RET670 61850-9-2 LE Customized

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Relion® 670 series

Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE

Product Guide
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2


1. Application.....................................................................3 10. Monitoring...................................................................16

2. Available functions..........................................................8 11. Metering......................................................................17
3. Differential protection....................................................11 12. Basic IED functions.....................................................17
4. Impedance protection..................................................12 13. Human machine interface............................................18
5. Current protection........................................................13 14. Station communication ...............................................18
6. Voltage protection........................................................14 15. Hardware description..................................................18
7. Secondary system supervision.....................................15 16. Connection diagrams..................................................21
8. Control.........................................................................15 17. Technical data.............................................................26
9. Logic............................................................................16 18. Ordering......................................................................59


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Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2 Issued: February 2015
Revision: B

1. Application
A very fast differential protection function with settable CT Distance protection functionality for phase-to-phase and/or
ratio matching and vector group compensation makes this phase-to-earth faults is available as back-up protection for
IED the ideal solution even for the most demanding faults within the transformer and in the connected power
applications. Since RET670 has very low requirements on the system.
main CTs, no interposing CTs are required.It is suitable for
Versatile phase, earth, positive and zero sequence
differential applications with multi-breaker arrangements with
overcurrent functions, which can optionally be made
up to six restraint CT inputs. The differential protection
directional and/or voltage controlled, provide further
function is provided with 2nd harmonic and wave-block
alternative backup protection. Thermal overload with two time-
restraint features to avoid tripping for magnetizing inrush
constants, volts per hertz, over/under voltage are also
current, and 5th harmonic restraint to avoid tripping for
A built-in disturbance and event recorder provides valuable
The differential function offers a high sensitivity for low-level
data to the user about status and operation for post-fault
internal faults. The unique and innovative sensitive differential
disturbance analysis.
protection feature of the RET670 provides the best possible
coverage for winding internal turn-to-turn faults, based on the Breaker failure protection allows high speed back-up tripping
theory of symmetrical components . of surrounding breakers.

A low impedance restricted earth-fault protection function is The transformer IED provided with Synchrocheck function to
available as a complimentary sensitive and fast main allow integration of the main and/or a local back-up control.
protection against winding earth faults. This function includes
a directional zero-sequence current criterion for additional RET670 can be used in applications with the IEC
security. 61850-9-2LE process bus with up to two Merging Units (MU).
Each MU has eight analogue channels, normally four current
Tripping from pressure relief/Buchholz and temperature and four voltages. Conventional and Merging Unit channels
devices can be done through the transformer IED where can be mixed freely in your application.
pulsing, lock-out contact output and so on, is performed. The
binary inputs are heavily stabilized against disturbance to The advanced logic capability, where user logic is prepared
prevent incorrect operations at for example dc system with a graphical tool, allows special applications such as
capacitive discharges or DC earth faults. automatic opening of disconnectors in multi-breaker
arrangements, closing of breaker rings, load transfer logic
The binary inputs are heavily stabilized against disturbances and so on. The graphical configuration tool ensures simple
to prevent incorrect operations during for example during DC and fast testing and commissioning.
system capacitive discharges or DC earth faults.

Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

1-ph 1-ph

4 CB1
TRIP CB1 I->O 4 Merging






94/86 4

59 SC/VC
IEC08000205 V2 EN

Figure 1. A typical protection application for a two winding transformer in single breaker arrangements is shown on the figure. The system
earthing principle and connection group will vary which gives different detailed arrangements for each application. Breaker failure
function is here provided for secondary side breaker. Merging unit/s can be used for voltage and or current as required and freely
mixed with conventional analogue inputs.

Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2


Merging unit
3I> S
I->O 4
94/86 IN>



94/86 4

59 SC/VC
3U> CB3
IEC08000203 V2 EN

Figure 2. A typical protection application for a two winding transformer in multi breaker arrangements is shown on the figure. The system
earthing principle and connection group will vary which gives different detailed arrangements for each application. Breaker failure
function is here provided for secondary side breaker. Merging unit/s can be used for voltage and or current as required and freely
mixed with conventional analogue inputs.

Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

94/86 3I> Merging
TRIP CB1 unit
I->O 4


IdN/I> 50BF
&CB1/2 3I>
4 3I>
4 4
51/67 4
4 94/86
94/86 4 TRIP
I->O CB3
2 59N
27 t2 2

IEC08000206 V2 EN

Figure 3. A typical protection application for a three winding transformer in single breaker arrangements is shown on the figure. The system
earthing principle and connection group will vary which gives different detailed arrangements for each application. Breaker failure
function is here provided for secondary and tertiary side breaker. Merging unit/s can be used for voltage and or current as
required and freely mixed with conventional analogue inputs.

Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2


Merging Merging
51/67 unit unit MU2
3I> S
I->O 4
94/86 IN>

&CB1/2/3 3I>
4 3I>
4 4
51/67 4
4 94/86
94/86 4 TRIP
I->O CB4

59 SC/VC
3U> CB3
2 59N
2 UN>
27 t2 2

IEC08000204 V2 EN

Figure 4. A typical protection application for a three winding transformer in multi breaker arrangements is shown on the figure. The system
earthing principle and connection group will vary which gives different detailed arrangements for each application. Breaker failure
function is here provided for secondary and tertiary side breaker. Merging unit/s can be used for voltage and or current as
required and freely mixed with conventional analogue inputs.

Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

2. Available functions

Main protection functions

2 = number of basic instances

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Transformer

RET670 V1

RET670 V2
Differential protection

T2WPDIF 87T Transformer differential protection, two winding 1

T3WPDIF 87T Transformer differential protection, three winding 1

REFPDIF 87N Restricted earth fault protection, low impedance 2

Impedance protection

ZMCPDIS, 21 Distance characteristic for series compensated lines 4


ZDSRDIR 21D Directional impedance quadrilateral, including series compensation 2

FDPSPDIS 21 Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with fixed angle 2

Back-up protection functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Transformer

RET670 V1

RET670 V2
Current protection

PHPIOC 50 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 1

OC4PTOC 51_67 Four step phase overcurrent protection 2 1

EFPIOC 50N Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection 1

EF4PTOC 51N_67 Four step residual overcurrent protection 2 1


TRPTTR 49 Thermal overload protection, two time constant 1 1

CCRBRF 50BF Breaker failure protection 1 1

BRCPTOC 46 Broken conductor check 1 1

Voltage protection

UV2PTUV 27 Two step undervoltage protection 1

OV2PTOV 59 Two step overvoltage protection 1

ROV2PTOV 59N Two step residual overvoltage protection 1

OEXPVPH 24 Overexcitation protection 1 1

LOVPTUV 27 Loss of voltage check 1 1

Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Control and monitoring functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Transformer

RET670 V1

RET670 V2

SESRSYN 25 Synchrocheck, energizing check and synchronizing 1

QCBAY Apparatus control 1 1

LOCREM Handling of LRswitch positions 1 1

LOCREMCTR LHMI control of PSTO 1 1


SLGGIO Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation 15 15

VSGGIO Selector mini switch 20 20

DPGGIO IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions 16 16

SPC8GGIO Single pole generic control 8 signals 5 5

AutomationBits AutomationBits, command function for DNP3.0 3 3

SingleComma Single command, 16 signals 4 4


VCTRSend Horizonal communication via GOOSE for VCTR 1 1

VCTR Horizontal communication via GOOSE for VCTR 7 7


Secondary system supervision

SDDRFUF Fuse failure supervision 2


SMPPTRC 94 Tripping logic 5 5

TMAGGIO Trip matrix logic 12 12

Configuration logic blocks 40-280 40-280

FixedSignals Fixed signal function block 1 1

B16I Boolean 16 to Integer conversion 16 16

B16IFCVI Boolean 16 to Integer conversion with Logic Node representation 16 16

IB16 Integer to Boolean 16 conversion 16 16

IB16FCVB Integer to Boolean 16 conversion with Logic Node representation 16 16


CVMMXN Measurements 6 6

EVENT Event function 20 20

DRPRDRE Disturbance report 1 1

SPGGIO IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions 64 64

SP16GGIO IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions 16 inputs 16 16

MVGGIO IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions 24 24

Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Transformer

RET670 V1

RET670 V2
BSStatReport Logical signal status report 3 3

RANGE_XP Measured value expander block 66 66


PCGGIO Pulse-counter logic 16 16

ETPMMTR Function for energy calculation and demand handling 6 6

Designed to communicate

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Transformer

RET670 V1

RET670 V2
Station communication

SPA communication protocol 1 1

LON communication protocol 1 1

IEC60870-5-103 communication protocol 20/1 20/1

Operation selection between SPA and IEC60870-5-103 for SLM 1 1

DNP3.0 for TCP/IP and EIA-485 communication protocol 1 1

DNP3.0 fault records for TCP/IP and EIA-485 communication protocol 1 1

Parameter setting function for IEC61850 1 1

IntlReceive Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking 59 59

Goose binary receive 10 10

Multiple command and transmit 60/10 60/10

Ethernet configuration of links 1 1

Process bus communication IEC61850-9-2LE 2 2

Remote communication

Binary signal transfer receive/transmit 6/36 6/36

Transmission of analog data from LDCM 1 1

Receive binary status from remote LDCM 6/3/3 6/3/3

10 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Basic IED functions

IEC 61850 Function description

Basic functions included in all products

IntErrorSig Self supervision with internal event list 1

TIME Time and synchronization error 1

TimeSynch Time synchronization 1

ActiveGroup Parameter setting groups 1

Test Test mode functionality 1

ChangeLock Change lock function 1

TerminalID IED identifiers 1

Productinfo Product information 1

MiscBaseCommon Misc Base Common 1

IEDRuntimeComp IED Runtime Comp 1

RatedFreq Rated system frequency 1

SMBI Signal Matrix for binary inputs 40

SMBO Signal Matrix for binary outputs 40

SMMI Signal Matrix for mA inputs 4

SMAI Signal Matrix for analog inputs 36

Sum3Ph Summation block 3 phase 18

LocalHMI Parameter setting function for HMI in PCM600 1

LocalHMI Local HMI signals 1

AuthStatus Authority status 1

AuthorityCheck Authority check 1

AccessFTP FTP access with password 1

SPACommMap SPA communication mapping 1

DOSFRNT Denial of service, frame rate control for front port 1

DOSOEMAB Denial of service, frame rate control for OEM port AB 1

DOSOEMCD Denial of service, frame rate control for OEM port CD 1

3. Differential protection three-winding transformer in multi-breaker station

Transformer differential protection T2WPDIF/T3WPDIF
The Transformer differential protection, two-winding Up to two Merging Units (MU) and nine current transformers
(T2WPDIF) and Transformer differential protection, three- can be accommodated depending on hardware modules
winding (T3WPDIF) are provided with internal CT ratio selected.
matching and vector group compensation and settable zero
sequence current elimination.

