Intelligent Predictive Maintenance (Ipdm) For Elevator Service
Intelligent Predictive Maintenance (Ipdm) For Elevator Service
Intelligent Predictive Maintenance (Ipdm) For Elevator Service
Abstract— With the rapid economic growth and urbanization safety of boarding passengers will be the central questions to
development, most of elevator production and service companies elevator industries.
have completely changed their service policy opting to eliminate
the standard preventive service policy. They now provide some The elevator service business has, and continues, to
form of predictive service policy and emphasize that they utilize undergo many changes. Traditional elevator maintenance
remote monitoring of elevators to detect faults and estimate when service is not able to meet the requirement of customers. For
components may need to be maintained due to actual usage. example, remote monitoring of elevators appeared in the late
However, most of them are not true predictive maintenance 1980s. While remote monitoring would alert the elevator
policy. They merely a preventive, slightly enhanced, usage-based company when an elevator had a breakdown, it did not in and
program. What is the future of elevator production and service of itself reduce the number of breakdowns. A decade later in
companies? This paper will challenge the word “predictive the 1990s, the model evolved to usage-based maintenance – a
maintenance” and present the framework of intelligent predictive concept based around adjusting the level and frequency of
maintenance system for smart elevator service based on industry repairs dependent on each elevator’s usage. This method had
4.0 concepts. been adapted from the automobile industry, where motor oil
was often changed based upon distance travelled. In the
Keywords—Industry 4.0; CPS; IOT&S; Big data/ Data Mining; elevator industry, this paved the way for gradual progression
Elevator service; Smart elevator
towards more condition-based maintenance policy.
dissemination of proper knowledge to service operation teams, Industry 4.0, which is buzzwords discussed among
and accurate inventory predictions. Clearly, any service practitioners as well as theorists, will facilitates the version of
provider can perform “dumb” remote monitoring. The concepts smart factory. [15, 16] It was introduced at Hanover fair in
of Industry 4.0 have help us to develop a predictive 2011 in Germany to present a new trend towards the
maintenance system systematically. I session III, we will networking of traditionally industries such as manufacturing.
introduce the concepts of industry 4.0 and its technical Similarly, in the United States, an initiative known as the Smart
components. In session VI, a detail framework of intelligent Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) is also working
predictive maintenance for elevators is presented. on the future of manufacturing [17]. UK has been working on a
strategy on “bring manufacturing back to UK” [18]. China
III. INDUSTRY 4.0 adopts “smart Manufacturing” strategy to seek innovation-
driven development, which is called “China Manufacturing
A. Indystry revolutions 2025” or “Made in China 2025” [19]. There many similar
programs and projects in the world, such as “Intelligent
A Manufacturing is and continues to be an essential part of manufacturing system” from Japan, Canada, European Union,
world’s economy. Smart manufacturing will be capable of Switzerland and Norway [20]. “Future of Manufacturing” from
rapidly adapting their physical and intellectual infrastructures Norway [21] and “Ubiquitous manufacturing” from South
to exploit changes in technology as manufacturing becomes Korea [22].Technical components and definition of Industry
faster, more responsive to changing global markets and closer 4.0
to customer’s needs.
Industry 4.0 enables the manufacturing of individual and
Industrial production has been changed since it is in very customized products at the same cost of mass production,
beginning. Often, the changes have been so powerful that the which are manufactured by a smart factory with high
term of revolution has been used to describe it. The name automation and efficiency. For production companies, this
Industry 4.0 recognized the existence of three previous specifically means that they are able to overcome predominant
industrial revolutions. interface issues between product development, production and
1) Industry 1.0 product usage, and thus orient all main value-adding processes
The first industrial revolution is the term used to describe towards the customer’s requirements. New development
the change from purely manual work to machine production, processes, e.g. integrated product and production system
which initially affected the cotton-spinning and weaving mills development, intensify exchange between departments and
in England from 1770. The great breakthrough came in 1782 companies. Furthermore, industry 4.0 enables intelligent and
with the steam engine invented by James Watt. From this on it flexible production control using IT-based intercommunicating
was possible to have an energy supply at any location and the and interacting machines, products, services, equipment and
manual work was no longer focused tools. M2M communication and networking bridges
department boundaries and promotes the company’s orientation
2) Industry 2.0 towards the customer.
