2k23 BSCS 434

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Submitted To : Ms.

Sarosh Fatima

Submitted By : Usama Kamran

Roll No : 434

Section :Y

Subject : Application to ICT

Department : Computer Science

Session : BSCS-2k23-2k27

Table of Content
Week#1 Typing Master

Week#2 Ms Office
Week#3 Tools of Ms Office
Week#4 Result Card,CV
Week#5 Merge Mail
Week#6 PowerPoint
Week#7 Excel
Week#8 Result card in Excel
Week#9 Data Validation

Week#10 Html

WEEK # 1
Typing Master

Typing Master:

It is a software that is used to enhance or to built up our typing speed.

Why we use Typing Master?

The main purpose of using he typing master is that it provides over 10 hours of customized exercises.

By exercising we can double our typing speed.

How To Type?

 By placing your right four fingers on A,S,D,F keys and thumb on space
 By placing your Left four fingers on J,K,L, ; keys and thumb on space

This method of typing will enhance your writing skill + speed



 Word processing software for creating and formatting textbased documents.
 Commonly used for letters, reports, and essays.

 Spreadsheet software for data entry, calculations, and data analysis.
 Useful for budgeting, financial analysis, and organizing data.

 Presentation software for creating slideshows with text, images, and
 Ideal for business presentations and educational lectures.
 Database management system for storing, retrieving, and managing
structured data.
 Used for tasks like inventory management and record- keeping.

 It is a Database Management System


 It is note taking program

 It is used by publishers to design magzines ,comics, novels and

Tools of MS-Word

It is used to save the file moreover it also show the complete info of file that is being used


It is a use to select the colour of fonts,size of fonts,line spacing,line justification,line

alignment and many more.


It is a tool that is used to insert a cover page, photo, table, different shapes, header, footer
and page number.


This tool is used to select the margin style, page, columns, selection size selection.


Mainly when we are writing an article we add some reference from other books, web pages,
social media by using this tool.


It is used for creating envelops, labels and mail MERGE.


This tool allows to change view how your documents.


Result Card

We not only can insert a table in our document but we can also add different shapes of
different size, screenshots and charts. Here are some shapes and charts added using the
insert tab of MS-Word.

In addition to inserting and creating tables, shapes, charts we can
also create CV formats in MS Word Some of the CV formats are
given below.

Mail Merging
Mail merge is a powerful feature in Microsoft Office, particularly in applications like Microsoft Word. It
allows you to create personalized documents, such as letters, envelopes, or labels, by merging a common
template with a data source, typically a list of recipients. Here's a description of how mail merge works in
MS Office:

Mail Merge Process:

1. Document Template: Begin with creating a document template in Microsoft Word. This template
will serve as the basis for your personalized documents.

2. Data Source: Prepare or import a data source, often in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or a list
within Word itself. This data source contains the information you want to include in your
documents, such as names, addresses, or other details.

3. Insert Fields: In the document template, insert placeholders for the information from your data
source. These placeholders are typically fields like <<First Name>> or <<Address>>.

4. Start the Mail Merge: In Word, go to the "Mailings" tab and select "Start Mail Merge." Choose
the type of document you're creating (e.g., letters, envelopes, labels).

5. Select Recipients: Connect your document to the data source by selecting "Select Recipients"
and choosing the data source file.

6. Insert Merge Fields: Place your cursor where you want the merged data to appear and click
"Insert Merge Field" to insert the appropriate field from your data source.

7. Preview the Merge: Use the "Preview Results" option to see how the merged documents will
look for each recipient. This helps you ensure that the information is correctly inserted.

8. Complete the Merge: Once you're satisfied with the previews, click "Finish & Merge" to generate
the personalized documents. You can either print them directly or create a new document with
all the merged content.

Letter to HOD


Usama Kamran

16 October 2023


Naeem Aslam

BS Computer Science

NFC IET Multan

Dear Naeem Aslam,

I'm a Computer Science student at NFC IET, facing financial difficulties affecting my education. I kindly
request your consideration for a fee concession or financial assistance to continue my studies.

Thank you for your support.


Usama Kamran

Power Point
Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular presentation software developed by Microsoft. It's a part of the
Microsoft Office suite and is widely used for creating, designing, and delivering presentations. Whether in
business, education, or personal use, PowerPoint offers a user-friendly platform to convey information in
a visually engaging and organized manner.

Features of PowerPoint

There are some features of PowerPoint given below

1. Slides and Templates: Creating slides and using templates to structure the presentation.

2. Text and Media: Adding text, images, and multimedia elements to slides.

3. Transitions and Animations: Applying transition effects and animations to make presentations

4. Charts and Graphs: Inserting charts and graphs to visualize data and information.

5. Slide Master: Using the Slide Master for consistent design and formatting across slides.


1. Think of slides as the individual units in your presentation that you can fill
with content.
2. To insert a new slide, go to the Insert tab on PowerPoint's ribbon.
3. Then, click on the New Slide button to add a new slide to your presentation.
4. Each of the thumbnails that you'll see on the sidebar represents a slide.
Then, you'll add content to each slide.
5. There's no practical limit to the number of slides that your PowerPoint file
can contain. But you should consider how many slides it actually takes to
make your point.
6. PowerPoint accommodates a wide range of content like text, graphs, tables,
charts, and more.
7. The easiest way to add content is to start off by choosing a Layout, which you can
choose from the Home tab.
8. These layouts have content boxes that are easy to add your own content to.
Simply choose a layout, and then start adding your content.


 Excel is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft and a component of its

Office product group for business applications. Microsoft Excel enables
users to format, organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet.

 Excel is used to store, analyze, and report on large amounts of data. It is

often used by accounting teams for financial analysis, but can be used by
any professional to manage long and unwieldy datasets. Examples of
Excel applications include balance sheets, budgets, or editorial calendars.


