How Much Should A Website Cost in 2023
How Much Should A Website Cost in 2023
How Much Should A Website Cost in 2023
View the average cost for website building Themes $100 – $200 / theme
and website maintenance, by business type, Hosting $24 – $10,000 / year
below. SSL certificate $0 – $1,500 / year
Marketing (SEO, $50 – $10,000 /
Business Type Web Annual Site PPC, etc.) month
Design Maintenance
Cost Costs In most cases, website builders offer an
Informational or $2,000 – $400 – $1,200 affordable solution to:
Small Business $9,000
Website (8-16 Freelancers
pages) Start-ups
Corporate $10,000 $2,000 – Small businesses
Website (25-75 – $15,000
pages) $35,000 If you’re a small-to-midsized business (or
Ecommerce $5,000 – $15,000 – larger), think about partnering with a web
Website (100- $55,000 $30,000 design agency or seasoned freelancer to
1000 products) build and manage your site. These
Database Driven $6,000 – $30,000 – professionals will provide the easiest
Website or $75,000 $60,000 solution to updating and maintaining your
Website website.
(20-2000 pages) Website Costs: Overview
How much does a website builder cost? Calculate the approximate cost of your
website based on your specifications with
Prices for website builders vary, ranging this free calculator tool.
from $0 to more than $500 per month with
annual maintenance costs of $0 to $5400 per Project Quote Calculator
year. How much your business pays for a
website builder (if you decide to use one) Use the sliders below to indicate your needs,
will depend on several factors, including then click the “See Pricing” button for a free,
your functionality needs. instant quote.
CMS Why?
A third-party website builder, like Wix or
Squarespace, still requires web design
Website design costs for 2023 experience. Even though these do-it-yourself
(DIY) website builders can help your team
Whether you’re looking to launch a brand- create an attractive website, they don’t
new website or redesign your existing site, ensure a user-friendly site, which is critical if
your business needs to consider some web you want people to purchase your product or
design and development costs. These costs contact your company.
are often one-time expenses, meaning how
much it costs to build a website is often more Explore the price Freelancer, Website
than how much it costs to maintain a differences between Builder, and Web
website. these three parties, Design Agency
below: Costs
How much does it cost to Web Website Builder $0 – $300
build a website? Between Design Freelancer $500 – $5,000
$12,000 to $150,000. Costs Web Design Agency $3,000 – $100,000
Domain Name $0.95 –
$12 Want to learn more about upfront website
SSL Certificate $0 – costs, from what they include to what you
$1,500 should pay?
Website Hosting $24 –
$10,000 Skip ahead to our breakdown of website
Style or Theme $2,000 – development costs, below. If you’re looking
$15,000 to receive a custom estimate for designing or
Responsive Design $3,000 – redesigning your company’s website, use our
$25,000 free website cost calculator!
Interactive Multimedia $250 –
$10,000 Website Costs: Cost Factors
Content Management System $2,000 –
(CMS) $25,000 How much does it cost to build a website?
Ecommerce Functionality $2,000 –
$25,000 The average price of developing and
Database Integration $2,000 – designing a website ranges from $12,000 to
$25,000 $150,000. That’s a broad price range, which
can make company leaders hesitant about
Pages (1 to 250 pages) $1,000 –
investing in a brand-new or redesigned
website — even though an updated site can
have an immense impact on your bottom line
Of course, with web design and
and growth.
development, you can choose to work with a
freelancer, third-party website builder, or
For your business’ decision-makers, as well
web design agency. Each website building
as your team, it’s essential to understand the
option offers different advantages and
price factors behind website costs. By
disadvantages, as well as varying prices. In
knowing these features, you can provide a
most cases, businesses will partner with
thorough and helpful answer to the all-too-
either a freelance web designer or web
common question — how much should a
design agency to create a professional
website cost?
Explore the cost factors of web design and Ecommerce functionality ($180 – $300 /
development: YEAR)
Style or theme ($2,000 – $15,000) Select a web design service to view custom
website design costs for your company.
Responsive design ($3,000 – $25,000)
Content management system ($2,000 – Want to create a better website for your
$25,000) business? Use our web design or redesign
services for your company’s site.
Ecommerce functionality ($2,000 –
Companies can decrease their marketing Get fast, accurate answers to some of the
costs, however, by limiting their number of most common (and important) questions
digital marketing strategies. If a company about website costs:
decides to focus on SEO, versus SEO and
PPC, for example, they will have lower How much does a website cost?
How much does it cost to make a website?
For businesses that want to improve their
sales and revenue numbers, digital marketing How much does it cost to hire someone to
is a proven strategy. It depends, however, on build a website?
your website. Tactics like SEO and PPC, for
example, direct users to your site, which is What are the factors that influence the
why it’s vital to design, launch, and maintain cost of a website?
a user-friendly website.
Should I hire someone to build my website
Learn more about the individual costs of or use a website builder like Wix?
marketing a website:
Get started on your new website
SEO ($1500 – $5,000 / MONTH)
Ready to create a high-performing
PPC ($300 – $100 million / MONTH) website for your company? Get a free
estimate for designing and launching your
Professional copywriting ($50 – $500 / site with our free website cost calculator.
PAGE) You can also chat with our team
by contacting us online or calling 888-601-
Content marketing ($2,000 – $10,000 / 5359!
Last Updated January 9, 2023
Social media marketing and advertising
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