeall that in a quadratic equation a",2 + b« + C = 0, the sum of the roots
is -b/a and the product of the roots is cja. So,
LN-M 2
K = "'1"'2 = product of roots = EG _ F2 '
1 1 1 LG - 2M F + NE
H = '2("'1 + "'2) = '2 (sum of roots) = '2 EG _ F2 .
By the definition of H and K, "'1 and "'2 are the roots of
",2 _ 2H", + K = 0,
i.e. H ± ";H2 - K . o
Example 7.1
For the unit sphere, we found in Example 6.3 that "'1 = "'2 = 1, so K = H = 1.
For a circular cylinder of radius one, we found in Example 6.4 that "'1 = 1,
"'2 = 0, so H = ~, K = O.
7. Gaussian Curvature and the Gauss Map 149
Example 7.2
In Example 6.2 we considered the surface of revolution
O'(u, v ) = (f(u) cosv , I(u) sinv,g(u)),
where we can assume that °
I > and j2 + iJ2 = 1 everywhere (a dot denoting
d/du). We found that
E = 1,
= 0, F G = 12 ,
L = jg - JiJ, M = 0, N = liJ.
By Proposition 7.1(i), the gaussian curvature is
LN - M 2 (jg - JiJ)liJ
K = EG _ F2 = j2 (1)
We can simplify this formula by noting that j2 + iJ2 = 1 implies (by differenti-
ating with respect to u) that
jJ + iJg = 0,
(jg - JiJ)iJ = - PJ - JiJ2 = - J(p + iJ2) = - J,
K= -~; = -~.
Example 7.3
For a ruled surface, take a patch
O'(u, v) = ")'(u) + v6(u) ,
(see Example 4.12). Denoting d/du by a dot, we have
O'u = "y + v6, a; = 6,
O'uv = 6, O'vv = o.
Hence, if N = (O'u x O'v)/ 11 O'u x a; 11 is the standard unit normal of 0', then
M = O'uv .N = 6.N and N = 0. So
LN - M2 -(6.N)2
K = EG _ j2 = EG _ F2 :s 0,
i.e. the gaussian curvature 01 a ruled surface is negative or zero, a result that is
proved by a different method in Exercise 7.8. We shall return to this example
in Section 7.3.
150 Elementary Differential Geometry
7.10 Use Exercise 7.9 to show that, if 'Y(t) is a curve in a surface patch
a , then along 'Y,
N.N + 2HN.-y + K-Y.-Y = O.
(Note that, if'Y(t) = u(u(t),v(t)), T = (~), then N.N = TtFIIIT,
etc.) Deduce that the torsion r of an asymptotic curve on a surface
is related to the gaussian curvature K of the surface by r 2 = - K .
(Use Exercise 6.12.)
Suppose first that K = 0 everywhere. Then, Eq. (2) gives = 0, so I(u) =
au + b for some contants a and b. Since j2 + il = 1, we get iJ = ±J1 - a2 (so
we must have lai ~ 1) and hence g(u) = ±V1- a2u + c, where c is another
constant. By applying a translation along the z-axis we can assurne that c = 0,
and by applying a rotation about the x-axis (say) we can assurne that the sign
is +. This gives the ruled surface
u(u, v) = (b cos v , bsin v, 0) + u(a cosv, asin v, ~).
Ha = 0 this is a circular cylinder; if [c] = 1 it is the xy-plane; and if 0 < lai < 1
it is part of a cone (to see this, put ü = au + b).
Now suppose that K = 1 everywhere. (Any surface with constant positive
gaussian curvature can be reduced to this case by applying a dilation of R 3 -
see Exercise 7.6.) Then, Eq. (2) becomes
i + 1 = 0,
which has the general solution
I(u) = acos(u + b),
152 Elementary Differential Geometry
g(u) !
= VI - a2 sin 2 u du.
This integral cannot be evaluated in terms of 'elementary' functions unless
a = 0 or ±1. The case a = 0 does not give a surface, so we consider the case
a = 1 (the case a = -1 can be reduced to this by rotating the surface by 7r
around the z-axis) . Then, f (u) = cos u, g(u) = sin u, and we have the unit
Suppose finally that K = -1. The general solution of Eq . (2) is then
f(u) = ce" + se:»,
where a and bare arbitrary constants. For most values of a and b we cannot
express 9 in terms of elementary functions, so we consider only the case a = 1
and b = O. Then, f(u) = e" and we can take
g(u) !
= VI - e 2u du. (3)
Note that we must have u ~ 0 for the integral in Eq . (3) to make sense, since
otherwise 1 - e2u would be negative.
The integral in (3) can be evaluated by putting v = e" . Then,
! Vl -e 2u
du = !7 dv
= !(~-v) b
=yI-v·+ ! ~dv .
vvl- v 2
Put w = V-I in the last integral. This gives
Putting x = f(u), z = g(u), we see that the profile curve in the xz-plane has
Rotating this curve around the z-axis thus gives a surface called the pseudo-
sphere, which has gaussian curvature -1 everywhere. Note that, since u ~ 0,
x = e" is restricted to the range 0 < x ~ 1.
The curve defined by Eq. (4) is called the tractrix, and it has an interesting
geometrical property. Consider the tangent line at a point P of its graph, and
suppose that it intersects the z-axis at the point Q. Let us compute the distance
z - Zo =~
(x - xo).
Zl - Zo =~
- 0 (0 -
xo) =- R 1 - x~ .
Proposition 7.2
Let P be a point 0/ a sur/ace S, and suppose that P is not an umbilic . Then ,
there is a surjace patch t1(u, v) 0/ S containing P whose first and second /un-
damental [orms are
Edu 2 + Gdv 2 and Ldu 2 + N dv 2,
respectively, [or some smooth /unctions E,G ,L and N.
the patch a in the statement of the proposition, tru and a; are principal vectors
with corresponding principal curvatures L/E and N/G. We call o a principal
We assurne Proposition 7.2 for the moment, and use it to give the proof of
Proposition 7.3
Let P be a point 0/ a fiat susface S, and assume that P is not an umbilic. Then,
there is a patch 0/ S conta ining P that is a ruled surface.
We take a patch o : U -+ R 3 containing P as in Proposition 7.2, say P =
tr(uo , vo) . By Proposition 7.1(ii) , the gaussian curvature K = LN/ EG. Since
the gaussian curvature is zero everywhere, either L = 0 or N = 0 at each point
of U, and since P is not an umbilic Land N are not both zero, Suppose that
L(uo , vo) f O. Then, L(u, v) f 0 for (u, v) in some open subset of U containing
(uo, vo) . Hence, by shrinking U if necessary, we can assurne that L f 0 at every
point of U. Then, N = 0 everywhere, and the second fundamental form of o is
We shall prove that the parameter curves u = constant are straight lines.
Such a curve can be parametrised by v H tr(UO, v) , where Uo is the constant
value of u. A unit tangent vector to this curve is t = trv /G1 / 2 , so by Proposition
1.1 what we have to prove is that t v = O.
By Proposition 6.4, the derivatives of the unit normal are
Hence, tv .tru = -EL-1tv.N u. Now, t .N; = 0 and N uv = 0 by Eq. (5), so
tv.N u = -t.N uv = O. Hence, tv .tru = O. Next, tv.t = 0 since t is a unit vector
by construction, so tv.tr v = O. Finally, tv .N = -t.Nv = 0 by Eq. (5) again .
Since the vectors tru , trv and N form a basis of R 3 , we have proved that t v = O.
tT u X a; = iy x 6 + v6 x 6,
and 6.(6 x 6) = 0,
K =0 if and only if 6.(iy x 6) = O. (6)
Thus, K = 0 if and only if iy, 6 and 6 are everywhere linearly dependent.
To proceed further, let us assume , as we may, that 6(u) is a unit vector for
all values of u. Then, 6.6 = O. Suppose first that 6(u) = 0 for all values of u.
Then, 6 is a constant vector and tT is a generalised cylinder.
Suppose now that 6 is never zero. Then, 6 and 6 are linearly independent
as they are non-zero and perpendicular, so if iy, 6 and 6 are linearly dependent,
iy(u) = f(u)6(u) + g(u)6(u)
for some smooth functions f and g. Assume first that f = iJ everywhere. Then,
iy = (g6)' and so 'Y = g6 + a , where a is a constant vector ; hence,
tT(u, v) = a + (v + g(u))6(u).
Putting ii. = u, ii = v + g(u), we see that this is a reparametrisation of a
generalised cone.
Suppose finally that 6 and f - iJ are both nowhere zero. If we define
_ v + g(u)
-y(u) = 'Y(u) - g(u)6(u), v = f(u) _ iJ(u) ,
a short calculation gives
tT(u, v) = -y(u) + ii~(u),
so a is a reparametrisation of part of the tangent developable of-Y.
Proposition 7.4
Let U : (; ---t R 3 be a surface patch, and suppose that for all (u, ii) E (; we are
given tangent vectors
el (u, v) = a(u, v)u ü + b(u,V)Uii ' e2(u, v) = c(u, v)u ü + d(u,V)Uii'
whose components a, b, c, d are smooth functions of (u,v) . Assume that , at
some point (uo, vo) E ti, the vectors ei (uo, vo) and e2(uo, vo) are linearly in-
dependent. Then, there is an open subset V of (; containing (uo, vo) and a
reparametrisation O'(u, v) of u(u ,ii), for (u,v) E V, such that O'u and O'v are
parallel to el and e2, respectively .
where Tl and Tl I are the matrices associated to the first and second fun-
damental forms of (1 . Since Tl = (~ ~), these equations imply that
Tl I = ( "'IE
0 0) .
"'2G' so the second fundamental form of (1 IS Ldu 2 + N dv 2 ,
where L = "'IE and N = "'2G.
We are thus left with the proof of Proposition 7.4. To begin, we observe
that, if
e = AÖ"ü + BÖ"ij,
where A and Bare any given smooth functions of (ü , ii) E Ü, we can find a
curve y in Ö" with 'Y = e and with any given point Q = Ö"(a, ß) as starting point
'1(0) . For, finding such a curve 'Y(t) = Ö"(ü(t),ii(t)) is equivalent to solving the
pair of ordinary differential equations
iL = A(ü,ii), t = B(ü,ii)
with initial conditions ü(O) = a, ii(O) = ß. It is proved in the theory of ordinary
differential equations that this problem has a unique solution ü(t), ii(t) defined
on some open interval containing t = O. Moreover, ü and ii are smooth functions
of the three variables t, a and ß.
Applying this observation to e = el, we can find a curve '11 (8d in Ö" with
'11(0) = Ö"(üo,iio) and d'Yl/d81 = er. Now applying the same observation to
e = e2, we can find , for each value of 81 elose to 0, a curve 82 ~ >'(81,82) in
Ö" with 8>'/882 = e2 and >'(81,0) = '11 (8d · Define (ü,ii) as functions of (81,82)
Differentiating with respect to 81 and 82 gives
_ 8ü _8ii, _ 8ü _8ii,
(1ü-8 +(1ij-8 ="81' (1Ü-8 +(1ij-8 ="82 '
81 81 82 82
160 Elementary Differential Geometry
We have
d d'Y1 {).
>'slls=O=-d>'(81,0)=-d =e1, >'S2=-{) =e2·
2 81 81 82
Equating coefficients of Ü ü and Üfj, we see from the last two sets of equations
that, at the point ü(uo, vo), where 81 = 82 = 0, the jacobian matrix
:s~ =
) (a c) b d .
Since e1 and e2 are linearly independent at (uo, vo), this matrix is invertible.
By the inverse function theorem 4.2, Eq. (7) can be solved for (81,82) as smooth
functions of (u,v) when (u,v) is in some open set IV of Ü containing (uo,vo).
Thus, >. is an allowable surface patch; by Eq. (8), it has the property that
>'SI = e1 when 82 = 0, and >'S2 = e2 everywhere.
We now repeat the procedure, this time starting with a curve 'Y2(t2) with
d'Y2/dt2 = e2 and 'Y2(0) = ü(uo, vo), and then taking a curve t1 ~ p(t l , t2)
with {)p/{)t1 = e1 and p(O,t2) = 'Y2(t2)' This gives an allowable patch p(t1,t2)
such that
p(t 1,t2) =ü(u,v)
for (u,v) in some open sub set Z of Ü containing (uo,vo). This patch has the
property that ptl = e1 everywhere and pt2 = e2 when t1 = O.
The parametrisation we want is 0'(U , v) , where 0'(u, v) is the intersection of
the curve 82 ~ >'(U,82) with the curve t1 ~ p(t1,V). Thus, we consider the
From Eq . (9),
{)u {)v = b
{)u {)u '
and similarly
{)v = c, {)v = d.
Hence, the jacobian matrix
(i! i;)=(: ~) .
As usual, the fact that this matrix is invertible means that (u, v) can be ex-
pressed as smooth functions of (u, v), for (u, v) in some open sub set V of IVn Z
containing (uo, vo), and we get a reparametrisation O'(u, v) of ü(u, v). Finally,
the equation 0'(u, v) = 1'(t1, v) implies that
{)t1 {)t1
O'u = {)u ptl = {)u e1,
7. Gaussian Curvature and the Gauss Map 161
and similarly
8s 2
a; = 7!);e 2 '
so Uu and Uv are parallel to el and e2 everywhere.
Definition 7.2
Let a be a surface patch with standard unit normal N, and let A be a constant
scalar. The parallel surjace u A of a is
u A =u+.\N.
162 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proposition 7.5
Let 11:1 and 11:2 be the principal curvatures 0/ a surface patch (J : U -t R 3 ,
and suppose that there is a constant C such that 111:11 and 111:2/ are both ~ C
everywhere. Let A be a constant with lAI< l/C, and let (JA be the corresponding
parallel surjace 0/ (J. Then,
(i) (JA is a (regular) surface patch;
(ii) the standard unit normal 0/ (J>' at (J>' (u , v) is the same as that 0/ (J at
(J(u , v) , [or all (u, v) EU;
(iii) the principal curvatures 0/ (J>' are 11:1/(1- AlI:l) and 11:2/(1- AII:2) , and the
corresponding principal vectors are the same as those 0/ (J [or the principal
curvatures 11:1 and 11:2, respectively;
(iv) the gaussian and mean curvatures 0/ (J>' are
1- 2AH + A2 K and 1 - 2AH + A2 K '
By Proposition 6.4,
(J~ = (Ju + AN u = (1 + Aa) (Ju + Ab(Jv,
(J~ = a; + AN v = AC(Ju + (1 + Ad) (Jv,
where the Weingarten matrix
w=-(: ~) .
(J~ x (J~ = (1 + A(a + d) + A2(ad - bc)) (Ju X (Jv.
Since 11:1 and 11:2 are the eigenvalues of W (see Section 6.3), and since the sum
and product of the eigenvalues of a matrix are equal to the SUfi of the diagonal
entries and the determinant of the matrix, respectively,
11:1 + 11:2 = -Ca + d), 11:111:2 = ad - bc.
7. Gaussian Curvature and the Gauss Map 163
Since lAI< l/C and III:I! and 111:21 are ~ C, it follows that IAII:I! and IAII:21 are
< 1, so (1 - AlI:d(l - A1I:2) > 0, and Eq. (11) shows that (TA is regular and that
its standard unit normal is
A ..\
NA _ (Tu X (Tv _ (Tu X (Tv _ N
- 11 (T~ x (T~ 11 - 11 (Tu X (Tv 11 - .
The principal curvatures of (TA are the eigenvalues of the Weingarten matrix
WA of (TA . By Proposition 6.4, this is the negative of the matrix expressing N~
and N ~ in terms of (T~ and (T~. Equation (10) says that the matrix expressing
(T~ and (T~ in terms of (Tu and a; is 1- AW, and the fact that NA = N implies
that - W is the matrix expressing N ~ and N ~ in terms of (Tu and (Tv- Combining
these two observations we get
Corollary 7.1
I/ (T is a surjace patch with constant non -zero mean curvature H, then [or
>. =1/2H, (TA has constant gaussian curvature 4H 2 . Conversely, i/ (T has
constant positive gaussian cv.rvature K , then [or A = ±l/VK, (TA has constant
mean cv.rvature =FtVK.
Proof T.l
This follows from part (iv) of the proposition by straightforward algebra. 0
7.15 The first fundamental form of a surface patch (T(u, v) is of the form
E(du + dv ) . Prove that (Tuu + (Tvv is perpendicular to (Tu and (Tv .
2 2
Proposition 7.6
I/ S is a compact surjace, there is a point P 0/S at which its gaussian curvature
K is > O.
7. Gaussian Curvature and the Gauss Map 165
The inequality in (12) implies that the normal curvature "'n = ;Y(O).N of'Y at P
(computed in the patch (T) is ::::; -1/ 11 P 11 or ~ 1/ 11 pli, according to whether
the sign in Eq . (13) is + or -, respectively. By Corollary 6.2, the principal
curvatures of (T at P are either both ::::; -1/11 P 11 or both ~ 1/ 11 P 11. In each
case, K ~ 1/ 11 P 11 > at P .
166 Elementary Differential Geometry
'------ --Q---- ----'
Theorem 7.1
Let (S : U -t R 3 be a surface, let (uo, vo) EU, and let 8 > 0 be such that the
closed disc
with centre (uo, vo) and radius 8 is contained in U (such a 8 exists because U
is open). Then,
Proof Tit
By Definition 5.3,
AN(R )ö _ ffR 6 11 Nu x N v 11 dudv
Aq(Rö ) - ffR6 11 (SU X (Sv 11 dudv .
By Proposition 6.4,
Nu x N, = (oa; X btTv ) x (CtS u x Mv)
= (ad - bc)(Su x (Sv
= det( _:F[1 :FIl)(Su x (Sv
det(:FIl )
= det(:FI) (Su X (Sv
ItI; ~II
~ (S u x (Sv (by the definition of :FI and :FII)
= EG _ p2 (Su X (Sv
= K(Su X (Sv (by Proposition 7.1(i». (15)
Sustituting in Eq . (14), we get
AN(R ) ö
ffR6 IKIII (Su x (Sv 11 dudv
Aq(Rö ) - ffR6 11 «; X (Sv 11 dudv .
Let e be any positive number. Since K (u, v) is a continuous function of
(u, v) (see Exercise 7.7), we can choose 8 > 0 so small that
IK(u, v) - K(uo, vo)1 < e
168 Elementary Differential Geometry
if (u,v) E Rs: Since, for any real numbers a,b , la - bl ~ lIal-lbll, it follows
that IIK(u,v)I-IK(uo,vo)11 < € if (u,v) E Rs, i.e,
IK(uo ,vo)l- € < IK(u ,v)/ < IK(uo,vo)1 + e
if (u, v) E R ö • Multiplying through by 11 (Tu x o; 11 and integrating over R ö, we
(IK(uo, vo)1 - €)//11 (Tu x (Tv 11 dudv -! /IK(U, v)11I (Tu x a; 11 dudv
Example 7.4
For a plane, the unit normal is constant. Thus, for any R, N(R) is a single
point, and thus has zero area. By the theorem, a plane has gaussian curvature
zero everywhere.
For a (generalised) cylinder, the unit normal is clearly always perpendicular
to the rulings of the cylinder, so the image of the Gauss map is contained in
the great circle on the unit sphere formed by intersecting the sphere with the
plane passing through the centre of the sphere and perpendicular to the rulings
of the cylinder. Any great circle obviously has zero area, so the cylinder has
zero gaussian curvature too.
Finally, for the unit sphere 8 2 itself, the unit normal at a point P is clearly
parallel to the radius vector from the centre of the sphere to P. In other words,
8. Gaussian Curvature and the Gauss Map 169
the Gauss map is the identity map or the antipodal map (depending on the
choice of parametrisation). Both of these maps are obviously equiareal, so the
(absolute value of the) gaussian curvature of 52 is one. In fact, this discussion
shows that, for any parametrisation a of 52, we have N = ±tT. The sign depends
of the choice of parametrisation, but in any case Nu x N, = tTu X a; so the
gaussian curvature is +1.
Geodesics are the curves in a surface that a bug living in the surface would
perceive to be straight. For example, the shortest path between two points
in a surface is always a geodesic. We shall actually begin by giving a quite
different definition of geodesics, since this definition is easier to work with. We
give various methods of finding the geodesics on surfaces, before finally making
contact with the idea of shortest paths towards the end of the chapter.
Definition 8.1
A curve y on a surface S is called a geodesie if ;y(t) is zero or perpendicular to
the surface at the point 'Y(t), i.e. parallel to its unit normal , for all values of
the parameter t.
Note that the unit normal is weH defined up to sign for any surface S, so
this definition makes sense.
172 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proposition 8.1
Any geodesie has constant speed.
Proof 8.1
Let 'Y(t) be a geodesie on a surface S. Then, denoting djdt by a dot,
d 11'
dt 'Y 11
= dtd( 'Y.'Y
.. ) = 2'"
Since 'Y is a geodesic, l' is perpendicular to the tangent plane and is therefore
perpendicular to the tangent vector 1'. So 1'.1' = 0 and the last equation shows
that 11 .y 11 is constant. 0
Proposition 8.2
A curve on a surface is a geodesie if and only if its geodesie curvature is zero
Proof 8.2
It is sufficient to consider a unit-speed curve 'Y contained in a patch a of the
surface. Let N be the standard unit normal of a, so that
Kg = ;Y.(N x 1'). (1)
8. Geodesics 173
Proposition 8.3
Any (part 0/ a) straight line on a surface is a geodesic.
This is obvious, for a straight line may be parametrised by
'Y(t) = a + bt,
where a and bare constant vectors, and clearly ;y = o. o
Example 8.1
All straight lines in the plane are geodesics, as are the rulings of any ruled
surface, such as the generators of a (generalised) cylinder, or those of a (gen-
eralised) cone, or the straight lines on a hyperboloid of one sheet .
Proposition 8.4
Any normal section 0/ a surjace is a geodesic.
Proof Bü
Recall from Section 6.2 that anormal section of a surface S is the intersection
C of S with aplane II, such that II is perpendicular to the surface at each
point of C. We showed in Section 6.2 that "'g = 0 for anormal section, so the
result follows from Proposition 8.2. 0
174 Elementary Differential Geometry
Example 8.2
All great circles on a sphere are geodesics.
For a great circle is the interseetion of the sphere with a plane II passing
through the centre 0 of the sphere, so if P is a point of the great circle, the
vector OP lies in II and is perpendicular to the tangent plane of the unit sphere
at P. Hence, II is perpendicular to the tangent plane at P.
Example 8.3
The intersection of a (generalised) cylinder with aplane II perpendicular to
the rulings of the cylinder is a geodesic. For it is clear that the unit normal N
is perpendicular to the rulings . It follows that N is parallel to II, and hence
that II is perpendicular to the tangent plane.
