Eng Council Guidance On Sustainability
Eng Council Guidance On Sustainability
Eng Council Guidance On Sustainability
for the Engineering Profession
This guidance describes the role of professional engineers
in sustainability. It lists six principles to guide and motivate
engineers when making decisions for clients, employers
and society which affect sustainability.
This guidance is issued by the Engineering Council. It replaces and updates the
code of practice Engineers and the Environment published in 1993. It will be
reviewed periodically and comments are welcome. Professional Engineering
Institutions may wish to use this to assist them in developing guidance for
their members.
The role of professional engineers in sustainability
Professional engineers have a significant role to play in sustainability. They work
to enhance the welfare, health and safety of all, with the minimal use of natural
resources and paying due regard to the environment and the sustainability of
resources. Their work is influenced by the opportunities and challenges that
sustainability brings. Engineers are the providers of options and solutions to
maximise social value and minimise environmental impact.
Sustainable development
The goal of sustainable development is to enable all people throughout the
world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life, without
compromising quality of life for future generations. Sustainable development
stands on two concepts: needs, for example the essential needs of the world’s
poor; and limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organisation
on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.
1The UK Government Sustainable Development Strategy: Securing the future – delivering the UK sustainable
development strategy. March 2005.
Background and further information
Sustainability is referred to both explicitly and implicitly in several
Engineering Council documents, including the UK Standard
for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC), The
Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes and Guidelines
for Institution Codes of Conduct, which can be found in UK-SPEC.
Many Professional Engineering Institutions produce materials
related to sustainability, some of which were referred to in the
preparation of this guidance. For further information visit:
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