The function can be provided with up to three-phase sets of

current inputs. All current inputs are provided with percentage
bias restraint features, making the IED suitable for two- or

ABB 11
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

high set unrestrained differential current protection element is

Two-winding applications included for a very high speed tripping at a high internal fault
two-winding power
MU transformer
Included is an innovative sensitive differential protection
IEC08000153 V1 EN
element based on the theory of symmetrical components.
three-winding power This element offers the best possible coverage of power
transformer with transformer windings turn to turn faults.
unconnected delta

IEC08000154 V1 EN
tertiary winding Restricted earth-fault protection, low impedance REFPDIF
two-winding power
Restricted earth-fault protection, low-impedance function
transformer with two (REFPDIF) can be used on all directly or low-impedance
xx08000155.vsd circuit breakers on earthed windings. The REFPDIF function provides high
one side sensitivity and high speed tripping as it protects each winding
IEC08000155 V1 EN separately and thus does not need inrush stabilization.
two-winding power
The low-impedance function is a percentage biased function
MU transformer with two
with an additional zero sequence current directional
MU circuit breakers and
two CT-sets on both comparison criterion. This gives excellent sensitivity and
xx08000156.vsd sides stability during through faults.
IEC08000156 V1 EN
REFPDIF can also protect autotransformers. In this case, the
Three-winding applications negative sequence current directional comparison must be
three-winding power used. The most typical and the most complicated
transformer with all configuration of an autotransformer is shown in figure 6. Five
three windings currents are measured in the case illustrated in figure 6.
xx08000157.vsd CT CT
IEC08000157 V1 EN YNdx
Y d
three-winding power CB CB
transformer with two Autotransformer
circuit breakers and CT
two CT-sets on one
xx08000158.vsd side

IEC08000158 V1 EN The most typical CT CB CB CT

The most complicated
MU MU Autotransformer with application - autotransformer

two circuit breakers IEC05000058-2-en.vsd

and two CT-sets on IEC05000058-2 V1 EN

two out of three sides

Figure 6. Examples of applications of the REFPDIF


IEC08000159 V1 EN

Figure 5. CT group arrangement with

Merging Unit (MU) for differential
4. Impedance protection
protection and other protections
Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic for
The setting facilities cover the application of the differential series compensated lines ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDIS
protection to all types of power transformers and auto- The line distance protection is a four zone full scheme
transformers with or without load tap changer as well as protection with three fault loops for phase-to-phase faults and
shunt reactors and local feeders within the station. An three fault loops for phase-to-earth fault for each of the
adaptive stabilizing feature is included for heavy through- independent zones. Individual settings for each zone resistive
faults.By introducing the load tap changer position, the and reactive reach give flexibility for use on overhead lines
differential protection pick-up can be set to optimum and cables of different types and lengths.
sensitivity thus covering internal faults with low fault level.
Quadrilateral characteristic is available.
Stabilization is included for inrush and overexcitation currents
respectively. Adaptive stabilization is also included for system ZMCPDIS function has functionality for load encroachment
recovery inrush and CT saturation during external faults. A which increases the possibility to detect high resistive faults
on heavily loaded lines.
12 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

5. Current protection
Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC
The instantaneous three phase overcurrent function has a low
transient overreach and short tripping time to allow use as a
high set short-circuit protection function.

Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC

The four step phase overcurrent protection function
OC4PTOC has an inverse or definite time delay independent
R for step 1 and 4 separately. Step 2 and 3 are always definite
time delayed.
All IEC and ANSI inverse time characteristics are available
together with an optional user defined time characteristic.

The directional function is voltage polarized with memory. The

function can be set to be directional or non-directional
IEC05000034 V1 EN
independently for each of the steps.

Figure 7. Typical quadrilateral distance protection zone with load Second harmonic blocking level can be set for the function
encroachment function activated
and can be used to block each step individually

Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC

The distance protection zones can operate, independent of
The Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC
each other, in directional (forward or reverse) or non-
has a low transient overreach and short tripping times to
directional mode. This makes them suitable, together with
allow use for instantaneous earth-fault protection, with the
different communication schemes, for the protection of power
reach limited to less than typical eighty percent of the
lines and cables in complex network configurations, such as
transformer impedance at minimum source impedance.
parallel lines, multi-terminal lines.
EFPIOC can be configured to measure the residual current
Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with fixed angle from the three-phase current inputs or the current from a
FDPSPDIS separate current input. EFPIOC can be blocked by activating
The operation of transmission networks today is in many the input BLOCK.
cases close to the stability limit. Due to environmental
Four step residual overcurrent protection, zero sequence and
considerations, the rate of expansion and reinforcement of
negative sequence direction EF4PTOC
the power system is reduced, for example, difficulties to get
The four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC has
permission to build new power lines. The ability to accurately
an inverse or definite time delay independent for each step
and reliably classify the different types of fault, so that single
pole tripping and autoreclosing can be used plays an
important role in this matter.Phase selection, quadrilateral All IEC and ANSI time-delayed characteristics are available
characteristic with fixed angle FDPSPDIS is designed to together with an optional user defined characteristic.
accurately select the proper fault loop in the distance function
dependent on the fault type. EF4PTOC can be set directional or non-directional
independently for each of the steps.
The heavy load transfer that is common in many transmission
networks may make fault resistance coverage difficult to IDir, UPol and IPol can be independently selected to be either
achieve. Therefore, FDPSPDIS has a built-in algorithm for zero sequence or negative sequence.
load encroachment, which gives the possibility to enlarge the
resistive setting of both the phase selection and the Second harmonic blocking can be set individually for each
measuring zones without interfering with the load. step.

The extensive output signals from the phase selection gives Directional operation can be combined together with
also important information about faulty phase(s), which can corresponding communication logic in permissive or blocking
be used for fault analysis. teleprotection scheme. Current reversal and weak-end infeed
functionality are available as well.
A current-based phase selection is also included. The
measuring elements continuously measure three phase EF4PTOC can be configured to measure the residual current
currents and the residual current and, compare them with the from the three-phase current inputs or the current from a
set values. separate current input.

ABB 13
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

prepare for system restoration at power outages or as long-

Thermal overload protection, two time constant TRPTTR time delayed back-up to primary protection.
If a power transformer or generator reaches very high
temperatures the equipment might be damaged. The UV2PTUV has two voltage steps, each with inverse or definite
insulation within the transformer/generator will have forced time delay.
ageing. As a consequence of this the risk of internal phase-to-
phase or phase-to-earth faults will increase. High temperature Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV
will degrade the quality of the transformer/generator insulation. Overvoltages may occur in the power system during abnormal
conditions such as sudden power loss, tap changer
The thermal overload protection estimates the internal heat regulating failures, open line ends on long lines etc.
content of the transformer/generator (temperature)
continuously. This estimation is made by using a thermal Two step overvoltage protection (OV2PTOV) function can be
model of the transformer/generator with two time constants, used to detect open line ends, normally then combined with a
which is based on current measurement. directional reactive over-power function to supervise the
system voltage. When triggered, the function will cause an
Two warning levels are available. This enables actions in the alarm, switch in reactors, or switch out capacitor banks.
power system to be done before dangerous temperatures are
reached. If the temperature continues to increase to the trip OV2PTOV has two voltage steps, each of them with inverse
value, the protection initiates a trip of the protected or definite time delayed.
OV2PTOV has an extremely high reset ratio to allow settings
Breaker failure protection CCRBRF close to system service voltage.
Breaker failure protection (CCRBRF) ensures fast back-up
Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV
tripping of surrounding breakers in case the own breaker fails
Residual voltages may occur in the power system during
to open. CCRBRF can be current based, contact based, or
earth faults.
an adaptive combination of these two conditions.
Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV function
Current check with extremely short reset time is used as
calculates the residual voltage from the three-phase voltage
check criterion to achieve high security against inadvertent
input transformers or measures it from a single voltage input
transformer fed from an open delta or neutral point voltage
Contact check criteria can be used where the fault current transformer.
through the breaker is small.
ROV2PTOV has two voltage steps, each with inverse or
CCRBRF can be single- or three-phase initiated to allow use definite time delay.
with single phase tripping applications. For the three-phase
Reset delay ensures operation for intermittent earth faults.
version of CCRBRF the current criteria can be set to operate
only if two out of four for example, two phases or one phase Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH
plus the residual current start. This gives a higher security to When the laminated core of a power transformer or generator
the back-up trip command. is subjected to a magnetic flux density beyond its design
limits, stray flux will flow into non-laminated components not
CCRBRF function can be programmed to give a single- or
designed to carry flux and cause eddy currents to flow. The
three-phase re-trip of the own breaker to avoid unnecessary
eddy currents can cause excessive heating and severe
tripping of surrounding breakers at an incorrect initiation due
damage to insulation and adjacent parts in a relatively short
to mistakes during testing.
time. The function has settable inverse operating curves and
Broken conductor check BRCPTOC independent alarm stages.
The main purpose of the function Broken conductor check
Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV
(BRCPTOC) is the detection of broken conductors on
Loss of voltage check (LOVPTUV) is suitable for use in
protected power lines and cables (series faults). Detection
networks with an automatic system restoration function.
can be used to give alarm only or trip the line breaker.
LOVPTUV issues a three-pole trip command to the circuit
breaker, if all three phase voltages fall below the set value for
6. Voltage protection a time longer than the set time and the circuit breaker
remains closed.
Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV
Undervoltages can occur in the power system during faults or
abnormal conditions. Two step undervoltage protection
(UV2PTUV) function can be used to open circuit breakers to

14 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

7. Secondary system supervision For systems which are running asynchronous a synchronizing
function is provided. The main purpose of the synchronizing
Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF function is to provide controlled closing of circuit breakers
The aim of the fuse failure supervision function (SDDRFUF) is when two asynchronous systems are going to be connected.
to block voltage measuring functions at failures in the It is used for slip frequencies that are larger than those for
secondary circuits between the voltage transformer and the synchrocheck and lower than a set maximum level for the
IED in order to avoid unwanted operations that otherwise synchronizing function.
might occur.
Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI
The fuse failure supervision function basically has three presentation SLGGIO
different algorithms, negative sequence and zero sequence The logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI
based algorithms and an additional delta voltage and delta presentation (SLGGIO) (or the selector switch function block)
current algorithm. is used to get a selector switch functionality similar to the one
provided by a hardware selector switch. Hardware selector
The negative sequence detection algorithm is recommended
switches are used extensively by utilities, in order to have
for IEDs used in isolated or high-impedance earthed
different functions operating on pre-set values. Hardware
networks. It is based on the negative-sequence measuring
switches are however sources for maintenance issues, lower
quantities, a high value of voltage 3U 2 without the presence
system reliability and an extended purchase portfolio. The
of the negative-sequence current 3I 2.
logic selector switches eliminate all these problems.
The zero sequence detection algorithm is recommended for Selector mini switch VSGGIO
IEDs used in directly or low impedance earthed networks. It is The Selector mini switch VSGGIO function block is a
based on the zero sequence measuring quantities, a high multipurpose function used for a variety of applications, as a
value of voltage 3U 0 without the presence of the residual general purpose switch.
current 3I 0.
VSGGIO can be controlled from the menu or from a symbol
For better adaptation to system requirements, an operation on the single line diagram (SLD) on the local HMI.
mode setting has been introduced which makes it possible to
select the operating conditions for negative sequence and IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions DPGGIO
zero sequence based function. The selection of different The IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions
operation modes makes it possible to choose different (DPGGIO) function block is used to send double indications to
interaction possibilities between the negative sequence and other systems or equipment in the substation. It is especially
zero sequence based algorithm. used in the interlocking and reservation station-wide logics.

A criterion based on delta current and delta voltage Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GGIO
measurements can be added to the fuse failure supervision The Single point generic control 8 signals (SPC8GGIO)
function in order to detect a three phase fuse failure, which in function block is a collection of 8 single point commands,
practice is more associated with voltage transformer designed to bring in commands from REMOTE (SCADA) to
switching during station operations. those parts of the logic configuration that do not need
extensive command receiving functionality (for example,
SCSWI). In this way, simple commands can be sent directly
8. Control to the IED outputs, without confirmation. Confirmation (status)
of the result of the commands is supposed to be achieved by
Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN
other means, such as binary inputs and SPGGIO function
The Synchronizing function allows closing of asynchronous
blocks. The commands can be pulsed or steady.
networks at the correct moment including the breaker closing
time, which improves the network stability. AutomationBits, command function for DNP3.0 AUTOBITS
AutomationBits function for DNP3 (AUTOBITS) is used within
Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing
PCM600 to get into the configuration of the commands
(SESRSYN) function checks that the voltages on both sides of
coming through the DNP3 protocol. The AUTOBITS function
the circuit breaker are in synchronism, or with at least one
plays the same role as functions GOOSEBINRCV (for IEC
side dead to ensure that closing can be done safely.
61850) and MULTICMDRCV (for LON).
SESRSYN function includes a built-in voltage selection
Single command, 16 signals
scheme for double bus and 1½ breaker or ring busbar
The IEDs can receive commands either from a substation
automation system or from the local HMI. The command
Manual closing as well as automatic reclosing can be function block has outputs that can be used, for example, to
checked by the function and can have different settings.