Theorem 8.1
A eurue "1 on a surface S is a geodesic i/ and only i/, [or any part 'Y(t) =
0'( u(t) ,v(t)) 0/"1 contained in a surfacepatch 0' 0/5, the /ollowing two equations
176 Elementary Differential Geometry
are satisfied:
Proo] 8.1
Since {(J u, (Jv} is a basis of the tangent plane of (J, 'Y is a geodesie if and only
if;Y is perpendicular to (Ju and (Jv . Since 'Y = uo; + v(Jv, this is equivalent to
We show that these two equations are equivalent to the two geodesie equations.
The left-hand side of the first equation in (3) is equal to
The geodesie equations are non-linear differential equations, and are usually
difficult or impossible to solve explicitly. The following example is one case in
which this can be done. Another is given in Exercise 8.9.
8. Geodesics 177
Example 8.4
~ (epcos 20) = 0,
so that
ep cos2 0 = [},
where [} is a constant. If [} = 0, then ep = 0 so <p is constant and 'Y is part of a
meridian. We assume that [} =I 0 from now on.
The unit-speed condition gives
'2 [}2
o =l -~O'
so along the geodesie we have
d<P ) 2 ep2 1
( dO = 82 = cos2 O([}-2 cos'' 0 - 1) ,
and hence
±(<p - <Po) =
cos oJ[} 2 cos2 0 - 1
where <Po is a constant. The integral can be evaluated by making the substitu-
tion u = tan O. This gives
and hence
±( -
<Po - f V[} du
2 _ 1 - u2 -
. 1
- sin" ( U
J [}-2 - 1
where a = ":fVn 2 - l sin cpo, b = ±v'n 2 -lcoscpo. This shows that 'Y is
contained in the intersection of 8 2 with aplane passing through the centre of
the sphere.
Hence, in all cases, 'Y is part of a great circle.
Corollary 8.1
Let P be a point of a surface S, and let t be a unit tangent vector to S at P.
Then, ihere exists a unique unit-speed geodesic 'Y on S which passes through P
and has tangent vector t there .
Proof 8.1
The geodesie equations are of the form
ü = f(u,v ,u,v), ii = g(u,v,u,iJ), (5)
where f and gare smooth functions of the four variables u, v, u and iJ. It
is proved in the theory of ordinary differential equations that , for any given
constants a, b, c, d, and any value to of t, there is a solution of Eq. (5) such that
u(to) = a, v(to) = b, u(to) = c, iJ(to) = d, (6)
and such that u(t) and v(t) are defined and smooth for all t satisfying It- tol <
e, where e is some positive number. Moreover, any two solutions of Eq . (5)
satisfying (6) agree for all values of t such that It - tol < €' , where €' is some
positive number ::; e.
We now apply these facts to the geodesie equations. Suppose that P lies in
a patch 0'(u, v) of S, say that P is the point 0'(a, b), and that t = CO'u + du v,
where a, b, c, d are scalars and the derivatives are evaluated at u = a, v = b. A
unit-speed curve 'Y(t) O'(u(t),v(t)) passes through P at t =
to if and only if
= =
u(to) a, v(to) b, and has tangent vector t there if and only if
CO'u + da; = t = -y(to) = u(to)O'u + iJ(to)O'v ,
= =
i.e. u(to) c, iJ(to) d. Thus, finding a (unit-speed) geodesie 'Y passing through
P at t = to and having tangent vector t there is equivalent to solving the
geodesie equations subject to the initial conditions (6). But we have said above
that this problem has a unique solution. 0
8. Geodesics 179
Example 8.5
We already know that all straight lines in a plane are geodesics . Since there is
a straight line in the plane through any given point of the plane in any given
direction parallel to the plane, it follows from Corollary 8.1 that there are no
other geodesics.
Example 8.6
Similarly, on a sphere, the great circles are the only geodesics , for there is
clearly a great circle passing through any given point of the sphere in any given
direction tangent to the sphere. (Ir p is the position vector of the point and
t the tangent direction, let II be the plane passing through the origin and
parallel to p and t (i.e, with normal p x t); then take the intersection of the
sphere with II .)
The following consequence of Theorem 8.1 can also be used in some cases
to find geodesics without solving the geodesie equations.
Corollary 8.2
An isometry between two surfaces takes the geodesics 0/ one eurjace to the
geodesics 0/ the other.
Let 8 1 and 82 be the two surfaces, let f : 81 -+ 82 be the isometry, and let 'Y
be a geodesie in 8 1 . Let 0'(u, v) be a patch in 8 1 and suppose that the part of
the geodesie lying in this patch is given by 'Y(t) = O'(u(t) , v(t)) . Then, u and v
satisfy the geodesie equations (2), with E, Fand G being the coefficients of the
first fundamental form of 0' . By Theorem 5.1, f 0 0' is a patch of 8 2 with the
same first fundamental form as 0' . Hence, by Theorem 8.1, t t-t f(O'(u(t) , v(t)))
is a geodesie on 8 2 , in other words , f 0 'Y is a geodesic . 0
Example 8.7
through each point of the cylinder (whereas we know that there is a geodesie
passing through each point in any given tangent direction).
... ...
To find the missing geodesies, we recall that the cylinder is isometrie to the
plane (see Example 5.5). In fact, the isometry takes the point ('11. , V, 0) of the
xy-plane to the point (cosu, sin '11., v) ofthe cylinder. By Corollary 8.2, this map
takes geodesies on the plane (i.e. straight lines) to geodesies on the cylinder,
and vice versa. So to find all the geodesies on the cylinder, we have only to
find the images under the isometry of all the straight lines in the plane . Any
line not parallel to the y-axis has equation y = mx + c, where m and c are
constants. Parametrising this line by x = '11., Y = mu + c, we see that its image
is the curve
'Y(u) = (cosu,sinu,mu + c)
on the cylinder. Comparing with Example 2.1, we see that this is a circular helix
of radius one and pitch 2rrlml (adding c to the z-coordinate just translates the
helix vertieally) . Note that if m = 0 we get the circular geodesies that we
already know. Finally, any straight line in the xy-plane parallel to the y-axis is
mapped by the isometry to a straight line on the cylinder parallel to the z-axis,
giving the other family of geodesies that we already know.
8.6 Show that, if P and Q are distinct points of a circular cylinder, there
are either two or infinitely many geodesies on the cylinder joining P
and Q. Whieh pairs P, Q have the former property?
8.7 Use Corollary 8.2 to find all the geodesies on a circular cone. (Use
Exercise 5.5.)
8.8 Use Corollary 8.2 to show that the geodesies on a generalised cylin-
der are exactly those constant-speed curves on the cylinder whose
8. Geodesics 181
tangent vector makes a constant angle with the rulings of the cylin-
8.9 Find the geodesics on a circular cylinder by solving the geodesie
8.10 Let ")'(t) be a unit-speed curve on the helicoid
O'(u, v) = (ucosv,usinv,v) .
Show that
u2 + (1 + u 2)iJ2 = 1
(a dot denotes djdt) . Show also that, if")' is a geodesie on 0', then
. a
v = 1 +u2'
where a is a constant. Find the geodesics corresponding to a = 0
and a = 1.
8.11 Show that, if N is the standard unit normal of a surface patch 0'(u, v)
with first fundamental form Edu 2 + 2Fdudv + Gdv 2, then
- Fa; N Fa; - Go;
N xo
= EO'v
EG _ F2 '
= -r=====::::::::;;;:-
x u v..; EG _ F2
(Use Proposition 5.2.) Deduce that, if u(u(t),v(t)) is a unit-speed
curve on a, its geodesie curvature
3 2
"'9 = (iiu - iJÜ)";EG - F2 + Au + Bu iJ + CiJ,iJ2 + DiJ ,
Proposition 8.5
On the surjoce 0/ revolution
u(u, v) = (J(u) cos v, f(u) sin v , g(u)) ,
(i) every meridian is a geodesic;
(ii) a parallel u = Uo (say) is a geodesic i/ and only i/ df Idu = 0 when u = uo,
i.e. Uo is a stationary point 0/ f .
8. Geodesics 183
Proof 8.5
On a meridian, we have v = constant so the second equation in (7) is obviously
satisfied. Equation (8) gives ü = ±1, so ü is constant and the first equation in
(7) is also satisfied.
For (ii), note that if u = Uo is constant, then by Eq. (8), iJ = ±l/ f(uo)
is non-zero, so the first equation in (7) holds only if df / du = O. Conversely,
if df /du = 0 when u = uo, the first equation in (7) obviously holds , and the
second holds because iJ = ±l/ f(uo) and f(u) = f(uo) are constant. 0
parallel 'I/; = 1r /2, so p sin 'I/; is certainly constant. But paralleis are not geodesics
in general, as Proposition 8.5(ii) shows.
Proof 8.6
ü 2 -- 1 - ---
n2 (10)
Differentiating both sides with respect to t gives
. .. _ 2n 2 • _ 2n 2 dp .
2uu -
p3 P - p3 du u,
. ( U.. - p du
dp v '2) =.0
Ir the term in brackets does not vanish at some point of the curve, say at
"Y(to) = u(uo, vo), there will be a number t > 0 such that it does not vanish for
It - tol < e, But then ü = 0 for It - tol < e, so "Y coincides with the parallel
8. Geodesics 185
Example 8.8
We use Clairaut's Theorem to determine the geodesics on the pseudosphere
(Section 7.2):
o-(u ,v) = (e" cosu.e" sinv, Vl- e2u - cosh-1(e- u ) ) .
We found there that its first fundamental form is
du 2 + e2udv2 •
It is convenient to reparametrise by setting w = e- u . The reparametrised
surface is
and Clairaut's Theorem gives
1 . ./. 1 .
= 2v
= u, rl
186 Elementary Differential Geometry
22 1
(v-va) +w = fl2 ' (13)
where Va is a constant. So the geodesics are the images under iT of the parts
of the circles in the vw-plane given by Eq . (13) and lying in the region w > 1.
Note that these circles all have centre on the v-axis, and so intersect the v-axis
perpendicularly. The meridians correspond to straight lines perpendicular to
the v-axis.
Since w > 1, any geodesie other than a meridian has a maximum value of w ,
which it attains, and a maximum and minimum value of v, which it approaches
arbitrarily closely ·but does not attain (see the diagram below). This shows that
the pseudosphere is 'incomplete', i.e. a geodesie on the pseudosphere cannot be
continued indefinitely (in one direction if it is a meridian, in both directions
otherwise) .
8. Geodesics 187
Example 8.9
We consider the hyperboloid of one sheet obtained by rotating the hyperbola
x2 - Z2 = 1, x > 0,
in the xz-plane around the z-axis . Since all of the surface is at a distance ~ 1
from the z-axis, we have seen above that, if 0 ~ n < 1, a geodesie with angular
momentum n crosses every parallel of the hyperboloid and so extends from
z = -00 to z = 00 .
188 Elementary Differential Geometry
Suppose now that .0 > 1. Then the geodesie is confined to one of the two
z<- --).0 2 - 1,
whieh are bounded by circles r- and T'>, respectively, of radius .0. Let P be a
point on I": , and consider the geodesie C that passes through P and is tangent
to I": there. Then, 1/J = rr/2 and p = .0 at P, so C has angular momentum .0.
Now C cannot be contained in F": , since I": is not a geodesie (by Proposition
8.5(ii», so C must head into the region below I": as it leaves P. Moreover, C
must be symmetrie about P, since reflection in the plane through P containing
the z-axis takes C to another geodesie that also passes through P and is tangent
to I": there, and so must coincide with C by the uniqueness part of Corollary
8.1. Since u ;j; 0 in the region below t': by Eq. (10), the geodesie crosses every
parallel below I": and z -t - 00 as t -t ±oo.
Suppose now that C is any geodesie with angular momentum .0 > 1 in the
region below T: , Then a suitable rotation around the z-axis will cause C to
intersect C, say at Q, and so to coincide with it (possibly after reflecting in
the plane through Q containing the z-axis and changing t to -t). We have
therefore described the behaviour of every geodesie with angular momentum
.0 > 1 that is confined to the region below Tr . Of course, the geodesies with
angular momentum .0 > 1 in the region above r+ are obtained by reflecting
those below I": in the xy-plane.
Suppose finally that .0 = 1. Let C be a geodesie with angular momentum
8. Geodesics 189
Assume now that P is in the region below r. Then 0 < 'IjJ < 1r /2 at P, so
as it leaves P in one direction, C approaches r . It must in fact get arbitrarily
elose to r . For if it were to stay always below a parallel of radius 1 + e, say
(with f > 0), then we would have
!iL 1 1-(1:fr
?- V
everywhere along C by Eq. (10), which elearly implies that C must cross every
parallel, contradicting our assumption. So, if {} = 1 the geodesie spirals around
the hyperboloid approaching, and getting arbitrarily elose to, but never quite
reaching it .
8.13 There is another way to see that all the meridians, and the paral-
lels corresponding to the stationary points of f, are geodesics on a
surface of revolution considered in this section. What is it ?
8.14 A surface of revolution has the property that every parallel is a
geodesic. What kind of surface is it?
190 Elementary Differential Geometry
the part of'Y between p' and q' by this shorter path, thus giving a shorter path
from p to q in S.
We may therefore consider a path 'Y entirely contained in a surface patch (I.
To test whether y has smaller length than any other path in (I passing through
two fixed points p and q in (I, we embed 'Y in a smooth family of curves on (I
passing through p and q. By such a family, we mean a curve 'YT on (I, for each
l' in an open interval (-6, 6), such that
(i) there is an e > 0 such that 'YT(t) is defined for all t E (-€,€) and all
l' E (-6,6)j
(ii) for some a, b with -€ < a < b < e, we have
'YT(a)=p and 'YT(b)=q forall TE (-6,6)j
(iii) the map from the reetangle (-6,6) x (-€, e) into R 3 given by
(1', t) f-t 'YT(t)
is smooth;
(iv) 'Y0 = 'Y.
.c(T) = l
11 .yT 11 dt,
Theorem 8.2
With the above notation, the unit-speed curve 'Y is a geodesie i/ and only i/
-.c(T) = 0 when r = 0
for all families 0/ curves 'YT with ~ = 'Y .
Note Although we assumed that 'Y = ~ is unit-speed, we do not assurne that
'YT is unit-speed if l' t- o.
192 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proof 8.2
We use the formula for 'differentiating under the integral sign': if Itr. t) is
d J f(7, t)dt
dr = J88rf dt .
= d7 Ja
r 11 "( 11 dt
= Jar 87
8 (g(7, t)1/2) dt
_ 1
- 2" Ja
I" 9 (-r, t )-1/2 8r
8g d
t, (14)
g( 7 , t) = Eü 2 + 2FüiJ + GiJ2
and a dot denotes djdt. Now,
8 F .. 8G ' 2 2E . 8ü 2F(8Ü.
8g = -
u 2 + 2 -UV
+ -V + U- +
87 8r 8r
,8iJ) + 2G,8iJ
-V + U-
8u E 8V) . 2 2('" 8u '" 8V) . . (G 8u G8V) ·2
= (Eu 87 + v 8r u + .cu 8r +.cv 87 UV + u 87 + v 87 V
2u 2u 2v 2v
8 ( 8 8 ) 8
+ 2Eü 8r8t + 2F 8r8t iJ + ü 8r8t + 2GiJ 878t
= (EuU· 2 + 2FuUV
" + G uV' 2) 8u
8r + (E'
vU + 2"' " + G vV'2)8v
.cvUV 87
l b
g-1/2 {(Eü + FiJ)::;t +(Fü + GiJ) ::;t} dt
using integration by parts. Now, since 'YT(a) and 'YT(b) are independent of T
or = 0 when t = a or b.
we see that
OU =ov = 0
or or when t = a or b.
Hence, the first term on the right -hand side of Eq. (15) is zero. Inserting the
remaining terms in Eq . (15) back into Eq. (14), we get
:/:,(r) = l b
for alt families of curves 'YT , then U = V = 0 when r = 0 (since this will
prove that '1 satisfies the geodesie equations). Assurne, then, that condition
(18) holds, and suppose, for example, that U :f; 0 when r = O. We will show
that this leads to a contradiction.
Since U :f; 0 when t: = 0, there is some to E (a, b) such that U(O, to) :f; 0,
say U(O , to) > O. Since U is a continuous function, there exists Tl > 0 such that
U(O , t) > 0 if t E (to - Tl , to + Tl) '
Let 4> be a smooth function such that
4>(t) > 0 if t E (to - Tl, to + Tl) and 4>(t) = 0 if t ~ (to - Tl , to + Tl)' (19)
194 Elementary Differential Geometry
But U(O , t) and </J(t) are both > for an t E (to -1], to + 17), so the integral on
the right-hand side of Eq. (20) is > 0. This contradiction proves that we must
have U(O, t) = for an t E (a, b). One proves similarly that V(O, t) = for all °
tE (a, b). Together, these results prove that "Y satisfies the geodesie equations.
It is worth making several eomments on Theorem 8.2 to be clear about what
it says, and also what it does not say.
Firstly, if"Y is a shortest path on 0' from p to q, then .c(r) must have an
absolute minimum when r = 0. This implies that lT.c(r) = when r = 0, and
henee by Theorem 8.2 that "Y is a geodesic.
Secondly, if"Y is a geodesie on 0' passing through p and q, then .c(r) has
a stationary point (extremum) when -r = 0, but this need not be an absolute
minimum, or even a loeal minimum, so "Y need not be a shortest path from p
------....q - -
to q. For example, if p and q are two nearby points on a sphere, the short
great circle are joining p and q is the shortest path from p to q (this is not
quite obvious - see below), but the long great circle are joining p and q is also
a geodesie.
8. Geodesics 195
Thirdly, in general , a shortest path joining two points on a surface may not
exist . For example , consider the surface S consisting of the xy-plane with the
origin removed. This is a perfectly good surface , but there is no shortest path
on the surface from the point p = (-1,0) to the point q = (1,0) . Of course ,
the shortest path should be the straight line segment joining the two points,
but this does not lie entirely on the surface, since it passes through the origin
which is not part of the surface . For a 'reallife' analogy, imagine trying to walk
from p to q but finding that there is a deep hole in the ground at the origin.
The solution might be to walk in a straight line as long as possible , and then
skirt around the hole at the last minute, say taking something like the following
• > ~ > •
p < > q
This path consists of two straight line segments of length 1 - €, together with
a semicirele of radius e, so its total length is
2(1 - e) + 7f€ = 2 + (7f - 2)€.
Of course, this is greater than the straight line distanee 2, but it ean be made
as elose as we like to 2 by taking e sufficiently smalI. In the language of real
analysis, the greatest lower bound of the lengths of curves on the surface joining
p and q is 2, but there is no eurve from p to q in the surface whose length is
equal to this lower bound.
Finally, it can be proved that if a surfaee S is a closed sub set of R 3 (I.e. if
the set of points of R 3 that are not in S is an open subset of R 3 ) , and if there
is some path in S joining any two points of S, then there is always a shortest
path joining any two points of S . For example, a plane is a elosed subset of R 3 ,
so there is a shortest path joining any two points. This path must be a straight
line, for by the first remark above it is a geodesic, and we know that the only
geodesics on a plane are the straight lines. Similarly, a sphere is a elosed subset
of R 3 , and it follows that the short great cirele are joining two points on the
sphere is the shortest path joining them. But the surface S eonsidered above
is not a elosed subset of R 3 , for (0,0) is a point not in S, but any open ball
containing (0,0) must clearly contain points of S, so the set of points not in S
is not open.
196 Elementary Differential Geometry
p -y(v)
For this , let P be a point of Sand let 'Y , with parameter v say, be a unit-speed
geodesie on S with 'Y(O) = P. For any value of v, there is a unique unit-
speed geodesie 'f', with parameter '11 say, such that ;yv (0) = 'Y(v) and which is
perpendicular to 'Y at 'Y( v) . We define u( '11, v) = ;yv ('11).
Proposition 8.7
With the above notation, there is an open subset U of R 2 containing (0,0)
such that a : U ~ R 3 is an allowable surface patch for S . Moreover, the first
fundamental form of o is
du 2 + G(u,v)dv 2 ,
where G is a smooth function on U such that
G(O, v) = 1, Gu(O, v) = 0,
whenever (O,v) EU .
Proof 8.7
The proof that a is (for a suitable open set U) an allowable surface patch makes
198 Elementary Differential Geometry
use of the inverse function theorem, and is similar to the proof of Proposition
4.1 (see Section 4.6).
Note first that, for any value of v,
lu Iv)
(h gu gv
u hv
has rank 2 when u = v = O. Hence, at least one of its three 2 x 2 submatrices
is invertible at (0,0), say
(lu Iv).
gu gv
By the inverse function theorem 4.2, there is an open subset U of R 2 such that
the map given by
F(u, v) = (f(u,v),g(u,v))
is a bijection from U to an open subset F(U) of R 2 , and such that its inverse
map F(U) ~ U is also smooth. The matrix (21) is then invertible for all
(u, v) EU, so 0"u and 0"v are linearly independent for (u, v) EU. It follows that
0" : U ---+ R is an allowable surface patch.
As to the first fundamental form of 0", note first that
Example 8.10
If P is a point on the equator of the unit sphere 8 2 , take 'Y to be the equator
with parameter the longitude <p, and let .y'P be the meridian parametrised by
latitude () and passing through the point on the equator with longitude sp, The
corresponding geodesie patch is the usual latitude longitude patch, for which
the first fundamental form is
d()2 + cos2 () d<p2,
l R
11 d:' 11
dr = R.
By differentiating both sides with respect to (), prove that
tTr.tT/J = O.
200 Elementary Differential Geometry
In Section 8.4 we considered the problem of finding the shortest paths between
two points on a surface. We now consider the analogous problem in one higher
dimension , that of finding a surface of minimal area with a fixed curve as its
boundary. This is called Plateau 's Problem. The solutions to Plateau's problem
turn out to be surfaces whose mean curvature vanishes everywhere. The study
of these so-called minimal surfaces was initiated by Euler and Lagrange in the
mid-18th century, but new examples of minimal surfaces have been discovered
quite recently.
I{) = .TI
(T T=O'
202 Elementary Differential Geometry
Theorem 9.1
With the above notation, assume that the surface variation <pT vanishes along
the boundary curve 'tr. Then,
Definition 9.1
A minimal surface is a surface whose mean curvature is zero everywhere.
Corollary 9.1
If a surface S has least area among all surfaces with the same boundary curve,
then S is a minimal surface.
and this energy is proportional to its area. A soap film spanning a wire in the
shape of a curve C should therefore adopt the shape of a surface of least area
with boundary C. By Corollary 9.1, this will be a minimal surface.
More generally, if the soap film separates two regions of different pressure,
the film will adopt the shape of a surface of constant mean curvature. This is
the case for a soap bubble, for example, for which the air pressure inside the
bubble is greater than the pressure outside. To see this, we apply the principle
of 'virtual work' . This teIls us that, if the soap film is in equilibrium, and we
imagine a ('virtual') change in the surface, the change in the energy of the film
must be the same as the work done by the film against the air pressure. If p
is the pressure difference, the force exerted by the air on a small piece of the
surface of area LlA is pLlA, so the work done when it moves a small distance
a perpendicular to itself is apLlA. On the other hand, the formula in Theorem
9.1 shows that the change in area of the surface is proportional to aHLlA (note
that o is the component of the variation cp perpendicular to the surface). So p
is proportional to H. Since the pressure difference must be the same across the
whole surface , so must the mean curvature H. Surfaces of constant non-zero
mean curvature were discussed in Section 7.4.
