Unit 3 (Prof - Ed 8)
Unit 3 (Prof - Ed 8)
Unit 3 (Prof - Ed 8)
Activity 1.
Get a copy of the lesson plan. Using the table below, fill in with data based on your sample of
lesson plan.
Fill in the table with correct answer. Choose 3 curriculum designs which you prefer and
answer the questions in column 2, 3, 4 and 5. Give your best shot on this.
How do students What learning What kind of learning What are the
learn in the experiences are environment is required requirements of
curriculum? What provided in the for its implementation? the curriculum
skills, knowledge, curriculum for the teachers?
and values are design?
emphasized in the
Subject Students learn by Blended Subject-centered design Teacher must a
Design engaging topics of experiences knower, able to
each subject. (both group and deliver the
Critical thinking, individual subject well,
problem-solving, learning and a
effective oral and experiences), curriculum
written and teaching literate.
communication are experiences.
emphasized. It
allow students to
shape their
education through
Activity/ Students learn Experiential and Learner-centered Learn how to
Experience through different Goal-oriented include different
Design activities or experiences types of
experiences learning
designed in the experiences in
curriculum. the curriculum,
Process skills, explore how to
communication plan learning
skills, problem- experiences, and
solving, critical see an example
thinking and to them in
creativity action.
Thematic Students learn Experiment, Problem-centered Thematic
Design through engaging and literate (knows
topics and it is contextualized how to create/
sequenced to learning organized the
provide a clear experiences are curriculum into
framework of provided in this themes. Must
progression in skills curriculum. organize
and knowledge to learning
equip children for objectives of the
the next stage of curriculum both
their education. It is process skills
organized around and content
macro “themes”. knowledge
Skills that are around the
emphasized are theme.
skills, cognitive
skills and applied
academic skills.
Prepared by:
Percy-an O. Rondina