Three-Dimensional Nucleation With Diffusion Controlled Growth
Three-Dimensional Nucleation With Diffusion Controlled Growth
Three-Dimensional Nucleation With Diffusion Controlled Growth
The current transient for three-dimensional nucleation on a finite number of active sites, followed by
diffusion controlled growth, has been analysed. Both the number density of active sites and the true
nucleation rate per site can be obtained from the current maximum of single-step potentiostatic
experiments. Instantaneous and progressive nucleation are shown to be special cases of the more general
situation described.
In order to calculate the current transient, we will consider the equivalent area of
plane surface towards which diffuses, by linear diffusion, the same amount of
material that would be transferred, through spherical diffusion, to a hemispherical
growing centre [7]. The total amount of material that diffuses to a hemispherical
electrode of radius rO is
2rrtJF(t) = -2ar,,Dc (4
The equivalent area of plane surface, rr:, towards which the same amount of of
material diffuses as that given by eqn. (1) can be defined through eqn. (5)
2mr0 Dc = vr’/2riD1/2c/t’/2
‘a ( t ) = (2DcMt/p)“* (9)
and eqn. (8) becomes
k = (8m~M/‘p)~‘” (11)
The earlier conjecture [7] that the diffusion zones radii grew with t’/2 is thus
justified by eqns. (10) and (11).
Having reduced the mass transport from spherical coordinates around each
growing centre to linear, the overlap of hemispherical diffusion fields of individ-
ual nuclei is also reduced from overlap in “2:” dimensions [11,12] to overlap in two
dimensions, for which the calculation of the true coverage of the electrode by the
projection of the diffusional fields onto the plane is exact [13-161. We will consider
that nucleation occurs randomly on a limited number density N, of active sites on
the surface, initially available for nucleation. If their probability of conversion into
growing nuclei is uniform with time, then the decay rate of the number of, sites
available due to their conversion into nuclei is proportional to the number of sites,
contribute to the observed current and will therefore behave just as a “phantom”
nucleus [14].
Given the rate of formation of nuclei by eqn. (14) and the growth rate of diffusion
zones by eqn. (lo), the true coverage of the electrode by them can be calculated by a
number of methods, all leading to the same result. We will follow here the method of
Evans [15-171 but we wish to point out that that of Avrami [14] produced the same
final expression for the true coverage. The probability that a representative point,
chosen at random at the surface of the electrode, shall be crossed by exactly m
diffusion zones can be found from the Poisson equation
P,=E”exp(-E)/m! (15)
where E is the expectation number. The probability that no diffusion field will cover
the representative point is then
Po=exp(-E) (16)
P, is the fractional area of the electrode that remains uncovered and, since the
expectation number varies with time, is also a function of t. The radius of the
projection onto the plane of the diffusion field of a growing nucleus, the diffusion
zone, is given by eqn. (lo), and it follows that any diffusion zone of age u > R*/kD
developed within an annulus of width dR and radial distance R from the representa-
tive point will pass it and that the longest distance from which a diffusion zone
originated at time t can reach the representative point is (kDt)‘/*. It then follows
[17] that the expectation number of diffusion zones that can cover a representative
point is
E = (W’0”2 (’
2mRAN,,_ expl
__ -A(t- . u)]dudR
Jo JR2/kD
and hence that the fractional area covered by diffusion zones, 8 = 1 - exp( - E), is
B=l-exp{-NomkD[t-(l-e-A’)]} (18)
The radial flux density of electroactive material through the boundaries of the
diffusion fields will be given by the equivalent planar diffusive flux to an electrode
of fractional area 0 [7]. Thus the current density to the whole electrode surface is
This expression can be presented in non-dimensional form [8] by plotting Z’/Zi vs.
t/t,, Fig. 1, for different values of the dimensionless parameter (Y = N,rkD/A.
The current described by eqn. (19) passes through a maximum and therefore the
current Z, and the time t, corresponding to the maximum can be evaluated by
a=b/A (23)
we obtain from eqn. (20)
Im=(a/t~2){1-exp[-x+a(l-e-“/“)]} (25)
a = ~FD’/~c/,rr’/~ (26)
and thus knowledge of I,,, and t, from experimental current transients allows the
simultaneous determination of x and a by solving the system of transcendental
(non-linear) equations
IO’1 /Aem-*
( I/Im)’
t /tm
0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 1. (a) Calculated current transients for D = 1 X10-s cm’ s-l, c = 1 X10-s mol cmm3, M = 207.2 g
mol-‘, p=11.3 g cmm3, z = 2 and AN, =109 cm-’ s-‘. (1) a = 0.16, (2) LY= 0.50, (3) (Y = 2.0. (b)
Non-dimensional plots of the transients in (a) together with the corresponding plots for instantaneous
nucleation (upper continuous curve) and progressive nucleation (lower continuous curve).
Fig. 2. Solution of eqn. (27.2). (0) Numerical solution using Newton’s method; (-- -) asymptotic
solution for low values of a, eqn. (32); (- ) asymptotic solution for large values of a, eqn. (35).
0.95 - l/2
0.90 -
0.70 - to9 a
-3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3
Fig. 3. Plot of I,,,f~,/‘/u vs. log a, eqn. (29), using values of x corresponding to OLfound by the numerical
solution of eqn. (27.2).
nucleation, and large (Y,or “progressive” nucleation. They correspond to the extreme
situations of fast nucleation on a small number of active sites and slow nucleation on
a large number of active sites, respectively, and have been discussed in previous
communications [7,8].
For instantaneous nucleation (LX-+ 0) it has been shown that [7]
the Jacobian matrix of the set can be constructed as the derivatives off, and f2 with
w(x, a) =
afox af,m
[ afox afdaa 1
Having an approximation to the roots of the set, xp and (Ye, a better approximation
Xptl7ap+1 can be found from the expression
The solution of the set of equations (27) is thus found iteratively by successive
approximations of x and (Yuntil the residuals fi( x, a) and f2(x, a) are smaller than a
preestablished convergence criterion. The experimental determinations of N, and A
for the nucleation of lead on vitreous carbon described in Part II of this series were
accomplished with this numerical method.
7 G.A. Gunawardena, G.J. Hills, I. Montenegro and B.R. Scharifker, J. Electroanal. Chem., 138 (1982)
8 B.R. Scharifker and G.J. Hills, Electrochim. Acta, 28 (1983) 879.
9 P. Delahay, New Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry, Interscience, New York, 1954, pp.
10 S. Fletcher, J. Chem. Sot. Faraday Trans. 1, 79 (1983) 467.
11 S. Fletcher and D.B. Mathews, J. Appl. Electrochem., 11 (1981) 1.
12 E. Bosco and S.K. Rangarajan, J. Electroanal. Chem., 134 (1982) 213.
13 F. Canac, C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. C, 196 (1933) 51.
14 M. Avrami, J. Chem. Phys., 8 (1940) 212.
15 A.N. Kolmogorov, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR. Sci. Math. Nat., 3 (1937) 355.
16 U.R. Evans, Trans. Faraday Sot., 41 (1945) 365.
17 M.Y. Abyaneh and M. Fleischmann, Electrochim. Acta, 27 (1982) 1513.
18 B.P. Demidovich and LA. Maron, Computational Mathematics, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1973.