For the moment, we give only one example of a minimal surface; others will
be given in the next section. This example already shows, however, that the
converse of Corollary 9.1 is false.
Example 9.1
The first three of these equations show that the parametrisation (1 is conformal,
and Proposition 7.1(ii) gives
H = LG - 2MP + NE
2(EG - P2)
= °,
showing that the catenoid is a minimal surface .
Fix a > 0, and let b = cosh a. The surface S consisting of the part of the
catenoid with Izi < a has boundary the two circles C± ofradius bin the planes
z = ±a with centres on the z-axis. Another surface spanning the same two
circles is, of course , the surface So consisting of the two discs x 2 + y2 ~ b2 in
the planes z = ±a. The area of S is, by Proposition 5.2,
r Ja
Jo -a
(EG _ p 2)1/ 2du dv = r: Ja
Jo -a
cosh'' u dudv = 211"(a + sinh a cosh a).
The area of So is, of course, 211"b2 = 211" coslr' a. So the minimal surface S will
not mini mise the area among all surfaces with boundary the two circles C± if
cosh 2 a < a + sinh a cosh a, i.e, if
1 + e- 2a < 2a. (2)
9. Minimal Surfaces 205
Proof 9.1
Let tpT = ü T, so that tp0 = tp, and let NT be the standard unit normal of a",
There are smooth functions o:T, ßT and 'YT of (u, v, r) such that
tpT = o:TN T + ß"u~ + 'YTu~,
so that 0: = 0:° . To simplify the notation, we drop the superscript r for the rest
of the proof; at the end of the proof we put r = O.
We have
Ä= J' { :
Jint(1f') r
(N.(uu x u v »dudv . (3)
Uu = !Pu = auN + ßutTu + 'YutTv + aNu + ßtTuu + 'YtTuv ,
tTu .u u = Eßu + F'Yu + (tTu .Nu)a + (tTu.tTuu)ß + (tTu .tTuvh·
Since tTu .Nu = - tTuu.N = - L , tTu.tT uu = !Eu and tTu .tTuv = !Ev, we get
tTu 'u u = es; + F'Yu - La + ~Euß + ~Ev'Y'
{(ßO(EG - F 2)1/2) + ('Y°(EG - F 2)1/2) } dudv
u v
= O. (7)
But by Green 's Theorem (see Section 3.1), this integral is equal to
and this obviously vanishes because ßO = "10 = 0 along the boundary curve ~ .
This completes the proof of Theorem 9.1. 0
Note that we did not quite use the full force of the assumptions in Theorem
9.1, since they imply that aO (= o) vanishes along the boundary curve, and
this was not used in the proof. So Bq. {1} holds provided the surjace variation
!P is normal to the surjace along the boundary curve.
Note also that Theorem 9.1 is intuitively obvious for variations !p that are
parallel to the surface, i.e. those for which a = 0 everywhere on the surface,
9. Minimal Surfaces 207
since such a parallel variation causes the surface to slide along itself and will
not change the shape, and in particular the area, of the surface . Thus, the
main point is to prove Theorem 9.1 for normal variations, i.e, those for which
ß = 'Y = 0 everywhere on the surface . Making this restriction simplifies the
above proof considerably.
9.1 Show that any rigid motion of R 3 takes a minimal surface to another
minimal surface , as does any dilation (x,y,z) t-+ a(x,y,z), where a is
a non-zero constant.
9.2 Show that z = ! (x, y), where ! is a smooth function of two variables,
is a minimal surface if and only if
(1 + !;)!xx - 2!x!y!xy + (1 + /;)!yy = o.
9.3 Show that every umbilic on a minimal surface is a planar point (see
Proposition 6.3).
9.4 Show that the gaussian curvature of a minimal surface is ~ 0 ev-
erywhere, and that it is zero everywhere if and only if the surface is
part of aplane. (Use Proposition 6.5.) We shall obtain a much more
precise result in Corollary 9.2.
9.5 Show that there is no compact minimal surface . (Use Proposition 7.6
and Exercise 9.4.)
Example 9.2
A catenoid is obtained by rotating a curve x = ~ cosh az in the xz-plane around
the z-axis, where a > 0 is a constant. We showed in Example 9.1 that this is a
minimal surface (we only dealt there with the case a = 1, but the general case
follows from it by using Exercise 9.1).
208 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proposition 9.1
Any minimal surface 0/ revolution is either part 0/ a plane or can be obtained
by applying a rigid motion to part 0/ a catenoid.
By applying a rigid motion, we can assurne that the axis of the surface S is the
z-axis and the profile curve lies in the xz-plane. We parametrise S in the usual
way (see Example 6.2):
D'(u, v) = (f(u) cosv,/(u) sin v, g(u)) ,
where the profile curve u t-+ (f(u),O,g(u)) is assumed to be unit-speed and
/ > 0. From Example 6.2, the first and second fundamental forms are
du2 + /(u)2dv 2 and u» -
jiJ)du2 + /iJdv2,
respectively, a dot denoting d/du . By Proposition 7.1(ii), the mean curvature
9. Minimal Surfaces 209
We suppose now that, for some value of u, say u = uo, we have g(uo) f. O.
We shall then have g(u) f. 0 for u in some open interval containing uo. Let
(o , ß) be the largest such interval. Supposing now that u E (o, ß), the unit-
speed condition j2 + g2 = 1 gives (as in Example 7.2)
. .. j
so we get
H = ~ (j -~) .
Since g2 = 1 - j2, S is minimal if and only if
fj=l-P . (8)
To solve the differential equation (8), put h = j , and note that
j= dh = dhdf =hdh .
dt df dt df
Hence, Eq. (8) becomes
fh~; = 1- h2 .
Note that, since 9 f. 0, we have h 2 f. 1, so we can integrate this equation as
hdh =I df
I 1- h 2 i '
V1- h 2 -af
- ,
.. h= af '
where a is a non-zero constant. (We have omitted a ±, but the sign can be
changed by replacing u by -u if necessary.) Writing h = df/ du and integrating
afdf Id
I Ja 2 j2 -1 = u,
To compute g, we have
ii = 1 - P. = 1 - h
= --,
a 2 j2
dg =± 1 ,
du VI + a2u2
9 = ±~a sinh-1(au) + c (where cis a constant),
au = ± sinh(a(g - c)),
f = - cosh(a(g - c)).
Thus, the profile curve of S is
iJ2 = 1 if u E (a,ß),
1 + a 2u2
so, since iJ is a continuous function of u, iJ(ß) = ±(I + a2ß2)-1/2 ::/: O. This
contradiction shows that the profile curve is not defined for values of u ~ ß. Of
course , this also holds trivially if ß = 00. A similar argument applies to o, and
shows that (o, ß) is the entire domain of definition of the profile curve. Hence,
the whole of S is part of a catenoid.
The only remaining case to consider is that in which iJ(u) = 0 for all values
of u for which the profile curve is defined. But then g(u) is a constant, say d,
and S is part of the plane z = d. 0
Example 9.3
A helicoid is a ruled surface swept out by a straight line that rotates at constant
speed about an axis perpendicular to the line while simultaneously moving at
constant speed along the axis. We can take the axis to be the z-axis, Let w be
the angular velocity of the rotating line and a its speed along the z-axis, If the
9. Minimal Surfaces 211
line starts along the z-axis, at time v the centre of the line is at (0,0 , av) and
it has rotated by an angle wv. Hence, the point of the line initially at (u, 0, 0)
is now at the point with position vector
u(u, v) = (ucoswv,usinwv,av) .
We leave it to Exercise 9.6 to check that this is a minimal surface.
Proposition 9.2
Any mied minimal surface is part 0/ a plane or part 0/ a helicoid.
We take the usual parametrisation
u(u, v) = 'Y(u) + v6(u)
(see Example 4.12), where y is a curve that meets each of the rulings and 6(u)
is a vector parallel to the ruling through 'Y( u). We begin the proof by making
some simplifications to the parametrisation.
First, we can certainly assurne that 116( u) 11 = 1 for all values of u. We assume
also that 6 is never zero, where the dot denotes djdu. (We shall consider later
what happens if 6(u) = for some values of u .) We can then assurne that 6is
a unit-speed curve (we do not assurne that 'Y is unit-speed). These assumptions
imply that 6.6 = 6.6 = o. Now we consider the curve
-y(u) = 'Y(u) - ('Y.6)6(u).
If ii = v + 1'.6, the surface can be reparametrised using -y and the parameters
u and ii, namely
u(u, ii) = -y(u) + ii6(u) ,
212 Elementary Differential Geometry
Equation (12) shows that the curvature ofthe curve 6 is 1, and that its principal
normal is -6. Hence, its binormal is 6 x (-6), and since
d . .. . .
du (6 x 6) = 6 x 6 + 6 x 6 = -6 x 6 = 0,
it follows that the torsion of 6 is zero. Hence, 6 parametrises a circle of radius
1 (see Proposition 1.5). By applying a rigid motion, we can assume that 6 is
the circle with radius 1 and cent re the origin in the xy-plane, so that
6(u) = (cosu,sinu,O).
From Eq. (12), we get 6.(1' x 6) = -6.(1' x 6) = 0, so by Eq. (10),
i.(eS x 6) = 0.
It follows that i is parallel to the xy-plane, and hence that
-y(u) = (f(u),g(u),au + b),
where fand gare smooth functions and a and bare constants. If a = 0, the
surface is part of the plane z = b. Otherwise, Eq . (9) gives
= 2(j cosu + gsin u) .
jjcosu - jsin u (13)
We finally make use of the condition 1'.6 = 0, which gives
jsinu = gcosu. (14)
Differentiating this gives
jsinu + jcosu = jjcosu - gsinu. (15)
Equations (13) and (15) together give
j cos u + 9 sin u = 0.
and using Eq. (14) we get j = 9 = 0. Thus, fand
gare constants. By a
translation of the surface, we can assume that the constants I, 9 and b are
zero, so that
-y(u) = (O,O,au)
u(u,v) = (vcosu,vsinu ,au),
which is a helicoid.
We assumed at the beginning that 6 is never zero. If 6 is always zero, then
6 is a constant vector and the surface is a generalised cylinder. But in fact a
generalised cylinder is a minimal surface only if the cylinder is part of a plane
(Exercise 9.8). The proof is now completed by an argument similar to that used
214 Elementary Differential Geometry
at the end of the proof of Proposition 9.1, which shows that the whole surface
is either part of a plane or part of a helicoid. 0
After the catenoid and helicoid, the next minimal surfaces to be discovered
were the following two.
Example 9.4
Enneper's minimal surface is
tT(u, - (u - ~u3
v)- 3 - ~V3 + vu 2 ' u 2 -
+ uv 2 'V3 v2) .
Strictly speaking, this is not a surface patch in the sense used in this book as
it is not injective. The self-intersections are clearly visible in the picture above.
However, if we restriet (u, v) to lie in sufficiently small open sets, tT will be
injective by the inverse function theorem.
Example 9.5
Scherk 's minimal surface is the surface with cartesian equation
z -_ In (COS Y ) .
It was shown in Exercise 7.16 that this is a minimal surface. Note that the
surface exists only when cos x and cos Y are both > 0 or both < 0, in other
words in the interiors of the white squares of the following chess board pattern,
in which the squares have vertices at the points (7r/2 + m7r, tt /2 + mr) , where m
and n are integers, no two squares with a common edge have the same colour,
and the square containing the origin is white :
9. Minimal Surfaces 215
The white squares have centres of the form (m7r, mr), where m and n are
integers with m + n even. Since, for such m, n,
cos(y + mr) cosy
cos(x + m7r) cosx'
it follows that the part of the surface over the square with centre (m7r,n7r) is
obtained from the part over the square with centre (0,0) by the translation
(x, y, z) f-t (x + m7r, y + mr, z). So it suffices to exhibit the part of the surface
over a single square:
216 Elementary Differential Geometry
Show that
(i) the parameter curve on the surface given by u = is a straight
9. Minimal Surfaces 217
Proposition 9.3
Let (1( u, v) be a minimal surface patch with nowhere vanishing gaussian cur-
vature . Then, the Gauss map is a eonformal map from (1 to part 0/ the unit
By Theorem 5.2, we have to show that the first fundamental form
(N u.Nu)du 2 + 2(N u.N1.I)dudv + (N1.I.N1.I)dv 2
of N is proportional to that of (1. Form the symmetrie 2 x 2 matrix
218 Elementary Differential Geometry
as we want. o
9. Minimal Surfaces 219
9.11 Show that the scalar .x appearing in the proof of Proposition 9.3 is
equal to - K, where K is the gaussian curvature of the surface.
9.12 Show that
(i) the Gauss map of the catenoid is injective and its image is the
whole of the unit sphere except for the north and south poles;
(ii) the image of the Gauss map of the helicoid is the same as that
of the catenoid, but that infinitely many points on the helicoid
are sent by the Gauss map to any given point in its image.
Proposition 9.4
Every surface has an atlas consisting of conformal surface patches.
and we define
Thus, cp = (!Pi,!P2,!P3) has three components, each of which is a complex-valued
function of (u, v), i.e, of ( . The basic result which establishes the connection
between minimal surfaces and holomorphic functions is
Proposition 9.5
Let u : U -t R 3 be a eonformal surfaee pateh . Then a is minimal if and only
if the function cp defined in Eq. (17) is holomorphie on U .
Saying that cp is holomorphic means that each of its components !Pi,!P2 and
!P3 is holomorphic.
Proof 9.5
Let !p( u, v) be a complex-valued smooth function, and let 0 and ß be its real
and imaginary parts, so that !P = 0 + iß, The Cauchy-Riemann equations
Ou = ßv and Ov = -ts«
are the necessary and sufficient conditions for !P to be holomorphic. Applying
this to each of the components of cp, we see that cp is holomorphic if and only if
(uu)u = (-uv)v and (uu)v = -( -uv)u'
The second equation imposes no condition on a, and the first is equivalent to
Uuu +u v v = o. So we have to show that a is minimal if and only if the laplacian
.du = u uu + u vv is zero.
By Proposition 7.2(ii) and the fact that a is conformal, the mean curvature
of u is given by
2E '
so a is minimal if and only if L + N = 0, i.e.
(uuu + uvv).N = 0. (18)
Obviously, then, a is minimal if .du =O. For the converse, we have to show
that .du = 0 if Eq. (18) holds. It is enough to prove that .du.uu = .du.uv = 0,
since {uu,uv,N} is a basis ofR3 •
9. Minimal Surfaces 221
We compute
,1O"'O"U = O"uu ,O"u + O"vv .O"u
= 2(O"u ,O"u)u + (O"v'O"u)v - (O"v 'O"uv)
= 2(O"u,O"u - O"v.O"v)u, + (O"v .O"u)v '
But, since 0" is conformal, O"u.O"u = O"v.O"v and O"u .O"v = O. Hence, ,1O".O"u = O.
Similarly, ,1O".O"v = O. 0
Theorem 9.2
If 0" : U -t R 3 is a conformally parametrised minimal surface, the vector-valued
holomorphic function cp = (!Pl,!P2,!P3) defined in Eq. (17) satisfies the following
(i) !pi + !p~ + !p~ = o,
(ii) cp is nowhere zero.
Conversely, if U is simply-connected, and if !Pl,!P2 and!p3 are holomorphic
functions on U satisfying conditions (i) and (ii) above, there is a conformally
parametrised minimal surface 0" : U -t R 3 such that cp = (!Pl,!P2,!P3) satis-
fies Eq. (17) . Moreover, 0" is uniquely determined by !Pl,!P2 and!p3 up to a
F« = F', F; = iF ' , (F)u = F', (F)v = - iF ' ,
where F' = dFfd( is the complex derivative of F, and the bar denotes complex-
Proof 9.2
Example 9.6
The parametrisation
u(u, v) = (cosh u cos v, cosh u sin v, u)
of the catenoid is conformal (see Example 9.1). The associated holomorphic
function is
tp«() = Uu - ia;
= (sinh u cos v + i cosh u sin v, sinh u sin v-i cosh u cos v, 1)
= (sinh(u + iv), -icosh(u + iv), 1)
= (sinh (, -i cosh(, 1).
Note that conditions (i) and (ii) in Theorem 9.2 are satisfied, since tp is clearly
never zero and the sum of the squares of its components is
sinh 2 ( - cosh2 ( + 1 = O.
Let us determine the conjugate minimal surface Ü of the catenoid. From the
proof of Theorem 9.2,
ü(u, v) L
= !>te (i sinh f , cosh f, i) ~
= !>te(i cosh c. sinh (, i()
= (- sinh u sin v, sinh u cosv, -v),
up to a translation. If we reparametrise by defining u = sinh u, ii = v + 7r /2, we
get the surface
(u,ii) 1-+ (ucosii,usinii,-ii),
after translating by (0,0, -7r /2), which is obtained from the helicoid in Exercise
4.14 by reflecting in the z-axis,
Note that the parametrisation of the helicoid given in Example 4.14 is not
conformal, so the constructions in this section cannot be applied to it.
Proposition 9.6
Let 1«() be a holomorphie funetion on an open set U in the eomplex plane ,
not identieally zero, and let g(() be a meromorphie function on U such that, i/
(0 E U is a pole 0/ 9 0/ order m ;::: 1, say, then (0 is also a zero 0/ 1 0/ order
;::: 2m . Then ,
satisfies eonditions (i) and (ii) in Theorem 9.2, and eonversely every holomor-
phie [unction Ip satisfying these eonditions arises in this way.
Prooj Il.B
Suppose that 1 and gare as in the statement of the proposition. If 9 has a pole
of order m ;::: 1 at (0 EU, and 1 has a zero of order n ;::: 2m at (0, then the
Laurent expansions of 1 and gabout (0 are of the form
I«() = a«( - (o)n + . . . and g«() = «(_(o)m + "',
where a and b are non-zero camplex numbers and the ... indicates terms in-
volving higher powers of ( - (0' Then,
1(1 ± g2) = ±ab2«( - (0)n-2m + . . . and Is = ab«( - (o)n-m + ...
involve only non-negative powers of ( - (0, so Ip is holomorphic near (0 ' Since
it is clear that Ip is holomorphic wherever 9 is holomorphic, it follows that the
function Ip defined by Eq . (21) is holomorphic everywhere on U . It is clear that
Ip is identically zero only if 1 is identically zero, and simple algebra shows that
Ip satisfies condition (i) in Theorem 9.2.
Conversely, suppose that Ip = (lpI,lp2,lp3) is a holomorphic function satis-
fying conditions (i) and (ii) in Theorem 9.2. If Ipl - ilp2 is not identically zero ,
1 = Ipl - ilp2, 9 = Ipl 1p3. (22)
- tlp2
Simple algebra shows that Eqs. (22) and (23) imply Eq. (21). Equation (23)
implies that 1g2 is holomorphic, and the argument with Laurent expansions
in the first part of the proof now gives the condition on the zeros and poles
of 1 and g. Finally, if 'PI - i'P2 = 0, we repeat the above argument replacing
'PI ± i'P2 by 'PI T i'P2 (note that 'PI - i'P2 and 'PI + i'P2 cannot both be zero, for
if they were we would have 'PI = 'P2 = 0, hence 'P3 = by condition (i), and
this would violate condition (ii)).
Proposition 9.7
The gaussian cUnJature 0/ the minimal surjace corresponding to the /unctions
1 and 9 in Weierstrass 's representation is
-16Idg/d(1 2
K = 111 2 (1 + Ig1 2 ) 4 •
Proof 9.7
This is a straightforward, if tedious, computation, and we shall omit many of
the details. Define ip by taking the complex-conjugate of each component of
tp. Then, tT u = Htp + ip), tT v = ~(ip - tp). Since tp.tp = ip.ip = 0, the first
fundamental form is ~tp.ip(du2 + dv 2). Substituting the formula for tp into Eq.
(14) and simplifying, we find that the first fundamental form is
1( _) (_ ) 1 _
au X a v = 4i tp + tp x tp - tp = 2i tp x tp,
-)2 ,
= 4
In terms of 1 and g, this becomes
N = 1 + Igl 2 (g + g, -i(g - g), Igl
- 1) . (25)
226 Elementary Differential Geometry
Using the remarks preceding the proof of Theorem 9.2 and the formulas
(which follow by differentiating O'u .N = O'v.N = 0), we find that the second
fundamental form is
Combining Eqs. (24), (25) and (26), and using the formula for the gaussian
curvature K in Proposition 7.1(i), we finally obtain the formula in the statement
of the proposition. 0
Corollary 9.2
Let S be a minimal surjace that is not part 0/ a plane. Then, the zeros 0/ the
gaussian curvature 0/ S are isolated.
From the formula for K in Proposition 9.8, K vanishes exactly where the
meromorphic function g' vanishes . Ir g' is zero everywhere, so is K and S is
part of a plane (this was shown in Proposition 6.5, but follows immediately
from Eq. (18) which shows that N is constant if 9 is constant). But it is a
standard result of complex analysis that the zeros of a non-zero meromorphic
function are isolated, so if K is not identically zero its zeros must be isolated.
9.13 Find the holomorphic function I{) corresponding to the plane pass-
ing through the origin with unit normal a. What is its conjugate
9.14 If a minimal surface S corresponds to a pair of functions / and 9
in Weierstrass's representation, to which pair of functions does the
conjugate minimal surface of S correspond?
9. Minimal Surfaces 227
Henneberg: elose up
One of Gauss's most important discoveries about surfaces is that the gaussian
curvature is unchanged when the surface is bent without stretching. Gauss
called this result 'egregium ', and the Latin word for 'remarkable' has remained
attached to his theorem ever since.
Theorem 10.1
The gaussian curvature 0/ a surface is preserved by isometries.
This means , more precisely, that if 8 1 and 8 2 are two surfaces and if f :
8 1 -t 8 2 is an isometry between them, then für any point P in 8 1 the gaussian
curvature of 8 1 at P is equal to that of 8 2 at f(P). The theorem is sometimes
expressed by saying that the gaussian curvature is an intrinsie property of a
surface, for it implies that the gaussian curvature could be measured by a bug
living in the surface.
In proving the theorem, it is enough by Theorem 5.1 to consider the case
of a surface patch a on 8 1 , and to prove that, if t1 and f 0 o have the same
230 Elementary Differential Geometry
first fundamental forms, then they have the same gaussian curvature. This is
far from obvious, for the formula
LN-M 2
K= EG-F2
that we obtained for the gaussian curvature K in Proposition 7.1(i) depends
on the coefficients L, N and M of the second fundamental form , as weIl as the
coefficients E , Fand G of the first fundamental form. Hence, the theorem is
telling us that LN - M2 can be expressed in terms of E, Fand G (although
it is not saying that L , M and N individuaIly can be so expressed).
To prove the theorem, we shall make use of a smooth orthonormal basis
{e' , eil} of the tangent plane at each point of the surface patch, where 'smooth'
means that e' and eil are smooth functions of the surface parameters (u, v) .
