A82-El Khalyly
A82-El Khalyly
A82-El Khalyly
Abstract— Continuous Integration is a development process A meta-model is a formal definition of a model that helps
where developers and integrators push code into a shared tools to understand it and which facilitates reasoning on its
belonging to a toolchain. This is a kind of practive that permit structure, its semantics, and its use. Meta-modeling, which is
build automation and test automation. This is a primordial the activity of building meta-models, is widely used in the
practise that maintain the continuity of running programs in field of information systems engineering and particularly in
smart agents that constitutes Internet of Things systems. IoT the engineering of models and methods [4,5]. In method
connected objects are new technologies used to connect objects engineering, it is an essential conceptual tool for defining and
to the internet and users. The IoT influences our daily lives in reasoning on new models. In tool engineering, meta-models
several fields such as logistics, health, energy, intelligent
are a formal definition necessary to design and build the tools
vehicles, the smart home, or the smart city, etc. Subsequently,
following the specific characteristics of the different
to edit, verify, transform, and possibly execute instances of
architectures of the Internet of Things, a multitude of IoT these models. Generally, the practice of meta-modeling is to
architectures have been developed and deployed using different specify contemplative metamodels that reflect the static
IoT frameworks. In this paper, we propose a metamodel of the structure of the models, i.e. the concepts and the links
Internet of Things, this proposal aims to standardize existing between these concepts [6]. Depending on the formalism
IoT architectures and those that may be proposed in the future. used, such a meta-model can be supplemented by the
specification of certain constraints. By using UML for
Keywords—Model Driven Engineering, metamodeling, example to build a (meta-) class diagram, it is possible to
Devops, Internet of Thing, Continous Integration, Continous complete this specification with constraints expressed with
Deployment, Continous Delivery. the OCL language. This structure-oriented vision is similar to
the "data" perspective of the reference framework for IS
I. INTRODUCTION engineering models [7]. On the other hand, technological
Continous deployment [1] is the process that follows a advances are becoming more and more important in our
factory to adapt their changes by creating a special build societies. In this context, different cities, cities, and countries
process for their different product. This build process consists around the world are implementing increasingly intelligent
these steps: Fetching dependencies from repos, building services. Becoming a smart city where one becomes aware of
codes, running automated tests (unit, integration, etc.. ) on the protection of the environment and the quality of human
this build, running code analytics, notification (email, sms life, is now the objective of managers of large cities but also
etc..) to developers about possible results (error, success, communities in countries of different continents. This
warnings etc..) and finally packaging the build to next step transition to an intelligent world ensures the sustainable
(Continuous Delivery [2]) As a result of Continous development of our urban environments as well as an
Integration [3], there is: improvement in the quality of life and security of citizens
while ensuring respect for their private lives. The vision of an
• A ready portable product, intelligent world provides that the entire urban space is
• Avoiding of deployment problems, interconnected so that it can interact with the digital world
and therefore the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT)
• Regularly execution unit tests, code reviews, code- paradigm. Indeed, the IoT makes it possible to interconnect
analytics, bug detection, different objects, machines, sensors that can be carried by
• Good collaboration infrastructure between human beings to offer a new range of services and
developers, applications. By interconnecting different types of objects
using new adapted technologies and by using the capabilities
• Good quality and user experience of product. offered by cloud computing, the IoT makes life easier by
automating certain daily tasks. Similarly, the IoT enables
critical services to be offered remotely such as medical
services using the capabilities of the Internet. Thus, the
impact of IoT on our societies will be significant and will
allow improving the quality of life while reducing the costs
of setting up services. For example, taking charge of health
services through the IoT reduces the burdens on communities
while improving patient follow-up.