Chatbot: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Fredrick B Lyngdoh1, Raghavendra R.2
PG Student, Department of Master of Computer Applications, 2Assistant Professor,
School of CS &IT, Jain (Deemed-to-be-University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Fredrick B

The days of simply engaging with a service through a keyboard are Lyngdoh | Raghavendra R. "Chatbot"
over. Users interact with systems more and more by using voice Published in
assistants and chatbots. A chatbot is a computer program that can International Journal
of Trend in
chat with human’s using Artificial Intelligence in messaging
Scientific Research
platforms. Every time when the chatbot gets input from the user, it
and Development
saves the input and response, which helps chatbot with little initial (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
knowledge to evolve using gathered responses. With increased 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49799
responses, precision of the chatbot also gets increase. The ultimate Issue-3, April 2022,
goal of this project is to add a chatbot feature and API. This project pp.1740-1743, URL:
will inquire into the advancement of Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning technology that are being used to improve many
services. Most importantly it will look at development of chatbots as Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
a channel for information distribution. The program will select the International Journal of Trend in
closest matching response from the matching statement that matches Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
the input utilizing WordNet, it then chooses the response from the
Open Access article
known selection of statements for that response. This project aims to
distributed under the
implement online chatbot system to assist users who access college terms of the Creative Commons
website by using tools that expose Artificial Intelligence methods Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
such as Natural Language Processing in allowing users to (
communicate with college chatbot using natural language input and
to train chatbot using appropriate Machine Learning methods in order
to be able to generate a response. There are various applications that
are incorporating to a human appearance and intends to simulate
human dialog, yet in most cases, knowledge of chatbot is stored in a
database created by a human expert.
Chatbots also known as conversational agents, are raised an intriguing question, “Can machine think?”
designed with the help of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Since then we have seen multiple chatbots that are
software. They simulate a conversation (or a chat) outstanding to their predecessors to become more
with users in a natural language via messaging naturally conversant and technologically advanced.
applications, websites, mobile applications or a These advancements made an era where
phone. conversations with chatbots have become more
Chatbots represents a potential shift in the interaction normal and natural as with another human.
of people with data and services online. With the II. Literature Survey:
increase rise of interest in chatbot design and A Chatbot is a program that re-enacts a conversation
development, we lack the knowledge to know about between a user and a machine. The machine has
why humans use chatbots. They are simulations been set the knowledge to identify the queries asked
which can understand human language, can process it by the student and other users and makes the
and response to human while performing specific decision itself to respond to the queries. In turn, the
tasks, for example, a chatbot can be employed as a user needs to ask the queries that are answered by
helpdesk executive. Chatbots are not considered as a the chatbot. These bots will be found on a book-
recent development. The first chatbot was created by based UI that permits the client to type orders and
Joseph Wiesenbaum in 1966 named as Eliza. It first get messages just as content to discourse response. It
started when Alan Turing published an article named can be more certain when it is coordinated with
“Computer Machinery and Intelligence” and this well-known web services. The school request

