Understanding The Self Syllabus

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The key takeaways from the document are that the course deals with understanding the self from various perspectives such as philosophy, sociology, psychology and exploring different aspects of identity. It also covers managing and caring for the self.

The main topics covered in the course include representations of the self from different disciplines, unpacking different aspects of identity such as physical, sexual, economic selves, and managing the self through goal-setting and responsibility.

The assessment methods used include midterm and final exams, summative quizzes, outputs for each chapter, end of course reflective journals, and class participation.


Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur


Course Name Understanding the self
Course Credits 3 units
Course Description The course deals with the nature identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and
maintenance of personal identity.This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns
regarding self and identity to arrive at a better understanding of one’s self.
Contact Hours/week 3 hours
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, pre-service teachers should be able to:
The Self from Various Perspective.
1. Discuss the different representations and conceptualization of the self from various disciplinal perspective.
2. Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across different discipline and perspectives.
3. Examine the different influences, factors, and forces that shape the self
4. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analyzing the development of one’s self and identity by developing
a theory of the self.
Unpacking the Self
5. Explore the different aspects of self and identity.
6. Demonstrate critical, reflective thought in integrating the various aspects of self-identity.
7. Identify the different forces and institutions that impact the development of various aspects of self and
8. Examine one’s self against the different aspects of self-discussed in class.
Managing and Caring for the Self
9. Understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for different aspects of the self
10. Acquire and hone new skills and learning for better managing of one’s self and behaviors
11. Apply these new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of life.


Course Content/Subject Matter
Week 1 Introduction of the course
Week 2 – 3 The self from various perspective (philosophy , sociology and anthropology)
Week 4 - 5 The self from various perspective ( Psychology , and the self in western oriental/ eastern thought.)
Week 6 - 7 Unpacking the self (Physical self, sexual self and the material economic self )
Week 8 - 9 Unpacking the self ( Political self and the Digital self )
Week 10 - 11 Managing and caring for the self ( Learning to be a better student )
Week 12 - 13 Managing the self ( Setting goals for success )
Week 14 - 15 Managing the self ( Taking charge one’s self )
Week 16 Formative Assessment
Week 17 - 18 Grading and Reporting
One week (or an Allocation for Midterm and Final Examination
allocation of three

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

 Illustrating concepts  Students express what they know about the
concept by means of illustration, drawing or
1. Identify their own potential.  What’s the Principle? mind map.
2. Give conscious direction to their lives to take  Paper Prospective  Students decide on the principles applied to
responsibility for their actions. solve the problem
3. Develop a holistic and integrated  Authentic Tasks Formulation  Assess student’s skill in synthesizing what
understanding of the human self and they have learned about the topic or field as
personality. they work on their own.
 Students will craft their own performance-
4. Develop the capacity for self- reflection and
 Rubric, Checklist and Rating based, product-based, and affective
integration. assessment tools in monitoring and
Scale Development
5. Develop the capacity for perspective- taking evaluating learner progress and
and appreciating different points of view.  Reflective Exercises achievement in various curriculum areas.
6. Develop sensitivity towards the needs of the  Students will create their own rubrics,
children by connecting with one’s own  Problem Recognition Role Tasks checklist and rating scale
childhood experience.
7. Develop the capacity to establish peace  Midterm and Final Examination  Students write a three paragraph reflection
within oneself about the topic.
8. Develop the capacity to establish harmony
within the group and methods of conflict  Presents students with a few examples of
resolution. common problem type for them to work out

 These tasks are given to evaluate students’

knowledge and understanding of concepts
and principles of alternative forms of
assessment in measuring authentic learning
and attitudes and values in becoming a
teacher. These are given to validate the
results of their practical activities and to
prepare them for licensure examination

Desired Teaching and Learning

Course Content/ Textbooks/ Assessment of Tasks Resource Time
Learning Activities
Subject Matter References (ATs) Materials Table
Outcomes(DLO) (TLAs)
course 1 week
Introduction to  Motivational activity: Individual Assignment: paper
course Getting to know On a piece of paper, ask Accomplish the Self
 the students to write their -
Discussion of the names, in capital letters, Awareness
mechanics of the using their non Worksheet using this
course - link:
 dominant https://studylib.net/doc/1
introducing the hand. Subsequently, 5591216
requirements and final instruct them to do the /self
paper same this time using the -
other (dominant) hand. awareness
Process the activity by ---
Worksheet 1