The second industrial revolution was characterized by the
principles of rationalization by Taylor. It is mainly based on the 5) Technical components of Industry 4.0
division of labor, standardization, precision manufacturing, and In general, Industry 4.0 may consists of 4 components: 1.
assembly line work. Henry Ford applied the first conveyor belt Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS); 2. Internet of Things (IOT); 3.
for the production of the T-Model and achieved pioneering Big data & Data Mining (DM); 4. Internet of Service (IOS),
success with it in the automobile manufacturing at the seeing Fig. 1.
beginning of the 20th century.
a) Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
3) Industry 3.0 An important component is Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS),
The third industrial revolution was based on the which transfer the physical world into the virtual one. They can
development of the computer and IT technology. This led to be understood as a basic unit in the system. The development
numerically controlled machines, such as NC machines and of CPS is characterized by three stages. The first generation of
industrial robots, which could be modified much faster than CPS includes identification technologies like RFID tags, which
conventional mechanical automated machines. Thus, the allow unique identification of objects. Storage and analytics
flexible automation came into being and systems were have to be provided as a centralized service. The second
characterized by high productivity and flexibility generation of CPS are equipped with sensors and actuators
with a limited range of functions. CPS of the third generation
4) Industry 4.0
can store and analyze data, are equipped with multiple sensors
Now we are standing on the brink of the fourth industrial and actuators, and are network compatible.
revolution, so called Industry 4.0. Information and
communication technologies (ICT) are growing together and b) Internet of thing (IoT)
affecting all areas of life. Devices and systems in our real The Internet of Thing (IOT) allows “Things or Objects”
environment that are controlled by embedded software are interact with each other and cooperate with their “smart”
integrated into the global communication network, where components to reach common aims. Based on CPS given in
“internet” is the key term. The real world and the virtual world section 2.1, CPS can be defined as “Things or Objects”.
are clearly growing together.
Therefore, the IOT can be thought as a network where CPS Nevertheless, for quality assurance and traceability it is
cooperate with each other through unique addressing schemas. necessary to keep track of the whole system at any time.
c) Data mining (DM) d) Real-time capability
Real-time big data isn’t just a process for storing a huge For organizational tasks, it is necessary that data is
amount of data in a data base or warehouse. Data Mining collected and analyzed in real time. The status of the plant is
enables you to analyze and discover patterns, rules and permanently tracked and analyzed. Thus, the plant can react to
knowledge from big data collected from multiple sources. So the failure of a machine and reroute products to another
you can make the right decision at the right time and right machine.
e) Service Orientation
d) Internet of service (IOS) The services of companies, CPS, and humans are available
The Internet of Services (IoS) enables service vendors to over the IoS and can be utilized by other participants. They can
offer their services via the internet. The IoS consists of be offered both internally and across company borders. All
business models, an infrastructure for services, the services CPS offer their functionalities as an encapsulated web service.
themselves and participants. Services are offered and combined As a result, the product specific process operation can be
into value-added services by various suppliers. They are composed based on the customer specific requirements
communicated to users as well as consumers and accessed by provided by the RFID tag.
them via various channels.
f) Modularity
Following the 4 key components of Industry 4.0, a general Modular systems are able to adapt to changing
and explicit definition of Industry 4.0 can be given as the requirements by replacing or expanding individual modules
following. flexibly. Therefore, modular systems can be easily adjusted in
case of seasonal fluctuations or changed product
B. Definition of Industry 4.0 characteristics.
Based on the literature review, the general definition of
Industry 4.0 is that Industry 4.0 is a collective term for g) Security
technologies and concepts of value chain organization. Within Industry 4.0 will use ICT technologies for data transmission
the Smart Factories of Industry 4.0, CPS monitor physical and processing. The security and privacy of the information
processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make shall be emphasised in the data exchange processes using both
decentralized decisions. Over the IoT, CPS communicate and hardware and software.
