A Survey On Intelligent Chatbot For Entertainment Recommendation

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11 III March 2023

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

A Survey on Intelligent Chatbot for Entertainment

Divyanshu Singh1, Prof. S. S. Kashid2, Atharva Badhe3, Sanket Gaikwad4, Rohit Gavhane5
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Pune

Abstract: Chatbots, also called chatterbots, is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that simulates text or voice commands and give
answers accordingly. It is a computer application uses voice instructions, text dialogues, or both to mimic human
communication. In order to reduce the problem of information overload, which has created a possible problem for many Internet
users, it is necessary to filter, prioritize, and efficiently distribute essential information on the Internet, where the quantity of
options is overwhelming. A chatbot can be employed to communicate with end users, respond to their questions, comprehend
their feelings, and make suggestions that are relevant. The objective of our project is to build a chatbot that allows the user to
interact with it and get movies or songs recommendation of his liking/choice. Our proposed system is a single page website which
can be run on user's desktop as well as mobile and its main focus is to accurately comprehend the user's question in text or voice
format and respond to the user with relevant responses. We used Natural Language Processing (NLP) to convert the human
conversation in text or voice format into data that is decrypted using recurrent text and patterns and then shaped into automated
answers and responses. In recommendation model, Content based filtering is used which works on the data that we take from the
user. The system will suggest various movies or songs based on the user's interests, and the result will be shown to the user.
Keywords: Chatbot, Natural Language Processing, Recommendation System, Content-Based Filtering.

A chatbot is essentially a computer program that mimics human communication. It allows a human and a machine to
interact/communicate with one other via messages or voice commands. A chatbot is designed to work without the assistance of a
human operator. Natural language processing is used by the chatbot to convert human conversation into data that is decrypted using
recurrent text and patterns and then shaped into automated answers and responses. It can respond to inquiries posed to it in natural
language as if it were a real person. It responds using a combination of pre-programmed scripts and machine learning algorithms.
They can be found on social media platforms such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, Slack, Line, and even your website.
Chatbots have an application layer, a database, APIs, and a Conversational User Interface, just like traditional apps. In general,
chatbots handle problems with recommender systems, which search through a vast amount of dynamically created data to present
users with individualized content and services. Data for recommender systems comes from explicit user evaluations after seeing a
movie or listening to a music, implicit search engine queries and purchase histories, and other information about the users/items
themselves. This data is used by the chatbot, which employs recommender systems to do various analyses, classification, and
filtering algorithms on it, resulting in meaningful and tailored ideas and recommendations for users.

A. Organization Of Paper
The organization of the paper is as follows section II gives the related work and limitations and last section concludes the paper with
future work followed by references.


In this paper [1], the EBER chatbot is introduced, which aims to close the digital divide faced by the elderly. Adapting to the user's
mood, EBER reads news in the background. Its originality comes in the idea of "intelligent radio," according to which, rather than
simplifying a digital information system to make it accessible to the elderly, a traditional channel they find familiar—background
news—is enhanced with voice dialogues. By merging Sentiment Analysis, Automatic Natural Language Generation, and Artificial
Intelligence Modelling Language, it is made possible.
This paper [2] discusses about the intelligent conversational computer programs known as chatbots which are created to mimic
human speech in order to provide automated online support and guidance. In order to give clients virtual support, chatbots have
been widely used by numerous businesses due to their growing benefits.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 155
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