Result Card in Excel


Data Validation:
Data validation in Excel is a feature that allows us to control the type of data

entered into your worksheet. For example, Excel data validation allows us to

limit data entries to a selection from a dropdown list and to restrict certain

data entries, such as dates or numbers outside of a predetermined range.

Open Ms Excel > Open Data Tab> Select data validation

open drop down > select Data validation

By default it allows any value ie a number ,text, date, function etc.

1 Whole Numbers:
Lets suppose we restrict the data into whole number only

We restrict the data in whole column from (10-100) as we can see by typing 9

on the cell it will generate error message.

2 • Text Length
Now if we go for text length(if we want to type any text the text length

will be between 3-5 character)

Select the whole column

The same way is used which we applied for whole numbers

Open Data Tab> Select data validation> Text Length

3When we keep on typing on that cell

4If we type more than 5 characters the same error message will generate


In this column suppose we want to insert only dates

Open Data Tab> Select data validation> Date

5While entering invalid entry we get error message

Drop down list:
Drop-downs allow people to pick an item from a list that you create. In a

new worksheet, type the entries you want to appear in your drop-down

list. Ideally, you'll have your list items in an Excel table.

6Suppose we want to create the drop down list that list contains name of

countries. Select the whole column

Open Data Tab> Select data validation> list

7Select the list, create the list, Suppose we want to insert the name of

countries type the names of countries we want to add on our list. As a

result dropdown list will create.

Drop down list from sheet:

If we don’t want to type data on the list then another method is fetching

data from given sheet .

8Click on this button shown in figure below.

Select the given countries

Click ok

9Note :

If we mistakenly delete the data from the sheet it will automatically

delete from the list as well. To secure this sheet make another sheet,

hide it or lock that sheet to secure that data

Input messages and error messages:

Error messages:
If error is occur on data validation and we are not able to understand the error

message. So the error should be that accurate so that user should be able to

understand that error message.so that time we can create our own error

message and display it.

• After selecting the whole Colum click on error alert as shown below

10Type the error message we want to display on our screen

As a result if we put wrong entry , error will show like

11We can customized our error message as well so the user can easily


Input messages:
When I hover my cursor to the cell the user should be able to

understand what entry should be add in required cell. This is called input


Similarly select “input message”

Type message we want to show

1213To check that , keep your cursor at any place (Selected cells only) the

message will automatically display



What is HTML?
Okay, so this is the only bit of mandatory theory. In order
to begin to write HTML, it helps if you know what you are
HTML is the language in which most websites are
written. HTML is used to create pages and make them

The code used to make them visually appealing is

known as CSS and we shall focus on this in a later
tutorial. For now, we will focus on teaching you how to
build rather than design.

The History of HTML:

HTML was first created by Tim Berners-Lee,

Robert Cailliau, and others starting in 1989. It
stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.

Hypertext means that the document contains links

that allow the reader to jump to other places in
the document or to another document altogether.
The latest version is known as HTML5.
A Markup Language is a way that computers
speak to each other to control how text is

processed and presented. To do this HTML uses
two things: tags and attributes.

What are Tags and Attributes?

Tags and attributes are the basis of HTML.

They work together but perform different functions
– it is worth investing 2 minutes in differentiating
the two

What Are HTML Tags?

Tags are used to mark up the start of an HTML

element and they are usually enclosed in angle
brackets. An example of a tag is: <h1>.
Most tags must be opened <h1> and
closed </h1> in order to function.

What are HTML Attributes?

Attributes contain additional pieces of
information. Attributes take the form of an
opening tag and additional info is placed inside.
An example of an attribute is:
<img src="mydog.jpg" alt="A photo of
my dog.">

In this instance, the image source (src) and the alt

text (alt) are attributes of the <img> tag

Golden Rules To Remember

1. The vast majority of tags must be opened (<tag>)

and closed (</tag>) with the element information
such as a title or text resting between the tags.
2. When using multiple tags, the tags must
be closed in the order in which they were
opened. For example:

<strong><em>This is really important!


Now that we’ve gotten the basic theory out of the
way. It’s time to learn how to build our first
First off, we must ensure that we have the right
tools. Most important, we need an HTML editor.
There are many choices on the market. Here are a
handful of the most popular:

Sublime Text 3:

However, for this tutorial, we will use the Sublime

Text 3 as it is free and also offers cross-platform
support for Windows, Mac, and Linux users.

Sublime Text 3 has a mini-preview window on

the right.

 Easily customizable
 Beginner-friendly
 Pleasant color schemes to choose from.

 Can’t print documents or code
 No toolbar or dashboard available.

Notepad ++:

Another common choice for HTML and other

language coders is Notepad ++. It is a tiny
program to download and perform the functions
you need for writing clean code.

This is Notepad ++. Far from glamorous but
does the job.

 Distraction-free interface
 Auto-completion feature
 Plugin options for extended functionalities.

 Can be difficult to get used to for beginners
 No support for Mac.

Komodo Edit:

Komodo Edit is one of two editors released by the

same label. They offer a simple, open-source
editor with a variety of extensions and language
It is free to download.

Komodo isn’t one for a flash interface

either but is simple to use.
 Easy-to-grasp coding interface
 Available for Mac, Windows, and Linux
 Impressive language support.

 No autocompletion by default
 Visual settings are difficult to find and change.

What To Avoidl:

Your code’s front-end view varies from browser

to browser – you will learn more about this
with advanced CSS.

Do not use Microsoft Word or any other word

processor when writing HTML code, only an HTML
editor or at the very least, your machine’s built-in
notepad, is suitable for the task.

Secondly, ensure that you’ve installed a number

of different browsers such
as Chrome and Firefox in order to preview your
upcoming creation.

The End

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