cooperate with each other and humans in real time. Data
Mining discover knowledge to support decision-making IV. FRAMEWORK OF A PREDICTIVE PROGRAM
process. Via the IoS, both internal and cross-organizational FOR ELEVATOR SERVICE
services are offered and utilized by participants of the value
chain. A. Predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance is a set of activities that detect
C. Implementation principle of Industry 4.0
changes in the physical condition of equipment (signs of
Many scenarios of Industry 4.0 have been implemented and failure) in order to carry out the appropriate maintenance work
tested by research institutes and industries. Their results will for maximizing the service life of equipment without
affect the design of Industry 4.0. Referring to [12], seven increasing the risk of failure. It is classified into two kinds
design principles are driven for helping the companies who are according to the methods of detecting the signs of failure: (1)
interested in development of Industry 4.0 strategy. Statistical-based predictive maintenance and (2) Condition-
based predictive maintenance. Statistical-based predictive
a) Interoperability Maintenance (SBM) depends on statistical data from the
In Industry 4.0 companies, CPS and humans are connected meticulous recording of the stoppages of the in-plant items and
over the IoT and the IoS. Standards will be a key success factor components in order to develop models for predicting failures,
for communication between CPS of various manufacturers. while Condition-based predictive Maintenance depends on
continuous or periodic monitoring conditions of equipment to
b) Virtualization detect the signs of failure and make a maintenance decisions
Virtualization means that CPS are able to monitor physical using data mining technology.
processes. These sensor data are linked to virtual plant models
and simulation models. Thus, a virtual copy of the physical B. A IPdM (Intelligent Predicitve Mantenance) for Elevator
world is created. service
c) Decentralization Our intelligent predictive maintenance solution (Fig. 2)
The rising demand for individual products makes it opens up innovative new possibilities for companies. [13][14]
increasingly difficult to control systems centrally. Embedded Data generated by Cyber-physical systems (CPS) and
computers enable CPS to make decisions on their own. Only in transmitted by Internet if Things (IOT) monitoring
cases of failure, tasks are delegated to a higher level. machine/process condition is automatically reviewed to pick up
any patterns that indicate a possible fault through Data Mining way. It also means unplanned downtimes can be avoided and
systems. This decision use Internet of service (IOS) to allow both staff and resources can be employed more effectively.
the onset of a stoppage to be recognized early and corrective This innovative solution is called Industry 4.0 for Intelligent
measures to be planned and introduced in the most effective Predictive Maintenance (IPdM).
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Fault Prognosis
CPS IOS Auto-regressive Moving Averaging
Fuzzy Logic Prediction
Maintenance Maintenance
Actions and Maintenance Decision-
Instructions Management making and ANN Prediction
Match Matrix Prediction
Fault Diagnosis
Fig. 2. The framework of Intelligent Predictive Maintenance (IPdM) systems In Industry 4.0.
approaches. However, in practice, it is not easy to apply CI quicker workflow optimization, leaner organizational structure,
techniques due to the lack of efficient procedures to obtain visibility, collaboration, and improved service margins.
training data and specific knowledge, which are required to
train the models. So far, most of applications in the literature The future work will be focus on the research and develop
just used experimental data for model training. The intelligent an efficient data mining and analysis model, which could
techniques used include Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy integrated model-based approaches with data driven methods.
logic Systems, fuzzy-neural networks, neural-fuzzy systems, We believe that industry 4.0 will give elevator industry and
evolutionary algorithms and Swarm intelligence. Compared to service great opportunities in the near future. The research goal
diagnostics, the no. of papers of prognostics is much smaller. of us is to develop real Elevator 4.0 for make elevator more
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failure occurs. The time left is usually called Remaining Useful References
Life (RUL). IPdM evaluate the remaining useful life using
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