ABB 15
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

control high voltage apparatuses or for other user defined signals connected to the function block with a, maximum of
functionality. 40 analog and 96 binary signals.

The Disturbance report functionality is a common name for

9. Logic several functions:

Tripping logic SMPPTRC • Event list

A function block for protection tripping is provided for each • Indications
circuit breaker involved in the tripping of the fault. It provides • Event recorder
a settable pulse prolongation to ensure a trip pulse of • Trip value recorder
sufficient length, as well as all functionality necessary for • Disturbance recorder
correct co-operation with autoreclosing functions.
The Disturbance report function is characterized by great
The trip function block also includes a settable latch flexibility regarding configuration, starting conditions,
functionality for evolving faults and breaker lock-out. recording times, and large storage capacity.

Trip matrix logic TMAGGIO A disturbance is defined as an activation of an input to the

Trip matrix logic TMAGGIO function is used to route trip AxRADR or BxRBDR function blocks, which are set to trigger
signals and other logical output signals to different output the disturbance recorder. All signals from start of pre-fault
contacts on the IED. time to the end of post-fault time will be included in the
TMAGGIO output signals and the physical outputs allows the
user to adapt the signals to the physical tripping outputs Every disturbance report recording is saved in the IED in the
according to the specific application needs. standard Comtrade format. The same applies to all events,
which are continuously saved in a ring-buffer. The local HMI is
Fixed signal function block
used to get information about the recordings. The
The Fixed signals function (FXDSIGN) generates a number of
disturbance report files may be uploaded to PCM600 for
pre-set (fixed) signals that can be used in the configuration of
further analysis using the disturbance handling tool.
an IED, either for forcing the unused inputs in other function
blocks to a certain level/value, or for creating certain logic. Event list DRPRDRE
Continuous event-logging is useful for monitoring the system
10. Monitoring from an overview perspective and is a complement to specific
disturbance recorder functions.
Supervision of mA input signals
The main purpose of the function is to measure and process The event list logs all binary input signals connected to the
signals from different measuring transducers. Many devices Disturbance report function. The list may contain up to 1000
used in process control represent various parameters such as time-tagged events stored in a ring-buffer.
frequency, temperature and DC battery voltage as low current
Indications DRPRDRE
values, usually in the range 4-20 mA or 0-20 mA.
To get fast, condensed and reliable information about
Alarm limits can be set and used as triggers, e.g. to generate disturbances in the primary and/or in the secondary system it
trip or alarm signals. is important to know, for example binary signals that have
changed status during a disturbance. This information is used
The function requires that the IED is equipped with the mA in the short perspective to get information via the local HMI in
input module. a straightforward way.

Event counter CNTGGIO There are three LEDs on the local HMI (green, yellow and
Event counter (CNTGGIO) has six counters which are used for red), which will display status information about the IED and
storing the number of times each counter input has been the Disturbance report function (triggered).
The Indication list function shows all selected binary input
Disturbance report DRPRDRE signals connected to the Disturbance report function that
Complete and reliable information about disturbances in the have changed status during a disturbance.
primary and/or in the secondary system together with
continuous event-logging is accomplished by the disturbance Event recorder DRPRDRE
report functionality. Quick, complete and reliable information about disturbances
in the primary and/or in the secondary system is vital, for
Disturbance report DRPRDRE, always included in the IED, example, time-tagged events logged during disturbances.
acquires sampled data of all selected analog input and binary This information is used for different purposes in the short

16 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

term (for example corrective actions) and in the long term (for Analog and double indication values are also transferred
example functional analysis). through EVENT function.

The event recorder logs all selected binary input signals IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions MVGGIO
connected to the Disturbance report function. Each recording IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions (MVGGIO)
can contain up to 150 time-tagged events. function is used to send the instantaneous value of an analog
signal to other systems or equipment in the substation. It can
The event recorder information is available for the also be used inside the same IED, to attach a RANGE aspect
disturbances locally in the IED. to an analog value and to permit measurement supervision on
that value.
The event recording information is an integrated part of the
disturbance record (Comtrade file). Measured value expander block RANGE_XP
The current and voltage measurements functions (CVMMXN,
Trip value recorder DRPRDRE
CMMXU, VMMXU and VNMMXU), current and voltage
Information about the pre-fault and fault values for currents
sequence measurement functions (CMSQI and VMSQI) and
and voltages are vital for the disturbance evaluation.
IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions (MVGGIO)
The Trip value recorder calculates the values of all selected are provided with measurement supervision functionality. All
analog input signals connected to the Disturbance report measured values can be supervised with four settable limits:
function. The result is magnitude and phase angle before and low-low limit, low limit, high limit and high-high limit. The
during the fault for each analog input signal. measure value expander block (RANGE_XP) has been
introduced to enable translating the integer output signal from
The trip value recorder information is available for the the measuring functions to 5 binary signals: below low-low
disturbances locally in the IED. limit, below low limit, normal, above high-high limit or above
high limit. The output signals can be used as conditions in the
The trip value recorder information is an integrated part of the configurable logic or for alarming purpose.
disturbance record (Comtrade file).

Disturbance recorder DRPRDRE 11. Metering

The Disturbance recorder function supplies fast, complete
and reliable information about disturbances in the power Pulse counter logic PCGGIO
system. It facilitates understanding system behavior and Pulse counter (PCGGIO) function counts externally generated
related primary and secondary equipment during and after a binary pulses, for instance pulses coming from an external
disturbance. Recorded information is used for different energy meter, for calculation of energy consumption values.
purposes in the short perspective (for example corrective The pulses are captured by the binary input module and then
actions) and long perspective (for example functional analysis). read by the function. A scaled service value is available over
the station bus. The special Binary input module with
The Disturbance recorder acquires sampled data from enhanced pulse counting capabilities must be ordered to
selected analog- and binary signals connected to the achieve this functionality.
Disturbance report function (maximum 40 analog and 96
binary signals). The binary signals available are the same as Function for energy calculation and demand handling
for the event recorder function. ETPMMTR
Outputs from the Measurements (CVMMXN) function can be
The function is characterized by great flexibility and is not used to calculate energy consumption. Active as well as
dependent on the operation of protection functions. It can reactive values are calculated in import and export direction.
record disturbances not detected by protection functions. Up Values can be read or generated as pulses. Maximum
to seconds of data before the trigger instant can be saved in demand power values are also calculated by the function.
the disturbance file.

The disturbance recorder information for up to 100 12. Basic IED functions
disturbances are saved in the IED and the local HMI is used
Time synchronization
to view the list of recordings.
The time synchronization source selector is used to select a
Event function common source of absolute time for the IED when it is a part
When using a Substation Automation system with LON or of a protection system. This makes it possible to compare
SPA communication, time-tagged events can be sent at event and disturbance data between all IEDs in a station
change or cyclically from the IED to the station level. These automation system. A common source shall be used for IED
events are created from any available signal in the IED that is and merging unit when IEC 61850-9-2LE process bus
connected to the Event function (EVENT). The event function communication is used.
block is used for LON and SPA communication.
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Product version: 1.2

13. Human machine interface

IEC 61850-8-1 communication protocol
Human machine interface The IEC 61850-8-1 communication is also possible from the
The local HMI is divided into zones with different functionality. optical Ethernet front port. IEC 61850-8-1 protocol allows
intelligent electrical devices (IEDs) from different vendors to
• Status indication LEDs. exchange information and simplifies system engineering. Peer-
• Alarm indication LEDs, which consist of 15 LEDs (6 red to-peer communication according to GOOSE is part of the
and 9 yellow) with user printable label. All LEDs are standard. Disturbance files uploading is provided.
configurable from PCM600.
• Liquid crystal display (LCD). IEC 61850-9-2LE communication protocol
• Keypad with push buttons for control and navigation Single optical Ethernet port for the new substation
purposes, switch for selection between local and remote communication standard IEC 61850-9-2LE for the process
control and reset. bus is provided. IEC 61850-9-2LE allows Non Conventional
• Isolated RJ45 communication port. Instrument Transformers (NCIT) with Merging Units (MU) to
exchange information with the IED and simplifies SA

Serial communication, LON

Existing stations with ABB station bus LON can be extended
with use of the optical LON interface. This allows full SA
functionality including peer-to-peer messaging and
cooperation between existing ABB IED's and the new IED

SPA communication protocol

A single glass or plastic port is provided for the ABB SPA
protocol. This allows extensions of simple substation
automation systems but the main use is for Substation
Monitoring Systems SMS.

IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol

A single glass or plastic port is provided for the
IEC60870-5-103 standard. This allows design of simple
substation automation systems including equipment from
different vendors. Disturbance files uploading is provided.

IEC05000056-LITEN V1 EN
DNP3.0 communication protocol
Figure 8. Medium graphic HMI, 15 controllable objects An electrical RS485 and an optical Ethernet port is available
for the DNP3.0 communication. DNP3.0 Level 2
communication with unsolicited events, time synchronizing
and disturbance reporting is provided for communication to
14. Station communication RTUs, Gateways or HMI systems.

Overview Multiple command and transmit

Each IED is provided with a communication interface, When 670 IED's are used in Substation Automation systems
enabling it to connect to one or many substation level with LON, SPA or IEC60870-5-103 communication protocols
systems or equipment, either on the Substation Automation the Event and Multiple Command function blocks are used as
(SA) bus or Substation Monitoring (SM) bus. the communication interface for vertical communication to
station HMI and gateway and as interface for horizontal peer-
Following communication protocols are available: to-peer communication (over LON only).

• IEC 61850-8-1 communication protocol

• IEC 61850-9-2LE communication protocol 15. Hardware description
• LON communication protocol
• SPA or IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol Hardware modules
• DNP3.0 communication protocol Power supply module PSM
The power supply module is used to provide the correct
Theoretically, several protocols can be combined in the same internal voltages and full isolation between the terminal and
IED. the battery system. An internal fail alarm output is available.