Chatbots use techniques and algorithms from two fields of artificial intelligence: Processing Natural Language and Machine
The problems with text message recognition for intelligent chat-bot information systems were examined in this paper [3]. It was
reported and the performance issue with text message recognition was fixed. There were suggestions for cutting down on the time
needed for semantic text analysis. There are relationships between the text length, semantic kernel, number of terminology
knowledge bases, and overall number of terms in the compound terminological knowledge base.
People who recommend pertinent information about restaurants are increasingly using mobile app markets, thanks to their
expansion [4]. By enabling restaurant customers to quickly and easily obtain the information they need whenever and wherever they
choose, the suggestion service app based on AI Chatbot can effectively manage time and budgets. Consumers who eat out use
smartphone applications to find restaurants, make reservations, and acquire information about them, including reviews. The study of
AI chatbots has also recently received societal attention. Due to the text-based interactive service, the Chatbot is integrated with the
mobile messaging platform and allows for the provision of numerous services.
The most common place for sick people to receive medical examinations, disease diagnosis, and treatment recommendations is at
hospitals. Almost everyone in the world has been doing this for a long time. The goal of the suggested system [5] is to develop an
alternative to the current diagnostic procedure, which involves going to a hospital and scheduling an appointment with a doctor. The
goal of this study is to build a chatbot by combining the ideas of machine learning and natural language processing. People can
communicate with the chatbot in the same way they would with a real person, and through a series of questions, it can determine the
user's symptoms, which allows it to diagnose the user's condition and suggest a course of therapy.
The topic of movie recommendations is covered in this paper [6]. The value of a movie recommendation in our social lives stems
from its capacity to offer better amusement. Based on the users' interests or the popularity of the films, such a system can
recommend a selection of movies to them. A recommendation system is employed to make suggestions for things to see or buy. By
reducing the size of the informational database, they point people in the direction of products that can satisfy their needs.
In this research project [7], the K-Means Clustering and K-Nearest Neighbor algorithms are used to create a movie recommender
system. The dataset for Movie lens is acquired from Kaggle. Python is the programming language used to implement the system.
The suggested work focuses on introducing several machine learning and recommendation system ideas. In this work, recommender
systems have been constructed using a variety of tools and methods. There have been detailed descriptions of a number of
algorithms, including K-Means Clustering, KNN, Collaborative Filtering, and Content-Based Filtering.
This paper [8] discusses about the recommender systems used by various applications. To make recommendations, these systems
employ filtering algorithms. The three main types of these strategies are content-based, collaborative filtering, and hybrid
algorithms. The necessity to incorporate recommendation features in digital libraries to lessen information overload served as the
inspiration for this project. Because it works well in circumstances or domains where people are outnumbered by objects, content-
based techniques are increasingly being used. To ascertain how pertinent or comparable a research paper is to a user's query or
profile of interest, TF-IDF (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency) and cosine similarity were used.


In existing system, collaborative recommender system is used which utilizes user’s past behaviour that he might be interested in.
But if we have a new user, we won’t have his past data. In that case it won’t be possible to use collaborative filtering. Rule-based
chatbots are also known as decision tree bots. As the name suggests, it uses a set of predefined rules. These rules form the basis for
the types of problems that the chatbot knows well and can offer solutions to. Like flowcharts, rule-based chatbots record
conversations. It does this by anticipating what the customer will ask and how the chatbot will respond. Rule-based chatbots can use
very simple or complex rules. However, it cannot answer questions outside the defined rules. These chatbots do not learn through
interaction. Also, they will only lead and work with scenarios you have trained them on.


NLP blends statistical, machine learning, and deep learning models with computational linguistics—rule-based modelling of human
language. With the use of these technologies, computers are now able to process human language in the form of text or audio data
and fully "understand" what is being said or written, including the speaker's or writer's intentions and sentiment.
Our Chabot is going to use similar approach to understand what exactly user use asking for and ask follow up questions to get as
much relevant features we can get.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 156
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

In our case those features will be the genre of movie or song, name of actors, name of characters, name of director and more similar
possible features. But to be able to ask these questions we are going to use Bag of Words and feed forward neural network.

Fig 1: Overall architecture

Fig 2: Use-Case Diagram

Fig 3: Activity Diagram

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 157
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

Fig 4: Collaboration Diagram

Chatbots are one of the most important advancements of Artificial Intelligence technology. Recommendation System is vital in
showing relevant data to users for improving their experience. The chatbot application developed in our project will allow the user
to interact with the system and give recommendation about songs and movies on the basis of the interaction. Thus, the user will get
personalized suggestions according to their taste and also it will help to get the data about most liked and recently searched movies
and songs that determine which songs or movies are trending. The future enhancements in this project can be recommendation on
the basis of the detection of mood of the user using sentiment analysis.

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[3] Andrii Yarovii, Dmytro Kudriavtsev, Prozor Olena, “Improving the Accuracy of Text Message Recognition with an Intelligent Chatbot Information System”,
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (2020).
[4] Heeyoung Kim, Sunmi Jung and Gihwan Ryu, “A Study on the Restaurant Recommendation Service App Based on AI Chatbot Using Personalization
Information”, International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology Vol.8 No.4 263-270 (2020).
[5] Rohit Binu Mathew, Sandra Varghese, Sera Elsa Joy, Swanthana Susan Alex, “Chatbot for Disease Prediction and Treatment Recommendation using Machine
Learning”, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019).
[6] Ashrita Kashyap, Sunita. B, Sneh Srivastava, Aishwarya. PH, Anup Jung Shah, “A Movie Recommender System: MOVREC using Machine Learning
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[7] Rishabh Ahuja, Arun Solanki and Anand Nayyar, “Movie Recommender System Using K-Means Clustering AND K-Nearest Neighbor”, 9th International
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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 158

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