Longtermplan Slam

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This section is designed to help you see the flow of your units/topics across the entire school year.
Unit Unit Length
Unit 1: <Geometric Transformations> 6 weeks

Unit 2: <Deductive Reasoning with Angles and Lines> 2 weeks

Unit 3: <Triangles> 2 weeks

Unit 4: < Triangle congruence > 3 weeks

Unit 5: < Similarity transformations > 2 weeks

Unit 6: < Right triangle relationships and trigonometry > 3 weeks

Unit 7: < Quadrilaterals and other polygons > 1 week

Unit 8: <Circles> 3 weeks

Unit 9: < Geometric modeling in two dimensions > 2 weeks

Unit 10: < Understanding and modeling with three--dimensional figures > 3 weeks


This section is designed to help you compare the number of available instructional days/weeks to the
number of days/weeks you have accounted for in your Long-Term Plan.
Course Length
Total number of instructional weeks/days in school year: 180 days
Total number of instructional weeks/days for all units included in Long-Term Plan: 164 days

*Note: Be sure to account for all instructional days in the school year, including those after end-of-year testing (if any).
UNIT 1: < Geometric Transformations > UNIT 1 LENGTH: 6 weeks


Using Inductive Reasoning and Conjectures
1. If-then statements
2. Basic Vocabulary of Geometry: ray, line segment, angles, line, congruency
3. Angle bisectors and Incenter
4. Perpendicular bisectors and the circumcenter: right angles
5. Construction of lines and bisectors and rays
Rigid Transformations
1. Translations and reflections: y=x, y axis, x axis, origin
2. Reflections and rotations
3. Applications of rigid transformations
4. Symmetry in polygons
Transformations and Coordinate Geometry
1. Reflections and rotations
2. Translations
3. Rigid transformations
4. Using matrices to describe transformations
MWBAT (Mathematicians will be able to) solve one and two step algebraic
Spiraling MWBAT describe rotations and reflections of geometric shapes
MWBAT define angle, circle, and types of lines
MWBAT use graphing tools to perform constructions
Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E) Remedial: Algebra Basics, Geometry Vocabulary
(to be completed after Enrichment: Construct inscribed and circumscribed circles of a triangle, prove
receiving diagnostic properties of angles for a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, proportions
assessment results)

UNIT 2: < Deductive Reasoning with Angles and Lines > UNIT 2 LENGTH: 2 Weeks


Deductive Reasoning, Logic, and Proof
1. Algebraic properties and proofs: 2 columns
2. Creating proofs: statements and reasons
3. The Vertical Angle Theorem
Conditional Statement and Converses
1. Conditional statements: hypothesis and conclusion
2. Converses
3. Inverses
4. Indirect proof
Lines and Transversals
1. Corresponding angles
2. Other angles
3. Lines and algebra
4. Parallel, intersecting and skewed lines
5. Corresponding theorems
MWBAT solve one and two step algebraic equations
MWBAT use physical and technological tools to perform transformations on
Spiraling geometric shapes
MWBAT identify parts and types of lines
MWBAT make conjectures about types of angles and lines
Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E) Remedial: Know the precise definitions of basic geometric vocabulary, make
(to be completed after constructions with tools (compass, string, software, paper folding)
receiving diagnostic Enrichment: apply geometric methods to solve design problems
assessment results)
C. Prove geometric theorems
9. Prove theorems about lines and angles.
B. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically
5. Prove the slope criteria for parallel and perpendicular lines and use
them to solve geometric problems (e.g., find the equation of a line
Major CCSS parallel or perpendicular to a given line that passes through a given
A. Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations
3. Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or
structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid
systems based on ratios).

UNIT 3: <Triangles> UNIT 3 LENGTH: 2 Weeks


Properties of a triangle
1. Types of lines
2. Triangle angle theorems: corresponding/alternate interior/exterior
3. Isosceles triangle conjectures
Special lines and points in triangles
1. Centers of a triangle
2. Connecting the dots
3. Slopes

Spiraling MWBAT identify the components of a triangle

Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E)
Remedial: writing conditional statements
(to be completed after
Enrichment: apply properties of triangles to conditional statements
receiving diagnostic
assessment results)
A. Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations
3. Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or
structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid
systems based on ratios).
B. Understand congruence in terms of rigid motions
5. Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problems and to prove
relationships in geometric figures.
6. Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the
Major CCSS
effect of a given rigid motion on a given figure; given two figures, use the definition of
congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent.
C. Prove geometric theorems.
10. Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: measures of interior angles of
a triangle sum to 180; base angles of isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment
joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half the
length; the medians of a
triangle meet at a point.