18 ABB
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Product version: 1.2

Binary input module BIM module has two optical communication ports for plastic/
The binary input module has 16 optically isolated inputs and plastic, plastic/glass or glass/glass. One port is used for serial
is available in two versions, one standard and one with communication (SPA, IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP3 port or
enhanced pulse counting capabilities on the inputs to be dedicated IEC 60870-5-103 port depending on ordered SLM
used with the pulse counter function. The binary inputs are module) and one port is dedicated for LON communication.
freely programmable and can be used for the input of logical
signals to any of the functions. They can also be included in Galvanic RS485 serial communication module
the disturbance recording and event-recording functions. This The Galvanic RS485 communication module (RS485) is used
enables extensive monitoring and evaluation of operation of for DNP3.0 communication. The module has one RS485
the IED and for all associated electrical circuits. communication port. The RS485 is a balanced serial
communication that can be used either in 2-wire or 4-wire
Binary output module BOM connections. A 2-wire connection uses the same signal for RX
The binary output module has 24 independent output relays and TX and is a multidrop communication with no dedicated
and is used for trip output or any signaling purpose. Master or slave. This variant requires however a control of the
output. The 4-wire connection has separated signals for RX
Static binary output module SOM and TX multidrop communication with a dedicated Master
The static binary output module has six fast static outputs and the rest are slaves. No special control signal is needed in
and six change over output relays for use in applications with this case.
high speed requirements.
IRIG-B Time synchronizing module
Binary input/output module IOM The IRIG-B time synchronizing module is used for accurate
The binary input/output module is used when only a few input time synchronizing of the IED from a station clock.
and output channels are needed. The ten standard output
channels are used for trip output or any signaling purpose. The Pulse Per Second (PPS) input shall be used for
The two high speed signal output channels are used for synchronizing when IEC 61850-9-2LE is used.
applications where short operating time is essential. Eight
optically isolated binary inputs cater for required binary input Optical connection (ST) for 1344 IRIG-B support.
Transformer input module TRM
mA input module MIM The transformer input module is used to galvanically separate
The milli-ampere input module is used to interface transducer and transform the secondary currents and voltages generated
signals in the –20 to +20 mA range from for example OLTC by the measuring transformers. The module has twelve inputs
position, temperature or pressure transducers. The module in different combinations of currents and voltage inputs.
has six independent, galvanically separated channels.
Alternative connectors of Ring lug or Compression type can
Serial and LON communication module SLM, supports SPA/ be ordered.
IEC 60870-5-103, LON and DNP 3.0
The serial and LON communication module (SLM) is used for
SPA, IEC 60870-5-103, DNP3 and LON communication. The

Layout and dimensions

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Product version: 1.2




IEC05000059 V1 EN

Figure 9. 1/1 x 19” case with rear cover

Case size A B C D E F

6U, 1/1 x 19” 265.9 448.1 201.1 242.1 252.9 430.3


Mounting alternatives See ordering for details about available mounting alternatives.
• 19” rack mounting kit
• Flush mounting kit with cut-out dimensions:
– 1/1 case size (h) 254.3 mm (w) 434.7 mm

20 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

16. Connection diagrams

Table 1. Designations for 1/1 x 19” casing with 1 TRM slot

Module Rear Positions

BIM, BOM, SOM, X31 and X32 etc. to X161
IOM or MIM and X162
SLM X301:A, B, C, D
LDCM, IRIG-B or X302
LDCM or RS485 X303
OEM X311:A, B, C, D
LDCM,RS485 or X312, X313
TRM X401

1MRK002801-AC-5-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

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Product version: 1.2

1MRK002801-AC-10-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

Figure 10. Transformer input module (TRM)

■ Indicates high polarity

CT/VT-input designation according to figure 10

AI01 AI02 AI03 AI04 AI05 AI06 AI07 AI08 AI09 AI10 AI11 AI12
(50/60 Hz)

9I+3U, 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V

9I+3U, 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V
5I, 1A+4I, 5A+3U 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 5A 5A 5A 5A 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V
7I+5U, 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V
7I+5U, 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V
3I, 5A+4I, 1A+5U 5A 5A 5A 1A 1A 1A 1A 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V 110-220V
Note that internal polarity can be adjusted by setting of analog input CT neutral direction and/or on SMAI pre-processing function blocks.

22 ABB
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Product version: 1.2

1MRK002801-AC-15-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

Figure 12. mA input module (MIM)

1MRK002801-AC-11-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

Figure 11. Binary input module (BIM). Input contacts

named XA corresponds to rear position
X31, X41, and so on, and input contacts
named XB to rear position X32, X42, and
so on.

1MRK002801-AC-8-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

Figure 13. IED with basic functionality and communication interfaces

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Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

1MRK002801-AC-7-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

Figure 14. Power supply module (PSM)

1MRK002801-AC-12-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

Figure 15. Binary output module (BOM). Output contacts named XA corresponds to rear position X31, X41, and so on, and output
contacts named XB to rear position X32, X42, and so on.

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Product version: 1.2

1MRK002801-AC-13-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

Figure 16. Static output module (SOM)

1MRK002801-AC-14-670-1.2-PG V1 EN

Figure 17. Binary in/out module (IOM). Input contacts named XA corresponds to rear position X31, X41, and so on, and output contacts
named XB to rear position X32, X42, and so on.

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Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

17. Technical data



Reference value The specified value of an influencing factor to which are referred the characteristics of the equipment

Nominal range The range of values of an influencing quantity (factor) within which, under specified conditions, the equipment meets the
specified requirements

Operative range The range of values of a given energizing quantity for which the equipment, under specified conditions, is able to perform its
intended functions according to the specified requirements

Energizing quantities, rated values and limits

Analog inputs

Table 2. TRM - Energizing quantities, rated values and limits for protection transformer modules

Quantity Rated value Nominal range

Current Ir = 1 or 5 A (0.2-40) × Ir

Operative range (0-100) x Ir

Permissive overload 4 × Ir cont.

100 × Ir for 1 s *)

Burden < 150 mVA at Ir = 5 A

< 20 mVA at Ir = 1 A

Ac voltage Ur = 110 V 0.5–288 V

Operative range (0–340) V

Permissive overload 420 V cont.

450 V 10 s

Burden < 20 mVA at 110 V

Frequency fr = 50/60 Hz ± 5%

*) max. 350 A for 1 s when COMBITEST test switch is included.

26 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 3. TRM - Energizing quantities, rated values and limits for measuring transformer modules

Quantity Rated value Nominal range

Current Ir = 1 or 5 A (0-1.8) × Irat Ir = 1 A

(0-1.6) × Irat Ir = 5 A

Permissive overload 1.1 × Ir cont.

1.8 × Ir for 30 min at Ir = 1 A
1.6 × Ir for 30 min at Ir = 5 A

Burden < 350 mVA at Ir = 5 A

< 200 mVA at Ir = 1 A

Ac voltage Ur = 110 V 0.5–288 V

Operative range (0–340) V

Permissive overload 420 V cont.

450 V 10 s

Burden < 20 mVA at 110 V

Frequency fr = 50/60 Hz ± 5%

Table 4. MIM - mA input module

Quantity: Rated value: Nominal range:

Input resistance Rin = 194 Ohm -

Input range ± 5, ± 10, ± 20mA -

0-5, 0-10, 0-20, 4-20mA

Power consumption -
each mA-board £2W
each mA input £ 0.1 W

Auxiliary DC voltage

Table 5. PSM - Power supply module

Quantity Rated value Nominal range

Auxiliary dc voltage, EL (input) EL = (24 - 60) V EL ± 20%

EL = (90 - 250) V EL ± 20%

Power consumption 50 W typically -

Auxiliary DC power in-rush < 5 A during 0.1 s -

ABB 27
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
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Binary inputs and outputs

Table 6. BIM - Binary input module

Quantity Rated value Nominal range

Binary inputs 16 -

DC voltage, RL 24/30 V RL ± 20%

48/60 V RL ± 20%
110/125 V RL ± 20%
220/250 V RL ± 20%

Power consumption
24/30 V, 50mA max. 0.05 W/input -
48/60 V, 50mA max. 0.1 W/input
110/125 V, 50mA max. 0.2 W/input
220/250 V, 50mA max. 0.4 W/input
220/250 V, 110mA max. 0.5 W/input

Counter input frequency 10 pulses/s max -

Oscillating signal discriminator Blocking settable 1–40 Hz

Release settable 1–30 Hz

Debounce filter Settable 1–20ms

Maximum 176 binary input channels may

be activated simultaneously with influencing
factors within nominal range.

Table 7. BIM - Binary input module with enhanced pulse counting capabilities

Quantity Rated value Nominal range

Binary inputs 16 -

DC voltage, RL 24/30 V RL ± 20%

48/60 V RL ± 20%
110/125 V RL ± 20%
220/250 V RL ± 20%

Power consumption
24/30 V max. 0.05 W/input -
48/60 V max. 0.1 W/input
110/125 V max. 0.2 W/input
220/250 V max. 0.4 W/input

Counter input frequency 10 pulses/s max -

Balanced counter input frequency 40 pulses/s max -

Oscillating signal discriminator Blocking settable 1–40 Hz

Release settable 1–30 Hz

Maximum 176 binary input channels may

be activated simultaneously with influencing
factors within nominal range.

28 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 8. IOM - Binary input/output module

Quantity Rated value Nominal range

Binary inputs 8 -

DC voltage, RL 24/30 V RL ± 20%

48/60 V RL ± 20%
110/125 V RL ± 20%
220/250 V RL ± 20%

Power consumption -
24/30 V, 50 mA max. 0.05 W/input
48/60 V, 50 mA max. 0.1 W/input
110/125 V, 50 mA max. 0.2 W/input
220/250 V, 50 mA max. 0.4 W/input
220/250 V, 110 mA max. 0.5 W/input

Counter input frequency 10 pulses/s max

Oscillating signal discriminator Blocking settable 1-40 Hz

Release settable 1-30 Hz

Debounce filter Settable 1-20 ms

Maximum 176 binary input channels may

be activated simultaneously with influencing
factors within nominal range.

Table 9. IOM - Binary input/output module contact data (reference standard: IEC 61810-2)

Function or quantity Trip and signal relays Fast signal relays (parallel
reed relay)

Binary outputs 10 2

Max system voltage 250 V AC, DC 250 V DC

Test voltage across open contact, 1 min 1000 V rms 800 V DC

Current carrying capacity

Per relay, continuous 8A 8A
Per relay, 1 s 10 A 10 A
Per process connector pin, continuous 12 A 12 A

Making capacity at inductive load with L/R>10 ms

0.2 s
1.0 s 30 A 0.4 A
10 A 0.4 A

Making capacity at resistive load

220–250 V/0.4 A
0.2 s 30 A 110–125 V/0.4 A
1.0 s 10 A 48–60 V/0.2 A
24–30 V/0.1 A

Breaking capacity for AC, cos φ > 0.4 250 V/8.0 A 250 V/8.0 A

Breaking capacity for DC with L/R < 40 ms 48 V/1 A 48 V/1 A

110 V/0.4 A 110 V/0.4 A
125 V/0.35 A 125 V/0.35 A
220 V/0.2 A 220 V/0.2 A
250 V/0.15 A 250 V/0.15 A

Maximum capacitive load - 10 nF

ABB 29
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 10. IOM with MOV and IOM 220/250 V, 110mA - contact data (reference standard: IEC 61810-2)

Function or quantity Trip and Signal relays Fast signal relays (parallel reed relay)

Binary outputs IOM: 10 IOM: 2

Max system voltage 250 V AC, DC 250 V DC

Test voltage across open 250 V rms 250 V rms

contact, 1 min

Current carrying capacity

Per relay, continuous 8A 8A
Per relay, 1 s 10 A 10 A
Per process connector pin, 12 A 12 A

Making capacity at inductive

loadwith L/R>10 ms
0.2 s 30 A 0.4 A
1.0 s 10 A 0.4 A

Making capacity at resistive load

220–250 V/0.4 A
0.2 s 30 A 110–125 V/0.4 A
1.0 s 10 A 48–60 V/0.2 A
24–30 V/0.1 A

Breaking capacity for AC, cos 250 V/8.0 A 250 V/8.0 A


Breaking capacity for DC with L/ 48 V/1 A 48 V/1 A

R < 40 ms 110 V/0.4 A 110 V/0.4 A
220 V/0.2 A 220 V/0.2 A
250 V/0.15 A 250 V/0.15 A

Maximum capacitive load - 10 nF

Table 11. SOM - Static Output Module (reference standard: IEC 61810-2): Static binary outputs

Function of quantity Static binary output trip

Rated voltage 48 - 60 VDC 110 - 250 VDC

Number of outputs 6 6

Impedance open state ~300 kΩ ~810 kΩ

Test voltage across open contact, 1 min No galvanic separation No galvanic separation

Current carrying capacity:

Continuous 5A 5A

1.0s 10A 10A

Making capacity at capacitive load with the

maximum capacitance of 0.2 μF :

0.2s 30A 30A

1.0s 10A 10A

Breaking capacity for DC with L/R ≤ 40ms 48V / 1A 110V / 0.4A

60V / 0.75A 125V / 0.35A

220V / 0.2A

250V / 0.15A

Operating time <1ms <1ms

30 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 12. SOM - Static Output module data (reference standard: IEC 61810-2): Electromechanical relay outputs

