A Review of Current Trends in The Development of Chatbot Systems
A Review of Current Trends in The Development of Chatbot Systems
A Review of Current Trends in The Development of Chatbot Systems
Abstract— The main aim of any technological advancement is customer experience. As a matter for fact it has been observed
to lend a helping hand in making lives of humans easy. This is that consumers prefer chatbot systems over human interaction
also true for the field of natural language processing. This is also and going ahead would prefer these systems over physically
the reason why conversational systems, also called as chatbot visiting the stores [6].
systems have gained popularity in the resent times. Chatbot
system have been adapted and developed for many different These chatbot systems are given knowledge, with the help
domains. The paper conducts a detailed study of some of the of which these systems try and answer user’s queries. This
recent chatbot systems/papers developed in different domains. knowledge given to the chatbot systems are of three types
These recent papers have been reviewed while keeping special structured database, knowledge bases and unstructured dataset
attention to the type of knowledge given to these systems, the [7].
domain for which these systems have been developed, among
other parameters in order to understand the recent trends in the The main focus of the paper is to study the recent trends in
development of chatbot systems. the development of the chatbot systems with respect to the
different domains for which these systems have been
Keywords— Chatbot, Chatbot Systems, Dialogue Systems, developed and the type of knowledge given to these systems.
Conversation Systems, Natural Language Processing, Machine
Learning, Chatbot Knowledge, Chatbot Domain. II. REVIEW OF CHATBOT SYSTEMS
Critical reviews of recent papers on chatbot development
I. INTRODUCTION have been carried out in this section.
The increase in the computing power has paved the way
for new technological advancements. Artificial intelligence The heart of a chatbot system is the knowledge which has
has played a very crucial role in these technological been provided to it. Using this knowledge the chatbot carries
advancements. One of the important application of artificial out conversations and answers the questions raised by the
intelligence is Natural Language Processing. Natural users. But, Sameera A. Abdul-Kader and Dr. John Woods [8]
Language Processing is a method of making the machine or a propose to develop a new chatbot system which does not have
computer understand the human language [1]. And, one of the a knowledge. Rather, the authors propose to make use of the
important application of Natural Language Processing is World Wide Web in order to search for the answers for the
Conversational Agents, also called as Conversational Artificial queries raised by the users.
Intelligent Bots or it can be simply called as Chatbot Systems. The paper proposes to make use of chatterbot and natural
In the recent times chatbot systems have gained popularity language processing toolkit for performing basic natural
because of its wide applications. Apart from the wide range of language processing operations. The paper proposes to
applications the reason for the popularity of chatbot systems is perform text matching for finding the answers for the queries
that they are approachable, they enhance customer experience, and these answers are stored in a structured database.
they can manage large number of customers, and are very cost On the other hand the problem identified by Che-Hao Lee
effective [2]. It has been observed that chatbot systems helps et. al. [9] is that for the development of companion robot for
in reducing the overall operating costs as well [3]. kids it is important to have good question answer pair. The
In the coming years it is expected that chatbot systems will paper proposes to generate questions from about 100 student’s
reduce the workload at the higher management levels by up to tales. The paper makes use of logistic regression for the
70% [4]. Because of this corporations are expected to invest purpose of identifying the answer for the query asked by the
billions of dollars in the research and development of chatbot user. This is done by ranking the question answer pair by
systems [5]. making the use of logistic regression. The details of natural
language processing and the knowledge type has not been
Even from the customer’s pot of view chatbot systems elaborated in the paper.
present a unique experience of availability of help and support
for a product anytime of the day. This help the overall