UNIT 4: < Triangle congruence > UNIT 4 LENGTH: 3 Weeks


Congruent Triangle postulates
1. Minimal conditions
2. Using the postulates: AA, SSS, SAS
3. Structuring proofs
Using congruent triangles
1. Using CPCTC
2. Isosceles triangle theorem
3. The Hinge Theorem
4. Overlapping triangles
Compass and straightedge construction
1. Congruent segment and angle bisector constructions
2. Congruent angle and parallel line constructions

MWBAT identify the types and properties of triangles

MWBAT construct and identify angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors

Remedial: construct inscribed and circumscribed circles of a triangle and

Remedial (R)
quadrilateral, prove properties of such angles
Enrichment (E)
Enrichment: Use geometric tools to construct segments, angle bisectors, angles,
(to be completed after
and parallel lines (copying, bisecting, constructing segments and angles;
receiving diagnostic
constructing bisectors and a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the
assessment results)
B. Understand congruence in terms of rigid motions
6. Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the
effect of a given rigid motion on a given figure; given two figures, use the definition of
congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent.
7. Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two triangles
are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding pairs of
angles are congruent.
8. Explain how the criteria for triangle congruence (ASA, SAS, and SSS) follow from
Major CCSS the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions.
C. Prove geometric theorems.
9. Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are
congruent; when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are
congruent and corresponding angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector
of a line segment are exactly those equidistant from the segments endpoints.
10. Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: measures of interior angles of a
triangle sum to 180; base angles of isosceles

UNIT 5: < Similarity transformations > UNIT 5 LENGTH: 2 Weeks


Dilations and Similarity
1. Dilations
2. Applications of dilations
3. Proving triangles similar
Applications of similarity
1. Proportions in parallel lines
2. Geometric mean

MWBAT transform geometric shapes, graphically and algebraically

MWBAT understand the implications of different transformations

Remedial (R) Remedial: Similarity and congruency, writing proofs

Enrichment (E) Enrichment: Represent transformations in the plane using transparencies and
(to be completed after software, describe transformations as function that take point in the plane as input
receiving diagnostic sand give other points as outputs; compare transformations that preserve distance
assessment results) and angle to those that do not
A. Understand similarity in terms of similarity transformations
1. Verify experimentally the properties of dilations given by a center and a scale factor:
a. A dilation takes a line not passing through the center of the dilation to a parallel line,
and leaves a line passing through the center unchanged.
b. The dilation of a line segment is longer or shorter in the ratio given by
the scale factor.
2. Given two figures, use the definition of similarity in terms of similarit transformations
to decide if they are similar; explain using similarity transformations the meaning of
similarity for triangles as the equality of all corresponding pairs of angles and the
proportionality of all corresponding pairs of sides.
3. Use the properties of similarity transformations to establish the AA criterion for two
triangles to be similar.
Major CCSS
B. Prove theorems involving similarity
4. Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: a line parallel to one side of a
triangle divides the other two proportionally, and conversely; the Pythagorean Theorem
proved using triangle similarity.
5. Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problems and to prove
relationships in geometric figures.
6. Find the point on a directed line segment between two given points that partitions the
segment in a given ratio.
A. Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations
3. Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or
structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid
systems based on ratios).

UNIT 6: < Right triangle relationships and trigonometry > UNIT 6 LENGTH: 3 Weeks


Pythagorean theorem and the distance formula
1. Extending the Pythagorean Theorem
2. Distance and Midpoint formula: between 2 points, missing coordinates
Right triangle and trig relationships
1. Special right triangles: isosceles right triangle, 30/60/90 traingle
2. Trig ratios: sine, cosine, tangent
3. Indirect measurement
Trig in general triangles
1. Law of Sines
2. Law of Cosines
3. Area
4. Angle of elevation & depression

MWBAT identify the properties of right triangles

MWBAT apply theorems to triangles

Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E) Remedial: Geometric transformations, squared terms
(to be completed after Enrichment: construct an equilateral triangle, square and hexagon inscribed in a
receiving diagnostic circle
assessment results)
B. Prove theorems involving similarity
4. Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: a line parallel to one side of a
triangle divides the other two proportionally, and conversely; the Pythagorean Theorem
proved using triangle similarity.
5. Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problems and to prove
relationships in geometric figures.
C. Define trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving right triangles
8. Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in
applied problems.
Major CCSS B. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically
6. Find the point on a directed line segment between two given points that partitions
the segment in a given ratio.
C. Define trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving right triangles
6. Understand that by similarity, side ratios in right triangles are properties of the
angles in the triangle, leading to definitions of trigonometric ratios for acute angles.
7. Explain and use the relationship between the sine and cosine of complementary
8. Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in
applied problems.