1. The self 4weeks

from The self from Laptop
various various perspective Portfolio
perspectiv Lecture Group write up of quickie examplars
e. a. Philosophy Bandura A. (1999) survey results.
Socrates,plato Social Cognitive Group discussion centering
a. Discuss and Augustine to Theory of on similarities/ differencies of Individual submission of
the Descartes, personality. In self representations and essay on self. How do I
different Locke, Hume, Pervin and John conceptualizationsand the understand myself?
representa kant, Freud, (eds) Handbook of various identified influences. What led up to the self?
tion and Ryle,Churchland Personality Theory Class project ( quickie
conceptua and Merleau- and Research 2nd survey) How is self
lizations of pony- all try to ed. Guilford Press understood?
the self answer the 134-194
from question who Chafee, J. (2013) Class discussion and
various are you? Who are you? processing of survey results
disciplinal Consciousness, one data have been written Laptop
perspectiv b. Sociology Identity and the up ( see assessment)
e. The self as a self. In the Powerpoint
b. Examine product of philosophers way : Group discussion : How is presentation
the modern society Thingking Critically my self shaped and
different among other about Profound influenced by culture? ( May
influences, constructions. Ideas. Pearson be discussed at either or Points will be given for
Factors 106-169 both the regional /national group presentation.
and forces Mead and the levels.)
that shape social self Csordas, T. (1999)
the self. Self and person In
c. Anthropology bode
c. Compare The self and (ed)Psychological
and person in Anthropological .
contrast contemporary Preager 331-350
how the anthropology
self has Geertz C.
been The self (1973)The impact
represente embedded in of the concept and
d across culture culture and the
the concept of man . Short paper on
Real/Ideal self and a Laptop
different d. Psychology 33-54 and Graphic
disciplines Person ,Time and discussion/ assessment
The self as a of any differences. organizers
and cognitive conduct in Bali
perspectiv Construction: 360-411 . In the
es. - William interpretation of
James and Culture Basic
d. Demonstr the Me self; Books.
ate critical
and I self Harter, S. (1996)
reflective - Global Historical roots of
thought in versus Contemporary
analyzing differntiated issues Involving
the models the self Concept. Laptop
developm - Real and In Bracken (ed)
ent of ideal self Handbook of self
one’s self concepts concept ;
and - Multiple vs Development
Totoo ba? A Discussion: Is
identify by unified Social and Clinical
the Philippines really a Powerpoint
developin selves. considerations.
collectivist society? Give presentation
g a theory - True vs John Wiley and
examples and if true, how
of the self. false selves. Sons Inc. 1-37.
does this shape/ impact our
- The self as
idea of self?
a Proactive Jonhson, T. (1985)
and Agentic. The Western
e. The Self in Concept of Self in
Western and Marsella(ed)
Oriental/Eastern Culture and Self:
thought. Asian and Western
-Individualistic vs Perspectives .
Collective self Tavistock
Publication 91-138
The social
constructionof Lanuza, G. (2004)
the Self in Constitution of the
Western Self . In David R.
(ed) Nation, Self Three things I learned
and citizenship : about myself from this
An invitation to topic .
The self as
embedded in Philippine
relationships and Sociology . Anvil
through spiritual Publishing.
development in
Confucian Mead, GH. (1972)
thought. Mind , Self and
Society from the
Standpoint of a
Behaviorist . The
University of
chicage press.

Triandis (1989)
The self and social
behavior in
differing culture
contexts, Psychol.
Rev.93.3. 506-520