Then, {e' , eil, N} is an orthonormal basis of R 3 (N being the standard unit
normal of 0'), and we shaIl assurne that it is right-handed, i.e. that N = e' x eil .
This can always be achieved by interchanging e' and eil if necessary. Note that
the dashes on e' and eil have nothing to do with derivatives.
We can express the partial derivatives of e' and eil with respect to u and
v in terms of the orthonormal basis {e' ,ell ,N} . Since both partial derivatives
of e' are perpendicular to e' , the e' components of e~ and e~ are zero (and
similarly for eil) . Thus,
e'u = + ,X'N,
e'v = ße" + JL'N,
e~ = -eie' + ,XIIN,
e~ = -ß'e' + JLIIN,
for some scalars 0., ß, o", ß','x',JL', N', JLII (which may depend on u and v) . More-
over, by differentiating the equation e' .e ll = 0 with respect to u, we see that
e~ .ell = -e' .e~. i.e. 0.' = 0: (and similarly ß' = ß) . Thus,
e~ = ae" + ,X'N,
e~ = ße" + JL'N,
e~ = -o.e' + ,XIIN,
e~ = -ße' + JLIIN.
The foIlowing lemma is the crucial step in the proof of Theorem 10.1.
10. Gauss's Theorema Egregium 231
Lemma 10.1
With the above notation, we have
e~.e~ - e~.e~ = A'/1," - A"/1,' (2)
= Qv - ßu (3)
= (EG - p2)l/2 .
Proof 10.1
Equation (2) follows immediately from Eq. (1), since e /, e" and N are perpen-
dicular unit vectors .
Next, we compute
Qv - 8 (e I")
ßu = 8u .ev - 8 (e I .e")
8v u (by Eq. (1»
and hence
LN-M 2
(Nu x Nv) .N = (EG _ p2)l/2' (5)
Combining Eqs . (3) and (4), we get
O:v - ßu
K = (EG _ F2)l/2 ' (7)
so to prove the theorem it suffices to show that, [or a suitable choice 0/ {e', eil},
the scalars 0: and ß depend only on E, Fand G. We shall construct {e' , eil} by
applying the Gram-Schmidt process to the basis {O'u,O'v} ofthe tangent plane ,
and will then show that they have the desired property.
So we first define
, O'u
e = 11 O'u 11 = €O'u ,
where € = E- 1 / 2 • Now we look for a vector eil = 70'u + 60'v, for some scalars
7 ,6, such that eil is a unit vector perpendicular to e' . These conditions give
E- 1/2hE + 8F) = 0, 7 2 E + 27JF + 82G = 1.
The first equation gives 7 = -JFjE, and substituting in the second equation
then gives
6 (~ -2~ +G) = 1,
El/2 FE-l/2
6 e = E- 1 / 2 • (8)
= (EG - F2)1/2 '
f =- (EG - F2)l/2 '
(We could change the sign of 6, and hence also that of 7, but it would make no
difference in the end .) Thus,
where 7,8 and e depend only on E, Fand G.
10. Gauss's Theorema Egregium 233
= 2€')'E
1 u + eo~{1}
E; - 2Ev (si ' ' '=}
smce e.e 0 , {10}
which does indeed depend only on E, F and G (because the same is true for
')',d and e). And finally,
ß= e~.e"
= {€vO'u + €O'uv).{')'O'u + dO'v}
€v .e + €')'O'uv.O'u + €UO'uv
= -e I " s
1 1
= 2€')'Ev + 2€dGu, {11}
which also depends only on E, Fand G.
This completes the proof of Gauss's Theorem. o
By substituting the actual values of ')', d and e into these formulas for Q and
ß, and then using Eq. (7), we get an explicit formula for K in terms of E, F
and G. Here is the result:
Corollary 10.1
The gaussian cUnJature is gitJen by
-~Evv + Fuv - ~Guu ~Eu F u - ~Ev 0 ~Ev ~Gu
F v - ~Gu E F - ~Ev E F
~Gv F G !Gu F G
{EG - F2)2
We shall not go through the details of this calculation, partly because the
proof is very tedious, and partly because the following special cases are often
all that is needed:
234 Elementary Differential Geometry
Corollary 10.2
(i) If F = 0, we have
a = _~(EG)-1/2
Ev, ß = ~(EG)-1/2Gu.
Example 10.1
For the surface of revolution
u(u ,v) = (f(u) cos v, f(u) sin v, g(u)),
where f > 0 and j2 + 92 = 1 (a dot denoting d/du), we found in Example 6.2
that E = 1, F = 0, G = f(U)2. Hence, Corollary 10.2(ii) applies and gives
K _ 1 ß2..(G _ j
- - ..(G ßu2 - -7'
in agreement with Eq. (2) of Chapter 7.
10. GaU55'S Theorema Egregium 235
Theorem 10.2
Any point of a surfaee of eonstant gaussian eurvature is eontained in a pateh
that is isometrie to part of a plane, a sphere or a pseudosphere.
Proof 10.2
Let P be a point of a surface S with constant gaussian curvature K . By applying
a dilation of R 3 (see Exercise 7.6), we need only consider the cases K = 0,1
We take a geodesie patch 0'( u, v) with 0'(0,0) = P . Writing 9 = ..;c, the
first fundamental form is
By Corollary 10.2(ii),
Note that
g(O,v) = 1, gu(O,v) = 0, (14)
by Proposition 8.7.
If K = 0, the solution of Eq . (13) is g(u, v) = Cl:U + ß, where Cl: and ß are
smooth functions of v only. The boundary conditions (14) give Cl: = 0, ß = 1,
so 9 = 1 and the first fundamental form of 0' is
du 2 + dv 2 •
This is the same as the first fundamental form of the usual parametrisation of
the plane (see Example 5.1), and Theorem 5.1 now shows that 0' is isometrie
to part of the plane.
If K = 1, the general solution of Eq. (13) is 9 = Cl:COSU + ßsinu, where Cl:
and ß only depend on v. The boundary conditions (14) give Cl: = 1, ß = 0, and
the first fundamental form of 0' is
du 2 + cos2 U dv 2 •
This is the first fundamental form of the unit sphere, with u and v being latitude
and longitude, respectively (see Example 5.2). Hence, 0' is isometrie to part of
the unit sphere.
236 Elementary Differential Geometry
Finally, if K = -1, we find in the same way that the first fundamental form
of a is
We have not encountered this first fundamental form before. However, let us
reparametrise a by defining
V = eVtanh u , W = eVsech u .
We then find, using the formulas in Exercise 5.4, for example, that the first
fundamental form becomes
dV 2 +dW2
Comparing with Example 8.8, we see that this is the first fundamental form of
the pseudosphere. 0
10.1 If a surface patch has first fundamental form e>'(du 2 + dv2 ) , where
Ais a smooth function of u and v, show that its gaussian curvature
K satisfies
.dA + 2Ke>' = 0,
where .d denotes the laplacian 8 2/8u2 + 8 2 /8v 2.
10.2 With the notation of Exercise 8.21, define u = rcosO, v = rsinO,
and let l1(u, v) be the corresponding reparametrisation of a , It can
be shown that 11 is an allowable surface patch for S defined on the
open set u 2 + v 2 < €2 . (Note that this is not quite obvious because o
is not allowable when r = 0.) Show that the first fundamental form
of 11 is Edu 2 + 2Fdudv + Gdv 2 , where
_ u2
E = -2
Gv 2
+ -4, F =
_ (
1- -2
G) uv - v2
- 2 , G = -2
Gu 2
+ - 4-
r r r r r r
(use Exercise 5.4). Show that u 2 (E - 1) = v 2 (G - 1), and by con-
sidering the Taylor expansions of E and Gabout u = v = 0, deduce
G(r,O) = r 2 + kr 4 + remainder
for some constant k, where remainder/r" tends to zero as r tends to
zero. Show finally that k = -K(P)/3, where K(P) is the value of
the gaussian curvature of S at P (use Corollary 10.2(ii)) .
10. GaU55'S Theorema Egregium 237
10.3 With the notation of Exercises 8.21 and 10.2, show that
(i) the cireumferenee of the geodesie circle with eentre P and ra-
dius R is
AR = 7fR2 (1 - Ki:) R
+ remainder) ,
(i) Use the geodesie equations (Chapter 8, Eqs. (2)) to show that
1" r >.' _ 1 ea
where a dash denotes djd{) and A = 11 "1' 11 .
(ii) Show that, if 'l/J({}) is the angle between Ur and the tangent
veetor to BC at 'Y({}), then
f! ABC
K dAu = LA + LB + LC - n,
238 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proposition 10.1
Any map 0/ any region 0/ the earth's surface must distort distances.
A map of a region of the earth's surface which did not distort distances would
be a diffeomorphism from this region of a sphere to a region in a plane (the
map) which multiplied all distances by the same constant factor, say C. We
might as well assurne that the plane passes through the origin. Then, by com-
posing this map with the map from the plane to itself which takes a point
with position vector r to the point with position vector C-1r, we would get
an isometry between this region of the sphere and some region of a plane. This
would imply, by the Theorema Egregium, that these regions of the sphere and
the plane have the same gaussian curvature. But we know that a plane has
gaussian curvature zero everywhere, and a sphere has constant positive gaus-
sian curvature everywhere (if the sphere has radius R, the gaussian curvature
is 1/ R 2 ) . So no such isometry can exist . 0
Note, on the other hand, that it is possible to draw a map of the Earth that
correctly represents angles, for we saw in Example 5.7 and Exercise 5.11 that
the stereographic and Mercator projections are conformal , and Archimedes's
Theorem 5.4 shows that there is a map that correctly represents areas.
Our next example shows how the Theorema Egregium can sometimes be
used to determine all the isometries of a surface.
10. GaU55'S Theorema Egregium 239
Proposition 10.2
The only isometries of a helicoid
O'(u,v) = (ucosv ,usinv,v)
are SA' R; 0 SA' Ry 0 SA and R; 0 SA for some value of >., where SA is the
screwing motion O'(u,v) ~ O'(u,v + A), and R x , Ry and R, are rotations by 1r
around the x, y and z-axes.
Proof 10.2
Suppose that an isometry of the helicoid takes 0'(u, v) to 0'(U, ii), where u and
ii are smooth functions of u and v . Since the gaussian curvature at O'(u, v) is
-1/ (1 + u 2 ) 2 (see Exercise 7.2), the Theorema Egregium teIls us that
-1 -1
(1 + u 2)2 = (1 + U2 )2 '
so U = ±u. Applying a rotation R; by 1r around the z-axis changes u to -u
(and fixes v), so we assume that u = u. Let ii = f(u,v). By Theorem 5.1,
the patches O'(u, v) and Ö'(u, v) = O'(u, f(u, v)) have the same first fundamental
form. That of 0' is du 2 + (1 + u 2)dv2, and that of Ö' is found to be
(1 + (1 + u2)f~)du2 + 2(1 + u2)fufududv + (1 + u 2)/;dv2.
Equating these, we find that fu = 0 and fu = ±l. Hence,
ii = f(u,v) = ±v + >.,
where >. is a constant. A rotation R z by 1r around the z-axis changes v to -v
(and fixes u), so we take the + sign. This gives the isometry
SA : O'(u, v) ~ O'(u, V + >.).
This proves the proposition (the isometry Ry 0 S A arises because R y = Rx 0 Rz ' )
10.5 Show that there is no isometry between any region of a sphere and
any region of a (generalised) cylinder or a (generalised) cone. (Use
Proposition 10.1 and Exercise 5.7.)
10.6 Show that the gaussian curvature of the Möbius band in Example
4.9 is equal to -1/4 everywhere along its median circle. Deduce
that this Möbius band cannot be constructed by taking 'a strip of
240 Elementary Differential Geometry
paper and joining the ends together with a half-twist. (The analytic
description of the 'cut and paste' Möbius band is more complicated
than the version in Example 4.9.)
10.7 Consider the surface patches
O'(u, v) = (ucosv ,usinv,lnu), u(u,v) = (ucosv,usinv,v).
Prove that the gaussian curvature of 0' at 0'(u, v) is the same as that
of u at u(u, v), but that the map from 0' to u which takes 0'(u, v) to
u( u , v) is not an isometry. Prove that, in fact, there is no isometry
from 0' to u.
10.8 Show that the only isometries from the catenoid to itself are products
of rotations around its axis, reflections in planes containing the axis,
and reflection in the plane containing the waist of the catenoid.
Proof 10.3
Sinee {O'u, O'v, N} is a basis of R 3 , sealar functions al , ... ,1'3 satisfying
O'uu = alO'u + a20'v + a3N,
O'uv = ßIO'u + ß20'v + ß3 N, (15)
O'vv = 1'IO'u + 1'20'v + 1'3 N ,
eertainly exist. Taking the dot produet of each equaticn with N gives
a3 = L, ß3 = M, 1'3 = N.
Now we take the dot product of eaeh equation in (15) with O'u and O'v ' This gives
six sealar equations from which we determine the remaining six eoefficients. For
example, taking the dot produet of the first equation in (15) with O'u and a;
gives the two equations
Eal +Fa2 = O'uu·O'u = "2Eu,
Fa, + Ga2 = O'uU 'O'v = (O'u'O'v)u - O'u'O'uv = E; - "2Ev .
Solving these equations gives al = n..a2 = rrl ; similarly for the other four
eoefficients in Eqs. (15). 0
The new relations between the eoefficients of the first and seeond funda-
mental forms of a surface pateh are eontained in the following result.
At first sight, it seems that we could get four other identities like those
in Theorem 10.2 by equating the coefficients of (fu and (fv in Eq. (16) and in
its analogue coming from ((fuv)v = ((fvv)u' It turns out, however, that these
identites are all equivalent to the formula in Corollary 10.1 (and so, in partic-
ular, they give another proof of the Theorema Egregium) . In fact, there are no
further identites to be discovered , as the following theorem shows.
Theorem 10.3
Let a : U ~ R 3 and i1 : U ~ R 3 be surface patches with the same jirst and
second fundamental forms . Then, there is a rigid motion M of R 3 such that
Moreover, let V be an open subset of R 3 and let E, F, G, L, M and N be
smooth functions on V . Assume that E > 0, G > 0, EG - F 2 > 0 and that the
equations in Corollary 10.1 and Proposition 10·4 hold, with K = 7f&-=-hJ.: and
the Christoffel symbols dejined as in Proposition 10.3. Then, if (uo, vo) E V,
there is an open set U contained in V and containing (uo, vo), and a surface
patch a : U ~ R 3 , such thatEdu 2+2Fdudv+Gdv2 andLdu 2+2Mdudv+Ndv2
are the jirst and second fundamental forms of a, respectively.
This theorem is the analogue for surfaces of Theorem 2.3, which shows that
unit-speed plane curves are determined up to a rigid motion by their signed
curvature. We shall not prove Theorem 10.3 here . The first part depends on
uniqueness theorems for the solution of systems of ordinary differential equa-
tions, and is not particularly difficult. The second part is more sophisticated
and depends on existence theorems for the solution of certain partial differential
equations. The following example will illustrate what is involved.
Example 10.2
Consider the first and second fundamental forms du 2 + dv 2 and -du2, respec-
tively. Let us first see whether a surface patch with these first and second
fundamental forms exists . Since all the coefficients of these forms are constant,
10. Gauss's Theorema Egregium 243
all the Christoffel symbols are zero and the Codazzi-Mainardi equations are
obviously satisfied. The formula in Corollary 10.1 gives K = 0, so the only
other condition to be checked is LN - M 2 = 0, and this dearly holds since
M = N = 0. Theorem 10.3 therefore teIls us that a surface patch with the
given first and second fundamental forms exists.
To find it, we note that the Gauss equations give
CT~u = -N, CT u v = 0, CT v v = o.
The last two equations tell us that CTv is a constant vector, say a, so
CT(U, v) ~ b(u) + av, (17)
where b is a function of u only. The first equation then gives N = -b" (a dash
denoting djdu) . We now need to use the expressions for Nu and N, in terms
of CT u and CTv in Proposition 6.4. The Weingarten matrix is
1 0)-1 (-1 0)
01 ° ° = (-10 00) '
so Proposition 6.4 gives
Nu = CT u , N, = O.
The second equation teIls us nothing new, since we already knew that N = - b"
depends only on u . The first equation gives
b lll + b' = O.
Hence, b" + bis a constant vector, which we can take to be zero by applying
a translation to CT (see Eq. (17)). Then,
b(u) = ccosu + dsinu,
where c and d are constant vectors , and N = -b" = b . This must be a unit
vector for all values of u. It is easy to see that this is possible only if c and d
are perpendicular unit vectors, in which case we can arrange that c = (1,0,0)
and d = (0,1,0) by applying a rigid mot ion, giving b(u) = (cosu,sinu,O).
FinaIly, CT u x CT v = >.N for some non-zero scalar >., so b' x a = Ab. This forces
a = (0,0 , >'), and the patch is given by
CT(U, v) = (cosu,sinu, >'v),
a parametrisation of a circular cylinder of radius 1 (which the reader had prob-
ably guessed some time aga).
244 Elementary Differential Geometry
Theorem 10.4
Every compact surface whose gaussian curvature is constant is a sphere.
Note that, by Proposition 7.6, the value of the constant gaussian curvature
in this theorem must be > O.
The proof of this theorem depends on the following lemma.
10. GaU55'S Theorema Egregium 245
Lemma 10.2
Let a : U -+ R 3 be a surjace patch containing a point P = rr(uo, vo) that is
not an umbilic . Let 11:1 ~ 11:2 be the principal curvatures 0/ a and suppose that
11:1 has a local maximum at P and 11:2 has a local minimum there. Then, the
gaussian curvature 0/ a at P is :::; O.
Since P is not an umbilic, 11:1 > 11:2 at P, so by shrinking U if necessary, we
mayassume that 11:1 > 11:2 everywhere.
By Proposition 7.2, we can assurne that the first and second fundamental
forms of a are
Edu 2 + Cdv 2 and Ldu 2 + N dv2 ,
respectively. By Exercise 10.11,
2E 2C
Ev = - (lI:t}v, Cu = 11:1 - (1I:2)u,
11:1 - 11:2 11:2
(again dropping terms involving E v , Cu and the first derivatives of 11:1 and 11:2)'
Since 11:1 has a Iocal maximum at P, (lI:t}vv :::; 0 there, and since 11:2 has a local
minimum at P, (1I:2)uu ~ 0 there. Hence, the last equation shows that K ::; 0
at P. 0
The proof of Theorem 10.4 will use a little point set topology. We consider the
continuous function on the surface S given by J = (11:1 -11:2)2, where 11:1 and 11:2
are the principal curvatures. Note that this function is weIl defined even though
11:1 and 11:2 are not , partly because we do not know which principal curvature
is to be caIled 11:1 and which 11:2, and partly because the sign of the principal
curvatures depends on the choice of parametrisation of S. We shaIl prove that
this function is identicaIly zero on S, so that every point of S is an umbilic.
Since the gaussian curvature K > 0, it foIlows from Proposition 6.5 that S is
part of a sphere, say S . In fact , S must be the whole of S. For , any point P of
246 Elementary Differential Geometry
let ~1 and ~2 be its principal eurvatures. Sinee ~1 ~2 > 0, by reparametrising
if neeessary, we ean assurne that ~1 and ~2 are both > (see Exercise 6.17).
Suppose that ~1 > ~2 at P; then by shrinking U if neeessary, we ean assurne
that ~1 > ~2 everywhere on U. Sinee K is a eonstant > 0, the function (x _ ~) 2
inereases with x provided that x > K]» > 0. Sinee ~1 > K/~l = ~2 > 0, this
function is inereasing at x = ~1, so ~1 must have a loeal maximum at P, and
then ~2 = K/~l must have a loeal minimum there. By Lemma 10.2, K ~ at
P . This eontradicts the assumption that K > 0. 0
10.12 Show that a eompact surfaee with gaussian eurvature > every- °
where and eonstant mean eurvature is a sphere. (As in the proof
of Theorem 10.4, if ~1 has a loeal maximum at a point P of the
surfaee, then ~2 = 2H - ~1 has a loeal minimum there.)
The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem
The Gauss-Bonnet theorem is the most beautiful and profound result in the
theory of surfaces . Its most important version relates the average over a surface
of its gaussian curvature to a property of the surface called its 'Euler number'
which is 'topological', i.e, it is unchanged by any continuous deformation of
the surface. Such deformations will in general change the value of the gaussian
curvature, but the theorem says that its average over the surface does not
change. The real importance of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem is as a prototype
of analogous results which apply in higher dimensional situations, and which
relate geometrical properties to topological ones. The study of such relations is
one of the most important themes of 20th century Mathematics.
Definition 11.1
A curve -y(t) = (1(u(t),v(t)) on a surface patch (1 : U ~ R 3 is called a simple
closed curve with period a if lI'(t) = (u(t), v(t)) is a simple closed 'curve in
R 2 with period a such that the region int(1r) of R 2 enclosed by 11' is entirely
248 Elementary Differential Geometry
contained in U (see the diagrams below). The curve 'Y is said to be positively-
oriented if 'Ir is positively-oriented. Finally, the image of int('Ir) under the map
o is defined to be the interior intb) of 'Y.
Theorem 11.1
Let 'Y(s) be a unit-speed simple closed CU1"'Je on a surjace o 0/ length f('Y), and
assume that 'Y is positively-oriented. Then,
('Y) "'uds = 21r - /1
where "'u is the geodesic curvature 0/ 'Y, K is the gaussian curvature 0/ a and
d,Aq = (EG - P2)1/2dudv is the area element on a (see Secti~n 5.4).
As in the proof of Theorem 10.1, choose a smooth orthonormal basis {e', eil} of
the tangent plane of q at each point such that {e', eil, N} is a right-handed or-
thonormal basis of R 3 , where N is the unit normal to o , Consider the following
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 249
l ('Y)
I = 0 e'.i/'ds
l ('Y)
0 e'.(e~ü + e~v)ds
= (e'.e~)du + (e'.e~)dv.
By Green 's theorem (see Section 3.1), this can be rewritten as a double integral:
I = /1 {(e'.e~)u - (e'.e~)v}dudv
= /1
{(e~.e~) - (e~.e~)}dudv
= int(1r) (EG _ F2)l/2 dudv (by Lemma 10.1)
= /1 int(1r)
LN - M (EG _ F 2)1/2dudv
EG - F2
= /1 int (1r)
KdAq. (1)
Now let O( s) be the angle between the unit tangent vector 'Y of'Y at 'Y( s) and
the unit vector e' at the same point. More precisely, 0 is the angle, uniquely
determined up to a multiple of 211", such that
'Y = cos Oe' + sin Oe". (2)
N x 'Y = - sinOe' + cosOe". (3)
250 Elementary Differential Geometry
Now, by Eq . (2),
;Y = cos Oe' + sin Oe" + Ö( - sin Oe' + cos ~e"), (4)
so by Eqs. (3) and (4) the geodesie curvature of"( is
"'g = (N x -y) .;Y (see Section 6.2)
= Ö( - sin Oe' + cos Oe").(- sin Oe' + cos Oe")
+ (- sin Oe' + cos Oe").(cos Oe' + sin Oe")
= Ö+ cos 2
O(e' .e") - sin 2 O(e" .e')
+ sinOcosO(e" .e" - e' .e') (by Eqs. (2) and (3».
