Myp Unit Planner (Lifestyle Choice)

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Teacher(s) Subject group and Physical and Health Education

Unit title Lifestyle Choice (Nutrition, Conflict and stress, MYP year 1 Unit duration 13 hours 30
Substance abuse) (hrs) minute

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Relationship Balance Scientific and Technical Innovation

Statement of inquiry

A healthy lifestyle requires balance of personal choices

Inquiry questions

1. What do you know about nutrition?
2. What causes of stress?
3. What do know about drugs?

1. How a balanced nutrient intake can affect your health?
2. How stress will affect your daily lifestyle?
3. How you determine drugs will effect your surounding?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

1. A lot of people does not take a balance nutrition in their daily food intake, but they stil stay healthy and live longer. Why?
2. Why stress is important on our daily life?
3. Drugs in have been used in medicine but how you said that it will harm people?

Objectives Summative assessment

Relationship between summative assessment
task(s) and statement of inquiry:
A. Knowing and understanding Student list out and explain the food pyramid,
causes of stress and effect of drugs. Student will understand the function of food
i) Explain physical health education
pyramid, manage their stress wisely and the
factual, procedural and conceptual
effect of drugs.
B. Planning for performance
Students has been ask to develop a food dietry Students will know how to make a decision in
ii) Analyse and evaluate the
plan for a week and implement within a week. their life to stay healthy
effectiveness of a plan based on the

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Research – information literacy skills

Self management

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Knowledge : Lesson 1
 Component of food pyramid Student must know about component of food pyramid.
 Components of causes stress Teacher need to make sure the student know the benefit of food pyramid
 Effect of drugs
Lesson 2
Understand : Student must know about component of causes stress
 How food pyramid guide student to Teachers need to make sure the student know how to manage their stress
decide the best dietry in their life.
Lesson 3
Do : Student must know the effect of substance of drugs.
Students develop food dietry plan. Teachers need to make sure student will avoid the misused of drugs

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Lesson 4
Summative assessment
Students has been ask to develop a food dietry plan for a week and implement within a week

Formative assessment
- Do assessment for every subtopics.

- Grouping a student based on their BMI

- Teks books form 1, 2 and 3
- Internet (youtube)
- National Silibus

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

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