Function of quantity Trip and signal relays

Max system voltage 250V AC/DC

Number of outputs 6

Test voltage across open contact, 1 min 1000V rms

Current carrying capacity:

Continuous 8A

1.0s 10A

Making capacity at capacitive load with the maximum capacitance of

0.2 μF:

0.2s 30A

1.0s 10A

Breaking capacity for DC with L/R ≤ 40ms 48V / 1A

110V / 0.4A

125V / 0.35A

220V / 0.2A

250V / 0.15A

Table 13. BOM - Binary output module contact data (reference standard: IEC 61810-2)

Function or quantity Trip and Signal relays

Binary outputs 24

Max system voltage 250 V AC, DC

Test voltage across open contact, 1 min 1000 V rms

Current carrying capacity

Per relay, continuous 8A
Per relay, 1 s 10 A
Per process connector pin, continuous 12 A

Making capacity at inductive load with L/R>10 ms

0.2 s 30 A
1.0 s 10 A

Breaking capacity for AC, cos j>0.4 250 V/8.0 A

Breaking capacity for DC with L/R < 40 ms 48 V/1 A

110 V/0.4 A
125 V/0.35 A
220 V/0.2 A
250 V/0.15 A

Influencing factors

Table 14. Temperature and humidity influence

Parameter Reference value Nominal range Influence

Ambient temperature, operate +20 °C -10 °C to +55 °C 0.02% /°C


Relative humidity 10%-90% 10%-90% -

Operative range 0%-95%

Storage temperature -40 °C to +70 °C - -

ABB 31
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 15. Auxiliary DC supply voltage influence on functionality during operation

Dependence on Reference value Within nominal Influence


Ripple, in DC auxiliary voltage max. 2% 15% of EL 0.01% /%

Operative range Full wave rectified

Auxiliary voltage dependence, operate ± 20% of EL 0.01% /%


Interrupted auxiliary DC voltage 24-60 V DC ± 20%

90-250 V DC ± 20%
Interruption interval
0–50 ms
No restart

0–∞ s Correct behaviour at power down

Restart time <300 s

Table 16. Frequency influence (reference standard: IEC 60255–1)

Dependence on Within nominal range Influence

Frequency dependence, operate value fr ± 2.5 Hz for 50 Hz ± 1.0% / Hz

fr ± 3.0 Hz for 60 Hz

Harmonic frequency dependence (20% content) 2nd, 3rd and 5th harmonic of fr ± 1.0%

32 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Type tests according to standards

Table 17. Electromagnetic compatibility

Test Type test values Reference standards

1 MHz burst disturbance 2.5 kV IEC 60255-22-1

100 kHz slow damped oscillatory wave immunity test 2.5 kV IEC 61000-4-18, Class III

Ring wave immunity test, 100 kHz 2-4 kV IEC 61000-4-12, Class IV

Surge withstand capability test 2.5 kV, oscillatory IEEE/ANSI C37.90.1

4.0 kV, fast transient

Electrostatic discharge 15 kV air discharge IEC 60255-22-2, Class IV

Direct application 8 kV contact discharge
Indirect application 8 kV contact discharge IEC 61000-4-2, Class IV

Electrostatic discharge 15 kV air discharge IEEE/ANSI C37.90.1

Direct application 8 kV contact discharge
Indirect application 8 kV contact discharge

Fast transient disturbance 4 kV IEC 60255-22-4, Class A

Surge immunity test 1-2 kV, 1.2/50 ms IEC 60255-22-5

high energy

Power frequency immunity test 150-300 V, 50 Hz IEC 60255-22-7, Class A

Conducted common mode immunity test 15 Hz-150 kHz IEC 61000-4-16, Class IV

Power frequency magnetic field test 1000 A/m, 3 s IEC 61000-4-8, Class V
100 A/m, cont.

Damped oscillatory magnetic field test 100 A/m IEC 61000-4-10, Class V

Radiated electromagnetic field disturbance 20 V/m, 80-1000 MHz IEC 60255-22-3

1.4-2.7 GHz

Radiated electromagnetic field disturbance 35 V/m IEEE/ANSI C37.90.2

26-1000 MHz

Conducted electromagnetic field disturbance 10 V, 0.15-80 MHz IEC 60255-22-6

Radiated emission 30-1000 MHz IEC 60255-25

Conducted emission 0.15-30 MHz IEC 60255-25

Table 18. Insulation

Test Type test values Reference standard

Dielectric test 2.0 kV AC, 1 min. IEC 60255-5

Impulse voltage test 5 kV, 1.2/50 ms, 0.5 J

Insulation resistance >100 MW at 500 VDC

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Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 19. Environmental tests

Test Type test value Reference standard

Cold test Test Ad for 16 h at -25°C IEC 60068-2-1

Storage test Test Ad for 16 h at -40°C IEC 60068-2-1

Dry heat test Test Bd for 16 h at +70°C IEC 60068-2-2

Damp heat test, steady state Test Ca for 4 days at +40 °C and humidity 93% IEC 60068-2-78

Damp heat test, cyclic Test Db for 6 cycles at +25 to +55 °C and humidity 93 to 95% (1 cycle = IEC 60068-2-30
24 hours)

Table 20. CE compliance

Test According to

Immunity EN 50263

Emissivity EN 50263

Low voltage directive EN 50178

Table 21. Mechanical tests

Test Type test values Reference standards

Vibration response test Class II IEC 60255-21-1

Vibration endurance test Class I IEC 60255-21-1

Shock response test Class II IEC 60255-21-2

Shock withstand test Class I IEC 60255-21-2

Bump test Class I IEC 60255-21-2

Seismic test Class II IEC 60255-21-3

34 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Differential protection

Table 22. Transformer differential protection T2WPDIF, T3WPDIF

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operating characteristic Adaptable ± 1.0% of Ir for I < Ir

± 1.0% of I for I > Ir

Reset ratio >95% -

Unrestrained differential current limit (100-5000)% ofIBase ± 1.0% of set value

on high voltage winding

Base sensitivity function (10-60)% of IBase ± 1.0% of Ir

Second harmonic blocking (5.0-100.0)% of ± 2.0% of applied harmonic magnitude

fundamental differential

Fifth harmonic blocking (5.0-100.0)% of ± 5.0% of applied harmonic magnitude

fundamental differential

Connection type for each of the windings Y or D -

Phase displacement between high voltage 0–11 -

winding, W1 and each of the windings, W2
and W3. Hour notation

Operate time, restrained function 25 ms typically at 0 to 2 -

x set level

Reset time, restrained function 20 ms typically at 2 to 0 -

x set level

Operate time, unrestrained function 12 ms typically at 0 to 5 -

x set level

Reset time, unrestrained function 25 ms typically at 5 to 0 -

x set level

Critical impulse time 2 ms typically at 0 to 5 -

x Ib

Table 23. Restricted earth fault protection, low impedance REFPDIF

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate characteristic Adaptable ± 1% of IBase

2% of theoretical operate value (Idiff) if Ibias >= 1.25 IBase (i.e. sections
2 and 3)
(The above is valid if IBase is equal to the protected winding rated current).

Reset ratio 0.95 -

Directional characteristic Fixed 180 degrees or ± 60 to ± ± 1 degree at Ibias = IBase

90 degrees ± 2 degrees at Ibias = 2 * IBase
± 3 degrees at Ibias = 4 * IBase
(The above valid if IBase equal to the protected winding rated current)

Operate time, trip function 20 ms typically at 0 to 10 x IdMin -

Reset time, trip function 25 ms typically at 10 to 0 x IdMin -

Second harmonic blocking (5.0-100.0)% of fundamental ± 2.0% of IrBase

ABB 35
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Impedance protection

Table 24. Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic for series compensated lines ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDIS

Function Range or value Accuracy

Number of zones 4 with selectable direction -

Minimum operate residual (5-1000)% of IBase -

current, zone 1

Minimum operate current, Ph-Ph (10-1000)% of IBase -

and Ph-E

Positive sequence reactance (0.10-3000.00) Ω/phase ± 2.0% static accuracy

± 2.0 degrees static angular accuracy
Positive sequence resistance (0.10-1000.00) Ω/phase
Zero sequence reactance (0.01-9000.00) Ω/phase Voltage range: (0.1-1.1) x Ur
Current range: (0.5-30) x Ir
Zero sequence resistance (0.01-3000.00) Ω/phase
Angle: at 0 degrees and 85 degrees
Fault resistance, Ph-E (0.10-9000.00) Ω/loop

Fault resistance, Ph-Ph (0.10-3000.00) Ω/loop

Dynamic overreach <5% at 85 degrees measured -

with CCVT’s and 0.5<SIR<30

Impedance zone timers (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Operate time 24 ms typically -

Reset ratio 105% typically -

Reset time 30 ms typically -

Table 25. Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with fixed angle FDPSPDIS

Function Range or value Accuracy

Minimum operate current (5-500)% of IBase -

Reactive reach, positive (0.50–3000.00) Ω/phase ± 2.0% static accuracy

sequence ± 2.0 degrees static angular accuracy
Resistive reach, positive (0.10–1000.00) Ω/phase
Voltage range: (0.1-1.1) x Ur
Current range: (0.5-30) x Ir
Reactive reach, zero sequence (0.50–9000.00) Ω/phase Angle: at 0 degrees and 85 degrees

Resistive reach, zero sequence (0.50–3000.00) Ω/phase

Fault resistance, phase-to-earth (1.00–9000.00) Ω/loop

faults, forward and reverse

Fault resistance, phase-to-phase (0.50–3000.00) Ω/loop

faults, forward and reverse

Load encroachment criteria:

Load resistance, forward and (1.00–3000.00) Ω/phase
reverse (5-70) degrees
Safety load impedance angle

Reset ratio 105% typically -

36 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Current protection

Table 26. Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate current (1-2500)% of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir at I £ Ir

± 1.0% of I at I > Ir

Reset ratio > 95% -

Operate time 25 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset -

Reset time 25 ms typically at 2 to 0 x Iset -

Critical impulse time 10 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset -

Operate time 10 ms typically at 0 to 10 x Iset -

Reset time 35 ms typically at 10 to 0 x Iset -

Critical impulse time 2 ms typically at 0 to 10 x Iset -

Dynamic overreach < 5% at t = 100 ms -

Table 27. Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC

Function Setting range Accuracy

Operate current (5-2500)% of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir at I ≤ Ir

± 1.0% of I at I > Ir

Reset ratio > 95% at (50–2500)% of lBase -

Min. operating current % of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir at I ≤ Ir

±1.0% of I at I > Ir

Relay characteristic angle (RCA) (40.0–65.0) degrees ± 2.0 degrees

Relay operating angle (ROA) (40.0–89.0) degrees ± 2.0 degrees

2nd harmonic blocking (5–100)% of fundamental ± 2.0% of Ir

Independent time delay at 0 to 2 x (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.2 % or ± 35 ms whichever is

Iset greater

Minimum operate time (0.000-60.000) s ± 2.0 % or ± 40 ms whichever is


Inverse characteristics, see 16 curve types See table 74, table 75 and table 76
table 74, table 75 and table 76

Operate time, start non-directional Min. = 15 ms

at 0 to 2 x Iset
Max. = 30 ms

Reset time, start non-directional at Min. = 15 ms

2 to 0 x Iset
Max. = 30 ms

Critical impulse time 10 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset -

Impulse margin time 15 ms typically -

ABB 37
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 28. Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate current (1-2500)% of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir at I £ Ir

± 1.0% of I at I > Ir

Reset ratio > 95% -

Operate time 25 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset -

Reset time 25 ms typically at 2 to 0 x Iset -

Critical impulse time 10 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset -

