Understanding The Self Syllabus - Obe
Understanding The Self Syllabus - Obe
Understanding The Self Syllabus - Obe
E. The self in
western /oriental
thought. 2
- Individualistic weeks
vs collective
- The social
of the self in
- The self as
embedded in
and through
in cunfucian
1. Unpacking . 2
the Self Belk Unpacking the self -Individual construction weeks
A.PHYSICAL SELF: (2013)Extended of the personal self- Laptop
a.Explore the The self as impacted by self in a digital -Significance of my body illustrating how the Powerpoint
different aspects of the body. world.Journal of -Gender and the different aspects are presentation
self and identity. consumer development empowerment situated relative to one
-The impact of culture on research 40. 3. seminar. another and the
b.Demonstrate body image and self 477-500 -Poem and writing / song importance of each
critical , reflective Esteem : The importance composition based on one’s relative to the other.
thought in of beauty. Demello, M. ethnicity.
integrating the (2014) -Digital collage -Quiz
various aspects of B.GENDERED SELF: Beautiful bodies -Lecture
self and identity. pp 173- 188 And -Group discussion and
-Development of Fat and Thin presentation: Who is
c.Describe the Secondary sex bodies 189-205 beautiful? Culture
different forces charactiristics and the In bodies studies conceptions and standard of Pictures
and institution that human reproductive : An Introduction beauty of face and body (if Laptop
impact the system. Routledge time permits , this may also
development of be given as a quickie survey)
various aspect of -Understanding the -Class may bring pictures of
self and identity. human sexual response who is beautiful to bagin
d.Examine one’s -The basic biology of -Usap tayo: a discussion of
self against the sexual behavior Love, Sex, Relationships
different aspects of and Family.
self -discussed in -Understanding the -What do women and men
class. chemistry of lust, love find attractive: a class
and attachment. discussion.
-The psychological
What turns people on;
the pahses of sexual
-The diversity of sexual
behavior, solitary,
-Sexually Transmitted
Diseases (STI’s)
Methods of contraception
(natural and artificial)
C.MATERIAL / Fisher, H. (2004) -Class activities Weeks
ECONOMIC SELF: Why we love. -Quiz Portfolio # 3
The nature and -Individual or group
-I shop therefore I am: I chemistry of discussion” If all people Laptop
have, therefore I am? romantic love. would only economize ,
Shaping the way, we see Chapter 3 it would solve the
ourselves. The role of Chemistry of problem of scarcity.
consumer culture on our love 51-76. Agree or disagree
sense of self and identity. Chapter 4 Web
of love, lust love
and attachment.
D.Postive psychology
Suggested .
Readings and Ariola, Mariano (2018) Understanding the self
References Bandura A. (1990) Social Cognitive Theory of Personality . In pervin Na John(eds) Handbook of Personality Theory and Research
2nd ed.Guilford Press 134-194
Internet sites: Belk (2013)Extended self in a digital world.Journal of consumer research 40. 3. 477-500
Demello, M. (2014)
Beautiful bodies pp 173- 188 And Fat and Thin bodies 189-205 In bodies studies : An Introduction Routledge
Fisher, H. (2004) Why we love. The nature and chemistry of romantic love. Chapter 3 Chemistry of love 51-76. Chapter 4 Web of
love, lust love and attachment. 77-98
Haviland et.Al(2007). Spirituality, Religion and the supernatural. In the essence of Anthropology. Thomson Wadsworth 289-306
Tiu,Macario(2005) Davao reconstructing history from text and memory , ADDU Press.
Tan, Earnest (2008) The Journey inward , Quezon city ,Metro Manila ,PH. Spiritus Works Publication.
Seligman, Martin(2000)Positive Psychology
Silva, Frauline B.(2017).Understanding the self. Cronica Books Quezon city, Philippines.
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