Since e' and e" are perpendicular unit vectors,
e' .e' = e" .e" = 0, e' .e" = -e' .e" .
"'g =D U - e , .e." ,
and by the definition of I ,
(Ö - "'g)ds.
Thus, to complete the proof of Theorem 11.1, we must show that
J Öds = 271". (5)
Equation (5) is called 'Hopf's Umlaufsatz' - literally 'rotation theorem' in
German. We cannot give a fully satisfactory proof of it here because the proof
would take us too far into the realm of topology. Instead, we shall justify Eq.
(5) by means of the following heuristic argument.
The main observation is that, if i is any other simple closed curve contained
in the interior of "(, there is a smooth family of simple closed curves "(T , defined
for 0 ~ T ~ 1, say, with "(0 ="( and "(1 = i (see Section 8.4 for the notion of
a smooth family of curves) . The existence of such a family is supposed to be
'intuitively obvious'.
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 251
Note, however, that it is crucial that the interior of 11' is entirely contained in
U, otherwise such a family will not exist , in general :
Observe next that the integral f~(-YT") 0ds should depend continuously on T .
Further, since -yT and e' return to their original values as one goes once round
-yT, the integral is always an integer multiple of 211". These two facts imply
that the integral must be independent of T - for by the Intermediate Value
Theorem a continuous variable cannot change from one integer to a different
integer without passing through some non-integer value. To compute f~(-Y) 0ds,
we can therefore replace -y by any other simple closed curve ;y in the interior
of -y, since this will not change the value of the integral. We take ;y to be the
image under (T of a small circle in the interior of 11'. It is 'intutively clear' that
ro Ods = 211",
(i) e' is essentially constant at all points of;y (because the circle is very small) ,
(ii) the tangent vector to ;y rotates by 211" on going once round ;y because the
interior of ;y can be considered to be essentially part of aplane, and it is
'intutively clear' that the tangent vector of a simple closed curve in the
plane rotates by 211" on going once round the curve.
This completes the 'proof' of Hopf's Umlaufsatz, and hence that of Theorem
252 Elementary Differential Geometry
11:8 (8) is the signed curvature of ")', then
Definition 11.2
A curoilineor polygon in R 2 is a continuous map 1r : R 4 R 2 such that, for
some real number a and some points 0 = to < tl < ... < t n = a,
(i) 1r(t) = 1r(t') if and only if t' - t is an integer multiple of a;
(ii) 1r is smooth on each of the open intervals (to, tl), (tl , t2), .. . , (tn-l, t n ) ;
(iii) the one-sided derivatives
1r. -(t..)--l m
I' 1r(t) -1r(ti) , (6)
ttt; t - t;
exist for i = 1, . .. ,n and are non-zero and not parallel.
The points ")'( ti) for i = 1, . . . , n are called the vertices of the curvilinear polygon
1r, and the segments ofit corresponding to the open intervals (ti-I, ti) are called
its edqes.
Theorem 11.2
Let 'Y be a positively-oriented unit-speedcurvilinear polygon with n edges on a
surface (J , and let al, a2, . . . ,an be the interior angles at its vertices. Then,
K,gds = :~:::>i
- (n - 2)'Ir - /1
254 Elementary Differential Geometry
Proof 11.2
Exactly the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 11.1 shows that
o 1(')' ) = 1(')')
Öds - j' (
(')' ) K.gds = 21r - t s, - j ' ( K dAq
o i=l Jint(')')
=tai-(n-2)1r-j'( KdAq.
i=l Jint(')')
(')'):. l
Since y and i are the same except near the vertices of ')', the difference
l (')' ) .
8ds 8ds - (9)
o 0
is a sum of neontributions, one from near each vertex. Near ')'(Si), the picture
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 255
i.e, "( and 'Y agree except when s belongs to a small interval (si, si'), say, con-
taining Si, SO the contribution from the ith vertex is
I , -1 -I'
8'.' . 8i 8'.'
Öds iJds iJds.
8~ 8~ Bi
The first integral is the angle between .y(si') and .y(si), which as si and si'
tend to Si becomes the angle between 1'+ (Si) and 1'-(Si), i.e. Oi' On the other
hand, since "((s) is smooth on each of the intervals (si, Si) and (Si, si'), the last
two integrals go to zero as si and si' tend to Si. Thus, the contribution to the
expression (9) from the ith vertex tends to Oi as si and si' tend to Si . Summing
over all the vertices, we get
l(1') . ll("()
L 0;.
Öds - iJds =
lo 0 i=1
Corollary 11.1
// "( is a curvilinear polygon with n edges each 0/ which is an are 0/ a qeodesic,
then the internal angles Ql, Q2, ... ,Qn 0/ the polygon satisfy the equation
Proo/11 .1
This is immediate from Theorem 11.2, since "'g = 0 along a geodesic. 0
Lai = (n - 2)1T,
For a eurvilinear n-gon on the unit sphere whose sides are ares of great
eircles, we have K = 1 so E ai exeeeds the plane value (n - 2)1T by the area
JJ dAa of the polygon . Taking n = 3, we get for a spherieal triangle ABC
whose edges are ares of great circles,
A(ABC) = LA + LB + LC - tt .
Finally, for a geodesie n-gon on the pseudosphere (see Section 7.2), for which
K = -1, we see that E 0 i is less than (n - 2)11" by the area of the polygon . In
particular, for a geodesie triangle ABC on the pseudosphere,
A{ABC) = 11" - LA - LB - LC .
U1 U2 ,
o K.gds,
0 K.gds and
j'J{ KdAa,
and explain your result on the basis of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem.
258 Elementary Differential Geometry
This surface is denoted by T g , where gis the number of holes, called the genus
of the surface (we take 9 = 0 for the sphere). We accept the following theorem
without proof:
Theorem 11.3
For any integer 9 ~ 0, T g can be given an atlas making it a smooth surface.
Moreouer, every compact sur/ace is diJJeomorphic to one 0/ the T g •
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 259
Definition 11.3
Let S be a surface, with atlas consisting of the patches (fi : U, -+ R 3 • A
triangulation of S is a collection of curvilinear polygons, (the interior of) each
of which is contained in one of the (fi(Ui), such that
(i) every point of S is in at least one of the curvilinear polygons;
(ii) two curvilinear polygons are either disjoint, or their intersection is a com-
mon edge or a common vertex;
(iii) each edge is an edge of exactly two polygons.
are not allowed. A triangulation of the unit sphere with eight polygons is ob-
tained by intersecting the sphere with the three coordinate planes:
Theorem 11.4
Every compact surface has a triangulation with finitely many polygons.
Definition 11.4
The Euler number X of a triangulation of a compact surface S is
v= the total number of vertices of the triangulation,
E = the total number of edges of the triangulation,
F = the total number of polygons of the triangulation.
Theorem 11.5
Let S be a compact surjace . Then, for any triangulation 0/ S,
!L KdA = 27rX,
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 261
because both the area element dk and the gaussian curvature Kare un-
changed by reparametrisation (see Proposition 5.3 and Exercise 6.17).
Next , if {Pi} and {Pi} are two triangulations of S, it is intuitively clear
that we can find a third triangulation {Pk'} of S such that each Pi is the union
of some of the P~', as is each Pi. For example, if some Pi and some Pi overlap
as folIows ,
KdAq" .
This is just because the integral of K over the union of finitely many polygons,
all contained in a single surface patch and any two of which are either disjoint
or intersect only in a common edge or vertex, is simply the sum of the integrals
of K over each polygon .
Together with the fact that JJs K dA is independent of the triangulation,
Theorem 11.5 thus implies
Corollary 11.2
The Euler number X 0/ a triangulation 0/ a compact sur/ace S depends only on
Sand not on the choice 0/ triangulation.
As above, we fix a triangulation of S with polygons Pi, say, each of which is
contained in the image of some patch tTi : U, ~ R 3 in the atlas of S, say
Pi = tTi(~), where ~ ~ Ui. By Theorem 11.2,
Ri K dAtr i = Li - (ni - 2)11'" + J
"'g ds , (10)
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 263
where ni is the number of vertices of Pi, 'Yi is the curvilinear polygon that
forms the boundary of Pi, l('Yi) is its length, and Li is the sum of its interior
angles . We must therefore sum the contributions of each of the three terms on
the right-hand side of Eq. (10) over all the polygons Pi in the triangulation.
First, Li Li is the sum of all the internal angles of all the polygons. At
each vertex, several polygons meet, but the sum of the angles at the vertex is
obviously 2'1l", so
Next ,
where F is the total number of polygons and E the total number of edges, since
in the sum Li ni each edge is counted twice (as each edge is an edge of exactly
two polygons).
264 Elementary Differential Geometry
Indeed, note that in the sum in Eq. (13), we integrate twice along each edge,
once in each direction. By Eq . (5) in Chapter 6, "'g changes sign when we
traverse a given curve in the opposite direction, so these two integrals cancel
out. The various contributions to the sum in Eq . (13) therefore cancel out in
pairs, thus proving Eq. (13).
Putting Eqs . (10), (11), (12) and (13) together gives
fL K dA = 2; f Li K dAq ,
= 4= Li - 4=(n i - 2)1T + 4= 1 0
"'g ds
t t t
For such a deformed sphere S, K will not be constant and the direct computa-
tion of the integral JJs K dA will be difficult . But if we start with a triangulation
of the undeformed sphere, then after deformation we shall have a triangulation
of the deformed sphere with the same number 0/ oeriices, edges and polygons
as the original triangulation. It follows that the Euler number of the deformed
sphere is the same as that ofthe undeformed sphere, i.e. 2, so by Theorem 11.5,
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 265
JJ8 K dA = 411". (More generally, this discussion shows that the Euler number
of any compact surface is unchanged when the surface is deformed without
We complete the picture by determining the Euler numbers of all the com-
pact surfaces .
Theorem 11.6
The Euler number of the compact surface T g of genus 9 is 2 - 2g.
Proof 11.6
The formula is correct when 9 = 0, since we know that X = 2 for a sphere.
We now prove it for the torus Tl' To find a triangulation of the torus, we use
the fact that it can be obtained from a square in the plane by gluing opposite
1\ /1\
is not acceptable, since after gluing, the two shaded triangles intersect in two
vertices, which is not allowed:
But the finer sub division above does work, and gives
x =9 - 27 + 18 = 0 = 2 - 2 x 1,
proving the theorem when 9 = 1.
We now complete the proof by induction on g, using the fact that T g + I can
be obtained from T g by gluing on a copy of Tl :
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 267
Suppose we carry out the gluing by removing a curvilinear n-gon from T g and
Tl and gluing corresponding edges (having fixed suitable triangulations of Tg
and Tl) ' If V', E' and F ' are the numbers of vertices, edges and polygons in
the triangulation of Tg, and V", Eil and F" those for Tl , the numbers V, E
and F for Tg+l are given by
V = V' - n + V" - n + n = V' + V" - n,
E = E' - n + Eil - n + n = E' + Eil - n,
F = F ' - 1 + F" - 1 = F ' + F" - 2.
Indeed, V is the number V' of vertices in Tg plus the number V" in Tl, except
that the n vertices of the polygon along which Tl and Tg are glued have been
counted twice, so V = V' + V" - nj a similar argument applies to the edges;
and F is as stated because the polygon along which Tl and T g are glued is not
part of the triangulation of Tg+l . Hence,
x(Tg+d = V - E +F
= (V' + V" - + Eil - n) + (F ' + F" - 2)
n) - (E'
=V' - E' + F' + V" - Eil + F" - 2
= X(Tg) + x(Td - 2
= 2 - 2g + 0 - 2 (by the induction hypothesis)
= 2 - 2(g + 1),
proving the result for genus 9 + 1. o
Corollary 11.3
We have
Deduce that r ~ 5, and sketch triangulations of the sphere corre-
sponding to r = 3,4 and 5.
11.7 Show that, given 5 points on a sphere, it is impossible to connect
each pair by curves on the sphere that intersect only at the given
points. (Such a collection of curves would give a triangulation of
the sphere for which 2E 2: 3F, since each face would have at least
3 edges.) Deduce that the same result holds if 'sphere' is replaced
by 'plane'. (Use stereographic projection.)
11.8 Let Pl ,P2,P3 and Ql,Q2,Q3 be points on a sphere. Show that it
is impossible to join each Pi to each Q j by 9 curves on the sphere
that intersect only at the given points. (This is sometimes called
the 'Utilities Problem', thinking of Pl , P2 and P3 as the gas, water
and electricity supplies to th ree hornes Ql , Q2 and Q3')
11.9 Show that, if a compact surface S is diffeomorphic to the torus Tl,
Il KdA= 4rr.
j rr/2
-rr/2 2 2
ab2 cos 0
(a sin 0 + b2 cos2 0)3/2
dO = 2.
+ y2 + z4 = 1.
(ii) x 2
Which is which, and why? Sketch the compact surface and write
down its Euler number.
Definition 11.5
If V is a smooth tangent vector field on a surface S, a point P of S at which
V = 0 is called a stationary point of V .
The reason for this terminology is as folIows. We saw in the proof of Propo-
sition 7.4 that, if P is any point of S, there is a unique curve "Y(t) on S such
that 'Y = V and "Y(O) = P ; "Y is called an integral curve of V. We can think of "Y
as the path followed by a particle of some fluid that is flowing over the surface.
If V = 0 at P, the velocity 'Y of the flow is zero at P, so the fluid is stationary
We are going to prove a theorem which says that the number of stationary
points of any smooth tangent vector field on a compact surface S, counted
with the appropriate multiplicity, is equal to the Euler number of S. To define
this multiplicity, let P be a stationary point of V contained in a surface patch
a : U -t R 3 of S, say, with u(uo , vo) = P . Assume that P is the only stationary
point of V in the region u( U) of S. Let be a nowhere vanishing smooth tangent
vector field on u(U) (for example, we may choose = Uu or u v ), and let 1/1 be
the angle between V and e.
Definition 11.6
With the above notation and assumption, the multiplicity of the stationary
point P of the tangent vector field V is
1 rl("Y) d1/1
j.L(P) = 271" Jo ds ds,
270 Elementary Differential Geometry
Example 11.1
The following smooth tangent vector fields in the plane have stationary points
of the indicated multiplicity at the origin (we have shown the integral curves
of the vector fields for the sake of darity):
(i) V(x,y) = (x,y); J1. = +1.
The stationary point in examples (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) is called a source, sink,
vortex and bifurcation, respectively.
Let us verify the multiplicity in case (iv), for example. Take the 'reference'
tangent vector field to be the constant vector field ( = (1,0) . Then, the angle
1jJ is given by
(cos1jJ,sin1jJ) = 11 VV 11 = (J x2
+ y2 ,- J+ Y
x2 y2
) .
Taking 'Y(5) = (cos 5, sin 5) to be the unit circle, at 'Y(5) the angle 1jJ satisfies
(cos 1jJ, sin 1jJ) = (cos 5, - sin s),
so 1jJ = 211" - s. Hence,
J.L(O,O) = 1
211" 1 0
2 lr
d 211"
d/ - s) ds = -1.
Theorem 11.7
Let V be a smooth tangent vector field on a compact surface S which has only
finitely many stationary points, say PI, P2, ... ,Pn . Then,
LJ.L(Pi ) = X,
Proof 11.7
Note also that, when these polygons are positively-oriented, the indueed orien-
tation of the 'Yi is opposite to their positive orientation (see the diagram above,
in which the arrows indicate the sense of positive orientation).
We ean regard the eurvilinear polygons in S' , together with the simple
closed eurves 'Yi and their interiors, as a triangulation of S, so by Theorem
r KdA+ tl
1S' i=l int('Y;)
KdA=211"X, (15)
r rl(r;)
J.~ K dA = L 100 e'.e" ds , (16)
s: j
1 int ('Y;)
K dA = I" .
f' .f " ds. (18)
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 273
Combining Eqs. (15), (17) and (18), we get
l ('Yi ) •
(fl.f" - e' .e" ) ds = 211X (19)
i=l 0
as we want . o
We now give some simple examples of vector fields on surfaces (we show
their integral curves for clarity).
Example 11.2
A vector field on the sphere with 1 source and 1 sink: X = 2
274 Elementary Differential Geometry
Example 11.3
A vector field on the torus with no stationary points: X =0
Example 11.4
A vector field on the double torus T 2 with 2 bifurcations: X = -2
11.13 Let k be a non-zero integer and let V(x,y) = (o:,ß) be the vector
field on the plane given by
+ "ß = { (x + iy)k if k > 0,
0: t (x-iy)-k ifk<O.
Show that the origin is a stationary point of V of multiplicity k.
(Take 'Y in Definition 11.6 to be the unit circle and use de Moivre's
11.14 Show that the definition of a smooth tangent vector field is inde-
pendent of the choice of surface patch. Show also that a tangent
vector field V on S is smooth if and only if, for any surface patch
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 275
Definition 11.7
Let 5 be a surface and F : 5 -t R a smooth function on S. A point P of 5 is
a critical point of F if there is a surface patch a of 5, with P = u(uo, vo), say,
such that I = F 0 a has a critical point at (uo, vo).
Proposition 11.1
// F is a smooth /unction on a surface 5, there is a unique smooth tangent
vector field V sF on 5 such that, i/ P is a point 0/5 and 'Y(t) is a curve in 5
276 Elementary Differential Geometry
(VsF) .-y(O) =:
It=o F('Y(t)). (20)
Proof l tJ
The tangent vector field V sF is obviously unique, if it exists. Indeed, every
tangent vector to S at P is of the form -y(0) for some curve 'Y on S with
'Y( 0) = P, so any two choices of V s F at P would differ by a vector perpendicular
to every tangent vector to S at P, which must be zero.
To see that V s F exists, choose a surface patch 0'(11., v) for S with 0'(11.0, vo) =
P, say, and let I = F 0 0'. Let {e', e"} be the basis of the tangent plane of S
at P such that
e'.O'u = e".O'v = 1, e'.O'v = e".O'u = O. (21)
GO'u - FO'v
, " EO'v - FO'u
e =
EG _ F2' e = EG _ F2 ' (22)
2 2
where Ed11. + 2Fd11.dv + Gdv is the first fundamental form of 0'. We take
VsF = lue' + fve", (23)
where the derivatives are evaluated at (11.0, vo). If 'Y is as in the statement of
the proposition, say 'Y(t) = O'(11.(t) , v(t)) , then (with d/dt denoted by a dot)
(VsF) .-y(O) = Uue' + Ive") .(O'uv' + O'"v)
= luv' + Ivv (by Eqs. (21))
the derivatives with respect to t being evaluated at t = O. It is clear from Eqs .
(22) and (23) that V sF is smooth and that P is a critical point of F if and
only if V s F = 0 at P . 0
Definition 11.8
A critical point P of a smooth function F on a surface S is said to be non-
degenerate if, whenever 0'(11., v) is a patch of S with P = 0'(11.0, vo), say, the
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 277
'lJ _
8u8v )
8ü8ü 8v
is invertible, where f = F 0 a and the derivatives are evaluated at (11.0, vo).
In this case, the point P is called a IDeal maximum, a saddle point or a local
minimum if 11. has 2, 1 or negative eigenvalues, respectively.
Proposition 11.2
Let P be a eritieal point 0/ a smooth function F on a surface S. Then, the
multiplieity 0/ P as a stationary point 0/ VsF is
P ) = {1 i/ P is a local maximum or a local minimum,
JL -1 i/ P is a saddle point.
Example 11.5
The function on the plane given by F(u, v) = -11. 2 - v 2 (resp. 11. 2 - v2, 11. 2 + v2)
has a local maximum (resp. saddle point, local minimum) at the origin.
We shall not give a complete proof of Proposition 11.2 here. But the fol-
lowing argument should convince the reader of its truth. Let us assume that
(uo,vo) = (0,0) for simplicity, and write the matrix in Definition 11.8 at
1l=(~ ~).
Then, Taylor's theorem teIls us that
/(11., v) = 2(AU2 + 2JLuV + vv 2) + r(u, v),
where r( 11., v)/ (11. 2 + v 2) tends to zero as 11. and v tend to zero. It is plausible,
then, that the behaviour of V sF near P is the same as that of V sF, where
cost/J =~ cost,
. ./.
sm'f' =
and so
t if f1 > 0 and f2 > 0,
t/J = 211" - t if f1 > 0 and f2 < 0,
{ 11" - t if f1 < 0 and f2 > 0,
11" + t if f1 < 0 and f2 < o.
This gives the multiplicity of P as a stationary point of V sF as
2- [21< dt/J dt = { 1 if f1 and f2 have the same sign,
211" J0 dt -10therwise,
in accordance with Proposition 11.2.
Ir we accept this heuristic argument, we can combine Theorem 11.7 and
Proposition 11.2 to give
Theorem 11.8
Let F : S ~ R be a smooth function on a compact surface S with only finitely
many critical points, all non-degenerate. Then,
num ber 0/ local) _ (number 0/ saddle) (number 0/ loeal) =
( maxima 0/ F points 0/ F + minima 0/ F X,
the Euler number 0/ S.
11. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 279
Example 11.6
If we take the surface T g of genus 9 described at the beginning of Section 11.2
and stand it upright on the xy-plane, the height above the plane is a smooth
function F on Tg • The critical points of F are as shown in the following diagram,
and they are all non-degenerate (cf. Exercise 11.18).
There is a unique local minimum P, 2g saddle points Ql, Q2, . . . , Q2g , and a
unique local maximum R. Hence, Theorem 11.8 gives the Euler number of Tg
1 - 2g + 1 = 2 - 2g,
in accordance with Theorem 11.6.
280 Elementary Differential Geometry
11.16 Show direetly that the definition of a eritical point, and whether
it is non-degenerate, is independent of the ehoice of surfaee pateh
in Definitions 11.7 and 11.8. Show that the classifieation of non-
degenerate eritical points into loeal maxima, local minima and
saddle points is also independent of this ehoice. (Show that the
eritical point is a local maximum (resp. loeal minimum) if and only
if v t1lv < 0 (resp . > 0) for all non-zero 2 x 1 matrices v.)
11.17 For whieh of the following funetions on the plane is the origin a non-
degenerate eritical point? In the non-degenerate ease(s), classify
the origin as a local maximum, loeal minimum or saddle point.
(i) x 2 - 2xy + 4y 2 ;
(ii) x 2 + 4xy;
(iii) x 3 - 3x y 2 .
11.18 Let S be the torus obtained by rotating the circle (x-2)2+ z2 = 1 in
the xz-plane around the z-axis, and let F : S -t R be the distanee
from the plane x = -3. Show that F has four eritieal points, all
non-degenerate, and classify them as loeal maxima, saddle points,
or loeal minima. (See Exercise 4.10 for a parametrisation of S.)
