Price List
Price List
Price List
Services Guide
Who we are Why are we different?
We are Sassy Digital. A no-nonsense Digital Marketing, Simply put, we take a no-nonsense approach to everything
Website Design & Branding agency for all businesses. we do. We have a small team, and we outsource everything
else to our trusted network of freelancers who work
We believe that businesses of all sizes should have the exclusively for us. Our freelancers are the best in their field -
access to the assistance and tools they need to build their from graphic designers to web developers. We only use the
brand online and generate more business. very best to bring your vision to life.We’re here to hold your
hand, give you advice and go above and beyond to help you
Sassy Digital is a marketing ‘agency’ designed to be an build a brand you love online.
extension of your team, and one of our strengths from the
beginning has been fitting seamlessly into our client’s “I set up Sassy Digital to help businesses of all sizes - whether
businesses. Sassy Digital has been managing social media you have a budget to work with us or you’re just starting out
accounts, building brands and websites for five years and in and looking for a place to find some friendly advice. It’s for
that time we have worked with a variety of talented people this reason that you’ll find a variety of free resources from us
and extraordinary brands. Here’s a few of our clients that you on our website, Instagram and by listening to our chart
might recognise. topping business podcast, The Winging It Podcast.” - Lucy,
What we offer Website Design
Branding Design
Social Media
However, if you’ve got an unusual enquiry (as long as it’s marketing, web or design based) we’re pretty sure we can
help you with anything, and if we can’t, we’ll try to direct you to someone who can!
Specialising in websites that sell, we not only design beautiful websites, but we create
websites that aim to help you make more sales and generate more enquiries.
Basic website starting at £3,950 includes: Basic website starting at £2,950 includes:
Design and custom coding of up to 5 basic pages and legal pages Design and build of up to 5 basic pages
Custom coded footer, and addition of your brand fonts Set up of blog
App recommendations Teaching you how to do it
Connecting your site to your mailing provider Connecting your website to Mailchimp or other mail provider
Shipping and settings set up
The branding process takes a minimum of two weeks from start date depending on the You get three rounds of revisions which is usually enough to get to a point where you’re
brief and complexity of designs. really happy with your branding! Any further rounds of amends will be charged at £100
per round.
Although we have outlined some packages, based on past experience with clients, these
‘packages’ will always be tailored directly to each client which means the below prices are
simply a guideline.
The Discovery Package The Content Package
Basic package for e-commerce brands. Package where we source and/or
create content for you
Prices from £750 a month
Prices from £1500 a month
Includes: Includes:
Creating a strategy Creating a strategy
Designing an engaging and aesthetically pleasing Designing an engaging and aesthetically pleasing
Instagram feed Instagram feed
Planning content in a calendar each week Creating, sourcing and designing all content
Posting daily on your chosen (up to 3) social media Planning content in a calendar each week
platforms Posting daily on your chosen (up to 3) social media
Designing graphics for stories/feed platforms
Instagram stories management Designing graphics for stories/feed
Instagram stories management
Bolt ons could include the following from: Bolt ons could include the following from:
+ Influencer list building - from £450 for 50 influencers + Influencer list building - from £450 for 50 influencers
+ Influencer outreach and campaign management - from + Influencer outreach and campaign management - from
£550/pm £550/pm
Our Email Marketing Packages are designed to help you build an engaged customer base,
generate more sales, and show off your products and services in a way that connects.
Although we have outlined some packages, based on past experience with clients, these
‘packages’ will always be tailored directly to each client which means the below prices are
simply a guideline.
On brand Automations Promotional Emails
Prices from £200 per design Prices from £200 for larger
or monthly licensing fee emails
Automations can keep customers coming back for more. The Prices from £100 for
following automations are recommended to entice customers 'Mailshots'
back - it’s easier to retain a current customer than get a new one! (small emails designed to
push a product or discount)
Please note if you choose a monthly licensing fee you will not be
able to access your Mailchimp account (and it’s also not as cost Weekly or monthly email strategy designed to engage with your
effective in the long run!) customers and make more sales.
@sassydigital @sassydigital