Swift Factsheet Professionalservicesforgpi

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SWIFT Professional Services for gpi

Supporting your onboarding

SWIFT Professional Services for gpi

Take advantage
of SWIFT’s
From kick-off to commercialisation

Why SWIFT Professional SWIFT Professional Services for gpi


Adopting SWIFT gpi will deliver significant value to both Benefits

your institution and your customers. But we understand that One-stop-shop for end-to-end SWIFT gpi
implementing the service can pose certain challenges. From services
inception to post-launch, you may find yourself grappling with Out-of-Box and customizable services to
uncertainties, questions and concerns. match customer requirements

Services that enable you to deliver a high

That’s why SWIFT Professional Services offer a one-stop-shop quality SWIFT gpi service
for all your SWIFT gpi assistance needs. Drawing on the vast
Guidance throughout the implementation and
experience of our services team - and expertise developed helping selling SWIFT gpi benefits to your corporate
over 60+ banks go-live on SWIFT gpi - we deliver a range of clients
services, from off-the-shelf service proposals to fully customisable Leverage SWIFT’s gpi expertise both at
solutions. strategic and operational levels

Peace of mind in SWIFT gpi implementation

Feel free to contact your SWIFT account manager or local SWIFT
office to take advantage of our unique SWIFT gpi services offer.

How you can take advantage of

SWIFT’s expertise throughout your
gpi project

Implementation and
Pre-Initiation Initiation Go to market
readiness testing
Standard training via
1 Mandatory Onboarding Assistance including gCCT + gCOV + gSRP 14
Business Intelligence Project Kickoff: Grow gpi Business Intelligence: Business Intelligence:
2 7 10 15
Market analysis knowledge in the bank Monitoring of gpi Rollout Business Development
Advanced Impact Assistance pack for gCOV and Supplementary Readiness
3 8 11 16 Commercial roll-out
Assessment gSRP adoption Testing
Message Specification Grow your gpi business Customised Training
4 9 12 Custom Integration Solutions 17
Review Supplementary onboarding and awareness

5 Integration assessment 13 Gpi Connector API onboarding

Define the vision: gpi value

proposition assessment

18 Project Management supporting customised packages

Customers can take advantage of SWIFT's expertise throughout the entire project and seek assistance from SWIFT consulting services

Plan your SWIFT SWIFT Professional Services for gpi

Professional Services for gpi

based on the gpi phases

Pre-Initiation Phase
1 2
Mandatory onboarding services Business intelligence
During the course of multiple SWIFT gpi implementations, SWIFT has To go deeper in analysing your payment landscape and strengthen your
identified three areas to carefully consider: The implementation needs SWIFT gpi business case, we can help you to prioritize your roll-out.
unique to the customer; the need for a structured roll-out plan; and the SWIFT offers a detailed analysis of your payment corridors and SWIFT
requirement for rigorous testing before roll-out. gpi outreach, tailored to your request, which will not only help identify
your payments per BIC8 (volumes sent and received, top 2 currencies,
With the mandatory onboarding package, you can be in control of the top 5 correspondents, top 10 agents), but also calculate different BI
SWIFT gpi implementation with our experts working alongside you to metrics. These metrics will enable you to conduct quantitative analysis
handle the project in the most professional way, from the pre-initiation of the impact that SWIFT gpi will have on your institution. For more
phase to roll-out of your SWIFT gpi services. The onboarding package information about this offer, click here.

-- Access to online trainings

-- Detailed explanation of SWIFT gpi business rules and technical
specifications Advanced impact assessment
-- Impact assessment workshop
-- Regular Q&A sessions To support you in assessing the impact of SWIFT gpi business rules
-- Exhaustive list of test cases implementation on your existing business and process flows, SWIFT
-- Joint execution of bilateral testing and results reconciliation offers this advanced impact assessment service offering.

This package guarantees peace of mind and full access to SWIFT’s This on-site SWIFT service offer is best equipped to help defining
knowledge and experience to successfully implement SWIFT gpi. a comprehensive roadmap for SWIFT gpi implementation that will
ultimately reduce the overall effort towards the go-live date. A reduced
lead time between the subscription date and the go live date will have
a positive impact on your capacity to advertise SWIFT gpi and gain
momentum in a fast evolving market.