Chapter 1
1.1 It is a parametrisation of the part of the parabola with x ~ O.
1.2 (i) -y(t) = (sect,tant) with -7r/2 < t < 7r/2 and 7r/2 < t < 37r/2.
(ii) -y(t) = (2cost ,3sint).
1.3 (i) x 1- y 1.
(ii) y = (lnx)2 .
1.4 (i) i'(t) = sin2t(-I, 1).
(ii) i'(t) = (e", 2t).
1.5 i'(t) = 3 sin t cos t( - cos t, sin t) vanishes where sin t = 0 or cos t = 0, i.e.
t = n7r /2 where n is any integer. These points correspond to the four
cusps of the astroid.
282 Elementary Differential Geometry
1.6 (i) Let OP make an angle 0 with the positive z-axis. Then R has coordi-
nates 'Y(O) = (2acotO,a(1 - cos20)).
(ii) From x = 2acotO, y = a(l- cos20), we get sin 2 (} = y/2a, cos2 (} =
cot 2 () sin 2 () = x 2 y/8a 3 , so the cartesian equation is y/2a + x 2 y/8a 3 = 1.
1.7 When the circle has rotated through an angle t, its cent re has moved to
(at , a), so the point on the circle initially at the origin is now at the point
(a(t - sin t), a(l - cos t)) .
1.8 Let the fixed circle have radius a, and the moving circle radius b (so that
b < a in the case of the hypocycloid), and let the point P of the moving
circle be initially in contact with the fixed circle at (a, 0). When the moving
circle has rotated through an angle tp, the line joining the origin to the
point of contact of the circles makes an angle 0 with the positive z-axis,
where a(} = bip, The point P is then at the point
'Y(O) = «a + b)cosO - bcos(O + cp), (a + b) sin(} - bsin(O + tp))
= «a + b)cosO - bcos«a + b)O/b), (a + b) sinO - bsin«a + b)O/b))
in the case of the epicycloid,
'Y(O) = «a - b)cosO + bcos(tp - 0), (a - b) sinO - bsin(tp - 0))
= «a - b)cosO + bcos«(a - b)O/b), (a - b) sinO - bsin((a - b)O/b))
in the case of the hypocycloid .
Solutions 283
1.9 A point (x, y, z) lies on the cylinder if x 2 + y2 = 1/4 and on the sphere
if (x + ~)2 + y2 + z2 = 1. From the second equation, -1 ~ z ~ 1 so
let z = sin t. Subtracting the two equations gives x + + sin 2 t = tso i,
x = ~ - sin 2 t = cos2 t - ~ . From either equation we then get y = sin t cos t
(or y = - sin t cos t , but the two solutions are interchanged by t f--t 7r - t).
1.10 -y(t) = (e'{cos r - sint),et(sint + cos ej) so the angle (J between 'Y(t) and
-y(t) is given by
(J 'Y.-Y e2t(cos2t-sintcost+sin2t+sintcost) 1
= 11 'Y 1111 -y 11
cos = e2t«cos t - sin t)2 + (sin t + cos t)2)
= 2'
and so (J = 7r/3.
1.11 -y(t) = (1, sinh t) so 11 -y 11 = cosh t and the arc-length is s = f~ cosh u du =
sinh t.
1.12 (i) 11 -y 11 2 = t(l + t) + t(l - t) + ~ = 1.
(ii) 11 -y 11 2 = ~: sin 2 t + cos2 t + i5
sin 2 t = cos2 t + sin 2 t = 1.
1.13 The cycloid is parametrised by 'Y(t) = a(t - sin t, 1 - cos t), where t is
the angle through which the circle has rotated. So -y = a(1 - cos t, sin t) ,
11 -y 11 = a - 2 cos t) = 4a2 sin 2 ~, and the arc-length is
2 2(2
271" t t = 271"
2a sin 2 dt = -4a cos 2 = 8a.
o t=o
1.14 (i) -y = sin2t(-I, 1) vanishes when t is an integer multiple of 7r/2, so 'Y is
not regular.
(ii) Now 'Y is regular since -y ::j:. 0 for 0 < t < n /2.
(iii) -y = (1, sinh t) is obviously never zero, so 'Y is regular.
1.15 x = r cos (J = sin 2 (J, y = r sin (J = sin 2 (Jtan (J , so the parametrisation in
terms of (J is (J f--t (sin2 (J , sin 2 (J tan (J). Since (J f--t sin (J is a bijective smooth
map (-7r/2,7r/2) --7 (-1 ,1), with smooth inverse t f--t sin " ! t , t = sin f is
a reparametrisation map. Since sin 2 (J = t 2 , sin 2 (J tan (J = t 3 /~, the
reparametrised curve is as stated.
1.16 We have s = ft: 11 d'Y/du 11 du, S = fL 11 d;y/du 11 du. By the chain rule,
d'Y/du = (d;Y/du)(du/du), so s = ±
sign being that of du/du .
ft: 11 d;y/du 11 (du/du) du = ±s, the
Chapter 2
2.1 (i) -y is unit-speed (Exercise 1.12(i» so
x - y - Z = O.
2.16 By Proposition 2.5, 'Y is a circle of radius 1/ ~ = 1 with centre 'Y +
~n = (0,1,0) in the plane passing through (0,1,0) perpendicular to
b = (-I, 0, -~), i.e. the plane 3x + 4z = O.
2.17 Let a = ~/(~2 + 7 2), b = 7/(~2 + 7 2). By Examples 2.1 and 2.4, the
circular helix with parameters a and b has curvature a/(a 2 + b2 ) = ~ and
torsion b/(a2 + b2 ) = 7. By Theorem 2.3, every curve with curvature ~
and torsion 7 is obtained by applying a rigid motion to this helix.
2.18 This follows from Proposition 2.3 since the numerator and denominator
of the expression in (11) are smooth functions of t.
2.19 Let a dot denote d/dt . Then, 6 =;y= xn, so the unit tangent vector of 6 is
T = n and its arc-Iength s satisfies ds/dt = n, Now dT/ds = il/(ds/dt) =
~-l( -~t + 7b) = -t + ~b. Hence, the curvature of 6 is 11 - t + ~b 11 =
(1 + ~)1/2 = JL, say. The principal normal of 6 is N = JL-l(-t + ~b)
and its binormal is B = T x N == JL-l(b + Lt). The torsion T of 6 is
. '"
given by dB/ds = -TN, i.e, ~-lB = -TN. Computing the derivatives
and equating coefficients of b gives T = (~f - 7K)/~(~2 + 72).
2.20 Differentiating t.a (= constant) gives n .a = O; since t, n, b are an or-
thonormal basis of R 3 , a = t cos 0 + JLb for some scalar JLj since a is a unit
vector, JL = ± sin 0; differentiating a = t cos 0 ± b sin 0 gives 7 = ~ cot O.
Conversely, if 7 = >'~, there exists 0 with >. = cot Oj differentiating shows
that a = t cos 0 + b sin 0 is a constant vector and t.a = cos 0 shows that
() is the angle between t and a.
2.21 Differentiating ('Y - a) .('Y - a) = r 2 repeatedly gives t .('Y - a) = Oj t.t +
~n .('Y-a) = 0, and so n .('Y-a) = -I/~j n.t+ (-~t+7b).('Y-a) = K/~2 ,
and so b.('Y- a) = K/7~2j and finally b .t - 7n.('Y - a) = (K/7~2)", and so
7/ ~ = (K/7~2)".
Conversely, if Eq. (20) holds, then p = -a(pa}, so (p2 + (pa)2)" = 2pp +
2(pa)(pa)" = 0, hence p2 + (pa)2 is a constant, say r 2 (where r > 0). Let
a = 'Y+pn+ pabj then ä. = t+ pn+ p( -~t+7b) + (pa)"b+ (pa)( -7n) = 0
using Eq. (20); so ais a constant vector and 11 'Y - a 11 2 = p2 + (pa)2 = r 2,
288 Elementary Differential Geometry
Chapter 3
3.1 If;Y is obtained from -y by a translation, then .y = l' so by Eqs. (1) and (3)
the length and area of;Y are the same as those of -y. If;Y is obtained from -y
by a rotation by an angle () about the origin, then x = x cos ()- Y sin (), fj =
x sin ()+ Y cos (). This implies that &;2 + t/ =
±2 + il and Xii -
fj&; xiJ - y±, =
so Eqs. (1) and (3) again show that the length and area are unchanged.
3.2 -y(t') = -y(t) <===} cost' = cost and sint' = sint <===} t' - t is a multiple of
27r, so -y is simple closed with period 27r. Taking x = a cos t, y = b sin t in
Eq. (3) gives the area as ~
3.3 l' = (-
abdt = nab.
sin t - 2 sin 2t, cos t + 2 cos 2t) so 11 l' 11 V5 + 4 cos t, which is never
zero, so -y is regular. -y(t + 27r) = -y(t) is obvious. If -y is simple closed with
period a, then -y(O) = -y(a) implies (1 + 2cosa) cosa = 3 so cosa = 1 and
a = 27r. But -y(2rr/3) = -y(47r/3) and 47r/3 - 2rr/3 is not a multiple of 27r.
3.4 Differentiating -y(t + a) = -y(t) gives t(t + a) = t(a); rotating anti-clockwise
by 7r/2 gives ns(t+a) = ns(t); differentiating again gives Ks(t+a)ns(t+a) =
Ks(t)ns(t), so Ks(t + a) = Ks(t).
3.5 By Exercise 3.2 and the isoperimetric inequality, the length i of the ellipse
satisfies i ~ v'47r x 7rab = 27r../äb, with equality if and only if the ellipse
is a circle, i.e, a = b. But parametrising the ellipse as in Exercise 3.2, its
length is
Jr Jr
21r 21r
11 l' 11 dt =
J a2 sin 2 t + v cos2 t dt.
3.6 Let (Xl, YI) and (X2, Y2) be points in the interior of the ellipse, so that
2 2
~ + ~ < 1 for i = 1,2. A point of the line segment joining the two points
is (txI + (1- t)X2,tYI + (1- t)Y2) for some 0 $ t $ 1. This is in the interior
Solutions 289
Chapter 4
4.1 Let U be an open disc in R 2 and S = {(x, Y, z) E R 3 I (x, y) E U, z = O}.
If W = {(x , y, z) E R 3 I (x, y) EU}, then W is an open subset of R 3 ,
and Sn W is homeomorphic to U by (x , y, 0) t-t (x, y) . So S is a surface.
4.2 Let U = {(u,v) E R 2 10< u 2 +v 2 < 11"2}, let r = vu
2 +v 2, and define
4.3 The image of u~ is the intersection of the sphere with the open set ±x > 0
in R 3 , and its inverse is the projection (x, y, z) t-t (y, z). Similarly for u~
and u±. A point of the sphere not in the image of any of the six patches
would have to have x , y and z all zero, which is impossible.
4.4 Multiplying the two equations gives (X2_ Z 2) sin 8 eosB = (1_ y2) sin 8 eos 8,
so x 2 +y2 - z2 = 1 unless cos8 = 0 or sin8 = 0; if cos8 = 0, then x = -z
and y = 1 and if sin 8 = 0 then x = z and y = -1, and both ofthese lines
are also eontained in the surface.
290 Elementary Differential Geometry
The given line L o passes through (sin 28, - cos 28,0) and is parallel to the
vector (cos 28, sin 28, 1) j it follows that we get all of the lines by t aking
o::; 8 < tt , Let (x , y , z) be a point of the surface; if x i- z , let 8 be such
that cot8 = (1 - y)/(x - z}; then (x,y, z) is on LOi similarly if xi- - z.
The onl y remaining cases are the points (0,0, ±1), which lie on the lines
L 7r / 2 and u;
With the notation of Exercise 4.2, define (1 : U -+ R 3 by (1(u , v) =
(sin 28, - cos 28,0) + t(cos 28, sin 28,1) , where t = tan(r - ~), cos 8 = u/r
and sin 8 = u]«, This is a surface patch which, by the preceding paragraph,
covers the whole surface.
Let M <p be the line
(x - z) cos e = (1 + y) sin <p, (x + z) sin <p = (1 - y) cos <po
By the same argument as above, M<p is contained in the surface and
every point of the surface lies on some M<p with 0 ::; sp < 'Tr. Ir 8 +
<p is not a multiple of 1r, the lines L o and M <p intersect in the point
( cos(O-<p) sin 0- '1' cos(O+<p») r h LI • h 0 <
sin( O+<p) 'sin (O+<p ' sin(O+ <p ) i ror eac U wit
here i 1
_ U < rr, t ere IS exact y
one <p with 0 ::; <p < 1r such that 8 + sp is a multiple of n , and the lines L o
a nd M <p do not intersect. Ir (x, y, z) lies on both L o and L <p , with 8 i- sp,
then (1 - y) tan 8 = (1 - y) tan <p and (1 + y) cot 8 = (1 - y) cot <p, which
gives both y = 1 and y = -1 (the case in which 8 = 0 and sp = 1r/2 , or
vice versa, has to be treated separately, but the conclusion is the same).
This shows that L o and L <p do not intersect; similarly, Mo and M <p do not
4.5 Ir the sphere S could be covered by a single surface patch (1 : U -+ R 3 , then
S would be homeomorphic to the open subset U of R 2 • As S is a closed
and bounded subset of R 3 , it is compact. Hence, U would be compact,
and hence closed. But, since R 2 is connected, the only non-empty subset
of R 2 that is both open and closed is R 2 itself, and this is not compact
as it is not bounded.
4.6 (1 is obviously smooth and (1u X a; = (-lu, - Iv, 1) is nowhere zero, so (1
is regular.
4.7 (1± is a special case of Exercise 4.6, with I = ±Vl - u 2 - v 2 (VI - u 2 - v 2
is smooth because 1 - u 2 - v 2 > 0 if (u, v) E U) i similarly for the other
patches. The transition map from (1,+- to (1~, for example, is tP(ü , v) =
(u,v) , where (1~(ü,v) = (1,+-(u ,v) j so u = Vl- ü 2 - v2, V = v, and this is
smooth since 1- ü 2 - v 2 > 0 if (ü,v) EU.
4.8 (1 is a smooth map on the open set R = {(r,8) E R 2 Ir> O} , and
its image is contained in the surface because cosh 28 - sinh 28 = 1; and
(1 r X (10 = (- 2r cosh 8, 2r sinh 8, r), which is never zero on R.
2 2
Exercise 4.6 gives the parametrisation Ö'(u, v) = (u, v, u 2 - v2), defined on
Solutions 291
minimum at P, then t ~ F(-y(t)) has a local maximum or minimum at
t = for all curves 'Y on 5 with 'Y(O) = P; hence, VsF = 0 at P, so VF
is perpendicular to the tangent plane of 5 at P, and hence is parallel to
VI by Exercise 4.16. So VF = ,XVI for some scalar X.
From Example 4.13, the surface can be parametrised by fT(u, v) =
(cosh u cosv, cosh u sinv, u), with u E Rand -11" < v< 11" or < v < 211".
11 fT(u,v) 11 2 = sech v+sin 2 v) +tanh 2u = sech2u+tanh2u = 1, so fT
2u(cos 2
parametrises part of the unit sphere; (1 is c1early smooth; and o u X a v =
-sech2u(1(u , v) is never zero, so a is regular. Meridians correspond to the
parameter curves v = constant, and parallels to the curves u = constant.
4.20 The vector a u is tangent to the meridians, so a unit-speed curve y is a loxo-
drome if "y.fT u/ 11 a u 11 = cos a , which gives u = cosh u cos o ; since 'Y is unit-
speed, "y = (-u sech u tanh u cos v - i.J sech u sin v, -u sech u tanh u sin v +
i.J sech u cos v, Ü sech2u) is a unit vector; this gives ü 2 + i.J2 = cosh'' U, so
i.J = ± cosh u sin o. The correponding curve in the uv-plane is given by
Solutions 293
never zero, so 0' is regular.
4.22 (i) i'.a = so i' is contained in the plane perpendicular to a and passing
through the origin; (ii) simple algebra; (iii) ii is clearly a smooth function
of (u, v) and the jacobian matrix of the map (u, v) ~ (u, ii) is ('Y~a ~ ),
where a dot denotes d/du; this matrix is invertible so i' is a reparametri-
sation of 'Y.
4.23 (i) (a cos u cos v , bcos u sin v, csin u) (cf. Exercise 4.9); (ii) see Exercise 4.4 ;
(iii) (u, v, ± V/1 +~
+ ~)j
(iv), (v) see Exercise 4.6j (vi) see Example 4.3 j
(vii) (p cos u, q cos u, v); (viii) (±p cosh u, q sinh u, u): (ix) (u , U 2/ p2, v) ; (x)
(0, u , v); (xi) (±p, u, v).
4.24 (a) Types (viij-fxi); (b) type (vi) ; (c) types (ii) (see Exercise 4.4), (v) (see
Exercise 4.25) and (vij-Ix); (d) type (i) if p2, q2 and r 2 are not distinct,
types (ii), (iii) , (iv), (vi) and (vii) if p2 = q2, and type (x).
4.25 z = (~- ~) (~ + ~) = uv , x = ~p(u + v), Y = ~q(v - u) , so
a parametrisation is O'(u, v) = (~p(u + v) , ~q(v - u),uv); O'u x O'v =
(-~q(u + v), ~p(v - u) ,pq) is never zero so 0' is regular. For a fixed value
of u, O'(u,v) = (~pu , -~qu,O) +v(~p, ~q,u) is a straight line; similarly for
a fixed value of Vj hence the hyperbolic paraboloid is the union of each of
two families of straight lines.
4.26 Substituting the components (x, y, z) of 'Y(t) = a + bt into the equation
of the quadric gives a quadratic equation for t; if the quadric contains
three points on the line, this quadratic equation has three roots, hence is
identically zero, so the quadric contains the whole line.
Take three points on each of the given lines; substituting the coordinates
of these nine points into the equation of the quadric gives a system of
nine homogeneous linear equations for the ten coefficients al, ... , c of the
quadric; such a system always has a non-trivial solution. By the first part,
the resulting quadric contains all three lines.
4.27 Let LI, L 2 , L 3 be three lines from the first family; by Exercise 4.26, there
is a quadric Q containing all three Iines; all but finitely many lines of
the second family intersect each of the three lines; if L' is such a line, Q
contains three points of L', and hence the whole of L' by Exercise 4.26j
so Q contains all but finitely many lines of the second family ; since any
quadric is a closed subset of R 3 , Q must contain all the lines of the second
294 Efementary Differential Geometry
Chapter 5
5.1 (i) Quadric cone; we have Uu = (cosh usinh v, cosh u cosh v , cosh u) , a; =
(sinhu cosh v, sinhusinhv, 0), and so we get 11 Uu 11 2 = 2cosh2u, uu.u v =
2sinhucoshusinhvcoshv, 11 a; 11 2 = sinh 2u, and the first fundamental
form is 2 cosh'' U du 2 + 4 sinh u cosh u sinh v cosh v dudv + sinh 2 u dv 2.
(ii) Paraboloid of revolution; (2 + 4u 2) du 2 + 8uv dudv + (2 + 4v 2) dv 2.
(iii) Hyperbolic cylinder; (cosh2 u + sinh 2 u) du 2 + dv 2.
(iv) Paraboloid of revolution; (1 + 4u 2) du 2 + 8uv dudv + (1 + 4v 2) dv 2.
5.2 The first fundamental form is 2 du 2 + u 2 dv 2, so the length of the curve is
Jo'/l" (2u 2 + U 2V2)1/ 2 dt = Jo'/l" (2).2 e2>.t + e2>.t)1/2 dt = (2).2~l) lI2 (e>.t - 1).
but this is not unit-speed; a unit-speed reparametrisation is .y(u) =
(a+bcosI,O ,bsinI) with ~ u ~ 21Tb. So 21TJ:7I"b(a+bcosI) du =
41T 2ab is the area.
5.17 0' is the tube swept out by a circle of radius a in aplane perpendicular to
'Y as its centre moves along 'Y. 0'a = (1 - IW cos O)t - Ta sin On+ Ta cos Ob,
0'9 = -asinOn+acosOb, givingO'aX0'9 = -a(1-KacosO)(cosOn+sinOb);
this is never zero since na < 1 implies that 1 - sa cos 0 > for all O.
The first fundamental form is «1 - KacosO)2 + T2a2) ds 2 + 2Ta2 dsdO +
a2 d02, so the area is J;l0 J0 71" a(l - na cos O)dsdO = 21Ta(SI - so).
5.18 If EI = E 2,F1 = F2,G1 = G2, then E 1G1 - F12 = E 2G2 - F2, 2 so any
isometry is equiareal. The map f in Archimedes's theorem is equiareal
but not an isometry (as EI ::j:. ~ , for example).
5.19 If EI = >'~,F1 = >.F2, GI = >'G2, and if E 1G1 - Fr = ~G2 - F:j, then
>.2 = 1 so >. = 1 (since >. > 0).
5.20 By Theorem 5.5, the sum of the angles of the tri angle is 1T + A/R 2 ,
where A is its area and R is the radius of the earth, and so is ~
1T + (7500000)/(6500)2 = 1T + 136°9 radians. Hence, at least one angle
of the tri angle must be at least one third of this, i.e, 1T + 116°9 radians.
5.21 3F = 2E because every face has three edges and every edge is an edge
of exactly two faces. The sum of the angles around any vertex is 21T, so
the sum of the angles of all the triangles is 21TV; on the other hand, by
Theorem 5.5, the sum of the angles of any triangle is 1T plus its area, so
since there are F triangles and the sum of all their areas is 41T (the area
of the sphere), the sum of all the angles is 1TF + 41T. Hence, 2V = F + 4.
Then, V - E + F = 2 + ~ F - E + F = 2 + ~ (3F - 2E) = 2.
5.22 Let 0' : U -+ R 3 . Then, f is equiareal if and only if
for all regions R ~ U. This holds if and only if the two integrands are
equal everywhere, i.e. if and only if EI GI - Fr
= ~G2 - Fi .
298 Elementary Differential Geometry
Chapter 6
6.1 (Tu = (1,0, 2u), a; = (0,1, 2v), so N = .>.( -2u, -2v, 1), where .>. = (1 +
4u 2+4v2 ) - 1/ 2 j (Tuu = (0,0,2), (Tuv = 0, (Tvv = (0,0,2), so L = 2'>', M = 0,
N = 2'>', and the second fundamental form is 2'>'(du 2 + dv 2 ) .
6.2 (Tu .Nu = -(Tuu.N (since (Tu.N = 0), so Nu .(Tu = O; similarly, Nu.(Tv =
Nv·(Tu = Nv .(Tv = O; hence, Nu and N, are perpendicular to both (Tu
and (Tv, and so are parallel to N . On the other hand, Nu and N v are
perpendicular to N since N is a unit vector. Thus, Nu = N, = 0, and
hence N is constant. Then, ((T.N)u = (Tu.N = 0, and similarly ((T.N)v = 0,
so (T.N is constant, say equal to d, and then (T is part ofthe plane r.N = d.
