Setting Up A Multi-Purpose Internet of Things System
Setting Up A Multi-Purpose Internet of Things System
Setting Up A Multi-Purpose Internet of Things System
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III. IOT SYSTEM COMPOSITION requiring IP hosting capabilities (e.g. via 6LoWPAN
and using CoAP at the application level), this might
A. IoT Architecture Components
require a mesh formation using RPL routing towards
This section contains deployment practicalities of the the gateway.
previously elaborated design considerations presented as Regarding the gateways, we generalize two main types of
the main architecture elements of an IoT system. The gateways (or stand-alone nodes as described in the
description is indented to reveal the operational previous sections):
convergence points of the architecture where 1. IoT Gateway: primarily establishes a communication
generalization can help in understanding how various IoT with the fixed network/Internet for the purpose of: i)
components and solutions can be integrated in a multi- exchanging data with the centralized database, ii)
purpose system as advocated in this paper. Generic acting as an autonomous web host for collective data
architecture elements are depicted in Figure 1. Starting gathered, i.e. able to support APIs from arbitrary
with sensor and actuator installations, we identify two locations, subject to IP address resolving or direct link
types of sensor and actuator hosting devices (i.e. “things”): establishment (e.g. with users’ smart phones). The
1. Gathering devices: hosts sensors or actuators with gateway might also perform data formatting and/or
small to arbitrary processing capabilities (e.g. a additional processing (e.g. metadata/ontological/
microcontroller processor) and IoT communication semantical formation or processing) mainly for the
links. Defining property is that the gathering devices purpose under ii). Requires medium to arbitrary
do not provide data in a web-presentable form nor they processing capability. Being an autonomous web host,
function as web hosts. They rely on the gateway to as one of the options for IoT gateway, it naturally
structure raw or user defined data formats and provide supports web protocols from the Internet via APIs such
visibility for the data at the web level and/or distribute as REST: HTTP and CoAP (e.g. CoAP nowadays runs
it to the centralized database (Note: although not from Firefox browsers). However, the gateway should
covered in detail in Figure 1 nor in our discussion, this support proxying of HTTP/CoAP protocols to any
type o device can generalize a tagging system that available protocol run inside the cluster/mesh
supplies the data to gateway or databases where it supported by the gateway (e.g. HTTP, CoAP, MQTT,
attains identify and web form). modifier protocols, user defined) and support the logic
2. Processing devices: Similar hardware and of the commands (e.g. pull/push analogy, delayed
communications as with the gathering node. It adds the reporting…). Note: for gateways and IP-capable
functionality of data formatting in pre-presentable devices, managing the hardware resources and mini-IP
form, e.g. using JSON or XML data formats. It can suite features becomes optimal when a dedicated IoT
also extend its functions to act a as a web host, operating system is installed for the purpose of multi-
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threading of different operations of protocols structures and links between the data collected and assist
components, as opposed to a machine level software in formation of data stores (e.g. a data store in London,
(most popular choices between Contiki, TiniOS, RIOT, UK, provided by the city’s authorities
Linux, OpenWSN, FreeRTOS)
2. IoT Decision Gateway: We separate this type of
gateway as a clone of the IoT gateway with extra IV. CONCLUSION
features of data processing and autonomous decision There is a diversity of issues encountered when various
making. This can be a more powerful processing unit IoT devices, technologies of IoT and platforms are
for scenarios where local decisions are performed for analyzed. The expansion of the current IoT applications
actuation processes or data processing. It provides a and services is largely driven by the immediate
distributed unit for cloud unravelling or for novel deployment opportunities rather than by a collective
functional paradigms of Fog computing in IoT convergence towards a single model for all of the diverse
networks. technical options. Multitude of applications and scenarios
makes this task almost utopian. An example is the
B. Discussion on Building a Centralized Platform
expansion of data and data representations tools that are
Building an IoT system with a multi-purpose objective yet to be coherently standardized and widely endorsed in a
or a platform for collection of data stemming from diverse form such as one Semantic Web for IoTs. Achieving this
IoT devices is a task usually performed for large scale would be a significant challenge since the growth of the
deployments by relevant worldwide companies and current Big Data generated by IoT devices and systems,
consortiums. Examples can include European although successful, is fragmented by the different
recommendation for IoT architecture done in the IoT-A providers, their data models and scattered technologies.
project, FI-WIRE Future This paper provided a deployment-focused review of the
Internet European large-scale initiative including the design concerns and options encountered in constructing a
generic enablers of IoT systems compositions multi-purpose IoT system. This is done with an awareness and large scale data analytics, of the progress and global convergences in the relevant
repositories and device-data-web linkages by cloud- areas. We also highlight the importance of areas of
providers like Cisco, Microsoft, Amazon… security, privacy and trust in IoT systems as the topics that
Following the regional, university-driven strategy [6] would ultimately bolster the deployment and acceptance of
applied in this paper, the system is expected to comprise of IoT installations and provide easier interoperability
stand-alone IoT gateways and devices with ability to between the various existing systems.
almost directly provide API access (address resolving step
precedes this) without the need to fetch data via the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
centralized platform/database. The system will also Work is funded by European Union project Fore-Mont
accommodate the capability to perform data extractions as a part of Seventh Framework Programme (Grant
and APIs to the interfaces in the platform without direct Agreement No. 315970 FP7-REGPOT-CT-2013)
communication with the IoT gateways or devices. It is
hence a working platform where extraction of data can
serve for various purposes, from research analytics to REFERENCES
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