Jet Wall Separation
Jet Wall Separation
Jet Wall Separation
into Near-Vacuum
Let’s consider a supersonic jet which is being ejected from a round orifice of the radius rin
located on the surface of an infinite plane wall into near-vacuum (Fig. 1). The orifice radius is
much smaller than the wall extents, and the flow at the nozzle exit can be approximated as a
monopole source, and the jet will expand spherically.
jet flow rs
jet detachment point
Figure 1.
When a jet exits into hard vacuum, it will expand based on Prandtl-Meyer relations. The jet will
turn over the nozzle lip by the maximum angle,
where max is measured from the direction of the jet flow. Here = Cp / Cv, and for an ideal gas
= Cp / (Cp – R). For air, = 1.4 and max = 130 deg. If the nozzle exist is flushed with the wall
surface (Fig. 1), the jet can turn only by 90 deg, assuming the jet flow direction is normal to the
wall surface. Inevitably, the jet flow will propagate along the wall surface. If ambient conditions
are hard vacuum, pambient = 0, then the jet flow will stay attached to the wall. When pambient > 0,
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then the jet will detach from the wall at a detachment point rs. This detachment point can be
estimated from isentropic relationships,
Setting M in (2) equal to the Mach number at the nozzle exit, and r = rin gives rcritical. Setting p =
1 Pa and p0 equal to the total pressure at the nozzle exit gives the Mach number, Ms, on a
spherical surface where p = 1 Pa. Substituting rcritical and Ms back into (2) gives the value of r
where the jet will detach from the wall.
For instance, in the 2D sample case, Mexit = 2.38 and p0 = 2.5e+07 Pa. This gives a detachment
distance on 5.5 m for the ambient pressure of 1 Pa. Thus, the domain size must be at least twice
is large to recover the detachment location.
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information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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