6.3 From Section 4.3, N = ±N, the sign being that of det(J). From Ö'ü =
(Tu 8u
+ a; 8ü'
8v (Tii 8ii + a; 8v
- -_ (Tu 8u 8ii' we get
_ = (Tu 02 u + (Tv 02
(Tüü 2
V (OU)2
ou +(Tuu ou +2(Tuv
OU ov +(Tvv (OV)2
ou 2 ou ou
L =± (L (OU)2
2M oUOV N(OV)2)
+ ouou+ OU
since (Tu .N = (Tv.N = 0. This, together with similar formulas for !VI and
N, are equivalent to the matrix equation in the question.
6.4 Applying a translation to a surface patch (T does not change (Tu and (Tv , and
hence does not change N, (Tuu, (Tuv or (Tvv, and hence does not change the
second fundamental form. A rotation A ab out the origin has the following
effect: (Tu ~ A((Tu), (Tu ~ A((Tv) and hence N ~ A(N) , (Tuu ~ A((Tuu),
(Tuv ~ A((Tuv), (Tvv ~ A((Tvv)j since A(p) .A(q) = p.q for any vectors
p, q E R 3 , the second fundamental form is again unchanged.
6.5 By Exercise 6.1, the second fundamental form ofthe paraboloid is 2(du 2 +
dv 2)/Jl + 4u 2 + 4v2 j so
i.e. ±,X/(,X2 + v2 ) .
For the catenoid O'(u,v) = (coshucosv,coshusinv,u) , the first and sec-
ond fundamental forms are cosh'' u(du 2+dv2) and -du 2+dv2, respectively.
Hence , the principal curvatures are the roots of
- I - K COSh
u 0 I
I o 1 - Kcosh 2u '
i.e, K = ±sech2u .
6.16 Let s be arc-length along -y, and denote df ds by a dash. Then, by Propo-
sition 6.1,
_L,2 2M" N,2 _ Lu 2 + 2MuiJ + NiP _ Lu 2 + 2MüiJ + NiJ2
Kn - U + uv + v - (ds/dt)2 - Eü2 + 2FüiJ + GiJ 2 .
6.17 By Exercises 5.4 and 6.3, we have (in an obvious notation),:F] = JtT]J,
:Fu = ±JtTuJ, where the sign is that of det(J) . The principal curvatures
of Ö' are the roots of det(:Fu -k:F]) = 0, i.e. det(±JtTuJ -kJ t TuJ) = 0,
which (since J is invertible) are the same as the roots of det(±Tu-kT]) =
O. Hence, the principal curvatures of Ö' are ± those of 0'.
Let ~Ö'ii. + ijÖ'ü be a principal vector for Ö' corresponding to the principal
curvature k. Then,
so if J (~) = (~), then ~O' u +TJO'v is a principal vector for 0' correspond-
. to t hee nri
ing pnncip al curvature K . B u, t smce
' ..c 8u =
811."i + 8u - TJ
8fJ TJ, =8v i+ 8v
tJii." 8ü TJ- ,
we have ..O'u + TJO'v_ =.. 8ii.(1u + 8ii.O'v + TJ 8ü(1u + 8üO'v = .. 0'11. + TJ(1ü,
c i ( 8u 8v) - (8u 8v) c- --
which shows that eÖ'ii. + ijÖ'ü is a principal vector for 0' corresponding to
the principal curvature K.
The second part also follows from Corollary 6.2.
Solutions 301
6.18 l' = Ü(fu + iia; is a principal vector corresponding to the principal curva-
ture K ~ (FII - KF]) (:) = (~) ~ Fi l FII (:) =K (:) ~
(~ ~) (:) = -K ( : ) ~ aü + eil = -KÜ and bü + dv = -KV. But,
N = üNu+vN v = Ü(OOu+bo'v)+V(Ct:1 u+Mv) = (aü+eil)(fu+(bü+dv)(fv '
Hence, l' is principal ~ N = -K(Üt:1u + V(fV) = -K'Y.
From Example 6.2, the first and second fundamental forms of a surface
of revolution are du 2 + f(U)2dv 2 and (jü - jiJ)du 2 + fiJdv 2, respectively.
Since the terms dudv are absent, the vectors (fu and a v are principal; but
these are tangent to the meridians and parallels, respectively.
6.19 By Exercise 6.11, N = -Knt + TgB, so by Exercise 6.18 '1 is a line of
curvature if and only if T g = 0 (in which case A = K n ) .
6.20 Let NI and N 2 be unit norm als of the two surfaces; if'Y is a unit-speed
parametrisation of C, then NI = -Al'Y for some scalar Al by Exercise
6.18. If Cis a line of curvature of 8 2, then N 2 = -A2'Y for some scalar A2,
and then (N l .N 2)" = -Al'Y.N2 - A2'Y.Nl = 0, so N l .N 2 is constant along
'1, showing that the angle between 8 1 and 8 2 is constant. Conversely, if
N l .N 2 is constant, then N l.N2 = 0 since N l .N 2 = -Al'Y.N2 = 0; thus,
N 2 is perpendicular to Nb and is also perpendicular to N 2 as N 2 is a
unit vector; but l' is also perpendicular to NI and N 2; hence, N 2 must
be parallel to 1', so there is a scalar A2 (say) such that N 2 = -A2'Y.
6.21 (i) Differentiate the three equations in (21) with respect to w, u and v,
respectively; this gives
Subtracting the second equation from the sum of the other two gives
(fu.(fvw = 0, and similarly (fv.(fuw = (fw.(fuv = O.
(ii) Since (fv .(fw = 0, it follows that the matrix F] for the u = Uo surface
is diagonal (and similarly for the others) . Let N be the unit normal of the
u = Uo surface; N is parallel to a v x o w by definition, and hence to (f u since
(fu, (fv and (fw are perpendicular; by (i), (fvw.(fu = 0, hence (fvw.N = 0,
proving that the matrix F ] ] for the u = Uo surface is diagonal.
(iii) By part (ii), the parameter curves of each surface u = Uo are lines
of curvature. But the parameter curve v = vo, say, on this surface is the
curve of intersection of the u = Uo surface with the v = Vo surface.
302 Elementary Differential Geometry
tion gives >. = 1/ z, and substituting into the first equation gives the con-
tradiction p2 = r 2 • Hence, either x = or y = 0. If x = 0, the equations
have the four solutions
q: r:
x = 0, y = ±qvq - P:, z
= ±rvr - P: .
Similarly, one finds the following eight other candidates for umbilics :
2 _ q2 ~2_q2
X = ±p 2
P -r
2' Y = 0, z = ±r r
Chapter 7
7.1 tT u = (1,1, v), tTv = (1, -1, u), tTuu = tTvv = 0, tTuv = (0,0,1). When
u = v = 1, we find from this that E = 3, F = 1, G = 3 and L =
N = 0, M = -Ij.,fi. Hence, K = (LN - M 2)j(EG - F 2) = -IjI6,
H = (LG - 2MF + NG)j2(EG - F2) = IjS.,fi.
7.2 For the helicoid tT(u,v) = (vcosu,vsinu,Au), tTu = (-vsinu,vcosU,A),
tT v = (cosu,sinu,O), N = (A2 + v2)-1/2(-Asinu,AcosU,-v), tTuu =
(-vcosu,-vsinu,O), tT uv = (-sinu,cosu,O), tT vv = O. This gives
E = A2 + v 2, F = O,G = 1 and L = N = O,M = AjVA2 +v 2. Hence,.
K = (LN - M 2)j(EG - F 2) = _A 2j(A 2 + V 2)2.
For the catenoid tT( u, v) = (cosh u cos v, cosh u sin v, u), we have a u =
(sinh u cos v, sinh u sin v, 1), a; = (- cosh u sin v, cosh u cosv, 0),
N = sechu(-cosv,-sinv,sinhu), tT uu = (coshucosv,coshusinv,O),
tT uv =(- sinh u sin v, sinh u cos v, 0), tT vv = (- cosh u cosv, - cosh u sin v, 0).
K =0 {::::::::}r =0.
(ii) Let NI be a unit normal of S. Then, K = °{: : : : }
NdtxNd = O. Since
NI is perpendicular to NI and NI is perpendicular to t, this condition
holds {::::::::} NI is parallel to t, i.e. {::::::::} NI = -A'Y for some scalar A. Now
use Exercise 6.IS .
7.5 Using the parametrisation tT in Exercise 4.10, we find that E = b2 , F =
O,G = (a + bCOSO)2 and L = b,M = O,N = (a + bcosO)cosO. This gives
K = cosOjb{a + bcosO), dk = (EG - F 2)1/2dOdep = b{a + bcosO)dOdep.
304 Elementary Differential Geometry
7.6 The first part follows from Exercises 5.3 and 6.4. The dilation multiplies
E, F, G by a2 and L, M, N by a, hence H by a- 1 and K by a- 2 (using
Proposition 7.1).
7.7 Since (T is smooth and (Tu X a; is never zero, N = (Tu x (Tvl 11 (Tu x (Tv 11
is smooth. Hence, E, F, G, L , M and N are smooth. Since EG - F2 > 0
(by the remark following Proposition 5.2), the formulas in Proposition
7.1(i) and (ii) show that H and K are smooth. By Proposition 7.1(iii),
the principal curvatures are smooth provided H 2 > K, i.e, provided there
are no umbilics.
7.8 At a point P of an asymptotic curve, the normal curvature is zero. By
Corollary 6.2, one principal curvature Kl ~ 0 and the other K2 ~ O. Hence
K = KIK2 ~ O. On a ruled surface, there is an asymptotic curve, namely
a straight line, passing through every point (see Exercise 6.12).
7.9 By Exercise 6.22, FIII = FIIF]1 FII. Multiplying on the left by F]I,
the given equation is equivalent to
A 2+2HA+KI=0,
(~ ~) = r (; ~) J
= (_Oi ~) (~ f(~)2) (~ -oi) = (* ?), ~
after some tedious algebra.
In (i), u and -1r < V < 1r corresponds to -1r < V < 1r and w > 1, a
semi-infinite rectangle in the upper half of the vw-plane.
7.13 Let -y(u) = (J(u) ,O,g(u)) and denote d/du by a dot; by Eq . (2), j +KI =
0. If K < 0, the general solution is 1 = ae- FKu + beFKu where a, b
are constants; the condition 1(1r /2) = I( -1r /2) = forces a = b = 0,
so -y coincides with the z-axis, contradicting the assumptions. If K = 0,
1 = a + bu and again a = b = is forced. So we must have K > and
1 = acosVKu + bsinVKu. This time, 1(1r/2) = 1(-1r/2) = and a,b °
not both zero implies that the determinant
cos ..jK1r /2 sin ..jK1r /2 I= 0.
Icos VK1r /2 - sin VK1r /2
This gives sin VK1r = 0, so K = n 2 for some integer n =!' 0. If n = 2k
is even, 1 = bsin 2ku, but then 1(0) = 0, contradicting the assumptions.
If n = 2k + 1 is odd, 1 = acos(2k + l)u and 1(1r/2(2k + 1)) = 0, which
contradicts the assumptions unless k = or -1, Le. unless K = (2k+ 1)2 =
1. Thus, 1 = acosu, 9 = )1- j2 = J1- a 2sin 2u. Now, 'Y = <i,O,g) is
perpendicular to the z-axis {::::} 9 = 0. So the assumptions give '-"I - a 2 =
0, i.e. a = ± 1. Then, -y( u) = (± cos u, 0, ± sin u) (up to a translation along
the z-axis) and S is the unit sphere.
7.14 Let ü(ü, v) be a patch of S containing P = ü(üo,vo). The gaussian curva-
ture K of S is < at P; since K is a smooth function of (ü, v) (Exercise
7.7), K (u, v) < for (u, v) in some open set Ü containing (uo, vo); then
every point of ü(Ü) is hyperbolic. Let 11':1,11':2 be the principal curvatures
of ü, let < () < tt /2 be such that tan () = -1I':t! 11':2, and let Cl and e2 be
the unit tangent vectors of Ü making angles () and -(), respectively, with
the principal vector corresponding to 11':1 (see Corollary 6.1). Applying
Solutions 307
7.18 From the formula for K in the solution of Exercise 7.5, it follows that S+
and S- are the annular regions on the torus given by -71"/2 ~ u ~ 71"/2
and 71"/2 ~ u ~ 371"/2, respectively.
S+ S-
308 Elementary Differential Geometry
It is clear that as a point P moves over S+ (resp. S-), the unit normal at P
covers the whole of the unit sphere. Hence, 11s + IK ldA = 11s - IKldA =
411" by Exercise 7.18; since IKI = ±K on S±, this gives the result.
Chapter 8
8.1 By Exercise 4.4, there are two straight lines on the hyperboloid passing
through (1,0,0); by Proposition 8.3, they are geodesics. The circle given
by z = 0, x 2 + y2 = 1 and the hyperbola given by y = 0, x 2 - z2 = 1
are both normal sections, hence geodesics by Proposition 8.4 (see also
Proposition 8.5).
8.2 Let IIs be the plane through "Y(s) perpendicular to t(s); the parameter
curve s = constant is the intersection of the surface with IIs . From the
solution to Exercise 5.17, the standard unit normal of t1' is N = -(cosOn+
sin 0 b). Since this is perpendicular to t, the circles in question are normal
8.3 Take the ellipsoid to be ~ + ~ + ~ = 1; the vector ('ir,~,~) is normal
to the ellipsoid by Exercise 4.16. If "Y(t) = (f(t),g(t),h(t» is a curve on
j2 ·2 .2 ,2 2 2 1
the ellipsoid, R = (~+ ~ + ~ )-1 / 2, 8 = (j;4 + + ~ )-1 2. Now, "Y is a
geodesie -<==>;Y is parallel to the normal -<==> (1,9, h) = >..({;t ,~ , ~) for
some scalar >..(t). From ~ +;; + ~
j2 I/ .. hh .
= 1 we get
fJ + ~ + I;4 = 0, hence
(/ 2 h2)
·2 ;'2
~+~+~+~+'+j:"2"" 0, i.e. ~+~+~+>.. j;4 + ~ +
.2 ;'2 2
j:4 = 0,
which gives >.. = _8 2 / R 2 • The curvature of"Y is
1d ( 1) (li
2 dt R28 2 = p4
99 hh)
+ q4 + -;:4
(i2 2
9 h2
p2 + q2 + r
+ (P + g2 + h
p4 q4 r4
(ii p2
+ 99
+ hh)
= R2
1 (li 99 hh)
p4 + q4 + -;:4 + 82
x (li 99 hh)
p4 + q4 + -;:4 = 0,
By Corollary 8.2, the geodesies on the cone correspond to the straight lines
in the xy-plane. Any such line, other than the axes x = and y = 0, has
equation ax + by = 1, where a, b are constants; this line corresponds to the
curve v t-+ ( cos v sin V I ) .,
y'2(acos 72+bsin 72)' y'2(acos ~+bsin~)' V'2(acos ~+bsin~)
the x and y-axes correspond to straight lines on the cone.
8.8 From Example 5.3, O'(u, v) = 'Y(u) + va, where "I is unit-speed, 11 a 11 = 1,
and "I is contained in aplane perpendicular to a ; the map 0'( u, v) t-+
(u,v ,O) is an isometry from the cylinder to the xy-plane. A curve t t-+
O'(u(t), v(t)) is a geodesie on the cylinder {::::::} t t-+ (u(t) ,v(t) , 0) is a
constant-speed parametrisation of a straight line in the plane {::::::} ü
and iJ are constant {::::::} iJ is constant (since ü 2 + iJ2 is constant). Since
a.ftO'(u(t) ,v(t)) = ii, iJ = constant {::::::} the tangent vector ftO'(u ,v)
makes a fixed angle with the unit vector a parallel to the axis of the
8.9 Take the cylinder to be O'(u, v) = (cos u, sin u, v) . Then, E = G = 1, F = 0,
so the geodesie equations are ü = ii = 0. Hence, u = a + bt, v = c + dt,
where a, b, c, d are constants. Ir b = this is a straight line on the cylinder ;
otherwise, it is a circular helix.
8.10 E = 1, F = 0, G = 1 + u 2 , so "I is unit-speed {::::::} ü 2 + (1 + U2)iJ2 = l.
The second equation in (2) gives ft«1 + u 2 )iJ) = 0, i.e. iJ = 1':u2' where
a is a constant. So ü 2 = 1 - (1~U2) and , along the geodesic,
dv = '!!. = ± a
du ü J(1 - a2 + u 2 )(1 + u 2 ) •
Ir a = 0, then v = constant and we have a ruling. If a = 1, then dv/du =
±1/uVI + u 2 , which can be integrated to give v = Vo =f sinh"? ~, where
310 Elementary Differential Geometry
Vo is a constant.
8.11 We have
N x a = (tTu X tTtI) x tT u = (tTu.tTu)tTtI -
(tTu.tTtI)tTu = EtTtI -FtTu
u 11 au X tT tI 11 J EG - F2 J EG - F2 '
and similarly for N x tT tI. Now, -y = iur; + iJtTtI, so
. u(EtTtI - FtT u) + iJ(FtTtI - GtT u)
N X 'Y - --'-----.:..---:~===1=~=---~
- JEG-F2 '
;y = ÜtTu + iitTtI + U2 tT u u + 2uiJtTutl + iJ2 tTtltI .
Hence, /\,g = ;Y.(Nx-Y) = (uii-iJü)VEG - F2+Au 3+Bu2iJ+CuiJ2+DiJ3,
where A = tTuu .(EtTtI - FtT u) = E«tTu.tTtI)u - tTu.tTUtl) - ~F(tTu.tTu)u =
E(Fu - ~EtI) - ~FEu, with similar expressions for B,C,D.
8.12 We have
(Eu 2+2FuiJ + GiJ2)'
= (Euu + EtliJ) u2 + 2(Fuu + FtliJ)uiJ + (Guu + G tliJ)iJ 2
+ 2Euü + 2F( uii + üiJ) + 2GiJii
=u(Euu2 + 2FuuiJ + G uiJ2) + iJ(Etlu2 + 2FtluiJ + G tliJ2)
+ 2Euü + 2F( uii + üiJ) + 2GiJii
= 2(Euu + FiJ)'u + 2(Fu + GiJ)'iJ
+ 2(Eu + FiJ)ü + 2(Fu + GiJ)ii (by the geodesie equations)
=2[(Eu + FiJ)u]' + 2[(Fu + GiJ)iJ]'
= 2(Eu2 + 2FuiJ + GiJ 2r
Hence, (Eu 2 + 2FuiJ + GiJ2)' = 0 and so 11 -y 11 2 = Eu 2 + 2FuiJ + GiJ 2 is
8.13 They are normal sections.
8.14 Every parallel is a geodesie {:::::::} every value of u is a stationary point
of f(u) (in the notation of Proposition 8.5) {:::::::} f = constant {:::::::} the
surface is a circular cylinder.
8.15 The two solutions of Eq. (13) are v = b - w 2 , so the condition
Vo ±)
for a self-intersection is that, for some w > 1,2) b - w 2 = 2k1r for some
integer k > O. This holds {:::::::} 2) b - 1 > 21r, i.e. n < (1 + 1r2)- 1/ 2. In
this case, there are k self-intersections, where k is the largest integer such
that 2k1r < 2)b - 1.
8.16 (i) If 'Y(t) is a geodesic, so is fh(t)) , and if'Yis defined for all -00 < t < 00 ,
so is f('Y(t)). So f takes meridians to meridians, i.e, if v is constant, so is
v. Hence, v does not depend on w.
Solutions 311
If = a, Eq. (10) shows that the geodesie must be the parallel z = O.
(ii) Let the torus be as in Exercise 4.10. If = 0, the geodesie is a meridian
(a circle). If 0 < n < a - b, the geodesie spirals around the torus:
8.19 From Exercise 5.5, the cone is isometrie to the 'sector' S of the plane with
vertex at the origin and angle nV2:
o B
o s
314 Elementary Differential Geometry
To see that this is always possible , let PI, P2, ql and q2 be the indicated
distances, and let R and S be the points on the boundary of the sector at
a distance (1J2ql + PIq2)/(1J2 + q2) from the origin. Then, the broken line
segment PR followed by SQ is the desired geodesic.
(ii) FALSE:
(iii) FALSE: many meet in two points, such as the two geodesics joining
P and Q in the diagram in (ii).
(iv) TRUE: the meridians do not intersect (remember that the vertex of
the cone has been removed), and parallel straight lines that are entirely
contained in S do not intersect.
(v) TRUE: since (broken) line segments in S can c1early be continued
indefinitely in both directions.
(vi) TRUE: a situation of the form
in which the indicated angles are equal is c1early impossible. But the
answer to this part of the question depends on the angle of the cone: if
the angle is 0:, instead of 1r/4, lines can self-intersect if 0: < 1r/6, for then
the corresponding sector in the plane has angle < 1r:
Solutions 315
8.20 (i) This is obvious if n ~ 0 since e- 1 / t 2 ~ 0 as t ~ O. We prove that
t - n e- 1 / ~ 0 as t ~ 0 by induction on n ~ O. We know the result if
n = 0, and if n > 0 we can apply L'Hopital's rule :
. r» . nt- n- 1 • n t-(n-2)
hm l/t2 = hm 2 l/t2 = hm -2 l/t2'
e-su e t-tO i!"e t-tO e
which vanishes by the induction hypothesis.
(ii) We prove by induction on n that 0 is n-times differentiable with
~O = { ~n3lt) e- 1 / t 2 if t i:- 0,
dt n 0 if t = 0,
where Pn is a polynomial in t. For n = 0, the assertion holds with Po = 1.
Assuming the result for some n ~ 0,
~+l0 _ (-3nPn P~ 2Pn ) e-1/t2
dt n+1 - t 3n +l + t3n + t3n+3
if t i:- 0, so we take Pn+l = (2 - 3nt2)Pn + t 3P~ . If t = 0,
~+10 _ . Pn(t) -1/t2 _ . e- 1/
dt n+1
- hm 3 +1e
t-tO t n
- Pn(O) hm 3 +1 - 0
t-tO t n
by part (i).
Parts (iii) and (iv) are obvious .
8.21 Since "(s is unit-speed, Ur'U r = 1, so Jo Ur 'U r dr = R. Differentiating
us.urlr=o - 0 US 'U rr dr = O.
Chapter 9
9.1 This follows from Exerdse 7.6.
9.2 This follows from Exercise 7.3.
9.3 K1 + K2 = 0 and K1 = K2 ==> K1 = K2 = O.
9.4 K1 + K2 = 0 ==> K2 = -K1 ==> K = K1K2 = -K~ :$ O. K = 0 ~ K~ =
o ~ K1 = K2 = 0 ~ the surface is part of a plane (by Proposition
9.5 By Proposition 7.6, a compact minimal surface would have K > 0 at some
point, contradicting Exerdse 9.4.
9.6 By the solution of Exerdse 7.2, the helicoid 0'(u, v) = (v cos u, v sin u, >.u)
has E = >.2 + v 2 , F = O,G = I ,L = O,M = >./(>.2 + V 2)1/2,N = 0, so
H = LG- 2MF+NG = 0
2(EG - F2) .