Operate time 10 ms typically at 0 to 10 x Iset -

Reset time 35 ms typically at 10 to 0 x Iset -

Critical impulse time 2 ms typically at 0 to 10 x Iset -

Dynamic overreach < 5% at t = 100 ms -

Table 29. Four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate current (1-2500)% of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir at I < Ir

± 1.0% of I at I > Ir

Reset ratio > 95% -

Operate current for directional (1–100)% of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir


Timers (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ±10 ms

Inverse characteristics, see table 18 curve types See table 74, table 75 and table
74, table 75 and table 76 76

Second harmonic restrain (5–100)% of fundamental ± 2.0% of Ir


Relay characteristic angle (-180 to 180) degrees ± 2.0 degrees

Minimum polarizing voltage (1–100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur

Minimum polarizing current (1-30)% of IBase ±0.25 % of Ir

Real part of source Z used for (0.50-1000.00) W/phase -

current polarization

Imaginary part of source Z used (0.50–3000.00) W/phase -

for current polarization

Operate time, start function 25 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset -

Reset time, start function 25 ms typically at 2 to 0 x Iset -

Critical impulse time 10 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset -

Impulse margin time 15 ms typically -

38 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 30. Thermal overload protection, two time constants TRPTTR

Function Range or value Accuracy

Base current 1 and 2 (30–250)% of IBase ± 1.0% of Ir

Operate time: Ip = load current before overload IEC 60255–8, ±5% + 200 ms
æ I 2 - I p2 ö Time constant τ = (1–500)
t = t × ln ç 2 ÷ minutes
ç I - Ib 2 ÷
è ø
EQUATION1356 V1 EN (Equation 1)

I = Imeasured

Alarm level 1 and 2 (50–99)% of heat content trip ± 2.0% of heat content trip

Operate current (50–250)% of IBase ± 1.0% of Ir

Reset level temperature (10–95)% of heat content trip ± 2.0% of heat content trip

Table 31. Breaker failure protection CCRBRF

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate phase current (5-200)% of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir at I £ Ir

± 1.0% of I at I > Ir

Reset ratio, phase current > 95% -

Operate residual current (2-200)% of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir at I £ Ir

± 1.0% of I at I > Ir

Reset ratio, residual current > 95% -

Phase current level for blocking of contact function (5-200)% of lBase ± 1.0% of Ir at I £ Ir
± 1.0% of I at I > Ir

Reset ratio > 95% -

Timers (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ±10 ms

Operate time for current detection 10 ms typically -

Reset time for current detection 15 ms maximum -

Table 32. Broken conductor check BRCPTOC

Function Range or value Accuracy

Minimum phase current for operation (5–100)% of IBase ± 0.1% of Ir

Unbalance current operation (0–100)% of maximum current ± 0.1% of Ir

Timer (0.00-6000.00) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

ABB 39
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Voltage protection

Table 33. Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate voltage, low and high step (1–100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur

Absolute hysteresis (0–100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur

Internal blocking level, step 1 and step 2 (1–100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur

Inverse time characteristics for step 1 and step 2, see table 78 - See table 78

Definite time delay, step 1 (0.00 - 6000.00) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Definite time delays (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ±10 ms

Minimum operate time, inverse characteristics (0.000–60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Operate time, start function 25 ms typically at 2 x Uset to 0 -

Reset time, start function 25 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Uset -

Critical impulse time 10 ms typically at 2 x Uset to 0 -

Impulse margin time 15 ms typically -

Table 34. Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate voltage, step 1 and 2 (1-200)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur at U < Ur

± 0.5% of U at U > Ur

Absolute hysteresis (0–100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur at U < Ur

± 0.5% of U at U > Ur

Inverse time characteristics for steps 1 and 2, see table 77 - See table 77

Definite time delay, step 1 (0.00 - 6000.00) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Definite time delays (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Minimum operate time, Inverse characteristics (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Operate time, start function 25 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Uset -

Reset time, start function 25 ms typically at 2 to 0 x Uset -

Critical impulse time 10 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Uset -

Impulse margin time 15 ms typically -

40 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 35. Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate voltage, step 1 and step 2 (1-200)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur at U < Ur

± 1.0% of U at U > Ur

Absolute hysteresis (0–100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur at U < Ur

± 1.0% of U at U > Ur

Inverse time characteristics for low and high step, see table 79 - See table 79

Definite time setting, step 1 (0.00–6000.00) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Definite time setting (0.000–60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Minimum operate time (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Operate time, start function 25 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Uset -

Reset time, start function 25 ms typically at 2 to 0 x Uset -

Critical impulse time 10 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Uset -

Impulse margin time 15 ms typically -

Table 36. Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate value, start (100–180)% of (UBase/frated) ± 0.5% of U

Operate value, alarm (50–120)% of start level ± 0.5% of Ur at U ≤ Ur

± 0.5% of U at U > Ur

Operate value, high level (100–200)% of (UBase/frated) ± 0.5% of U

Curve type IEEE or customer defined ± 5% + 40 ms

(0.18 × k )
IEEE : t =
( M - 1) 2

EQUATION1319 V1 EN (Equation 2)

where M = (E/f)/(Ur/fr)

Minimum time delay for inverse (0.000–60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms


Maximum time delay for inverse (0.00–9000.00) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms


Alarm time delay (0.00–9000.00) ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Table 37. Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate voltage (0–100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur

Pulse timer (0.050–60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Timers (0.000–60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

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Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Secondary system supervision

Table 38. Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operate voltage, zero sequence (1-100)% of UBase ± 1.0% of Ur

Operate current, zero sequence (1–100)% of IBase ± 1.0% of Ir

Operate voltage, negative sequence (1–100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur

Operate current, negative sequence (1–100)% of IBase ± 1.0% of Ir

Operate voltage change level (1–100)% of UBase ± 5.0% of Ur

Operate current change level (1–100)% of IBase ± 5.0% of Ir

Operate phase voltage (1-100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur

Operate phase current (1-100)% of IBase ± 1.0% of Ir

Operate phase dead line voltage (1-100)% of UBase ± 0.5% of Ur

Operate phase dead line current (1-100)% of IBase ± 1.0% of Ir

Operate time, general start of function 25 ms typically at 1 to 0 of Ubase -

Reset time, general start of function 35 ms typically at 0 to 1 of Ubase -

42 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2


Table 39. Synchronizing, synchrocheck and energizing check SESRSYN

Function Range or value Accuracy

Phase shift, jline - jbus (-180 to 180) degrees -

Voltage ratio, Ubus/Uline 0.500 - 2.000 -

Voltage high limit for synchronizing and synchrocheck (50.0-120.0)% of UBaseBus and ± 0.5% of Ur at U ≤ Ur
UBaseLIne ± 0.5% of U at U >Ur

Reset ratio, synchrocheck > 95% -

Frequency difference limit between bus and line for synchrocheck (0.003-1.000) Hz ± 2.0 mHz

Phase angle difference limit between bus and line for synchrocheck (5.0-90.0) degrees ± 2.0 degrees

Voltage difference limit between bus and line for synchronizing and (0.02-0.5) p.u ± 0.5% of Ur

Time delay output for synchrocheck (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Frequency difference minimum limit for synchronizing (0.003-0.250) Hz ± 2.0 mHz

Frequency difference maximum limit for synchronizing (0.050-0.500) Hz ± 2.0 mHz

Maximum allowed frequency rate of change (0.000-0.500) Hz/s ± 10.0 mHz/s

Closing time of the breaker (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Breaker closing pulse duration (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

tMaxSynch, which resets synchronizing function if no close has been (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms
made before set time

Minimum time to accept synchronizing conditions (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Voltage high limit for energizing check (50.0-120.0)% of UBaseBus and ± 0.5% of Ur at U ≤ Ur
UBaseLIne ± 0.5% of U at U >Ur

Reset ratio, voltage high limit > 95% -

Voltage low limit for energizing check (10.0-80.0)% of UBaseBus and ± 0.5% of Ur

Reset ratio, voltage low limit < 105% -

Maximum voltage for energizing (50.0-180.0)% of UBaseBus and/ ± 0.5% of Ur at U ≤ Ur

or UBaseLIne ± 0.5% of U at U >Ur

Time delay for energizing check (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Operate time for synchrocheck function 160 ms typically -

Operate time for energizing function 80 ms typically -

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Product version: 1.2


Table 40. Tripping logic SMPPTRC

Function Range or value Accuracy

Trip action 3-ph, 1/3-ph, 1/2/3-ph -

Minimum trip pulse length (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Timers (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Table 41. Configurable logic blocks

Logic block Quantity with cycle time Range or value Accuracy

LogicAND 60 60 160 - -

LogicOR 60 60 160 - -

LogicXOR 10 10 20 - -

LogicInverter 30 30 80 - -

LogicSRMemory 10 10 20 - -

LogicRSMemory 10 10 20 - -

LogicGate 10 10 20 - -

LogicTimer 10 10 20 (0.000–90000.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

LogicPulseTimer 10 10 20 (0.000–90000.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

LogicTimerSet 10 10 20 (0.000–90000.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

LogicLoopDelay 10 10 20 (0.000–90000.000) s ± 0.5% ± 10 ms

Trip Matrix Logic 6 6 - - -

Boolean 16 to Integer 4 4 8 - -

Boolean 16 to integer 4 4 8 - -
with Logic Node

Integer to Boolean 16 4 4 8 - -

Integer to Boolean 16 4 4 8 - -
with Logic Node

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Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2


Table 42. Measurements CVMMXN

Function Range or value Accuracy

Frequency (0.95-1.05) × fr ± 2.0 mHz

Voltage (0.1-1.5) ×Ur ± 0.5% of Ur at U£Ur

± 0.5% of U at U > Ur

Connected current (0.2-4.0) × Ir ± 0.5% of Ir at I £ Ir

± 0.5% of I at I > Ir

Active power, P 0.1 x Ur< U < 1.5 x Ur ± 1.0% of Sr at S ≤ Sr

0.2 x Ir < I < 4.0 x Ir ± 1.0% of S at S > Sr
Reactive power, Q 0.1 x Ur< U < 1.5 x Ur
0.8 x Ur < U < 1.2 Ur
0.2 x Ir < I < 4.0 x Ir
0.2 x Ir < I < 1.2 Ir
Apparent power, S 0.1 x Ur < U < 1.5 x Ur
0.2 x Ir< I < 4.0 x Ir

Power factor, cos (φ) 0.1 x Ur < U < 1.5 x Ur ± 0.02

0.2 x Ir< I < 4.0 x Ir

Table 43. Phase current measurement CMMXU

Function Range or value Accuracy

Current (0.1-4.0) × Ir ± 0.2% of Ir at I ≤ 0.5 × Ir

± 0.2% of I at I > 0.5 × Ir

Phase angle (0.1–4.0) x Ir ± 0.5° at 0.2 × Ir < I < 0.5 × Ir

± 0.2° at 0.5 × Ir ≤ I < 4.0 × Ir

Table 44. Phase-phase voltage measurement VMMXU

Function Range or value Accuracy

Voltage (10 to 300) V ± 0.3% of U at U ≤ 50 V

± 0.2% of U at U > 50 V

Phase angle (10 to 300) V ± 0.3° at U ≤ 50 V

± 0.2° at U > 50 V

Table 45. Phase-neutral voltage measurement VNMMXU

Function Range or value Accuracy

Voltage (10 to 300) V ± 0.3% of U at U ≤ 50 V

± 0.2% of U at U > 50 V

Phase angle (10 to 300) V ± 0.3° at U ≤ 50 V

± 0.2° at U > 50 V

ABB 45
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 46. Current sequence component measurement CMSQI