Wie-Ming, T.
Selfhood and
otherness in
Confucian thought
in Marsella (ed)
Culture and Self:
Asian and Western
Publications 231-
2. Unpacking 4
the Self Unpacking the Self Belk Lecture Individual constructions weeks
(2013)Extended Group discussion and of the personal self Laptop
a. Explore the self in a digital presentation: Who is illustrating how the Poerpoint
difference a. THE PHYSICAL world.Journal of beautiful? Cultural different aspects are presentation
aspects of SELF: The self consumer conceptions and standards situated relative to one
self and as impacted by research 40. 3. of beauty of face and body( if another and the
identity. the body. 477-500 time permits this may also importance of each
b. Demonstra be given as a quickie survey) relative to the other.
te -The impact of Demello, M.
culture on body image (2014) Class may bring pictures of
and self esteem: The Beautiful bodies who is beautiful to begin
importance of the pp 173- 188 And discussion.
thought in beauty Fat and Thin
integrating bodies 189-205 In Psychological Tests.
the various b. SEXUAL SELF : bodies studies : An -Self esteem Scale Pictures
aspectsof -Development of Introduction - Body esteem Scale Laptop
self and Secondary sex Routledge
identity. characteristics What do men and women
c. Identify the and the human Demetrio, attractive: A class
different Reproductive Fernando & discussion.
forces and system Zialcita (1991).
institutions -Dicussing the The soul 95-97. Tanongin si Dra: Totoo ba?
and impact Erogenous One is enough 99- Surfacing common beliefs
the zones. 101. The soul and mis conceptions
developme -Understanding books GCF books. regarding the body, sex and
nt of the chemistry of sexuality
lust , love and Diokno, MS (1997)
attachment . The Becoming a What does he want?
aspects and
psychological Filipino Citizen . In ( according to him/ according
self aspects : What perspectives to her) What does she want?
identity. turns people on : Citizenship and (according to him/ according
d. Examine’s the phases of Democracy UP to her): Comparing
oneself sexual response. Third World expectations .
against the -The diversity of Studies Center 17-
different sexual behavior, 38 Usap tayo: A discussion on
aspects of solitary , love, sex, relationship, and Paper on my most prized
self heterosexual, Dittmer H. (1992) family. possession: what would I
discussed homosexual and Individual centered save first in any
in class. bisexual,transse approach: Material Lecture emergency and why?
xual. possessions as Class group discussion on
-Sexually Symbolic the role of mass media in Paper: Me and my
transmitted Expressions of shaping purchase behavior ? favorite things ( What
disease(STIs) Identity Pp.95-121 these are and what they
-Methods of in the Social My bag/ wallet and me ( an say about me)
contraception Psychology of Unobstrosive measure)
(natural and Material
artificial) Possessions : To Interview of informant/s
have is to Be? St. Class discussion: Listing of regarding most common
c. THE Martin Press. beliefs in spirits and rituals in locale,
MATERIAL/ECO supernatural prevalent in the description, and the
NOMIC SELF Doronilla, ML area. functions they serve.
-I shop therefore (1997) An
I Am: I have overview of Lecture
therefore I am? Filipino Group discussion: who is
-Shaping the Perspectives on Filipino? What makes a
way we see Democracy and Filipino?
ourselves: The Citizenship. In A game: You know youre
role of consumer perspectives on Filipino if/ when..( inspired by Personal Essay:
culture on our Citizenship and the book of the same title) Reflections of Frankl’s
sense of self and Democracy UP ways of discovering
identity. TWSC 69-112 meaning.
d. THE SPIRITUAL Ellison et. Al Group discussion /sharing :
SELF: (2006) Managing My FB experiences
-The practice of impressions Quickie survey: Who goes
religion belief in online. Self online and why?
supernatural presentation
being and processes in the
power. online dating
-The concept of “ environment
dungan”-spirit or Journal of
soul. computer
-Rituals and communication
ceremonies 11. 415- 441 Doi.
-Religion,magic 10. 111/j 1083
and witchcraft. -6101 2006
-Finding and 00020x.
meaning. Feldman, R.
-Three ways in (2008)
discovering Understanding
meaning in life. psychology 8th (ed)
McGraw Hill.
e. POLITICAL Module 34
SELF Understanding
-Developing a Sexual Human
Filipino identity , Response 369-
Values, Traits, 375. Module 35.
community and Diversity of Sexual
institutional Behavior 379-385
factors . Module 36. Sexual
-Establishing a difficulties 389-
democratic 391.
Fisher, H. (2004)
f. THE DIGITAL Why we love. The
SELF: nature and
-Self and other chemistry of
in cyberspace. romantic love.
-I, me, myself Chapter 3
and my user ID Chemistry of love
online identity. 51-76. Chapter 4
-Selective self Web of love, lust ,
presentation and love and
impression attachment. 77-98
-Boundaries of Frankl, V. (1959)
the self Man’s search for
online,private vs meaning : An
public,personal/ introduction to
individual vs Logotheraphy,
social identity Especially part 2.
online ; gender Basic concepts of
and sexuality logotheraphy 149-
online. 210

Gibbs, et. Al
(2006) Self
presentation in
online personals.
The role of
anticipated future
interactions, self
disclosures and
perceived success
in internet dating
Research 33. 2.

Gonzales and
Hancock (2010)
Mirror, Mirror on
my Fb wall. Effects
of exposure to fb
on self esteem.
Cyberpsychology ,
Behaviour and
social networking
Doi. 10. 1089/
cyber 2009 0411

Haviland et. Al
(2007) Spirituality,
Religion and the
Supernatural . In
the essence of
Wadsworth 289-

Kawada, M. (1996)
Bayad sa Dili
naton Kaipon: A
bisaya ritual of
offering to the
spirits. Ushijima
and Zayas (eds)
Binisaya na
kinabuhi ( Visayan
life) Visaya
Studies CSSP
Publications 213-

Lugue & De leon

Textbook on
Family planning.
Rex printing.