9.7 A straightforward calculation shows that the first and second fundamental
forms of O't are cosh'' u( du 2 + dv 2 ) and - cos t du 2 - 2 sin t dudv + cos t dv 2 ,
respectively, so
2 2
H = - cos t cosh U + cos t cosh U = O.
2cosh4 u
9.8 From Example 4.10, the cylinder can be parametrised by O'(u, v) = 'Y(u) +
va , where 'Y is unit-speed, 11 a 11 = 1 and 'Y is contained in aplane II
perpendicular to a. We have O'u = 'Y = t (a dot denoting d/du), a; = a,
so E = 1, F = 0, G = 1; N = t x a , O'uu = i = xn, O'uv = O'vv = 0, so
L = Kn.(t x a) , M = N = O. Now t x a is a unit vector parallel to II
and perpendicular to t, hence parallel to n; so L = ±K and H = ±K/2.
SO H = 0 ~ K = 0 ~ 'Y is part of a straight line ~ the cylinder is
part of a plane.
9.9 Using Exercise 9.2, the surface is minimal ~
(1 + g'2)j + (1 + p)g" = 0,
where a dot denotes d/dx and a dash denotes d] dy ; hence the stated
equation. Since the left-hand side of this equation depends only on x and
the right-hand side only on y , we must have
j g"
- - . =a, ---=-a
1 + j2 1 + g/2 '
for some constant a. Suppose that a =j:. O. Let r = j ; then j = rdr/df and
the first equation is rdr/ df = a(1 + r 2 ) , which can be integrated to give
af = In(1 + r 2 ) , up to adding an arbitary constant (which corresponds
to translating the surface parallel to the z-axis). So df /dx = ±Je2a J - 1,
Solutions 317
dt = 21E u (u' 2 +v' 2), d(E v')
dt = 21E v (u' 2 +v' 2) ,
where a dot denotes the derivative with respect to the parameter t of the
geodesie and E = (cosh v + 1)(cosh v - cos u). When u = 11", the unit-speed
condi tion is EiJ2 = 1, so iJ = 1/(cosh v + 1). Hence, the first geodesie
equation is 0 = !E
u iJ2, which holds because Eu = sin u(cosh v + 1) = 0
when u = 11"; and the second geodesie equation is
9.12 (i) From Example 9.1, N = (-sech u cos v, -sech u sin v, tanh u). Hence ,
if N(u,v) = N(U',V '), then u = u' since u ~ tanhu is injective, so
cos v = cos Vi and sin v = sin o" , hence v = Vi; thus, N is injective. If N =
(x , y , z), then x 2 + y2 = sech 2u :p 0, so the image of N does not contain
the poles. Given a point (x, y, z) on the unit sphere with x 2 + y2 :p 0, let
u = ±sech -1 J x 2 + y2, the sign being that of z, and let v be such that
cosv = -x/Jx2 +y2, sinv = -y/Jx 2 +y2 j then, N(u,v) = (x ,y,z).
(ii) By the solution ofExercise 7.2, N = (A2+V2)- 1/ 2( -Asin u, A cos u, -v) .
Since N (u, v) = N (u + 2k7r, v) for all integers k, the infinitely many points
0'(u + 2k1l", v) = 0'(U, v) + (0, 0, 2k1l") of the helicoid all have the same image
under the Gauss map. If N = (x, y, z), then x 2 + y2 = A2/(A2 + v 2) :p 0,
so the image of N does not contain the poles. If (x, y, z) is on the unit
sphere and x 2 + y2 :p 0, let v = -AZ/ Jx 2 + y2 and let u be such that
sinu = -x/Jx 2 +y2, COSU = -y/Jx 2 +y2; then N(u, v) = (x,y,z).
9.13 The plane can be parametrised by O'(u,v) = ub +vc, where {a, b,c} is a
right-handed orthonormal basis of R 3 . Then, tp = O'u - ia; = b - ic . The
conjugate surface corresponds to itp = c + ib; since {a, c, - b} is also a
right-handed orthonormal basis of R 3 , the plane is self-conjugate (up to
a translation).
9.14 tp = (~f(1 - g2), ~ f(1 + g2), fg) ==} itp = (~if(1 - g2), ~if(1 + g2), ifg),
which corresponds to the pair if and g.
9.15 By Example 9.6, tp«() = (sinh (, -i cosh (,1). From the proof of Proposi-
tion 9.7, f = <PI - i<P2 = sinh( - cosh( = -e-C:, 9 = <P3/f = -eC:.
9.16 cp = O'u - ia; = (1 - u 2 + v 2 - 2iuv, 2uv - i(1 - v 2 + u 2 ) , 2u + 2iv) =
(1 - (2, -i(1 + (2), 2() . So the conjugate surface is
(u + V + UV 2 + U 2V - !V3 - !U 3) U 2 - V2) .
3 3 '
9.17 I{) = (t(1- C 4)( 1 - (2) , t(1 - (-4)(1 + (2) , «(1 - (-4)), SO
1 ( (3 -1 (-3) i ( (3 -1 (-3) (2 (-2)
u=~t ( 2 (-3"-( + 3 '2 (+3"+( + 3 ' 2 + 2
Chapter 10
10.1 By Corollary 10.2(i),
(0ou ((e>.)u)
1 0 ((e>')tI)) =-2e>.(A
~ + ov ~
1 uu+AtltI).
10.2 . (E F) (E F)
By Exercise 5.4, F G = Jt F G J, where J =
(8r!~ !~8r) =
( !tI ~). By Exercise 8.21 , E = 1, F = 0, and we get the stated
?"" ~
--- - -
formulas fo: E ,F,G. Fr~m E - 1 = 2'2a
(~-J), G - 1 = ~ (~-1),
» ra
we get u 2 (E - 1) = v 2 (G - 1). Since E and G are smooth functions of
(u, v), they have Taylor expansions E = L:i+ ' < 2 eijUiV j + o(r 2), G =
L:i+j<2 gijUiVj +o(r2), where o(r k) denotes ter~s such that o(rk)/r k -+
o as r -+ O. Equating coefficients on both sides of u 2 (E -1) = v 2 (G -1)
320 Elementary Differential Geometry
shows that all the e's and g's are zero except e02 = g20 = k , say. Then,
jj; = 1 + kv 2 + 0(r 2), which implies that G = r 2 + kr" + 0(r 4).
By Corollary 1O.2(ii), K = - Ja
8~'!P . From the first part, .j(j = r +
~ kr3 + 0(r 3), hence K = -3k + 0(1). Taking r = 0 gives K(P) = -3k.
10.3 (i) CR = J;7T 11 Uo 11 d8 = J;7T .j(j dB = J;7T (R - ~K(P)R3 + 0(R3)) dB
= 211" (R - ~K(P)R3 + 0(R 3)).
R 27T
(ii) Since dAq = .j(j drdB, the area AR = Jo J0 .j(j drdB is equal to
211" Jo (r - ~K(P)r3 + 0(r 3)) dr = 1I"R2 (1-
Kg')R 2 + 0(R 2)).
Let S be the unit sphere, let P be the north pole, and let (B , cp) be
the usual latitude longitude parametrisation of S. Then, the geodesie
circle with cent re P and radius R is the parallel B = ~ - R , which is an
ordinary circle of radius sin R, so that CR = 211" sin R; since 211" sin R =
211"(R - ~R3 + 0(R 3)) and K = 1, this agrees with the formula in (i).
AR= r ["/2 COSBdBdCP=211"(I-cOSR)=211"(~2 _~: +0(R4)),
Jo J7T/2 -R
in agreement with the formula in (ii).
10.4 (i) Let s be the arc-length of 'Y, so that ds/dB = A, and denote dl ds by
a dot. The first of the geodesie equations «2) in Chapter 8) applied to
'Y gives r = ~GrÖ2 . Since r = !(B) , this gives
(1)' 1
= 2A2Gr.
8.j(j I ) dB.
8.j(j r=f(O)
= - -- dB =
1/J +- -
o 8r 0 8r
r=O r=O
Solutions 321
KdAa = 1/7(LA) - 1/7(0) + LA = LC - (11" - LB) + LA
= LA + LB + LC - 11".
,p(L A )
10.5 By Exercise 5.7, generalised cylinders and cones are isometrie to a plane .
Hence, if the sphere were isometrie to a generalised cylinder or cone, the
sphere would be isometrie to a plane, sinee eomposites of isometries are
isometries. This eontradiets Proposition 10.l.
10.6 With the notation of Example 4.9 we have, on the median circle t = 0,
a t = (- sin ~ eos (}, - sin ~ sin (}, eos ~) , o U = (- sin (}, eos (}, 0), henee E =
1,F = O,G = 1 and N = (-eos~eos(},-sin~sin(},-sin~); qtt = 0,
a tU = (- ~ eos ~ cos (} + sin ~ sin (}, - ~ eos ~ sin (} - sin ~ eos (}, - ~ sin ~) ,
from whieh L = 0, M = ~. Henee, K = (LN - M2)/(EG - F 2) = -1/4.
Since K :f 0, the Theorema Egregium implies that the Möbius band is
not isometrie to a plane.
10.7 The first fundamental forms of a and iT are found to be (1+ ~ )du2+u 2dv 2
and du2 + (u 2 + 1)dv2, respectively. Since these are different, the map
q(u,v) I-t iT(u, v) is not an isometry. Nevertheless, by Corollary 1O.2(ii),
the gaussian curvatures are equal:
K=K= 2~(:U(~))=-(1+lU2)2.
If q( u, v) I-t iT( ü, v) is an isometry, the Theorema Egregium tells us
that -1/(1 + U2)2 = -1/(1 + Ü 2)2, so Ü = ±u; let v = f(u, v). The
first fundamental form of iT(±u, f(u, v)) is (1 + (1 + u2)f~)du2 + 2(1 +
u 2) fufv dudv + (1+u 2)f;dv2j this is equal to the first fundamental form of
° °
q(u,v) <==> 1+(1+u2)f~ = 1+ 1/u 2, fufv = and (1+u 2)f; = u 2. The
middle equation gives fu = or fv = 0, but these are both impossible
by the other two equations. Henee, the isometry does not exist.
10.8 For the eatenoid q(u,v) = (eoshueosv,eoshusinv,u), the first funda-
mental form is cosh'' u(du 2 + dv 2) (Exercise 5.8) and the gaussian curva-
ture is K = -seeh4u (Exercise 7.2). If q(u, v) I-t q(ü, v) is an isometry,
322 Elementary Differential Geometry
mental form of O'(±u, f(u , v)) is (cosh'' U + f~)du2 + 2fufv cosh 2 ududv +
f; cosh" udv 2j hence, cosh'' u = cosh'' U + f~ , fufv = 0 and f; cosh 2 u =
cosh 2 U , so I« = 0, fv = ±1. Thus, f = ±v + Q , where Q is a constant; if
the sign is +, we have a rotation by Q about the z-axis: if the sign is -
we have arefleetion in the plane containing the z-axis, making an angle
Q/2 wit h the xz -plane.
10.9 W
= -Tl-1 Tu = - (cos0 V 1 -1 ( - cos? 0
V 0)
-1 = I , so Nu = O'u,
N, = O'v' Thus, N = O'-a, where a is a constant vector. Hence, 11 O'-a 11
= 1, showing that the surface is part of the sphere of radius 1 and cent re
a . The standard latitude longitude parametrisation of the unit sphere has
first and second fundamental forms both given by du 2 + cos2 vdv 2, so the
parametrisation O'(v , u) has the given first and second fundamental forms
(the second fundamental form changes sign because 0' v X 0' u = -0' u X 0' v).
10.10 r i2 = sin u cos u and the other Christoffel symbols are zero; the second
Codazzi-Mainardi equation is not satisfied.
'10.11 The Christoffel symbols are rl1 = E u/2E , rrl = -Ev/2G, rl2 =
E v/2E , rr2 = Gu/2G , Fi2 = -Gu/2E, ri2 = Gv/2G . The first Codazzi-
Mainardi equation is
= LE (-E v ) (L
+ N)
L; 2E - N 2G = 2"1 E; E G '
and similarly for the other equation. Finally,
(~d v
= 2E (L
E + N) LEv e, (N L) e ; (
G - E2 = 2E G - E = 2E ~2 - ~d ,
and similarly for (~2)u'
10.12 Arguing as in the proof of Theorem 10.4, we suppose that J attains
it s maximum value > 0 at some point P of S contained in a patch
0' of S . We can assume that the principal curvatures ~1 and ~2 of 0'
satisfy ~1 > ~2 > 0 everywhere. Since H = H~l + ~2), ~1 > Hand
J = 4(~1 - H)2. Thus, J increases with ~1 when ~1 > H, so ~1 must
have a maximum at P, and then ~2 = 2H - ~1 has a minimum there.
By Lemma 10.2, K ::; 0 at P , contradicting the assumption that K > 0
Solutions 323
Chapter 11
11.1 If 'Y is a simple closed geodesic , Theorem 11.1 gives JJ;nt('Y ) KdA = 271";
since K ~ 0, this is impossible. The parallels of a cylinder are not t he
images under a surface patch a : U -t R 3 of a simple closed curve 1r in
the plane such that int(1r) is contained in U. Note that the whole cylinder
can actually be covered by a single patch (see Exercise 4.2) in which U
is an annulus, but that the parallels correspond to circles going 'around
the hole' in the annulus.
11.2 By Proposition 2.2, "-s = dcp/ds, where cp is the angle through which a
fixed unit vector must be rotated anti-clockwise to bring it into coinci-
dence with the unit tangent vector of 'Y. So
l ('Y)
ll('Y) dcp
"-s ds = -d ds = 271",
o 0 s
by the Umlaufsatz.
11.3 By Corollary 11.1, the interior angles 01, • . . , On of the polygon satisfy
t Oi
= (n - 2)71" + f'Jint('Y)
~ KdAu.
Since 0 < 0 i < 271" for all i , the left-hand side is > 0; since K < 0, we have
(n - 2)71" > 0 and hence n ;::: 3; and if n = 3, t hen JJ;nt('Y)(- K)dAu < 71"
r dAu s f'Jint('Y)
f'Jint('Y) r (-K)dAu < 71".
11.4 The parallel u = U1 is the curve 'Yl (v) = (f(ud cos v, f(U1) sin v , g(Ul));
if s is the arc-length of "Y1 ' dsf d» = /(ut}. Denote d/ds by a dot and
d/du by a dash. Then, "I = (-sinv,cosv,O),;Y = - !(~tl(cosv,sin v ,O) ,
and the unit normal of the surface is N = (-g' cos V, -s' sin v , /,) . This
gives the geodesie curvature of "Y as "-g = ;Y.(N x "I) = ~(<::8 . Since
f('Y1) = 271"f(ud , Jol("Yl) "-gds = 271"/'(Ul) . Similarly for 'Y2' By Example
7.2, K = -1"//, so
'f r
JR KdAu = Jor r r
JUl - j f dudv = 21l'(f'(ud - f'(U2))'
Hence ,
J0 "-g ds - J
r 0
"-g ds =
f'JRrK dAu.
This equation is the result of applying Theorem 11.2 to the following
curvilinear polygon,
324 Elementary Differential Geometry
11.7 H such curves exist they would give a triangulation of the sphere with 5
vertices and 5 x 4/2 = 10 edges , hence 2 + 10 - 5 = 7 polygons. Since each
edge is an edge of two polygons and each polygon has at least 3 edges,
3F ~ 2E j but 3 x 7 > 2 x 10. H curves satisfying the same conditions
exist in the plane, applying the inverse of the stereographic projection
map of Example 5.7 would give curves satisfying the conditions on the
sphere, which we have shown is impossible.
11.8 Such a collection of curves would give a triangulation of the sphere with
V = 6, E = 9, and hence F = 5. The total number of edges of all the
polygons in the triangulation is 2E = 18. Since exactly 3 edges meet at
each vertex, going around each polygon once counts each edge 3 times,
so there should be 18/3 = 6 polygons, not 5.
11.9 By Corollary 11.3, ffs KdA = 411"(1 - g), and by Theorem 11.6, 9 = 1
since S is diffeomorphic to Tl. By Proposition 7.6, K > 0 at some point
of S.
11.10 The ellipsoid is diffeomorphic to the unit sphere by the map (x ,y,x) t-+
(x / a, y / a, z / b), so the genus of the ellipsoid is zero . Hence, Corollary 11.3
gives ffs KdA = 411"(1 - 0) = 411".
Parametrising the ellipsoid by 0'(0, cp) = (a cos 0 cos ip, a cos 0 sin cp, b sin 0)
(cf. the latitude longitude parametrisation of the sphere), the first and
second fundamental forms of 0' are (a2 sin 2 0+b2 cos2 0)d02 +a 2 cos2 Odcp2
and v a2
sin 2 ~~b2 cos 2 1J (d0 + cos
20dcp2), respectively. This gives K =
b2/(a 2 sin 2 0+b2 cos2 0)2, dAcr = acosOVa 2 sin 2 0 + b2 cos- OdOdcp; hence ,
/1 1
2"' 1 "./ 2 ab2 cosO dOdcp
KdAcr = 0 _". /2 (a sin 2 0 + b2 cos- 0)3/2
2 .
11.11 K > 0 =? ffs KdA > O. By Corollary 11.3, 9 < 1; since 9 is a non-
negative integer, 9 = 0 so S is diffeomorphic to a sphere by Theorem
11.6. The converse is false: for example, a 'cigar tube' is diffeomorphic
to a sphere but K = 0 on the cylindrical part.
326 Elementary Differential Geometry
11.12 Both surfaces are closed subsets of R 3 , as they are of the form 1-1 (0),
where I : R 3 ~ R is a continuous function (equal to x 2 - y2 + Z4 - 1
and x 2 + y2 + z4 - 1 in the two cases). The surface in (i) is not bounded,
and hence not compact, since it contains the point (1, a 2 , a) for all real
numbers a; that in (ii) is bounded, and hence compact, since X 2+y2+ z4 =
The surface in (ii) is obtained by rotating the curve x 2 + z4 = 1 in the
xz-plane around the z-axis:
J:('Y) -J--ds
y1- p2
= O. Using Green's theorem, this integral is equal to
r Pu du + Pv dv r 8 ( Pv )
J'Ir VI - p2 = Jint('Ir) 8u VI - p2 -
8 (
VI _ p2
where er is the curve in U such that 'Y(s) = O'('Ir(s))j and this Une integral
vanishes because
8 ( Pv ) 8 ( Pu )
8u ~ = 8v VI _ p2
11.16 Let F : S ~ R be a smooth function on a surface S, let P be a point of S,
let 0' and iT be patches of S containing P, say 0'( UO, vo) = iT( üo, vo) = P,
and let I = F 0 0' and i = F 0 iT. Then, iü ~ lu$~ + Iv~, iv =
lu ~~ + Iv~, so if I« = Iv = 0 at (uo, vo), then l« = Iv = 0 at (üo, vo).
Since I« = Iv = 0 at P, we have
meridian, 81, 129, 140, 182, 189, 292 ruling, 80, 293, 296
Meusnier's Theorem, 131 saddle point, 277-8, 280, 327-8
Möbius band, 76-7,239-40,321 Scherk's surface, 164, 214, 216, 317
Möbius transformation, 190 second fundamental form , 125-6, 242
monkey saddle, 143 signed unit normal, 28, 51
multiplicity, 269, 274-5, 277, 326 simple closed curve, 47, 247-8, 288
non-euclidean geometry, 154 - area of, 50-1
normal - exterior of, 48
- to a curve, 17 - interior of, 48, 248
- to a surface, 75 - length of, 49, 51
normal curvature, 127, 130, 137-8, 140, - period of 47, 247
299-300 - positively-oriented, 49, 248
normal section, 128, 173 simply-connected, 221
open ball, 60 sink, 271, 273
open disc, 60, 289 smooth
open interval, 2, 60 - curve, 4, 74, 96
open set, 59 - function, 73, 78
osculating circle, 35, 285 - map, 69
parabolic cylinder, 87 - surface, 67, 71
parabolic point, 143, 164 soap films, 202-3
parallel, 81, 129, 140, 182, 189, 252, source, 271, 273
292 speed, 9, 172
parallel curve, 35, 285 spheroid, 190, 311-2
parallel surface, 161-4
standard unit normal, 75, 139
parameter curve, 107, 161, 175
stationary point, 269, 271, 274-5
stereographie projection, 110, 238, 296
- of a curve, 2
- of a surface, 60 surface, 60
parametrised curve , 2, 16, 19, 21 - area of, 113-5
period, 47, 247 - compact, 164, 207, 244, 246, 258,
planar point, 143, 164 260, 268, 271
Plateau's problem, 201 - conjugate, 223, 226-7, 318
principal curvature, 132-3, 137-8, 140, - Hat, 155, 164
142-3, 148, 150, 162, 164, 244-5, 304, - level, 71
306 - minimal, 202, 207-8, 211, 214-7,
principal normal, 36, 175, 298 219-21
principal patch, 156 - of revolution, 81, 89, 125, 129, 140,
principal vector, 133, 137-8, 140, 162, 145, 149, 182-3, 189, 208, 234, 257
300,306 - orientable, 75, 78, 166
profile curve, 81 - parallel, 161-4
pseudosphere, 153-5, 185-6, 190, 235-6, - ruled, 80, 89, 111, 149-50, 156, 164,
257, 304-6, 310-1 211, 304
quadric, 84-7, 89, 293 - smooth 67, 71
quadric cone, 86, 295 - translation, 216, 316
regular, 11, 15, 21 surface patch, 60
regular point, 11, 16 - allowable 68-70
reparametrisation, 10, 69, 100, 126 - regular 67-8
- unit-speed, 12, 13, 172 surface variation, 201-2, 206
reparametrisation map, 10, 69 tangent developable, 103-4, 157-8
right conoid, 83 tangent plane, 75, 292
rigid motion, 30, 42, 100, 150, 207, tangent space, 74
242, 285-6 tangent vector, 4, 5, 51
Rodrigues' formula, 140 tangent vector field, 269, 274, 326
332 Elementary Differential Geometry
Theorema Egregium, 229, 238, 240, unit sphere, 61, 65, 67-8, 71-2, 135,
242,321 152, 168, 177
third fundamental form, 141, 150, 302 upper half-plane model, 155
torsion, 37-8, 40-1, 44, 151, 175 Utilities problem, 268
torus, 73, 144, 150, 169, 190, 258, 274, vertex
291, 297, 312 - of a curve, 55, 289
tractrix, 153
- of a curvilinear polygon, 252
transition map, 65, 68, 72, 291
triangulation, 259-60, 324-5 Viviani's curve, 6, 45
triply orthogonal system, 90, 92-3, 141, vortex, 271
164,294 Weierstrass's representation, 224,
tube, 115, 175, 297 226-8
twisted cubic, 14 Weingarten matrix, ·139
umbilic, 133, 144-5, 155, 207, 245, 302 Wirtinger's inequality, 52, 54
unit-speed, 9 witch of Agnesi, 6