Implementation and
Pre-Initiation Initiation Go to market
readiness testing

SWIFT Professional Services for gpi

4 6
Message specification review Define the vision: deliver the full value of SWIFT gpi
This service offer, with remote expert support, prepares you for the If the first few steps towards SWIFT gpi seem complex, SWIFT has a
usage of the SWIFT gpi Customer Credit Transfer and Cover and Stop customizable service solution for you. Within the scope of this service,
& Recall services by reviewing the existing message specifications or a SWIFT expert will be on-site to work alongside you and understand
proprietary equivalents against the SWIFT gpi Rulebook and technical your business priorities and support your decision-making process.
specifications. Thereby, helping you identify gaps between current
message specification and SWIFT gpi compliant messages. We will be able to help identify the strategic benefits that SWIFT gpi will
bring to your organization with a customer-centric approach, and we
will complement the strategic analysis with a sound business case, a
thorough SWIFT gpi roadmap and expert recommendations to avoid
5 potential pitfalls.
Integration assessment
SWIFT will also support you in clearly defining the value propositions
SWIFT gpi business logic resides in the most critical back office and strategic benefits of SWIFT gpi for your customers. The SWIFT
systems, and to build a solution you may need a thorough assessment expert will jointly work on-site with you and complement this strategic
of such integration needs. SWIFT can support you in the integration analysis with a business case with potential new revenue.
assessment as part of this service offer.
Additionally, our expert will work with you to help create a roadmap
SWIFT will assess your operational infrastructures, appraise integration with a long-term vision of SWIFT gpi under a phased implementation
readiness and identify potential architecture design changes to enable approach.
SWIFT gpi implementation across different locations. SWIFT will provide
you with a clear and in-depth technical understanding of SWIFT gpi and
its impact on your current payments operating model and architecture.

Working with your IT teams responsible for your back-office application,

SWIFT can support you in assessing the integration needs that will arise
from SWIFT gpi implementation in back-office applications. Additionally,
our experts will help evaluate the implementation strategy around the
SWIFT gpi connector component which is mandatory for SWIFT gpi
API implementation.

SWIFT will also help assess your integration readiness and identify
potential architecture design changes that enable the implementation of
SWIFT gpi across different locations.

Implementation and
Pre-Initiation Initiation Go to market
readiness testing

SWIFT Professional Services for gpi

Initiation Phase
7 8
Project kickoff gCOV and gSRP onboarding
A 2-hours kick off workshop will be organised with all relevant As the scope of SWIFT gpi widens, with the launch of SWIFT gpi Stop
stakeholders. The agenda covers: and Recall service (gSRP) and SWIFT gpi Cover service (gCOV), you will
need to integrate additional specifications, business rules and technical
-- Why SWIFT gpi? specifications requiring rigorous testing and clear implementation.
-- Project Methodology With this off-the-shelf service, SWIFT will support you with limited
-- Project plan: What needs to be done, by when and by whom? project management, knowledge building, implementation assistance,
-- Next steps testing monitoring and readiness validation support to accelerate your
implementation of gSRP and gCOV.
The goal is to:

-- Create momentum 9
-- Ensure alignment on goals, objectives and milestones of the
initiation phase Supplementary onboarding
-- Ensure a good understanding of the methodology
-- Ensure strong governance Going live in a single geography with a few currencies is just the
beginning. SWIFT can support your implementation team as and
when you plan to extend the gpi scope to other entities with different
architectures, different payment solutions, additional currencies, etc.
This SWIFT offer will help you identify the potential pitfalls and ensure
smooth SWIFT gpi business growth with end-to-end assistance during
the implementation and readiness testing.

Implementation and
Pre-Initiation Initiation Go to market
readiness testing

SWIFT Professional Services for gpi

Implementation Phase
10 12
Business intelligence: Monitoring of gpi roll-out Custom integration solutions
As you prepare to go-live and start exchanging traffic under the To meet all your specific custom integration requirements to support
community testing umbrella, you may want to analyse your flows SWIFT gpi, we can help you with fully customisable solutions based on
deeper, and look at your correspondents’ flows as well as compare Alliance Access (IPLA), SWIFT Integration Layer (SIL) or AMH.
your traffic with your peers in the SWIFT gpi community.
SWIFT is committed to ease integration and provide expert advice
SWIFT offers you this valuable information as you increase your using the latest API and integration technology adaptable for different
SWIFT gpi traffic. These monthly traffic reports with in-depth SWIFT back-office systems. You can expect improved STP ratios through
gpi analysis reports, including daily SWIFT gpi traffic evolution are SWIFT’s strong customized components complementing your back-
welcomed widely by the SWIFT gpi community as tools for extended office applications efficiently. SWIFT IT consultants will assist you in
control on monitoring their SWIFT gpi roll-out strategy, and ensuring connecting various systems to SWIFT gpi with a minimal investment.
you are in control and have thorough visibility of all your cross-border
payments. For more information, click here.
11 Connector API onboarding services
Supplementary readiness testing Whereas API implementation to communicate with the Tracker brings
more flexibility and efficiency to your SWIFT gpi implementation,
The expansion of your current SWIFT gpi scope to additional entities, it requires comprehensive understanding of API technology and
subsidiaries, payment systems or currencies can be complex and the onboarding of the SWIFT gpi Connector, which is the secure
efforts required may lead to delays and quality concerns. component to support APIs. SWIFT offers this service package to all
who intend to implement APIs. This is split into following phases:
SWIFT will assist you in the preparation and execution of readiness
testing activities for the expansion of your existing SWIFT gpi 1. SWIFT gpi Connector installation
implementation, while preserving a high-quality SWIFT gpi service. 2. SWIFT gpi Connector training
3. API implementation assistance
4. API integration testing assistance

The service is a combination of remote and on-site services and can

be customised to your requirements. With its extensive experience,
SWIFT is the partner to provide you with peace of mind in your API

