Indigenous Games Year 1-2 Unit Plan
Indigenous Games Year 1-2 Unit Plan
Indigenous Games Year 1-2 Unit Plan
Lesson 2: The games to be played throughout this unit are listed in the left-hand
Tarnambai column. It is the hope that the students enjoy these games and will appreciate
Koolchee the exposure to traditional Indigenous games. These games will culminate into
a Tabloid event at the end of this unit. There are a number of movement
Lesson 3: forms present within each game throughout the duration of the unit but there
Kungirruna are key movement forms which are present throughout each game.
The games/activities included within this unit plan have a focus on
Lesson 4: fundamental movement skills with an emphasis on developing the students’
Thapumpan technical abilities in throwing, catching and running. The games/activities
Keentan chosen for this unit plan involve partner and team work which will help
students explore group dynamics developing team building characteristics.
Lesson 5: The game/activities within this unit plan to be played by students will also
Tabloid Event of: help them work on their verbal and non-verbal communication. Other aspects
Koolchee to be developed through these games/activities throughout the unit weeks
Mer Kolap are cooperation, fair play/sportsmanship skills and respect for other students
Chuboochuboo ability levels.
This unit plan will assist students in developing their awareness and
understanding of the Indigenous Culture as students will explore and
understand the background of each game as well as discussing why
Indigenous people may have played these games, who might have played
them, where they would have been played and what the game’s purpose is.
Furthermore, cultural awareness will be developed through asking students
questions that will draw parallels to their own and others culture providing
students with the opportunity to share their own stories/experiences.
Student Name:
Criteria Comments
Participates positively