UNIT 7: < Quadrilaterals and other polygons > UNIT 7 LENGTH: 1 Week


Classifying properties of geometric shapes
1. Triangles: scalene, isosceles, equilateral, equiangular
2. Angles: right, obtuse, acute
3. Polygons: rectangles, rhombi, trapezoids
Polygons and special quadrilaterals
1. Interior and exterior angles of a polygon: 180(n-2)
2. Special quadrilaterals
3. Coordinate proofs

MWBAT apply theorems and transformations to quadrilaterals

MWBAT understand how to graph quadrilaterals

Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E) Remedial: squared terms with variables
(to be completed after Enrichment: Identify and describe relationships among inscribed angles, radii, and
receiving diagnostic chords
assessment results)
Congruence G--CO
C. Prove geometric theorems
11. Prove theorems about parallelograms. Theorems include: opposite sides are
congruent, opposite angles are congruent, the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each
other, and conversely, rectangles are parallelograms with congruent diagonals.
Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations G--GPE
B. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically
Major CCSS 4. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically. For example,
prove or disprove that a figure defined by four given points in the coordinate plane is a
rectangle; prove or disprove that the point (1,
3) lies on the circle centered at the origin and containing the point (0,
5. Prove the slope criteria for parallel and perpendicular lines and use them to solve
geometric problems (e.g., find the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to a given
line that passes through a given point).

UNIT 8: <Circles> UNIT 8 LENGTH: 3 Weeks


1. Defining parts of circles: circumference, arcs
Algebraic representations of circles
1. Circles in the coordinate plane
2. Graphing circles by completing the square
3. Reuleaux triangle
Chords, arcs and inscribed angles
1. Chords and arcs
2. Inscribed angles
3. Angle arc relationship
Lines and segments on circles
1. Tangent line properties: perpendicular to radii, from a common external point
are congruent
2. Lengths of special segments

MWBAT identify properties of circles, using graphs and algebra

MWBAT make conjectures about circles

Remedial: understand and apply theorems about circles; identify and describe
Remedial (R) relationships among inscribed angles, radii, and chords; construct the inscribed
Enrichment (E) and circumscribed circles of a triangle and prove properties of angles for a
(to be completed after quadrilateral inscribed in a circle
receiving diagnostic Enrichment: find arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles; derive the equation of
assessment results) a circle of given center and radius using the Pythagorean theorem; complete the
square to find the center and radius of a circle given by an equation
Modeling with Geometry G--MG
A. Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations
Major CCSS
1. Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects
(e.g., modeling a tree trunk or a human torso as a cylinder).

UNIT 9: < Geometric modeling in two dimensions > UNIT 9 LENGTH: 2 Weeks


Modeling with area
1. Shear mathematical magic
2. Area cutups
3. Estimating area
Arc length and sectors of circles
1. Arc length
2. Comparing areas of circles
3. Areas of sectors and segments

Spiraling MWBAT solve for area and other measurements of geometric shapes

Remedial: construct the inscribed and circumscribed circles of a triangle, and

Remedial (R)
prove properties of angles for a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle; prove that all
Enrichment (E)
circles are similar, prove that all circles are similar
(to be completed after
Enrichment: derive similarity using arc intercepted by an angle is proportional to
receiving diagnostic
the radius; define radian measure of the angle as the constant of proportionality;
assessment results)
derive the formula for the area of a sector
Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations G--GPE
B. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically
7. Use coordinates to compute perimeters of polygons and areas of triangles and
rectangles, e.g., using the distance formula.
Modeling with Geometry G--MG
Major CCSS A. Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations
1. Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects
(e.g., modeling a tree trunk or a human torso as a cylinder).
3. Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or
structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid
systems based on ratios).
Understanding and modeling with three--
UNIT 10: <
UNIT 10 LENGTH: 3 Weeks
dimensional figures >
Relating 2D and 3D objects
1. Creating a net
2. Plane and cross sections of solids
3. Forming solids by revolutions
4. 2D images of 3D objects
Prisms and cylinders
1. Packaging
2. Table and graph connections
Pyramids and cones
1. Isoperimetric Inequalities
2. Making connections
Analyzing dimensional changes
1. Scale factor ratios
2. Surface area to volume ratios
3. Ratios in non-similar solids
MWBAT make geometric constructions using software and physical tools
(including graphs)
MWBAT model and make connections between 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional
Remedial (R) Remedial: visualize relationships between 2D and 3 D objects by recognizing 3D
Enrichment (E) objects as generated by rotations of 2D objects
(to be completed after Enrichment: Give an informal argument for the formulas for the circumference of a
receiving diagnostic circle, area of a circle, volume of a cylinder, pyramid, and cone (dissection
assessment results) arguments, Cavallieris principle, and informal limit arguments)
Modeling with Geometry G--MG
A. Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations
1. Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects
Major CCSS
(e.g., modeling a tree trunk or a human torso as a cylinder).
2. Apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations (e.g.,
persons per square mile, BTUs per cubic foot).

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