Function Range or value Accuracy

Current positive sequence, I1 (0.1–4.0) × Ir ± 0.2% of Ir at I ≤ 0.5 × Ir

Three phase settings ± 0.2% of I at I > 0.5 × Ir

Current zero sequence, 3I0 (0.1–1.0) × Ir ± 0.2% of Ir at I ≤ 0.5 × Ir

Three phase settings ± 0.2% of I at I > 0.5 × Ir

Current negative sequence, I2 (0.1–1.0) × Ir ± 0.2% of Ir at I ≤ 0.5 × Ir

Three phase settings ± 0.2% of I at I > 0.5 × Ir

Phase angle (0.1–4.0) × Ir ± 0.5° at 0.2 × Ir < I < 0.5 × Ir

± 0.2° at 0.5 × Ir ≤ I < 4.0 × Ir

Table 47. Voltage sequence measurement VMSQI

Function Range or value Accuracy

Voltage positive sequence, U1 (10 to 300) V ± 0.3% of U at U ≤ 50 V

± 0.2% of U at U > 50 V

Voltage zero sequence, 3U0 (10 to 300) V ± 0.3% of U at U ≤ 50 V

± 0.2% of U at U > 50 V

Voltage negative sequence, U2 (10 to 300) V ± 0.3% of U at U ≤ 50 V

± 0.2% of U at U > 50 V

Phase angle (10 to 300) V ± 0.3° at U ≤ 50 V

± 0.2° at U > 50 V

Table 48. Supervision of mA input signals

Function Range or value Accuracy

mA measuring function ± 5, ± 10, ± 20 mA ± 0.1 % of set value ± 0.005 mA

0-5, 0-10, 0-20, 4-20 mA

Max current of transducer to (-20.00 to +20.00) mA


Min current of transducer to (-20.00 to +20.00) mA


Alarm level for input (-20.00 to +20.00) mA

Warning level for input (-20.00 to +20.00) mA

Alarm hysteresis for input (0.0-20.0) mA

Table 49. Event counter CNTGGIO

Function Range or value Accuracy

Counter value 0-100000 -

Max. count up speed 10 pulses/s (50% duty cycle) -

46 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 50. Disturbance report DRPRDRE

Function Range or value Accuracy

Pre-fault time (0.05–9.90) s -

Post-fault time (0.1–10.0) s -

Limit time (0.5–10.0) s -

Maximum number of recordings 100, first in - first out -

Time tagging resolution 1 ms See table 72

Maximum number of analog inputs -

Maximum number of binary inputs -

Maximum number of phasors in the Trip Value recorder per recording 30 -

Maximum number of indications in a disturbance report -

Maximum number of events in the Event recording per recording 150 -

Maximum number of events in the Event list 1000, first in - first out -

Maximum total recording time (3.4 s recording time and maximum number of 340 seconds (100 recordings) at -
channels, typical value) 50 Hz, 280 seconds (80
recordings) at 60 Hz

Sampling rate 1 kHz at 50 Hz -

1.2 kHz at 60 Hz

Recording bandwidth (5-300) Hz -

Table 51. Event list

Function Value

Buffer capacity Maximum number of events in the list 1000

Resolution 1 ms

Accuracy Depending on time synchronizing

Table 52. Indications

Function Value

Buffer capacity Maximum number of indications presented for single disturbance 96

Maximum number of recorded disturbances 100

Table 53. Event recorder

Function Value

Buffer capacity Maximum number of events in disturbance report 150

Maximum number of disturbance reports 100

Resolution 1 ms

Accuracy Depending on time


ABB 47
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 54. Trip value recorder

Function Value

Buffer capacity Maximum number of analog inputs 30

Maximum number of disturbance reports 100

Table 55. Disturbance recorder

Function Value

Buffer capacity Maximum number of analog inputs 40

Maximum number of binary inputs 96

Maximum number of disturbance reports 100

Maximum total recording time (3.4 s recording time and maximum number 340 seconds (100 recordings) at 50 Hz
of channels, typical value) 280 seconds (80 recordings) at 60 Hz

48 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2


Table 56. Pulse counter PCGGIO

Function Setting range Accuracy

Input frequency See Binary Input Module (BIM) -

Cycle time for report of counter (1–3600) s -


Table 57. Energy metering ETPMMTR

Function Range or value Accuracy

Energy metering kWh Export/Import, kvarh Export/ Input from MMXU. No extra error at steady load

ABB 49
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Station communication

Table 58. IEC 61850-8-1 communication protocol

Function Value

Protocol IEC 61850-8-1

Communication speed for the IEDs 100BASE-FX

Protocol IEC 608–5–103

Communication speed for the IEDs 9600 or 19200 Bd

Protocol DNP3.0

Communication speed for the IEDs 300–19200 Bd

Protocol TCP/IP, Ethernet

Communication speed for the IEDs 100 Mbit/s

Table 59. IEC 61850-9-2LE communication protocol

Function Value

Protocol IEC 61850-9-2LE

Communication speed for the IEDs 100BASE-FX

Table 60. LON communication protocol

Function Value

Protocol LON

Communication speed 1.25 Mbit/s

Table 61. SPA communication protocol

Function Value

Protocol SPA

Communication speed 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 Bd

Slave number 1 to 899

Table 62. IEC60870-5-103 communication protocol

Function Value

Protocol IEC 60870-5-103

Communication speed 9600, 19200 Bd

Table 63. SLM – LON port

Quantity Range or value

Optical connector Glass fibre: type ST

Plastic fibre: type HFBR snap-in

Fibre, optical budget Glass fibre: 11 dB (1000 m typically *)

Plastic fibre: 7 dB (10 m typically *)

Fibre diameter Glass fibre: 62.5/125 mm

Plastic fibre: 1 mm

*) depending on optical budget calculation

50 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 64. SLM – SPA/IEC 60870-5-103/DNP3 port

Quantity Range or value

Optical connector Glass fibre: type ST

Plastic fibre: type HFBR snap-in

Fibre, optical budget Glass fibre: 11 dB (3000ft/1000 m typically *)

Plastic fibre: 7 dB (80ft/25 m typically *)

Fibre diameter Glass fibre: 62.5/125 mm

Plastic fibre: 1 mm

*) depending on optical budget calculation

Table 65. Galvanic RS485 communication module

Quantity Range or value

Communication speed 2400–19200 bauds

External connectors RS-485 6-pole connector

Soft ground 2-pole connector

ABB 51
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2


Table 66. Case

Material Steel sheet

Front plate Steel sheet profile with cut-out for HMI

Surface treatment Aluzink preplated steel

Finish Light grey (RAL 7035)

Table 67. Water and dust protection level according to IEC 60529

Front IP40 (IP54 with sealing strip)

Sides, top and bottom IP20

Rear side IP20 with screw compression type

IP10 with ring lug terminals

Table 68. Weight

Case size Weight

6U, 1/1 x 19” £ 18 kg

Connection system

Table 69. CT and VT circuit connectors

Connector type Rated voltage and current Maximum conductor area

Screw compression type 250 V AC, 20 A 4 mm2 (AWG12)

2 x 2.5 mm2 (2 x AWG14)

Terminal blocks suitable for ring lug terminals 250 V AC, 20 A 4 mm2 (AWG12)

Table 70. Binary I/O connection system

Connector type Rated voltage Maximum conductor area

Screw compression type 250 V AC 2.5 mm2 (AWG14)

2 × 1 mm2 (2 x AWG18)

Terminal blocks suitable for ring lug terminals 300 V AC 3 mm2 (AWG14)

52 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Basic IED functions

Table 71. Self supervision with internal event list

Data Value

Recording manner Continuous, event controlled

List size 40 events, first in-first out

Table 72. Time synchronization, time tagging

Function Value

Time tagging resolution, events and sampled measurement values 1 ms

Table 73. IRIG-B

Quantity Rated value

Number of channels IRIG-B 1

Number of channels PPS 1

Electrical connector:

Electrical connector IRIG-B BNC

Pulse-width modulated 5 Vpp

Amplitude modulated
– low level 1-3 Vpp
– high level 3 x low level, max 9 Vpp

Supported formats IRIG-B 00x, IRIG-B 12x

Accuracy +/-10μs for IRIG-B 00x and +/-100μs for IRIG-B 12x

Input impedance 100 k ohm

Optical connector:

Optical connector PPS and IRIG-B Type ST

Type of fibre 62.5/125 μm multimode fibre

Supported formats IRIG-B 00x, PPS

Accuracy +/- 2μs

ABB 53
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Inverse characteristic

Table 74. ANSI Inverse time characteristics

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operating characteristic: k = (0.05-999) in steps of 0.01 -

æ A ö
t = ç P + B÷ × k
ç ( I - 1) ÷
è ø

Reset characteristic:

t = ×k
(I 2


I = Imeasured/Iset

ANSI Extremely Inverse A=28.2, B=0.1217, P=2.0 , tr=29.1 ANSI/IEEE C37.112, 5%

+ 40 ms
ANSI Very inverse A=19.61, B=0.491, P=2.0 , tr=21.6

ANSI Normal Inverse A=0.0086, B=0.0185, P=0.02, tr=0.46

ANSI Moderately Inverse A=0.0515, B=0.1140, P=0.02, tr=4.85

ANSI Long Time Extremely Inverse A=64.07, B=0.250, P=2.0, tr=30

ANSI Long Time Very Inverse A=28.55, B=0.712, P=2.0, tr=13.46

ANSI Long Time Inverse A=0.086, B=0.185, P=0.02, tr=4.6

54 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 75. IEC Inverse time characteristics

Function Range or value Accuracy

Operating characteristic: k = (0.05-999) in steps of 0.01 -

æ A ö
t = ç P ÷×k
ç ( I - 1) ÷
è ø

I = Imeasured/Iset

Time delay to reset, IEC inverse time (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% of set time ± 10 ms

IEC Normal Inverse A=0.14, P=0.02 IEC 60255-151, 5% + 40

IEC Very inverse A=13.5, P=1.0

IEC Inverse A=0.14, P=0.02

IEC Extremely inverse A=80.0, P=2.0

IEC Short time inverse A=0.05, P=0.04

IEC Long time inverse A=120, P=1.0

Programmable characteristic k = (0.05-999) in steps of 0.01

Operate characteristic: A=(0.005-200.000) in steps of 0.001
B=(0.00-20.00) in steps of 0.01
æ A ö C=(0.1-10.0) in steps of 0.1
t = ç P + B÷ × k P=(0.005-3.000) in steps of 0.001
ç (I - C ) ÷
è ø TR=(0.005-100.000) in steps of 0.001
CR=(0.1-10.0) in steps of 0.1
PR=(0.005-3.000) in steps of 0.001
Reset characteristic:

t = ×k
- CR )

I = Imeasured/Iset

Table 76. RI and RD type inverse time characteristics

Function Range or value Accuracy

RI type inverse characteristic k = (0.05-999) in steps of 0.01 IEC 60255-151, 5% + 40

t = ×k
0.339 -

I = Imeasured/Iset

RD type logarithmic inverse characteristic k = (0.05-999) in steps of 0.01

æ I ö
t = 5.8 - ç 1.35 × In ÷
è k ø

I = Imeasured/Iset

ABB 55
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 77. Inverse time characteristics for overvoltage protection

Function Range or value Accuracy

Type A curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01 5% +40 ms

t =
æU -U >ö
ç ÷
è U> ø

U> = Uset
U = Umeasured

Type B curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01

k × 480
t =
æ 32 × U - U > - 0.5 ö
ç ÷ - 0.035
è U > ø

Type C curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01

k × 480
t =
æ 32 × U - U > - 0.5 ö
ç ÷ - 0.035
è U > ø

Programmable curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01

A = (0.005-200.000) in steps of 0.001
k×A B = (0.50-100.00) in steps of 0.01
t = +D
P C = (0.0-1.0) in steps of 0.1
æB × U - U > ö D = (0.000-60.000) in steps of 0.001
ç -C÷
è U > ø P = (0.000-3.000) in steps of 0.001