Implementation and
Pre-Initiation Initiation Go to market
readiness testing

SWIFT Professional Services for gpi

Go to Market Phase
14 16
Standard training via SWIFT Smart Commercial roll-out
Standardised and comprehensive SWIFT gpi trainings are available As you plan to roll-out SWIFT gpi services for your customers, you may
on our SWIFT Smart portal and offer an effective first step to gaining be asking yourself a number of questions:
SWIFT gpi understanding. The SWIFT gpi related content available in
these trainings ensures your business, technical and operations staff -- How can I enhance the customer experience?
have a good understanding of the programme to deliver a roadmap -- How can I achieve better efficiencies in back-office operation?
accurately and effectively. SWIFT Smart courses with short, interactive -- How can I increase business and offer better service for
and comprehensive content offer a unique service to gain SWIFT gpi customers?
understanding at your own pace and time. These valuable courses are
available for immediate consumption to all SWIFT users, as part of your As part of this commercial roll-out service offering, SWIFT will assist you
annual SWIFT fee. in defining your bank’s roll-out strategy for SWIFT gpi taking in account
all these questions. SWIFT will assist and advise you on defining
SWIFT gpi product approach and value propositions for all segments
of your customers. We will cover assistance on all aspects of your
15 commercialisation strategy such as product definitions, commercial and
Business Intelligence (BI): Business development onboarding documentation, commercial staff readiness, sales approach
definition and roll-out priorities.
with Observer Analytics
Once live with SWIFT gpi, business growth and optimisation will be
high on your agenda. SWIFT BI has the perfect solution for you to take 17
your first step in this direction with SWIFT gpi Observer Analytics. The
solution offers end-to-end payment routing analysis, market practices
Customized training and awareness
for transparency on deducts, duration of specific routings, number of
SWIFT offers tailored on-site trainings for communities or teams at
banks involved in the chain, and much more. Furthermore, you will be
individual institutions, covering your selected game-changers in the
able to benchmark all these insights against the SWIFT gpi community.
new SWIFT gpi landscape.
This is the ideal solution for you to determine best payment routes, best
correspondents, charging practices, thus reducing time and cost. For
Bespoke and customised trainings are available to dive deeper into in
more information, click here.
the following SWIFT gpi topics:

-- Detailed training on Tracker

-- Detailed training on SWIFT gpi Business rules
-- Detailed training on the Observer

Implementation and
Pre-Initiation Initiation Go to market
readiness testing

SWIFT Professional Services for gpi

End to end
Project management
SWIFT can ensure your readiness, help accelerate the implementation,
and when needed, manage the complete project end-to-end.

Our tried and tested methodology ensures a timely delivery of your

SWIFT gpi implementation. SWIFT is thus, best positioned to support
your SWIFT gpi implementation end-to-end and on time. As a trusted
liaison between SWIFT teams and your institution’s project manager,
we provide you valuable project oversight, report on dependencies,
progress, issues and corrective actions to help control your SWIFT gpi
implementation. Leveraging our experience of past experience with
numerous gpi deployments, the SWIFT team is equipped to provide
advice on best practices applied within the industry, thereby mitigating

Implementation and
Pre-Initiation Initiation Go to market
readiness testing


About SWIFT About SWIFT gpi About SWIFT

Professional Services
SWIFT is a global member-owned The SWIFT global payments innovation
cooperative and the world’s leading (SWIFT gpi) is the largest change in SWIFT Professional Services is a
provider of secure financial messaging cross-border payments over the last trusted partner for performance,
services. As a global member-owned 30 years and is the new standard. enabling organisations to make the
cooperative and the world’s leading SWIFT gpi dramatically improves the most from their SWIFT membership.
provider of secure financial messaging customer experience in cross-border We help our community to pursue
services, SWIFT enables more payments by increasing their speed, operational excellence and continually
than 11,000 banking and securities transparency and end-to-end tracking. seek ways to accelerate time to market,
organisations, market infrastructures Hundreds of thousands of cross-border reduce risks and eliminate inefficiencies.
and corporate customers in more payments are today being sent using Our products and services support our
than 200 countries and territories to the new gpi standard, and payments community’s access and integration,
communicate securely and exchange are made quickly, typically within business intelligence, reference
standardised financial messages in a minutes, even seconds. Since its launch data, standards and financial crime
reliable way. As their trusted provider, in January 2017, gpi has dramatically compliance needs.
we facilitate global and local financial improved the cross-border payments
flows, relentlessly pursue operational experience for corporates in over 500 Learn more about the value of working
excellence, and continually seek country corridors. Key features of the with SWIFT Professional Services, visit
ways to lower costs, reduce risks and gpi service include enhanced business www.swift.com/services.
eliminate operational inefficiencies. rules and a secure tracking database in
We also bring the financial community the cloud accessible via APIs. Thanks
together to work collaboratively to SWIFT gpi, corporates can grow their
to shape market practice, define international business, improve supplier
standards and debate issues of mutual relationships, and achieve greater
interest. treasury efficiencies.

For more information please contact Contact your SWIFT account manager
your SWIFT account manager or visit or local SWIFT office to take advantage
www.swift.com. of our unique SWIFT gpi services offer.


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5736 - September 2018 all rights reserved.

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