SurveyonIntelligentChatbots - State of The ArtandFutureResearchDirections
SurveyonIntelligentChatbots - State of The ArtandFutureResearchDirections
SurveyonIntelligentChatbots - State of The ArtandFutureResearchDirections
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1 Introduction
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a technology that allows communication
between users and computers using natural language [1]. An automated conver-
sation system (chatbot) is one human-machine conversation approach that has
been designed to convince humans they are conversing with a human instead of a
machine. Chatbots have been widely used in several domains, such as customer
service, website help and education. Recent studies predict that 80% of busi-
nesses plan to implement chatbots by 2020 [2]. The main benefits of using chat-
bots for companies is that their customer service processes are automated as the
chatbot can answer customers’ questions about products or services. However,
building a smart chatbot is challenging as requires contextual understanding,
text entailment and language-understanding technology [3]. Therefore, various
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
L. Barolli et al. (Eds.): CISIS 2019, AISC 993, pp. 534–543, 2020.
Survey on Intelligent Chatbots 535
forms of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) are
AI aims to make communication between humans and computers easier by
using natural language [4]. However, the complexity of human language has
resulted in the need for AI scientists to provide models that can understand
human language using the NLP approach. NLP is the area of research that
explores the capability of computers to understand the human language [5].
The main focus of this literature review is to survey the existing literature
and find the challenges and issues related to a chatbot. Therefore, in this paper,
we adopt a comprehensive survey of the conversation system.
This paper is organized as follows: the first section presents an overview of
chatbots; the second section presents a detailed background about chatbots; the
third section details the classification framework for different types of chatbots;
the fourth section presents the conclusion and future work.
2 Background of Chatbots
The idea of a chatbot comes from the “imitation” game or the Turing test which
was created by Alan Turing (1950) [1]. This game aimed to determine whether
a computer could imitate human behavior. The first chatbot, called ELIZA,
was developed in 1966 [11]. This system used keyword matching and minimal
context identification; however, this bot is a primitive system that lacked the
ability to maintain a conversation between humans and bots. In the 1980s, the
ALICE (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity) chatbot was created.
This bot was considered to be significant due to the use of the Artificial Intelli-
gent Markup Language (AIML) [12]. The idea behind AIML was to declare the
pattern-matching rules which connect user-submitted words and phrases. The
Jabberwack chatbot was built to simulate natural human language to learn from
previous conversations and then the contextual patterns were used to select the
most relevant response [13]. Additionally, commercial chatbots called Lingubots
were developed to customize the template to analyze the word structure and
grammar of the user’s input [14].
Recently, the importance of chatbot in the public sector has taken place for
example, chatbot was used for political purposes to inspire public opinion and
intervene any discussion in social media about politics [15]. Another chatbot has
been proposed as a digital channel of communication between citizens and the
government [16]. In the education sector, a chatbot has been used to enhance
critical thinking and support learners in learning a new language as the user
can learn from the chatbot through their conversations [17]. An educational
bot combining an intelligent tutoring system and learner modeling was designed
to support learners [18]. Another chatbot was proposed for medical students for
536 E. H. Almansor and F. K. Hussain
educational purposes [19]. In the health care sector, Your.MD chatbot was devel-
oped to provide relevant health information for patients [5]. Shawar and Atwell
developed an algorithm for retraining a chatbot in a specific domain about a
specific topic in any language [20]. Their algorithm was applied on two differ-
ent languages, Arabic and Afrikaans, using the different corpus, the Qu’ran to
compute frequently asked questions and the corpus of Spoken Afrikaans, respec-
In the past few years, chatbots have been increasingly used by several orga-
nizations to increase the response time to customers in answering their questions
and also reduce operational costs. Chatbot applications have been used in both
the private sector, including the virtual assistants that are powered by voice (e.g.
Siri, Alexa, Google now, Cortana) and public sector gaming agencies, telecom-
munications, banking (implementing transactions), tourism (booking hotels or
tickets), media (news provision), retail, stock market and insurance companies
[16]. Additionally, governments have used chatbots on social media platforms
such as Twitter as a new form of political communication [21].
the user with any help to complete any task in a specific job [31]. An example
of this system is the chatbot which chats with the user in a similar way to a
human and provides reasonable and relevant responses [3,31,32]. ELIZA is a
chatbot that uses a combination of rules and patterns. In 1981, another chatbot
was developed using simple text parsing rules to construct the dialogue system,
PARRY [33]. Both systems did not use data for learning purposes. Therefore,
a data-driven approach has been proposed to overcome some of the limitations
of the non-task-oriented dialogue system. This approach enables chatbots to
learn from the massive amount of available conversations on social media or
the Web2.0, which enhances the communication between humans and chatbots.
The developed methods are either retrieval-based or generation-based. Retrieval-
based models can obtain response candidates from a pre-built index, rank the
candidates then chose the response from the top-ranked ones [3,32].On the other
hand, generation-based methods use natural language generation (NLG) to select
the response [34].
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