56 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 78. Inverse time characteristics for undervoltage protection

Function Range or value Accuracy

Type A curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01 5% +40 ms

t =
æ U < -U
ç ÷
è U< ø

U< = Uset
U = UVmeasured

Type B curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01

k × 480
t = + 0.055
æ 32 × U < -U - 0.5 ö
ç ÷
è U < ø

U< = Uset
U = Umeasured

Programmable curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 0.01

A = (0.005-200.000) in steps of 0.001
é ù B = (0.50-100.00) in steps of 0.01
ê k×A
ú C = (0.0-1.0) in steps of 0.1
t =ê ú+D D = (0.000-60.000) in steps of 0.001
ê æ U < -U ö
ú P = (0.000-3.000) in steps of 0.001
êçB × -C÷ ú
ëè U < ø û

U< = Uset
U = Umeasured

ABB 57
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Table 79. Inverse time characteristics for residual overvoltage protection

Function Range or value Accuracy

Type A curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of 5% +40 ms

t =
æU -U >ö
ç ÷
è U> ø

U> = Uset
U = Umeasured

Type B curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of

k × 480
t =
æ 32 × U - U > - 0.5 ö
ç ÷ - 0.035
è U > ø

Type C curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of

k × 480
t =
æ 32 × U - U > - 0.5 ö
ç ÷ - 0.035
è U > ø

Programmable curve: k = (0.05-1.10) in steps of

k×A A = (0.005-200.000) in
t = +D
P steps of 0.001
æB × U - U > ö B = (0.50-100.00) in steps
ç -C÷
è U > ø of 0.01
EQUATION1439-SMALL V1 EN C = (0.0-1.0) in steps of 0.1
D = (0.000-60.000) in
steps of 0.001
P = (0.000-3.000) in steps
of 0.001

58 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

18. Ordering


Carefully read and follow the set of rules to ensure problem-free order management. Be aware that certain functions can only be ordered in
combination with other functions and that some functions require specific hardware selections.
Please refer to the available functions table for included application functions.

Product specification

Basic IED 670 platform and common functions housed in 1/1 sized 19” casing

RET670 91850-9-2LE V1 Quantity: 1MRK 002 816-XE

RET670 91850-9-2LE V2 Quantity 1MRK 002 816-XF

The IED connect CD contains configuration alternative. Use the PCM600 to create or modify the configuration. The PCM600 can also be used for
adaptation of an included example configuration.

Customer specific configuration On request

Connection type for Power supply modules and I/O modules

Rule: Same connection type for Power supply modules and I/O modules must be ordered
Compression terminals 1MRK 002 960-AA

Ring lug terminals 1MRK 002 960-BA

Power supply module

Rule: One Power supply module must be specified

Power supply module (PSM) 24-60 VDC 1MRK 002 239-AB

90-250 VDC 1MRK 002 239-BB

Differential protection

Rule: One of Differential protection must be ordered

Transformer differential protection, two winding (T2WPDIF) Qty:
1MRK 002 901-AC
Transformer differential protection, three winding (T3WPDIF) Qty:
1MRK 002 901-CC

Optional hardware
Human machine hardware interface

Rule: One must be ordered.

ABB 59
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Display type Keypad symbol Case size

Medium, graphic display IEC 1/1 19" 1MRK 000 008-MB

Medium, graphic display ANSI 1/1 19" 1MRK 000 008-MC

Analog system for RET670 V1 61850-9-2LE

Note: Only one alternative must be ordered. The same type of connection terminals has to be ordered for both TRMs.
Rule: One function within the alternative must be ordered
Transformer input module, connection terminals 9I+3U, 1A, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-BG

Transformer input module, connection terminals 9I+3U, 5A, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-BH

Transformer input module, connection terminals 5I, 1A+4I, 5A+3U, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-BK

Rule: One function within the alternative must be ordered
Transformer input module, ring lug terminals 9I+3U, 1A, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-BC

Transformer input module, ring lug terminals 9I+3U, 5A, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-BD

Transformer input module, ring lug terminals 5I, 1A+4I, 5A+3U, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-BF

Analog system for RET670 V2 1850-9-2LE

Note: Only one alternative must be ordered. The same type of connection terminals has to be ordered for both TRMs.
Rule: One function within the alternative must be ordered
Transformer input module, compression connection terminals 7I+5U, 1A, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-AP

Transformer input module, compression connection terminals 7I+5U, 5A, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-AR

Transformer input module, compression connection terminals 3I, 5A+4I, 1A+5U, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-AV

Rule: One function within the alternative must be ordered
Transformer input module, ring lug terminals 7I+5U, 1A, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-AS

Transformer input module, ring lug terminals 7I+5U, 5A, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-AT

Transformer input module, ring lug terminals 3I, 5A+4I, 1A+5U, 50/60 Hz Qty: 1MRK 002 247-AY

Case size

When ordering I/O modules, observe the maximum quantities according to tables below.
Note: Standard order of location for I/O modules is BIM-BOM-SOM-IOM-MIM from left to right as seen from the rear side of the IED, but can also
be freely placed.
Note: Maximum quantity of I/O modules depends on the type of connection terminals.

Maximum quantity of I/O modules

Case sizes BIM IOM BOM/ MIM Maximum in case
1/1 x 19”, one (1) TRM 14 6 4 4 14 (max 4 BOM+SOM 1MRK 000 151-NC

60 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Maximum quantity of I/O modules, with ring lug terminals, module limits see above
Case sizes Maximum in case Possible locations for I/O modules
with ringlugs
1/1 x 19”, one (1) TRM 7 P3, P5, P7, P9, P11, P13, P15 1MRK 000 151-NC

ABB 61
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Binary input/output modules

Make BIM with 50 mA inrush current the primary choice. BIM with 50 mA inrush current fulfill additional standards. As a consequence the EMC
withstand capability is further increased.
For pulse counting, for example kWh metering, the BIM with enhanced pulse counting capabilities must be used.
Binary input module (BIM) 16 inputs
RL 24-30 VDC, 30 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-DB

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 48-60 VDC, 30 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-AB

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 110-125 VDC, 30 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-BB

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 220-250 VDC, 30 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-CB

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 24-30 VDC, 50 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-DD

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 48-60 VDC, 50 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-AD

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 110-125 VDC, 50 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-BD

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 220-250 VDC, 50 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-CD

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Binary input module (BIM) with enhanced pulse counting capabilities, 16 inputs

62 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

RL 24-30 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-HA

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 48-60 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-EA

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 110-125 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-FA

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

RL 220-250 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1MRK 000 508-GA

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Binary output module 24 output relays (BOM) Qty: 1 2 3 4 1MRK 000 614-AB

Static binary output module (SOM)

RL 48-60 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 1MRK 002 614-BA

RL 110-250 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 1MRK 002 614-CA

ABB 63
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Make IOM with 50 mA inrush current the primary choice. IOM with 50 mA inrush current fulfill additional standards. As a
consequence the EMC withstand capability is further increased.
IOM with 30 mA inrush current is still available.
Binary input/output module (IOM) 8 inputs, 10 outputs, 2 high-speed outputs
RL 24-30 VDC, 30 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-GB

RL 48-60 VDC, 30 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-AC

RL 110-125 VDC, 30 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-BC

RL 220-250 VDC, 30 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-CC

RL 24-30 VDC, 50 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-GD

RL 48-60 VDC, 50 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-AE

RL 110-125 VDC, 50 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-BE

RL 220-250 VDC, 50 mA Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-CE

Binary input/output module (IOM with MOV), 8 inputs, 10 outputs, 2 high-speed outputs
RL 24-30 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6
1MRK 000 173-GC

RL 48-60 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-AD

RL 110-125 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-BD

RL 220-250 VDC Qty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1MRK 000 173-CD

mA input module 6 channels (MIM) Qty: 1MRK 000 284-AB

Station communication ports

Serial and LON communication module, supports SPA/IEC 60870-5-103, LON and DNP 3.0
Serial/LON plastic interface 1MRK 001 608-AB

Serial plastic/LON glass interface 1MRK 001 608-BB

Serial/LON glass interface 1MRK 001 608-CB

Galvanic RS485 communication module for DNP 3.0 1MRK 002 309-AA

Engineering facilities

19” rack mounting kit for 1/1 x 19” case Quantity: 1MRK 002 420-CA

64 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Flush mounting kit for terminal Quantity: 1MRK 000 020-Y

Flush mounting kit + IP54 sealing (factory mounted). Cannot be ordered separately thus must be Quantity: 1MRK 002 420-EA
specified when ordering a terminal.

RHGS 6 Case or RHGS 12 Case with mounted RTXP 24 and

Accessories the on/off switch for dc-supply are ordered separately. Please
Test switch refer to Section "Related documents" for reference to
The test system COMBITEST intended for use with the IED corresponding documents.
670 products is described in 1MRK 512 001-BEN and 1MRK
001024-CA. Please refer to the website: for detailed information.

Test switches type RTXP 24 is ordered separately. Please

refer to Section "Related documents" for reference to
corresponding documents.

Key switch for settings

Key switch for lock-out of settings via LCD-HMI Quantity: 1MRK 000 611-A

Note: To connect the key switch, leads with 10 A Combiflex socket on one end must be used.

Configuration and monitoring tools

Front connection cable between LCD-HMI and PC Quantity: 1MRK 001 665-CA


Note: One (1) IED Connect CD containing user documentation (Operator’s manual, Technical reference
manual, Installation and commissioning manual, Application manual and Getting started guide),
Connectivity packages and LED label template is always included for each IED.

Rule: Specify additional quantity of IED Connect CD requested. Quantity: 1MRK 002 290-AB

ABB 65
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

User documentation
Rule: Specify the number of printed manuals requested
Operator’s manual IEC Quantity: 1MRK 504 114-UEN

ANSI Quantity: 1MRK 504 114-UUS

Technical reference manual IEC Quantity: 1MRK 504 113-UEN

ANSI Quantity: 1MRK 504 113-UUS

Installation and commissioning manual IEC Quantity: 1MRK 504 115-UEN

ANSI Quantity: 1MRK 504 115-UUS

Application manual IEC Quantity: 1MRK 504 116-UEN

ANSI Quantity: 1MRK 504 116-UUS

Engineering manual, 670 series Quantity: 1MRK 511 240-UEN

Reference information

For our reference and statistics we would be pleased to be provided with the following application data:

Country: End user:

Station name: Voltage level: kV

Related documents

Documents related to RET670 Identity number

Operator’s manual 1MRK 504 114-UEN
Installation and commissioning manual 1MRK 504 115-UEN
Technical reference manual 1MRK 504 113-UEN
Application manual 1MRK 504 116-UEN
Product guide customized 1MRK 504 117-BEN
Product guide pre-configured 1MRK 504 118-BEN
Product guide IEC 61850-9-2 1MRK 504 104-BEN
Sample specification SA2005-001283

66 ABB
Transformer protection RET670 9-2 LE 1MRK504119-BEN B
Product version: 1.2

Connection and Installation components 1MRK 513 003-BEN

Test system, COMBITEST 1MRK 512 001-BEN
Accessories for 670 series IEDs 1MRK 514 012-BEN
670 series SPA and signal list 1MRK 500 092-WEN
IEC 61850 Data objects list for 670 series 1MRK 500 091-WEN
Engineering manual 670 series 1MRK 511 240-UEN
Communication set-up for Relion 670 series 1MRK 505 260-UEN

More information can be found on

ABB 67
Contact us

1MRK504119-BEN B © Copyright 2012 ABB. All rights reserved.

Substation Automation Products
SE-721 59 Västerås, Sweden
Phone +46 (0) 21 32 50 00
Fax +46 (0) 21 14 69 18

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