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49799 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1740
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
chatbots will be falsify utilizing counterfeit department, and details of the documents required to
calculations that can undoubtedly comprehend and attach. With this chatbot system it will be accessible
investigate client messages. The client can put for the students to directly clear their queries in lesser
forward the inquiries that are school-related time.
activities through the chatbot without genuinely
Speech is considered as one of the most powerful
accessible to the school for inquiry. By using
forms of communication between humans. Hence, it
Artificial Intelligence, the queries are answered by
is the researcher’s goal to improve the speech
the system that are being asked by various users. The
interaction between the human and the computer in
user just simply needs to enlist and login to the
order to providehuman-human speech interaction.
system. Natural language handling (NLP) is use for
With modern network computing devices the speech
tokenizing, stemming, and separating the substance
interaction has receive increasing interest in the past
of the objection given by the client. [1]
few years with contributions from Google, Android
A chatbot is a software application that is use to and IOS. Since they are more natural than graphic-
conduct an online chat conversation throughtext or based interfaces, hence spoken dialogue systems are
text-to-speech, instead of providing direct contact beginning to form the primary interaction method
with a live human agent. It is design to convincingly with a machine. Therefore, speech interaction will
simulate the way a human would behave as a play a significant role in improving machines in the
conversational partner. Bots can be created by using near future. [3]
language like Artificial Intelligence Mark-up
Research work has focussed on improving the
Language(AIML), a language based on XML that
recollection rates of the human voice and the
allows developer to write rules for the bot to follow.
technology is now approaching the ability for speech
[2] Another drawback is writing rules for different
based human computer interaction. Speech
scenarios is quite time consuming and it is impossible
Interaction is divided into more than one including:
to write rules for every scenario. So these bots can
speech recognition, speech parsing, NLP (Natural
handle simple queries but fails to manage complex
Language Processing), keyword identification,
queries. The chatbot system is been proposed and are
Chabot design/personality, artificial intelligence.
designed for using the chat fuel platform.The chatbot
Chatbot is a computer program that has the ability to
has been designed to allow the students in
converse with human using Natural Language
communicating with the staff from college and
Speech. In this paper, Chatbot design techniques
addressed their queries through the conversational
between the human and the computer is presented.
text. The responses can be provided to the user in text
The different techniques used for Chatbots in the
format, with pictures and many more features
words are then process to extract the meaning and to
provided by the chat fuel. The setup AI feature makes
bring about a response as speech or action as
the bot smart and answers the queries of the user. The
required. Different grammar rules are used to classify
purpose of developing this project is based on an
the tagged words in the text into groups or phrases
intellectual chatbot system which deals with the
relating to their neighbours and positions. This type
academic activities like admission enquiry, fees
of grouping is categorised as chunking into phrases,
structure, scholarship details, time-table of every
such as noun phrases and verb phrases.
III. Implementation:

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49799 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1741
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

IV. Experimental Results:

In this paper, the proposed system was successfully background research was conducted which included a
tested to achieve its effectiveness and achievability. summary of the conversation procedure and any
Chatbot reduces the paperwork, manpower and time relevant chat bots available. A database system was
for any individual. It hasdeveloped an application then design to store information regarding questions,
where interaction with users by means of reducing the answers, keywords, logs and feedback message.
time for visiting the college to enquire about the
VI. Future Work:
details or any information regarding admissions,
With machines and electronic devices becoming our
college activities or any other administration in an
number one priority in our day to day lives, hence
academic institution. This allows the user to chat with
more studies on this subject should be encouraged as
the chatbot by format. The
it makes the students or the users easy to access and
user or the student and the Administrator can interact their queries answerable in a faster period.
through a chatbot. The questions which are not
VII. Reference:
answered by the chatbot will be added and updated by
the Admin. 3315_Smart_College_Chatbot_using_ML_and
V. Conclusion: _Python
The main objectives of the project was to develop an
[2] bot-
algorithm that will be able to identify the answers
associated with user submitted queries. A database is
developed to store all related data and to develop an [3]
internet interface. The web interface had developed 981-15-9293-5_47
one part and that is for the administrator. A

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49799 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1742
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
[4] 0IHx8N0Rp7wnkGgT0sd~YOFIeCV60KZD1
7/college_enquiry_chat_bot_system_IJERTV9I Cd8z0vzxWZBfj8z64cpJZlmPwtRvUu7Zkjfdn
S090396-with-cover-page- ogw6fsoeeHwLGbYFr~AE2OM3ufmZSAunm
v2.pdf?Expires=1647956159&Signature=QWd 5b9J10QQWElHjkZgXTWOJryD47eeYNe5p5
SQTBJMtK0q1zScXA08cB7au- UMBWcf~T25f0soOhrhA__&Key-Pair-

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49799 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1743

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