Potentials of Predictive Mainteinance
Potentials of Predictive Mainteinance
Potentials of Predictive Mainteinance
Abstract— Industry 4,0 represents the coming fourth Therefore, this paper aims to provide empirical information
industrial revolution on the way to combine modern industries on the potentials of Industry 4.0 in the research field of
with Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things and Internet of maintenance. It may help academics and practitioners to
Services. In an Industry 4.0 factory, machines are connected as a identify and prioritize their steps towards predictive
collaborative community to collect, exchange and analyse data maintenance and condition-based maintenance management
systematically. This paper investigates the potentials and trends under the environment of Industry 4.0.
of predictive maintenance and maintenance management in
industrial big data and Cyber-Physical Systems environment. The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows.
Furthermore, the development of predictive maintenance, its Section 2 briefly presents the classification of maintenance
technical challenges, and the potentials under Industry 4.0 era strategy and related challenges. Section 3 discusses the related
was researched to discover the linkage between Industry 4.0 and trends accelerated and encouraged under Industry 4.0 era.
predictive maintenance. Section 4 describes a case study, which illustrates how the
predictive maintenance and maintenance management can be
Keywords— Industry 4.0; industrial big data; predictive applied under Industry 4.0 era. Conclusions are summarized in
maintenance; maintenance management the last section of this paper.
Identification (RFID) technology. Over cloud computing and faults. Fig.2 shows the overall structure of the system, the data
distributed control, cyber-physical systems communicate and is acquired from remote customer site and transported to data
cooperate with each and via the Internet of Services, both mining center for data analysis. Data includes two types: (1)
internal and cross-organizational services are offered and the signals collected from the sensors, which can be used to
utilized to make machines self-aware and actively prevents evaluate the working condition of the equipment or quality of
potential performance issues [16]. the products. (2) the logistics information in the RFID tags,
which can be collected by local RFID readers to identify the
From the perspective of maintenance, a self-aware and self- components in the equipment.
maintained machine system can be considered as a system
which can self-assess its own health and degradation, and All the data will be uploaded on the information network,
further use similar information from other peers for smart which is controlled by ICB, a software company, for data
maintenance decisions to avoid potential faults [1]. To achieve sharing and publication. The system flowchart is shown in Fig.
such intelligence, smart analytics may be used at the individual 3 [17]. After a series of data mining process, including Signal
machine or fleet levels. For a mechanical system, self-aware Pre-process and Feature Extraction, the result of fault diagnosis
means the capability to assess the current, past or future and prognosis can form the Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
working condition of a machine, and output the evaluation to evaluate the current working condition and predict the
result. Such health assessment can be performed through data degree of potential faults.
mining technologies to analyse the information collected from
the given machine and its ambient environment. The result of data mining will be recorded and published
back to the network for remote condition monitoring and
information sharing. The recommended maintenance strategy
IV. CASE STUDY: REMOTE PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE SYSTEMS will be formed in the decision support system according to the
In this section, a case study about the application of prediction or evaluation result. Normally, it requires some
predictive maintenance will be introduced. This case study relevant optimization and association theories to capture the
comes from a project called Green Monitoring, in which the trade-off between several factors such as maintenance cost,
remote prognostics and monitoring system focused on machining accuracy, or defective percentage, and then acquire
evaluating and predicting the health of equipment to reduce the the optimal decision. In addition, local RFID readers can
maintenance cost on faults, defects and maintenance during the collect and identify all the RFID tags shown in Fig. 4, which
manufacturing process. In addition, RFID technology is represent the components in the machine.
applied to identify the components, which may have potential
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Fault Prognosis
CPS Maintenance IOS Auto-regressive Moving Averaging
Management (ARMA)
Fuzzy Logic Prediction
Maintenance Maintenance
Actions and Decision-
ANN Prediction
Instructions Logistics making and Degradation Prediction
Information sheduling
Match Matrix Prediction
Fault Diagnosis
Industry 4.0 promotes the predictive and smart
manufacturing in the future industry. In an industry 4,0 factory,
the machines are connected as a collaborative community,
which generates a great potential for predictive maintenance.
This article has investigated the development of predictive
maintenance, its technical challenges, and the potential under
the environment of Industry 4.0. On one hand, the environment
of cloud computing, industrial big data and smart factory is
accelerated and encouraged in Industry 4.0 era, which establish
the foundation to achieve predictive maintenance. On the other
hand, predictive maintenance will play a very important role in
future maintenance activities and meet the requirement of
Fig. 4 Record of Tags in RFID Readers
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