Magos, A. The
Ideological context
of Ma-aram
practice in Mariit.
In the enduring
Ma-aram Tradition:
An ethnography of
Kinaray-a villagein
Antique . New day
publishers 46-62

Sosis, R. (2010)
The adaptive
value of religious
Ritual in
Angeluni (ed)
Annual editions;
10/11 33rd ed.
McGraw Hill 133-

Stein & Stein

(2011) Ritual. In
the Anthropology
of Religion Magic
and witchcraft
Prentice Hall 77-

Walter (2007)
Selective Self
presentation in
dimensions of
language and
Computers in
human behavior
23. 2358 – 2557
Wolfson (2010)
The chemistry and
chimera of desire.
at- is -desire

Zialcita, F (1997)
Barriers and
bridges to a
culture . In
perspective on
citizenship and
democracy. UP
TWSC 39-68

3. Managing Managing and weeks
and caring for the self. J. Dunslosky, K.A. Guided lecture and how to Feedback report on initial Laptop
caring for Rawson, demonstration: Examination implementation: what Powerpoint
the self. E.J.Marsh M.J. of own study strategies and happened problems presentation
Nathan & D.T. development of more encountered etc.
a. Learning to be a Willingham (2013) effective study plans and
a. Under better student. Improving strategies (self regulated Working of my Bad
stand What happens student’s learning learning program) Habits (paper)
the during learning? with effective e-portfolio
theore Brain and learning Answering the metacognition examplars
tical behavior techniques: awareness inventory
under changes Promising
pinnin -Metacognition directions from The power of habit at
g for and study cognitive and http://www.youtubee.com/wa
how strategies. Educational tch?v=4HofTPLfo Feedback report on initial
to -Managing your Psychology. implementation of goals.
own learning: Psychological Guided lecture and hoe to Observation
Self regulated Science in the demonstration : Examination checklist
ge learning. public Interest of goals (short and long
14(1), 4-58 Doi. term)as well as plans for
care 10.1177/15291006 accomplishing these.
differe b. Setting goals for 12453266
nt success Clarifying goals and setting
aspec -The importance Locke, E. (2002) up plan for the short term
ts of of goals. Setting Goals for ( for the semester)
-Bandura’s self life and happiness.
efficacy, Dwecks In Snyder & lopez Answering the tests your
self Mindset (growth mindset instrument at
(eds) Handbooks
vs fixed) of positive http://mindsetonline.com/test
b. Acquir -locke’s goal y ourmindset/step 1 php.
e and psychology Laptop
setting theory
hone Oxford University Powerpoint
Answering the
new press. 299-312 presentation
internal/external motivation
skills c. Taking charge scale and the locus of the Feedback of
one’s health Neff, K. (2012) control scale at implementation. Observation
and The science of self
-Stressors and http:www.psych.uncc.edu/pa checklist
learni compassion in
ngs responses. goolka/locusofcontrol-intro ht
-Sources of Germer & Siegel
for (eds) Compassion
coping and Guided lecture and how to
better stress. and wellness in demonstration: identifying
mana -Stress and Psychotheraphy . personal stressors and usual
ging Filipinos: the N.Y. Guilford coping.
of social and press. 79-92 or
one’s cultural http://self- Identifying effective and
self dimensions of compassion org./ ineffective coping responses
stress . the research.
behav -Taking care of Developing a self care plan.
the self: The Article of Michael
iors. Tan at http://
need of self care
and compassion. pcii.org/stories/stre
c. Apply ss-and-the-filipino.
new Urdan (1991)
skills Achievement goal
to theory : Past
one’s results, future
self direction advances
in motivation and
achievement Vol.
functi 10. 99-141
for a Zimmerman, B.
better (2002) becoming
quality learner: Self
of life. regulated overview
theory into practice
, 41 (2) 64-70 Doi.
p 4102_02

