Myp Unit Planner (Lifestyle Choice)
Myp Unit Planner (Lifestyle Choice)
Myp Unit Planner (Lifestyle Choice)
Unit title Lifestyle Choice (Nutrition, Conflict and stress, MYP year 1 Unit duration 13 hours 30
Substance abuse) (hrs) minute
Statement of inquiry
1. What do you know about nutrition?
2. What causes of stress?
3. What do know about drugs?
1. How a balanced nutrient intake can affect your health?
2. How stress will affect your daily lifestyle?
3. How you determine drugs will effect your surounding?
Self management
Formative assessment
- Do assessment for every subtopics.
- Grouping a student based on their BMI
- Teks books form 1, 2 and 3
- Internet (youtube)
- National Silibus
Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit