Module 4 Activity

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Name: Lyka Grace Capispisan


MODULE 4 Assessment Strategies for

Social Studies 1
Direction: If possible, put your activity in a word document and send it to your instructor via
Google classroom. If it’s not possible, write your activity in a one whole sheet of paper and take
a picture of it and send it to your instructor via Google classroom or Facebook messenger.

Individual Activity 1 (20 points)

1. Recall five traditional assessment styles and five authentic assessment styles that your
teachers (in elementary, high school, senior high school, college) had given you, and
then assess their positive and negative outcomes.

Traditional Assessment Positive Outcomes Negative Outcomes

1. Multiple choice test Easy to administer and May focus on lower-order
grade; provide objective thinking skills (e.g.,
measures of student memorization and recall);
learning; can be used to may not be representative of
assess a wide range of real-world tasks; may not
knowledge and skills provide opportunities for
students to demonstrate
their creativity or problem-
solving abilities
2. True or false test Easy to administer and May focus on lower-order
grade; can be used to thinking skills (e.g.,
assess a wide range of memorization and recall);
factual knowledge may be too easy for students
to guess
3. Matching test Easy to administer and May focus on lower-order
grade; can be used to thinking skills (e.g.,
assess students' ability to memorization and recall);
identify relationships may be too easy for students
between concepts to eliminate incorrect
4. Fill-in-the-blank test Easy to administer and May focus on lower-order
grade; can be used to thinking skills (e.g.,
assess students' memorization and recall);
knowledge of specific may be too easy for students
vocabulary or facts to guess
5. Short answer test Easy to administer and May focus on lower-order
grade; can be used to thinking skills (e.g.,
assess students' ability to memorization and recall);
recall and explain may be too easy for students
information to copy answers from their
classmates or from the

Authentic Assessment Positive Outcomes Negative Outcomes

1. Portfolios Allow students to Can be more time-
demonstrate their learning consuming for students to
in a more meaningful way; assemble; may be more
can be used to assess difficult for teachers to grade
higher-order thinking skills objectively
(e.g., analysis, synthesis,
SC-SSC 1 Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Culture and Geography)
Module 4 – Assessment Strategies for Social Studies 1 Prepared by: Mark Bryan N. Natonton, LPT
evaluation); can be tailored
to students' individual
interests and abilities
2. Performance tasks Allow students to Can be more time-
demonstrate their learning consuming for teachers to
by doing; can be used to develop and administer; may
assess higher-order be more difficult to grade
thinking skills (e.g., objectively
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation); can be tailored
to students' individual
interests and abilities
3. Projects Allow students to Can be more time-
demonstrate their learning consuming for students to
by creating something; can complete; may be more
be used to assess higher- difficult for teachers to grade
order thinking skills (e.g., objectively
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation); can be tailored
to students' individual
interests and abilities
4. Presentations Allow students to Can be more anxiety-
demonstrate their learning provoking for some students;
by sharing their knowledge may be more difficult for
and skills with others; can teachers to grade objectively
be used to assess higher-
order thinking skills (e.g.,
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation); can be tailored
to students' individual
interests and abilities
5. Case studies Allow students to apply Can be more time-
their knowledge and skills consuming for teachers to
to solve real-world develop and administer; may
problems; can be used to be more difficult to grade
assess higher-order objectively
thinking skills (e.g.,
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation); can be tailored
to students' individual
interests and abilities

Individual Activity 2 (20 points)

1. Complete the table below by answering the question: How will this assessment enhance
the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skill of the learners?

Cognitive Skills Affective Skills Psychomotor Skills

Analyze the Express their

Write the essay in a
different personal opinions
clear and
advantages and and feelings about
organized manner,
Essay test disadvantages of online learning, and
with proper
online learning, support their
grammar and
and compare and opinions with
contrast them. evidence.

Science Develop a sense of Measure

experiments curiosity and ingredients, follow
wonder about the instructions, set up
Identify the natural world. the experiment,
relevant variables, and clean up.
design a
SC-SSC 1 Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Culture and Geography)
Module 4 – Assessment Strategies for Social Studies 1 Prepared by: Mark Bryan N. Natonton, LPT
collect and
analyze data, and
draw conclusions
from the data

Assessment (20 points)

Online Chapter Quiz 4 (OCQ4): Link for OCQ4 will be posted in Google Classroom assigned in
this Subject a day before the end of the 3 week duration for this module. Please reach out to
me via my contact number or email indicated at the front page, if you won’t be able to answer
the Pre-Assessment due to lack of Internet Connectivity of other difficulties. I will provide you an
alternative way to answer this Pre-Assessment.

True or False
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
T 1. Traditional assessment can mostly be seen as a paper-and-pen type of test.
F 2. Traditional assessment can also exemplify authentic learning.
T 3. Authentic tasks always reflect lifelong learning.
T 4. Authentic assessment is better compared to traditional assessment.
T 5. The most important part of traditional assessment is its reliability.
F 6. Authentic assessment is usually given at the end of the unit or grading.
F 7. Traditional assessment requires more time and money.
T8. Authentic assessment encourages collaboration.
F 9. Traditional assessment is individualists in nature.
T 10. Traditional and authentic assessment is both relevant.

The students will write an essay that answers the questions:

1. Why is it important to know the nature and essence of assessment?

To ensure that assessments are aligned with learning objectives, fair and accurate, used
to inform instruction, communicate student progress, and prepare students for future

2. How better plan for assessment?

Consider the learning objectives, the different types of assessments, and variety; make
sure assessments are fair and accurate; and provide students with feedback.

3. As a would-be teacher, create your own assessment philosophy and explain

comprehensively the reason why you chose that philosophy.

Assessment should be authentic, fair and equitable, formative and diagnostic, and
collaborative. I chose this philosophy because I believe it is the best way to assess
student learning.

SC-SSC 1 Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Culture and Geography)

Module 4 – Assessment Strategies for Social Studies 1 Prepared by: Mark Bryan N. Natonton, LPT

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