Suggested .
Readings and
References Bandura A. (1999) Social Cognitive Theory of personality. In Pervin and John (eds) Handbook of Personality Theory and Research 2nd ed.
Guilford Press 134-194
Internet sites: Chafee, J. (2013) Who are you? Consciousness, Identity and the self. In the philosophers way : Thingking Critically about Profound Ideas.
Pearson 106-169
Csordas, T. (1999) Self and person In bode (ed)Psychological Anthropological . Preager 331-350
Geertz C.(1973)The impact of the concept and culture and the concept of man . 33-54 and Person ,Time and conduct in Bali 360-411 . In the
interpretation of Culture Basic Books.
Harter, S. (1996) Historical roots of Contemporary issues Involving the self Concept. In Bracken (ed) Handbook of self concept ; Development
Social and Clinical considerations. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1-37.
Jonhson, T. (1985) The Western Concept of Self in Marsella(ed) Culture and Self: Asian and Western Perspectives . Tavistock Publication 91-138
Lanuza, G. (2004)
Constitution of the Self . In David R. (ed) Nation, Self and citizenship : An invitation to Philippine Sociology . Anvil Publishing.
Mead, GH. (1972) Mind , Self and Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist . The University of chicage press.
Triandis (1989) The self and social behavior in differing culture contexts, Psychol. Rev.93.3. 506-520
Wie-Ming, T. (1985)
Selfhood and otherness in Confucian thought in Marsella (ed) Culture and Self: Asian and Western Perspectives. Travistock Publications 231-
Demello, M. (2014)
Beautiful bodies pp 173- 188 And Fat and Thin bodies 189-205 In bodies studies : An Introduction Routledge
Demetrio, Fernando & Zialcita (1991). The soul 95-97. One is enough 99-101. The soul books GCF books.
Diokno, MS (1997) Becoming a Filipino Citizen . In perspectives Citizenship and Democracy UP Third World Studies Center 17-38
Dittmer H. (1992) Individual centered approach: Material possessions as Symbolic Expressions of Identity Pp.95-121 in the Social
Psychology of Material Possessions : To have is to Be? St. Martin Press.
Doronilla, ML (1997) An overview of Filipino Perspectives on Democracy and Citizenship. In perspectives on Citizenship and
Democracy UP TWSC 69-112

Ellison et. Al (2006) Managing impressions online. Self presentation processes in the online dating environment Journal of computer
mediated communication 11. 415- 441 Doi. 10. 111/j 1083 -6101 2006 00020x.
Feldman, R. (2008)
Understanding psychology 8th (ed) McGraw Hill. Module 34 Understanding Sexual Human Response 369-375. Module 35. Diversity
of Sexual Behavior 379-385 Module 36. Sexual difficulties 389-391
Fisher, H. (2004) Why we love. The nature and chemistry of romantic love. Chapter 3 Chemistry of love 51-76. Chapter 4 Web of
love, lust , love and attachment. 77-98
Frankl, V. (1959) Man’s search for meaning : An introduction to Logotheraphy, Especially part 2. Basic concepts of logotheraphy
Gibbs, et. Al (2006) Self presentation in online personals. The role of anticipated future interactions, self disclosures and perceived
success in internet dating dating. Communications Research 33. 2. 152-172
Gonzales and Hancock (2010) Mirror, Mirror on my Fb wall. Effects of exposure to fb on self esteem. Cyberpsychology , Behaviour
and social networking Doi. 10. 1089/ cyber 2009 0411.
Magos, A. The Ideological context of Ma-aram practice in Mariit. In the enduring Ma-aram Tradition: An ethnography of Kinaray-a
villagein Antique . New day publishers 46-62
Sosis, R. (2010) The adaptive value of religious Ritual in Angeluni (ed) Annual editions; Anthropology 10/11 33rd ed. McGraw Hill
Wolfson (2010) The chemistry and chimera of desire.
http://www.healthline.com/heathy/what- is -desire
Zialcita, F (1997) Barriers and bridges to a democratic culture . In perspective on citizenship and democracy. UP TWSC 39-68

Course Requirements 1. Major Examinations (Midterm and Finals)

2. Summative quizzes
3. Per chapter outputs as specified in the assessment
4. End of course reflective journals and compilation of assessment outputs
5. Other additional requirements as specified by the teacher
Grading System Midterm (40%): Finals (60%):

50% - Objective Written Exam (Midterm) 50% - Objective Written Exam (Final)
50% - Class Active Participation (virtual group 50% - Class Active Participation (virtual
work, outputs, assessment tasks, reflective group work, outputs, assessment tasks,
journals, among others) reflective journals, among others)
Classroom Policies 1. Class attendance is essential to the learning and performance of students in this course.
2. Students must be officially enrolled for the semester where course is being offered.
3. Active participation in virtual class is a must.
4. Outputs must be submitted on time. Late submissions will still be accepted but with
corresponding deductions.
5. Please read and abide the College’s policies concerning classroom behavior, ethical conduct,
plagiarism and academic honesty as contained in the Student Handbook.
Prepared by: Checked by:


Instructor Dean, College of Teacher Education

Approved by:


College President

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